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File: 508 KB, 1200x800, FB3680_ID_mockup.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4944014 No.4944014 [Reply] [Original]

Why did the better console lose?

>> No.4944018

It didn't. It outsold Nintendo globally from 1991-1993.

>> No.4944020

which console are you comparing it against and are we talking global sales, regional, legacy, what?

>> No.4944023

Better than what, a Polystation?

>> No.4944080

It won.
The Mega Drive was the cool console in most of the world. Only losers owned a SNES.

>> No.4944082

It was black

>> No.4944084
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>> No.4944238

>better console

>shit sound
>64 colors
>3 button control pad
>comparatively shit library



>> No.4944245

>>shit sound

Man, the Super Nintendo sure has great music! I sure do love flat-sounding samples!

SNES-fags just don’t understand FM synthesis.

>> No.4944253

>the Super Nintendo sure has great music!


>> No.4944262


>> No.4944287

this water level doesn't wear out its welcome

>> No.4944350

Sega spent too much on wasted addons like the sega cd and 32x, which didn't do well commercially, with the latter essentially being a commercial bomb and former being an expensive FMV game addon.

>> No.4944384

I think the MD's library is more interesting myself.

>> No.4944391

Sega CD only has FMV games.
This meme again. Look if you want to post here then maybe you should play retro games and not just watch AVGN

>> No.4944393

It won outside of Japan, but it lost Japan so hard that it lost the worldwide count.

Due to Nintendo’s monopoly they couldn’t win Japan. Not sure how NEC managed so well.

>> No.4944398

Don't blame NoFriendo for Sega's obsession with arcade style gameplay that wasn't wanted in Japanese homes because it tires quickly.

>> No.4944403

Don't forget these classics https://youtube.com/watch?v=PPC4wXguSjs

>> No.4944408

>t. casual that can't even get a high score

>> No.4944409

*audible groan*


>> No.4944410

>Japanese don't like arcade games
Huh? It's the only place where arcades are still relevant.

>> No.4944412

The SNES wasn't ruined by pointless add-ons that fractured the user base like the Mega Drive.

>> No.4944414

They didn't want it at home because they live in proper cities designed for humans instead of cars so they could just go to the numerous arcades. Duplicating the experience poorly at home was unappealing.

>> No.4944416

Yeah they don't need arcade games in their home. At home they play JRPGs and dating sims

>> No.4944418

I have multple G-A-Ys at the local arcade bar, on more machines than that A-S-S guy.

>> No.4944419

lmao it's so true though

>> No.4944428

Literally every game on the genesis feels like it plays like the rom hack genesis nes games.

>> No.4944429


Genesis is way better for metal and dance music, which are the best types of video game music

>> No.4944440


>> No.4944446

>metal and dance music

>> No.4944451

only blacks and white trash liked this poverty console

>> No.4944456

>using an essentially ‘enhanced’ 8-bit CPU that ran at 2.68 MHz most of the time
>entirely sample based audio with only 64 KB of audio RAM and tiny ROM sizes
>standard game resolution of 256x224 instead of 320x224
>slower VRAM so can’t into blast processing

We can play this game all day my dude

>> No.4944457

Indeed, I'd rather music sound like a distinct synth than a poor imitation of real instruments played in an echo chamber down the hall. Seriously how does the SNES sound like it's too muffled AND given too much reverb at the same time?!

>> No.4944472

>poverty console
Yeah right! Nice try /v/

>> No.4944553

The games aren't good tho.

>> No.4944562

Truth to this. Poor people has Sega thus the autistic loyalty years later... still trying to justify their childhoods.

SNES had the far better library. Period.

>> No.4944579
File: 12 KB, 225x224, images-47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Poor people had a SNES. The rest of us had a Genesis with the CD expansion

>> No.4945034
File: 162 KB, 780x1014, neogeoweenie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfags had SNES and Genesis.

Us richfags however, enjoyed the awesomeness that was the Neo-Geo.

>> No.4945038

Nice LARP my friend

>> No.4945040

prove it. I AM an owner of an AES so go post in the Neo Geo forums. Let me know when you have and I'll post the screencap here.

>> No.4945042

Speak for yourself. I had a PC with SoundBlaster

>> No.4945045

That was in addition to a console that actually had games worth playing.

>> No.4945050

PCucks are the lowest of the poorfags. They just pirate all their games and wonder why no company takes their platform seriously.

>> No.4945056

I'm enjoying my superior ports :-)

>> No.4945058

Only poor people had a single console, be it SNES or Genesis or TG16. An AES would be the exception though.

>> No.4945072

>tfw sister had SNES + NES and I had Genesis and played all 3
>tfw still enjoy falseflagging in ancient console war threads

>> No.4945074

Better library, the same reason the psx won.

>> No.4945078

Ny fucking ears man.
Damn it, it sounds nothing like the ocean.

>> No.4945081

>pc with soundblaster

>> No.4945096

your momma isn't good tough

you pee pee isn't good tough

>> No.4945103

If you don't like this track, you're probably better off on a onions diet


>> No.4945108

I'm from a 3rd world country and yeah back in 1993-1994-ish all we had were the NES and Megadrive clones. Nobody knew what a SNES was. (SNES hardware is all proprietary and pretty much impossible to clone, not to mention all the cart specific special chips)

I'd imagine it's the same thing in Brazil, Russia etc.

