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File: 102 KB, 736x1127, 828f4a241239bbcd369f960f8fb598e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4982552 No.4982552 [Reply] [Original]

When I was in grad school, one of my boomer profs had written several articles about game design, including one about gender roles in gaming.

He brought up examples like Lara Croft as a negative. I mentioned Samus and he literally had never heard of Metroid.

Is classic, non-Prime Metroid just obscure to the average person?

>> No.4982553


Metroid is obscure as fuck. It's heavily overrated on the internet and that makes it seem more popular than it is

>> No.4982579

Most of the average people I know don't discuss video games beyond acknowledging the popular games exist.

>> No.4982587

teenage nintendorks with fat lisps know about Metro Android.

>> No.4982597

The franchise was neglected for several years. After Super, it was five years before Mr. Metroid showed up in Smash, and then a few more years before Fusion and Prime.

>> No.4982616

Was he talking classic Lara or shit reboot Lara? One is a badass who takes no shit whatsoever and the other needs QTE help to take a shit.

>> No.4982742

He wouldn't have known about reboot Lara. He talked about classic Lara and Princess Peach, IIRC, along with the Madonna/Whore dynamic with some female characters in the Final Fantasy series.

His ideas about female game characters were like a stuffier, more "respectable" version of Feminist Frequency...I was surprised to find that one of my other old academic adivsors (grumpy middle aged female gen Xer) actually took Sarkeesian seriously.

>> No.4982868 [DELETED] 

why does she have nigger facial features

>> No.4982909

People only write those sorts of articles for attention, and with Samus there isn’t anything to exploit. If they acknowledge the existence of Samus, they have to acknowledge that there actually are female video game characters that aren’t bimbos or plot devices.

>> No.4982971 [DELETED] 

Liberals have felt licensed to increasingly polarize themselves thanks to their nearly complete control of academia and the media.

Twenty years ago I would have been considered a moderate feminist believe it or not but that was back when Madonna and Lara Croft were considered empowering.

We've really gone through the looking glass since then to a point where it seems obvious to me that current concepts of feminism and social justice are a literal threat to the very structure of society and I'm not the only one.

>> No.4982997

If you actually play the original games Lara is like a female James Bond, as classy as she is dangerous, self-assured, adventerous... all things that are supposed to be exactly what these people want in female characters. Do they also have to be fat and ugly too now? Wouldn't it be hard to stay overweight if you were climbing up ledges and killing tigers all the time?

>> No.4983009

Terrible fan art. Samus looks like a black girl with white face here.

>> No.4983017
File: 505 KB, 976x768, 1533880958135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just old school critical theory, sweaty.

>> No.4983025

But Metroid does the "women as reward" trope. The trophy for faster completion time is a strip tease.

>> No.4983038
File: 3.17 MB, 5312x2988, banding or not.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using a female character as a plot device is wrong. Providing good content that happens to have a female lead is good. Why is this so hard to grasp? You cannot just shoehorn a progressive Latinx/lesbian/feminist character in a game that has no depth. When the depth of a character is only social issues, then it is a failed attempt. Even more simply, if you have a shitty game, it is irrelevant who the main character is...male/female/pre or post op. A junk game will always be junk no matter how edgy it is.

Time and time again great games with female leads have sold well. Why? Because they were a fun game first and foremost. Many games allow users to create a female or male character and flesh them out as they choose.

Developers: Please make good games first and foremost. Please get good writers so that your characters are deeper then 2 dimensional issues and we will gladly enjoy them. It is irrelevant which of the 2 genders is represented.

>> No.4983056
File: 297 KB, 850x1159, samus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never see Samus in any romantic relationships, sans implied parts of Other M.

She's sexualized, sure, but always in a frank, forthcoming way that never makes her look subservient.

NEStroid - She simply waves hello to you.
Return of Samus - She lets her hair down, standing confidently.
Super - Same as RoS; she quickly changes back into the armor and fires one last shot.
Zero Mission/Fusion - She's a little coy, but still a sophisticated, fully adult sexual being.

I always got the impression that if she took a guy home, she'd be the one on top that night.

>> No.4983080

>She's sexualized, sure, but always in a frank, forthcoming way that never makes her look subservient.
It is because she is first and foremost an awesome character and a bad ass lead in a game. She is not an object or simple concept. She is is Samus, and is 100% bad ass. It is just incidental that she is also a woman.

>> No.4983081
File: 49 KB, 564x797, buff metroid girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she being sexualized or shown as powerful here?

>> No.4983085

>Is she being sexualized or shown as powerful here?
Im sorry. I am missing where nintendo released this image. Can you provide a link?

(fan art is irrelevant)

>> No.4983097 [DELETED] 

>it seems obvious to me that current concepts of feminism and social justice are a literal threat to the very structure of society

Imagine feeling this threatened by 19 year olds taking women's studies classes. Jesus christ. Go back to /pol/, you're an embarrassment everywhere else.

>> No.4983098

>Do they also have to be fat and ugly too now?
In essence, yes. The kind of people that write these articles want "realistic" women, ie women that look like they do, ie ugly women.

They also have a lot of very bad arguments about why it's not a negative that most popular male characters are good looking dudes.

>> No.4983101

I just wanna make sure you're not strawmanning us here, OP. Please post a link to this article he wrote.

>> No.4983103

>I always got the impression that if she took a guy home, she'd be the one on top that night.
She's like 7 feet tall and 250 pounds, so probably

>> No.4983107

this this this so much. samus is the model female gaming protagonist. she's not a rape victim, she doesn't make it a point she NEEDS NO MAN, her life does not revolve around other men, she's just there, in her power armor, ready to kick ass, that's it, the end.

amazing how so many people completely fuck up making an "empowering" woman protagonist and they think that means that either they are a full-on dike, a rape victim, or just a straight-up cunt. it's not fucking hard. just take your average doom marine template and make them a woman.

>> No.4983109

Why would he straw man someone not knowing what metroid is? Is it so unbelievable to you? I don't understand your concern.

>> No.4983110
File: 36 KB, 600x370, zm_samus marooned on zebes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry moar.

OP has fanart attached; if it's irrelevant, why post?

>> No.4983116
File: 61 KB, 475x356, arthurinternet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4983123

Here's a link to one of his papers.


>> No.4983126

It's just... not a particularly useful lie. "I'm going to tell these idiots on 4chan my professor didn't know who Samus is, but he totally did!! I sure owned them!" I'm just not seeing it. And even if he is lying for some inscrutable reason, "Is Metroid obscure by normie standards?" is still a reasonable topic for a thread, although by now it's descended into grown men talking about how they're terrified of feminism lol

>> No.4983131

OP posted a link, which is all I asked. You can kindly remove that stick from your ass now.

>> No.4983140

>didn't know who Samus is,
I got an nes for Christmas in 85. You have no idea how many people never beat metroid and had no idea that was a woman under the suit.

I don't find it surprising at all that someone missed this fact. I never had an SNES until I was an adult. Did the SNES version expand on the fact she was a woman? Or did they just keep letting her be bad ass?

