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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4994307 No.4994307 [Reply] [Original]

From best to Worst, list what's the consensus on the main story games

>> No.4994313

Get out.

>> No.4994315


Give me your opinion then same shit to me

>> No.4994331

Based on what I've played, 1,7,8,9,10. Best, imo, is 8 and worst is 1.

>> No.4994717
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5>Lighting Returns AKA 13-3>1>9>6>7>4>8>3>2
Havent gotten around to playing 10,12,13, or 13-2 yet

>> No.4994759

I've finished 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12
always drop 6 in the world of ruin, tried to finish the game at least 5 times now
12 was really boring
will try 3 and 5

the other ones I've liked, some more some less

>> No.4994940

Ok, guy who has run the entire series posting:

X2, 1, MQ, 3, TA, 12, 9, 13-3, 0, 13, 2, 13-2, 5, 8, 10, 15, 7, 6, T, 4

>inb4 4 at the top, shit taste confirmed
I don't care, that's a ranking of how much I enjoyed their stories and it's not like I can change the fact that 4 was the first RPG I played with a story deeper than "Save the princess from the dragon."

>> No.4994951

Not joking I'd rank XV as the worst.

>> No.4994952

x2 had such a fun combat system and still managed to be so fucking painful to play

>> No.4994976

played all the classic ones, up to 10. everything after that is complete utter trash.


>> No.4994981

You really like Lightning Returns. I played up until the dungeon with the immortal guy from XIII-2 before I stopped. Does it pick up from there?

>> No.4995008

I started playing FF with VII as a kid like a lot of people
I only played IV recently and loved it, it rivals chrono trigger in its pacing imo

>> No.4995020
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Story is only part of my ranking and I'm too lazy to rethink the whole thing based on just that. Conveniently I've only played the "retro" ones.


>> No.4995041
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12 > 5 > 13-2 > 7 > 9 > 4 > 6 > the rest

>> No.4995110

I can only tell you best and worst, I pretty much like all of them for different reasons.

Best I would say is 10. Sank many years into it doing solo runs and other weird playthroughs. It gets nostalgia points and looked amazing at the time. It had that 12 year old hype you never experience again as an adult.

Worst is probablly 5. Never actually finished it. Thought it was a step down from 4. It was just kind of regular. Class system was nice but the rest was like a mediocre fan interpretation of a classic ff game.

Bonus pick: Dissidia Duodecim is hands down the best spinoff title I have ever played from any franchise. I have 3 psp's (one boxed in mint condition) to ensure that I can continue to play it for years to come. Best fighting game and equal to smash brothers for best crossover game. If it was a mainline game it would have being my top pick.

>> No.4995212
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6 > 5 > 12 > 4 > everything else. Specially 1 and 2.
I don't understand the appeal of FFVII. I couldn't afford a playstation one back then, so I skipped from SNES and Mega Drive straight to the PS2 years later. Haven't played 9 nor Tactics though, and I think I'd enjoy them.
I also never had the patience to finish 10.

>> No.4995272

5 >> 6 = 7 > 9 > 8 >> X-2 > 1 > 4 > 3 >>> 2

I haven't played any of the others. I rate 6 and 7 equally because I like 7's gameplay more, but 6 has the more interesting story.

5 was great: light-hearted story, flexible character progression mechanics, not too long or too short; 10/10 overall.

X-2 was fine.

1 for the GBA was the first FF I ever played, and it was fine. I have no strong feelings about it. It was definitely a good starting point for the series, though.

8 is alright because I just rename What's-his-face as Kaiba and beat everyone in a children's card game.

I would rate 4 higher, but I started by playing the DS port of it and gave up literally halfway through the final dungeon because of how the characters level past level 70. I finished the GBA port last year, and it was alright, but I'm still bitter about the DS port.

3 just feels like proto-5 while essentially locking different party compositions behind grinding.

2 just requires too much autism for my tastes.

>> No.4995283

Just going to give my favorites in order:
>Haven't Played

>> No.4995308

I think a consensus is too much to ask for, really. You're at best going to just get a bunch of opinions, followed swiftly by large amounts of crybaby types ranting like loons and trying pathetically to bully each other.