>> No.4945112

It cost for $2000 in 1992 dollars for the PC, monitor, and very solid ALPS keyboard and mouse. It may have come with the dot matrix prrinter too. I think the SoundBlaster was a separate purchase. Came with ID/Apogee games and a shitty joystick my dad used to play Wolfenstein.

>> No.4945139

Now that I'm older I'm starting to appreciate a lot of Genesis titles I had overlooked, but aside from Sonic the console didn't have much for me as a kid. I was into Mario, Mega Man and Final Fantasy.

>> No.4945148

I was expecting metal force but you surprised me with the best track in the game, good work anon

>> No.4945151

I feel the same way, when I was younger I preferred the snes library now I prefer mega drive so much more.

>> No.4945176

Because Genesis is and always has been the console for the mature.

>> No.4945183

Megadrive if you like action games (the best genre).

SNEZZ if you like jarpigs (the worst genre).

>> No.4945186

As far as western releases go, a lot of the most marketed games were FMV shit and anything that wasn't barely had any real hype (Besides maybe Sonic CD and batman) and would be considered obscurities that would only later shoot up in price 2 decades later.
Remember, games like Snatcher had poor as fuck sales.

>> No.4945204

>had both
So I was a cool loser?

>> No.4945214

>shit sound
Clean, clear FM > muffled, compressed PCM samples
>64 colors
Oh no, the games don't look fruity like on SNES, whatever shall we do?
>3 button control pad
Nice job ignoring the 6-button revision.
>comparatively shit library
Yeah, it needed more Final Fantasies and Dragon Quests! What a shitty console!

>> No.4945215


>> No.4945223

And I got those rarities as a kid, adding a hefty complement of more good games to my sega library. What's your point?

>> No.4945228


>> No.4945232

>Nice job ignoring the 6-button revision.
Nice job ignoring that it was useless because games couldn't rely on it for backwards compatibility.

>> No.4945235

segautists are the worst

>> No.4945240

That's what the Mode button was for, you silly Nintendildo.

>> No.4945248

Those games barely got marketing, and most of the games that did get marketed to hell and back were fmv games, anything else generally sold like shit and the addon in general didn't even sell that well in the first place, considering it was expensive and on top of that, required a Sega genesis.

>> No.4945276

>product's marketing = product's quality
>lol sega's for poorfags but I couldn't afford one
Well thanks for coming out

>> No.4945284

Still didn't change the fact that the SEGA CD was expensive and many of the games worth a shit didn't sell when they came out, the fucking thread is about "Why did the console lose?".

>> No.4945518
File: 208 KB, 586x640, 2832009-dkc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why did the better console lose?
-Nintendo's dominance from the generation prior
-sega's need to have multiple add on's
-pic related

DKC for me was the "oh shit" moment growing up as a Sega kid.

>> No.4945529

Vectorman > Nigger Kong Country

>> No.4945570

It's the horizonal resolution that gets me. It looks off to the eye being only 80% the density of more-or-less everything else in the era that settled on 320wide.

>> No.4945573

>Donkey Kang Country
You tried

>> No.4945584

Ah, it's like i've woken up and am back in the second grade with this thread

>> No.4945685

I seriously don't get the fucking hype for this game. I've been going back now in my adulthood and playing all these Nintendo games I missed out on. I understand Mario. Megaman. Castlevania. Ninja Gaiden. But what the fuck makes Donkey Kong Country so special? It's got a few good tracks, but one, it looks like shit to me, and two, the gameplay isn't anything special at all. I don't get it.

>> No.4945705

>But what the fuck makes Donkey Kong Country so special?
The pre-rendered graphics, atmosphere, and music. It might not seem so special now but it was very impressive in '94.

>> No.4945712

also it has some of the best flow of any platformer i've played

>> No.4945713

>and two, the gameplay isn't anything special at all.
Don't forget the wonky hit detection and shit boss fights.

>> No.4945730

That has to be it. I guess I can't remember what my thoughts would have been back then. Right now I just think it's unappealing, the same way a lot of people think early 3D games were bad visually.

>> No.4945987

Very few games make use of the extra buttons, because they needed to be entirely playable without them.

>> No.4945991

The graphics don't look so rough with composite video on a CRT. And the SGI rendered sprites were impressive at the time. You're judging games out of their original context.

>> No.4945996

Sonic is boring and too much of a fucking headache.
I liked Comic Zone though.

You cant beat SMW, Star Fox, and Final Fantasy though. Sorry, Sega. It doesnt matter what Nintendon't when all you have is the future flagship mascot for autism.

>> No.4946008

This. That said the Genesis has an overall less memorable library compared to the SNES. Sega didn’t specialize in elaborate single player games like Nintendo does. Like there was nothing comparable to Super Metroid on the Genesis for example.

>> No.4946025

Reminder that Genesis was the poor kid's console.

>> No.4946035

i don't get this meme, is it because genesis games tend to be cheaper than snes games on ebay and shit?