>> No.4983141

And another


You can get an idea of his views from these...it's been years since I sat in on this lecture, so my memories of him aren't as clear as before. He may have been citing someone else in regards to Lara Croft, etc.

I remember that the lecture in question started with a discussion of the Cold War era fears and war ethics presented in the arcade game Missile Command. I chimed in that John Connor was playing that game in the mall scene in T2 and tried to connect it to the themes of that movie.

I'm not catfishing you all. If all I wanted was a general Samus/Metroid thread, I'd just make one.

>> No.4983162 [DELETED] 

she also needs to be a nigger obviously

>> No.4983163
File: 146 KB, 550x751, 1413202981-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reeeeeeee Women are being sexualized in media and presented with unobtainable and unrealistic body types.

Pic related is how the average man looks per Acclaim Entertainment.

>> No.4983171
File: 31 KB, 569x96, she.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did the SNES version expand on the fact she was a woman?
The manual refers to her as "she" and "her" a decent number of times.

>> No.4983173
File: 152 KB, 1024x683, samus_zero_suit_boost_kick__wip2_by_kajinman-d8vx6va.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was asking the question unironically. Personally I liked the image and thought she looked both sexy and powerful.

>> No.4983195

And you get and decentish look at her eyes in the intro.

>> No.4983202

>I was asking the question unironically. Personally I liked the image and thought she looked both sexy and powerful.
Sorry. I misunderstood what your angle was. What they did right with Samus is such a simple thing. Make a strong character, and just make them a woman. Fan art is certainly a thing, and there is some creative license taken.

>> No.4983215

>The manual refers to her as "she" and "her" a decent number of times.
>And you get and decentish look at her eyes in the intro.
But overall they don't cram it down the throat of the person playing? It is just like "This is Samus, and she is bad ass". If it is not used as a main plot device, this is the winning formula again.

>> No.4983216

when you die in super metroid, the suit comes off and you see her female body

>> No.4983217
File: 57 KB, 200x150, ac0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>assuming xer gender

>> No.4983220

Well technically a major point in the plot is a baby metroid thinking samus is its mother...

>> No.4983223

Yes, indeed. They were so subtle about it that, as been established, people would go years without even realizing that was a woman in that suit. Hell, I remember playing Metroid Prime on the communal TV in college and one of my dormmates,after hearing the feminine grunts and the reflection of her face, went "Holy shit is that a woman?!"

>> No.4983229 [DELETED] 

Allow me to remind you that a baker had to take his case to the supreme court of the united states just to refuse to bake a cake for a gay wedding and he's now being sued again for refusing to bake a cake celebrating a man deciding to start dressing as a woman

>> No.4983258 [DELETED] 

>deliberately tracking down a guy you know doesn't want to bake you a cake because of his personal beliefs, just so you can sue him when he says no
That is unbelievably petty.

>> No.4983263 [DELETED] 

Welcome to the democrat party, where ignoring your political enemies is not an option - they must only be destroyed.

>> No.4983265 [DELETED] 

>Welcome to the democrat party
No thanks, I only have 2 chromosomes.

>> No.4983268 [DELETED] 

Funny, you SHOULD have 46.

>> No.4983279
File: 181 KB, 1168x876, 1519093238878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What they did right with Samus is such a simple thing. Make a strong character, and just make them a woman.

That's what continually surprises me about why more people don't know about the franchise.

People know Buffy, Dana Scully, Sarah Connor, Ellen Ripley, and comic characters like Rogue from X-Men (circa the '90s) for the same reason. Are games still seen as a "lesser" medium, despite their popularity?

Pic related is concept art from Samus Returns.

>> No.4983287

Yep. Those boots are still horrible.

>> No.4983292

my first day a work(warehouse) I said "Its like Metroid up in here".
Whats Metroid? "like Castlevania"
oh I know Castlevania yeah I didnt know where to go my first day too.

>> No.4983293

Yep. You're still a virgin.

>> No.4983298

castlevania > metroid

>> No.4983304

No, fuck you. Those boots are goddamn highheels. They're completely impractical for her line of work. That's just a retarded design.

>> No.4983313

>ow, my ankles when I run and jump

>> No.4983327

You are a completely impractical retarted design

>> No.4983330

epic burn

>> No.4983331
File: 75 KB, 680x278, reality_offends_me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your prof is a retard with hot opinions famalal

>> No.4983341

Normie here.
I know her but i don't like the games so i don't care. Back when i had no internet connection in junior high,of course i didn't know her.

>> No.4983346

Isn't this the entire point of the game though?

>> No.4983364

are you supporting fat shaming?

yes, they don't make any sense
unless there is a shock-absorber inside the heel
she'll probably crack her toes so not so clever anyway

>> No.4983398

>Funny, you SHOULD have 46.
Hahah, I totally dropped the ball on that one. All this talk of Metroid 1 and 2, and I got my brain all mixed up. I ment to say that I didn't have any extra chromosomes. Thanks. I certainly botched that one.

>Isn't this the entire point of the game though?
Yes. It is.

>are you supporting fat shaming?
I support any Wii that shames its owner for being fat. Being fat is a drain on society.

>they don't make any sense
A woman in a space suit is on a metroid? trying to kill aliens and space pirates, and you are worried that the shoes she is wearing don't make sense?

>> No.4983403

>a workout program should not imply that its users are above an ideal weight
What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.4983414
File: 67 KB, 828x1340, wonder-woman-new-costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, it works for Wonder Woman.

>> No.4983417

Frank Cho is the hero the comic book industry deserves.

>> No.4983428
File: 58 KB, 672x219, nice_research_prof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it get worse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhKKARyipjQ

>> No.4983431

>and you are worried that the shoes she is wearing don't make sense?
Yes. A willing suspension of disbelief can only be taken so far.

>> No.4983432

>the real goal of this workout program is not to "win", but to exercise and improve your body
This guy would probably commit suicide if someone explained to him what a gym is.

>> No.4983442 [DELETED] 

using the "samus is strong female protagonist" argument against retards like op's professor is peak cuckservatism

>> No.4983454

OP here.

I actually saw him at the college gym a couple of times and he had the boomer dad bod.

He still seemed to be going consistently though. I never saw him do cardio, just lifts.

>> No.4983457

>goes to a place where women pay money for the privilege of improving their bodies, with no other tangible reward
>gets assblasted over a video game offering the same

>> No.4983464 [DELETED] 

>using the "samus is strong female protagonist" argument against retards like op's professor is peak cuckservatism
Using the "There are not enough strong female protagonists in video game" argument to shove a 2 dimensional stereotype of a character into a game is just dumb. It is not specific to politics in any way.

I am always amazed when it happens, and anons start rattling off games they loved that had strong female leads....but someone always says that doesn't count because X reason. It is bigger then video games as well. There may be a demographic shift as more women start to enjoy games, but at the end of the day the core audience is males age 18+. Developers have been trying to make games that please everyone (Latest Wolfenstein) but they manage to alienate the core audience. If they just concentrated on making the best game instead of a statement, they would enjoy great sales. Targeting a demographic outside of the core group is nearly suicide. Popcap games (before EA) was one of the best examples of making great games that everyone can enjoy.

If a game is good, the protagonist can be a man or woman, and it is totally irrelevant to a gamer & people will make lots of money.

