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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4975542 No.4975542 [Reply] [Original]

I feel those two didn't offer much in their respective timeline. Arcade equivalents of beat-em ups were superior, while PC offered better variety(strategy, simulation, non JRPG rpgs).
3th NES stood up nicely, as well as 5th/6th gen consoles. Today it's kind what "platform you want to play on" and lack of gameplay so whatever.

*Neglecting home budget and other factors, just comparing games.

>> No.4975569

>Arcade equivalents of beat-em ups were superior,
Yes, as everyone could buy an arcade machine instead of these shitty machines.

>> No.4975583

This is the most underage thread I've seen in my life, congratulations.

>> No.4975587

Bait or 15 yo, it's hard to say

>> No.4975597

It's the same zoomer that always makes these threads every day. If this board were about world history he would probably make a thread that goes a little something like "I feel like 9/11 wasn't really that big of an event." Gen Z kids have boomer brain and think every thought they think on subjects they are only slightly informed on is profound.

>> No.4975613

I'm so damn sick of these stupid "boomer" and "zoomer" buzzwords desu

>> No.4975620

If you don't like memes you can always visit a forum more suited to serious discussion. This wretched website still uses pepe the frog after beating it into the ground for more than a decade. We lived through the faggotry that was s** b**. Zoomer/boomer is tame and you sound like a quivering little bitch for complaining about it.

>> No.4975624

I don't have a problem with memes per se just that both of these reek of summerfaggotry

>> No.4975627

I've been on 4chan since '05. I just love it because it gives me a chance to trash all the children who just arrived here and also the 40+ year olds who came here because they think qanon is real.

>> No.4975656

You could buy PC.

>> No.4975662

Yeah, that's a great idea. Convince my parents to spend hundreds of dollars on a PC, graphics card upgrades, sound card upgrades... That was totally easier than convincing my dad to get me a Sega Genesis.

>> No.4975665

I made like 5 threads total on /vr. I don't even know about this zoomer/boomer thing, I visit whenever.

>"I feel like 9/11 wasn't really that big of an event."
I didn't say those consoles weren't infuential or affordable, just saying that when comparising games in 90-95' they don't give that extra ooompf in comparison with PC.

>> No.4975673

Yup, PC truly was the system with the most variety. You could play Adventure and Strategy games, American shovelware platformers, Doom, and the Doom clone, and the other Doom clone. Wew I truly wasted my childhood.

>> No.4975675

I don't think you really get it. Besides playing games what was there for an average home user to do with a decently powerful PC? How much would it cost? It's not like shit was around 98ish when the dialup got fast enough to load porno images in a reasonable amount of time and you could download some mp3s. Piracy was a thing but you had to be a bit more hardcore than your average torrent user today is to be into the BBS scene and that kinda shit. Most of us were children back then and didn't have the money to blow. Of course we'd all have souped up PCs with every game on it if we had the option. But we didn't. We grew up with these significantly cheaper and easier to use machines. We learned to love and appreciate them for what they were and what they still are.

>> No.4975678

That's why I wrote to neglect other factors in original post.

I remember, when I owned SNES, I would preffer PC or hanging around in arcades. Friends had Mega Drive and also preferred PC.

On the other hand, when it was 97 PC stopped to be cool for a moment. All the 3D exclusive games, and PC had shit besides RTS, not to mention still expensive.

>> No.4975689
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>american shovelware platfoerms
wasn't so bad with earthwormjim and aladin
of course, NES ans SNES were the kings of platformers

don't forget PC had games like picrel

>> No.4975695

lol yeah I was just thinking about my experiences with PC gaming in the 90s. I found the CDs that came bundled with my grandma's IBM Aptiva on archive.org


You'll have to excuse me but I wasn't exactly wowed by the world of PC gaming at the time.

