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File: 53 KB, 640x480, Eternal Darkness n64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4948316 No.4948316 [Reply] [Original]

>Tfw no Eternal Darkness for the N64

>> No.4948319

Good. It had a chance on the GCN.

>> No.4948323

Someone has it. Let's just hope that diet of fried cheese and Mountain Dew catches up to them sooner rather than later and it gets dumped.

>> No.4948384

>Not wanting both versions.

>> No.4948412

>Wanting a N64 game

Not that the GCN was a looker itself with games but hey. The small victories.

>> No.4948414

Good chance that the someone is someone who worked on the game.

>> No.4948627

This. Just like RE0, the N64 version wouldn't have been nearly as good due to cartridge limitations. Eternal Darkness still has some of the best game voice acting ever.

>> No.4948641

I'd play it. Probably at least one of the chapters is complete enough to enjoy.

>> No.4948941
File: 109 KB, 850x415, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are at least 2 reasons why RE2 on N64 would have been better than the one we got, 2 reasons directly linked to their generations:

1) RE0 on GC doesn't have tight gameplay. All the animations of all the characters and enemies have a thousand goddamn frames and take forever. The devs were too busy wanking over "technology!" and see how many frames max they could cram in to care about tight gameplay.
This results in untight gameplay where all the actions happen forever after you hit the button and it's all about a predicting guess work than anything.

If you look at videos of the N64 version, it's not like that at all and it looks like it plays just as tight as RE2/3.


2) Bland unvarying "brown graphics with a bit of red"

Besides, your argument about cartridge size only really matters for FMV cutscenes, and even let's remind ourselves that RE2 on N64 exists.

>> No.4948952

Also, in the video you can see that Rebecca has 8 inventory slots versus 6 in the final version.

It's questionnable whether we can use this as a argument as perhaps that would have changed by the time the game would have been released on N64, BUT we can say that what we see of it is better in that regard, especially considering the shitty item management system the game has.

Also, Rebecca's VA and behaviour seems a lot less incoherent than the we one we got in the end. But again, maybe they'd have changed it.

Finally all the loading times look really short.

>> No.4948953

impractial animations are pretty much what defined gamecube

>> No.4948957

and yet it's not as bad for RE1 remake... it managed to keep tight gameplay. RE0 just fucked up.

>> No.4948958

Honestly REmake is also fairly garbage in that sense. It's also clunky with start/stops of animations, just not AS clunky as Zero. Not to mention that gunplay in REmake is also shit compared to RE2 and RE3.

I've said this a million times on this board, REmake's only objective advantage is that it's prettier. RE3 has the best gameplay and gunplay of all tank control games. Some people simply can't separate this from the overall impression when you see something as gorgeous looking as REmake, or especially Zero in remaster since its proper HD backgrounds are utilized.

>> No.4949049

>All the animations of all the characters and enemies have a thousand goddamn frames and take forever.

You post this all the time and I still have no idea what you’re talking about. Examples?

>> No.4949051

Not him but play the damn game. There is so much delay between you pressing a button and action being executed because there is a wind up/wind down effect of the animations that have to play out before something actually happens.

You are probably too dumb to notice it, no offense.

>> No.4949056

Like what though? You mean like raising your weapon to fire? I genuinely don’t know what you guys are talking about. Plus it’s not like RE is Devil May Cry and relies on super quick response time.

>> No.4949062

Yes, like raising your weapon to fire. It takes almost a whole goddamn second. And when you press the button to actually fire it, there is also a slight delay to that too. And a bunch of other stuff.

It's considerably less snappy than all the games that preceded it and while it doesn't make the game unplayable you can't zig-zag around the enemies with ease even if you are a veteran RE player. It's just a huge step back in terms of quality of life.

It's basically a lot like Silent Hill games.

>> No.4949169

I get what you mean, but in the case of REmake it feels like they deliberately made a middle ground, while in the case of RE0 it feels like they just fucked up and pretty much every single animation is just awfully long for its sake.

Still in REmake it sucks when you miss a zombie headshot with the shotgun up close because the game decided that particular frame wouldn't do it.
Even worse is getting hit by a dog because you missed the animation that stuns them down for one that doesn't by a couple of frames, and you're stuck in post firing weapon downtime.

But at least you can damage Hunters ANY time, even when they get up, which wasn't the case in the original game.

The worst offender is probably the Molotov Cocktails in RE0. Holy shit. It's rendered worse by how the game insists on having you fight the Leech guys in tight corridor, where the cocktail is likely to miss and hit a wall instead.... oh and what about that long ass pre-transformation (from "human" to "full leech) which last forever and during which the enemy just seem to be invicible?
What a goddamn mess.

I genuinely can't think of a single Silent Hill game where this is a problem, not even on the level of REmake.... except maybe Origins regarding certain enemies and attacks, if my memory serves me right, but then again I always played the PS2 version of that game which has awful input delay so that never helped.

>> No.4949301

I just played through RE0 HD last week and I agree with the molotovs for sure. Thankfully you don’t need to use them very often, but it was definitely frustrating during the Queen Leech fight trying to throw molotovs so it would let go of Billy.

>> No.4949579

>wanting games at all
>thinking any 6th gen game looks good at all

>> No.4949682

I don’t know about that. Eternal Darkness has some nice looking environments and character models.

>> No.4949929

Yeah and donsidering the low inventory limit for that fight, a good stock of Molotov Cocktails are the best thing to bring...

The Queen is another great example of unnecessary long animations btw. Considering damage to her doesn't really matter, after she gets stunned it's all about waiting for her stun to be over and time the next shots properly

>> No.4950230

That anon wasn't referring to graphics. He was subtly calling the GameCube less shitty than the N64.

>> No.4951880

I always found it interest how Eternal Darkness while not that scary of a game (more of having a really creepy atmosphere) has possibly the scariest jump scare of all time, simply because there's only one in the game and it's not mandatory, just something you can stumble upon.