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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4981183 No.4981183 [Reply] [Original]

Used to be borderline malware, now it's good.
What happened

>> No.4981193

I didn't know they released good games for the N64 since then.

>> No.4981195

Dunno OP I only play on original hardware.

>> No.4981203

All least bad n64 games are on virtual console or rare replay

>> No.4981213

why is n64 emulation for non-first party games so shit?

>> No.4981214

It seemed pretty good to me fifteen years ago. Did it get worse?

>> No.4981226

Lack of interest, mostly. There's only 389 games, some no longer exclusive or definitive, and fifth gen aged poorly.

>> No.4981256

It's amazing how wrong this is.

>> No.4981263

Play Robotron 64

>> No.4981264

What could you expect from a retard who uses the "aged poorly" meme

>> No.4981274

> borderline malware
you need to leave.
>Did it get worse?
no, op is just a moron.

>> No.4981275

I do think that some games are a product of their time tho

>> No.4981279

I added that just for you.

>> No.4981310

it was always fine for people who didn't have autism

>> No.4981317

autism didn't exist 15 years ago retard

>> No.4981323

I had an official diagnosis before that. I always thought Project64 seemed pretty good, but I didn't play it much because N64 games aren't fun.

>> No.4981327

you're a fucking idiot
it was actually malware circa 2000's w/ injected ads and shit
Adults are talking, go play

>> No.4981338
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>Too young to remember

>> No.4981347


Games age. Fifth gen especially.

>> No.4981350

>borderline malware then
>borderline nagware now
based PJ64

>> No.4981356

I didn't know that the mechanics of a specific game can magically change over time

>> No.4981359

He means how older games compare to newer games you complete drain on society

>> No.4981389


They don't, that's not pertinent to whether games age.

>> No.4981395

They dont. That's exactly the point. Games age when the world moves on and there's not enough about the game to make it timeless.

>> No.4981406

>you need to leave
The fuckass dev turned the free version into spyware, and flooded trackers with "paid" versions that installed rootkits yanked from the finest fake apps on Kazaa, Jabo severed because team PJ64 was a shitshow, and released a clean version of what he considered to be the best free version possible

>> No.4981408

I hate when these dribblers back each other up in a circle jerk of faggotry. His point is that your use of game aging in that way is not a valid way of using the term, it's a mistake, like your life. It was also created by industry to push new $60 games on people with the mental age of children.

>> No.4981409

>I hate when these dribblers back each other up in a circle jerk of faggotry.

Yeah, the retards complaining about normal people pointing out that games age need to leave.

>> No.4981426

games do not age, you fucking peabrain. If a game is bad, it was always bad. Only thing is that you were too young to realize it. Games don't go from being good to being bad over time

>> No.4981436

>games do not age, you fucking peabrain

Yes they do.

Keep pretending this board is your echochamber.

>Games don't go from being good to being bad over time

Yes they can, or at least they can become disappointing and irrelevant. And I'm not someone who thinks historical relevance is something stupid. If you actually think Space Invaders hasn't aged compared to other shumps then you're just a contrarian, and are also probably simultaneously 50 years old and extremely nostalgic for Space Invaders.

>> No.4981447

Is it seriously only one guy who has a hard time with this concept?
I feel like this board, more than any other, has these idiots who are immediately recognizable despite the anonymity.
Progression systems guy, games-don't-age guy, dual orb 2 guy, arcade score autist guy...
Maybe its just got a smaller post base than other boards? I dunno.

>> No.4981450
File: 8 KB, 222x251, 1322113747958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

way to hijack the thread you simp
piss off

>> No.4981456
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It kind of makes it feel like going to a local bar where you hate 40% of the people there

>> No.4981459


Dual orb 2 guy?

>> No.4981467

You are delusional. The concept of "games aging" is for tards, that's why you see it every time the subject comes up. You've just shown how you never ever have discussions about old videogames outside this board or even watch shitty meme youtubers.

