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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4919987 No.4919987 [Reply] [Original]

It's good Nintendo is taking down rom sites.


>> No.4919994

nintendrones really are the worst

>> No.4920000

if nintendo would make some actually good games, people wouldn't feel the need to pirate their old games

>> No.4920001
File: 21 KB, 1289x208, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when the traditional family structure breaks down. Young, impressionable kids with no father figure to look up to and no role models turn to the next obvious thing. Their favourite toy makers. It's genuinely sad and not in a meme way.

>> No.4920004

yeah, so you should fucking STOP IT BITCH

>> No.4920005

>You know, people aren't buying our Virtual Console things. We should take it down.
>Oh, but these people who want to preserve these games? Yeah fuck them, no one gets to play these anymore unless they're on the SNES Classic.

Logic where?

>> No.4920006 [DELETED] 

traditional family structure gave us retarded intellectual property laws to begin with

>> No.4920008

wait, vc isn't even a thing anymore? so nintendo just doesn't want people playing these games at all?

>> No.4920014

Wii/Wii U stores being nuked took that with it.

>> No.4920015

the switch is over a year old, and yet you still can't even download the original Super Mario Bros on it? Just the oddball arcade "Vs Super Mario Bros"

what the hell are they doing? of course I pirate

>> No.4920018

Even if the rom sites are shut down there's nothing Nintendo can do to stop piracy. Pirates always win

>> No.4920019 [DELETED] 

What? It's single mothers and the failed education system that are creating these no personality, no aspiration, dimwitted kids who have nothing to idolize or live for except their favourite corporate logo. The kind of idiots who will unironically celebrate the closure of a rom site. Not because it benefits them, but because it benefits some corporation they see as a father figure.

>> No.4920020

I find it bizarre that they'd nuke the VC, it was an excellent way to play games if the hardware was out of reach

>> No.4920021

Even when it was a thing not every game got a release. Not even close.

>> No.4920027 [DELETED] 

and it's muh traditional system you fetishize that allowed corporations this power to begin with. this is just what happens when people get used to it

>> No.4920032 [DELETED] 

actually copyright laws originated in halakha, jewish laws. shocking right

>> No.4920034

rom sites were getting kinda shady and obnoxious to use anyway. just stick to torrent sites

>> No.4920036
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Show me your rom folders, lads.

>> No.4920037 [DELETED] 

wow and all these glorious traditional governments you love so much adopted these ebil joo laws anyway. shocking right

>> No.4920038

This is getting more true as we go along, because they need to pay for the server hosting somehow.

>> No.4920041

Indeed, the comments on this article are pure gold:


>> No.4920046 [DELETED] 

/pol/ is retarded.

>> No.4920048

Meanwhile Nintendrones continue to buy NES and SNES Classic and load roms on them and inject custom games into their 3DS VC and Nintendo selling roms with piracy headers still in them

>> No.4920049

The Japan Virtual Console (Wii) got a lot more games, especially for the Arcade and Turbografx sections

>> No.4920051

>Wait so, all these years that emulators and ROMs existed, and they decide to take legal action now?

They have been already but this one has the best point. Nintendo acted far too late either way, dumps have been around ever since they barely even knew the internet was a thing.

>> No.4920053

Nintendo does this shit all the time.

>> No.4920054


Wrong, Nintendo rarely targets piracy because they know it's bad for business in most cases. They learned quickly from the RIAA's scandals last decade.

Targeting individual websites is only worthwhile in specific cases, not as a strategy.

>> No.4920057

Vc is a disgrace. Why not just release those 2500 anniversary edition compilations in the us on ps4 and the switch? Those things are so sought after and expensive now, but i guess they lack many jewtendo ips. It would be in their besi interest to make a compilation of games and sell them as hard copies not digital sales.

>> No.4920061
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>> No.4920062

god these rainbow letters

>> No.4920065

>being such newfags by not having full ROM sets of games released in cartdridges.

i thought hipster nostalgia was a meme.

>> No.4920067
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Ninty can kiss my dizzick

This has no PC games, by the way - separate drive.

>> No.4920072
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Is that a downloaded nes rom from the 90s?

>> No.4920073

No folder anymore, just burned disks. I have sets for all the cartrdge based systems, but they're from 10+ years ago. I probably should update at some point...

>> No.4920078

>he doesn't have an Antelope Avocations account

I don't hoard anymore. I just grab something when I want to play it.

>> No.4920093

>>he doesn't have an Antelope Avocations account
the what?

>> No.4920101

If you have to ask, you'll never know.

