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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4942310 No.4942310 [Reply] [Original]

Sonic Adventure DeluXe? SADX? More like the SADdest I've ever fucking felt from a game this shitty!

What went wrong with Sonic after Sonic 3 & Knuckles?

>> No.4942315

you know the answer: 3D

>> No.4942318



>> No.4942319

It's hard to translate the Genesis games' formula into 3D

>> No.4942370

those unironically were good games, tho.

>> No.4942371


Play the Dreamcast version you simpleton, you ignored the overwhelming evidence it's an inferior port and played it anyway, don't blame us.

>> No.4942473

Sega was always retarded. Oly reason they succeded with genesis was beacuse there were no compitition other than nintendo.

>> No.4942519


>> No.4942550

The original Sonic Adventure was a flawed game, but also a labor of love by the Sonic Team unlike any other 3D sonic ever done after. It's a very memorable, colorful and fresh game that still carries some of the spirit of the original Mega Drive games.

Unfortunately, the smile and optimism of Sonic Team was gone when they were working with Sonic Adventure 2 and they have never recovered it again.

>> No.4942561

How fucking simple 2d games are in the spirit of a cinematic turd? There's no fucking conection dude

>> No.4942567

The original game is bad, too. The defenses for it are always laughable or rooted in "I grew up with it though".

>> No.4942570

I love the tails sonic/shadow stages, but the knuckles stages just make this unberable to me

>> No.4942578

agree, the color scheme they used is something special. it gives the game quite a unique feel.

>> No.4942741

It's difficult to say, but the game had some classic Sonic vibes to me, when playing the game back in the day. Probably, the colors, the cheerful and catchy soundtrack, some of the stages, the overall mood, etc. Sonic Adventure 2 was too grimdark and, a lot of the original Sonic Team disbanded after it and things changed for the worse.

>> No.4943005
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>"I grew up with it though".

Nobody has ever said this.

>> No.4943306

SA1 and 2 are the two best games in the Sonic franchise.

>> No.4943323

I beg to differ. Nostalgiafagging is real. Unless you're being autistic about the exact quote then well no shit.

>> No.4943350

dude left to make nights into dreams

>> No.4943424


I mean, "this game rules because I grew up with it" and "you only like this game because you grew up with it" are arguments just as weak as each other. It takes a special kind of moron to bring either point to the table.

>> No.4943437

It's not my argument though. It's something /vr/ people have actually said. You seem to be under the impression I'm strawmanning when I'm simply loosing quoting old messages after having the conversation several times before about how the games suck.

>> No.4943457


Well I can't really blame you for putting no effort into your post when we have this thread literally twice a week. The SA games becoming Let's Play memes doomed /vr/ into a loop of teenagers making the same shit thread over and over and every possible conversation about these flawed games has been recited ad-naseum in them.

>> No.4944093
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Pretty much nothing went wrong with Sonic Adventure. It is a flawed game, yes, but it was overall a very good transition of Sonic from 2D to 3D. Sonic Adventure 2 took all the flaws from SA1 and made new ones.
>still no momentum from homie attacking
>very linear level design
>scope feels small
>tails and knuckles levels are worse
>physics are worse
Basically SA1 was a 3D transition of the Genesis games, and the SA2 devs didn't understand why those games were good in the first place. Each game following that was more of a Frankenstein then the last. The devs learned the wrong lessons.

>> No.4944180

>the only reason they succeeded was because their only competition was a huge company with a near complete monopoly over the market

Did you die after using both of your brain cells to type that shit out and forgetting how to breed?

>> No.4944182

Disagree, they clearly kept their spirit with SA2 and Heroes, which was the last classic 3D Sonic before they went full retard with Sonic 06

>> No.4944270

Mmmm, with SA2 I remember being a bit annoyed already with the first level being clearly San Francisco and also featuring a cheesy vocal song. At least, Sonic Adventure 1 was still kind of surreal, even if it had more "realist" places than the Mega Drive Sonics. The game als ohad vocal songs but kept them in certain cutscenes.