Your ridiculous attempt at human thinking is hilarious to me.

>> No.4981473

>And I'm not someone who thinks historical relevance is something stupid
Confirmed as retarded who cares more about media and other people's opinions than the games' mechanics themselves

>> No.4981475
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>The concept of "games aging" is for tards
This still isn't true. Again, this board is not your echochamber.
>that's why you see it every time the subject comes up
I assume by "it" you mean "I reply".

The rest of your post is just the typical eceleb red herring.

>> No.4981476


Funny, the one that brought up the media was you.

>> No.4981481

>This still isn't true
You didn't make any proper argument for your case. All you did was to regurgitate what you try to mean when you use the "x game aged badly" meme.
Again, prove that games' mechanics magically change over time or stop posting.

>> No.4981483

>You didn't make any proper argument for your case.
Yes I did, stating how games age and giving an example of Space Invaders.

I didn't use a single meme in my post, so no, there was no regurgitation. So far you've used several memes.

>> No.4981484

no I didn't, mainly because you're stupid and assume only one person is arguing against the "aged badly" meme in this thread

>> No.4981486


Yes you did, right here >>4981473.

>> No.4981490

Don't you just love when a decent idea for a thread that seems like it's going somewhere devolves into a pissy little slapfight over semantics? I could watch you two little retards go at it all day, keep going.

>> No.4981491

>giving an example of Space Invaders
Better games were released after space invaders, what a surprise. Still not convinced that games "age". Try to make an actual argument now.

>> No.4981495

The implication being that "historical relevance" is mostly pushed by media, if you didn't realize.

>> No.4981501

Your opinion on a game can change because of your exposure to other games but the game itself will never change. Games don't age, you do.

>> No.4981502

>Better games were released after space invaders, what a surprise.
Yes, building on the same idea, hence, Space Invaders aged.

>Still not convinced that games "age".
Way to go, that only means something to you.

>Try to make an actual argument now.
I already have, you've got memes and really bad ad hominems so far.


I'm actually really entertained by fights like this. This guy is probably a troll from /v/ that half believes the shit he's spewing.

Ah, there's that word.

>> No.4981503

Basically you're just deciding that you don't like the definition of "X aged poorly" that most people have agreed on. Good for you. You're a special snowflake. Changing the goal posts doesn't mean you win the argument, it means you were too shitty at arguing to begin with.

>> No.4981504

At its core it's not a debate over semantics, and you're slow if you think so. It's a debate over certain faggots thinking that game design can only be analyzed comparatively, which is clearly stupid.

>> No.4981505

Thank you for actually contributing to the thread

>> No.4981507

>hence, Space Invaders aged
Still the same game to this day.
>still not knowing what ad hominem means in 2018

>> No.4981509

Nobody really gives a shit except you two. None of this has to do with how N64 emulation has improved over time. You're just a couple of old menopausal bitches trading insults while having brunch. You both think you're defending your own personal honor but really you're just embarrassing yourselves.

>> No.4981510

>you don't like the definition
No, I actually agree with the definition used by you retards.

>> No.4981513

space invaders didn't age, you idiot. It's the exact same game as it was then. This is like saying that an old movie aged because better movies with the concept were released later

>> No.4981514

go back to r3ddit

>> No.4981516


This is logically impossible because it's not possible for you to experience future games. You can only play them once them come out. If games released are clearly better than past games while being comparative in purposed (eg "both are sidescrolling platformers built like a 2D Mario game") then it can be said that the older game has aged.

Games are not "true" or "false", they are "good" or "bad", which are not concrete terms with any fixed definition.

It's pretty amazing that you don't know. Saying bullshit, which is coincidentally untrue in this case, such as "Confirmed as retarded who cares more about media and other people's opinions than the games' mechanics themselves" is in fact ad hominem.

It's pretty funny how you keep arguing about opinions despite being wrong on every fact so far. Thanks, you are legit making me chuckle during a nice evening watching youtube.