>> No.4920105
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>> No.4920107

Meanwhile archive.org has nointro full sets. I could care less about these adware sites for plebs.

>> No.4920132

How do you find the sets?
its layout is confusing

>> No.4920149

They're trying to send a message. The $100 million dollar claim is ridiculous. I was of the impression that in the past most companies just did the usual DMCA takedown notice song and dance when it came to outdated software, if they did anything at all.

>> No.4920150

I don't personally use the site, but searching "archive org rom sets" on google gave me direct links to at least a couple ROM sets. You could probably throw the console name in that search and get to it easily.

>> No.4920153
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>I could care less about these adware sites for plebs.
So you do care a bit then?

>> No.4920157

That's idiotic. Where will Nintendo get their roms for their virtual console titles if they start taking down rom sites?

>> No.4920158

Hi, reddit!

>> No.4920173

Literally who cares, Mario, Zelda, and the rest of Nintendy's IPs all belong in the trashcan.

>> No.4920328

Paying for the things you want like a responsible adult is one of the hallmarks of having been raised well though.

If you ever find yourself working hard at something you may understand why having that hard effort pilfered by lazy people is vexing.

>> No.4920334


fucking bootlickers

>> No.4920339

I understand, but I can get games without paying so I do. Buying a cola is an act of violence.

>> No.4920473
File: 54 KB, 763x582, NoMario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meanwhile archive.org has nointro full sets.
Sets, but I wouldn't call them full.

>> No.4920508

the devs certainly aren't the ones making money off of 30 year old games. i will gladly refuse to pay the asshole producers stealing money from the devs with the things that they made

>> No.4920753
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>They're taking down adware sites.
>Romhacking.net is completely fine
>nothing of value is lost
Who's dumb enough to use LoveRoms anyway?

>> No.4920783

>piracy = stealing something from stores
good logic

>> No.4920846
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>3.33 TB

Fucking hell man, I thought my 287 G stockpile was getting a little heavy. So if shit goes down we have some hordes to circulate floppies from. Still, fuck man, what generation does that go up to?

>> No.4920857

I wouldn't mind this so much if they weren't fucking idiots and would bring back the virtual console system

>> No.4920987

what's the best place to get full sets then? call me paranoid, but now I'm spooked.

>> No.4920994

Torrents have been around forever with full sets for pre-PS1 stuff.
Not that it really matters. The NES/SNES Library had like 30 worthwhile games and the rest were shit.

>> No.4921034

>underage posting = (You)

>> No.4921062

Lol, I remember back in the late 90s/early 00s, a kid running a Pokémon rom site had a fucking big mouth so people just reported his site to Nintendo and it ended up being nuked by the host.

Good times.

>> No.4921087
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>The NES/SNES Library had like 30 worthwhile games and the rest were shit.

>> No.4921096
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>> No.4921132

intellectual laws are not as benign as they might seem. you may think they benefit the creators, but in the form they exist today they seem to overwhelmingly benefit large business monopolies such as monsanto, the record industry association of america, pharmaceutical companies etc. to the detriment of smaller business competitors, local economies and consumers at large.

i live in brazil. our intellectual property laws used to be more lax. but thanks to lobbying from such monopolies and pressure on the part of the american government, they are now as punctiliously rigorous as american ip laws.

and yet everybody in brazil pirates, as most people all over the world do, because our taxes make everything so expensive. even nintendo acknowledges in one of its documents that brazilians pirate games a lot because of this.

two good books on this issue are "against intellectual property" and "against intellectual monopoly". both are free on the internet and enjoyable to read. but yeah in short, ip laws are bullshit and you're a faggot.

two good books on th

>> No.4921136


er, sorry for the slip there.

here are the links for the books:


>> No.4921151

copying that won't make you fit in better here

>> No.4921219

Old sites die, new sites spring up.

>> No.4921263

Copyright for digital media needs to be drastically reduced, 10-15 years at most. On the contrary it just keeps getting worse, and people think this is completely fine. At some point in the future companies start targeting piracy in a serious and intrusive way and we'll have to take a hard look st what kind of society we want to live in. What happens now is child's play.

>> No.4921268
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>Nintendo is looking for $150,000 per infringing Nintendo game and up to $2,000,000 for each trademark infringement. Nintendo has also requested a permanent injunction ordering the sites to stop their infringing activities, and turning over the domain names.

>> No.4921279
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>> No.4921282

Are they really this desperate? Isn't the Switch making any money?

>> No.4921532

Everything up to gen 5, gen 6-7 is significant console exclusives. MAME .chd files make up a huge chunk of that volume, by the way.

