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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4931178 No.4931178 [Reply] [Original]

Which systems did you own as a kid?

>> No.4931183

C64, Windows PC, NES, and SNES

>> No.4931190

SNES, GB, GBC, N64, Windows/DOS, PSX

>> No.4931197

NES, SNES, Genesis, Game Boy, Game Gear, Game Boy Pocket, PSX, N64

My gift for graduating high school was a PS2

>> No.4931201

Atari 5200 (all i played on it was Pengo)
Regular Nintendo
Super Nintendo

>> No.4931203

You graduated in 2000? So you're an Original Millennial?

>> No.4931205

this graphic is kinda shit becasue I was born at the end of 78 but played tons of videogames in the mid to late 90s, I'd say my gaming era was 1985-1997 peaking toward the later portion

>> No.4931206

tfw X had it best before degenerate weebshit took over

>> No.4931209

The graphic is based more on a childhood timeline i.e. elementary school, I think. For people your age, your childhood would've been mostly NES I think. Maybe some older systems if you had hand-me-downs.

>> No.4931212

>your childhood would've been mostly NES I think
that is correct. Although I actually played vidya a lot more at ages 13-17 than any other time in my life and that would have been SNES and Playstation.

>> No.4931215

Boomer garbage threads go to /v/.

>> No.4931216

NES, SNES, Genesis, Saturn, Dreamcast, N64, PSX, PS2, Gamecube, XBOX, Gameboy (original, pocket color, advanced)

>> No.4931217

Yes, but it was 2002. The system had been out for a while, but I wanted it once Final Fantasy X came out

>> No.4931226

What's the age gap?
Nes, Genesis, gaming PC, Dreamcast, were all before 16 in that order.

>> No.4931229

Dreamcast should be on the line like all the other 6th gen systems.

>> No.4931241

The Dreamcast is usually associated more with the 5th gen even though it was technically 6th gen because it was the last console to have an "arcadey" feel, and came out before shit like 9/11 and Halo changed the game

>> No.4931246

This is all I owned. Atari, Nes, Turbo graphics, snes, gameboy pocket, playstation, PC (many of them), xbox, ps2, PSP, ps3, wii, snes classic.

I am no longer buying anymore vidya. I got enough to last me a lifetime and more.

>> No.4931260

Master System, a Famiclone, Genesis and SNES until my 10 yo

>> No.4931279

Nintendofag here. Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Game Boy, Game Boy Pocket, Nintendo 64, Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Advance SP, X-Box, PlayStation 2, X-Box 360, Wii, Wii U, PlayStation 4.

>> No.4931364

Atari 2600
Trash-80 Coco

>> No.4931369

Gen Y Sonyfag here. Playstation as a kid, I got my PS2 as a teen, my PS3 as an adult.

>> No.4931401

Gameboy Color


Not counting PCs

>> No.4931403

Zoomer has GOT to be the worst term I've ever heard, meme or not.

>> No.4931407

I don't even know exactly what it's supposed to mean.

>> No.4931408

NES though it was technically my parents.
SNES though it was technically my brothers.
N64, was actually for me and my brother.
And I bought a gamecube myself with my paper route money. Gameboy Advance was my christmas gift.
Also some fat kid sold me his brother's Game boy color in the parking lot. Didn't know it wasn't his to sell until after he used the profits at the McDonalds down the street. His brother was cool about it though, didn't demand it back, but he sure chewed his fat pig of a brother out.

Everything after that was no longer childhood.

>> No.4931410

It's goofy as shit. It describes today's teens perfectly.

>> No.4931415

As a kid I started on Atari 2600, got an nes at about 9 years old.

Talking about now, I only own the 2600 in the first colum and I'm missing a gc andxbone, but own all other systems. You're missing a game gear. There are a lot of other systems but I'd say they are too obscure to be in a chart like this.

>> No.4931421

Like boomers, but for Gen Z. The whole concept of labeling generations is stupid anyway.

I've only ever seen non-"zoomers" use the term, just like how baby boomers are the only ones that say millennial. "zoomers" are hardly any different from "millennials" anyway.

