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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4958659 No.4958659 [Reply] [Original]

is the retro pc gaming market getting out of hand?

>> No.4958661
File: 82 KB, 640x360, med_1479473579_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh, no

>> No.4958691

Name one game that doesn't run great on current hardware with compatibility softwares.

>> No.4958725

Screamer 2
when emulated, slowdowns result in framerate drops
on real hardware and MS-DOS, slowdowns result in slower time flow at constant framerate

>> No.4958728

I hate this guy, I really do.

>> No.4958794

yeah but you hate everything

>> No.4958871

You'll love this


>> No.4958872

Would you say he's a phony and it kills you?

>> No.4958891

Honestly he isn't doing anything wrong. He's just a fat balding nerd enjoying what he does and a bunch of fans start trying to copy him and hike up all the prices of shit.

>> No.4960437

I'm surprised I haven't seen any videos of people using old original high end botique systems like alienwares or falcon northwest. I mean you would think the cases would go for a lot.

>> No.4960447

He's been evading the cat tax >:(

>> No.4960468
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mechwarrior 3

also, real 15-pin gameport, deprecated in vista, say goodbye to your sidewinder ffb peripherals

>> No.4960471

And send HIM the stuff worth a mint which he barely even knows or wants.

>> No.4960478

Do force feedback joysticks still exist? Was that a short lived gimmick?

>> No.4960483

joysticks are a gimmick. They don't do anything better a decent thumb stick can't do.

>> No.4960485

It's mostly his fault that retro PC stuff is skyrocketing in prices. I also haven't been able to find anything in goodwill either because of him.

>> No.4960487


>> No.4960490

A good stick ($100+) really does make sims more enjoyable.

>> No.4960494

no it's more annoying. Instead of simply using your thumb you have to move your entire arm.

>> No.4960495
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>> No.4960498

and my toes, because I got pedals instead of a stick that twists :-)

You're not playing a real sim if a gamepad has enough buttons for it. I still need my whole keyboard in addition to anything else.

>> No.4960512

why would you only have to use the gamepad?

>> No.4960521

It's difficult to hold and use a thumb stick with only one hand. Try it. Flight stick is just better :-)

>> No.4960524

Also need two hands on it to control yaw with shoulders.

>> No.4960525

I do it all the time, how do you think I masturbate? IF that's too hard use a wii nunchuck or something

>> No.4960528

>Being this retarded

>> No.4960531

You're not controlling pitch, roll, and yaw with one hand on a standard gamepad, and you're not playing real sims.

>> No.4960540

well you don't need to use one hand because with shifting you can easily map every single key on the damn keyboard if you really wanted to

>> No.4960553

Need three analog axes to fully control a plane. Every kind of maneuver requires them.

>> No.4960559

well I guess it's good most modern controllers have at least 5 or 6, not including gyro .

>> No.4960580

Can't access three with one hand and other hand is needed on keyboard more often than not. Shoulder isn't an option because each axis needs to center at neutral and move in two directions. I really tried to make it work. There's no way in a semi-realistic flight sim.

>> No.4960587

that's why you use 2 hands on a gamepad with shifting

>> No.4960606

What do you mean by shifting?

>> No.4960608

either toggling or holding a button causes a specified number of other buttons to be remapped.

>> No.4960618
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Could be worse...

>> No.4960620

weebs are used to getting fucked in the ass

>> No.4960627
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Seems that way. I deeply regret buying an MSX2.

>> No.4960635

Not enough buttons to chord everything and cycling would cause too much delay. You do you :-)

>> No.4960638

You're saying I should join my school's anime club if I want easy boy butt?

>> No.4960642

worth a try

>> No.4960645

Did you get it just for Metal Gear?

>> No.4960661
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No. I knew going in that I’d be raped on titles like that, or Gradius 2. I didn’t expect mundane 32k titles to cost so much. Pic super related.

>> No.4960667

Have you looked into other options? ;)

Is there anything that doesn't emulate well?

>> No.4960669

Kill yourself

>> No.4960689
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Not really, I can emulate all the MSX titles. Guess I fell for the “way the developers intended” meme. It was the last piece of physical hardware I bought, and the last I’ll EVER buy. From now on it’s a 10 year old PC, a CRT, and a Hori Fighting Commander. Best system I’ve ever owned!