>> No.4921543 [DELETED] 

Nintendo games are trash so if rom sites stopped uploading them Id be fine with it desu. Let them become more and more irrelevant as the re-releases stop and people are less willing to buy them

>> No.4921557

>nintendo forces emuparadise, one of the more popular rom sites, to take down all 1st party roms
>few months later they start putting them back up
LOL nintendo should just give in and give up

>> No.4921564

Hilariously obvious scare tactics. They'll probably settle for him removing all infringing material and paying some amount around whatever he's earned from the site.

The fact that they're wanting the sources of these ROMs is even more hilarious. Like, many of these dumps are potentially 20+ years old, and the fact that each of these games has likely been dumped and uploaded numerous times over the years means it is literally impossible to say for certain where a specific ROM on LoveROMs originally came from. Add on top of that that there is no uniquely identifiable information attached to the ROMs furthers the impossibility of meaningful source identification. Even if you track down some instance of someone claiming to be the source of a particular ROM, you can't readily prove that he was the source of the ROM being used for profit on LoveROMs. Trying to argue such a thing in court would be a total waste of time for next to no profit for Nintendo, like trying to sue (and prove) someone for pissing in their swimsuit in the public pool.

>> No.4921569

can they at least stop taking down fan games at least that would be nice. I mean what ever happened to fair use?

>> No.4921581

>Nintendo roms
LOL who cares Nintendo is fucking trash

>> No.4921624

The japanese industry is in much much worse condition than the medias are telling you.

>> No.4921626

We live in an era when Nintendo will be reduced to the level of shitty porn sites who make more money off of intimidation-based shakedown lawsuits than they do from actually selling their content.

Nintendo-generated honeypot torrents when?

>> No.4921637


Yes, it's a very old scene release. Much of the Wii virtual console was shit Nintendo had downloaded from rom sites themselves.

>> No.4921656

I'm normally an original hardware guy, but with these recent actions from Nintendo I'm going to start hoarding roms just in case. The GoodGen compilations are a good bet right?

>> No.4921662

>Nintendo taking down ROMs for games that they don't even own anymore
Could microsoft sue nintendo for interfering in the policing of their IPs? They own all of Rare's IPs, and if they don't give enough of a fuck to go after roms for their old games then what right does nintendo?

>> No.4921667

Based Nintendo taking out games so they can sell modded Wiis with a fucking HDMI port.

>> No.4921669

Isn't Japan nearly a dystopian police state when it comes to pirating? That's what I always hear, and if so then the west still has got quite a ways to go before we can expect a consumer revolt.

>> No.4921672

Didn't nintendo ruin some Australian guy for life over some meaningless thing? I don't think it's just a scare tactic.

>We live in an era when Nintendo will be reduced to the level of shitty porn sites who make more money off of intimidation-based shakedown lawsuits than they do from actually selling their content.
So Nintendo will become the Harmony-Gold of Japan? Absolute kek

>> No.4921675

>Some australian guy
>I don't think it's just a scare tactic

It wouldn't be just a scare tactic if instead of "some australian guy" it was the many dozens of places hosting those ROMs publicly. Come the fuck on. This kind of shit happened in my country, where they ruined someone's life over selling flashcarts. One dude in the whole country. Everyone else kept doing the same shit until even today, nobody else got fucked.

Heck I download a fuckton of ROMs and I didn't even know of those websites.

>> No.4921687

From a publisher point of view, Nintendo is right, albeit way too late in this decision, a lot of the people who worked on their 90s titles were still probably getting money from VC, so the "no one important gets revenue for this" argument isn't as vaild here as it is in a PC game released over 2 decades ago, and we are talking about Nintendo consoles here, the ones with the most supported emulators around, going as far as a team of devs having people pay for a Wii U emulator so everyone could play BoTW.

Now the problem here is that, if I want to play one of their N64 games, I have to pirate it because lol who cares about VC, it would be cool if every N64 game was available just like OoT and MM are for 3DS, but someone who doesn't have a Wii or Wii U literally can't play any other game except those 2 unless they pirate (and not every Wii owner got it before the shutdown)

Gotta admit the whole NES and Snes releases were kind of genius, because fuck paying for popular digital games with no physical release, but expecting people to respect your product is fucking retarded if you aren't allowing people to buy your product, life is bigger than the goddamn SNES mini. Still waiting for Gamecube VC btw.

>> No.4921697

Virtual Console titles had all sorts of changes, it isn't a replacement for genuine roms.

Some of them were clearly good changes, like Zelda II's seizure-inducing color flashes, but it's still a fact that emulation is closer to the original experience.