That said, my personal list from best to worst is:

>FFVIII (my personal favorite)

My opinion, don't care if anyone disagrees, go fuck off and etc.

>> No.4995325

1 was good for it's time, but pretty dated now
2 was boring and shit, though it had some decent ideas that were better implemented later
3 was good, better than 1
didn't play 4-6
7 is overrated imo but still good
didn't play 8
9 was decent
didn't play 10 or 11
I really liked 12 when I was younger, I played it the most out of them all. looking back it had a lot of flaws, I haven't actually tried IZJS or Zodiac Age, kinda thinking I should
didn't play 13-14
15 was fucking SHIT. like don't get me wrong I enjoyed my first playthrough enough, but other than the cinematics and story, it's a fucking horrible game overall. it does do a good job at making the characters feel like more than just RPG characters since they all get hungry and tired and talk to each other. but the game is so bad. there's almost no complexity and the combat is so fucking awful and boring after a few hours. it is such a disappointment and even the boss fights felt stale as fuck. at first when I got the game I thought it was gonna be like kingdom hearts II with combat and I liked kingdom hearts II, but it's actually even easier and worse than turn-based combat.

other than 15 and 12, I haven't played any final fantasies above the age of like 13 so the opinions on the actual retro ones are hardly nuanced and I'm probably wrong

>> No.4995507

mostly it's gonna be like

VI (World of Balance)>V>IX>XII>XIV>X>X-2>VI (World of Ruin)>IV>I>>>>>shit>>>>>>>II

never played III and VIII extensively along with VII, XIII, XI.

I've always thought the World of Ruin could've been handled better but it was all so unfocused with the game devolving into having most if not ALL the characters be magic powerhouses that can dualcast Ultima with a fraction of MP, making the whole thing a joke. XII is the epitome of a game with so much good shot offset by so much terrible shit. Maybe it's the execs' fault and Matsuno being inflexible about it but it everything in the game could've been special and Square ended up squandering every opportunity to make it better much bigger than it's ended up as

>> No.4995715
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>> No.4995725

>Another final fantasy thread
Jesus don't u fags get tired of that shit gay game

>> No.4995756

why in the fuck would you play X-2 and not X

>> No.4995762

ITT we all post ordered lists no one will care to read.

I could automate this and no one would notice. I've done that in previous threads.

>> No.4995791

Only played the retro ones,

Only one I don't really like is 2, the rest are okay to excellent imo.

>> No.4995840


>> No.4995969

>I would rate 4 higher, but I started by playing the DS port of i
The DS FF4 is not a port. It's a full remake done mostly from scratch.

>> No.4995978 [DELETED] 

As someone who's only played 6 and 7 I'm browsing people's lists for suggestions

>> No.4995983
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You should play 13 this fall. It seemed to pair well with this tea.

>> No.4995998

If you like 6 and 7 then I have no doubt that you'll enjoy X. After X, you can probably check out IV and V and then from there you can pick whichever sounds the most interesting to you. IX gets a lot of love but I'm not sure how I personally feel about it after all these years.

But I don't consider any of the mainline games bad. The one game I think is perfectly skippable is III unless you want to make a point of trying all the entries.

>> No.4996004

>Not joking I'd rank XV as the worst.
I don't think that's a controversial opinion around here. To normies who get hard for graphics and open worlds, yeah maybe. XIII was superior to it in every way, even better with XIII-2

>> No.4996012

Objective list:

>God tier

>Great tier

>Good tier

>Shit tier

Anyone who dislikes XV has shit taste by the way

>> No.4996013
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7 > 6 > 5 > 3 (famicom) > 4 > 9 > 8 > 2 > 1

9 is criminally overrated

Just play them all if you're interested, the only ones that are generally "bad" are I and II which are just obtuse if anything.

>> No.4996014

>Anyone who dislikes XV has shit taste by the way
Spotted the normie casual.

>> No.4996015

It's not very original but it doesn't really make a lot of mistakes, and it's greatly helped by not having the number one flaw with most FFs, which is terrible pacing.

>> No.4996020

I'm in my 30s and have been playing these since 1 on NES, I just have great taste unlike you. XV revived the series after XIII killed it.

>> No.4996027

Yeah great taste to hold circle and R1 for all combat and have a story so hamstringed you need to watch a movie and an anime before starting the game.

