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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4989981 No.4989981 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /vr/, what are some of the most recommended hacks and mods? I play everything up to PS1

>> No.4990010

Mario Adventure. A neat SMB3 romhack with random weather


>> No.4990519


>> No.4990579

Translations, bugfixes, and hacks that restore content are the only romhacks that are worth spending time on.

>> No.4990583
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I bow to your great taste anon

>> No.4991379
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Everything here.

>> No.4991407

t. "this game is too hard, make it more casual for me"
No one cares about a bugfix patch for Super Metroid, & no one ever will.

>> No.4991410

Which are the mandatory retranslations?

Are Earthbound's and Chrono Trigger's good to go?

>> No.4991424


>> No.4991738
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>> No.4991792
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Shameless shilling


>> No.4991901

If paper mario is your thing, Pro Mode might be fun.
It's a re balance and rework of the original.
It's sorta like double pain and some of the maps, especially dry dry desert, have been changed.
However, chapters 5-8 aren't fully fleshed out, and the creator sorta fucked off so might not be your thing. It is done for all intents and purposes.

>> No.4991969

Rockman 4 Minus Infinity is utterly incredible

Great new level design, music, weapons, graphical effects, and even stuff like time trials and boss rush modes

It’s s 16 megabit rom. The largest official nes game was 6.

>> No.4991986

Looks good anon

>> No.4992818

>Making a game work properly isn't an improvement

>> No.4992987

Will this work on an everdrive? Or perhaps a repro cart?

>> No.4993001

Any of the Variations of Super Metroid Project Base, based on tastes and preferences. Changes the maps and tilesets to make a bit more sense and adds in other things. I like it as much as the original and I wish more people would try it.

>> No.4993010

>adding a moving star is a """bug fix"""

>> No.4993029

I want to do a podcast reviewing and keeping up with romhack news. Anyone interested?

>> No.4993038

Not interested in joining but interested in romhack news.

>> No.4993070

Makes secret of mana so much better https://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?topic=20093.0

>> No.4993081

Sounds cool but you'll be at the whim of romhackers in terms of how often & how much you can talk about

>> No.4993086

You kidding me? All we gotta do is check what's happened on various hack sites in the past week or two and review/discuss an old hack. Easy formula and it doesn't exist right now

>> No.4993104

I'd listen to it.

>> No.4993110

Cool! But I'm fishing for a co host. I figure /vr/ would be the most likely place

Anyone play the mmx3 zero project? I've got a lot of opinions about it https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/4086/

>> No.4993125

Just finished playing MMX3 Zero Project. Its a fantastic hack and now my favorite MMX game. I replaced my original rom with the hack because it adds so much more to the original game.

>> No.4993130

There's so much good stuff about it. It's definitely a great hack. At the same time it makes me understand why zero wasn't the fully playable character in mmx3; he's so fucking big, I feel like I'm driving a tank through target sometimes. Everything hits that boy

>> No.4993165

People have wasted time reviewing hacks on RHDN, only for said hack and all reviews deleted with it. I don't trust this "easy" method.

>> No.4993170

An independently hosted podcast can't be deleted by jannies at rhdn my dude

>> No.4993249

Anyone play this hack? I didn't play all the levels but what I did play was a pretty solid time https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/4075/

>> No.4993258


lol EOPs

>> No.4993270

you can get repro carts

doesn't always work on an everdrive apparently, though the rom has two different versions based on mapper chips

>> No.4993310

You should do a sample 5-10 minute episode by yourself. Your podcast won't go anywhere if people can't stand your voice. Though it is a good idea

>> No.4993380

My voice is retarded but I've got the confidence to make it work. I've done podcasts before, but my co hosts (real life friends) have been flakes, which is my main issue--so I really want a vr autist who also enjoys romhacks

>> No.4993439

Translations are also romhacks, so here's a classic rpg

>> No.4993595

As awesome as that one is, https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/2913/ is what really makes it better.

>> No.4994113

Spoiler a link to an old podcast. I can deal with retarded

>> No.4994172

I recommend the FF5 Ancient Cave hack.
Every RPG should have an ancient cave, so the more of these the better.
Here's a starter pack with instructions and the prepatched ROM.

