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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4951243 No.4951243 [Reply] [Original]

I felt disappointed after discovering library of 4th generation. I lived with 3th, skipped 4th and continued with 5th generation, then had large break due to highschool, college etc.

Some facts that may have contributed to this
-started in the 90's, while 3D was already approaching, both in consoles and PC
-most of the games are reshashes of NES games, or same formulas from 80's. Developers were lazy.
-bad PC ports
-crappy license games like Disney started to be a thing(Terminator, MTV, barbie, - you name it)
-too much JRPG, less other types
-remakes, just like today shadow colossus gates constantly remade
-music sounds 'samish', except few titles like FF. I don't know why is that, probably specifics of hardware
- Every games fits into some category, less games that try to actually experiment. You have sports, jrpg, shmup, contra's, beat em ups, scrollers, but they all kinda look the same.

What do you think?

>> No.4951254

You just played on inferior hardware (SNES).

>> No.4951268

Oh, and those 4th gen games that did it for me:
FF5 - impressive job system. for it's time, quite the customizable jrpg. And quite hard, if you play without guide/not grind.
Chrono trigger - very good presentation, mechanics that turn usually sluggish genre into something more exciting. Story and the little quirks that changing the world through time is something refreshing.
Other games that I could mention had been already done on NES, for better or the same, or were ports from PC. Arcade had better beat em ups. I know they weren't widely avilable, but still.

>> No.4951269

OK, then share your experiences please.
Do you mean Sega Genesis? They were less prevalent in Europe. I think many people just skipped through to PSOne because of easy piracy anyway.

>> No.4951270

>Do you mean Sega Genesis? They were less prevalent in Europe.

>> No.4951278

I meant to say they are not really popular in my country(Sega Genesis/Sega Mega Drive), didn't get any unit. Are they worth it?

>> No.4951280

Or, did you mean Neo Geo?

>> No.4951282

4th Gen is the last time gameplay was the most important thing in gaming as a whole, I think you should look a bit deeper into it. Also the competition between Sega and Nintendo meant both were coming out with fantastic games constantly since as far as anyone knew at the time, that was how you won a console war.
Unfortunately other gimmicks have since won out and have made producing quality games a low priority for modern console makers.

>> No.4951285

That's pretty strange. I'm from Germany and the Sega consoles were very popular over here.

>> No.4951287

From England, yep, Mega Drive was much more popular than SNES here. Playstation cleaned house in the next generation, though.

>> No.4951290

ah, sorry, my bad. Poland here. I guess post soviet economy couldn't afford 4th gen. I see more SNES related stuff that is sold here anyway, and I also own one. Guess that mean SNES won here(if you count that as winning).

>> No.4951294

I thought the SNES sold mainly in Japan and America.

>> No.4951298

>, I think you should look a bit deeper into it.
I tried, but I don't really see anything that wins me over.

Some games that i tried:
battletoads and something- were already done on NES
Mario- mario 3 was better on NES
Zelda - ok 9/10
I already mentioned FF5 and Chrono trigger, they had, for an JRPG, solid gameplay.

>4th Gen is the last time gameplay was the most important thing in gaming as a whole,
not really. Tekken, twisted metal etc on 5th gen - still gameplay is most important.
There were some games were gameplay was shit in 4th gen, but were critically aclaimed. Like JRPGs.

>fantastic games constantly
what were those? 4th gen seems like it has least to offer.

>> No.4951403

Did somebody own Neo Geo(not the arcade version) Does it have better library?

>> No.4951490

I think you are an ESL with shit taste

>> No.4951508


>> No.4951519


>> No.4951525

Generally positive things:

+ Across the board, games generally had far more polish, stability, depth, speed, and responsiveness than 3rd gen. (eg Sonic&Mario, F-Zero, Actraiser, Mega Man X, up through Donkey Kong Country and Chrono Trigger).
+ Fighting Game genre now existed (Street Fighter 2)
+ Some series and genres like Metroid, Final Fantasy, and many sports games really came into their own, having been very rough around the edges in 3rd gen. There was nothing like Madden Football. or World Cup '94 before the 16-bit era at least not on consoles. You also had arcade-style sports games like NBA Jam.