Also you think VIII and II are shit, lamo. Try again.

>> No.4996029 [DELETED] 


13 was probably the worst thing I've ever played. 13-2 managed to make an unintelligible plot even more so, and I'm a MGSfag.

>> No.4996032

Versus XIII looked amazing and what we got was just pathetic. I'd rather the project just have died.

>> No.4996034

I: 7/10
II: 4/10
III: 7/10
IV: 9.5/10
V: 9.5/10
VI: 9.5/10
VII: 9.5/10
VIII: 7.5/10
IX: 8/10
X: 7.5/10

IV-VII is the height of the series, and a run of games that are basically the top of the jrpg genre. What came before and after is of variable quality, but never matches it.

>> No.4996036

Agreed, and it's balanced for veteran FF4 players. There's no way I would have finished it without the foreknowledge of having played through it on SNES like 20 times.

>> No.4996039

>he likes VIII
opinion discarded

>> No.4996043

>hold circle and R1 for all combat

You know that's not true, there is a lot of situational context timing to actions and rhythm to it but anyway, are you really making the argument that turnbased rpg menu selecting so much more engaging?

>> No.4996064

I feel like I need to play the original version of III to give it a fair rating. I've only played the 3d remake, which, honestly, is quite boring, ugly, and hamstrung by being on weak hardware (there's never more than 2 enemies on screen).

>> No.4996067

>Nomura faggotry and grimdark Kingdom Hearts looks interesting
You're what is wrong with the FF fandom. Tabata saved that shitshow and turned it into something fun, likeable and poignant. Then again you're probably a VIIIfag

>> No.4996071

That's your problem if you hold everything a project isn't against it. I'm guessing you aren't a multimillionaire concert pianist so I can't really judge you for not being one, can I?

>> No.4996075

The only post X (which, in retrospect is clearly the beginning of the end) "Final Fantasy" that's any good is Bravely Default. Series is dead as can be, stop trying to convince people to play non-vr Final Fantasy.

>> No.4996079

>Tabata saved that shitshow and turned it into something fun, likeable and poignant.
By turning it into boyband road trip simulator? Sorry if I like actual story in my final fantasy games. And IV is my favorite, generalize harder I guess.

>> No.4996081

>actual story
>moody romance shit
The simulator gameplay told a story too idiot, it just wasn't beating you over the head with it

>> No.4996082

XIII had more in common with X and classic Final Fantasy than people give it credit for. The reason it's dislike is because it has a woman hero and multi-platform release.

Is a joke, but that was seriously the "fans" reaction at the time.

>> No.4996085 [DELETED] 

lighting was a cunt you sjw cuck, and the entire party was onions and a nigger. it was a shitty game that was one long hallway, onions.

>> No.4996086

XII was superior to X in every way.

>> No.4996095

XII is one of the most boring games I've ever played. It would be amusing to hear how the story, music, combat system, and art of XII is better than X (it isn't), but neither game is /vr/, so lets focus on IX and earlier.

>> No.4996098 [DELETED] 

And the boys of XV aren't the very definition of androgynous "onions" shit you're buzzwording over? You have no argument and your embarrassing.

>> No.4996102

All four of those things are better than in X, but sure
III DS is shit, play the famicom version it's definitely better. Still inferior to I and V though.

>> No.4996107 [DELETED] 

sjw cuck

>> No.4996110 [DELETED] 

The boys of XV only looked gay, they were actually bros and chill as fuck. In fact the juxtaposition of their silly outfits with their down to earth, outdoorsy, homey vibe made them excellent, likeable characters. Contrast this with Lightning, who is just an overwrought and tired cliche.

>> No.4996118 [DELETED] 

/v/ermin go home

>> No.4996121 [DELETED] 


Liberals can barely ever discuss anything without outing themselves immediately. XIII is a terrible game, and I actually finished the trilogy. The main character being a hateable piece of shit woman was just the cherry on top.

>> No.4996124 [DELETED] 

I half-dread the answer, but what in God’s name is “onion”?

>> No.4996125 [DELETED] 


It's a filter that the cucks that mod this board put on the the word "s0i". I can picture them with their multicolored hair and beards, maybe there's even women modding this shit.