I understand what baby boomer is supposed to describe because it comes from a turning point in US history. But damn, do we really need to give every single generation of people a different name ever 10 or 20 or 30 years? It's not like we had names for previous generations (besides "the greatest generation" or whatever), and it's all super USA focused anyway. I'm from and live in the US but we live in a global society, at least have something that anyone can relate to.

>> No.4931434

Born in 1986, first child

Atari - master system - SNES - N64 - Game Cube/PS2 - Wii - PS3 - 360 - Switch

Of all the systems only got the N64, Wii, PS3, and Switch, at release. The rest were bought basically for single games

PS2 - Vice City

>> No.4931436

NES and then everything after. But prior to the NES I still played a lot of Computer games
mostly for Mac OS

>> No.4931453

Born in 1996, my dad got my an N64 at some early point but the only game I had was Wave Race. Since the console was already old I guess my mom didn't know where to get games so at some point I straight up traded it just for

>> No.4931459

what really gets me about generation labelling is that people born like 75 to 85 are not very different from each other despite only the latter half being called 'millenials.'

Really the siginificant cultural change happened when people have been raised in a world where the internet was always there to develop their identities instead of actual personal social interaction. I'm not sure where exactly to define that point but it's definitely people born at least post '90 that have been raised like this.

>> No.4931464


Just for a copy of WarioWare Twisted. Yeah, I know. But otherwise I had a gbc, gba, and finally a DS until I got a Wii around 2009. But before that, I discovered emulation and was fucking HOOKED on NES and Genesis games for a long while, this was during AVGN and Screwattack's heyday so I had lots of recommendations for classics to play. These days I emulate a lot of retro on a Wii hooked up to a CRT with Component cables.

>> No.4931471

The end date for Millennials is 1996 according to recent sources because of remembering 9/11 among other factors. I tend to think of the starting date as being 1984 because they were the first to enter K-12 after Reagan left.

>> No.4931473

Seriously, fucking '85 is considered millennial? Those guys are in their fucking 30s

>> No.4931476

I don't get the whole gen Y = boomers meme. The baby boomers were before gen X.

>> No.4931480
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Yeah. Millennial was originally coined in the sociology book "Millennials Rising", where the generation started with people born in 1982 who graduated high school in 2000 hence the name "Millennial".

People just kept using "Millennial" to use "teen" for like two decades and they're still stuck on it, even though teens now are technically Zoomers.

>> No.4931483

a lot of articles draw the line at 80
based on no logic other than 'it rounds the decade'

Again, the cultural change happened later than that, kids born in the 80s were still maturing in a society largely free of the internet and where the deviant from the norm were still generally treated harshly.

>> No.4931487

The end date is considered to be 1996 more recently (used to be like 2004) because of those born post-96 not remembering 9/11 among factors. What do you think the start date should be?

>> No.4931497

Boomer here as they say.
N64 stepdad sold for dope.....fucking asshole.

>> No.4931504


Chart is dumb. I'm generation X and the Atari 2600, the NES, and the Genesis were all popular with my age and all released before I graduated high school.

>> No.4931505

not trying to be a /sci/fag here but
Straous howe generational theroy
Millenial's: 1982-2004
Zoomers or "homeland gen" 2005-202X

>> No.4931509

The chart is focusing on elementary

>> No.4931516

I'm not sure if 'millenial' really fits anything, as the year 2000 isn't relevant to the divide. There's pre-internet kids who were in full swing of adulthood by the mid 90s. that's like mid-70s and earlier
transitional kids who were teenagers in that web 1.0 time
and post-internet kids who were in social media web 2.0 as teenagers and use that as a way to define their identies

>> No.4931571

I graduated in 2000. Chronological order for me:

Atari 2600, NES, Game Gear, SNES, PlayStation, Game Boy Color, Dreamcast, Game Boy Advance, GameCube, PS2, Neo Geo Pocket Color, Game Boy Advance SP, Xbox, PS2 slim DS, DS lite, Xbox 360, PS3, PS Vita, PS4, new 2DS XL

>> No.4931575

So as much as you'd hate to admit it, you're indeed an OG Millennial considering your graduation date?