>> No.4975710

Is this "consoles were a cheaper option" meme exclusively an American thing? First of all, you already had access to a PC unless your parents were some kind of weird luddites. It didn't have to be top of the line, but you'd still get a wide selection of games, because - piracy on PC was common as fuck. Where I lived, nobody bought legit games. On the contrary, buying a console was a significant expense that you'd have to convince your parents to indulge in, since it was strictly a "toy" compared to a PC, and games themselves could cost a ton. As far as I'm aware, it wasn't until PS1 that you started to see widespread, easily available copies of console games.
So yeah, console gaming definitely wasn't the budget option for my family back then, unless you wanted to own only a few games.

>> No.4975713
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>assmad zoomer detected

>> No.4975719

>he doesn't like JRPGs

>> No.4975723

I am American, nobody had a PC growing up. I had a couple, but they were horribly outdated by the time I got my hands on them. The first one was a Tandy 1000 with a huge collection of pirated games on 5 inch floppies. I got that in 94 or so. My dad couldn't figure out how to use DOS and I distinctly remember him typing "what the fuck" into the command prompt. I taught myself how to use it despite being 5 years old. I typed random commands out of a computer manual I couldn't even read until I figured out ones that worked. The start of a lifelong journey in computing!

Later in the 90s someone gave me a 386. It was filled with shitty educational games. There was Duke Nukem on it which kicked ass but it was a shareware version and you couldn't play through the whole thing. I was quite disappointed.

I never really got into PC gaming. I still don't really care much for it. When I finally got modern PCs I got into emulation and console piracy instead. More than anything I like to sit down in front of my TV and play a game instead of fucking around on a computer. Mods and shit like that are the only thing that really appeals to me about PC gaming. Having the very best graphics and spending shit tons of money on components to do so turns me off though. I play games to have fun not to stare at the visuals.

>> No.4975730

>you already had access to a PC unless your parents were some kind of weird luddites
Barely anyone had a PC unless their parents were engineers.

>> No.4975737

> 5 years old.
>I couldn't even read
welp that's late

>> No.4975740

They didn't really teach us that in Kindergarten. That was more of a 1st grade thing. But I learned how to read on my own shortly after that. When kids in my 1st grade class were sounding out words like "DUH-OG, DOG" I asked the teacher "can't you tell them to shut up, I'm trying to read?"

>> No.4975741
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These memes are forced as hell, stop associating me with the hendrix and dylan loving hippies god damn it

>> No.4975745

Don't worry, we would never assume you young dumb broke high school kids like good music.

>> No.4975750

I'm talking about these dumb underage idiots calling people in their 30s "boomers", actual boomers are in their 60s, were the hippies of the 60s and 70s and listened to those musicians

>> No.4975756

but the gen z children are called "zoomers", it's quite fitting since they actually think/act like boomers. Sadly their musical prowess leaves much to be desired though

>> No.4975765

Well that's interesting, since it was opposite for my childhood. Some of my earliest memories were going to my dad's workplace and playing DOS games, I particularly remember Dangerous Dave. I'd seen stuff like shareware Wolf3D on other people's computers and wanted more of that. Later on, I would go over to my cousins' house and play Mega Drive games, but they never left a big impression on me, and I never really feel nostalgia for them. But oh was I excited as fuck to get a PC. Some of the first games I got to play when we finally got a decent home computer were Prince of Persia and Prehistorik 2, and I loved them.

Ever since then, I didn't care about consoles at all until I got into emulation, I was a proper PC elitist. Browsing places like /vr/ was very unfamiliar to me since all the "childhood classics" were games I never played or even knew anyone who did (Zelda? What the fuck is that?). I suppose things could have been different if I ran across really great 16-bit games, but I don't regret the wide variety of computer stuff I got to have. Still got a lot of educating to do with Nintendo systems though.