>> No.4996126 [DELETED] 

Do you have any idea how you look to normal human beings?

>> No.4996128 [DELETED] 

>I have no argument so I'm going to drag politics and buzzwords into it.

>> No.4996130

>The reason it's dislike is because it has a woman hero and multi-platform release.
No, the real reason is it's a lot fucking harder than most FFs and everyone who hates it is probably a little bitch who can't beat Cid and gave up. Anyone who says "corridor walkfest" instantly reveals themselves as not having played the back half of the game and you can disregard their opinion.

>> No.4996132 [DELETED] 


Thanks for the suggestions.

Are the remasters worth playing for any reason over the originals? I doubt it.

>> No.4996134 [DELETED] 

>i'm a cuck sjw who sucks nigger dicks so i'm going to cry about it

>> No.4996135 [DELETED] 

This is a Final Fantasy thread. Stop

>> No.4996137 [DELETED] 


I dread to think what you think "normal" people are.

>> No.4996139

I quit the game after the first battle in the opening scene. Immediately I knew this game was not for me.

>> No.4996146

13 is the only one I've played, besides an hour of 1. Will the others disappoint me with their lack of challenge?

>> No.4996147

All the games are fine in their original versions. Here are ports/remasters/re-releases that are good:
I: Playstation (remaster), Playstation Portable (remake)
II: Just don't, but Playstation (remaster), Playstation Portable (remake)
IV: Playstation (port), Playstation Portable (remaster), Nintendo DS (remake)
V: GBA is the only decent Western release
VI: Only the SNES original is good, all rereleases suck
VII: PC (port)
VIII: PC (port)
IX: PC (port)
X: PC, Playstation network (remaster)

>> No.4996149

FFVI on mobile was an abomination, but FFV mobile was quite good.

>> No.4996151 [DELETED] 

6 > 10 > 4 > 7 > 9 > 5 > 8 > 3 > 1 > 2

10 gets bad rep for no reason. From 10-2 onward is where FF really declined.

>> No.4996154

If you like 13 over XV and you're a man you need to be castrated.

>> No.4996158

X had lots of problems. The main character, Wakka, Rikku, Yuna, the sphere grid, the hallway world of Spira, the bait and switch ending...

It had a decent battle system and good music though.

>> No.4996161

>X had lots of problems. The main character, Wakka, Rikku, Yuna, the sphere grid, the hallway world of Spira, the bait and switch ending...
>It had a decent battle system and good music though.
You can literally make the same argument for XIII. Like point for point, and yet it get so much hatred >>4996154
shit's a mystery.

>> No.4996162 [DELETED] 

It's no mystery that it's a piece of shit game for nu-male cucks and lesbians.

>> No.4996164

I replayed it earlier this year, it deserves a lot of shit. The great setting, turn based combat (as iconic as it is, turn based is better than ATB), good story, great world building is all counter balanced by horrid pacing, ultra linear design, and having to constantly switch characters in and out. Still better than your average JRPG, but deeply flawed.

>> No.4996165

I dislike both X and XIII. What's mysterious about that?

>> No.4996167

XII s the greatest star wars RPG ever made so it has a special place in my heart. Old star wars. Real star wars.

>> No.4996168

>Still better than your average JRPG
On its platform, maybe. There were far better JRPGs on PSX and even PS2.

>> No.4996170 [DELETED] 

Put your trip back on and go back to /pol/ babbage'sgramps.

>> No.4996171 [DELETED] 


I disagree. None of the characters had any particular issues, aside from maybe having cartoony personalities, but that's not limited to 10. I have no clue what your issue with the sphere grid is, you had some room to level up how you wanted. Oh, the ending subverted your expectations? Did you want yet another "they lived happily ever after"? Fuck off.

Stop shilling this shit. 13 is a piece of shit, and it is hated with good reason.

The pacing had issues, but other FF games have had worse pacing. It was linear, yes, but maybe you don't need an airship in the mid game in every single entry. I'll give you the character switch thing, that could have been done better.

>> No.4996181 [DELETED] 

Go back to plebbit and cry about Trump being president faggot nu-male cuck.