>> No.4960697
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Enjoy playing your games on authentic hardware, you know, they way the developers intended. LOL.

>> No.4960705

If Kojima had his way, your console would destroy the disc when Snake dies. He's actually said that.

>> No.4960728

It's cycle accurate and fast. What am I missing?

>> No.4960760
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>> No.4960775

I dont play shit games, so I have no worries

>> No.4960790

What the hell that price. I have a collector friend who mentioned he knows someone who goes on mini vacations all the way to japan to pick up a suitcase full of random games, each only costing at most 5 dollars each. Then he comes back to the states and sells them for over 50 dollars each. One trip can net a few thousand in profit if hes lucky. I wouldn't be surprised if there are japanese forums complaining about the sudden surge in prices from western weeaboos buying up all the japanese games they'll never play.

>> No.4960803

Literally any light gun game.

>> No.4960804

Is it risky to share MSX ROMs in Japan? Or do they only care about what's currently profitable?

>> No.4960810

I have no idea, I'm just retelling a "friend of a friend" story I thought was relevant. Old used nintedo games in japan are dirt cheap though.

>> No.4960825

You think that's his fault? Bruh unless you live near one of their Computerworks stores you aren't finding shit anymore ever.

>> No.4960830

All depends on the store. In the touristy parts (Akihabara and shit) at least the prices for any old shit that isn't Wii stuff is about as expensive as I see stateside. Wii stuff is just dirt cheap because everyone and their fucking mother bought one.

>> No.4960849

No. Babies who think eBay is "the market" are getting out of hand though.

Old PCs aren't used exclusively for playing old games. They're also great for enabling you to play old games on other hardware. Long before modern flash carts came to be there were other devices for playing games. I had a GB "flash" cart in 91, a NGP/C flash cart in 2000, a Neo Geo AES "flash" cart in 93 or 94, and of course all the more common stuff in the early 90's. Unless you're the newest of bandwagoners these are all things you waited for. Recently. And the reason you never even heard about stuff that existed for decades before you even wanted it is because SD didn't exist in 1990 and LPT ports don't exist for your generation. And neither do floppies, although I don't recommend loading AES games off those.

>> No.4960879 [DELETED] 
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Hidden gems

>> No.4960883


>> No.4960889

those are some grade A 3-4/10s

>> No.4960896
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Not his fault that stupid people do stupid things. Maybe they should just stop doing stupid things.

>> No.4960909

eBay IS the market. That’s the problem. Every local store uses it to price its products. The second someone pays $100 for an Earthbound cartridge or whatever old game, that becomes the minimum price for that item. It’s insane.

>> No.4960910

Not in the U.S.

Clint had to take down his address because too much stupid shit was sent. Now his viewers beg over private message to send stuff and he's much more selective.

>> No.4960916

I’d like to HIDE my GEMS in her ... inside her ... nope sorry thought I had one there for a second, false alarm

>> No.4960917

People take insult if their shit is left out of a fan mail video, so it's necessary to limit it.

>> No.4960923

>Now his viewers beg over private message to send stuff
Why do people do this? I watched like 5 minutes of one of those inane videos where he opens peoples’ stuff and he didn’t even seem particularly grateful, more like it’s an annoyance if anything

>> No.4960942

They want to share something they think is interesting, and sending it to a skilled presenter is a good way to do it?

>> No.4960980

I'd fuck teh thicc one desu

>> No.4961256

Is he seriously influencing that? I say fuck him so hard then, I already hated his nerd ass with his annoying derp voice. God that would be so disappointing if true.

>> No.4961273

>skilled presenter
this guy is a fat piece of shit with too much time on his hands.

>> No.4961279

seethe harder

>> No.4961286

I've never thought about it, but I've thrifted regularly since the late 90's and NEVER seen an Alienware or Falcon NW machine anywhere in the wild.

Shit, I think I've only ever seen an AW once on craigslist desu.

>> No.4961290

Pursuant to Title 17 of the United States Code

June 12, 2018

Dear Mr. Anon:

This law firm represents Metal Jesus. If you are represented by legal counsel, please direct this letter to your attorney immediately and have your attorney notify us of such representation.