>> No.4946042


I felt exactly the same way............................................................................ then I played Sonic.

>> No.4946057

No, it's literally because if poor families had any console at all in the early 90s, it was the genesis.

>> No.4946064


> Being born after 2000

It's a meme because growing up all the poor kids had Sega. I dunno why that's just how it was.

Maybe the rich parents looked at the advertised games and Nintendo seemed more kid friendly than Sega with methed out hedgehogs and a uncensored mk game?

>> No.4946065


I noticed after the 16 bit era the poor kids mostly had Playstation too. Usually with few games but a ton of prized demo discs.

>> No.4946070

Genesis was priced significantly less.

>> No.4946075

My single mother got me one because it was a cheap refurb. The games at least were much cheaper because lol cartridges

>> No.4946085

snes was more kid oriented. Sega was aimed at an older audience. I love how the console wars are still going on so strong even today.
If Sega hadn't fucked up the consoles after the genesis, they could have won.

>> No.4946086


> It's cheaper
> Does what Nintendo don't

>> No.4946090
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>The rest of us had a Genesis with the CD expansion

If you're actually that old you know goddamn well that nobody had the CD add-on. That's what made it a failure.

>> No.4946096


These plebs probably didn't even have wheels on their house either!

>> No.4946101

I dunno, why do people ask loaded questions?

>> No.4946105

although i like both consoles i love coming to these threads to see the shitflinging, it reminds me of the arguments i'd see in the cafeteria and playgrpimd

>> No.4946108

god damn how did i fuck up a word as simple as playground

>> No.4946150

You were commenting on how you love watching shitposting on /vr/. You unironically have more to worry about than making the odd typo, seriously that's not good bruh.

>> No.4946162

Confusion with the addons? But that isn't really the Genesis failing. Isn't one of the most cited reasons for the Wii U being a blunder being that people were confused about exactly what it was? I can only imagine the confusion with the 32X and CD.

>> No.4946167

>Damn it, it sounds nothing like the ocean.
It's a waterpark.

>> No.4946192

Yeah I played it for the first time a few years ago. I never played it on SNES when I was a kid for whatever reason. Anyway, it just felt like a normal platformer and I didn't see anything special about it. I didn't bother to beat it because I lost interest.

>> No.4946229
File: 72 KB, 1004x524, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clean, clear FM
same can be said for an atari 2600

only poorfag brainlets don't understand that a MP3-like sample, compressed or not, is infinitely better and more advanced in 1990 than the clearest bloops and blops in the world

boops, beeps and blops are by definition "clear"

is the 2600 superior to the SNES too? it was exceptionally crisp and clear

>> No.4946232

That is a sweet track.

>> No.4946330


> Not knowing what fm synthesis is

>> No.4946382

The SNES was built that way because Nintendo was planning on it being backwards compatible with the NES, hence the 6502 derived CPU, 256x224, and slow VRAM. That didn't end up becoming the case but the compromises made by the NES left a lasting impact on the hardware.

>> No.4946407


>> No.4946428


I'd love to listen to similar tunes on SNES

>> No.4946434
File: 136 KB, 220x288, 220px-RevolutionX_arcadeflyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The real question is did revolution x sound better on the Genesis or snes?

>> No.4946457

That's funny because the genesis was also built for backward compatibility, and actually offered it.

>> No.4946496

The game sucked ass on both consoles, so the question is meaningless

>> No.4946501

Meant to reply to >>4946434

>> No.4946605

Didn't you need an adapter for that to work, or was it just a means to plug in SMS carts without hacking them up?

>> No.4946667
File: 45 KB, 670x671, bone hurting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The real question is did revolution x sound better on the Genesis or snes?
SNES sounds like the actual song, whereas the Genesis sounds like utter burping, farting garbage.

Real song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7sOq3KqV58

SNES: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eipzunVGIm0

Genesis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GA1T6WLVOFc

>> No.4946674
File: 18 KB, 460x300, Genesis twanging and farting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SNES sounds like the actual song, whereas the Genesis sounds like utter burping, farting garbage.
Which was always the trend:

Real song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHPmI8x72Rk

SNES: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6O39QJCAhk (cool guitar on this one)

Genesis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQd_QJZ94PI (earplug warning)

>> No.4946679

It didn’t in South America, Europe, and North America. At its height it had 52% of the market in North America.

>> No.4946680

You can add this too:

SNES: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aM4TB19tPw

GEN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1elR8AjLsGs

>> No.4946682

meanwhile the Saturn was popular only in Japan because of its arcade games.

whoops there goes your narrative.

>> No.4946684
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wrong. two words:

Virtua Fighter

>> No.4946686

dude PC was really expensive back in the day, especially if you wanted decent sound from your game. a Roland MT-32 or SC-55 were pricey af, if anyone could afford to buy games it was the rich PC kids parents

>> No.4946687

crap that's awful, and it's ironic in that people always bring up earthworm jim as a game that held up well to the SNES

>> No.4946693

We still copied that floppy, because we weren't stupid.

>> No.4946734

The latter. There’s no actual hardware in the power base converter, it just sends the pins where they need to go.