>> No.4996197

The characters were unlikeable. Tidus was a big whiny baby who dressed retarded, Wakka was even worse, Yuna was annoying and I didn't sympathize for her at all and Rikku was everything annoying about Yuffie and Selphie rolled into one. I'm already running through this game hating half the party, so it's hard to appreciate the story, which I also have issues with. It's all heavy-handed spiritual stuff, there's no interesting politics or war going on, the only conflict is with Sin, this big nebulous plot device. You're shunted from one linear stage to the next, fighting the same recolored enemies over and over (FFX is more guilty of this than any other game in the series) - it's just fucking boring man. It didn't feel worth it to grind the game out. I just wanted the big battle with Sin to be over with so the game could actually START but once it happened it ended - and it ended with a bait and switch. Terrible.

>> No.4996240

7 > 9 > 4 > 6 > 12 > 5 > 10 > 15 > 1 > 8 > 3 > 13 > 2 > 11 > 14

>> No.4996421
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>> No.4996430 [DELETED] 

Thanks anon, looks like I have my work cut out for me

>> No.4996603

in order of what I've played

7. 12. 6. 8. 9. 10. 4. 3. 5. 13.

>> No.4996624
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>13 is hated because main character is a girl

Said nobody ever. That was far and away the least of 13s problems.

>> No.4996709 [DELETED] 

i said it, lighting is a fucking cunt and women protags are annoying marxist shit

>> No.4996785

Out of the ones I've played I'd rank em

1 > 4 > 7 > 9 > 5 > 10 > 2 > 8

I played gba 1 and 2 tho

>> No.4996786

Hi anons, I'd like your opinions on this. I was playing the retro Final Fantasy games. I started at 5 since I played 4 like a decade ago when the remake came out on DS.

I finished 5, and I have to say that it wasn't good. There was hardly a story, and what story there was was cliche even for the time. The art was bad, and I couldn't stand the combat. The class system was nice, but pretty pointless.

After I beat 5, I moved on to 6. I'd always heard it's among the best. It started off pretty good, but the more I played the more I started to hate it.

The story isn't nearly as good, as people make it out to be. It's often said 6 has the best story and strongest character development in the series. That couldn't be further from the truth. The plot is another "Rebels vs the Evil Empire" story, which was cliche at the time and done before many times in other Final Fantasy games.

So much of the game is straight up rehashed from earlier titles. The dialogue is often pretty poorly written. None of the characters are interesting or individualized hardly at all, and each character had limited screen time. What I mean by the characters not being individualized is that the party was always represented as one collective group. You almost never got to see any reactions of the kind on an individual basis. They are often generalized as one of the party, and everytime the party reacts to something anonymously in the text boxes no one is individually reacting. This game had almost no conversations amidst the party that wasn't outright stating where the player had to go. We didn't see how they related to each other, or anything of the sort. We saw a little of it when Celes joins the party and everyone is suspicious, but otherwise the party is one big group that has one voice. (1/2)

>> No.4996789

>>4996786 (2/2)

Then, in the 2nd half, the story stops in its entirety to let you arbitrarily look for other party members. Often finding these members isn't easy, especially because of the lack of dialogue during this section. I wouldn't have minded a halt on the main conflict if it led to actual discussions amongst the party, but this whole section has was a drag. That big mid-game twist where the game halts was not enjoyable, and completely broke the pace of the game's story.

People say Kefka is not only the best villain in the series, but one of the best villains ever, but he comes across very shallow as a villain. He has no motivations, and is just evil for the sake of being evil. He is poorly written. "I hate hate hate hate hate hate you"? Come on. I can't understand why anyone enjoys him as a villian. A lot of his moments are pure rip-offs of other villains in the series. Emperor Mateus for example. People laud Kefka as the only villain to destroy the world, which he didn't or the game would have been over.

It's gameplay is flawed as well. the battle system is not good, and when you have a game with such a high encounter rate, it's downright terrible. There's many dungeons that are terribly designed, with no obvious path through. The only way I discovered to get through was checking every inch. This is bad game design. Do you know how annoying it is trying to find your way through a dungeon with random, turn-based battles? It's tedious and feels like torture. What also irritated me was timed escape sections, which again, are a bad design choice in a game with random battles. Another gripe is that party members don't gain experience out of battle, and with such a large cast, you can't afford to switch members unless you feel like wasting your time grinding. You'll need that xp with all of the useless characters. What makes this worse is that you are forced to split up your party at many points, sticking you with bad characters who are often under level.