>> No.4983468

Japanese media has always been full of cute girls saving the day and being cool, westnorms are dumb

>> No.4983484
File: 9 KB, 128x128, peak_postfemminism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because is the low hanging fruit, it's easier to ban things on videogames than in real life
they cannot fight the real injustices so they don't want to show their virtual depiction

>> No.4983492

Wow, someone went to a lot of trouble.

That's him.

>> No.4983497

lmao cant wait till someone finds the prof's contact info and tells him about this thread

>> No.4983505

In all fairness, he's a good dude.

IIRC he said he played arcade games and other stuff in the 80s and then pretty much stopped gaming until the PS2 era. So he would have missed the SNES and PS1. Metroid 1 was released in '86, though...

>> No.4983529
File: 474 KB, 777x1250, CAM00552[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lmao cant wait till someone finds the prof's contact info and tells him about this thread
This is bigger then a professor.

A game is judged as an art medium. Just because the developer made the best thing they did, does not mean it is good. People talk about how good pickled pigs feet taste, but frankly I would prefer not eating them.

Are pickled pigs feet bad? No. Most people simply would prefer something more wholesome like bacon or pork rinds. Its the same animal, just a different part.

If a game is similarly bad, I will go get another more aligned with my concept of "enjoyment".

>> No.4983546
File: 129 KB, 1223x1650, 20wcfowv1mg01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I think some folks who have dismissive views of modern video games need to sit down with them.

If I could have sat that prof down to play about 10 minutes of Super Metroid, I bet I might have sparked a new idea for a paper. It's like they see the visuals of a character like Lara Croft or Poison or Bayonetta and take them at face value based on a predetermined set of values.

>> No.4983558

but anon, you only know that samus is female only when she dies, this implies women are weak don't you see?

>> No.4983575
File: 390 KB, 3840x1200, vY7onPn-super-metroid-wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but motherhood is a defining theme of the first three games...and Samus' femininity is at the forefront of that if you take Other M as canon.

Right wing reactionaries can be just as bad as stereotypical liberals sometimes. Radical feminists and social conservatives alike should be able to agree on the inspired design choices in the Metroid series.

>> No.4983585

is this the thread for loser virgins with dated views of the world?

>> No.4983596

The problem is that people like your professor are often deadset on PROVING that women are represented poorly. They're not really interested in analyzing how women are represented, they simply want to offer proof for their preconceived assumption that women are always poorly represented and oppressed, so they cherrypick hard and talk in dishonest circles around anything that might contradict them.

>> No.4983617

She's a woman who's actually fun to play as and doesn't strip every 5 seconds to show off her ass. Of course the filthy neurotypicals don't know about her. Metroid should've been a series about good old fashioned video game fun, exploration and challenge. But instead it went to hell with people just wanting another waifu to masturbate over.

>> No.4983632
File: 124 KB, 400x500, Fusion_Ending_Outfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the only really bad game is Other M, DESU, and it's not bad so much as it's mediocre.

Her more recent bimbo-style sexualization came more from her appearance in Smash Bros., although Zero Mission was something of a radical redesign in comparison to Super.

>> No.4983637

>He brought up examples like Lara Croft as a negative.
Not the point of the thread, but here's a defense of Lara Croft by an actual feminist video game commenter, Liana Kerzner. It's cringy at times, but she cites actual facts at the start of the video.
Also any Canucks might know her better as Ed the Sock's wife.

>> No.4983640
File: 332 KB, 400x800, tumblr_o6xg8kffZA1rl04amo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first Prime game was released in the Dreamcast era, does that make it retro?

>> No.4983649

no and it shouldn't be, prime is when the series started going to shit

>> No.4983653

>it's not bad so much as it's mediocre.
Anon, it is literally an affront to everything metroid. It RAPED the series from how bad it was. Okay? Let me put it into perspective for you. Without mentioning the cringeworthy story, this is just a few things wrong with the game itself.

>health regen
>ammo regen
>auto-lock on that auto-dodges enemies for you
>linear hallways
>doors that lock behind you
>unskippable cutscenes
>no exploration allowed
>pixel hunting
>a mode literally called "theatre mode" where the game plays itself

I think you're giving this """game""" a bit too much credit by simply calling it mediocre.

>Her more recent bimbo-style sexualization came more from her appearance in Smash Bros.
That didn't help, that's for sure. And it's why I;'m refusing to support the new Smash brothers, for continuing to push Samus as a sex symbol. It's ruined the entire series by putting the gameplay in the background as a non-important element.

>> No.4983671

Any reason to play the original metroid or zero mission is good?

>> No.4983696


>> No.4983704

Prime is fucking amazing
Try playing it

>> No.4983709

>tfw no beatemup protag bf to beat up bad guys for me

>> No.4983727

Samus was 6'3" but Nintendo shrunk her to be more of a waifu.

>> No.4983732

That's what a man wants to be, not what a woman wants to have. If you want to see sexualized male characters, look at some designed by women.

>> No.4983740

>look what you can do
>look what our artists can do

>> No.4983745
File: 59 KB, 448x473, I actually am queer and have a bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>male character designed for female/queer gaze
>american gamer babies get uncomfortable and throw a hissy fit

>> No.4983754

I've heard it really is. It didn't get a Platinum rating from EGM for no reason.

What's the definitive version? Should I play with a gamepad or my dad's old Wii accessories? I tried the mouse hack once and it was too sloppy.

>> No.4983773

The best version is PC with mouse controls. It's gotten much better.

>> No.4983776

Isn't it balanced for comfy gamepad? Doesn't mouse make it too easy?

>> No.4983784

The Prime games all have lock-on mechanics to make aiming unnecessary in combat. Aiming is only necessary in Prime 3, which is designed for the Wii remote so it still has lock-on but you can aim to different parts of the enemy you're locked onto. Mouse is pretty much a solid analogue for the Wiimote pointing controls.

>> No.4983791

Wii remote works over bluetooth. The sensor bar doesn't communicate with anything, it's just a pair of infrared LEDs. So a common practice has been to substitute it with a pair of tea lights.

>> No.4983867

Other M is nearly eight years old, anon, let it freakin' go already. Samus Returns was a great game.

>> No.4983881
File: 524 KB, 1000x773, some_metroid_fanart_by_mishinsilo-d8xtgtb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other M was NOT that bad.

What was bad was the lack of attention the franchise received afterward...there was nothing to rectify it. Samus Returns was a fucking miracle.

>> No.4983895

>OTher M wasn't bad guys, just ignore how they ruined all of the gameplay and made it a story focused cinematic experience

those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

>> No.4983908
File: 322 KB, 1024x1361, super_metroid__samus_aran_by_steven_donegani-d6j1hm4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was an experiment that mostly failed, and Nintendo knows it. They didn't double down on sequels, did they?

>> No.4983916

Considering how they're pushing the sex appeal in Smash Brothers, Nintendo learned absolutely nothing from it.

>> No.4983932
File: 145 KB, 600x776, samus_by_chuck_piresart-daj9209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you, a Puritan? The people who play Smash aren't the same demographic that plays the core Metroid titles. Those people don't want buff, stoic Samus.