We are writing to notify you that your unlawful copying of Hidden Gems™ infringes upon our client’s exclusive copyrights. Accordingly, you are hereby directed to


Metal Jesus is the owner of a copyright in various aspects of Hidden Gems™. Under United States copyright law, Metal Jesus’ copyrights have been in effect since the date that Hidden Gems™ was created. All copyrightable aspects of Hidden Gems™ are copyrighted under United States copyright law.

It has come to our attention that you have been copying Hidden Gems™. We have copies of your unlawful copies to preserve as evidence. Your actions constitute copyright infringement in violation of United States copyright laws. Under 17 U.S.C. 504, the consequences of copyright infringement include statutory damages of between $750 and $30,000 per work, at the discretion of the court, and damages of up to $150,000 per work for willful infringement. If you continue to engage in copyright infringement after receiving this letter, your actions will be evidence of “willful infringement.”

We demand that you immediately (A) cease and desist your unlawful copying of Hidden Gems™ and (B) provide us with prompt written assurance within ten (10) days that you will cease and desist from further infringement of Metal Jesus' copyrighted works.

>> No.4961304

I don't care, because I'm not a 8=W=D collector 8=W=D

I just like to see wacky old hardware like those diskettes with a viral failure mode xD

>> No.4961334

I'm shocked at how I've almost never seen any Commodore 64s in the wild in 20+ years of thrifting despite the millions of the things that were sold. I've seen Apple IIs more often than I ever have a C64 and nobody had the things except schools.

>> No.4961359

The relevant era of PC gaming starts with Doom anyway, so...

>> No.4961416

>paying $1,000 for a floppy disk
Are MSX collectors brainlets? Glad I picked up my MSX like 15 years ago and have little interest in buying any more games.

>> No.4961435

Because they are incredibly lonely and desperate for someone to acknowledge their existence, especially someone who YouTube has tricked them into thinking is their friend. Clint has some decent videos, but I can't imagine why anyone would send him free shit, much less be apparently fucking DESPERATE to do so. I mean, how often does he have fan appreciation videos where he gives away pieces of his collection? Rhetorical question.

>> No.4961442
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Nice usage of the N64 stick by that blonde landwhale

>> No.4961470

That's pretty much the stereotypical "lol I'm so good at Mario Kart 64, hashtag nerdlyfe"-roastie control method.

>> No.4961538

>is the retro pc gaming market getting out of hand?
you don't need any of this stuff to enjoy old pc games

>> No.4961546

>90s shit
I like the games, the hardware doesn't interest me that much.

>> No.4961549

>also, real 15-pin gameport, deprecated in vista, say goodbye to your sidewinder ffb peripherals

Can't you write a driver for it?

>> No.4961571

Don't fret buddy, I've got your back

>I'd like to harpoon my hidden gems into her blowhole then haul her blubber onto my "research vessel"

Anon provides

>> No.4961575

Imagine spending 1,000 dollars on an MSX game then playing it and trying to convince yourself that it is good and you are having fun.

>> No.4961585

It's funny how redditors get so upset by that.

>> No.4961645

Is it?

I wouldn't know what upsets them as I've never visited that site.

>> No.4961756

imagine spending 1000 bucks on any game
>never spend more than 20 bucks on a video game

>> No.4961768

If old games are so good, why have they mostly deflated in value?

>> No.4961778

>1k for a PS1 game
>not just burning onto a CD-R and using an action replay if playing on actual hardware matters that much

>> No.4961782
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The greatest phrase ever uttered by mankind:

"On ebay, it goes for..."

I also like "I know what I got. No lowballers."

>> No.4961791

>agp v5 5500 in 2014 - 50USD
>the same card in 2018 - 300USD
At least I got a v3 3k for 5 USD last year because reseller thought is was some kind of ATi Rage trash.

>> No.4961792
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there are actually game resell stores in Tokyo and Osaka getting cleaned out dry from foreign collectors

>> No.4961794

>game collectors going to Japan JUST to buy video games
how do these people even exist?

>> No.4961795

Be wary of anything manufactured during the capacitor plague of the 00s

>> No.4961796

If you could have shelf collecting wankers pay for your vacation, why wouldn't you?