>> No.4996794


I'm not trying to piss anyone off, I know this is regarded as a classic. I just legitimately can't understand why it has such a great reputation. Hell, I liked 5 better than 6, and I didn't care for it either.

>> No.4996795 [DELETED] 

i see the libtard tranny janitor delete d my comments

>> No.4996823


the stories in the ff games are pretty lowbrow fare, but pretty damn charming for what they are. they are elevated by the aesthetic of the games. the settings, the music. it's about the sum of the parts.

people wouldn't remember terra or kefka as fondly if they didn't have such great themes. uematsu is great at hitting the right notes for each character. the sense of tragedy in terra's bittersweet theme, as she is seen traversing the wild aboard a magitek. it's beautiful, it sets the mood for the game. or the frivolous, dotty first notes of kefka's theme, before the more regal and imposing instrumentation kicks in and you realize that not only is he mad, he is also powerful.

it's true that the battles in jrpgs tend to be boring. if you go into the game with the aim of making the most of its battle system, trying everything out, you'll have more fun than if you just spam attack to get over the battles quickly. but yeah it's kind of masochistic, i don't exactly think "yes! another random battle!" each time the screen dramatically transitions into a new battle. and yet i look back at these games fondly after i beat them.

>> No.4996849

All of your comments are on point anon, you're not mistaken.
>I just legitimately can't understand why it has such a great reputation
Because the lowest common denominator is a thing and FF is that, the lowest common denominator, a franchise made for the widest possible audience of casuals and as a result is hailed as some kind of mystical masterwork when it is in fact a horribly mediocre franchise propelled by pretty graphics and brand name.

Of course people will tell you
>B...but the story
>B...but the characters
>B...but the music
Problem is even there there's not much that makes it stand out, it's mostly a matter of imprinting and personal standards.
Though to be fair to FF, it's not like most JRPGs were really any better either way, even in the same league I'd rather prefer something like Mystic Ark to FF, because the setting is damn original and there's a lot of stuff in terms of scenario design and narrative that makes it stand out, but in terms of gameplay they're not so different, actually well designed RPGs are a rarity.

>> No.4996865

>The reason it's dislike is because it has a woman hero and multi-platform release.
Literally no one even ironically states that, XIII was a fucking mess with a dumb plot and a world that was basically a hallway. Sorry if I spouted the hallway meme, but yeah.

>> No.4997189

> I'm not trying to piss anyone off
You make reasonable. It's clear you're sincere and not just shitposting. Shitposts look like this retard's awkward and try-hard attempt: >>4996849

But to respond to some things:
>People say Kefka is not only the best villain in the series, but one of the best villains ever, but he comes across very shallow as a villain. He has no motivations, and is just evil for the sake of being evil.
Some people are just evil. And more importantly, good story villains are often composites and embody a variety of evil traits. I agree many of your assessments, particularly about the way the whole group tends to just speak with one voice which is too bad since the cast is so huge.. But I do think Kefka is well done. He has a distinct personality, bitter and psychopathic with a massive contempt and loathing for other people. I've heard some theories about where it might come from (in game it's suggested that Kefka was subjected to magic experiments)-- but it really doesn't matter why Kefka is the way he is. He's distinctive, memorable, and an effective antagonist for both the story and the game (although his final form is a major let-down if you're at typical power levels by the time you face him).

>Do you know how annoying it is trying to find your way through a dungeon with random, turn-based battles? It's tedious and feels like torture.
Believe it or not I enjoyed them as a kid. I mean yeah, there were times when I wished I could shut them off if I was focused on exploring, but I don't recall ever having real issues navigating the dungeons or figuring out where to go.

>I finished 5, and I have to say that it wasn't good. ... what story there was was cliche even for the time.
The story is meant to be a silly and embrace those cliches in a tongue-in-cheek manner. It doesn't always succeed but it's not bad and has some really great moments like Galuf vs Exdeath.

