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485729 No.485729 [Reply] [Original]

Island vs Story

>> No.485746

That's not even a competition, Island

>> No.485749

Story was fun, but Island is so much better.

>> No.485761

One is an awesome game and the other is shit. Not even close.

>> No.485760

Not even a competition, Story.

>> No.485769

Island. Nintendo better don't fuck up the upcoming game

>> No.485779

Island wins no question

>> No.485785

Here's the thing. If Yoshi's story had handdrawn graphics and had an actual exit to each level, instead of that fruit bullshit, it would have been just as good as Yoshi's Island. But it didn't. And it's shit.

Island>most video games>dog shit>Story

>> No.485803

Story was soul crushingly disappointing as it also marks the dawn of Yoshi's stupid fucking voice.

>> No.485823
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Too late, both of them look terrible. They may as well have just stopped at DS.

>> No.485827

>Yoshi's stupid fucking voice
This, fucking THIS. I hate all those stupid voice sounds in the later games. They are even more annoying that the baby mario's cry sound in the original snes game.

>> No.485845

It really depends on my mood.

Island if I wanna test my skill.
Story if I just want to have fun.

I generally like Island better, but I grew up with Story.

>tfw went straight from NES to 64

Story isn't bad, but I get the upset considering what came before it.

>> No.485869

It bothers me that they're STILL using the exact same voice clips for every game featuring Yoshi. Would it kill Nintendo to at least give him a few new sounds?

>> No.485876
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>Implying Island doesn't have the greatest endboss in the series

>> No.485881

I seem to recall reading an interview with Charles Martinet where he said they actually re-record all that stuff each game. Dude has the cushiest job ever

>> No.485885

Yoshi's Story is the most casual game ever made. The final boss room had an invincibility powerup WHICH FUCKING RESPAWNED once it ran out.

>> No.485913

i never even really understood yoshi's story, you would play 1 level per world and eventually beat the game.

it seemed like all the other levels were only unlockable by collecting all 1 kind of fruit or something?

>> No.485915

They're very different games.

I prefer Islan as a whole, but Story is a pretty good game on its own way. Also visually impressive still today.

>> No.485929

After doing some research on this, I found out Kazumi Totaka does Yoshi's voice. Pretty interesting.

>> No.485941


The "Story Mode" only has 6 lives though, once you lose all the yoshies, game over and start from 1. Still, the game is so easy it's unlikely you'll get a game over.

But yeah, Story Mode actually serves as a way to unlock new levels that you can later play on the trial mode and unlock different kind of bullshit or get higher scores.

It's a weird game, once you actually understand how it works, it's actually challenging somehow.

100% this game is something that requires some time, it's full of secrets.

>> No.485954

Oh cool, I just assumed Martinet did Yoshi since he seems to voice every other character in the series

>> No.485957


weird. i played it when i was like 12 and was so confused, i thought it was the shortest game ever.

>> No.485960


Beating a level would open up the next world, with one additional level available for each heart you collect (so collect no hearts in the first level, you can only play 2-1. Collect all three, and you can choose from all 4 Chapter 2 levels.)

Also, the only real challenge in the game is getting 30 honeydew melons in every level.

Also you can unlock additional yoshis somehow, I don't remember how or where but somehow you can unlock some super powerful black and white yoshis.

>> No.485972

Story was one of my biggest gaming disappointments. That pitiful first level really didn't help things.

>> No.485976

Yeah, pretty much no contest, Island. Although Story does have it's merits, and really you shouldn't be comparing the two much anyway, Island is the better game.

>> No.485986

Story was a fucking INSULT.

>> No.485989

Totaka also apparently voices E. Gadd and the Pikmin, as well as having the blatant self insert of K.K. Slider. The more you know.

>> No.486003

what's the point?

they're both easy and boring as a result

>> No.486005


as a result of what?

>> No.486036

Island was the pinnacle of the platform game genre and it pushed the SNES to the most beautiful 2d it could possibly do.

Story was a subpar n64 game. Yeah, it was subpar, on a console that was dominated by subpar games. That should tell you how shit it is.

>> No.486039

Story has some interesting level design, but it's usually pretty boring.

>> No.486047


/vr/ is terrible today

>> No.486043

One thing I do like is how Nintendo is changing the visual style for each of the games, whilst still keeping its charm.
Island looks like a colouring book.
Story is made of cardboard and paper
Upcoming 3DS looks like claymation.

Now gameplay is an entirely different story altogether.

>> No.486069

I like the new art style from the footage I've seen. And Nintendo usually knows when they fuck up. So I'm thinking the new Island won't be as good as the first, but leagues better than DS.