>> No.4981517

The emulator is basically a collection of patches and fixes for popular games running over the rest of the code. Lesser loved games don't get the same attention, and the base code would need to be improved to make them better.

>> No.4981521

I never experienced this with PJ64, although I've heard this before. I must have taken a break when this all went down.

>> No.4981523
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, 1497550026577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insults are logical inferences now

>> No.4981524

man mario really aged, i mean there's like 100 better games with the concept, right?

>> No.4981525


I'm the guy you think you're replying to. The guy you're quoting isn't me, and it's pretty obvious there's at least two guys against the aging word and three for.

>> No.4981526

Who cares about newer games.

>> No.4981527

>which are not concrete terms with any fixed definition
Same can be said about any term, are you mentally injured?

>> No.4981528 [DELETED] 

mario unironically did age and only boomers still defend him

>> No.4981529

He hasn't been around for a while, sadly.

>> No.4981530


Depends on which Mario game. There's certainly better games than Mario Bros, such as Joust.

>> No.4981537

It's more of a metaphor than an actual literal aging. Don't consider this as taking sides either. I think it's overused and we should think of better ways to talk about games. Yet I also think it's pointless to debate it for more than one or two posts in a thread made about an entirely different topic.

>> No.4981540

name 1 mario game that's actually good and not just nostalgia

>> No.4981542

Remember, according to a recent poll, the 70% of this boards feels nostalgic for games from 2001 and later. So you can safely conclude that most of the
>x game aged badly retards
didn't grow up with said games, and that's why they feel the need to compare everything with the later stuff they're more familiar with.

>> No.4981547

There are, but they'e larger than 32kB.

It's often obvious what's copied and pasted to save memory and it can be very jarring.

>> No.4981552

"Good" is totally subjective. In my personal subjective opinion Super Mario Bros is good. There is some nostalgia involved because I've been playing it since I was fucking 2 years old. But I still have fun playing it which is in my book the only qualification a game needs to be "good." I've played it hundreds of times and still think it's fun. I can't say that about every game I ever enjoyed.

>> No.4981553
File: 6 KB, 201x216, 119nq1h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'd just shit on any mario game he'd mention anyway

>> No.4981557


>> No.4981558

Donkey Kong Picnic

>> No.4981559

I think some game-specific hacks were removed over-time.

>> No.4981560

>I think it's overused and we should think of better ways to talk about games
I disagree. Games for sure do age. Yes, an idiot who is uninvested in a game and quits after five minutes cause "the game aged" yet he can't explain how should be outed and memed into extinction, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be able to talk about games that actually have aged.

I also think this is an important topic for this board for the above problem highlighted AND this is a problem that is impossible to talk about in its own thread because the retards who scream that GAMES DON'T AGEAAAAAAAAAAA don't come out of the woodwork unless they think its safe to threadshit.

I mean, I get that you don't like it, but I'm just one for one outing how this guy is wrong while explaining my opinion as complete as I can and he clearly can't stand it. If he wasn't a /v/ troll, he'd just stop. In every thread, not just this one.

>> No.4981561

People do say movies age. Human perception is relative and context matters.

>> No.4981563

Your entire argument is bullshit. All you do is say "yeah better games came out" and pretend like that's aging.

>> No.4981565

define aging without mentioning that something doing the same concept is better

>> No.4981574

I can't personally understand that because I grew up with both. Older gen games were a part of my very early childhood. I was in elementary school during the 16 bit era and I absolutely loved it. I was already nostalgic for it when the 32 bit era hit. I used emulators for the first time when I was in middle school. I enjoyed the 32 bit games and was excited to get new ones, but I still went back to play my favorites from before. Then when the next gen came around by the time I was in high school I was hyped for all the newest games, of course I am feel nostalgia for some of those today. But I wasn't comparing my old games to the new ones. I was playing them on emulators on my xbox and dreamcast alongside all the new titles. I still think the NES games I played before I even knew how to read are fun despite having experienced everything console gaming has to offer up to 360/PS3 in my childhood. Muh graphics is the ultimate pleb argument when it comes to gaming.