>> No.4961812

>It's mostly his fault that retro PC stuff is skyrocketing in prices.
Yeah sure. Like we already got MUH THREEDEEEFEKS (usually an SLI setup ans PCI V3/4/5) and MUH GOOOS for fuckton of money. 3do blaster compatible cd-rom in 2k9 for a finicking 200USD, some turdle bitch ISA card - 300USD on local forum in 2012, just like that. An it's not even an amibay, just some pricetags form slav retrotech forums back when LGR wasn't a BIG THANG.

>> No.4961821

There's little meat on the bone for anything vintage right now, from video games to toys to stereo equipment to records to mid century furniture, you name it.

Ecelebs have done their part in raising prices, but the primary culprits are smart phones, ebay, and the handful of picking shows that emerged over the past decade, like Storage Wars. Shows like Storage Wars have driven up thriftstore overhead (the non-donation reliant ones usually stock their shelves through buying storage auctions) and thus prices. American Pickers and Pawn Stars have convinced everyone that anything relatively old is worth a fortune. And where most thriftstores, flea marketers, craigslist sellers once priced more by instinct and what they think the local market will bear, they now look everything up on eBay, which has become much easier since the advent of smartphones.

There's nothing inherently wrong about using eBay as a starting point, but the primary issues here are that sellers typically only price by the highest (unsold) buy-it-nows, they don't consider condition (ex. your beat-to-hell vintage Marantz receiver isn't worth anywhere near the restored one going for hundreds on eBay), their items aren't backed by any guarantee, and whatever they're selling is basically AS-IS. More than anything, I think the pricing by Buy-It-Nows has skewed the market of this stuff more than anything else. A flea marketer would basically load up all his shit and price by feel in realtime at the market, and was always willing to haggle. Now when you ask "How much?" They whip out the ol' smartphone and lock into the highest BIN. And they don't budge, no matter how much you explain this isn't eBay.

>> No.4962565

Spotted the eBaby. It's the market for your kind, for sure. But not everyone is a young bandwagoner afraid to leave their basement. If you stick around for the rest of the summer I'm sure you'll see a few threads where people get things at prices you can't believe. Of course you'll never get those prices because garage sales don't take your moms credit card and offer free shipping but other people do.

>> No.4962595

My favourite episode is the one where someone sends him an SGI workstation and Clint admits he doesn't really know anything about it or have anything to say. But the purple case looks cool?

>> No.4962625
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I actually would like an old computer that natively supports hardware sprites and palettes. Much more fun to make games for those, even if you have to code in assembly or basic.

>> No.4962630

Is it just the hardware that has outrageous prices or are the games the same way too?

>> No.4962638

40 is generally what I consider my upper limit. I've broken this rule plenty of times, but I consider it a good standard. Many of my retro games that are now exorbitant I bought for that price point. I wouldn't buy them now, because they aren't that good.

>> No.4962642

PC games are, as a rule, worthless. You will see people try to sell them for high prices on sites like Ebay, sure. But that's not what people are going to actually buy them for.

>> No.4962689

I sold my copy of silent hill 2, discs only, for a pretty penny. You could probably make tons of money just selling big boxes.

>> No.4962708

>not just burning onto a CD-R and
I don't think that will work since original discs had a Sony copyright notice burned into them at the factory.

>> No.4962710

they added Yen amounts into the Dollar field

>> No.4962724

her personality more than makes up for the fat, and she's got some pretty nice titties

>> No.4962737

Even going by ebay prices, which I'm browsing, it doesn't look worth the effort unless I had so many bix boxes that it was taking up a whole room. I only have one shelf worth of them. They aren't worth the amount originally payed for them, sometimes only a fraction.

>> No.4962739

It isn't like there's anything stopping people from buying a stack of old 2HD floppies, setting them to be 720k and writing .DSK files to them. I have a floppy for columns on my desk that works fine.

>> No.4962751

That's why you use the Action Replay (flashed with UniROM) as it nullifies Sony's primitive copy protection. A modchip does the same thing.

>> No.4962756

Or you know, just get an HxC.