>> No.4931578


>> No.4931582

The point of creating labels is so the powers that be can divide and conquer. It's like class warfare, race, sexual orientation, right wing, left wing, conservatice, liberal, etc. How to divide up a large group? Make up a made up label for them and popularize it, meme it to death and make it an us againt them. Look at how baby boomers and millenials have both latched onto it so they can continue to hate each other and deepen the hatred through believing stereotypes.

Call them "the greatest generation" so their children feel inadequete and buy shit to try to one up what their "great" parents had. It's the long con anon, and it works.

I don't know the end game, but it makes you buy more and I suppose keeps generations from coming together to fix the problems we have as a society. Why should an old dude vote for somethign to benefit a younger generation, when they are all just lazy ner'do-wells who don't even try to pick themselves up by their bootstraps? Why should a millenial vote for programs to help the aged when they already had more than their piece of the pie and also hate millineals and generally fucked the economy for them?

>> No.4931583

Yeah, I'm fine with it. Honestly I'd say the main difference between my childhood and millennials born later is that I experienced the relatively peaceful and prosperous Clinton years in their entirety. The main tragedy that comes to mind
before I graduated high school was Columbine.

>> No.4931585

None because my parents didn't let me

>> No.4931594

My family was too poor to buy games for a while but my friend had an SNES and Game Boy that I mooched off of for years

>> No.4931602

There is no endgame, because it never ends.

>> No.4931604
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True. I guess it's just meant to shift power from one group to another.

>> No.4931703

>Which systems did you own as a kid?
x86 compatible computer.

>> No.4931707

Also Late Millennials had more of an Internet centric childhood. For you, flash games on Newgrounds were likely a college experience but for late Millennials, they were more like an elementary experience.

>> No.4931728
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In order of acquisition:

>atari 2600
>TurboGrafx 16
>Super NES

Then I went to college. Fuck I'm old

>> No.4931804

GenX here. Stuck cleaning up after the Boomers' mistakes and paying their pensions, while also stuck putting up with Millennial entitlement and paying for them to abuse social programs.
Shitsux, want off this planet.

>> No.4931809

I hear Mars is nice this time of year

>> No.4931810

Would sign up for that in a heartbeat, one-way trip or not.

>> No.4931815

> be me
> the year is 1982
> the console: atari 2600
good times.

>> No.4931848

You would be stuck in a tiny space never having fresh air ever again. Never going back outside again and never meeting another women or having sex ever.

Id rather not go.

>> No.4931856

Sega Master System and then when I was 13 I saved up and bought a Genesis. A few years later when my friend's all started getting ps1, n64 and Sega Saturns I was stuck with my genesis until the early 2000s because we were poor.

>> No.4931908

Gen Y best Gen. I drink monster energy drink everyday at my wageslave job and dream about PSX anime tiddies.

>> No.4931914
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The whole Boomer thing just feels like a desperate attempt from newfag reditors to try and take a stand against oldfags calling them out for talking out their asses because they think a youtube review and culture is the same thing as actual experience.

It doesn't even really apply to the people they're using it against.

>> No.4931931

born in 96.
early, ps1. middle, ps2, gamecube. later on a ps3, 360, and wii. was interested in early video games throughout most of that time and obsessively bought retro games at garage sales. i still grab shit when i see it but it's more scarce nowadays.

these days i own probably a dozen or so consoles and about as many handhelds. only things i don't have that i want are a pc-engine, a neo geo pocket, and a decent model genesis. lately i picked up an original xbox so i'm planning on playing fatal frame on that, and then i've been playing another bible and oriental blue on the gba i've been modding.

that top right one is actually slick as fuck

>> No.4931947

Every Nintendo, Sega, Sony and Microsoft system listed here.

>> No.4931958

Sega Master System

Still kicking myself over selling that SNES when 14...

>> No.4931959

Why are you faggots replying to this shit /v/ thread?

>> No.4931970

The Dreamcast still came out in 1999 so it should be on the line with the other 6th gens, I've seen as many Z's that grew up with it as y's, maybe more so.
>it was the last console to have an "arcadey" feel,
PS2 and Xbox had plenty of those, more so the Xbox.
>and came out before shit like 9/11 and Halo changed the game
So did PS2 but that didn't spare it from being on the line.