Smash is more norm-core than Mario.

>> No.4983937

>What are you, a Puritan?
I'd rather be a puritan than someone who unironically thinks that Other M "wasn't that bad".

>> No.4983941


>> No.4983958
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1200, DIzAhuq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Within reason, making a character sexy doesn't diminish their relatability or value.

>> No.4983965

Keywords: within reason.

>> No.4983968

They are the same people, mouthbreathing teenage boys of all ages.

>> No.4984039
File: 1001 KB, 500x680, zero gleam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a third person 3D game in the N64 era have worked?

>> No.4984056

>Within reason, making a character sexy doesn't diminish their relatability or value.
In my world it makes no difference. I don't give a fuck if the protagonist is a set of tits and a talking vagina. So long as game mechanics are good, and the gameplay is great, I can't care less. Putting a sexy character into a shitty game looks like you are just trying to upsell some garbage.

>> No.4984084 [DELETED] 


Imagine being this deluded about the scope of radical leftist propaganda in society. Jesus Christ. Go back to tumblr, you're an embarrassment everywhere else.

>> No.4984087


This never happened.

>> No.4984095

Fuck other m.

>> No.4984536

There's plenty of media where a newly born creature mistakes a man as is "mother" the Metroid doesn't care what gender she is

>> No.4984619

>Smash is more norm-core than Mario.

I hate that this is true of what is supposed to be a fanservice game for Nintendo’s biggest fans

I don’t like bimbo Samus but at least they’ve brought her more in line for ultimate. Her boobs aren’t as pronounced and her ass aint a bubble butt. She looks fit instead of like a model.

>> No.4984647

This cap doesn’t come off as a criticism to me, he’s just saying how the character animation of the player avatar is used to subconsciously influence the player. Exactly how is that upsetting to people?

This one is projecting hard since he’s acting like beauty is only about finding a guy and not something that helps a woman everywhere in life (looks help men too of course). But he’s right in that the point is to look good and not to get a digital trophy or whatever.

If these screencaps are really upsetting you then you’re just as much of a thinskinned faggot as an sjw and you’re just looking for shit to rage over.

>> No.4984673

Anon nobody is mad, the entire read was comedy gold for my standards, I'd love being paid to write shit like this about videogames and YouTube videos without being fired by the university
Envious is more accurate

>> No.4984685

Considering it would have been a collection of labyrinths with Z targeting it could have basically been Mega Man Legends with better controls.
So a nice 7/10 elevated to 9/10 thanks to the Nintendo bonus.

>> No.4984713

>He brought up examples like Lara Croft as a negative.
What a fucking try-hard idiot. Was he a literal boomer? I was a teenager in the 90s with lots of female relatives who all loved Lara.

>> No.4984721

Where do you think Sarkeesian got her shit from? An overwhelming amount of academic feminism is meaningless or bigoted tripe obfuscated by needlessly complicated and elaborate language, with citations that don't actually support the assertions made by the paper. Another good trick they use is citing someone opinions as a fact.

>> No.4984730

>I never saw him do cardio, just lifts.
Guaranteed to post on /fit/

>> No.4984736



>> No.4984789

>Was he a literal boomer?
I think he's about 55-60 now, give or take five years, so yes?

>Where do you think Sarkeesian got her shit from? An overwhelming amount of academic feminism is meaningless or bigoted tripe obfuscated by needlessly complicated and elaborate language, with citations that don't actually support the assertions made by the paper.

I agree; I came out of college a lot less liberal than I was when I went in.

It's something that happens in degrees. This particular prof was a valuable resource when I was going through my programs. His background was media studies. The nuttiest profs I met were in psychology and sociology respectively.

I remember I came to a psych class one day dressed up for an interview I had later. When it was time to leave, the female prof commented on my attire and I told her the situation. Then she started shrieking about how males over 6 feet tall are disproportionately likely to be successful and blah blah blah. It was one of the most unnerving things I've ever seen.

These are highly intelligent people, but their minds are enslaved by this ideology. I felt sorry for some of them, desu.

>> No.4984801

>how males over 6 feet tall are disproportionately likely to be successful
That is actually an issue I am mad about.

t. 5 11 prince of manlets

>> No.4984804
File: 1.08 MB, 853x1200, Zero.Suit.Samus.full.1927710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if Samus existed and she was 6'3" or whatever, would that make her disproportionately likely to be a good bounty hunter?

>> No.4984808
File: 1.30 MB, 1157x1598, Zero.Suit.Samus.full.2206252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I still can't wrap my head around how, proportionally speaking, the morph ball works.

>> No.4984809 [DELETED] 


>brainwashed marxists
>highly intelligent

>> No.4984858

Your professor sounds terrible. I don't understand why people teach a subject they clearly have no interest in.

I mean, I get that normies don't know Samus or Metroid. That's fine. But if you're teaching actual classes on gaming you should probably at least know Nintendo's most famous franchises.

But whatever. These people have their agendas and they'll cherrypick points to support it however they want. Hell, if they even knew anything about Tomb Raider they'd know that Lara isn't the sex symbol she used to be anymore. The Tomb Raider reboot is legit one of my favorite modern games and it's one of the few games where you really see the main character develop from a scared, incompetent castaway into a skilled adventurer who can stand on her own. That's female empowerment done right imo. Now the other way around is a different matter - there are very few male video game protagonists who go through any character development at all.Uncharted's protagonist is still the same two-dimensional, stereotypical badass in the third game as he was in the first game.

>> No.4984872 [DELETED] 

Being brainwashed actually doesn't necessarily make you unintelligent. It may actually make you more capable when it comes to finding arguments that support your fallacious viewpoints. Look at professors teaching creation 'science', they're not idiots but they're very good at defending the conclusions they came to incorrectly. There's a book called 'Why Smart People Believe Stupid Things', it's a nice read.

I think it's worse in the US because people seem to be more polarized there. You have the far, far left, with people who want to support literal communism, equal distributions of races and orientations and gender identities etc, and the far, far right who want to implement an all-white state that's perfectly catholic or whatever.

>> No.4984881

You didn't play the game. You have to tap a direction to dodge. You have to hold down a button to charge.
>auto-lock on that auto-dodges enemies for you
This doesn't make sense..Furthermore, there's nothing wrong with the game's enemy targeting system.
>linear hallways
>no exploration allowed
Yea, that's because the game is purposefully oriented into a fast-paced corridor running action game. Third person lets you see the action better than first when it comes to combat. Makes sense to go for given the drop in immersion by going third person from Prime's first person.
>pixel hunting
>"theatre mode"
Only the cutscenes are bad. Those other negatives have minuscule impact on the game.

>> No.4984890

It's bird alien magic

>> No.4984896

I have to agree.

Other M's bad part was largely the cutscenes, the plot, and Samus' characterization. The gameplay was different but fine in its own.

To be honest they should just make their 3D games in the vein of Metroid Prime, and 2D handheld games in the Metroid 2 remake style. Those formulas work.

>> No.4984920


>> No.4984927

>To be honest they should just make their 3D games in the vein of Metroid Prime, and 2D handheld games in the Metroid 2 remake style. Those formulas work.

