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4933135 No.4933135 [Reply] [Original]

What is happening to my trinitron is it dying?

>> No.4933141

clean your fucking room

>> No.4933150

But no one's visiting.

>> No.4933164

The horizontal deflection is going out.
You'll have to repair it

>> No.4933201

Shit, I don't understand anything about repairing crts. Is it how complicated to fix? Or should I just bite it and find a new crt?

>> No.4933241

Wow thanks for pointing it out.

That's disgusting, he lives like a true pig.

He probably smokes indoors, too. Imagine the stench.

>> No.4933242

Whatever Peterson.

>> No.4933259

I managed it once. Found a diagram and replaced the cap in that circuit. IMPORTANT, read about CRT repair safety before attempting.

>> No.4933314

Stop storing magnets behind your CRT.

>> No.4933319

Get a slot mask. Games look better on them.

>> No.4933320

Gotta degauss that cancer ray tube

>> No.4933335

It's going the way of all CRTs. Time to upgrade to modern technology.

>> No.4933340

Everyone used to smoke indoors. When did people become such pussies about odors

>> No.4933383

Whew, Almost missed out on an opportunity to feel superior to an anonymous person on the Internet!

>> No.4934371


>> No.4934383 [DELETED] 

It's probably the presence of thick vaporous clouds in the vicinity of your CRT. A fix any idiot could do. Just remove the lid and use a metal object to prod the coils in the back. (Just make sure to leave it plugged in)

>> No.4934408

When they stopped smoking and regained their sense of smell

>> No.4934476
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>> No.4934501


>> No.4934529

Aren't some of his videos in a very messy room? Personal advice is usually projection, so it's best to figure things out yourself through some kind of logical process.

>> No.4934554

christ almighty, you sound like a literal boomer

>> No.4934557
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>> No.4934569

i'm talking about the ones born in the 50s you meme spouting goober,

>> No.4934575

I’m well aware of that you humorless dipshit

>> No.4934576


>> No.4934578

Most I know believe they absolutely need to torture their scalp under hot water for 20 minutes every day while never deliberately cleaning their buttholes. It's actually self-necessitating because skin is a reactive organ. The smelliest bacteria take over with things constantly being disrupted and the constantly-agitated skin pumping out so much sebum. My dad smells terrible.

>> No.4934636

Yes, looks like it is dying. Take a sledge hammer to that piece of shit.

>> No.4934664

I don't know about a hammer, but a baseball bat will bounce off.

>> No.4934691 [DELETED] 

hyivittu miten saastanen huone, tee ny hyvä mies jotaa itelles.

>> No.4934703

isn't that dangerous? i would shoot it with a gun from a safe distance

>> No.4934727

Because smoke odor lingers. Ever buy something off of a smoker? Shit reeks.

>> No.4934882

You dun fucked up now boy

>> No.4934889


>> No.4934935

Its just the sensitivity training we have been forced into. Everbody has a personal space bubble, you cant smell or its offensive towards people (but fat people sre ok, for some reason), we all have entitlment issues now. If youre depressed, its not a moment to relearn and experience the minds emotional training tool. instead you take a pill, that probably wont work, because depression and anxiesty are 99% of the time used to help you cope and build as a person. Thats gone, now you are the victim, always. Staring is offensive, touching is sexual harassment, compliments in the work place are harassment, obcenities are violence, girls are boys and boys are now cucks. Women are better than man in every way, but somewhow are atupid enough to find themselves oppressed by the patiarchy. And trump is literrally hitler!

Fuck im glad retro videogames help keep my mind off of all this bullshit.

>> No.4934962

depression is a literal illness, retard. it's not just "feeling blue".

>> No.4934967

No. Not its not all the time, in fact most of the time its just situational. You fucking brainwashed idiot. Depression is a natural thing. how fucking orwellianly indocteranted are you?

>> No.4934971

I had a TV that had a vertical collapse. There was just a thin strip of light across the middle of the screen. I had to toss it out.

>> No.4934978

You'd be fine with old dudes groping you when you're just trying to buy groceries?

Diet plays a huge role and Pfizer's own study's show the efficacy of pills is usually no more effective than placebo. But it helps boost that quarterly profit while not needing to deal with systemic problems right now.

>> No.4934981

srry for shitty phrasing. Lots of low frequencies here so I can't even use my noise cancelling headphones without them rumbling.

>> No.4935001

>you believe illnesses are real? just wait them out and gain exp!
jesus christ. obviously illnesses are natural. that doesn't mean we shouldn't protect ourselves against them.

>> No.4935073

>You'd be fine with old dudes groping you when you're just trying to buy groceries?

Absolutely. Hot as hell.

>> No.4935085

my uncle who used to live with my family was a huge smoker and every time I was around him he smelled like ducking smoke, was a good man but couldn't stand to be around him due to that smell

>> No.4935092 [DELETED] 

Not me. I grew a beard because the bf said I should and now flabby old guys with hypocritical preferences leave me alone :-)

>> No.4935970
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, 360blades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its turning your screen into the blades

>> No.4937289

Most incel thing I read all day.

>> No.4937468


Fuck off retard.

>> No.4937493


Is incel the meme that desperate, bluepilled marxists created to brush off anyone that makes sense?

>> No.4937512

>going on a rant about "bluepilled marxist sjw cucks" because you were told not to smoke indoors is making sense
yep, it's an american boomer alright.

>> No.4937514


I'm not the ranting anon, I'll agree he went overboard over something small, but "incel" is a pathetic attempt to "meme like the alt right does".

>> No.4937528

Yeah, no. 99% it's self diagnosed shit.

>> No.4937565

>I know I'm retarded so I'm going to act like a retard
Does anyone with a brain actually enjoy those terrible wojak and pepe edits?

>> No.4938160
File: 7 KB, 232x217, yeah but.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gun, Bat, Hammer, fuck it use your dick if that works too

>> No.4938206

is "bluepilled marxist" the meme that desperate, /pol/-riddled incels created to brush off anyone that isn't a school shooter?

>> No.4938207

what? incel is an actual, self-identified community

>> No.4938230

If you want to gawk at them:



Don't try to help. They're addicted to helplessness, so you can't.

>> No.4939863

You have to go back.

>> No.4939960

I lurk some area reddits to find things to do with the bf, but I've stopped posting because I can't stand the site's baked-in negativity.

>> No.4940705

Why are you playing a vertical>>4933141
shmup in horizontal mode?

>> No.4940729

I used to turn my PC CRT sideways, but can TVs handle the physical stress?