Also well over half of DC's library showed up on 6th gen systems. Sorry it just seems like weird cognitive dissonance with a hipster system

>> No.4931972

it's memes in motion

>> No.4931995

Console generations is dumb. Genesis came a couple years before SNES and wasn't intended to compete with it. GBA, one of the best platforms for 2D games, and disallowed exclusively on this retro forum, has less resolution than NES.

>> No.4932031

I also had a Famiclone, but it was only functional for a year or so. Haven't had another console ever since

>> No.4932040

>Not knowing what millennial means and using it as a insult, kido.

>> No.4932047

Genesis, GB, GBC, Saturn, PSX, N64, GBA. Got a Dreamcast and Gamecube when I was 10. PS2 when I was 12, that was the last console I'd consider a part of my childhood.

>> No.4932081

Started with genesis then 2 years after the Dreamcast came out my parents got me a PlayStation saying the brand will last longer (spoiler) they were right (/spoiler

>> No.4932169

I didn't get any console by the time they were released. In fact, I only discovered the SNES existed because my cousin bought it and we were in 94 already lol. Then I sold it (regret) for a n64 (double regret) and after a year later I simply moved on to pc games. Bought a ps2 too and barely touched it.

>> No.4932207

Genesis, game boy, game gear, dreamcast. Then lost interest in gaming after Sega died, recently got a Saturn and then a wii (partly for my daughter)

>> No.4932219

>not iron maiden
Spotted the zoomer

>> No.4932318

shit taste

>> No.4932480

I didn't "own" it, but my cousin has a SNES, and we played KI and SMW. I have a PS2 and a Wii, both collecting dust.

>> No.4932507

As a kid just Mega Drive (got it in 1991) and Game Boy (go it in 1993, I believe).
Later, in my teenager days I got a Dreamcast in 1999. Much later I bought a Nintendo DS Lite and a Nintendo 3DS, but that's not retro!

>> No.4932520

N64 borrowed from a friend

>> No.4932874

>that 30 year old boomer who only plays imported games on the sega saturn

>> No.4932898

1985 master race here. My first device was a Game Boy. In no particular order, NES, SNES, Genesis, and Sega CD, and Game Gear came later. A used Saturn was the first console I ever bought with my own money. Got a PS1 and N64 somewhere along the way. Then Gamecube and PS2 happened. And finally my original 60 GB PS3 that I bought used around 2007. Other than periodic (3)DS upgrades that was the last console I ever bought. Been a PC master race since then.

>> No.4932916

>getting a gift for graduating high school
Is this an american thing or something?

>> No.4932925

Snes and Neo Geo-CD.

>> No.4932974

>Europeans don’t celebrate milestones

No wonder you’re all miserable.

>> No.4933000

Just counting what I had before turning 18
DS lite
That's it
I have tons of retro games and systems now but I feel like a faggot for owning so much shit
I wanna purge everything except for my NES N64 and PS2
Sorry Sega Genesis

>> No.4933275

Born '94 and I had the following consoles, in order of when I got them (spoiler for the non retro):

>Master System and Mega Drive (Both were already in the household before I was born)

After that I was no longer a kid. Sadly all that I have left of my original systems is my N64 games (of which I only have a few because I mostly bought games for my Playstation) and one of the controllers.

>> No.4933463

Solidly in the middle. I stopped giving a shit about gaming around 2006ish.

>> No.4933506


Yes, a high school graduate can expect to receive a lot of money, especially from grandparents. I got $700 and I was on the light side.

>> No.4933551

Gen Z here
Famiclone, PS1, PS2, Wii, DS, GBA and GBC.

>> No.4933585

All I had was GBC, NES, and Windows 95. Later a neighbor literally just gave me a GBA. She was a child of divorce and her dad was rich, so she trashed things for attention.

Eventually I was old enough to buy things for myself, right around the heyday of yard sales, and I amassed a collection of consoles and PCs from the Pentium/Pentium II era. Guess my age.

>> No.4933590

Is there any console that can emulate and download their games without any company coming and close the page where I download my games for the emulator of those console?