>> No.4994174

Note that I'm linking to this because the actual patch is a pain to apply since this is a JP hack for the JP ROM and then someone patched it to English, so i'd better save you 5 minutes.

>> No.4994260

Any recommended OoT hacks?

The randomizer has been pretty damn fun.

>> No.4994284

Sonic 2 XL

It's much more challenging than vanilla Sonic 2

Dumb hipster.

>> No.4994409
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I let my libsyn lapse so the shitty anime podcast I did with my buddy seems lost. I'm on an episode of another friend's cast I could post, or I could shill my twitch, but I'd rather do it out of thread.

Throw an email to steelhardcastle@supercyb.org if you're interested

>> No.4994558

I really don't want to make a dummy email just for this my twitch name is gaiusthenimble. I have that basic octopus pic as my profile picture. Just refer to this thread when you whisper me

>> No.4994758


>> No.4994936
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Return of the Dark Sorcerer is my favorite FFVI hack. I wish I had screenshots of all the ridiculous shit in it.

>> No.4994939

Yeah fuck new fanmade content. No way a fan could create anything worthwhile, if it wasn't sanctioned by the developers themselves it's WORTHLESS.

>> No.4994943
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XL is friggin hard man. It's so easy to just overload on onion rings and die if you don't know the level layouts.

Sonic 3 & Knuckles has tons of character hacks, most of which are at least interesting if not legitimately good. I really like the way the hammer works in this one.

>> No.4995412

Content mods are the soul of romhacks. Translations and fixes are unbelievably important to making a game accessible, but content mods are their own special category. They're fascinating.

>> No.4995801
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Super Mario RPG Armageddon

>> No.4995816

Super Demo World: The Legend Continues
Super Mario Bros. 3Mix

>> No.4996208

3mix is really good. So is Adventure

>> No.4997303
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I'm playing Brave New World right now. The mechanic changes are interesting; you get esper levels and spell points that can be stored for later, so you effectively choose how to level up via magicite instead of triggering it automatically. This means magicite doesn't fuck up your character progression if you don't bother micromanaging.

>> No.4997339

I enjoy Dragoon X Omega II, it was pretty impressive back in 08.

Really, my favorite romhacks are actually the randomizers:

Both can shuffle a lot of stuff around in the game and change the experience. Generally, you'll have to explore everything again because dungeon entrances in Zelda and item locations are randomized. For FF1, there's a slight change to the world map to allow the player to get to Dwarf Cave from Corneria, so if the king doesn't give you the bridge, you can still progress to Elfland and Marsh Cave to try and get a ship or a Floater. There's also ports added at the top continent since the floater might be contained in a chest up there too.

>> No.4997348

That looks terrible

>> No.4997356
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>No way a fan could create anything worthwhile
If they were capable of creating something worthwhile, they would be making their own video games and not defacing the work of others. Fanmade content is the equivalent of what happened to the Ecce Homo. In fact, it's such an apt comparison that I made an image about it.

>> No.4997424

>thinks """translations""" which constantly deface the original script with cancerous localizations is somehow different
HMMMM, is the reason they all do that because they can't write a script of their own?

>> No.4997434

If we're talking super Metroid romhacks, I'd go for Hyper Metroid and Super Zero Mission. The former is really interesting in how it implements new mechanics (like a door system and speed boosting in morph ball form being simplified), while the latter is essentially what I wanted out of Zero Mission. It's improved in every way.

I've also heard good things about the newest version of Redesign and Rotation.

>> No.4997497

Will NES romhacks run on my hacked NES Classic?

>> No.4997512

The only "cancerous" fan translation of note is J2E's translation of FF4. That's irrelevant now that Project II and Namingway Edition exist, as well as all of the good ports and remakes of FF4 like the GBA, PSP, and DS versions.

Fan translators at least ATTEMPT an attitude of professionalism, something that 99.9% of romhacks don't.

>> No.4997535

that's why romhacks that understand they'll always be like the final image there a la dick nazis are the best

>> No.4997543

Most should run on both Nes and Snes classic, specially with the extra emulator core. Actually, some games that won't run on the internal emulator run with a patch for some reason, so if nothing goes with any version try a bugfix too.