>> No.4946742

A lot of the so-called advantages of the SNES PPU over the Genesis VDP weren’t as big of a deal as some people think.

For example, people say the PPU supports up to 4 background layers, while the VDP does only 2 layers. The hidden catch is that the VDP supports both horizontal and vertical line scrolling, which enable it to give additional depth to parallax, while the PPU in 3 or 4 layer mode only supports horizontal scrolling. The PPU can do vertical scrolling, but only in a 2 layer mode. This is why Genesis games in spite of the layering difference, don’t appear disadvantaged compared to SNES in parallax. Actually line scroll tricks and interrupts have a lower hardware cost on Genesis because it has a dedicated piece of RAM automatically accessed by VDP to store frame line scroll changes, while SNES has to resort to frequent interrupt triggered DMA which halt the CPU all the damn time to manually change scroll registers. That’s why you more often see crazy parallax tricks on Genesis.

To SNES’a credit, having the extra layers is handy for those semi-transparent overlays (think the forest in LttP before you pull the sword). Which brings me to my next point. People often say the Genesis can’t do semi-transparency and the SNES. Except the Genesis CAN do semi-transparency. It’s called shadow and highlight mode. You may say, that’a not semi-transparency, it’s just upping or lowering the color values. But that’a exactly what SNES does with its additive or subtractive modes. It’s just more flexible on SNES since you can add or subtract by any arbitrary pixel value, while only a fixed value on Genesis.

One big disadvantage of the SNES PPU is it absolutely hates active scan (mid-line) changes, while the Genesis VDP is tolerant of it. This permits more hardware tricks to be possible on Genesis. The PC Engine is the king of active scan though.

>> No.4946743

How did neo geo outlast all of them? 1990-2004

>> No.4946748

>overpriced 32X
>overpriced CD player
>budget thrown into an unofficially developed third model as a last resort to try and get people to buy it again during the wrong era, which included no 32X or CD support
>budget thrown into an MD/32X mashup with possible CD support which didn't get released because of their shittier Saturn system which was built with such new hardware that developers couldn't figure it out (Traveler's Tales is the only one who could figure the whole damn thing out)
>forgettable library of first party games, third party games were selling better on SNES because the hardware was much more capable than the MD and thus developers learned a trick to make 16-bit look 32-bit (this is especially apparent in Rare's DKC trilogy)
>SNES had more memorable single player games with tons of RPGs being released by Square and Enix

Honestly the Mega Drive was dead once the SNES built its library up

>> No.4946759

SNES had the much better controller in my opinion. that was always a big one for me.
also: wasnt there no street fighter 2 on sega? at least until championship edition or something...
i do remember mortal kombat being better on sega because it had blood in it

>> No.4946765

>forgettable library of first party games, third party games were selling better on SNES because the hardware was much more capable than the MD and thus developers learned a trick to make 16-bit look 32-bit (this is especially apparent in Rare's DKC trilogy)
>SNES had more memorable single player games with tons of RPGs being released by Square and Enix
Both of these are completely wrong in every single way

>> No.4946770

arcade owners/operators is why.

>> No.4946771

What about that Overdrive 2 semi-transparency? I realize it only works on certain hardware revisions but I still can't wrap my head around it.

>> No.4946785

> rants on about nothing
> making things up
> thus developers learned a trick to make 16-bit look 32-bit (this is especially apparent in Rare's DKC trilogy)
> can't line scroll, somehow more capable
> converting bitmap graphics from various formats and 3d modelling is now a trick that only rare knows about

>> No.4946792

IIRC the Overdrive 2 scenedemo's semi-transparency works by using a debug register on VDP which enables layers to be blended against each other. I believe the blending function was intended to be implemented on final hardware but Sega couldn't entirely iron the bugs out of it (maybe ran out of die space) so let if undocumented. The Overdrive 2 team would have used it in an extremely careful and controlled manner so as not to trigger the bugs.

The reason it won't work on every revision is because the functionality was not considered by Sega to be essential to the console's spec since as I mentioned, it's an unfinished feature.

>> No.4947054
File: 24 KB, 259x194, comzone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SNES sounds like the actual song
OF course, SNES was built so you could simply copy existing song and be done with it, while on Sega you had to actually compose. SNES was going to sound better on average, but truly amazing songs were all on Sega because it required creativity.

If I want to listen to Aerosmith I'll listen to the real deal rather than SNES, but if I want to listen to truly original songs I'm going to go with Sega.


>> No.4947208

It didn't. It outsold everything in the only place that mattered and had CD games worth playing, unlike the turd in your pic.

>> No.4947258

Genesis was actually a lot more CHAD and HIGH TEST
All the kids I knew who had Genesis went on to do alpha shit like lift weights, join the military, do cocaine, get girls pregnant etc.
>faster processor
>more / better co op games
Anyways, I grew up with a SNES and turned out to be a real beta bitch boy
Was always jealous of Genesis CHADS

>> No.4947264

I'd say part of why a lot of music on the Genesis sounds like farts and screeching would have to be the GEMS driver, which was used in practically every Western developed game, and while it could be used in a fair to good capacity, like say Earthworm Jim 1, Vectorman, or Comix Zone, much of the time is was just barely passable. Basically it let you use the FM chip as a sequencer.