I'm playing Prime 1 now and I didn't really like it until I got the Gravity Suit. Now I'm in that underwater area near the pirate frigate. It feels like a spiritual successor to Super, and the 3D controls took some getting used to, but it's probably the most immersive style for Metroid games.

I wish Samus Returns used pixel art instead of polygons. That's the only real issue I had with it--visually, at least.

>> No.4984968 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 960x960, Dr Black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you banged the new ethics professor at the local university before she got tenure when her only claim to fame was authoring a pro-internet porn book
>have fun with her bisexuality and general slut pride
>watch as over the course of ten years she becomes increasingly indoctrinated in the liberal agenda
>becomes rabid anti-religious head of the regional lgbt coalition
>literally pushed over the edge by trumpism
>regularly spergs out in facebook rants over normal area culture (she lives two counties deeper into Appalachia because she wanted to be able to afford a "historical" mansion)
>currently visiting China
I can totally see her deciding to move there, getting imprisoned for sedition and getting her pussy organ-harvested for some billionaire bitch back here in the US

>> No.4984985 [DELETED] 


It very much does. You're not acting by your own accords, you're not able to distinguish anything other than what you've been fed. You will omit facts and details. and whatever else is needed to defend not your point, but the point you've been fed. Looking up a bunch of bullshit to support fallacious viewpoints is a byproduct of the internet. It revises history and spreads misinformation, and its just a click away for a Gen Z entitled degenerate to look up a bunch of bullshit and buzzwords to consider himself an expert and become an outspoken little shit. And on the other side, there's the so called "alt right" which houses almost as many memelord little kids that make conservative systems and morals devalued. Ever seen the mouse utopia experiment? We're are currently on the last colony.

>> No.4985069

That’s just what current western art looks like.

>> No.4985105 [DELETED] 

It's funny how you're checking many of your own boxes. Buzzwords and cherrypicking information that supports your point.

I don't think you're necessarily wrong but you're using a forty-year old study as a basis for your argument. That's often a red flag.

>> No.4985297 [DELETED] 


>current year argument

Are you serious? Are you implying human society wasn't already well established enough in the 60's to warrant the parallels? I also hardly used any buzzwords at all, and when I did I put it up in quotes because that's what they call it.

>> No.4985437

I learned actually about it from a chad/class clown schoolmate of mine back in middle school.

Also, I remember being intrigued by the provactive promos for Prime 2 that showed a sexy woman armoring up (all those lingering ass shots)

>> No.4985773

I kinda think the point is more “character reveal” than “Congratulations, have some tiddies.”

Like >>4983056 points out, she’s never really presented as the kind of thing you’d complete a whole game just to have a few seconds to try to squeeze out a wank before the game reverts to New Game Plus mode. It’s more like, “This is the character you have been playing as. She’s been a woman the whole time. And now, she’s going to take a break, and so should you. Good job gaming.”

In the earlier games, it’s kinda hard to reveal that she is, in fact, a woman, without dressing her like one. Admittedly, she’s been a little flirtier in the more recent games, but not in a pinup kind of way. More like, just to show that she’s not a nun. She’s just a normal person, who works hard to maintain her body so she can do her job, and likes to unwind after a hard mission, same as any male character.

Really, the only game in which she’s been portrayed as anything other than a positive role model is Other M, and even Nintendo seems to admit that was a mistake. No idea if the decisions were based on “what fans wanted” or purely on the horny machinations of higher-level executives being visited by the “I Have an Idea” Fairy, but by trying to hype up things that seem more feminine (suddenly referring to the rescued metroid as her “baby,” having romantic and/or daddy issues with male characters, etc.), they created a version of Samus that no one looks up to: weak, anxious, and dependent on having male approval and children in order to define a sense of self (and self-worth).

TL;DR: Samus was originally a good role model because the fact that she was a woman was revealed, but not played up. The more the fact that she is a woman has been played up, the less relatable and admirable she has been. A true feminist seeks equality by setting an examle of being a good human, and embracing the best aspects of both men and women.

>> No.4985824
File: 120 KB, 960x720, 1517501641317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish Samus Returns used pixel art instead of polygons. That's the only real issue I had with it--visually, at least.
glad I'm not the only one thinking this

>> No.4986000
File: 39 KB, 354x225, SR Justin Bailey Ending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is classic, non-Prime Metroid just obscure to the average person?
and Nintendo trying their hardest to shill Metroid full blast with:
>2 more Metroid reps in Ultimate, possibly saving Sylux for DLC
>redesigning Smash!Zero Suit to be like her canon stronk C-cup self, not exaggerated
>a dual game announcement at E3 2017
>shitting on Other M and sidelining Zero Suit as an endgame reward again with Fusion/Justin Bailey Samus
>Tanabe ditching dying Retro Studios for ex-Far Cry/LucasArts devs at Bandai Namco Singapore
>trying to push Metroid Prime as Metroid's 3D Zelda
>pardoning SR's godawful sales with Sakamoto saying it succeed somewhere/did better than Other M to avoid returning criticism
>Sakamoto clearing up on fan conspiracies on canon and his opinion on Prime games
>hyping up Metroid 5 by announcing no more remakes for now and the Chozo Memories
all part of Nintendo's agenda to "strengthen their IPs"
wouldn't be that long for Nintendo announce a shitty Metroid mobile game too
Grimoire of Aeion anyone?

>> No.4986002

>You have to tap a direction to dodge
uh no, Sensemove. works just like how you autododge in Kid Icarus Uprising

>> No.4986012

>Considering how they're pushing the sex appeal in Smash Brothers, Nintendo learned absolutely nothing from it.
they literally de-bimbo Samus in Ultimate tho, even further overshadow her with two popular Metroid villain reps

>> No.4986013

shes in super smash bros. Castlevania is more obscure than metroid. You fucking dipshit.

>> No.4986015
File: 13 KB, 663x198, nihon forgets about the other m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even nips agree

>> No.4986018

Shes indiana fucking jones, retard!

>> No.4986019

She looks like she has downs.

>> No.4986020

Smash Bros is where even dead and formerly major franchise go to, including Castlevania
makes you wonder they aren't adding boring zoomer shit over older characters

>> No.4986024


>tries to condescend, but calls dude sweaty instead of sweetie. Stupid bitch!

>> No.4986026

>it's okay for a game to literally play itself if it has a waifu in it

Behold the reason why Metroid died for 7 years.

>> No.4986045

Because the last time Metroid was industry-relevant was Metroid Fusion.

>> No.4986046

Play both, fuck it.

>> No.4986048

Maybe in the last 10 years but there is no way Castlevania is more obscure than Metroid.

>> No.4986292
File: 45 KB, 600x340, 2d_endings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which game has the best ending?

>> No.4986606

The last good game was in 2002, so the rest of the world has forgotten it...maybe if Nintendo would get off their ass and actually make some new games that aren't shit...hell, even Capcom, after killing Megaman, still release collections and shit...there has never been a Metroid collection to try to keep people informed of the franchise's existence.