>> No.4962757
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>Her personality


>> No.4962819

It's a fair bit more expensive than old floppies - I asked around work and a colleague was kind enough to give me 30-odd unlabeled 2HD disks in a nice case. I already had a USB floppy drive. But sure, you can always go down that route. That said, if I wanted to avoid floppies all together and was willing to spend that sort of money, I'd probably just buy one of the many cartridges that do SD/CF+512k/1M mapper+SCC/FM. But I'm the sort of saddo that enjoys physical media.

>> No.4962828

You can use a Gotek and reflash it with the HxC firmware too; they're cheaper.

>> No.4962879

There's less and less cards available every day. I just bought a dead and ramless GUS Classic in hopes I can fix it and get it back to a working state.

>Also don't buy a Voodoo 4. Either spend the money on a Voodoo 5. Start getting voodoo 2 cards for an SLI setup. Or buy an AGP voodoo 3.

>> No.4962882

my build can't use 3.3v agp cards. Voodoo4 pci is the only option

>> No.4962890

nevermind i see they made a voodoo 5 pci

>> No.4962895

I finally found a copy of this at a good will. Picked it up for $3. Felt good.

>> No.4962902
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alright 300 dollars and seller has 0 feedback. SNIPER MODE ENABLED.

>> No.4962903

You're dumb and should leave this hobby. You'll contribute nothing but tripe.

>> No.4962912
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Perhaps you should... change your build.

>> No.4962947

3dfx's stuff is a collectors item only or if you have a massive nostalgia boner for it. A cheap geforce mx card will do just as good, except for a handful of games. I bought most voodoo cards years ago and realized later efter trying them out that they where mostly unnecessary

>> No.4962956

it's not about performance, it's about compatibility. I just tried the half life uplink demo on my geforce 4 ti build and:
opengl was fucked
direct3d could not vsync
dgvoodoo + 3dfx minigl was actually good.

>> No.4962969

>Sony copyright
You can't even buy non-chipped PSX here.

>> No.4962986

Don't they only support one drive though?

>> No.4962989

why do people think this guy is such an expert when hes just a stupid faggot

>> No.4962992

I don't think the MSX had more than one floppy anyway. At least the interface was the standard 34-pin FDC which some JPCs don't have.

>> No.4963010

Just get a fucking used Windows XP

>> No.4963020

MSXs can have either single or double sided floppies, in either case the format is 80 tracks+18 sectors per track with a size of 256 bytes. The MSX2 sometimes didn't use the 34 pin standard connector so look out.

>> No.4963023

lol I don't want someones used xp with toolbars up the ass

>> No.4963024
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>i cant pay a computer repair shop $100 to fix it because im too dumb and poor

>> No.4963025

why would i need to go the a repair shop to fix toolbars? I would use geek squad for that

>> No.4963028
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>support corporations over local busineses

>> No.4963029

That's not even ironically funny.

>> No.4963030

a corporation is just a bigger local business.

>> No.4963032

>mechwarrior 3
>mission objective you need to blow up to progress floats up out of the top of the world because ????

I feel your pain. USB sidewinder FFB2 still works fine in win10 tho, just get one of those for 5 bux at a thrift shop.

>> No.4963034
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>> No.4963056

Why didn't they sell MSXes in America?

>> No.4963065

Market Saturation.

>> No.4963067

The market for low end computers crashed and burned in 1983.

>> No.4963073
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I mean. He's not Phil from PCL, but he's a good dude. Makes good content. I don't really like his GoodWill videos either, but I admit that's purely because of jealously issues. I don't think he's affecting the market that much. I just want all the junk I see. And when I see junk that someone else is getting I get Jelly.

>> No.4963075

The MSX wasn't even relevant in Britain. It just had a few shitty ZX Spectrum ports and that was all. Mind you that the two computers had the same CPU and screen resolution, so conversions were piss-easy and could be done in a couple of hours.

>> No.4963087

MSX1 is basically a computerized Colecovision, MSX2 is different and more like a Sega Master System.

>> No.4963096

the great video game crash. No one would buy anything with video games.

>> No.4963113

Market oversaturation. The British market was flooded with too many 8-bit home computers for the MSX to get a foothold.

>> No.4963149

hey gois back here with another video!

>> No.4963292

and in this episode we are taking a look at an SSD adapter sent by electromouyne™ be good goy and go to their website

>> No.4963294

we got sent this amazing sound card from creative, truly amazing sound.