>> No.4947274

There are so many games with much better soundtracks than those. Check out Devilish, Gauntlet IV, Gleylancer, Elemental Master and Shadow Dancer. There are also more obvious ones like Shining Force II and the Genesis port of Street Fighter II.

>> No.4947293

While those do have some pretty good tracks, they're all Japanese games. I can't say with 100% certainty, but I don't believe any title developed in Japan used the GEMS driver, and the composers instead directly programmed FM Synth chip, which is always way better.

Battle Mania Daiginjou has some great tracks too.

>> No.4947323
File: 837 KB, 680x1519, 1533044420296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That said the Genesis has an overall less memorable library compared to the SNES.
I would say a large part of that is Sega not making consoles anymore. Nintendo's ip's are still to this day being thrown in our faces so they stay relevant. Probably also why the Nintendo tax is a thing.
>Like there was nothing comparable to Super Metroid on the Genesis for example.
it's true the Genesis didn't have a game that reached the legandary status of SM or ALttP. I won't argue with that but I would say that when it comes to the actual amount of decent to great games the Genesis beats the SNES imo.

>> No.4947364

Huh, odd I never knew that. I'm especially surprised because I recall the Genesis controller seemed more designed for fighting games than the SNES which awkwardly used the RL bumpers for the fierce and roundhouse attacks in SF2.

>> No.4947395

How bout this

>> No.4947402

It's less that and more than the pc engine already filled the "arcade console" niche over there.

>> No.4947405

It became the standard for me, so much so that I mapped fierce and roundhouse to L1 and R1 on PSX/PS2 instead of using R1/R2.

>> No.4947665
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>>shit sound
The Mega Drive had some of the best music


>> No.4947881

This >>4946770 and the fact that it was pretty much a specialty niche market, a good reason why it lasted long is that it was the perfect toaster not long after it was released and they used many compression techniques to get the most out of cartridges. It was essentially a 2D powerhouse for quite a while, so good for anyone making 2D arcade games.

>> No.4948049
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Wew glad I own the definitive 16bit version

How was it on ps1 and Saturn?



>> No.4948056

Arcade is definitive version. It's actually an analog joystick, not a light gun, so playing with a mouse is cheating.

>> No.4948070


I think that had more to do with Sega being for poor kids.

>> No.4948072

>Scary Larry of GamePro panned the PlayStation version. Citing prominent slowdown, mediocre graphics, and a bland soundtrack, he assessed that "With standard shooting that doesn't live up to its arcade counterpart, Rev X seems like an old game wheezing through on its past reputation". Next Generation commented, "This shooter ... was popular in the arcades, but this conversion is abysmal."IGN gave the PlayStation version a 1 out of 10. They complained of slow controls and poor graphics and concluded that "Revolution X isn't the worst game ever made, but it sure comes close."

>Echoing Scary Larry's assessment of the PlayStation version, GamePro's Bruised Lee commented that "Acclaim took Midway's smash arcade hit and turned it into a complete miss for the Saturn." He complained of blocky graphics, dull backgrounds, repetitive gameplay, extreme slowdown, and poor sound effects. Sega Saturn Magazine summarized it as "An incredibly bland and monotonous game matched only by the blandness and monotony of the band that endorse it", citing overlong boss fights and a lack of intelligent design to where the enemies appear.

It's a shame, because they could have used all that disc space for Aerosmith songs.

>> No.4948081

Okay besides that


:( I would have loved if it had all the aerosmoth songs on the disc and like some updated fmv stuff.

>> No.4948089

inorite. None of that basic shit is alpha. Working in the military as an enlistee is like being a BDSM sub. Obeying your instinct and becoming a miserable teenage father is as pathetic as it gets.

>> No.4948123

The arcade version was okay as best, but pulled off shit that was only there to waste quarters. SNES and Genesis ports were pure garbage.

>> No.4948124

Very beautiful.

>> No.4948335

I'm sick of using RF on my genesis. Can anyone point me towards and acceptable AV cable for a model 1?

>> No.4948343
File: 204 KB, 800x800, sega-mega-drive-1-genesis-rca-cable-with-stereo-sound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this so you're getting stereo from the headphone jack.

>> No.4948464
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>SNES was built so you could simply copy existing song and be done with it, while on Sega you had to actually compose
>Sega required creativity
>The hardware sucked and it was primitive so it's better!

>> No.4948482

Embarrassing for Sega...

>> No.4948661

>matched only by the blandness and monotony of the band that endorse it"

>> No.4948672

both of the consoles unironically sound better than the original there (which sounds like an uninspired backing track that would come with a how to improvise guitar instructional)

>> No.4948679

It would be a fairer competition to put the genesis fart sounds against the NES beeps. Thinking about final fantasy games, tetris music, super mario bros games, I'd strongly think about NES, however yeah there are a few genesis games like Moonwalker and Street fighter showing the genesis soundcard doesn't always sound horrible.