>> No.4981603

>"Games Age"
What do they mean by this? Games can't change over time.
>"They don't literally age you fucking autist it's about your perception, getting used to more modern solutions usually makes older games seem dated"
But this is a board full of people literally living in the past, surely a big % of posters being more familiar with older trends than modern ones doesn't seem too weird, right? Why don't you just say you got too spoiled by modern games to be able to enjoy this particular experience?
Ok, but you understand that presenting a subjective opinion that derives from your personal experiences as a sort of objective fact, in a board wich such diverse userbase is pointless, right? There's people that grew up with older games, forgot about them and then went back, people that never stopped playing retro, people that never got into modern games that much, younger kids being curious about the past... In this context, the sentence "x game aged poorly" doesn't really provide any useful information. Other than that you, personally, couldn't get into it.

>> No.4981606

Nobody is going to read all that. Give it a rest bro.

>> No.4981610
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>> No.4981613

I believe some games and mechanics transcend their generation and others don't. This can be chalked up to ignorance/preference or whatever rather than needing a term, but people have chosen "age" for it. Tank controls in games like RE/AitD/Tenchu are an example of mechanics I feel have aged poorly. At the time when I hadn't experienced what I would consider to be better controls, I was content with holding left on the d-pad to slowly turn a direction. Now that I've experienced strafing and introduced another button to turn at the same time, I feel like "tank controls" have "aged poorly" and those games would be better with a more modern control scheme.

I'm not here to convince you of anything, but that's the best way I can explain the term in a sensible manner. If you think its stupid, that's cool. I have no horse in this really awkward race you guys have going.

>> No.4981614


>> No.4981615

holy shit please keep your posts to a single paragraph minimum, i'm NOT gonna read all that

>> No.4981630

>more than 5 words

>> No.4981635

>goes to a place he wasn't invited to and exclaims he doesn't want to be there

Haha wtf are you doing?

>> No.4981637

>Haha wtf are you doing?
going to a place i wasn't invited to and exclaiming i don't want to be there

>> No.4981647

Nice bullshit strawman pic. Adolf did not have any actual plans for "gas chambers" nor did he see all non-whites as mere disposable cattle. True, he was no believer in racial equality and avidly read the Ostara pamphlets. Just because someone doesn't want to mix racially doesn't automatically mean they are egomaniacs or meglomaniacs.

>> No.4981649

>literally defending hitler
epic, simply epic

>> No.4981650

>see OP thread
>I remembered that the first time I used this emulator was in 2005
>take a look at clock
>13 years have passed

Jesus, what have i done with my life...

>> No.4981654

The main dev decided to remove the malware and stop being such an asshole about his program. Then a couple years ago he used some adware-injected installer that he finally got rid of, and claimed that he didn't know it would install anything else.

He was just a dumbass for a few, about fifteen years.

>> No.4981683

you aged poorly

>> No.4981792

What the fuck are you guys talking about?

Ultra low poly sub 15 fps single stick 3D platformers with literal textured boxes for levels are still incredibly fun to play nowadays and didn't age at all. But to be fair though you need to have a fairly high IQ to truly appreciate their greatness. Plebs please go back to your 2018 games.

>> No.4981794

Holy shit. Are you just now becoming aware of the concept of "opinion"?

I'll say that Space Invaders has aged very well. In the passing of time, even though new games came out and expanded on the core mechanics of Space Invader, the original game itself remains a refined and distilled experience. Space Invader doesn't need better graphics, sound, particle effects or any other gimmicks. It's aged damn well. Just as fun now as it was then. Damn near ever Namco classic is like that. Add all the new shit to Pac-Man you want, the original is still as legit as it always was.

the original Tomb Raider has aged like shit. What was once novel about that game is now abysmal. It's a relic to be looked back on as a part of video game history but as a fun game to play? Hell no. I loved it back then though. Over time its flaws become too glaring and it doesn't offer anything beneath the surface once its shininess wears off.

