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4973447 No.4973447 [Reply] [Original]

>responsible for the game that saved the company
>produces hit after hit including many of the most influential RPG ever made
>thrown out to the curb after one (1) flop

I can't be the only one who finds this pretty fucked

>> No.4973502
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Yeah, but Final Fantasy is still huge because people care more about brands than the people behind media.

>> No.4973509

Welcome to the Japanese corporate system.

>> No.4973529

He wanted to leave for a while since taking a backseat in doing anything after FFV, the Enix reshuffle was an excuse and the Spirit's Within was Sony's loss not Square's

>> No.4973608

To be fair, that flop almost destroyed the entire company and ruined Squaresoft forever.

>> No.4973614

would have been good riddance if it had desu, a new company would have been better than the shit they do now

>> No.4973628

And how expensive was this flop exactly?

>> No.4973647

What's the flop in question?

>> No.4973654

To Square-Enix's credit they've done a good job at delivering high-production-value spectacle and pandering to their (now very large) audience.

>> No.4973656

Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

>> No.4973721

To be fair, it was a pretty big flop, although its effect on the company's fortunes is exaggerated. He didn't leave immediately either, though he was increasingly sidelined by Wada and the others calling for the merger.
He was the soul of the company though, and his absence is very much felt, not just on Final Fantasy.

>> No.4973730

About 140 million, in 1998 dollars.

>> No.4973758

and that guy made for the comapny around 400 million in 1998 dollars

>> No.4973806

I've only played 13 and very much enjoyed it. Should I try 12?

>> No.4973818

Ok, if what you mean by that is pretty trash, then sure...

>> No.4973821

inb4 those faggots come in that bitch about Sakaguchi not being a dev for a majority of the games and more a producer.

He's arguably the greatest producer of all time, giving the teams the freedom to do whatever they wanted and experiment, often stressing the need to explore ideas outside of the Final Fantasy brand.

>> No.4973827

The bunch of Silicon Graphics computers and render farm in Hawaii they bought to produce FF7 cost 120 Million in total alone, put in everything else that went into it I doubt they made any profit margin on FF7 until they starting living off the name 2003-2005

>> No.4973841

The computers continued existing. They definitely made a decent gross (but no net 4 u :^)

>> No.4973849

>>responsible for the game that saved the company
No, he was PART of the team the created said game and did basically nothing on it but give some vague ideas while the rest of the team actually worked.
Not to mention how the franchise went to utter shit the moment the team disbanded and he was given free reign.
>>produces hit after hit
See above, most of the times he just put his name on the stuff he produced without having any involvement, mostly because he was the one calling the shots on the company so it's not like there was much choice.
>many of the most influential RPG ever made
Such as? Final Fantasy?
The most casual and entry level JRPG series there is? Big deal.
>>thrown out to the curb after one (1) flop
First off, he resigned of his own volition, secondly, said flop flattened his entire company, and he repeated that feat with his second company as well, showing how much of a hack he is, literally japanese John Romero.

Mistwalker proved time and again how nobody cared about his shit because it didn't have the power of the Final Fantasy name behind it to propel the inherent mediocrity of the products, and it also proved how fickle the casual audience is at the same time as to disregard the very same product under a different name.

>> No.4973889

Which flop are you referring to?

>> No.4973891

>The most casual and entry level JRPG series there is? Big deal.
So, you're position on the matter is that Final Fantasy is not a big deal?

>> No.4973895

As a producer he created a great environment for creativity. Yes sometimes producers get too much credit but we shouldn't just immediately bitch about them because of the label "producer". There's a reason that after he left the innovative, warm spirit of Square felt crushed.

>> No.4974070

It's as big of a deal as your average Madden.
A mediocre cashcow made to sustain a company, Square's actual talent always lied elsewhere.
>As a producer he created a great environment for creativity.
Oh yeah, syphoning all money and staff to his pet projects while also refusing to do some basic company management sure helped with Square's creativity and environment.
What a coincidence that most of Square's actual talent left the company while Sakaguchi was still in it, and what a coincidence that now that he can't make other actually talented people do all the work for him he's reduced to irrelevance.
If Sakaguchi were truly that good at creating such a great environment for creativity he wouldn't have sinked two companies, he wouldn't be reduced as a joke even among mobile producers, he has always been a pretty figurehead with an inflated ego, he's utterly incapable both as producer and director, let alone as game designer.
>the innovative, warm spirit of Square felt crushed.
What innovative spirit are you referring to exactly?
The innovative spirit that lead them to create mediocre games like Tobal or Bushido Blade in a poorly thought out attempt to dig into the fighting game genre?
The innovative spirit that lead them to buy out Quest and make a hastily rebranded Tactics Ogre game with a FF skin?
The innovative spirit that turned PE in a Resident Evil clone?
The innovative spirit that delivered so many poorly put together or straight up unfinished games such as Vagrant Story?