>> No.486076

Throughout each level there are 3 or 4 giant hearts you can find. The more you find, the more levels are open to play in the next world. Also Jelly Pipe for best music

>> No.486135
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Yes but
>giant egg
Seriously it's like the Mega Mushroom all over again

I don't know why Nintendo seems to have this fascination with exaggerated overpowered items that add nothing to the game

>> No.486209


It's not like it's going to be even mildly challenging even if you don't use the stupidly overpowered items.

>> No.486221

Reminds me of Gumby, will possibly buy

>> No.486245

I have a strange love for Story. It's one of those weird games that feel disjointed as fuck but somehow works, kind of like Devil May Cry 1 (don't ask about the comparison, it's the only other game that gave me that feeling)

>> No.486259

Story got shit in the past because "TOO BABBY AND EASY, NOT GRIMDERP". Gameplay wise, it was fun.

>> No.486276


I can enjoy story, but it's really not that great a game. And it's short. And assuming you grab all the fruit you can find, you won't even need to play half of every level.

>> No.486342

I enjoy both.

Frankly, I just don't get the hate for Yoshi's Story. It's so cheery and innocuous.

Yup. Though, without the shift in pitch, most of Yoshi's sounds sound really weird.


>> No.486361
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Because bigger is better!

>> No.486389

Now someone tell me what he was singing during the song during the level select.

"Oh, ee ee, eh, oooh," or "Oh, beeee careful" or "Oh, weee keck you!" or what?

>> No.486394

Oh man I love the vegetables on that peach.

>> No.486393

The ass hole

>> No.486419
File: 133 KB, 550x413, wtfman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember wanting Yoshi's Story badly as a kid since I loved Island so much.

I beat Yoshi's Story a few hours after my dad got it for me.

>> No.486443

I think Nintendo are going to fuck up the new one. There's just so many games being worked on at once, and all of the core titles are also confirmed being worked on.
There main teams are encumbered. They've put the juniors and interns in charge of ALttP 2 and Yoshi's Island 3D.

>> No.486458

Come on now, Yoshi's Island isn't shit.

>> No.486464

>love this shit out of YI
>only new system is N64
>starved for new games
>see announcement of YS
>get EGM with YS on cover and read that its a stripped down kiddie game

tears were shed. to this day I've still never even played YS

>> No.486481

Haha, yeah, that issue's article is pretty much a bunch of pages of them saying "Holy shit this game is terrible compared to Yoshi's Island" in the nicest way possible.

>> No.486491
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Every fruit has a special icon for clearing a level with only that kind.
It's just trickier to do because only 15 lucky fruits spawn in a level.
You have to use the super happy ground pound turns enemies into lucky fruit power carefully.

>> No.487279


Honestly, I felt that reviewers way back when were really over-exaggerating the negative aspects of the game. It's really not that bad.

>> No.487314


Its not that bad, its much easier than Yoshi's Island but its still a very enjoyable game. I think back then reviewers were just accentuating the negatives more than the positives.

>> No.487318

I remember there were ways to get lives back, so its even easier.

>> No.487349

>accentuating the negatives more than the positives
It's actually kind of weird how reviewers suddenly started doing the exact opposite later on. I guess publishers realized they could get away with not sending review copies to people that weren't nice enough about their games.

>> No.487341

Well, it was very dissapointing after Yoshi's Island, which is still one of my favorite games on the SNES. I did rent it a few times and enjoyed it, but it just made me want to play YI again.(which I didn't own, only rented. They stopped the renting of SNES games by this point)

>> No.487408

Fun fact: Yoshi's horrible voice samples recorded for this game has been re-used in all his appearances(Save for NSMB Wii) until Super Mario Galaxy 2, when they recorded new samples.

>> No.487437

I would probably like Island more if I didn't go for a perfect score every time. I should try it once without doing that.

>> No.487481

They did about the same cringeworthy thing with Link.

>> No.487594

It's not really the disappointment that gets me. It's the inability to let that disappointment go and mention some good things about the game.

...But that's my favorite voice for Link.

>> No.487665
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>not trying a game for yourself and forming your own judgment

>> No.487675


>why the fuck are you shitting on my plate.JPG

>> No.488196
File: 12 KB, 560x407, 1329748701843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like lifting the curtain and taking a quick sniff.

Smells good? Give a taste. Smells bad? that fucker shat on your plate.

>> No.489394
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But mini is good too.

>> No.489410

Why the fuck does /v/ keep coming here?

>> No.489428

Of course they put the juniors for ALttP 2 and Yoshi's Island 3D.
Yoshi's Island is some kind of spinoff of the Mario games and ALttP 2 is just a sequel, it's not the actual Zelda 3DS.

So, they put the juniors for sequels and spinoffs, like if it was some kind of training, and leave the main series games for the pros.

>> No.490209

>So I'm thinking the new Island won't be as good as the first, but leagues better than DS.

100% agree. It can't be more unmotivated as a game than DS.

Why are you implying there's something better than Island of SNES.