I am a little concerned about the closing of LOVERETRO and LoveROMs.

so I look for an emulator of a console that can emulate, without fear that someone comes to denmandar to the page where you can download the emulator and the games for it.

>> No.4933601

Atari 2600, Sega Genesis/CD/32x, playstation, gameboy pocket, Sega Game Gear.

>> No.4933603

NES, SNES, Genesis, Playstation, GBC

>> No.4933736

Just download a romset

>> No.4933741

>Gen. Z
>First console was a Dreamcast
>Second was a PS1
>Only ever had demo discs and Rayman 2 so I missed out on all of the cool stuff for them when I was young
That said, PS2 was the console of my childhood.

>> No.4933770

Zoomer here.Started with a hand-me-down Dreamcast and n64, moved on to gamecube, got a DS, then Wii, then Wii U, and got a switch last year

>> No.4933776

its meant to make fun of millennials that act like boomers. its that fucking simple old man.

>> No.4934368

GameBoy, GameBoy Color, GameBoy Advance, NES, N64, PS2.

PS2 was the last console I bothered to purchase.

>> No.4934386

>no whiny foids
>no whiny anybody
>real freedom

I'll go.

>> No.4934398

Amstrad CPC 464, Sinclair ZX Spectrum.

You silly Americans.

>> No.4934410

gameboy advance, n64, gamecube

>> No.4934469

born 1987
>NES & Gameboy, hand me downs from an older cousin when I was very young. The SNES was already out but fuck I was like 4 years old what the hell did I know about current systems
>Somehow skipped the next generation entirely, I still have never played a single SNES or Genesis game. Stuck with my NES until the Nintendo 64 came out
>PS2, also caught up on a TON of PS1 games thanks to backward compatibility. May have even played more PS1 games than native PS2 games
>Xbox 360
>Been playing PC games/emulators since then

>You would be stuck in a tiny space never having fresh air ever again. Never going back outside again and never meeting another women or having sex ever.
I'm already living that nightmare here on Earth, might as well do it on Mars and be part of a historical undertaking

>> No.4934480

the speccy is objectively inferior to the c64

>> No.4934485

Gba ps1 ps2 gamecube ds psp

>> No.4934490

Game Boy

>> No.4934498

Might have been, might have been.
But it was actually fun to play on the speccy.
It's not about how big the hardware is. It's about the motion in your emotional ocean the games make.

>> No.4934523
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>The whole concept of labeling generations is stupid anyway.
It started to become meaningful specifically with boomers, because you can look at a graph of US fertility rate and the baby boom is obvious. In the 80s you see the "boomer echo" or "boomlet." Fertility rate is low, but births are high because there were so many boomers.

Add to that the revolutionary changes in technology and information that happened in the late 90s and you have a very distinct generational locus around 1990.

>> No.4934538

We had an Atari 2600 when I was a toddler that was really my sister's, but she had to let me play it. After that we had a Master System, then we had a SNES. We also had a Game Gear at one point, but I dropped it on the ground because I was a dumb clumsy kid. At this point my sister stopped caring about video games because she was a teenage girl, which worked out just fine for me because it meant I didn't have to share the SNES anymore. After this I still had an N64 and a Game Boy which was obviously outdated at the time. Then I discovered that I could download and play games of all kinds of systems on my PC so I never wasted money on a console again, specially when I got to the point in my life where I had to pay for shit myself.

>> No.4934539

>atari 2600 and master system
I feel bad for you
At least you got to play BASED N64

>> No.4934561

I had everything included in the gen y column except saturn, my grandparents had an snes and 2600 to keep us busy when they would babysit so I don’t know if that counts.

>> No.4934847

>you have a very distinct generational locus around 1990.
which is why the divide is closer to 90 and not 80 like most sources suggest

there really isn't a whole lot different between someone born in 78 and someone born in 83

compared to someone born in 86 and 91

>> No.4934897

Born in 1990

2009 - 2018

>> No.4935132
File: 125 KB, 900x1200, Polyplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this Order:
Amiga 500
Sega GameGear
Amiga 1200
Sega Dreamcast

Never had a PC or the older Nintendo consoles until the GBA. Oh, and of course I left out the consoles outside the /vr/ comfort zone. And I also omitted systems that I only played on but never owned myself, like the first platform(s) that I played on - the east german KC85 computers and the only east german arcade machine Polyplay.