>> No.4944272
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Utopia proves otherwise.
Consider how Mario 64 is not classic Mario in 3D, it's a collectathon spin-off (that overtook the main series similar to how Persona overtook SMT). Mario 3D World on the other hand, is classic Mario in 3D. There needs to be a Mario 3D World for Sonic. A 3D game that that plays like the 2D games simply with an added dimension. A game with pinball physics, momentum, and actual platforming instead of homing attack spam and boost.

>> No.4944273
File: 74 KB, 453x479, no fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. The classics have distinct surrealist fantasy environments that are beautiful and iconic. This is lost in NuSonic’s mess of cityscapes, realistic textures, and environments devoid of style. Green Hill would not look better if you replaced the checkered ground with an HD dirt texture.

>> No.4944275
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SA1 was not a logical continuation of the genesis games. Utopia is. Take away sonic and you'd never be defending this shit game.Funny how I only see people try and salvage these incredibly mediocre games when it comes to beloved characters. Take sonic away and replace him with a stick figure and the classics are still awesome. Adventure on the other hand would be forgotten shovelware. It is sad to see someone write 6 paragraphs about how a 5/10 games was not really that bad.

>> No.4944276
File: 2.86 MB, 424x240, Sonic Pinball Physics~03.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. Sonic was always more about pinball physics than brainless speed. The marketing focused on speed but the games did not. Adventure is not classic Sonic logically translated into 3D, they're gotta-go-fast simulators with a sonic skin. Instead of physics-based platforming you just spam homing attack. Instead of earning speed through maintaining momentum as you run and bounce through an obstacle course, you just push up and hit max speed in 1 second, then proceed to watch some auti-pilot bullshit until it's time to mash homing attack again.

>> No.4944301

I believe that people like us who grew up with the Mega Drive Sonics, were happy to see a game like Sonic Adventure, where you can control your favorite characters in 3D and visit new worlds impossible to see in the limited 16-bits console. It was like a childhood dream come true, even for Sonic Team, despite its flaws.

I don't think it matters much if it followed exactly the formula of the classic games, because the change it was probably needed to keep it fresh and ndew. Nevertheless, as years have passed, it's probably good to try other concepts, like Nintendo doing 3D Mario openworld games but also trying thinks like 3D World that kind of follow the classic formulas.

>> No.4945353

Except for having to repeat several stages with different characters, bad camera, very meh bosses (except the final ones) and so and so.
Also how could they fuck up having motherfucking Tails riding a motherfucking mech so badly?

>> No.4945408

I really don't get all this denial. Sonic 06 is pretty much the "holy grail", Adventure 3. It had the same flaws, with poor camera, buggy maps you could randomly fall through, and a shitty edgi story (perhaps less so in 1, but definitely there in 2), and the weird-ass "real hoomans" thing, GUN (seriously what the fuck what 12yo named that stuff), and general continuity with 2.

SA1 you can kinda forgive because it was the first and they were still trying stuff out, you can forgive a bit of weirdness, but by SA2 they already went full retard with ultimate lifeforms, chaos control, GUN, lame stages to repeat over and over, extremely crappy Knuckles/Titsbat stages and so and so.

Sanic 06 only had more bugs, load times and no chao garden, the story, controls and camera are pretty much as bad as SA2. But all of those excepts perhaps the chao garden thing would have happened anyway if it was SA3 instead of 06.

>> No.4945597

This. The Stockholm needs to stop.
Sonic 2 was definitely a "speed game" but I agree overall. The problem is that Sonic 2 is most popular and idiots think that was the main way to play Sonic yet it never was.
I grew up with the first 4 games and rented SA1 during its first week. Nothing about it made me happy and my friends disliked the game, too. The GCN port is when suddenly everyone acted like it was a game with merit.