>> No.4997252
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The best is far and away 7. Even if you ignore that it won the most awards, is still the highest selling stand-alone title (adjusted for inflation) in the entire series, and all the user and critical acclaim, it was just so new and fresh. Some of the earlier titles had blended a little science fiction with their fantasy, but none of them went that full-on Cyberpunk of 7, replacing evil Emperors with Presidents of megacorporations, having runners and hackers in slums taking espionage and infiltration jobs for money, etc. And all of that was just in the first act.

The greats beyond that were 4, 6, 8 and 9. Great stoytelling, great characters and development, each one tops someone's favorite game list somewhere.

Then there's 5 and 2. Weaker storylines, shallow characters, but they had great jobs and leveling systems that were the majority of the fun of the game in and of themselves.

The weakest titles are 1 and 3. Not bad games by any measure, but noticeably worse than the others.

I put 15 just behind 7. It tried something new, completely rewrote the formula and arguably has the best characterization of any FF title to date. Whether it was a good game or not depends entirely on who you ask.

12 and 10 are solid titles that belong with 4, 6, 8 and 9. To date, FF12's gambit system is my favorite of any FF title, and Blitzball just hedges out Triple Triad for best FF minigame.

11 and 14 belong in categories to themselves. How do you compare MMOs with single-player titles?

13 is down with 1 and 3. You can argue the sequels made it a bit better, but if we're allowing those, we might as well include The After Years, Crisis Core, Revenant Wings, etc.

>> No.4997534

I always imagined it as a clash between prequel trilogy Star Wars and Gladiator (2000) aesthetics.

>> No.4997658

If you liked 6 and 7 for their story, try 12. It has a great world and a really nice storyline imo. The aesthetics are also great.
If you liked them because of their gampeplay, try 5. It's the best in that regard. 5's combat balance makes 6 look like a broken system.

>> No.4997709

it's actually more prequel Star Wars than OT desu, even if Matsuno managed to squander that massively where he only got that included near the very start and the very end

KOTOR II is only good SW rpg tho

>> No.4997720
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Is it true that IV is a horrible and generic game? I bought both the base game and the expansion pack on the mobile, still yet to play it.

>> No.4997725

the only decently balanced and paced game in the series if you ask me, especially the DS version
just the right amount of challenge and no scenario feels like it drags too long
just make sure you set the battle speed on the fastest setting, otherwise the battles will feel too slow imo

>> No.4997756

the story gets real fucking stupid as it goes on with a bunch of bait and switch littered around the game but the gameplay itself is fine. Just don't play the SNES version which nintendo treated their gamers like inept morons at the time and have the game become casualized to the point that it's too easy to play

>> No.4997757

I have the Android version which I think is the enhanced port of the DS version.

>> No.4997773

I think they introduced "normal" mode in that version which is actually easier than the DS version

>> No.4998203

>Is it true that IV is a horrible
> and generic game
Depends on what you mean by generic, I suppose. It doesn't try-hard to be anything other than straightforward anime-fantasy about good vs evil, that is true. But execution is mostly very good. The story has some silliness but isn't bad. The DS version has a more polished translation but overall comes off more stilted than the original (as in the pic you posted. Why couldn't Edge just be super mad and shout "You'll pay for this, Rubicante!"? Instead it comes off as "look at me I'm acting"). The original version wasn't a parody or anything but did not really take itself too seriously.

>> No.4998214

For me it’s

I haven’t played 9 or anything after 10. I also know you said main storyline only but I’d put Tactics at the very top for what it’s worth, and Tactics Advance and Tactics A2 somewhere in the 7/6/4 tier, probably.

>> No.4998219

Dude, III is the most FF of all FF series. And fuck you with VV.

>> No.4998341


The music in FF VI is absolutely amazing, I'm with everyone on that. That's what tears me up. Every time I hear the music I think that maybe I was wrong, but then I remember my reasons for not looking it.

I was thinking about my reaction if I had played it when I was younger, and I don't think my opinion would change. I think younger me would get sick of the combat pretty quick, and go back to rpgs with not only better combat, but better stories IMO, like Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, and Chrono Trigger.

>> No.4998429

4 is the best one 9 is the second best and 7 fags couldn't beat 6

>> No.4998461

V is the best and it's not even close

>> No.4998470

Tactics is by far the best main story FF game.