They're still doing all those things you know? Arguably, they're doing all of them better nowadays, especially if you consider how successful some of their new brands are, not to mention how they also have a functional western branch with big names such as Tomb Raider.
Not like I expect this echochamber of a board to acknowledge it though, you people love to smother yourself in your fictional past created by marketing and nostalgia glasses.

>> No.4974086

12's battle system is hit or miss with people, but if you like optional bosses and side content, it has it in spades. Huge world, huge dungeons, probably the biggest FF game overall ignoring the online ones. Get the International Zodiac Job System edition no matter what, it's a huge, huge improvement.

Personally, I really enjoyed it.

>> No.4974151

True story

>> No.4974160

Calm down, Wada. The Gooch was one of the top producers of the 90s.
>Tobol or Bushido Blade
3/10 bait
Tactics is fantastic.
PE 2 was better than PE.
Vagrant Story was a revelation.
And you're a furiously autistic faggot.
Lol, stay mad.
Also, Racing Lagoon.

>> No.4974189

fuck outta here bushido blade whips ass

>> No.4974493

That "1 flop" destroyed the company. That's why they had to merge and everybody left to join or create other studios, leaving behind Tetsuya Nomura and a dumpster fire that's still burning to this day called "Square Enix".
At any rate he continued to make games post square co so there's no reason to cry about it.

>> No.4974508

To be fair, as someone who wat hed said flop when it came out, it really wasnt 10 biggest anime flops material, if it had come out on video it would have done jist as well as Advent Children did. Slower and less teenage anime fan bait but actually a feature film from beginning to end unlike that overlong game cutscene.

>> No.4974510

I always distrust posts that write a bible on how something everyone likes is bad

>> No.4974530

Similar thing happened to Gunpei Yokoi after the Virtual Boy flopped. The genius behind the Game Boy, the d-pad, Metroid, Game & Watch, and the head of R&D1. He was later killed by Yakuza in an apparent road “accident”.

>> No.4974531

>Vagrant Story
>poorly put together
The fuck outta here. Tobal 2 and Bushido Blade are fantastic.

>> No.4974537

If that rumor even it true, then he got killed for something completely unrelated to a lame ass gadget. The Yakuza doesn't give a rats ass about console shit, only pachinko.

>> No.4974558

The point is, Nintendo contracted Yakuza to put a hit on Yokoi after he brought international dishonor on the company. They have strong links to Kyoto Yakuza that go back to the 1890s.

>> No.4974560

Yea that's what Im saying: it's all bullshit.

>> No.4974567

I'm pretty sure every Japanese company has had ties with the Yakuza one way or another, I think Sega did at one point

>> No.4974682

What I mean by that is they have done things like amp up sex appeal and fashion-type stuff. Call it trash if it makes you feel better.

>> No.4974864

Is that how they got away with making the yakuza games

>> No.4974876


Yeah OP...but look at the fact that SE has gone to complete shit with his departure.

>> No.4974878

jc did Sakaguchi murder your family? Calm down nigga like wtf

>> No.4974903

I'm going to add to the chorus:
>Bushido Blade
The world would be a better place if fighting games took the risks that BB did (gun-guy not included).

>> No.4974905

Octopath Traveler's been good.

>> No.4974975

>Game Boy,

>> No.4974993

He wasn't thrown to the curb, he left since he wasn't seeing eye-to-eye with Wada and the shareholders.

Background: partway during the PS1 era, Square's shareholders ousted Prez Mizuno since they're, well... bloodsucking morons with no long term vision. (Being shareholders, they only want short term profits.)

Mizuno was briefly replace by some brownoser whose name I forgot since he wasn't memorable anyways. Prez Brownoser still had a real strong faith in FF and Sakaguchi, despite having chased away other talent during this tenure. The Planet Express intelligence level shareholders got fucking pissed that expectations weren't being met, both before and after the Spirits Within.

And so, the shareholders decided to bring in Wada to the top spot. Wada is absolutely clueless about the game industry, his experience up to that point was in banking. Being a soulless number cruncher was enough to make him reliable in the eyes of the shareholders, even if he went on to chase away more staff. Sakaguchi included.