Probably the most notable and potentially negative trend during 4th gen was a trend towards casual accessibility and easier gameplay. It's not taken to extremes with millenial style handholding and coddling, but many notable and popular series such as Mario, Zelda, and Castlevania got significantly easier.

>- Every game fits into some category, less games that try to actually experiment.
I mostly agree on this, and I believe it has to do with the nature of the console hardware of that gen. I'm generalizing but they were essentially optimized for rendering sprites on scrolling backgrounds which is great for platformers and shmups. Still, you had some games that didn't fit into standard console genres like Star Fox, Sim City, and Nobunaga's Ambition.

Also it's worth considering that experimental stuff often fails or simply isn't popular. A game like "King Arthur's World" is a fun but flawed 2D side-view RTS game for the SNES nobody remembers because the genre never really got popular. Top-down RTS games for PC (like C&C and Warcraft) came along a few years later and were far more successful.

>> No.4951531

English as Second Language I believe.

>> No.4951602
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good post

Yes, I didn't notice, that some genres were really properly introduced in 4th. I was never into sport games myself, but true, NES really limped in that regard.

>+ Fighting Game genre now existed (Street Fighter 2)
Weren't those games crap aside from Street fighter? I always thought that the genre started to have valuable gameplay in 5th gen.

>4th gen was a trend towards casual accessibility and easier gameplay.
yeah, sport and racing chads incomming
>It's not taken to extremes with millenial style handholding
I have to say that I found harder games both in interface and progression in next generations. I think that is a meme spread by instant respawn/duck and regenerate/crappy tutorial 7th/8th gen FPS.

true dat. I am ESL in that sense. Still better taste than most 4chaners.

>> No.4951715

I highly disagree OP. What made 4th amazing was how a lot of the classic genres and franchises from 3rd were near perfected and polished to a perfect sheen. 5th Gen started a massive transition in game development principles and technology which resulted in an almost sort of reset; a lot of the polish and fundamentals disappeared. So when you look at 4th Gen games, you'll find what a lot of people consider a number of franchises' zineths

Do you like platformers? I'd consider games like Demon Crest, Sonic 3&k and Yoshi's Island to be some of the best in the genre. Super Metroid is still one of the finest games ever made. Rpgs weren't as big as 5th Gen but you can find absolute gems in Chrono Trigger, FFV and VI, terranigma etc. Panel de pon is one of the best arcade puzzlers out there. Fantastic arcade styled games that simply aren't made anymore like Wild Guns, great beat em ups like Ninja Warrior

Fuck, I could go on and on

>> No.4951791

>yeah, sport and racing chads incoming
Sports games are usually multiplayer and that's where the difficulty comes from.

>Weren't those games crap aside from Street fighter?
There were multiple Street Fighter games, Killer Instinct, and a whole bunch of clones and gimmicky games like Primal Rage, Clay Fighter, and Mortal Kombat. I certainly didn't play them all so really don't know which ones had good gameplay.

>I have to say that I found harder games both in interface and progression in next generations
By millenial I really meant post-2000. 5th gen games in the late 90s were still reasonably free of hand-holding and safety rails everywhere. I would say 4th and 5th gen are fairly similar in terms of typical difficulty, the main difference being that you had a lot of new experimental 3D games in 5th gen which could be difficult but not always in a good way. The big shift difficulty-wise was between 3rd and 4th gen, because 3rd gen was still heavily influenced by arcade-style design, while 4th gen was much more focused on consoles.

>> No.4951794

Name a good SNES platformer that isn't Mario related.

>> No.4951802

Capcom's Aladdin

>> No.4951803

>snes more popular
I'd think Pegasus was more popular at the time.

>> No.4951809

Mega Man X

>> No.4951963

this one was meh. Does not do justice to PC alladin.
Yeah I know. But still, if somebody had 4th gen, it was probably SNES. Dunno how to explain the defiticit of Sega on the polish market otherwise. I also have some aquantices that had original SNES(very rich parents for that times, think USAs Neogeo) but nobody with sega. Maybe it's just circumstancial. In any case, 4th gen was dead in Poland.