>> No.4997570

ROM hacks are like spray painting graffiti on the side of corporate property. You didn't build the wall, but it's your canvas in a world run by their abuse. It's funny these shills think respecting their work with professionalism, after the bullshit corporate pulls everyday, is something we should care about.

There's an NES game called Wall Street Kid which I've been thinking of turning into some kind of Shitcoin exchange for lulz.

>> No.4997594
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Saved this infographic in 2016 so it is dated, but I found some fun ROMhacks to play from its recommendation.

>> No.4997672

Thanks, here it is in action


>> No.4997762

That looks cool, I'll try to play it today.

This guy doesn't get it.

>> No.4998003


I've only just scraped the surface with this hack, but i've had fun so far. Gotta go back to it soon.

>> No.4998005


I think redesign is one of the most amazing things i've ever seen or played, but MY GOD you need to be an absolute master to get anywhere in it. I'm definitely not good enough despite taking pride in how quickly i can ice Super on any given day in less than an hour.

>> No.4998048

Metroid Rogue Dawn is a very cool hack of the original metroid. You play as samus's mom working for space pirates

>> No.4998342


I've heard Hyper is one of the best from more than a few people. Does it require any extra skills or can it be played with just base game knowledge?

I know how to vertical bomb jump and single wall kick and SOMETIMES can get mockball to work, but i suck at diagonal and horizontal shine sparking, i've also never managed to pull off short speed boosting or angled bomb jumping.

>> No.4998358

I wouldn't mind helping.

>> No.4998465

If you're interested as a co host, shoot an email to >>4994409

>> No.4998626

Hope this works out bud

>> No.4998671

>suck at diagonal and horizontal shine sparking
Use the shoulder button for diagonal instead of the d-pad and make sure you're holding the jump button before you press the d-pad for horizontal.

>> No.4998737


huh, i didn't know about the shoulder button part of diagonal. I must just be doing it wrong with horizontal then because im sure i was already doing that, i'll give it another shot i guess.

>> No.4998908

This hack crashes for me the instant I encounter a badnik.

>> No.4999027

Who are you and why do you keep shitting up ROM hack threads?

>> No.4999151

Anyone tried this translation out? http://stargood.org/trans/ripple.php

>> No.4999306

Sister, I think. The entire thing is fanficy as fuck though.

>> No.4999335

I like the fanfic aspect. It's real fun

>> No.5000010
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What's the best hack of Aria? Is this it? https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/3696/

>> No.5000019

It's pretty good. Though I experienced slow down every once in a while

>> No.5000625

I have one that lets you play as Alucard and changes some things. This seems better by a mile.

>> No.5001597
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Just bought an Everdrive for my n64, been enjoying the OoT randomizer. I wasn't aware, however, that a shit load of rom hacks won't work due to incompatibilities with the n64. I've been looking around for a list of more well known romhacks that'll work on actual hardware but can't seem to really find anything.

How is compatibility for SNES? I'd think that there would be quite a bit more compatibility compared with an n64.

>> No.5001664
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I've got a few repro carts that have never had any issues. Crimson Echoes, Radical Dreamers, Super Metroid Redesign, Seiken Densetsu 3, some other stuff. But honestly I just play most hacks on my snes classic

Speaking of classics, this is the grandfather of difficulty hacks

>> No.5001678

Well, "difficulty". Mostly it's a bunch of kicks to the balls to make you play each mission exactly how the hack wants you to, instead of playing with your new toys.

Thankfully there's 1.3 Content, which isn't a hateful piece of shit.

>> No.5001749

Yeah I'm no stranger to the criticism of this hack. It's totally fair to criticize it for making you play one way and one way only, at least in the first dozen maps or so. What I like about it isn't the difficulty so much as the general content and class overhauls. For example, archer isn't a useless piece of shit.

>> No.5001807

Is this like a joke hack? I got the axe armor and I was tossing smiley face boomerangs instead of axes.

>> No.5001871

Ninja Gaiden 3 with Japanese difficulty restored.