>> No.4948708

R-Type was the pc engine’s original system seller. Twin cobra was also very popular. That later changed to games like Fire pro wrestling and Tengai makyou

>> No.4948786

>Moonwalker and Street fighter showing the genesis soundcard doesn't always sound horrible.
still sounded like a raspy mess compared to the SNES


>> No.4948883

The Snes was able to do well on its own while Sega kept putting the Genesis on life support with expensive peripherals.

>> No.4949185

The Genesis was outselling the SNES outside of Japan when both peripherals were released. Also, neither of the peripherals were released as a response to SNES but other machines.

The Sega CD is the answer to the TG16 CD and the 32X is the answer to 3DO and Jaguar.

>> No.4949208

What kind of fucking retard actually still thinks the SNES sounds better than the MD? FM synth holds up so much better than muffled samples.

Seriously, what utter fucking trash taste.

>> No.4949209

it didn't, i love the sega systems, but nintendo was better.

>> No.4949819

The Genesis and games sold well, while the peripherals and their games didn't sell well. Remember, they had to literally make the 32X $20 within months of it's release because of bad sales.

>> No.4950872

Because NEC shit not only the bed but the entire room trying to market it in America because they directly applied Japanese tactics which didn't translate (e.g. only caring about major cities which are way farther apart in the States so the vast middle class suburbs had no idea what the hell it was.)

The SNES is only better if you really like RPGs.

>> No.4950875

The most successful consoles are the ones that appeal to the lowest common denominator.

>> No.4950878

>Not sure how NEC managed so well.
The Famicom was like five years old when the PCE came out. Newer arcade games were starting to get too big for it to chew and there was need for better home hardware.

>> No.4951095
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>> No.4951237

Does the Snes still have games being made for it?

>> No.4951241

What about that fightan game with the disclaimer stating it could well set your console alight?

>> No.4951273

Both consoles can pull off things that the other clearly can't, sound-wise.

>> No.4951303

I am a gigantic RPG fan and I still put the Genesis and the SNES on equal footing. Shining Force II is unmatched by any strategy RPG on the SNES. Shining in the Darkness destroys Arcana. Phantasy Star IV is not as good as Chrono Trigger or FFVI, but it's better than every other SNES RPG out there. Beyond Oasis is easily as good as LTTP. Light Crusader and Landstalker are incredible games. The Genesis Shadowrun is just as good as the SNES Shadowrun. I could go on

>> No.4951390

No, because Nintendo isn't cool like Sega.

>> No.4951394


See the list of unlicensed games at the bottom


>> No.4951871

>Beyond Oasis is easily as good as LTTP
It's great but it's not on par with ALttP. Maybe if it was a bit longer and if they re-worked most of that god awful music it might be close.

>> No.4951886

>while the peripherals and their games didn't sell well. Remember, they had to literally make the 32X $20 within months of it's release because of bad sales
literally stop the lumping in of the CD with the 32X

>> No.4952339

CD could have been historically vindicated at the very least if there wasn't such a focus on those awful FMV games. It might have even been a genuine success at the time if it was mostly used for simply creating 16-bit games beyond the capabilities of the Genesis and SNES.
Instead people looked at all that storage space and decided that they had to fill it all, and they wanted to do it with games that have no gameplay and video that looks so awful they have to fill more than half the screen with an overlay just to hide how poor it is.
CD has a few kino games but on the whole it is not only a failure financially, but on the quality of its games as well.

>> No.4952351

You could quite as easily say the same about the entire 5th Gen's focus on shoehorning 3d into everything just for novelty's sake.

The truth is that good conventional games on Sega CD far outnumbered the shitty FMV titles. They just happen to stick in the mind for some incomprehensible reason.

>> No.4952726

SEGA CD was pricey, required the genesis, and the games that got hyped for it were FMV shit. Sure it has some pretty cool titles that aren't FMV, but of course they didn't sell well to produce mass quantities... and thus they go for hundreds now.
>B-but sales don't indicate quality
Sorry, but ultimately in a market, stuff costs money to produce and is expected to ultimately make a profit, if it doesn't, then it's treated as a waste. Snatcher and Popful Mail in the US sold below average and as a result, they didn't publish that many copies, and now they're stupidly expensive because "Muh lost jewels".

>> No.4952781

All the boring normies had a Nintendo

>> No.4952784

*gritty industrial fart sounds intensify*

>> No.4952790


>> No.4952792


>> No.4952793

>The truth is that good conventional games on Sega CD far outnumbered the shitty FMV titles.

The truth is that they don't far outnumber them, to the extent where the Sega CD is memorable largely for the shitty FMV titles

I would know, I had one on release. I don't really remember shit about it except sonic cd, Jaguar XJ220 (amazing underrated game), and shitty fucking FMV games like sherlock holmes, which would never just fucking play without fucking locking up, I never finished the game *fUCK*

>> No.4952794

Because it sounds like a combination of a 7/11 burrito fart and a digitized Vietnamese nail salon owner.

>> No.4952795

i lol'ed out loud

>> No.4952891

Read the last sentence of my post again. You drank the kool-aid, just like most people.

Look at the release list now rather than units printed/sold and you'll see that I am correct.

>> No.4952896

I don't give two shits about the headphone jack. And I meant like an actual link where I can buy one.