>Sports games are usually multiplayer and that's where the difficulty comes from.
I'm not saying there weren't difficult, but introduced different type of market target into the consoles. People that don't really care that new games are about superficial graphics, when they buy something else than new iteration of FIFA.

>and a whole bunch of clones and gimmicky games like Primal Rage, Clay Fighter, and Mortal Kombat
They were all meh. But not an expert here, maybe they were some jap or ones that I haven't heard of, that are better.

>I would say 4th and 5th gen are fairly similar in terms of typical difficulty, the main difference being that you had a lot of new experimental 3D games in 5th gen which could be difficult but not always in a good way
There were plenty of games that were continuation of nes,SNES formula, but were harder than SNES games. Abe's odysee, Alundra, SkullMonkeys, Crash Bandicoot. Yes, there were some experimental 3D games were you tried not to blow yourself up like SpecOps: ranger elite. And then there were new games, like MGS,Tenchu, that were hard, pure and simple. From my observations difficulty goes like this : 3th>>5th>>4th

OK, for starters, I didn't say that 4th gen is shit. I said that I am just dissapointed in it, comparing to 3th and 5th. Going on...:

>a lot of the classic genres and franchises from 3rd were near perfected and polished to a perfect sheen
some were, some were't. some just got new

>> No.4951986

sprites. some dissapeared like the more little arcadey-style games, like Mario wreck team or Just. Those were usually multiplayer. Also some games were worse, like Contra.

>Do you like platformers?
Yes and I preferred the platformers library on both 3th and 5th gen.
>Rpgs weren't as big as 5th Gen but you can find absolute gems in Chrono Trigger, FFV and VI, terranigma etc
That's true. Like you said, 5th gen does this job better. (I would cross out VI from the list for gameplay, didnt play terranigma yet)

>Fantastic arcade styled games
it was a hit and miss really, but good point. Most of the SNES beat em ups couldnt hold up to real arcade stuff, like I said somewhere earlier.

>> No.4952139

Umihara Kawase, the best platformer ever made.

>> No.4952224

4th gen is much more than snes and Mega drive.

>> No.4952261

It's funny, because I skipped 3rd generation althogether because already back then didn't find tha games very attractive, (bad use of limited palettes in general) even if there was good games. I went from a ZX Spectrum (could be 2nd generation?) to a Sega Mega Drive

You couldn't have games in 3rd generation like Gunstar Heroes, Thunder Force IV, Super Mario Kart, Strider, Road Rash 2, Yoshi's Island, Street Fighter 2, Streets of Rage trilogy, Dynamite Headdy, Sonic the Hedgehog, etc. Not only they were graphically beautiful, but also the superior CPU power and more RAM allowed for more tricks that also affected game design: more sprites makes better beat 'em ups, more speed, better racing games, more RAM makes for a lot of content like on a single game all the different bosses and transformations in Dynamite Headdy, and so on.

Every generation has its own highs and lows, and you bet 4rd generation had a lot of highs too. And that's not counting the fact that for the first time you could get home games that were really similar to the arcade releases like UN Squadron, Strider, R-Type, Revenge of Shinobi, etc.

>> No.4952296

Share your story, please. I would love to hear about other consoles, but nobody spoke in this thread so far.

>> No.4952581

>-too much JRPG, less other types
Sounds like history revisionism on your part, or maybe you're having a different perspective since you came into 4th gen so late and people have already discovered all the "hayden jemsz" in that genre, but back in the actual 4th gen times, RPG was a niche genre, most people were playing fighting games, platformers, beat em ups, sometimes racing.
Anyway, 4th gen is the golden age for me, it's the mature state of 3rd gen.
>-crappy license games like Disney
Funny, 4th gen was actually the only time Disney made really great games, thanks to Sega and Capcom.

>> No.4952615

>-most of the games are reshashes of NES games, or same formulas from 80's. Developers were lazy.
That's why I could never get into the NES. I grew with a SNES and playing NES felt like a downgrade.

>> No.4953124

>crappy license games
That's been a thing forever though. What a bizarre complaint.
>too much JRPG
What? They were still pretty niche, at least in the West.
>music sounds 'samish'
Yeah you're definitely talking about the SNES here. Give some other systems a try, specifically the Genesis.