If you noticed, after his leave from the company, Sakaguchi never appeared to promote the FF series alongside Square. He only recently began appearing in joint events and interviews alongside current series staff after Wada vacated the position and Matsuda took charge.

I wouldn't be surprised if Matsuda has been trying to repair some of Wada's damage, at least in regards to improving relations with the veteran staff that got chased away during that era.

>> No.4975003

>Call it trash if it makes you feel better.
It's just calling a rose a rose. Not everyone is a manchild with a CG waifu.
And you're delusional if you think FF's audience in the 90s was small.

It's basically Avatar with less explosions. Had Sakaguchi put in more action scenes it may have been a hit.

>> No.4975005

They straight up interviewed actual gangsters when talking about the game lol

>> No.4975079

Yes. He led the team and without his design philosophy (枯れた技術の水平思考) the Game Boy would never have happened.

>> No.4975330

Tobal is mediocre in both its RPG and FG elements, Bushido Blade is a shitty Samsho expy with garbage systems that have no place in a FG, both bombed and were rightfully forgotten.
>Tactics is fantastic.
Tactics is a mediocre, castrated TO clone.
>PE 2 was better than PE.
It wasn't, it was a mediocre RE clone without an ounce of the ideas behind the original.
>Vagrant Story was a revelation.
Yeah, maybe in completely fucked up mechanics and a butchered story, otherwise it was an impressing tech demo and if it did receive the development time and resources it deserved it might have actually been a fantastic game, too bad it didn't and ended up a hot mess.
>Also, Racing Lagoon.
Which was produced and directed by Akitoshi Kawazu, Sakaguchi had literally nothing to do with it.
I don't care about a failed businessman, I just don't like this place's hypocrisy, the adoration of a man who can't design a card game to save his ass and sinked two companies, or the "golden age" of Square being any better than current age Squenix, it's literally all corporate nostalgiafagging of the worst degree and it disappoints me it happens on this board of all places.
>at least in regards to improving relations with the veteran staff that got chased away during that era.
They're only using Sakaguchi as a figurehead to keep on stabilizing the FF brand again, they've made no effort in reconnecting to all the staff that left the company, especially since many of those aren't in the industry anymore.
Did you see them asking Ishii to work or comment on the Seiken Densetsu remasters, the franchise he created?
Yoshiro Kimura left the company in the mid 90's and they never bothered with him, another veteran, Kyoji Koizumi, also left in the mid 00's to make his own JRPGs and you know who's working for? Fu-Ryu.

>> No.4975467


>produces hit after hit including many of the most influential RPG ever made

From a creative standpoint yes. From a business one no. Sadly a lot of those games that we loved just did not sell that well. Xenogears and Chrono Cross being an example.

>thrown out to the curb after one (1) flop

Businesses need to take risks, well they did more of that then but pretty much never now. But the point is that movie was going way too far.

>> No.4975545

>copy a dumbed down clone of Ultima 1 (ONE)
>savior of the industry

>> No.4975575

Tactics Ogre is great too, and calling FFT a "clone" is rather misleading since Matsuno created both. Normally you call a game a "clone" when it's a (usually cheap) rip-off of someone else's game.

And frankly we could use more Final Fantasy Tactics clones. That kind of 3D tactical game is apparently hard to clone and implement well because hardly anybody even tries. In fact Disgaea is the only fantasy RPG I can think of off the top of my head that even tries it. Valkyria Chronicles does have interesting 3D maps but that's a very different style of game.

Most tactics games go with a "mostly 2D" style of map with obstacles and maybe some minor terrain features and elevation. Shining Force and Fire Emblem are two good examples.

The other thing that Tactics Ogre and FFT both do that I much prefer for Tactical RPG style of combat is use a counter for each unit, where each individual unit takes a turn in order. Most tactical games use a round-based system where orders are given to all units at the beginning of the round then the entire round plays out (often this is divided into phases and each side takes turns having initiative). I find the round-based system (with phases or not) to be far more cumbersome than the elegant unit-oriented system, especially for RPGs that are attempting to simulate hand-to-hand combat between individuals rather than a military-style tactics game where you actually are issuing orders to troops.

>> No.4975578

>a man who can't design a card game to save his ass and sinked two companies
As opposed to you, you doesn't hasn't done shit other than make contrarian assertions on 4chan.

>> No.4975812

A flop so huge that the only way to survive it was to merge with their main competitor.

