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File: 177 KB, 368x271, Castlevania IV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4979974 No.4979974 [Reply] [Original]

Favorite level from this masterpiece?

>> No.4979985

gotta be the whole section where the old themes start playing

that part with the upward moving platforms and spikes
pushes my poo in
feels good when I finally get it right

>> No.4979990

Level 7, the Library. It's just so damn comfy.

>> No.4979997


>> No.4980004

The introductory level. Its the only part that feels like a CV game until the damn last level

Its not a masterpiece though.

>> No.4980017

8, A or B. Those were the only ones that challenged me. The rest were a snoozefest.

Also, what was the deal with stage 5? Laziest Arcadyvania design of all time.

>> No.4980050

who the hell remembers the stage numbers. Which ones are you talking about?

>> No.4980054

>who the hell remembers the stage numbers

>> No.4980243
File: 47 KB, 388x664, CVIV35karakuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably Stage 6, it has some of my favorite enemies in CV series, the dancing ghosts, which is a shame they didn't reuse them for any other Castlevania, not even SOTN which has a wide array of enemy variety. Dancing ghosts are one of my favorite horror tropes, and more games need them. I'm talking about the regular dancing ghosts by the way, I like how they also bounce on the edge of the screen. Then there's the poltergeist table, that saw a comeback on SOTN at least.
>Also, what was the deal with stage 5? Laziest Arcadyvania design of all time.
It's a transition stage, the entrance to the castle. It reminds me of the 2nd half of stage 4 on CV1, what with the harpies and all. I like it, especially when the music changes when you're near the castle entrance. Also the Sypha statues.
I remember all the levels from all Classicvanias. It happens when you play them a lot of times.

>> No.4980265
File: 1.13 MB, 320x240, rotating_room.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death Tower and Main Hall had the coolest gimmicks.

>> No.4980272

you know why.

>> No.4980303


>> No.4980320

About Stage 5, I think I read somewhere that the game director wanted a short stage just to create a certain atmosphere of dread, as you approach the castle and you know there's no come back after you enter it.

I loved the ghost dancers too. The boss battle is really fantastic, wit the couple od dancers attacking with a sword and the background moving like it was haunted.

I'm a big fan of classic horror films like Universal horror movies, the RKO ones, Lon Chaney films, etc, and I believe that's one of the reasons I like this game so much. It has certain elegance and mystery that reminds me a lot of old horror films and books.

>> No.4980326

CV IV is such a blur of boringness that none of it ever sticks in my memory.
I've only played all the way through it once and it wasn't worth going back to so I guess that's why.

>> No.4980337

stage 3, the cavern part especially

>> No.4981817

Clockwork Mansion

>> No.4981845

Super Castlevania 4 was made for babies. The 8 way whip and brain-dead enemies make it into a snorefest.

>> No.4981859

My nigga

>> No.4981863


>> No.4981868

Stage 6, I love the ghost dancers.

>> No.4981905
File: 119 KB, 950x713, supercastlevania2_GH_content_950px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easy. All the cursed gold, so epic. Just a visual delight i've never seen before

>> No.4981924

I hated the treasury. One of the most boring levels. Repetative graphics. Music irritating.

>> No.4981930
File: 963 KB, 4500x2300, stage-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My overall favourite is proably stage 3.

>> No.4981950

retro water, how does it work?

>> No.4981989

This one, very cool.
Also getting pumped when Vampire Killer starts playing near the end

>> No.4983031

SNES was when the casualization snowball started and reached its zenith with PS1, PS2, and Wii.

>> No.4983039

I liked the koopa kids

>> No.4983041

I'd argue casualization started with games that weren't 2 player-only, like Pong.

>> No.4983046

Stage 8, the cellar.

>> No.4983209


>> No.4983236

>hurr durr only games where you fight against actual people can be challenging
KoFag... is that you?

>> No.4983479

Boomer here, tried IV for the first time a few days ago.

Have any of you played Mega Man X before it? IV feels like it's no where near the same quality. The game has been very unimpressive so far.

>> No.4983489
File: 244 KB, 820x324, zoomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boomer here

>> No.4984976


>> No.4984992

my favorite is the end with the boss rush mode. love playing that part and trying to do it without using subweapon.

>> No.4985013

That's the point where the game goes "oh yeah I'm a CV game!" and gets good up until the single lamest Dracula fight in the series.

>> No.4985043

Either the mechanical mansion or the clock tower.

>> No.4985208

The 8 direction whip killed the game.

>> No.4985412 [DELETED] 


>> No.4985859


>> No.4985928

This song was rearranged and used in one of the GBA titles, I think CotM.
But it's not even close to being as good as the original, as it's the case with GBA soundtracks.