>> No.4986609

Super because it is the best game

>> No.4986613

Rondo of blood was pretty obscure

>> No.4986976
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>The last good game was in 2002

Zero Mission came out in 2004, and was a great remake of the original game. I honestly liked Metroid - Samus Returns. It's a miracle we even got that.

>there has never been a Metroid collection to try to keep people informed of the franchise's existence.

I agree, this is pretty silly of them NOT to make some kind of collection of classic Metroid games. The problem is, the see it as a thread to their eshop. Even though the Switch doesn't have a way to access retro games. Nintendo is just all around dumb. It's never going to change, so might as well just buy the classic Metroid games.

>> No.4987074
File: 115 KB, 474x679, 4d937b6a415a6581ee4a75482c0361fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zero Mission came out in 2004, and was a great remake of the original game.

ZM was my favorite until I beat Super for the third or fourth time.

>> No.4987101

Zero Mission was a mistake and R&D-1 should have went post-Fusion right away.

>> No.4987107

In the first game it's just an ironic switcharound that the character you had been playing was actually a woman.

In the second game it is the same idea but they extend it a little in that the baby metroid at the end of the game follows you like you're its mummy.

In the third game they make Samu's gender more prominent. The motherhood idea shows up in the end sequence where the baby metroid almosts kills you but then realises who you are and then ultimately sacrifices its life for you. You also are revealed Samus's gender every time she dies, which coordinates being female and vulnerabilty. But even in the third game I wouldn't say that motherhood/femininity are the defining themes. The enduring theme of the first three games is solitude.

>> No.4987116

Other M is a great game and the only attempt to take the series forwards since Super Metroid. The GBA games were just rehashes and the Gamecube games were USA retcons that could have had any character dropped in.

The story of Other M is a failure, but who cares about stories in games? The first three games barely had stories.

>> No.4987120

I wish it had spawned sequels. Other M was a good base from which they could have produced something truly amazing.

>> No.4987124

>Would a third person 3D game in the N64 era have worked?
It would have been impossible. Nintendo's development teams were severely stretch and the hardware wouldn't have been able to do the confined spaces any justice.

>> No.4987134

Really liked zero-missions shadowy art style. Wonder why they never utilized it and made some spinoff comics with it.

>> No.4987143
File: 641 KB, 1037x812, banejoe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normies don't know that the majority of popular games have females in them, they just look at the cover and assume its all male

>> No.4987148

>the hardware wouldn't have been able to do the confined spaces any justice.
This makes no sense. Confined spaces are technically easier to create than wide open ones.

>> No.4987149

>But even in the third game I wouldn't say that motherhood/femininity are the defining themes. The enduring theme of the first three games is solitude

Good points here desu. In >>4983575
I was thinking about "motherhood" in the sense of Mother Brain > Metroid Queen >Samus' relationship with the baby. Each time there's a bit of a escalation.

>> No.4987205
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It's just modern beauty standards.

>> No.4987382
File: 119 KB, 736x1069, 2e758174d2a8193d27157a49a2c3cde2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will there ever come a point in time when Super might be remade?

Some minor gameplay tweaks without changing much else would make it more accessible to a new generation.

>> No.4987991
File: 313 KB, 2048x1577, 1466226971911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think at this point, it's possible. They remade the first and second game. That being said, I honestly hope they do not and make a brand new "classic" style Metroid. Don't get me wrong, I like Metroid - Samus Returns but I would love a proper sprite based game.

>> No.4988402
File: 869 KB, 1326x1517, 1528824642240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly because of porn

>> No.4988541

2 had the best ending.

>> No.4988978
File: 40 KB, 560x400, 422d0dfc45b85cc1e21b2932d6cd7eb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to bed ACfag

>> No.4989158

Looks like I had a different definition of "auto-dodge" in mind: Auto-dodge is something like when you hold down the L Trigger in Viewtiful Joe for slow speed and any attack that connects with your character will be (auto)dodged.

Technically the statement should read:
>You have a timed window in which tapping a direction when an enemy is in an attack animation activates a dodge roll mechanic

So yes, the player cannot actively dodge roll without a conditional, which is brought on by an enemy or damaging entity. And technically I am not correct writing that there is no autocharge since that can be activated under a conditional (Sensemove).

dodge - an act of evading by sudden bodily movement
auto - by itself
>Dodge: Quickly flick the Circle Pad immediately before getting hit.
>A SenseMove is performed by pressing any direction on the D-pad before an attack makes contact with Samus.

If you have to press a specific input to activate dodge than it is not automatic.

>> No.4989161

Compare this to Bayonetta's Automatic Mode:

2) >Dodging

>This also takes place simply by pressing the Punch button. Of course, if you are caught flat-footed the game won’t forgive you; however, as long as you get the button press timing correct, you will automatically dodge.

All actions are consolidated to a single button, so dodging is automatic. But it is not the same as the Viewtiful Joe example listed above. While I do think dodging can be abused in this game by a boring minded player, I don't recall using it in broken manner. What is neat is how a boss or minibosses in the lava region would require quick dispatching due to the heat damage Samus suffers, which would discourage time-taking dodge abuse. I think that's better than removing it or putting it as an near-end game unlockable.

Auto elements give a smooth feeling. The charge shot combined with the autocharge from a sensemove, for example, gives the player an immense sense of power progression when it comes to dispatching monsters. There is also a zone of smoothness the player enters running through halls. The immersion of high speed linearity versus the immersion of outwardly multi-navigational pathways.

I really need to beat Other M. I feel inspired.

>> No.4990574
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>> No.4991202
File: 102 KB, 630x488, v_fanart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss classic Samus

>> No.4991257

>You never see Samus in any romantic relationships, sans implied parts of Other M.
I always wonder, what is so wrong and horrible about females getting into romance? Male characters do that all the time.

>> No.4991263

What? Almost everyone that owned an NES either had the game or knew about Metroid from the Nintendo Power magazines. Dumbass zoomers.

>> No.4991296

I don't think it's that they get into a romance per se, it's more that(in that situation at least), she was in an very obviously unhealthy relationship, and thought nothing of it. There was an article some time ago going into the deep psycho-analysis crap of it, but basically: Samus has been protrayed, by and large, as an independent ass-kicker. In Fusion, we see that she had someone in the past who helped her(Adam). When we finally MEET the guy, we find that he is not helping her, he's basically abusing her the entire way through the mission, primarily by making her suffer in hazardous environments for a while before saying, "Oh yeah, you got something that can help you out...go ahead and use that now."
I don't care to get any more in-depth than that, but I think that's considered the primary problem, and I agree, it's a big one.

>> No.4991297

She sounds pretty reasonable, I'm liking her.

>> No.4991352

Not for the N64. The N64 is not good at pushing large amounts of polygons of small polygons, which you need in a small space if you want it to look decent. The N64 is better at a smaller amount of very large polygons, look at the level geometry in SM64.