>> No.4975835

the irony of Cliffy B telling someone they made a huge flop and they're fired is fantastic

>> No.4975969

>Yoshiro Kimura
lmao dude he was a bit-player at Square alongside the other Love-de-Lic guys, he only worked on Romancing SaGa 2 & 3 and the most he contributed was the light bulb system. Why would they ask a guy who barely did anything of note at their company? jc this is random cherry-picking
>Kyoji Koizumi
Who? You mean the guy who did Legend of Legacy? Why would he be of note at all?

You could've mentioned someone who mattered, like Tokita or Kato, geez.

inb4 this is some disgruntled SaGa fag who fellates Kawazu and hates Sakaguchi purely out of insecurity (which it probably is).

>> No.4975990

>PE 2 is better than PE
Top kek, NOPE.

>> No.4975998
File: 22 KB, 425x234, Rmns2box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who? You mean the guy who did Legend of Legacy? Why would he be of note at all?
He was the director for several SaGa games starting with Romancing 2.

>> No.4976119

>>thrown out to the curb after one (1) flop

That flop was the fucking film, which is one of the biggest box office bombs of ALL TIME, and nearly bankrupted the company. It's like they took all the money they made on FF7-9, put it into a boat, and set it alight. That puts everything into perspective.

Literally if they had just made a 10 million dollar 2D anime film, it would have been profitable and better liked. None of this uncanny valley nonsense, slow plot, and nonsense Japanese nothing ness.

>> No.4976186

>Muh contrarianism
>Waaaaah how dare you not suck the cock of a man who nearly killed two companies
>You could've mentioned someone who mattered, like Tokita or Kato
Literally who cares about either? Tokita is doing nothing since nearly two decades now while Kato is nothing but a scenario writer whose only accomplishment is pissing off trigger niggers, they're both less relevant to the industry than people like Kimura.
>Why would he be of note at all?
Because he's actually one of the veteran designers for the company who is still working to this day, unlike Tokita?

But since you mention him, yes, Kawazu is ten times the producer, designer and director than Sakaguchi, though admittedly, it doesn't take much, it would be like comparing Shinji Mikami to Keiji Inafune, one is an actual game designer and director, the other is a big mouthed pencil pusher who likes to talk about how he owns the work of other people, and look at how both Inafune and Sakaguchi are now washed up nobodies who can't even compete in the mobile market, such a coincidence, isn't it?

>> No.4976216

You are a gossiping hen with no credibility.

>> No.4976225

pretty much this.

off the top of my head metal gear is one of the few examples i can think of where it's not the case

>> No.4976361

See again you’re getting a rage-boner over the producer role. The difference is that Inafune is a hack while Sakaguchi was a producer who used his position to give the game devs more freedom.

>> No.4976367

A lot of the profits off those also went into rushed, half finished projects. The management at SS had no fucking idea what to do with their money and a lot of their projects were suffering thanks to lack of oversight and extreme overreach.

>> No.4976519
File: 634 KB, 1600x1213, NOTBOXGUNDAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're saying trying to repeat the success of this library was a bad idea ?

>The Last Story
>Blue Dragon
>Lost Odyssey

Sakaguchi, did nothing, wrong...

>> No.4976661

I don't know man, almost everyone besides of the hysteric in this thread thinks those projects were a success. Mind giving examples?

>> No.4976714

Take a look at how many games between the release of VII and the company folding happened. Then take note that while some of those did huge numbers for the time, most of the releases could barely crack 500k world wide, let alone japan (localizing is further dev cost).

The movie is no doubt the big reason, you can see the real impact towards the end, but if they had scaled back some of their projects they may have been able to ride that later success with kingdom hearts and XI

>> No.4976778


They merely published it. You have to look pretty fucking hard to find quality in anything they've developed since the merger, I've heard the working conditions and deadlines are ridiculous but still.

>> No.4976782

Oh well, we got Lost Odyssey, the best final fantasy, from it.

>> No.4976796

Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within


>> No.4976806

i respect everything he's done, but after lost odyssey, he hasn't put anything of real interest outside of the terra battle series of mobile games, of which the second is terrible, and the upcoming one just looks worse.

>> No.4976939

I consider 13 to be one of the worst so if you like that game then you will like the rest.

>> No.4976945

At this point we were talking about if the games were good themselves, not if they made money. Pay attention man lol

>> No.4976959

If by "one flop" you mean The Spirits Within, then you have to consider that it is not just a flop, it was literally one of the biggest flops in history, so I can understand why they were none too pleased with him. I didn't think it was even a bad movie personally, but there was absolutely no way it was going to make back that enormous budget so it would have been doomed to failure even if it was the most critically praised movie of all time.