>> No.4981797

>In this context, the sentence "x game aged poorly" doesn't really provide any useful information. Other than that you, personally, couldn't get into it.
Idiot. NEWS FLASH ! Opinions are opinions!
Holy shit and you only needed a thousand words and a diagram to grasp the concept

>> No.4981850

It's not an opinion you fucking retard. Still don't get it?
>The controls feel clunky
Is an opinion.
>The devel design is lacking
Is an opinion.
>The mechanics are not fun
Is an opinion.

You're giving your opinion about things that can be measured and rated by everyone under the same conditions. Now
>this game aged poorly
Doesn't fucking mean anything because it depends entirely of your special snowflake experiences.

>> No.4981946

Sticking to just /vr/ off the top of my head

>All Stars SMB1 and SMB2
>Yoshi's Island
>Paper Mario

>> No.4982186

RPG has aged poorly.

>> No.4982190

the aging meme aged poorly

>> No.4982198

It's been part of the popular lexicon for a long time, sweaty.


>> No.4982213

Many games were made with novelty gimmicks in mind, and over time the game has lost its novelty and doesn't have the quality gameplay or writing to back it up. Fifth gen games used such novelties as 3D graphics, full-motion video, and voice acting, which are no longer impressive and in many cases serve as negatives against those games (ugly 3D, poorly-acted FMV, cheesy/annoying voice clips). As those games have aged, the novelties that made those games successful now work against them. Many 3D games from the 90s were seen as huge graphical upgrades at the time, but now that the novelty of 3D graphics has worn off, it can be seen that a lot of them are actually uglier than their 2D predecessors.

>> No.4982547

>Doesn't fucking mean anything because it depends entirely of your special snowflake experiences.
Assuming that most people have been alive and playing games in the same time frame, it's not some esoteric concept. You're just so firmly planted on the spectrum that you are unable to grasp that. No one else has an issue with this but you.

>> No.4983439

Because you're using redundant plugins.
They don't but they do evolve and the older ones become redundant when newer, better, more rewarding and satisfying ones replace them.
If this wasn't the case we'd all still be playing magnavox odyssey and atari 2600 exclusively.

>> No.4983486

Ever noticed Americans occasionally say shit like "oldie but goodie", as if something old is by definition bad so they have to specify it isn't. Their whole hivemind society grew into setting up this idea so much it affected their language and ensuing figures of speech. If you approach them and say "old thing = bad", they'd probably reply with "duh, water = wet".

>> No.4983712

And I already explained why this isn't the case.

Also I'm far from the only person that has a problem with the aging idea, there's more people against you than your single imaginary boogeyman.

>> No.4983854

You haven't explained a damn thing other than your inability to understand concepts but in the most literal sense. NO a game doesn't age the same way as, say, a banana. The code of the game doesn't alter and rot over time, but the impressions and ultimately the potential for sustained enjoyment does. Not all "bad" games seemed bad at the time.
Maybe they were as good as one could expect at that point but could be improved.
Maybe the gimmick employed was still new and fresh.
Maybe just the general fads and zeitgeist of the era made the game too much a product of its time.

OF COURSE it's all opinion. Some think Mario 64 is too outdated to enjoy. they see it as a prototype for better games that came after. Other think Mario 64 is timeless and perfect forever and always. there is no way to objectively quantify these things that boil down to " I like it" or not.

Either way, games age. Sorry.
The fact you (and theoretically other idiots like yourself) can't cope with that is your own malfunction. Take a pill. Better yet take a whole bottle.

>> No.4983858

Oh yeah, that hivemind that hates every other part of itself? the hivemind that will deny itself basic happiness as long as it ensures that *group they dont like* also suffers?
Read a book.

