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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4998803 No.4998803 [Reply] [Original]

things you hate in retrogame and you're not ashamed to say

>impact with the enemies throws you back
>enemies respawn after a few seconds
>3 lives, 0 continues
>every stage is just the same with minor differences
>slippery controls

>> No.4998820

>no invincibility frames
>lack of a save/password system
>sidescrollers where the "scrolling position" of the character is too far to the right

>> No.4998826

>shmups with speedups that you lose when you die
>platformers with spikes on both the ceiling and the floor
>jrpgs with long attack animations that you can't skip

>> No.4998828

Mostly interface issues. I'm primarily an RPG and RTS guy, and for example I recently gave up a replay of Dune 2 because FUCK YOU CANNOT SELECT MORE THAN ONE UNIT AT A TIME.

>> No.4998836

>game is so hard i begin shedding hair while playing it

>> No.4998837

It's like every other post is by gamers

and every first are plebs (except that jrpg complaint is legit but I wanted it uniform)

>> No.4998916

>things you hate in retrogame and you're not ashamed to say

Passwords instead of save systems.

Enemies that move in parabolic arcs, like medusa heads.

>> No.4998923

That's not a parabola. But medusa heads are wicked annoying, that's their goal.

>> No.4998934

>you stand on spikes, you die, but when enemies stand on spikes, they're perfectly fine
>Game provides a password system but no unlimited continues so when you game over you have to put the password in
>Water pools you can't swim in, but then later there's a water level where you can swim fine
>Having an absurdly expensive item in a shop that takes ages of grinding to afford and it turns out the item is worthless

>> No.4998939

I never understood the hatred of them, always jumped over them the REAL annoying ones were those fucking hunchbacks

>> No.4998946

>Enemies placed right near the end of a level to fuck you up as you're about to taste victory
>Party gets split up against your will in JRPGs, coincidentally it's always the ones with the worst level scaling that do this
>Water levels being shoehorned into platformers

>> No.4998951

Multiple discs. Only reason a retro game ever required multiple discs was because of stupid prerendered cutscenes.

>> No.4999121

there's a hole in the ground you need make a pixel-accurate jump over, but the terrain tiles are drawn kind of half-assed so it's ambiguous where the standable surfaces around the hole actually start / stop

>> No.4999159

>Party gets split up against your will in JRPGs, coincidentally it's always the ones with the worst level scaling that do this

Can't think of any JRPGs that split your team up for story beats apart from FFIX but they had the foresight to have characters rejoin at points with encounters that gave tons of exp like when Steiner rejoins after not being in the game since the beginning of disc 2 he's forced into set encounters against these mist monsters alongside Breatrix who has OP multitarget attacks that can OHKO them.

In other FFs characters aren't gone that long and usually rejoin with their levels scaled to the party average

>> No.4999167

It's a sine wave nyer her her.

>> No.4999169
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More like pre-rendered everything, it was an interesting period that we'll probably never see again.

>> No.4999196

I wish that whole game was in

>> No.4999214

You and me both, buddy.
Weren't there plans in development to make the Midgar bigger and more prominent? Or am I just mixing it up with someone's half-remembered wishlist.

>> No.4999216


>nes games where the enemies respawn if you go back a screen then forward again

>> No.4999217

I feel like I heard that once, probably a thread on here somewhere.

>> No.4999221


I dunno, I think you could have fit most jRPGs into a single CD if you remove all the movies. Especially since they mostly didn't have voice acting outside of prerendered cutscenes at the time.

>> No.4999234

Or just lowered the quality a bit. There were games that just took the hit and were able to fit plenty of backgrounds and movies. Square needed like, a Satoru Iwata or something.

>> No.4999281
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> Only reason a retro game ever required multiple discs was because of stupid prerendered cutscenes.
Or lots of voiced dialog

>> No.4999303
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That archaic NES-era design where you can walk endlessly left and right but you come upon roads that you can travel up and down, making the games somewhat open world except everything looks the same and you spend half the time trying to figure out where the hell you are supposed to go and backtracking takes you to completely different areas than you came from.

>> No.4999769


fucking this

>> No.4999784

FF6 splits the party multiple times, sometimes even splitting the cast as a whole. I actually like the early game split though, it was a creative way to introduce new characters and world build.

>> No.4999793

me too man, me too.
good point, but the medusas come from whichever height they want to.