I like the guy though. Honestly it might have been for the best, because for the past decade he's been making all these comfy little games for Mistwalker and they always give me a highly pleasant gaming experience.

>> No.4977230

I sure see how that worked out for Xenogears, Vagrant Story or pretty much anything that wasn't Final Fantasy, no wonder he drove off a lot of people from the company during the mid 90's and eventually nearly killed his own company as well.
But I guess Sakaguchi was truly a saint that did no wrong, all those magazines told me so.
>almost everyone besides of the hysteric in this thread thinks those projects were a success.
Oh yeah, the beloved classics such as Tobal 2 and Chocobo Dungeon, such magnificent games still played and remembered to this day by millions of people.
They're old games of "Square's golden era" so they must be good, and of course, Squenix only made horrible games since the merger, right?
It's amazing how you people bash Squenix for doing the same exact thing as old Squaresoft and glorify things like Vagrant Story, a broken, unfinished mess and a third of the game it was supposed to be, nostalgia is one hell of a drug.

>> No.4977697

If anything, Final Fantasy I rips off Dragon Quest III.

>> No.4977710


>> No.4977715

A lot of companies up until the end of the sixth gen engaged in risk taking. They basically tried there hand at a lot of genres. Had Sakaguchi not been there I don't think it would have been any different. Not trying to discredit the man mind you.

As far as I know the reason why Square lost a lot of talent is because they wanted to focus more on Final Fantasy, leaving no room for much of anything else apart from what was selling. (SaGa, Mana, Kingdom Hearts and Front Mission.) Now in 2018 you can exclude Mana and Front Mission from that list.

Square took risks and they didn't pay off and it's a damn shame.

>> No.4977725

Are you frustrated?

>> No.4977726

Classics like Einhänder, Parasite Eve, Bushido Blade and Brave Fencer came from that era. So yeah, it did pay off.

>> No.4977727

>which is one of the biggest box office bombs of ALL TIME

> In March 2012 CNBC considered it to be the 9th biggest box office bomb,[45] though Time's list of the ten biggest box office failures, which was released on the same day, did not include the film.[46]

>> No.4977739

Yes it paid off creatively just not financially. Which is why I said it's a shame because had they done well financially as well we would have seen more of them.

>> No.4977952

If Square doesn't rebuild Parasite Eve and Front Mission and maybe even BFM and Einhander, they will become bait for Western studios...then the fans will really be mad.

>> No.4978047

I only started playing old Squaresoft games in my adult years. There's no nostalgia here

>> No.4978259

>interprets "improving relations" as needing to rehire ex-staff.

English motherfucker, do you speak it?

>> No.4978365

Nobody considers any of those classics, outside of maybe Einhander I guess, they were curiosities at best.
It didn't help that Square didn't release most of those in EU either.
Many games did not pay off financially because Square didn't have any intention of making them big in the first place, this got especially worse during the fifth gen when the company started to focus even more on the FF brand and made everything else play second fiddle to those, you can check the Bamberger marketing files for that.
This as you said eventually left a lot of the staff disgruntled with the company, especially when all projects outside of FF were chronically axed mid development or given pitiful budgets and staff while FF was an ever growing behemot, a lot of Square's staff began migrating in the end 90's because of that, Front Mission especially lost most key staff (including the series' main composer Noriko Matsueda) in those years.

The great culling of classic Square IPs that began in the mid 00's was only the natural consequence of the bad management of the company that was ever present and was never, ever addressed.
People are very quick to blame Wada for this, truth is that Sakaguchi was the one who created this situation in the first place, as much as people don't want to admit it.
He was the one who pushed the company further into the FF pit, he was also the one who started to put FF into other properties as to expand the brand's name, not to mentioned that he was also the one who started to use FF as a platform for ad revenue from third parties with FFVII, so if you bitch an moan about FFXV's ingame Noodle Cup commercial you know who to blame for starting that trend.

Now that Matsuda reshuffled the exec board there's a lot of new blood that wants to recover those old IP, see the recent resurrection of Seiken Densetsu, SaGa and Front Mission, but outside of SaGa none of those IPs have any of the old staff behind them now.

>> No.4979062

>thrown out to the curb after one (1) flop
A 94 million flop.