>> No.4983942

>not adressing any of my points
>same strawmanning
>same dumb namecalling
>still don't get it
I'm done arguing with an autist that lacks any kind of self awareness, you won champ.

Yes I totally mean that the code of the game can't get old duuuur duuur why do you think games age I mean they physically can't duuuur I'm dumb.

>> No.4983997

I like how you two can't agree on how to hate on America by saying completely opposite statements and are now insulting each other.

>> No.4984015

I like how you missed the point. I was pointing out how calling America a "hivemind society" was about the most retarded thing ever.

>> No.4984030

You keep saying you made points but you haven't. You have never made a single point.

I only made the banana comment because the one counter you tend to try to come up with is basically that the game doesn't change, only the perception of the game.
Which is a baffling argument to try to make in terms of being AGAINST games aging because that is literally the entire concept. YES the perception of the game in retrospect has changed. That's is exactly what we're saying.
But when talking about a game, you're not talking about a physical object. You're talking about an experience and the lasting impressions of those experiences. Other experiences come along and flavor your entire outlook so now that older game that once seemed amazing seems a bit diminished.
So you DO get what people mean by games aging, but you're still too much of a fucking autist --literally an autist, unable to relate to how normal human beings think-- to come to grips with it.

>> No.4984042

>people say Project 64 was malware
>haven't used it in months
>scan computer with malwarebytes
>no results


>> No.4984340

I'm not the boogeyman you seem to have confused me with. Newflash you've discussed this thing with more than one poster! My first post in this thread was >>4981603 and you conveniently ignored the part about every fucking poster here having a different background, making le aged poorly meme pointless. Because it relies on everyone being an active modern gamer that stopped being familiar with older stuff. If you're too obtuse to understand that niche communities are different from "everyone in the world" then that's not my problem, you don't need to be a passive agressive cunt about it.

>> No.4984347

Your standards lowered.

>> No.4984485


Different background? What "different background" would apply to the concept of games aging? If a person never ever played a single video game since 1990 then they wouldn't even MAKE the "game aged" observation because they would have no context.
It'd be like a person who never drove talking about old muscle cars vs new.

In the same vein, why would someone being familiar with old stuff mean they would be incapable of feeling a game aged? Talk about boogeymen! You seem to be afraid of someone descending from the sky who never played a video game older than 6th gen making a comment about a game aging. If they can't explain their opinion then they are talking out of their ass, but even if they are that's all it is. An opinion.
This mean ol' bully who says "the game didn't age well" like it was an objective fact! THE HORROR!
Fucking boogeyman right there, you spaz.

And no argument you could possibly make is valid as long as you are a sane, rational person who is capable of seeing words and gleaning meaning from them. You know damn well what people mean when they say a game didn't age well. If you don't, if them saying that just blows your goddamned mind, then you need to just accept that you have some kind of mental condition.

You don't have to agree. You can think that every game ever is just as good or bad as it ever was regardless of context or reference to what came after. Wonderful. Realize that, what do you know, not everybody is from the same background and will certainly have a different opinion on the matter. And that's a fact.

>> No.4984515

> Adults are talking, go play
> /vr/
> adults
yeah, you really need to leave.

>> No.4984743

Even if the shitware is gone, I'd never trust this crappy emulator again. Mugen runs Paper Mario without that weird flickering background I always got with Project64, so I don't have any reason to change. How can you install a program knowing it's been intentionally installing adware for over a decade?

>> No.4985226

If games don't age then why do I prefer playing Wasteland 2 over Fallout 2? Could it be that potentially quality of life improvements happen over time and make older designs look antiquated and problematic. To say that games can't age is to say that Wolfenstein 3D is still just a fun as the day it came out and that's just literally not true. Ever since Doom came out Wolfenstein immediately felt dated. The idea that new ideas down the road can't over shadow old ones you use to think where good is like implying there's no improvement in the medium at all and that's just not true.

>> No.4985229

God shut up.