>> No.4998712

>Shitposts look like this retard's awkward and try-hard attempt
I am completely serious though, no matter how much you call me a shitposter or contrarian and I sure as hell don't need to fit in on 4chan after 15 years I've been here, let alone /vr/, especially in the state it is now.

If you want to keep perpetrating the same tired circlejerk that has been running since three decades fine by me, but I have no intention of playing that little game, FF is a mediocre franchise that might as well stopped existing after FF2, and all of anon's criticism about the game is on point.

FF, like all big names is largely propelled by marketing and a userbase of casuals, it was and still is made so it's as appealing to the biggest possible userbase, which is what makes it so incredibly mediocre outside the production values for visuals and music, but good visuals and music alone don't make a game, and if you go beyond those FF has not much to offer, it never did even, if you consider FF2 being the only truly daring game in the franchise since outside of the levelling system it was pretty much a dumbed down Ultima clone, down to having a similar keyword system.

>> No.4998997

Typically only those whose first console RPG was FF2(4) are impressed by it.

>> No.4999124
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>Versus XIII looked amazing

m8 did you even see some of those gameplay trailers? Shit looks worse than dirge of cerberus. But then again it was being developed for ps3

>> No.4999125
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>VII: PC (port)
>VIII: PC (port)

What world are you from?

>> No.4999265

Your criticism is embarrassingly generic and lacks any notable insight or demonstration that you have even the first bit of relevant knowledge to support these derisive claims. You are the embodiment of the casual, low-effort hater who derogates games they cannot intelligently criticize.

>> No.4999442

This is about right. Some claim 9 is top tier, some are kinder on 8 despite the story, but generally this is what I usually read

>> No.4999453
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>> No.4999506

FF IV is the JRPG. Probably the best overall one made. It has no filler, great pacing, a far from generic awesome 80s fantasy aesthetic, amazing music, and is the only game in the series that even Sqauresoft respects too much to release embarrassing garbage versions of.

>> No.4999578

>1 as one of the last

Fuck off, pleb.

>> No.4999630
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Of the ones I've played:

VI = VII > X > IX > IV > XIV (if you count it) > XII > XIII > I > II

I really need to get around to finishing XV and VIII. I'll emulate III and V later.

>> No.5001407

I actually see lots of people picking up the game not having played it as a kid. Its strong points far outweigh its negatives, however some negatives are undeniable especially playing original versions.

>Slow walk speed and no dash.
>Very old UI that offers limited detail on how the game systems actually work.
>Party customization mostly limited to equipment choices.
Although equipment choices are more varied and matter more than is typical for the series, some people simply cannot see past the party customization aspect of the game.
>The gimped FF2us version
> Random encounters

But the upsides are:

It's the original ATB system game and has numerous subtle details missing from later titles such as varied cast times on magic and special abilities. This leads to decision-making and tactical play is often better in this game than in later games despite the seemingly smaller array of abilities and options for party customization.

Well-balanced mechanics. No chaining ultima for 40k damage or shit like that. Even most status effects have intuitive situational use.

A Final Boss that is actually dangerous and is a memorable and challenging fight if done at typical levels (mid-50s).

No fucking retarded minigames. Zero. People who love that shit are probably unimpressed with FFIV.

Straightforward story about redemption and good vs evil.

Side characters in actual supporting roles rather than as extra protagonists with personal story arcs awkwardly crammed into the main story.

>> No.5001476

Party customization in later titles just boils down to "equip all the best stuff". Being forced to use 5 different classes in IV means you actually have a more varied party than you do in most FF games.

>> No.5002102

6 > 7 > 9 > 4 > 12 > 10 > 8 > 13 > 5 > 1 > 3 > 2

>> No.5002104

Nah, I played it on the GBA first and loved it.

>> No.5002835

probably because of all the mods

>> No.5002871

>are you really making the argument that turnbased rpg menu selecting so much more engaging?
Considering that I can play V dozens of times and never have a problem but have to drag myself through XV once because it's unbelievably boring? Yes.

>> No.5003780

Playing 1 for the first time, it's dogshit. NES RPGs are terrible.

>> No.5004249

Even Sweet Home?

>> No.5005595

are you me?