>> No.5001910

If you are interested in Giana Sisters (C64) hacks, that are all much more difficult than the original game, and not hate it for "phew, blatant ripoff of my hero Mario" reasons, then you might try:

unofficial Giana Sisters II by the 7A3 team:
(This is a chocolate hack with many new elements, graphics and bugfixes)

Franky's Horror Trip II:
(Vanilla hack built by a Construction Kit, really interesting color schemes and leveldesign, level 11 difficulty)

Furry Knibble Girls:
(Another Construction Kit based, vanilla game, little bit on the trial and error side, but very good leveldesign)

These luckily steer away from straightforward Mario ripoff design as well.

The Construction Kit is nice, but you can't pack your own levels with it to a standalone game, needs some machine language skills for it.

>> No.5002484

The fourth screenshot on the hack's page literally shows Toad Man from Mega Man 4.

>> No.5002508
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Protip for BNW: magus veil increasing the rate of swordcasting is godlike early game

>> No.5002608

This pic is fuckin' brilliant.

>> No.5002621
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How games like New Super Marisa Land qualify? Can they be considered as standalone games or actually hacks of SMW? It uses some different engine, but it's essentially a Mario game (a bloody great one though).

Does Hard 'n' Heavy count as a Giana Sisters hack?

>> No.5003201

t. samefag
Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.5003206

Are you retarded?

>> No.5003256

I liked quickie world

>> No.5003972

Not even close anon. I, for example, don't agree with the translation part. But the pic really shows well what usermade stuff, romhacks, fanfics actually value.

>> No.5004329

I don't think the restoration of a painting is a good example of a romhack's intention. The third is just a garbage job of restoring a classic; romhacks of all kinds are more like sampling and remixing music. A better example of a content mod to an unnofficial bugfix/patch would be something like:

Original game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a01QQZyl-_I

Content hack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rog8ou-ZepE

It's not like Ice Ice Baby does anything to the existence of what it samples. It just uses it as a platform to make new art, the quality of which can be judged on its own.

>> No.5004416

Kirby's Adventure: a "serious" hacc:
Banjo Kazooie: a dank hacc:

>> No.5004568

ROTDS: A seriously dank hac


>> No.5004904

snes compatibility just skyrocketed because of redman
really the sky's the limit now that sa-1 and superfx are working on the sd2snes

Even before that I've played all the kaizo i ever wanted on my snes.

>> No.5004954

Content hacking (like romhack, but also Doom mapping) and similarly, fanfiction for movies and TV series are like X Factor, Star Academy and other retarded singing shows.

Where people have no talent to make their own stuff, they try recycling other, talented people's work, and making them look their own with adding their own pitiful personalities. The end result is a total garbage for almost 100% of the time.

>> No.5005057

If you think that the problem with talent focused reality shows is that people sing songs people know instead of original songs, then I don't think you understand the point of those shows. Or music. It's a shame you're unable to appreciate this specific sort of vision just because it's not the same game any more.

>> No.5005390
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This this this this this, these are both incredible.
This looks fun, I thought it was just a simple reskin with different level design, but it appears to have a lot of new stuff. I'll try it, thanks NESfag!

>> No.5005395

So is rod casting. Doesn't even need special gear, either.

>> No.5005720
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Wait, are you saying that you even think making Doom maps and shit is fanfic-level terribleness?

You're just baiting now, aren't you?

>> No.5005906

Is /rhg/ kill?

>> No.5005960

>It uses some different engine
You just answered your own question.

>> No.5006027

Even as a reskin it's more than a "simple reskin". You know how tons of reskins look like shit despite being based on already existing sprites? You must have seen some other "Protoman" or "Bass" reskins.
That's because people stick to the original character sprite limit. Protoman uses more sprites than Mega Man and is a lot less symmetrical, a lot of work went into making sure he looks 100% accurate, thankfully MM5's dynamitc tile loading which is unlike any other MM game helped, but still, not to mention making new frames for the 180° rotating animation on moving platforms or the dash.

Anyway, I sure was helped by existing tools and documentation but I knew nothing about ASM but still wanted to make sure it's as accurate as possible to MM9/10 while also fixing/improving things in MM5 like glitches or making the charging sound fade away.

Hope you enjoy it.