>> No.4963330

Who are you quoting?

>> No.4963335

Is /vr/ really incapable of installing Windows?

>> No.4963337

Literal mom-and-pops are unethical.

>> No.4963340

Wasn't that only the game console market?

>> No.4963363

It was both.

>> No.4963378

The economic recovery in the US during 1983 had a lot to do with killing off the market for low end computers.

>> No.4963381

No, only a handful of hardware is overprices.

>> No.4963395


PCem 14 bios roms

>> No.4963401

Prices of vintage gear are always variable and there's few consistent trends.

>> No.4963426
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this shit just makes me want to buy any old game then upload it to some sites, these collectors know you can get all the games from a gen on a single USB and fully play them FOR FREE, i dont get collecting old ass games, everyone seems to be hoarding the most common and basic games and not really going after the more rare and obscure games

>> No.4963431

Which is weird since they aren't even exceptional or very compatible with software

>> No.4963456


hey gois look what gearbest sent me after I begged them, links down below

>> No.4963460
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>walk into some shit second hand shop
>old and busted 90s consoles with no wires or controllers
>controllers £25 each
>wires £10
>games £5-£30

>> No.4963505
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>> No.4963527

Sorry, I meant the copyright notice was pressed into the CDs.

>> No.4963612
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>taking the bait

>> No.4963683
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>> No.4963689 [DELETED] 

He cute

>> No.4963697

kek even fucking CEX would be better

>> No.4963756

yes life changes

>> No.4964597

yes all these retards buying parts to build ancient machines now cause of muh eceleb did it

>> No.4964623

>buying old hardware to play old games you bought

i'd respect a macfag who got a G4 more than you fags

>> No.4964631

I don't, but can't you understand how someone would want to experience what they coveted when younger?

>> No.4964684

Cabela's 4x4 Off-Road Adventure 2 doesn't even make it to the menu before crashing on modern hardware.

>> No.4964704

fucking BULLSHIT

>> No.4964707

vid or no did

>> No.4964727

I don't have the disc anymore and didn't feel it necessary to document the incompatibility between a computer that came with Windows 10 installed and a game that was included as 1 of 50 free discs with a Systemax computer in 2001.

>> No.4964731

no did

>> No.4964748

show some conviction for once in your life

>> No.4964758

I'd see if I could torrent it and try myself, but my games tracker is currently 502

>> No.4965965

3 hrs left. Nobody fucking snipe me.

>> No.4966078

Shitendo is guilty of these for going against ROM sites and taking them down or co opt neutering them, and fag-e-celebs too.

>> No.4967357
File: 111 KB, 364x514, 1496276699793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally every ISA sound card is now a some kind of dos gaming holy grail, even if it's some cheap-o ESS plug
>even remotely decent PCi graphics card costs like it's made of pure gold

>> No.4967379

Does that joker still carry pellet guns in gun-free zones to not feel anxious?

>> No.4967381

Always a skull in the background with these types. Imagine being a grown man (he looks like he’s in his early 50s at the very least least) and having a fucking replica skull in your room like an edgy 13 year old goth

>> No.4968264

Quoting? I don't follow. I really did buy a dead and ramless GUS Classic in hopes I can make it work. Making Progress. Might have to order some logic chips. Fingers Crossed all the Gravis Chips are good. And I found a Full MB of memory for it for $20 shipped.

Funny thing about the memory. I spent 20 to buy used and tested ram from an Arcade board dealer, but I could have spent 18 and got NOS. In someways I think buying used tested ram is the better deal than NOS for these chips.

>> No.4968282

>he didn't even seem particularly grateful

Dude, he receives shit all the fuckinv time. Is he supposed to go apeshit over every single game somebody sends? He is indeed much more grateful than the usual e-celeb and credits people in videos, that's good enough. The guy probably has his storage space filled with identical games.

>> No.4968289

That guy's not in his early 50s or even close. Maybe late 30s.

>> No.4968303

We actually got one of these through the donation door a couple of months back. I was beyond surprised to see it.

>> No.4968319

Threads like these remind me why I never ever want to be a collector.