A confined space might be good in terms of reducing draw distance, but I don't recall any N64 games that had level geometry that could match a Metroid game. OoT had some confined areas, especially in the dungeons, and the graphics were great but the OoT engine wouldn't work for a Metroid game. Even OoT had areas like Hyrule field which is just huge polygons in an open area. Metroid would need a lot of small areas, the ability to move quickly and to shoot, and fast moving enemies. OoT really has a small number of areas in total, but they are extremely polished and refined to make them look good with the technology. Metroid would need more areas, because you need a giant map you can get lost in, so they'd need a way to do that without areas looking extremely repetative or geometrically simplistic, because they wouldn't have the time to polish everything, remember Zelda took over 3 years, it was repeatedly delayed and its release was a hail mary that restored some life to the N64 at that point because it had been dying due to a software drought brought about partly due to development resources focussing on OoT. But even beyond level geometry, Samus is more acrobatic than Link in terms of traversing levels, so you need quite an engine overhaul anyway.

>> No.4991362

I wouldn't go that far, it's probably f-zero tier in terms of brand recognition. Nonlinear platforming is just a little more "hardcore" than Mario or DKC so it's not quite as normie friendly. Most people that play it love it. I somehow got the game secondhand somehow when I was a kid and it was an absolute favorite, but I'm not sure if I would have actually bought it new if I'd had the chance because I had never heard of it before.

>> No.4991395

Samus was never 198 pounds of muscle.

>> No.4991603


>> No.4991778
File: 78 KB, 903x624, KefnpWM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Samus was never 198 pounds of muscle.

>> No.4991784
File: 630 KB, 448x600, 9928059168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nintendo Power guide
Posting this is essentially posting fan art. Refer to this image
And tell me if those sprites reflect a 200 lb woman. As reference, pro wrestler and body builder Chyna was just shy of 6 ft (5 ft 10 in) and even she weighed only 180 lbs. Samus does not resemble Chyna at all.

>> No.4991813


She was a lot of woman, wasn't she?

>> No.4991827
File: 305 KB, 1280x1628, brooklyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mario was never from Brooklyn

>> No.4993024
File: 546 KB, 840x557, sc_npcomics_2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't the big N outsource Metroid as a comic series to a company like IDW?

>> No.4993071

Because they understand that the only reason to do that is to raise brand awareness and that there is no use in doing that with Metroid. There is actually a use in avoiding some types of media.

A Metroid comic would sell, literally, 3k copies first issue and the only people willing to work on a product like that are going to produce absolute shit.

>> No.4993207

>prof who writes about gender roles in gaming is ignorant and retarded
Shocker! Thats only a "normie" at Safe Space U

>> No.4993835

If I see one more FUCKING person post this god damn retarded ads phrase, boomer, I will fucking lose it. Stop with the summertime bullshit catchphrase nobody is fucking using except idiots, it's fucking annoying, you little shits. This is the same exact thing from a couple of years ago when fucking cuck was just being flung left and right and used so incorrectly, it generated a fury in me that was rivaled by no others. I swear to god, you people want to make me shove rusty nails through my god damn fingernails lengthwise, than hear one more person fucking say boomer
Fuck sakes, I hate this place...

>> No.4993862

That's kids for you. Gotta show others how hardcore you are by calling others noobs, 'normies' (do people seriously think that's a 4chan word?). And if you think someone takes it 'too seriously' then just call them autistic, that way you can still be 'normie' enough so that they don't think you're an antisocial basement dweller who wants to watch the world getting burned and likes something weird like hentai.

You know what, they should reconstruct the internet so you can show you're mentally capable enough to use the internet individually just like people being helped with finances or daily life. No need to de-anonymize everything of course but that way this site alone would improve ten times fold from all the underage and mentally challenged shitposts that would be remove. And no kids, 4chan being shown as the worst place ever by outsiders doesn't mean everyone has to act like an asshole for the sake of it.

I'd prefer a new Metroid as well but knowing modern day Nintendo they'd most likely just remake an older installment like Super or Fusion and let a different studio do the actual development of it. It's been almost 25 years since Super Metroid got released and people have remade newer games before so it's not outside the realm of possibilities.

>overrated on the internet
sure you aren't talking about Mother or Wonderboy or something? It's always been in the top 5 of popular Nintendo franchises since the NES days, fans discuss it all the time on a ton of websites and offline as well. Outside of Other M there has never been a Metroid release that had a controversial reception from either critics, fans or consumers. Sure it's not Nintendo's biggest seller but then again, neither are most of them that aren't Pokemon, Zelda, Kirby or Mario.

>> No.4993873 [DELETED] 

What a cuck.

>> No.4994056

>Metroid is obscure as fuck.
It's like one of the main three Nintendo titles. Zelda, Mario, Metroid.

That's fucking Nintendo right there. Nothing obscure about Metroid for shit.

>> No.4994092

>The N64 is not good at pushing large amounts of polygons of small polygons, which you need in a small space if you want it to look decent. The N64 is better at a smaller amount of very large polygons
What it is good at actually depends on the kind of microcode loaded in.

>> No.4994128

Me too. She was supposed to be more like Ellen Ripley.

>> No.4994135
File: 1.41 MB, 306x262, nouaeq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Imagine being the xenomorph in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Sigourney Weaver, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your white panties and gross flat ass. I would totally impregnate you, both my character and the real animatronic me." when all it really wants to do is lay eggs in another 16 year old in its dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be the xenomorph and not only hide in that ship while Sigourney Weaver flaunts her flat ass in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her legs going directly into her back, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she works it. Not only having to tolerate her disgusting fucking gluteus minimus visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, SIGOURNEY WEAVER GOT A BOOTY LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her strut around in her disgusting granny panties; never before have you seen legs directly connect into someones spine before, no ass, no hips, you didn't even know that existed before today. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of colonists and later alleged space marines for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of LV-426. You've never seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's trickling down from her lower back to her knee caps as she shakes her ass to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to hide there and revel in her "voluptuous"(for that is what she calls herself) ass, the ass she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could eviscerate every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure because you're a xenomorph. You're not going to lose your galactic conquest over this. Just bear it. Hide in the vent and bear it.

>> No.4994369
File: 1.05 MB, 499x341, anger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how I feel but I try to remember pic related.

>> No.4994372

mario zelda pokemon, metroid hasn't had a real hit in like twenty years

>> No.4994987 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 736x1137, 4e73bee2452f1fab27af3f66a88c49c0--metroid-prime-metroid-samus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I used those terms because the prof is in the age group to be a literal baby boomer, and he is a "normie" in terms of his engagement with the mainstream, neo-liberal values of a "postfeminist" Western culture and society.

As for the phrasing, well...you have to understand your audience. It got replies, didn't it?

>> No.4995151
File: 215 KB, 736x1137, 1c896440c5dc86c2696cd9b681e30a59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one's more popular, Metroid or DOOM?

>> No.4995763
File: 128 KB, 736x1102, 1815e9573b8339e86756699ce7246da9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How emotionally intelligent are Metroids? Was the baby just acting on instinct?

>> No.4995767

doom probably
first thing you do is run doom on a new cpu architecture, then a snes emulator

>> No.4995815

Whaaat??? I thought metroid is a guy!!!!

>> No.4995825

Why do they always have to draw Metroid with thicc tits and brap tier ass? Where my slender small boobs Metroid?