>> No.4952914

The headphone jack is what outputs stereo. If you don't care about things, just continue playing with rf

>> No.4952919

So if I get an AV cord not like that, would it be true mono sound, or just would just be the same output coming out of both of the TV's speakers? Because I'm totally fine with the latter.

>> No.4952931

idk who sells them now. Can just use a 3.5mm to RCA cable and leave rear cable's RCA connectors dangling.

>> No.4952932

I fucking had one kid, you weren't there, fuck are you to tell me why anything sticks in anyones memory. fuck off.

>> No.4952968

You were a dumb kid that didn’t read the damn magazine reviews and so missed out on all of the good CD games. It’s like somebody who only buys shovelware for PS2 saying this console has no good games.

>> No.4952970

>tfw this is the strip mall around the corner from here

>> No.4953208

>shit sound

You mean badly emulated. Original console sounds way better.

>> No.4953308
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>>had both
>So I was a cool loser?

You were/are a faggot

>> No.4953418

>you weren't there
Cool assumption. I was a teenager when the CD was released.

I could quite comfortably have it as my desert island system with not a single FMV title so there.

>> No.4953454

Yes, The awful Mega Drive sound is a meme extended thanks of years and years of bad sound emulation (still not perfect nowadays) that flooded youtube with horrible earpiercing, badly emulated Mega Drive soundtracks.

That's not to say that there werent't bad soundtracks (specially those using the GEMS driver) but some of them weren't even so noticable in real hardware like the Model 1 (The one I had).

>> No.4953464

>(specially those using the GEMS driver)

Some of the best Megadrive soundtracks were made on the GEMS driver.

>> No.4953513



Which one's better?

>> No.4953526

Most people don't know that the Sega CD came with a new sample based sound chip in addition to its CD playing capabilities. I wanna link some of those tracks.


>> No.4953550

Those are good tracks, but again, bad sound emulation hurt a lot the Mega Drive ones.

>> No.4953559

I think you're exaggerating what you've come to identify as *the* problem.

>> No.4953625

Listen to that Battle Mania track, and then listen to that here:

And that's counting that even if it's recorded on real hardware, he used the Model 2, which sounds a bit worse than the Model 1, in my opinion.

>> No.4953640

I think the guy on that account modded his Model 2 with the sound quality fix. Most Model 2s won’t have the ladder effect sound, but that’s technically a bug in the hardware and some love and some hate it.

>> No.4953679

Probably, but he also admited in one of his new rips that sounded worse than when he recorded before in his Mega Drive Model 1. I don't remember which one was (probably Shinobi III?)

I had the original Model 1 High resolution console back then in 1991, and to me, it has the best sound. Even so,t as you say, not everyone agrees with this.

>> No.4953720
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sega cd is underrated as fuck

>> No.4953730

I think it's actually pretty overrated around here. The majority of games either didn't need to be on a CD (like those Amiga titles that were ported), or relied too much on FMV for the sake of it. It has some amazing games that tend to get overlooked, but I wouldn't call it an underrated system overall.

>> No.4954162
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>sega cd is underrated as fuck

fucking sega tards need to be banned.

>> No.4954170
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Is that a twin stick shooter?

Also Tanglewood and possibly Paprium one day coming out for the system soon off the top of my head.

SNES at least got that awful fighting game last year though.

>> No.4954178

Will I ever find a Tanglewood ROM? The first batch supposedly shipped but I haven't seen any posts about anyone ordering or receiving it. Will they just sit on shelves unplayed?

>> No.4954191

Did they bake in some sort of weird DRM with the release? I played through the demo and it was okay but I worry about level and puzzle variety.

>> No.4954192


It was neck and neck with Nintendo until Japan pulled the plug on the console in late 1994. Nintendo pulled ahead because Sega of Japan said "fuck the Genesis" and went full Saturn.

Kind of hard for Sega of America to keep pace with Nintendo's lineup when the heavy hitters in your 1995 lineup consists of mainly western fare like Comix Zone, Vectorman, and X-Men 2: The Clone Wars.

>> No.4954237
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Anon, just because a few Sega CD games fetch a high price (Snatcher, Keio Flying Squadron, ect) doesn't mean the system is overwhelmingly forgot about. How many people even owned a Sega CD when it first came out? Not many. I for one, did and even then I didn't have a lot of games for it.

>> No.4954250

I loved the Sega CD, though I admit most of my love for it comes from the nostalgia of it being my first CD based console. Playing Sonic CD for the first time and experiencing CD sound and full motion video in my games was awesome at that time. The Sega CD Model 2 start-up jingle is enough to bring me the nostalgia goosebumps. I didn't have a lot of games for it, but the few I did (Sonic, Final Fight, Earthworm Jim, Lunar, Spider-Man, Road Avenger) were fun and bring back a lot of good memories.

>> No.4954823

Lol at over 200 replies to this thread. Other than the Dreamcast, Sega's consoles have always been garbage. As soon as the "muh red coloured blood" appeal faded, MD owners were left with a gross hunk of plastic, awful controllers, WOAT tier music and graphics.....

Sony have clearly won in the long term, console-wise though

>> No.4955119


No red (You) for you. Put some effort in.