>> No.4935441

Many PC incarnations from DOS to now
Sega Game Gear (fucking loved that)

Yaaaaa that's it. I'm a spaz with anything else but a mouse and wasd

>> No.4935735

"Baby boomers" refers to the "baby boom" that occurred immediately after the end of WWII and throughout the 1950's. Everyone in the Greatest Generation had money, nice nuclear families, and every fucked and popped out four kids who became known as the Boomers. The Boomers then squandered away all of that prosperity with greedy capitalistic consumerism on one hand and idiotic left-wing idealism on the other hand. "Millennial" refers to the generation that came of age roughly around the turn of the last century. Gen X simply referred to a generation that was still unknown ("X") at the time sociologists were coming up with this generational crap but the X stuck, and Gen Y and Gen Z were natural names for follow generations but Millennial seems to have stuck better than Gen Y. Gen Z will probably be known as Gen Tide Pod because they somehow manage to make Millennials look sagacious by comparison. They're really not that hard to understand.

>> No.4935740

Oh, and we do have names for previous generations. There's the Lost Generation which was the generation that experienced the First World War and its aftermath and the Silent Generation which fell in between the Greatest Generation and the Boomers.

>> No.4935749

It was a Baby Boomer, Tom Brokaw, who coined "Greatest Generation." "Greatest Generation" was coined not to make Boomers feel inadequate but to actually inflate their egos by using their parents to make themselves feel more special.

>> No.4935801

Born in '88.
Had a SNES, Gameboy, PlayStation, N64, Gameboy advanced, and PS2. Had to buy my own systems after that. Built a gaming PC instead of buying more consoles until recently when I bought a switch and a PS4.

>> No.4936420

Sega genesis
Sega Saturn
original Xbox
Gameboy color

I wish we had gotten a dreamcast though

>> No.4936424

I thought the "X" in "Gen X" referred to danger or x-tremeness, since much of this generation died through overdoses or abortion or AIDS, and were know for "edgy X-treme" culture in the 90s like grunge, skating, and WWE Attitude Era.

>> No.4936736

I can see that, but sadly the reality is less amusing.

>> No.4937023

The only systems I truly "owned" as a kid were a PS1, GBC, GBA SP, Wii and DS. I also got the "Genesis 3" from Majesco when that came out.

The rest of my systems were hand-me-downs from my older brother. NES, SNES, N64, PS2 and Xbox, along with the OG Game Boy.

>> No.4937043
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I didn't own any systems as a kid. Couldn't afford. As a teen i started to hang out in arcades. Then got into home consoles by the end of 1990.

Master System
Mega Drive
Super Famicom
Neo Geo
Sega Saturn
XBox Hueg

Then stopped buying new consoles because the whole industry turned to shit with PS3 and Xbox 360.

I kept my neo geo, kept the mega drive, kept the saturn, Since those were the systems i had the most fun with.

>> No.4937056

>SNES for a month (traded it for a gram of weed)

>> No.4937063 [DELETED] 
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This chart is too poorly done.
A console from the late 80's counts as 91' crossover, when a console from 2006 is depicted as not being crossover.

This must have been made by a autistic insecure /vr/ boomer.

>> No.4937096

Was born 1991
Owned a Nes, Snes Gameboy and PS2. after that I always focused on PC Gaming.
and stuff that fucking Monster shit in your ass

>> No.4939470

All of them. I never grew up.

>> No.4939535

OG Pong (mom found it dirt cheap at a garage sale during the crash) Intellivision, C64, NES, GB, SNES, WinDOS, N64, PS1, PS2.

>> No.4940532

PS1, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, PS2, Gamecube, and a Windows 98 PC which one day got replaced by one running XP.
First video game I ever owned was Crash Bandicoot 3.
I also came across the N64 quite often when visiting people, although I never actually owned one. Mario Kart 64 was played A LOT.
One guy also had a Sega Genesis. I remember they had Sonic 3 (no Knuckles), Mean Bean Machine, and Streets of Rage.
Not a single save file in Sonic 3 got past Carnival Night Zone. The barrel took no prisoners.