>> No.4999802 [DELETED] 

Agreed, boomer games are too gamey because they used memory cards (lame) instead of based checkpoints.

>> No.5000181

Quarter-muncher shenanigans like input-reading CPU characters that can cancel in the middle of a move to counter whatever you just tried to do.

>> No.5000189

I used to use that to stock up on power-ups in Megaman games.

>> No.5002223

>Exploring a dark space station in Doom is fun and all, but the 666th time you do so is not so appealing anymore. Other games, like Heretic, were much more varied with scenarios and as such they're also very smooth when exploring, diminishing the chances to lose yourself.

>> No.5002234

Breath of Fire 2 has a notoriously shitty section where you need to play a dungeon as solo Sten. Sten is one of the worst characters in the game and very likely to be underleveled because you never put him in your active party unless you were forced to.

>> No.5003879

Points where you have no choice but to take damage unless you outright cheat.

>> No.5003898

That sounds like western game design. Not to sound like a weeabo or anything but it's apparent in williams, bailey midway arcade games how they balanced the game to have unavoidable deaths at some points.

>> No.5003903
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when your characters attacking hitbox doesnt include their body.

Megaman and Castlevania - both classic games suffer from this. if an enemy gets inside your weapons hitbox, you gotta keep trying to reorient yourself to get on the side of them to hit them. Especially frustrating when you get that knockback that knocks you into pits.

not very realistic.. if youre simon or trevor youre not gonna just whip past the monster thats right up next to you. Some other games do it where the first frame of your attack is a half-swing attack that hits super close.

Come at me bro

>> No.5003960

Knockback is great in platformers like Castlevania. It's a bitch, but a damn sexy one

>> No.5004029 [DELETED] 

>>walks forward
>>1 pixel touches


>> No.5004684

>slow ass textboxes
>long ass passwords

>> No.5004773
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>you have to perfectly land with both feet on the platform, otherwise you will fall and die.

>> No.5004884

Obsidian has kinda been doing that with Pillars of Eternity.

>> No.5004905

Heretic’s maps are a hundred times more labyrinthine than Doom’s.

>> No.5005326

knockback itself is fine. its just when you have to reposition yourself any close in enemy turns into a 3-4 hit knockback fest/struggle

>> No.5005859

>long ass passwords
>passwords with nonstandard symbols on them
>timed password screens
>games that don't let you climb a ladder mid-jump
at least a phone camera can mitigate the first three nowadays

>> No.5005894

>random sharp difficulty spike just to make sure you die a few times
>long passwords
>anything that moves in a sinusoidal wave
>touching an enemy hurts you even when they're just standing there
>slowly scrolling text

>> No.5006209

And they still manage to be smoother to play thanks to reference points and areas that don't look alike

>> No.5006482
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All what OP said + long ass passwords that have letters and numbers which are easy to confuse thanks to shitty font. Nowadays there are save states to the rescue, but back in the days some passwords took forever to input, holy crap.

>> No.5006745

>platform's surface is shorter than the platform graphic

>> No.5006760



>> No.5008063

>>games that don't let you climb a ladder mid-jump
only legitimate complaint ITT

>> No.5008859
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>action game where you walk and no run option

>> No.5008885

Long passwords with shitty fonts so you confuse S/5, I/l/1, 0/O all the time.

>> No.5008937

>the final stage has some kind of "restart ALL THE WAY back if you die" gimmick which isn't present in the rest of the game
Not just Ninja Gaiden. It's used in shmups tons of times.

>> No.5008965
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Rambo did this. You’d be in a jungle or whatever. Go north, your in a cave, go south again, now your in a swamp and ducks are attacking you!

>> No.5008978

2d platforming. I've ran right and jumped on/over enough things in my life, I'm tired of it.

>> No.5009049

Any weird stuff about save system. I'm looking at you, Tomb Raider series. I'm looking ESPECIALLY at you, Tomb Raider 3

>> No.5009068

was that game even developed as a Rambo title? It seems very generic, like they made a game and slapped some Rambo in there as an afterthought

>> No.5009073

It's mostly related by pre-Civ 2 4X genre (or really, Civ 3, because weird shit was going parallel to Civ 2). So stuff like:
- needlessly complex micro that has to be done each turn for each base/city/planet
- obtuse UI that hides vital options in weird places
- lack of queque or making queque impractical, thus micro being even more tedious
- mechanics not covered in manual, with hidden outcomes
In other words: Master of Orion 2 was ALWAYS a barely playable piece of shit and had some of the most obtuse UI to be ever implemented in 4X game. Considering Civ 2 is the same year - holy shit, what they were thinking?!