>> No.4995827 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 384x384, 24832110-5072-4263-9F60-D3ACA9C869E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doesn’t mean what you think it means, brainlet

>> No.4995829

Well in the aftermath it is a fantastic product because how the fuck could nintendo such a fuck up make happen. It's almost like they hired a porn actor to star as mario. It's kinda epic!

>> No.4995843

Nintendo didn't have the resouces for that at the time.

>> No.4997656


>> No.4997664
File: 1.21 MB, 960x960, 190lbs of muscle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're all wrong
she's 6'2

>> No.4997678
File: 231 KB, 856x707, M2 RoS site Samus Aran page.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posting this is essentially posting fan art.
that's not where its original from FYI

>> No.4997681

What if I told you Nintendo is pretty obscure by itself?
What if I told you not only Metroid, but also Zelda is obscure as fuck?
What if I told you there is world outside USA, and said world knows about Mario when it comes to Nintendo and that would be it.
Nintento absolutely failed as a company pretty much anywhere outside States and native Japan, we have roughtly 5 threads about it per week, I don't feel like explaining it for the n-th time, But the facts are pretty simple: anything that wasn't on Famiclones, is obscure. Zelda and Metroid weren't. Go fucking figure. I myself literally only know those two series from places like /vr/, never in my life played any of them. That's how bad Nintendo was in terms of entering European markets. In fact, if I recall correctly, if you call their service in my country, it will automatically dial you to the British call-center of Nintendo. Because who needs a 40 mil market, right?

>> No.4997687

>He brought up examples like Lara Croft as a negative
I hope he was talking about the modern Lara "I can do this" Croft, becuase if he meant it in the context of Core-era Lara, then congrats, he knows jack shit about video games in general. For fuck's sake, when Tomb Raider 1 came out, you at best had female characters as damsels to rescue. No, Samus doesn't count, for the simple fact Metroid was and still is completely obscure outside States.
More, the massive disjoinment between the game content and the marketing for it (SEX! BOOBS!) was so huge, the creator of the game, Toby Gard, fucking quit Core Design when Eidos said to him to go fuck himself and they are going to run the marketing on boobs and boobs alone.
But I guess this is what you get when people who never played the game in question still invoke it in their papers, writing using nothing more than assumption, while in the same time producing a serious, scientific paper. It's like this since at least late 80s.

>> No.4997692

>you at best had female characters as damsels to rescue
Except for adventure games.

>> No.4997697

Not him, but name some.
Hard mode: if they get captured in the game, they escape by themselves, rather than being rescued

>> No.4997704

The Laura Bow games, Guilty, Legend of Kyrandia 2 off the top of my head with female protagonists. There were also plenty of side characters who weren't just damsels in distress, but I guess that's besides the point here.

>> No.4997708

Most people don't care because it doesn't fit the narrative.

Anybody genuinely interested in video games should have heard of Metroid.

>> No.4997713

>Anybody genuinely interested in video games should have heard of Metroid.
... because?
No, seriously, because? Metroid wasn't ever published in my country until 2010. Please tell us all how it's about ignorance and not Nintendo literally not delivering a game on the market

>> No.4997716

You're a little vague. What do you mean with 'a 40 mil market'? Where do you live? I can't speak for every european but here in west europe, Nintendo is far from obscure. Even in /vr/ times a lot of people had a Gameboy and a NES, same with the SNES and the N64, here in the Netherlands and Belgium. There were TV commercials, written advertizements, magazines like CN(E) and indepent ones that were definitely not selling badly where they wrote about Nintendo and other video game companies. People who didn't play nintendo games were and still are sure as hell familiar with the brand name, whether it was positively or negatively. Do I have to remind you that Pokemon was also incredibly popular in europe?

Unless you live in some 3rd world country that had more important matters than playing and arguing about video games I can't understand how you wouldn't at least be aware of Metroid, let alone Nintendo in general. Especially in this day and age where more or less everyone has this source of instant information called the internet.

>> No.4997936

Not him, but I'm betting good money he's a fellow Pole.
See, Nintendo ignored pretty much entire former Eastern Block. All of it. Which means on one hand shitholes like Belarus or Moldovia, on the other hand places like Czech Republic or Poland, which stopped being shitholes by early-to-mid 90s.
So when you have a country with 38 million people in it and you don't even TRY to enter the market when you have no competition on it, your marketing is retarded. If you enter a 38 million market and don't support your customers (because there is zero support from Nintendo users in Poland, as in - none, despite having Nintendo retail), your markeing is retarded. Nintendo basically wrote itself into a corner with it's 90s policies all over Europe, because any market they didn't take by '92 mark was left abandoned and lays abandoned to this day.

Besides, as already mentioned, Nintendo in any given European country vs Nintendo in States is a fucking joke. We are talking here niche stuff vs mainstream, that's how big the divide is.

>> No.4997945

All in all it's not about lack of familiarity, but it's about complete indifference toward it and general obscurity of games as such. Metroid is the prime example of it, because at least Zelda gets a lot of traction from memes, so people might never play it and still "know" it. Metroid doesn't even have that.

>> No.4997948

>which stopped being shitholes by early-to-mid 90s.
You do know that "Poland" is pretty much synonymous with "criminals, cheap labor and shoddy products" in most of Europe, right?

>> No.4997965

Not him, but when was the last time you left your basement?

t. Dane

>> No.4997968

>He brought up examples like Lara Croft as a negative.

Oh yeah, the most successful female character ever, and easily one the top 5 characters of her time, was a 'negative'.

You should have slapped his pinko faggot ass.

>> No.4997971

She sure was.

Turned 13 year old me onto buff amazonians in an instant.

F, indeed.

>> No.4997978

How the hell a country that has grand total of two (2) expert products (absolutely fantastic buses of Solaris brand and just as good trains and trams under Pesa brand, both top-of-the-line quality and in case of Solaris, leader of own field) can deliver "shoddy products"? They literally don't produce there anything of any value nor quantity, so they can't even be called out on poor quality, because... well, there is nothing to be called for.
Are you sure you didn't confuse them with Turkey or China or something, Mr. I-Am-Totally-An-European-Just-Temporarily-Living-In-Ohio-For-Past-Five-Generations?

>> No.4997998
File: 55 KB, 1000x1000, layla-maze-action-famicom-ntsc-jpn-occasion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute nonsense of the highest order; Famicom and Super Famicom titles, (just two systems) were dripping with female protagonists. Video games ever since they started to be more than pong and space invader clones have had female protagonists.

>> No.4998673

yeah, your prof is a fucking shoobie man. Lara Croft has sex appeal and kicks major ass. What more can you ask from a character?

>> No.4998684

>the zero suit was a thing all along

>> No.4998695

>tfw 6'3 198 and just a lanklet guy

>> No.4998789

Well, in Portugal Nintendo really was obscure in the NES/SNES eras. The gameboy was pretty popular but on the home console front it wasn't until the N64 that Nintendo became slightly more popular, and even then most kids had either Saturns or Playstations.

>> No.4999612

Other M recycled a bunch of shit from the comic
even the Metroid manga did the same shit

>> No.4999973
File: 1.70 MB, 230x175, Laugh like there is no tomorrow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Confusing Famicom with Famiclones

>> No.5000196

How did I confuse them? That's a Famicom game.