>> No.490452

All I want. Is a Yoshi -centered game (like Island) but with Story aesthetics. You could remake the entire Island game with Story looks and I'd buy 5 copies and be ecstatically happy and satisfied.

>> No.490467

yoshi's story would have been passable if they just made you play all the levels in order, and if there was a substantial reward for hunting all the melons. there was an exploration aspect to the game that i found quite interesting, but it was pushed aside to basically be as easy as possible.

yoshi's island is a game for all ages but story really is strictly for little kids.

>> No.490479

Was Yoshi's Island DS any good?

>> No.490487


It's alright. Not as fantastic as Bowser's Inside Story, but not a travesty like Wario: Master of Disguise.

>> No.490495

Now Nintendo is just crappy gimmicks.

>> No.490502

>I don't know why Nintendo seems to have this fascination with exaggerated overpowered items that add nothing to the game

its their way of trying to fool you that they're 'sticking with tradition' yet 'trying something new' at the same time.

>> No.490537
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>> No.490563

Im in love with Island right now. First time ever playing it.

>> No.490598

Story No baby Mario

>> No.490614

Yoshi Island was probably my favourite SNES game at the moment, so I got Yoshi Story as soon as it was released. I didn't even have a N64 at the moment, I got it just so I could try it on a friend's house who already has his N64. That's how desperate and excited I was to play it.

My heart was crushed, I never got a Nintendo system again to this day.

>> No.490992


Yoshi's Island DS was made by Artoon.
YI3 will be made by Nintendo internally.

>> No.491029

I didn't like Yoshi's Story one bit
the graphics made me think of a children's book
it felt really lonely some how
and I remember how jarring it was to go from carefree happy world to hell.
And I thought that the lava was blood and cheese

it was terrible because my dad liked to barbeque and he'd make ribs and all that shit
I associated it with pools of blood and cheese and i'd have to eat it
i'd throw up

so yeah fuck you yoshi's story

>> No.491049

>Island vs Story

>> No.491092

I remember renting Yoshi's Story every week from Blockbuster because Yoshi was my favorite character and I had SO much fun collecting fruit and playing as the different Yoshis.
When I replayed it on the VC, I was really disappointed at how... boring and easy it was. It was so colorful, no wonder younger me loved it so much.
Tastes shift, opinions change, you grow up, and the nostalgia goggles slowly come off. Is this what it's like to be an adult?

>> No.491098

Story was great if you understood how the game worked. You were supposed to go over all the pages of a stage getting only melons, and replay the fuck out of it checking the different stages, otherwise it seemed really short and boring.

I haven't played Island much because FUCKING MARIO STOP CRYING MY FUCKING EARS AAAAH.

>> No.491108

wow /vr/ turned to shit fast

>> No.491257


Stop being so bad at video games. I mean seriously, what kind of complaint is that against the game? It's not difficult, and you only hear that sound if you fuck up.

>> No.491539

I'm not a fan of Story. Having to collect each and every piece of fruit never got any more fun. Island was a bit of a collectathon but it was all purely optional.

>> No.491575

My mom found yoshis story in the garbage bin when she was throwing the trash away in are apartment complex, back in 2000, I was 7 years old and loved the game to death, still play it from time to time to this day

>> No.491589

ITT: I don't know how to play Yoshi Story, so I hate it.

>> No.491592

Just watched the 3ds trailer, It has brought tears to my eyes. I thought ds would be the end, I just hope it feels like the original.
(3DS ambassador= Money well spent!)

>> No.491594


>> No.491602

I had a friend with an N64 when I was a kid, and I'm pretty sure he was autistic. I wanted to play Goldeneye and Blast Corps, and all the little faggot ever wanted to do was play fucking Yoshi's Story.

>> No.491672


I could never get into Island. I never bought it back in the day, yet I bought Story on launch. I rebought Story for the Wii VC and still had fun with it. I first played Island as a 3DS ambassador game and expected big things out of it since /v/ praised it as the holy grail. I gave up towards the end of the 3rd world because I just wasn't digging it at all.

>> No.491687

I remember my friend buying Story. Boy were we disappointed.

>> No.491709

Story hands down although Story is a nice game in it's own right. Anyone saying otherwise is just trying to be a hipster.

>> No.491721
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If you wanted to be really hipster you would say that Yoshi's Safari is the better game.

>> No.491724

*island hands down.
Fuck I'm tired

>> No.491726

yoshis safari is enjoyable-ish.

>> No.493639

This is honestly the first time I've heard of this game.

Mario riding on Yoshi while gunning down various enemies? I gotta say I'm intrigued.

>> No.496632


It's very fun, it uses the superscope.

>> No.496710
File: 700 KB, 738x731, smw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and the graphics and enemies and all is based off Super Mario World, so if you have a nostalgia boner for SMW-related stuff, Yoshi's Safari is for you bra