>> No.4975767


30 year old boomer is just a meme you fucking zoomer

>> No.4975773

I'm aware that they act a lot like actual boomers but I find it surreal and enraging that they call me a "boomer" because I like Nintendo games, 90s anime and weird shit from the 80s like the Talking Heads and Devo

>> No.4975783

it's a lot better than the usual boomer bitching about "millennials" when they can't tell the difference between them and gen z. Like I don't remember dial up internet and fussing with a nintoaster to get it to work

>> No.4975798

Not American, and PCs (and Amigas) were more of a late teen/college age young adult thing, not something your dad would own unless he was really into computers or really needed it to do work related stuff.

>> No.4975840

You are a case of a younger person simply not understanding what gaming at the time would have been like to actually experience. Key word at the time. Its one of those things you would have had to live through to experience what it was like for yourself.

Really though to keep it short its just easier to say you are wrong since SNES and Genesis are iconic benchmarks in gaming for a reason. So yes they did offer a ton. What you also fail to realize of course since apparently you weren't a kid back then is that the PC gaming landscape looked very different compared to today. Today where devs willingly will make inferior ports for PC simply because they don't give a damn and because of paranoia of PC gamers being filthy pirates. Lastly you of course probably may have overlooked the fact that at the time video games were not just seen as childs play things but for the most part were very much marketed as such. ESRB wasn't always a thing since gamings beginning since the assumption is that gaming is for kids. So why give a damn about rating any of this shit for adults? Adults don't play video games. Of course these days I assume it would be crazy for anybody who didn't grow up in the 90s to think that gaming wasn't always the same way it is today.

Of course this could just all be bait here so whatever. If not hopefully you learned something.

>> No.4975845

This. You really weren’t missing out on a whole lot on PC in the early to mid 90s unless you really liked Doom clones and point and click adventure stuff.

>> No.4975852

I don't think anybody can deny that PC gaming didn't become as versatile as it is until the 2000s desu

>> No.4975868

PC gaming was only good before M$ Failblows and IBM took over.

Long live the Amiga.

>> No.4975889

b-but muh skill

>> No.4975905

4th gen was a mistake OP

>> No.4975915

I'm spanish and I didn't have a PC until late 90s, and I was not the only one in my area. We did had a ZX Spectrum computer in the 80s, like a lot of europeans did. A lot of europeans were happy with their C64, Spectrums or MSX till the middle 90s.

I really didn't became interested in PCs until 3D cards were starting to get better, and that was around 97 or 98. Then, I discovered emulation and that was like someone opening the Heaven's Gates.

>> No.4975981

You're a fucking idiot and clearly don't know what you're talking about. The early 90s is when PC gaming really hit it big. MS-DOS became the dominant platform and no longer a dumping ground for inferior ports, VGA graphics made many beautiful games that still hold up visually, and new genres were popping up left and right. Some of the most acclaimed cRPGs are from this era (M&M3-5, UU), platformers that rival console offerings (Jazz, PoP), the begginings of RTS, city/civ management games hitting their stride, flight sims becoming a big genre that wasn't just for enthusiasts (Red Baron), etc. etc.

Even if you never played a PC FPS in your life, the 90s were chock full of creative and excellent games. Only a retarded console baby can't find something to enjoy.

>> No.4975983

It’s fair to say that PC and consoles specialized in different genres back then. Both have their merits. OP is retarded for saying the 16-bit consoles didn’t produce a lot of amazing stuff.

>> No.4975991

The DOS port of Mortal Kombat wasn't nearly as good as the arcade. Nothing was as good as the arcade.

I still enjoyed my PC exclusives way more on my 386 with Sound Blaster.

>> No.4976013
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>> No.4976015

>platformers that rival console offerings like a mediocre Sonic clone that came out in the mid 90s and a game that was originally released for the Apple II and then ported to literally everything

>> No.4976020

I laughed at that too.

>> No.4976024

What difficulty? I'm playing with Jill, I had no difficulty selection to make. I assume that's in one of the remakes.

>> No.4976026

Wrong thread but you’re right. Jill is easy mode and Chris is hard in the original PS1 release.

>> No.4976357

>didn't offer much in their respective timeline
Only the peak of 2D gaming. But yeah not much...