It's like a bunch of fucking preschoolers, Jesus Christ. If you're actually this retarded that you hold a seething hatred for some dude making a YouTube channel, kill yourself immediately. Used markets are what they are, either get out of the fucking hobby or find better deals. Also, there's this amazing thing called economics, maybe read a book about it.

>> No.4968321

LOL... He is a blast to listen too. I would do something differently than him, but i think over all he does a pretty good job. Some of those benchmarks and sound recordings take a lot of time.

>> No.4968327

This... I still have the fucking box for my Creative Annihilator Pro. I have no idea where my card got to though. Which fucking sucks... Apparently my dad's friend pulled some strings to me that card back in the day. At least my box is in good shape. It's pretty slick.

>> No.4968330

I'm afraid the hobby is a little older than muh ecelebs.

>> No.4968334

This. He literally had his studio in his storage shed at one point.

>> No.4968339

I agree. The complainers really don't help the hobby. I don't think muh ecelebs really contribute much to the inflated price. Maybe on a few select things. I don't even know if LGR affected the GUS prices. Those prices have been climbing for a decade now.

>> No.4968346

>It's mostly his fault that retro PC stuff is skyrocketing in prices.
What a load of shit.

>> No.4968351

The guy has under a million subs with an average view count of 200,000. The idea of someone with this narrow a reach significantly impacting the market is just embarrassingly delusional.

>> No.4968359

um if only 5 of those people started buying up all the decent shit on ebay it would cause a problem.

>> No.4968368

This is the specimens you get when public schooling doesn't teach you any basic economics. The poor creatures have no idea how markets work, so obviously - everything would be affordable and nice if only this one filthy group of people removed themselves from my hobby

>> No.4968382

It's only the hoarders that cause the problems. And consequently. I'm a hoarder.

Also, for some parts there are an ungodly amount of cards out there. Like Sound Blaster 16s with out the OPL3 chip. You could spend a hundred dollars and get about 40 to 50 cards. I spent less than $25 and got ten.

>> No.4968385

Also, unless you're wealthy. Nobody is really going to buy up and hoard all the expensive stuff. like real Sound Blaster Pros or 2.0s with the OPL3 chip. The prices for that stuff is going a bit high. I found one in my attic. I'm glad I found one.

>> No.4968389

good luck finding a decent motherboard to put it in

>> No.4968401

I don't know what you're talking about. I literally have a room stacked to the ceiling with old computers. I even have a Namco branded computer that I think is a Socket 7. That and the Pony computer are two of my more interesting ones.

Finding old motherboards with ISA slots... that's child's play. Finding Newer Motherboards with an ISA slot that can handle these cards. That's the tough one.

>> No.4968402
File: 122 KB, 1440x900, most american n64 ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The poor creatures have no idea how markets work, so obviously
I got my younger brother into "retro" slowly. He grew up like me with an NES & later a n64 (No transition system). He recently picked up a N64, and plugged it into his LCD tv......He commented that I was right about CRT, and instantly craigslisted a very nice 4:3 XBR Sony.

Now he has a small collection of retro systems, and this is in the last few weeks....and his friends are interested now too with a few of them committed to getting some sort of hipster setups.

These people don't fucking know who Metal Jesus is, and I barely do only because of /vr/.

I think this is a somewhat normal market for vintage/antique/nostalgia involving childhood toys (either yours or someone elses).

Get smart people, and get flash carts or other methods to enjoy your software. Hardware will continue to go up in price also. You aren't going to make retirement money, but now is a great time to buy at yard sales and clean/test/save for the future.

>> No.4968425

If all of this shit wasn't expensive prior to your favorite hate-boner e-celeb making a video about it, then why haven't you fucking bought it yet? You know, back when it was not expensive.

It's the same with people who bitch about recommendation/"hidden gem" threads on here, claiming that they are *the* reason for prices skyrocketing. I just don't get how you can be so interested in a game, and yet put off purchasing it until its price goes through the roof. You should already own all of this shit.

Unless, of course, your interest was kindled by the very same threads and e-celebs in the first place.