>> No.4940582

well, i was born in 91 but
for my childhood, it was the amiga A1200. they don't produce stuff like that these days.

>> No.4940749
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>chart calls me Gen Z due to being born in the late 90s
>but I fit under the "Gamer kid era" of Gen Y and owned Gen Y consoles almost exclusively, haven't bought one since 2007

This is a bad chart.

>> No.4940787

Could just depend on the family, my father gave me $1000 directly after the ceremony

>> No.4940812

>Can't remember life before the internet.
You zoom on little zoomer.

>> No.4941060

master system, master system 2, snes, GB, GBC, PSX, windows PC

i had frequent access to a mega drive and N64 when it came out, never did i know people with a dreamcast or a saturn, much to my dismay

>> No.4941103

Dreamcast should be on the line between Y and Z

>> No.4941134

If you seriously think the early 2000s were Internet centric, you're the zoomer.

>> No.4941161
File: 77 KB, 600x749, 1532284356911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, PS1, PC
Only played gbc through emulation once the first emulators and shit were available.
I bought a GBA specifically for Castlevania: Circle of the Moon when it came out.
Never got around to getting a ps2 til the ps3 was already out, I was more into PC games.
The latest console I own since the ps2 is a 3DS.
I'm 30 years old and the 30 year old boomer joke is pretty accurate for me, besides the whole Monster energy drink shit, I don't drink energy drinks. Love me some beer, though.

>> No.4941165

good one.

>> No.4941173

The Internet's been around since the early 80s. By your logic, zoomers have been around since 1982.

>> No.4941180

Depends on how one defines kid. I was born in 88, and during my elementary school years I had a 5200, NES, SNES, GameBoy, and N64. PlayStation was maybe near the end of elementary school, or maybe early middle school.

>> No.4941182

not that anon but he obviously meant AOL-style internet you retard, when it really became commercial first. nobody cares about a time where some nerds sent messages through a 9k modem.

>> No.4941183

>moving goalposts

zoom zoom, zoom zoom

>> No.4941187

I distinctly remember the Internet taking off for real in the mid 2000s (smartphone surge), prior to that I barely even saw it used in schools. I know it's hard to imagine.

>> No.4941189

I get the feeling you aren't from the USA.

>> No.4941203

You're wrong.

>> No.4941216

Intelivision, far superior to any of the other consoles of its time. Excellent graphics, addictive playable games. Atari had a bigger marketing budget.

>> No.4941220

No, it was because we didn't give a fuck...and we produced a generation of kids now that don't give a fuck. Enjoy.

>> No.4941236

And a usable controller.

>> No.4941275

The 80s was still very much "life before the internet" even though things like Usenet existed. I'd say "life after the internet" started around the mid-2000s. It definitely started by the time the iPhone released in 2006.

>> No.4941285

PS1, PS2, N64, GameCube, Dreamcast, Xbox, and basically every GameBoy.

>> No.4941316

>started around the mid-2000s.
If you're a hick. Commercial internet was a big thing by the mid to late 90s. There was an episode of Seinfeld where they were making fun of people who didn't know what email was, for fucks sakes.

>> No.4941319

You forgot the 5200, 7800, and PC Engine/TG16 OP

>> No.4941337


First consoles played:
SNES, Game Boy

First consoles owned:
GBA, Game Cube

Other consoles i owned:

Currently on:

t. Late Gen Y

>> No.4941606

As a kid? We had an N64, SNES, Genesis, and a 2600 (the later model, not the classic wood one). They were hand-me-downs from my brothers. I also got a GBC (which was thankfully solely mine, my brothers would hot the TV and play Turok), and had a Game Gear.
Also, we had a PC.

wanted a Dreamcast really fucking badly at the time, but didn't end up buying one until like 2011 or so

>> No.4941729

Wait wait whaaa? People born in the late 90s grew up with dreamcast? I thought that since it was discontinued so fast, and since those born in the late 90s were little babies when the Dreamcast was made, that it would be more associated with those born in the late 80s-early 90s.