>> No.4985951

Probably the library is my fav

>> No.4985963

>that part with the upward moving platforms and spikes pushes my poo in

I'm glad im not the only one, been raging hard at this entire section, including the boss.

>> No.4986129

Just curious. Why do people who are Gen X call themselves "boomers" now? Like there's only two generations, boomers and millennials.

Unless you were born before 1964, YOU ARE NOT A BOOMER.

>> No.4986261

Millennials were the second 'boom', hence why they are called boomers now.

>> No.4986304

rondos better

>> No.4986330


>> No.4986359
File: 22 KB, 256x223, screen-new1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4986704

Me too man. The music for the caves and the waterfall section is so comfy and eerie at the same time.

>> No.4986741


Never beat it on VC, now trying to emulate it with minimal savepoint cheating.

I swear that lots of games are much, much easier when you set the weapon use button to the shoulder. Having to fiddle from jump to whip means you have quite the few fractions of a second to waste, plus, it's just easier having one finger for jump on the other for whip. If only I could get OpenEmu to work properly.

>> No.4988504

I liked the last level cause it meant I was done with it and can move on.

>> No.4988539

Elder God Tier:
Clock Tower

High Tier:
Main Hall

Mid Tier:
Castle Keep
Entrance I

Low Tier:
Long Library
Forest Graveyard
Entrance II

Shit Tier:
Death Tower

>> No.4990143 [DELETED] 


>> No.4990476 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.99 MB, 1280x720, 1534706032494.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have any of you played Mega Man X before it? IV feels like it's no where near the same quality
You now, I would let the commentary a pass if you replaced Mega Man X with F-Zero GX and IV with Wipeout.
Buuuuut dude how little is your brain? Castlevania is a completely different game. Thank god it plays different than mega man x. You fucking hard is it to understand that castlevania is about cementries and old cellars and ruins, and is setup completely different. The challenge is constructed different than in mega man x even if both got bottomless pits and spikes and enemies.
You are like some child that thinks a good burger tastes like a mc donalds burger... and you think mc donalds burger are the real burgers...
Develope some taste and experience kid, before you start weaponizing your opinion like a skunk weaponizes his piss...

>> No.4990484

>f-zero is better than wipeout
lol, nintendofags
go back to sliding along the walls and jacking off to musclemen in tight spandex whilst buttrock is playing in the bg

>> No.4990567
File: 12 KB, 249x166, 250px-20170723_Köln_Amphi_Das_Ich_0166_Das_Ich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replying to a bait post that starts with "Boomer here"
>being one of the shitposters from the f-zero vs wipeout shitposting threads
>being a console/brand warrior

>> No.4990657 [DELETED] 

>discrediting someone's (valid) opinions by calling them a shitposter/console warrior/some other random boogeyman

typical butthurt leftist

>> No.4990663

>(valid) opinions

>> No.4990668

>only *I* may decide what games you can or can't prefer
thanks stalin

>> No.4990674

>everyone who likes f-zero absolutely MUST hate wipeout, also they MUST play badly and slide along the walls, and they MUST be gay and jack off to musclemen
I mean, look at all the insecure projection you dumped, man. And then you want to fight to claim your shitposting is "valid". Nah.

>> No.4990686

you sound a bit triggered. did i hit too close to home with my homosex and buttrock quip?

>everyone who likes f-zero absolutely MUST hate wipeout
nice strawmanning. i was responding to the guy that claimed f-zero > wipeout, not saying EVERYONE thinks that... go ahead, make another defensive response, it only makes me laugh harder after every (You)

>> No.4990693

also, sliding along the walls is encouraged at least in f-zero x by pros, not that you'd know since you don't play either wipeout or f-zero at a high level, you just want to thought police /vr/ so that everyone has the same equally vapid mindset

>> No.4990707

Not triggered, you were the one who started ranting about homosex and what not (sounded like a bit of projection to me, but if it wasn't, good for you).
Anyway, the guy didn't even imply that F-Zero is superior to Wipeout or viceversa, he just used those games as an example of 2 games that are actually similar, unlike Mega Man and Castlevania.
Anyway, take note guys, next time you want to refer to use games as examples, don't use F-zero and wipeout, it triggers this autist.

>> No.4991471

>stage 3, the cavern part especially
that made a great impression on me as a kid, the way it looked like an actual cave compared to the way caves looked in 8-bit games I played beforehand (SCIV was the second Super Nintendo game I ever played, after SMW the day I got the console ) The music for that level was perfect and the echoing sounds of the crashing stalactites was great.

>> No.4992189

>sliding along the walls is encouraged at least in f-zero x by pros
It's a bug and they're exploiting it. It doesn't take any skill to pull off.

>> No.4992198

yeah and it's retarded. should be pure execution only no exploits and no wall collisions, such as wipeout