>> No.4968553

Bingo. " I didn't know I wanted this until so and so told me I wanted this. Damn you so and so! "

>> No.4968618 [DELETED] 

OP you are part of the problem. Your "slowly" getting him into it, and suddenly all his friends are into it, and they probably get other friends interested in it. Showing people your retro stuff is fine, working on them until they're into it when they could do an arbitrary number of other things like play Fortnite all day is pointless and is part of what's driving up prices. If you can't enjoy your hobby by yourself including people you see/chat with online without coaxing others into it then you also aren't enjoying them for the right reasons.

>> No.4968620

You are part of the problem. Your "slowly" getting him into it, and suddenly all his friends are into it, and they probably get other friends interested in it. Showing people your retro stuff is fine, working on them until they're into it when they could do an arbitrary number of other things like play Fortnite all day is pointless and is part of what's driving up prices. If you can't enjoy your hobby by yourself including people you see/chat with online without coaxing others into it then you also aren't enjoying them for the right reasons.

>> No.4968650
File: 15 KB, 387x309, 05b4c9f71ebdd583d268623a03c6cda72b84fca4a2c9e8e7dbd006a80e650e51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the people who bitch about prices are the ones ruining it.

I think it's really neat that some of the old tech is gathering such interest that it's value is skyrocketing? If you can't afford something just wait. The price will probably fall. Except for the GUS. Don't hold your breath for that. There just aren't that many cards out there.

There is literally no reason to cry over the price of a Geforce DDR. Buy a Geforce 2 MX for $20 and have the same fucking performance.

Well I can cry since I don't know where mine got to.

>> No.4968661
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x2560, 20180311_215628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are part of the problem.

No, I am part of your perceived problem. I have quite a few "retro" systems I have picked up over the years. I always have $20 for yard sale N64s and PSXs.

The "future" is not in cartridge collection. It is a side of gaming that none of the people that I have "introduced" (reintroduced their childhoods) only want flash carts.

Nostalgia is expensive. I gave away my collection of games years ago. 3 years ago christmas, I gave my sister and her husband a N64+ Everything. 4 controllers, 45 games (no sports). I kept Ogre Battle for myself.

I think games have hit their peak. The ease of reproduction puts them in an odd spot. Systems can be emulated, but what fun is that.

Controllers are problems. they die, and parts are hard to come by. A good used controller costs the same now as new or more for most systems.

If you want to rape hipsters, buy systems. Buy them often and store them in plastic totes. In the next 2-3 years N64, Snes and possibly nes will be over $130 for a system with power and av wires.

PSX not so much, but hopefully this PSIO horseshit works so the value of the systems inflates.

>> No.4968676

Heavy Gear 1.

>> No.4968753
File: 1.87 MB, 200x150, 1531274360993.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are actually game resell stores in Tokyo and Osaka getting cleaned out dry from foreign collectors
You mean foreign resellers

>> No.4969180

You legit sound like someone who doesn't follow this hobby for the sake of it being a hobby or for fun. You sound like someone who collects retro because it makes you feel good about yourself and makes you seem special.

You're the type of person whose stuff gets given away for free by their parents when they finally kill themselves.

>> No.4969185

>screenshot of listing prices
>thinking these are anything like the actual sold prices

Fuck off

>> No.4969210

>foreign shelf collectors

>> No.4969234 [DELETED] 

Yeah you are getting people into it that wouldn't normally, it's fair to say that is part of the problem with prices.

>You legit sound like someone who

No I don't, none of that makes any sense. I sound like someone who will kill themselves and their parents... what kind of brain damaged are you?

>> No.4969236

Yeah you are getting people into it that wouldn't normally, it's fair to say that is part of the problem with prices.

>You legit sound like someone who

No I don't LEGIT, none of that makes any sense. I sound like someone who will kill themselves and their parents will give away my games for free... what kind of brain damaged are you?

>> No.4969238


>> No.4969337

>all these kids getting mad that their hobby isn't special and unique anymore
Cry more, faggots.

>> No.4969338 [DELETED] 

pls no f-slur pls k thx :-)

>> No.4969347
File: 1 KB, 50x50, Bounder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you waiting until now to buy old PCs? Is it possible you're following the trend you're complaining about?

>> No.4969360

whos the bald boomer fuck, and why is are the girls so freaked out by him

>> No.4969365

I can't force myself to have nostalgia for something otherwise I would've done it a long time ago.