>> No.4979393

You realize that these experimental games were budget titles? They weren't going to spend tons of money on something that hasn't been proven to be safe. Final Fantasy was obviously the big name game with the Square A-team that would get a lot of capital. And it isn't Sakaguchi's fault Xenogears got fucked during production, it was Takahashi's newbie sensibilities mixed with the game's extreme ambition that doomed it to not meet deadlines. Honestly Sakaguchi literally gave Takahashi a chance to bring his dreams come true yet it was under Takahashi's direction that the project became bogged down with its ambition.

>> No.4979435

He literally did nothing wrong/ Spirits Within was a pleb filter

>> No.4979436

They killed him because he was going to take his tech to another company. Thats why they gave him a window seat instead of just firing him in the first place, so he doesnt go anywhere else.

>> No.4979590

>You realize that these experimental games were budget titles?
Which experimental games are you talking about? Because Xenogears isn't experimental in the slightest and neither is stuff like BFM or Vagrant Story, and games like Vagrant Story weren't budget titles in any way you slice it either, same for Xenogears.

I guess things like Racing Lagoon or the SaGa games were experimental and in fact they did have low budget but even there both the Frontier games suffered from not having enough time and money, the first Frontier managed to meet the deadline at the cost of cutting out a lot of stuff while the second one had to work with half a team and use the other members on Legend of Mana because they weren't allotted more staff, which was again, bad management on Sakaguchi's part since he was the one who produced those games and also cracked down and syphoned away staff as he pleased, and curiously enough the only IP that never had those problems(and still managed to deliver unfinished games) was Final Fantasy.
>Honestly Sakaguchi literally gave Takahashi a chance to bring his dreams come true
Axing a project in mid development doesn't sound like giving a chance to me, especially when he did that to anything that wasn't Final Fantasy and instead drew plenty of staff and resources from other games to fuel FF, if Sakaguchi really were that great of a guy to Takahashi it doesn't really explain why he immediately left the company together with the project members after Xenogears, and he also wasn't the only one in the company to do that, again, the big exodus of the company's staff started in the late 90's under Sakaguchi.

But feel free to believe whatever you want, after all if you choose to believe that the man who repeatedly showed his incompetence in not one but two companies was a literal saint who did no wrong I can't really bother, fanboys are what they are at the end of the day.

>> No.4980343

Not him or even really agreeing with his general point, but he is responding to a post that called the "projects a success" and it's reasonable to cite sales and popularity in that context.

>> No.4980349

Bushido Blade is admired by nearly anyone familiar with it.

>> No.4980406

Spirits Within was more than a flop, it almost killed the company. I love Sakaguchi but I would have kicked him out after that too.

>> No.4980461

Well I was the one who said the "projects were a success" and I was referring to creativity game.

>> No.4980465

I give up this guy is insane and probably fellates Kawazu.

>> No.4980474

>big exodus happened under Sakaguchi
No? It was mostly after the merger, and in fact a lot of people left after the merger + Sakaguchi leaving out of loyalty to him and the company's previous direction (i.e., Brownie Brown, Uematsu, the Mistwalker staff themselves, etc). Maybe Takahashi left because he threw a shit-fit that he wasn't able to make his ambitious JRPG with the limits that had been set? Xenogears in itself is as ambitious or more ambitious then a mainstream FF title at the time, he was crazy to think he could get away with it the first time around. And if you've seen interviews with Sakaguchi and Takahashi, you'll see there's no ill-will with each other and actually an admiration Takahashi has for Sakaguchi.

>> No.4980530

Sakaguchi looks like an evil Imperial Japanese officer

>> No.4980742

Nobody knows what really happened in Square's management. But one thing is definitely true,

They made great games once upon a time. In the end at least from my perspective that is what matters.

>> No.4980843

>after the merger
It started happening in the years leading up to the merger. You can read all about it on individual developer bio's on mobygames. They weren't stupid, they saw what was happening a mile off and started fleeing early.

>> No.4981427



Overambitious project that had potential but shit the bed because of time and a direct and his wife who both basically went insane trying to make the Japanese Dune.

Chrono Cross

"Hey kids! let's follow up a obscure little number called Radical Dreamers and make its ending the real ending to our most popular game outside of the flagship Final Fantasy!"

>> No.4981435

Radical Dreamerd should have come over to either the PS1 or Dreamcast.

>> No.4981451


Its only 3 hours long at best.

>> No.4981564

I'm glad we got Legend of Mana out of them at least. Chrono Cross, also. Those are some creative projects if I ever saw one.

>> No.4981609

I have 12 on PS4 and it's a great game. The original PS2 version was utterly broken -- everybody could do literally everything.