>> No.4955120

garbage post
here's your (You)

>> No.4955127

>I understand Mario. Megaman. Castlevania. Ninja Gaiden. But what the fuck makes Donkey Kong Country so special?
It's the opposite for me. DKC is one of the only 2D platformers from the SNES that I find enjoyable.

>> No.4955143

It is. That game is expensive because it has an under-aged anime girl on it. Not because there's a huge fanbase.

>> No.4955149

There really aren't many scaler games on the system. Because even with its capabilities, it couldn't actually run a Sega style super scaler game (check out Taito's Night Striker for an example of an attempt). Better than anything any other 16bit console can do, but you need Saturn tier hardware to run that sort of game.

I think the CD voice acting and cutscenes help Lunar 2, but it could probably do without them. Phantasy IV didn't need it.

>> No.4955182

Games that didn't sell well back then tend to fetch high as fuck prices now.

>> No.4955296
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>> No.4955297
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And Gunstar Heroes...

>> No.4955323

Vectorman had those terrible gimmick boss fights, though.

>> No.4955325

>3 button control pad
>Nice job ignoring the 6-button revision.
Developers were even better at this job.

>> No.4955818

Supposedly the scaling chip in the Sega CD is pretty powerful. The issue is that Sega fucked up the expandability of the base console so the connection between it and the CD is pretty slow. It literally cannot copy the scale/rotated data from the CD to the VDP in the main unit fast enough to meet its full potential, unless you scale/rotate a lot of really small sprites.

>> No.4955824
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>make game requiring 6 button
>anyone who doesn't have it is fucked out of playing the game
its ok when sony does it though

>> No.4955847

>buying a game that you KNOW needs a special controller, still complains about it like a fucking retard.

>> No.4955872

>le genesis sounds like farts!
Meanwhile, SNES had actual farts in game music...


Do Nintenkiddos just enjoy projecting, or what?

>> No.4955884

I mean, even games compromised by the limitations like Batman Returns are impressive. Even at like 20 fps, there's nothing like it on other systems of the time.

>> No.4955889

I'm not complaining sperg lord
I fucked with mario paint too even though its the only game (in America) that even uses the mouse

>> No.4955901

Well as I said, using the chip is only a problem if the scaled/rotated sprites take up a lot of screen space (like a full screen rotation). Batman Returns uses a lot of medium sized sprites which although together take a lot of screen space, they are independently calculated. It's well in excess of the *single* object the SNES can do.

>> No.4955915



>> No.4955930

so this.....is the power..... of the super nintendo ... the incredible power .... of an expensive .... sony sound chip ...



>> No.4955934

nintendo was for wimpy poofs into plumbers and zelda's
sega was for gangsters into streets of rage and shinobi .
sega won cos it had the better library who gives a shit about sales.
suck it nintendo nerds

>> No.4956073

I loved growing up with a Genesis but you're absolutely right, Nintendo played the long game and it worked out very well for them.

>> No.4956098

>nobody had the CD add-on
confirmed for amerimutt

>> No.4956225

>Replies to post to prove anon wrong
>Posts games that weren't on an addon
So basically you only proved the point that the addons were a waste when most of a good games weren't even on them?

>> No.4957281

They're literal children

>> No.4957317

The Genesis version is better, but it's not like the SNES one sounds unpleasant or anything.

>> No.4957319

Unlike bad Genesis music, bad SNES music isn't bad for the ears, but it's twice as bad for the soul.

>> No.4957326
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It didn’t outside Japan, everyone I knew had one. Be it in addition to a SNES or solely just Genesis alone. I liked it just fine, it had a lot of fun games.

>> No.4957428

good god the genesis could have some horrible sound

>> No.4957431

>different games
>fake enhanced genesis track
good job

>> No.4957440

>fake enhanced genesis track
It's a direct rip from Thunder Force IV you dolt

>> No.4958012
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Whatever happened to the Sega-verse? I know Sonic is coming out next year(sounds terrible) but iirc correctly Shinobi and SoR waa also being thrown around as filmable properties.

>> No.4958020

Don't talk SHIT about those tuba samples.

>> No.4958228

wtf sonic movie?


Is there any chance he'll be voiced by Jaleel White for that millennial nostalgia money? Does he have a different canonical voice now?

>> No.4958770

>Suggesting films based off of games
Please, dear god no, I hate when /v///vr/ and /tv/ mix outside of terms like kino being used

>> No.4958863

I enjoy "bad" game movies, because I don't hate fun. Mortal Kombat is currently on that popular streaming service btw

>> No.4959276

>Does he have a different canonical voice now?
Sonic's had five English voice actors at this point, current one being Rodger Craig Smith, but White definitely has a good chance of showing up if only because they get to have a black guy in the cast.

There's also talk of Robotnik being played by Jim Carrey.

>> No.4959309

you fucking cuck cock, never heard actual hardware rip for genesis games, or did you just grew up with proffesor emulator rips!?

>> No.4959315

>I think you're exaggerating what you've come to identify as *the* problem.

sweetie, it IS the problem! bad emulation distored the sound of genesis games making them seem more scratchy and harsher that they really were.