>> No.4953195

Yeah, shit arguments from my side on that licence and jrpg part, it was just a shitty ESL rant.

Anyway tell me something about other consoles than SNES in the 4th gen.

>> No.4953237

It's all good anon. I can understand being let down by a system with a library you don't really enjoy, especially if there's a lot of hype around it. And to be fair, the SNES does have a lot of garbage, but it also has some really good titles too. The secret with a lot of these libraries is just that you have to dig a bit. What kind of games are you into? Is it possible you're just not much of a 2D fan?

>> No.4953293

>What kind of games are you into?
I don't really have a type. Thats the problem. But SNES seems to have that kind of 'categories' let's say, that do not compile with me.

I liked sunset riders, FF5, and chrono trigger so far.

I wanted to play some arcade type of games with my buddy. You know like arcade beat em ups. We played Knights odf the round, final fight, and streets of rage(I think). Those were kind of a let down, you couldn't pick up many objects up, and they felt a bit basic in execution in comparison to arcade pocket money exctractors.

I don't really like racers. I liked danny indy heat on the NES, because the gameplay 'clicked' with me. Gameplay is really importan with me, and if something is repetetive, or does not make much sense, I drop it like a freshborn on the floor.

I also don't like sports games.

I like fighter games, but they need to be really polished, like Tekken 3. No spamming one move etc.

I tried some platformers, yoshi island and super mario wrodls seemed pretty meh compared to mario 1 and 3, or some 5th gen ones. The non-nintendo ones seemed so generic I didn't bother.

I tried Contra 3 and it was worse than Contra.
Battletoads and battlemaniacs- worse than both battletoads on NES, annoying music.

Take it with a grain of salt because I played over the years and I haven't played those games yesterday, I may be wrong.

>> No.4953393
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What made sonic fun was the awesome pinball physics and momentum.

>> No.4953471


Donkey Kong Country 1,2 and fucking 3?

>> No.4953520

I didn't have any other consoles, but a some of the PC games I played during 4th gen were Wolfenstein, X-Wing, TIE Fighter, and Master of Magic. There's also Ultima and Wizardry which I didn't play. (Also Master of Orion )

>> No.4953528

U forgot that DK is a Mario character

>> No.4953561

>-most of the games are reshashes of NES games, or same formulas from 80's. Developers were lazy.
>-crappy license games like Disney started to be a thing(Terminator, MTV, barbie, - you name it)
Yeah, I remember when I first looked through all my ROMs. I found I deleted shitloads of stupid bullshit. I also found a lot of games where you'd start it up, the title screen looked pretty good, you start playing the first stage (which also looked pretty good), but you'd realize quickly why they made the game...graphics.

So likewise if you fire up Steam you'll see lists and lists of meme games people will forget about or be unable to play (when they pull PUBG offline, will anyone be able to play it in 10 years?). I'm an old man, so I've learned to only invest time and money into software that will stand the test of time. I'd say Mario 3, Mario 2, and Diablo 2 hold up pretty fucking well, for example.

>> No.4953564

>when they pull PUBG offline, will anyone be able to play it in 10 years?
Given its popularity, I'm certain there will be fan servers. But I get your point.

>> No.4953570

I figure what'll happen is considering how many games will be unplayable once the dev pulls the servers offline, someone will make some kind of platform that emulates official servers for lots of different games. That might be pretty cool, actually. Imagine being able to play all the pay 2 win games will all the DLC at no cost.

>> No.4953653

OP, just play Umihara Kawase

>> No.4953693

no nigger. mario is a donkey kong character

>> No.4953991

OP is a faggot. Play more snes games.
>b-b-but mario world

fuck off. It'a clear you havent even started to touch the western releases let alone the more varied japanese ones.

>> No.4954087

>first argument literally is rehash

>> No.4954126

this is less of an argument, more of my personal rant. you can always you know, fuck off

>> No.4954137

>even started to touch the western releases
I've played more than 200 more known/critically aclaimed. that is enough for it to be not considered barrell scraping

>japanese only games argument
oh well, not going to touch that

>> No.4954164

Weird that nobody spoke about NeoGeo yet. Nobody had it?