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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 173 KB, 694x1188, croc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4954745 No.4954745 [Reply] [Original]

I saw a lot of people saying that Croc is a bad game, I gave it a shot and is actually pretty enjoyable.
The controls take a while to get used to, but they aren't awful, the graphics and music are also pretty good, and Croc itself is a cute character.

>> No.4954748

Anarog schtick for bettah contros anon

>> No.4954759


Almost nobody having an analog controller when it came out didn't help Croc's reputation - it doesn't become Mario 64 exactly but it plays a LOT better. They're somewhat unconventional but very precise when you get used to them.

>> No.4954763

No one fucking types words like this, you are only one being a god damn faggot. Please, either type words fucking properly, or fucking kill yourself, you autistic swine.

>> No.4954767

no fun allowed, eh?

>> No.4954780 [DELETED] 

I shee a ritter boi is hhhaving a tempah tantrum. Ohh wehr ritter one maybe you shuh kirr yoursehf. We hear talk about vidya game, you hear talk lik women on rag.

>> No.4954805

the game flatout lies to you. sometimes the level exits are hidden and sometimes they dont even open at all. the controls are the best part

>> No.4955734

Why do the most autistic posts always include calling someone else autistic?

>> No.4955761


>> No.4955781

I don't remember the game being particularly hard. I beat the ps1 version when I was 11 or 12

>> No.4955857

Croc is ludo, never let anyone tell you otherwise.

>> No.4955858

nah, you was spergin

>> No.4955865

Wasn't me. Only someone with autism could be so triggered by a simple comment to bother enough to make a post about it. Hope you get the help you need.

>> No.4955871
File: 1.06 MB, 243x280, spockit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh, your comment as three sides of fucked up bruh. i think youre spergin again?

>> No.4955874

Croc is only hard if you go for all the collectables.
Some Gobbos are hard to find and the minigame rooms can be annoying.

>> No.4955879

Sure he’s a faggot, but wtf man

>> No.4955881

Any examples of this? Haven’t really played Croc since childhood

>> No.4955882

Should i grab a Saturn just to play Croc or just settle for the playstation version?

>> No.4955894

you should get a saturn not necessarily for croc though

>> No.4956583

PC Port if you can manage to run it. Better resolution over all

>> No.4957912


PC or playstation with dualshock

>> No.4960081

croc definitely flies under the radar and is entering hidden gem territory. I would buy up as many copies as you can.

>> No.4960107

I have fond memories of this game because it was the reason I got into RPGs.
I remember disliking it so much that I traded it for Shining Force III.

>> No.4960113

>not liking based croc
Yeah i used to have croc back in the day.. we're gonna start seeing all the dank memesters playing croc and a lot of croc speedrunners
when they do something cool they're gonna yell out "SUCK MY CROC"

>> No.4960114

They’re about equivalent, go for ps1 as you can then play the superior sequel afterwards

>> No.4961686

doing God's work anon.

>> No.4961690

I don't think you know what projecting means

>> No.4963435

As the faggot starts using lowercase words and vocabulary like "bruh" to try and seem as un-autistic as possible, he is still not accepted by the group.