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4943981 No.4943981 [Reply] [Original]

donkey kong country 3's music is ba- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VApfPda9hX8

>> No.4943996

Its not bad dude. Its just not as good as 1 and 2, much like the rest of the game.

>Dkc3 fans eternally seething that their favorite isnt the most loved in the fanbase
Its time to get over it dudes

>> No.4944397


It has the best gameplay by far. People just cant get over the awful art direction.

>> No.4944568

We like the gameplay and art too, they’re also just simply not as good. There’s no shame in being “technically the worst,” something in a series has to be it.

>> No.4944598

Hey DKC2, can I copy your homework?

Okay, but just make sure you add a bunch of ear raping off key notes all over the place because FUCK YOU!!


Seriously though, what the fuck were they trying to accomplish with that bonus music. It's like they actively wanted you to throw this game in the trash.

>> No.4944602

It's good, but not as vibrant as 1 and 2's soundtrack

>> No.4944613

Thank God for the MERRY code.

>> No.4944745

Sorry but that just simply isnt the case. Sure, the level that reverses your controls is neat and the lightning level is neat. Sure bosses like Bleek are cool. In fact, id even concede that DKC3 has the better bosses bar the final king k rool fights in 2.

Overall though, the levels music aesthetics and gameplay are flat out better in 2. You guys are simply vouching for the underdog when the reality of DkC3 being made by the side team at rare and not the team that made 1 2 and Banjo are very apparent.

Again its a good game. But it isnt the best. For me, the thing that stands out the most about what makes it worse is that the adventure game traits it has are a fuckin chore on replays of the game. This part really kills it. Everything else, kiddy, art direction, music, its all worse than the previous games bar bosses and a few clever levels. Ive discussed this to death and really wish you dkc3 fans would accept its the inferior game in a series of 3 wonderful games.

>> No.4944950


Everyone seems to forget that donkey kong country 1 was barebones as fuck. The aesthetics were rock solid and the gameplay set the groundwork, but it was completely overshadowed gameplay wise by the sequels. People saying 3 isnt as good as 1 are really saying 3 doesnt look or sound as good as 1.

Dkc2 being better is the only debatable one, and personally

>> No.4944992


>> No.4945783

Most of DKC3's music is fine, as good or better that 2 even.

But there's just enough moments in the music where it stabs you ear and and sounds like your grandparents making out. And unfortunately two of those moments are when your finishing a level and the bonus stages. So they have to be tolerated constantly while your playing the game.

>> No.4945795

That's part of DKC1's appeal though. It's pure because of its simplicity. Something like Koin gets boring in DKC3. I'd say I play DKC and DKC2 as much each other, but DKC3 is a distant third just because of all the "extra" gameplay features.

>> No.4946005
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>muh barebones
That was the beauty of it. It was a straightforward platformer that still incorporated plenty of new things, as well as things we had seen before in other platformers just in a new style. Like I already said, when replaying 3 the adventure game shit thats tacked on is a chore. It was really cool at first, and was cool on a playthrough years later. But these days when revisiting the game I just can't stand it. It's fluff and pointless. DKC2 and 1 are straightforward platformers that let you navigate the levels through a world map and for this alone they beat the pants of 3 even when not considering the fact that Diddy is faster and more fun to control than Kiddy.

>as good or better
Nah. The quality difference is pretty huge. DKC1 and 2 have a wonderful atmospheric soundtrack throughout the entire game, with some whimsical tunes and some 'badass' tunes littered throughout.

DKC3 is frankly all over the place, for every whimsical track there is a very serious track. For every atmospheric track there is a straight forward "catchy" track. This is obviously subjective in the end but to me, DKC2s and to a lesser extent 1's OST beat the living shit out of DKC3's.

>> No.4946224

Who even says that? From all the criticism I've seen of the game (and it is pretty unpopular among some), the music is probably the least cited aspect of it...

>> No.4946383

The GBA version composed by David Wise almost sounds like it *could* have been another masterpiece. Too bad it has to go through the garbage GBA sound chip. :(

>> No.4946431



>> No.4946495

Who's bright idea was it that the game should be BABY themed?

>> No.4946509

this is a mental block some brits have where they think “infantile” is an acceptable aesthetic choice

>> No.4946823

It's not worse than 1 and 2, it's exactly the same quality. They're all average games with above average art and music.

>> No.4946838 [DELETED] 

it's a shame that /vr/ are misogynists for whom the real reason of hating DKC3's music because it was composed by a female

>> No.4946872

Donkey Kong Country 3 is a great game that received many accolades on its release.

It's funny that so many people try to disparage this game while celebrating the first DKC, which is the only game in the trilogy that aged so bad that it was getting bad reviews when it was ported over to GBA like a decade ago.