>> No.5009107

>enemies respawn the second they're off-screen

IIRC the entirety of FF7 is on every disc, the only thing separating them are which FMVs are on them.

>> No.5010019
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Let's mix in a few more alphabets to increase the challenge

>> No.5010572


>> No.5010642

I absolutely loathe when an enemy has a move that throws you to the ground, and takes forever to get up again, only to get thrown to the ground again.

>> No.5012942

>Rules directly ported from then-recent edition of some licensed game
If I wanted to play a TTRPG, I would be playing TTRPG

>> No.5012967

>hiragana, katakana, and latin alphabet
What's so hard about that?

>> No.5012982

Just that much more opportunity for sloppy handwriting, like L and レ
Though really we need numbers too if we want to go all-out

>> No.5012998

having to unlock characters. nothing kills a new game with friends faster than having to unlock the whole roster.

nobody is gonna want to sit there and unlock all the characters (regardless of if you do things take turns or not)

>> No.5013008

>Platformer physics until late SNES
>The immense amount of shovelware for PC games is absolutely ridiculous
>SF@ autistically small link windows
>SNK tier inputs
>No dash option in old RPGs
>No text/cutscene skip
>Memory cards
>the community, especially for SHMUPs or RPGs

>> No.5013018

>high score refuses to let you type in ASS

>> No.5013043
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>impact with the enemies throws you back
That actually helps in some situations.
The games like Ruff'n'Tumble, on the other hand, where impact leaves you in place AND makes you face in another direction, so you cannot turn back and kill or stunlock an enemy before he comes at you ant hits you again... What the actual fuck were they thinking? Almost perfect platformer was ruined by this bullshit.

>> No.5013050

>edges of platforms not exactly matching what is displayed on screen causing you to fall through when doing a running jump

>> No.5013052

each character having their own inventory, especially when the inventory sizes are small as fuck

>> No.5013060

>Master of Orion 2 was ALWAYS a barely playable piece of shit
I have never met a person who struggled with MOO2 before. What exactly was tripping you up? The build queue?

>> No.5013068

Funny how most of this can be also said of the modern pixelshit indie platformers.

>> No.5013102

>One of the most fun things to do is bad
But then again, tastes are subjective

>> No.5013107

Having 10+ planets is simply tedious as fuck to micro. And it's not struggle, because it's perfectly doable, but it takes fuckload of time, you need to check on things every other turn if everything is ok and on average, time spend on each turn is roughtly divided on 5 parts to handle the micro and 1 part to make your moves.
Unfun as fuck for me. And I love micro. It's jut the way how the interface handles it all that rubs me the wrong way ever since I played it for the first time.

>> No.5013948

Medusa as heads come in at the height you happen to be in when they spawn. That's why jumping over one will sometimes fuck you up for the next one

>> No.5013950

>amiga shit
There's your answer

>> No.5014026

'member the early days of console shooters when we didn't have analog sticks/nobody knew how to utilize them properly? I do. Don't fucking miss it.

>Quake 2 on PS1
>triggers/bumpers (can't 'member) to look up and down

>> No.5014032

based lebowski poster

>> No.5014575

Quake 2 was designed for analogs. You just needed to have one and change the controls setting. There are a couple ones. Its totally different game then. Works for 4 player multiplayer also.

>> No.5014750

Enemy's body is a hurtbox. Justifiable in some genres, but those aren't the cases I'm talking about.

>> No.5014845

> being this incredibly bad at ruff'n'tumble.
hilarious. git gud.
pc lamer: detected

>> No.5016792

game has obscure gimmicks never mentioned in the game manual

>> No.5016796

>enemies respawn whenever their spawn point leaves the screen

>> No.5017373

>running into the side of spikes kills you

>> No.5017861

>Walking over spikes does nothing
>Trotting or running instantly impales you

>> No.5017878

>game suddenly changes genre for a mandatory minigame
>I can't progress because I'm stuck on a half-assed kart racer level in a platformer game