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4997043 No.4997043[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This was my favorite JRPG growing up. Should I replay the original or is the PSP reboot - Second Evolution a better option?

>> No.4997172

>Should I replay the original
> or is the PSP reboot - Second Evolution a better option?

>> No.4997173

keep hearing this
was it that bad?

>> No.4997175

Doesn't the PSP remake fix a lot of bugs?

>> No.4997176

The artstyle alone should be enough to scare you off, but other than that it has inferior graphics in game (all those 3d models of items are replaced by generic sprites with less variety), the battle system has been babbified with a three hit combo that drastically changes the balance of the game, the voices are still bad but no longer FUN bad. I mean, why would you put up with all that?

>> No.4997187

theres an undub for the ps1 version

>> No.4997210


>> No.4997261

I like undubs but I wouldn't have Star Ocean 2 any other way than
>Crawd has advanced forward.
>Waste... of time
>My strength is starting to overflow!
>Um, 3-A? One missile please.

This stuff is golden, it's as good as Resident Evil 1.

>> No.4997669

Who here as very mixed feelings about this game?

The first disc was really great, but when you go to the other planet the game becomes so dull and boring. It feel like it's just a filler.

>> No.4997918

I love this game so fucking much.
Second disc was weird and exciting for me.

An another note; did anyone disable the final bosses limiter by doing that one PA towards the beginning of the game and have no idea?

I did. It was insane the first time I fought the final boss.

>> No.4998056
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>The artstyle alone should be enough to scare you off

I agree completley. I loved the stylized 90's anime look the characters had in the original over the 2010's generic moe makeovers they got in the remastered version.

They made Rena look like a little girl for fucks sake.

The goofy voice acting is part of the charm.

I love how they didn't even translate one of Rena's spells from Japanese.

I didn't even know you could do that or go to the end game bonus dungeon as a kid. I only beat the last boss by controlling Leon and spamming starlight to keep interrupting his casts.

I did beat that one optional boss when I played Second Evolution who you summon by playing a certain song. She's supposed to be the second hardest before Indiglacio with his limiter off.

>> No.4998197

Should I go in blind or is there any must knows, I'll be playing psx and I played the 1st game

>> No.4998209
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The first two hours are a wall of text simulator.

Tough it out through that and you'll enjoy the ride. I preferred the real time with pause combat style in this game over the turn based final fantasy series.

>> No.4998246

There are a few things you can do that aren't necessarily Easter Eggs, but you could beat the whole game without realizing you could do.

Like another anon said - there is a way to turn off the 'limiter' on the last boss if you want a much more challenging fight that you have to do a couple of events for. One includes talking to a woman on the first disc that's missable.

There's also 'secret data files' at a university library in the second disc that you have to unlock which give you a lot of background lore (that conflicts with what certain people have told you up to that point)

There's also a challenge dungeon called The Cave of Trials that you can only reach by saving at the last point before the final boss, then backtracking all the way out of the final dungeon.

There's guides online that can explain how to do all of these things if you're interested. As a kid I had no idea any of this existed.

>> No.4998268

Do not spend skillpoints until you get the the Perseverance skill and max it out (you get it fairly early).

>> No.4998597


>> No.4998606

I always kept a save file just before going to rescue Rena. Made starting new games way better.

This game is a masterpiece of bonkers shit that you don't see in other jrpgs. It alone makes me keep trying to like Star Ocean as a series, but no matter what the only games I think are worth playing are this and 1.

>> No.4998617

>I always kept a save file just before going to rescue Rena. Made starting new games way better.

That's a good idea. Especially if your character starts with dexterity as a talent so you don't have to reroll.

>This game is a masterpiece of bonkers shit that you don't see in other jrpgs

I know I love it so much. Shame that the series didn't keep a lot of what made this title so unique alive. I know Square Enix released it on PS4 in Japan - I really hope we get a native port to PC at some point since they did all the Final Fantasies.

>> No.4998638

>They made Rena look like a little girl for fucks sake.
It's incredible the difference that a pointy or a round chin make for a character's design.

>> No.4998663

If it wasn't on ultimate mode no one gives a shit.

>> No.4998664

I meant universe