>> No.4946887
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>It's not worse than 1 or 2
Yes, it is. And I've explained why in the thread whereas you've given zero support for your opinion.

>DKC1 is bad because its GBA port got bad reviews
All of the GBA ports are frankly not very good. How could anyone think this is a good argument? It isn't.

Anyway, both of you need to learn how to support your opinions better.

>> No.4946889

>the GBA port with its awful audio, overly bright nuclear saturation colors, terrible minigames, and extra cutscenes got bad reviews
You don't say.

>> No.4946893

You haven't been around long enough then. People all too often cite the lack of a David Wise OST in the original SNES version of the game as one reason it was weaker.

The OST still has good tracks of course, but even as a big fan of 3 I find myself liking 1 and 2's more.

>> No.4947282

This but Rockface Rumble is DKC2 Tier in terms of quality. Cascape Capers is pretty great too
On the other hand I think Stilt Village is awful. Fucking Tubas. Makes the first world feel so lame.

>> No.4947852

The creepy parts are pretty nice with the yodelling, but that it goes from such an upbeat tempo to that ambient track is jarring as fuck. It doesn't suit a fast-paced platformer at all. I think the GBA soundtrack is terrible, it sounds too kiddy and merry considering the theme of the game is nature vs machines.

>> No.4947908
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I tell you what though, it was hilarious watching James and Mike fucking fail using the elephant WITH THE FUCKING L AND R CONTROLS HI-LIGHTED IN SPINNING BRIGHT YELLOW BANANAS.

>> No.4947914

>donkey kong country 3 is bad

>> No.4949157

>On the other hand I think Stilt Village is awful. Fucking Tubas. Makes the first world feel so lame.
The level design is also just bad in the first world aside from the Ellie gimmick level.

I think it's another one of the reasons the game gets so much flak. Really weak first impressions.

>> No.4950517

nah. Just not as good as 1 or 2.

>> No.4950567

the gameplay was mostly the same in 2, just more vertical levels

People who love the second game but shit on the first, are extremely contrarian

>> No.4951283

iirc the composer for dk3 was different than the other 2 so that may be why people elevate/lower it against the other 2

>> No.4951307

I hate 2 because I hate diddy and he's the main fucker in that game!

>> No.4952002

I'm not defending DKC3 here. I'm saying that DKC3 is shit, and so are 1 and 2. They're all the same style over substance bullshit that mistakenly believe collectibles and bonus stages make up for uninspired level design, bad hitboxes, and delayed controls. The characters don't matter. The music doesn't matter. The art doesn't matter. Rare for some reason forgot how to make good video games after the NES era and instead decided to focus on presentation.

>> No.4952031

She was actually one of the main composers of the first game.

>uninspired level design
How? They feel unique compared to a lot of early platforming games, they take place in different areas and at worst it may be plagued by autoscrollers but it's not like there are many of them in the whole trilogy.
>bad hitboxes
I'd like to read what you define as good hitboxes because it never happens that you jump on an enemy and die when you're not supposed to or roll when you're not supposed to.
>delayed controls
>the characters don't matter
In what sense? I don't see anyone playing the DKC games with something like Leisure Suit Larry or Sonic.
>the music doesn't matter
Try telling me the same thing after hearing noise from shit like crazybus.
>the art doesn't matter
So you'd rather just look at an empty wall with a colored pixel moving left or right then. Just because it's a /vr/ game doesn't mean the art style is meaningless.
>rare for some reason forgot twhoe to make video games after the NES era ...
your opinion. A lot of Rare games are still celebrated for more than their presentation. Or what, do you think people only care about Battletoads in Battlemaniacs and Goldeneye because they think it looks and/or sounds amazing?

For someone who complains about style over substance you sure aren't practicing what you preach. You keep complaining about the style while you never explain what you're exactly talking about when talking about substance.

>> No.4952546


You are of course entitled to your opinion, but be aware you are pretty alone with it. So many millions of people love these games that it should be highly unlikely that they don't have something going for them... And I don't think Rare sucked off all of them...

>> No.4954387


what am I supposed to be hearing?

>> No.4954410

Speak for yourself faggot.

>> No.4954419
File: 44 KB, 480x480, 18274815_1893197344271426_8376704742844262847_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh hyerbole
The games are all great. Maybe they just aren't your thing.
>delayed controls
>bad hitboxes
I never had an issue. Maybe I adapted but I'm quite skilled at these games.
>uninspired level design
I wouldn't say that they're masters, but DKC1 and DKC2 have some really great levels. Even DKC3 has some cool ones in later worlds of the game.

>> No.4955806

>the first DKC, which is the only game in the trilogy that aged so bad
It is statements like these that make it difficult to not just outright dismiss and hate DKC3 fans.