>> No.4941739

NES, SNES, Genesis, 68K Macintosh, Game Boy, PC, PS1, N64, PS2

>> No.4941763

Yeah, no fucking way any gen z kid is familiar with the Dreamcast unless they had a much older sibling.

>> No.4941787

PS1, GBA, PS2, DS, Wii and a shitty PC with a bunch of emulators on it. I got a PS3 at some point but I don't like online multiplayer games except for fighting games (and SF4 was never my thing), so I never used it too much. I still mostly play PS1 and PS2 games.

>> No.4941953
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You're a boomer who had a stepdad who sold your N64 for dope? WTF? How old are you and how old was the nigger who was fucking your elderly mother?

>> No.4942328

who gives a shit

>> No.4942839

As an actual kid, I owned the Atari 2600, NES, SNES, N64, a Gameboy Classic/Color/Advance, and nothing else, ever since I hit my teenager years, I bought everything else.

>> No.4943173

Sega: master system, mega drive/genesis, mega cd/sega cd (three different models, including the CDx), game gear, saturn, dreamcast

Nintendo: NES, SNES, N64 (with a dex drive)

Sony: Playstation (and an imported pocket station as well as a dex drive and one of those backloading cheat devices that doubled as 128 memory cards in one)

Miscellaneous: neo geo, turbo grafx 16 (as turbo xpress), lynx, various numbered atari consoles, some pong thingy i found in a dumpster once, a cd-i (lol), merlin (also lol) and some black-and-white handheld whacky whatzit that no one knows what I'm talking about that kinda looked like a miniature Nokia flip phone. Whatever it was, it sucked.

>> No.4943204

2005-2006 was the death of Internet 1.0 when youtube, myspace, and wikipedia showed up. Nearly everyone had Internet access by at least 2000. At the very least, you had a friend who did. You were either a poorfag or lived out in the wilderness if you didn't.

>> No.4943250

>Nearly everyone had Internet access by at least 2000.
The real turning point at least in the US was AOL offering $30 or $20 (I forget) monthly billed internet in mid-1998
Before that ISPs billed by the minute and that shit was just too ridiculously expensive for most people to enjoy.

>> No.4943262

Nigga, they did that in 96. I remember cuz interwebz was my Christmas gift that year. Which is weird cuz my family didn't celebrate Christmas.

>> No.4943268

hm, easy to misremember thingswhen i was a kid. Yes, December 1996 was that turning point.

>> No.4943284

It was a PITA, though, cuz half the time, the modem returned a busy signal. IIRC, we had MCI for phone and the repeated redialing to get online racked up the phone bill so my parents switched to the newly created Verizon.

>> No.4943305

We had internet by around '96 or '97. But the internet was comparatively much smaller then and it didn't dominate daily life like it does now, it was just one more thing in the house.

That turning point was what I was talking about with the phrase "life after the internet". The point where the internet very quickly started to expand its influence and dominate more and more aspects of life.

>> No.4943337

First was a GBC when I was literally 3. First console was the GameCube and I didn't play N64 until about 2002 on a LodgeNet at the Holiday Inn. But I had a GameCube and GBA right when they came out so in that sense I'm at the tail end of Gen Y. I grew up on those and the PS2, Wii/PS3/360/DS was more my adolescence, when I already had a defined taste in games.

>> No.4943346

Atari 2600, 5200, 7800, NES, SNES, PC, PS2, PS4....This has been my progression.

>> No.4943639

>what was the dot com bubble and internet proliferation

>> No.4943737

Good point but still debatable. Like >>4943204 said, 2005/2006 was the dawn of what we'd call the modern internet when wikis and video streaming started hitting the mainstream.

>> No.4946327

NES, Genesis & PS One. The latter was incredibly expensive at the time, and I was completely blown away by it's capabilities.

>> No.4946476

gameboy color (from older cousin) ds, wii, xbox 360, 3ds

>> No.4946498

My dad used to buy and sell consoles for a living for some reason, so i ended up at least playing on every home console from NES up to the PS2.
Only thing I actually owned was a GBC though.

>> No.4946517
File: 102 KB, 666x500, 247c0g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>have nes
>kid on next block has genesis
>another kid on same block has turbografx 16
>get snes for birthday
>tfw those halcyon days of youth are gone forever