>> No.4921712

At least the N64 emulation was on point, even more so in the Wii for some reason. I would honestly pay for a collection of all the N64 games with the treatment the Banjo games got on the Xbox, but Nintendo doesn't like obvious money.

>> No.4921727

When will the copyright expire?

>> No.4921732

Analog eyes will be outlawed to enforce DRM

>> No.4922637

It would be a very specific case I think, mostly in how their lawyers worded things.

If they lined out specifically what games they're mad about and a Rare game was in there, MS would maybe have a shot but it'd be a long one. As it is, MS would probably only care about N64 onwards at this point.

>> No.4922641

The number wasn't important, it just had to be really big.

They're saying "shut down or we'll do it for you by bankruptsy."

>> No.4922660

My opinion as far as "Roms are piracy"
I literally can't give Nintendo money for F-Zero GX anymore. So it's ok to pirate.

I can give them money for Super Mario World, but fuck that I'm going to pirate anyways.

>> No.4922784

i have always downloaded roms knowing i don't legally own them or the right to play them. by a certain point, roms were so huge and legality was gray so that there wasn't much they could do about it

it was only a matter of time before they would start cracking down it and that's fair. if you don't have a full romset for your favorite consoles by now quit crying

>> No.4922818

In a way this is a good thing. Now we more-or-less know what to take out of full romsets, and what's left can be safely distributed because the IP holders haven't bothered to enforce (or don't exist anymore to try).

>> No.4922842
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As if nintendo didnt download the no intro sets themselves. Its like videogameception. A game within a game! A chicken in an airplane

>> No.4922852

I pay if the people who worked hard to create the games get the cash!

Just kidding, i buy hella shit on ebay and pirate full romsets even if i own alot of the games. Im going to get a
10 terabyte hdd and pack up as much roms into it i can, then into a led lined, waterproof box with moisture absorbing packets....yes i am a prepper, i like to be prepared!

>> No.4922859

This, too little, too late now. They should have better preserved and re-released their shit.

>> No.4922860

Occasionaly love roms has obscure jap shit you cant get anywhere else.


>> No.4922909

wow, I checked few months ago and they removed a lot of stuff, now everything seems back
I love internet

>> No.4922923
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wonder what he meant by that

>> No.4922925

is there a source on this or you guys are just larping?

>> No.4922936

So now much money does he make manufacturing repros and reselling old games without paying the rightful copyright holders any kickbacks?

>> No.4922938

>It's good Nintendo is taking down rom sites.
Nintendrone detected

>> No.4922945

>being so autistic that you can't recognize sarcasm

>> No.4922959

be like me - grab no-intro, goodroms, everdrive and romhack collection packs

>> No.4922961


Other day I was looking for a replacement Nintendo DS battery. Typed in 'Nintendo DS battery' on AliExpress. Nothing - odd... Type in Nintendo, nothing..... Type in DS battery bunch of results show up and they misspelled Nintendo.

R4 / flash cards are a pain to buy because Nintendo is so anal about that shit. Ended up ordering mine from a sketchy site where I had to pay with interact transfer.

I don't get people with roms though. Most cases you can't buy the games , if you buy them used well dev isn't making money. If they are on vc or rereleased usually the devs aren't making money off them, it's the publisher who owns the IP. So not the creators of the game.

Many games CAN'T be rereleased because of license issues - like thps series, they have to relicense all the music (if that's possible) or release it without. Or IP changing hands and the new owner not wanting to release it to a competitor.

And as has been pointed out a zillion times copying something isn't the same as walking into a store and taking something. No one lost money.

>> No.4922970

I've always wondered, what's Nintendo's policy on homebrew hacks and shit? things like a Mother 3 English cart or an SMB hack homebrew cart

>> No.4922983

nintendo's jew lawyer is completely oblivious to the term 'repro', otherwise there'd be some major legal action against repro shitbags

>> No.4922987

Agreed. Piracy is actually healthy as it holds the industry's feet to the fire. If they have complete control over every piece of intellectual property it would be a nightmare for gamers. They'd be able to do shit like revising old games to fit "modern audiences" and chop them up into DLC wallet-rape fests.

I pirate and emulate shit but have 300+ games in my steam library and 200+ in my GOG library. Some of which are of games I already pirated but bought on sale because I like having a working copy in the cloud somewhere as well.

>> No.4922998

>I am entitled to the product of other people's work

It's a real shame that people like you can't see that your ethics and actions are what killed gaming post-internet.

>> No.4923008


>Neil Gaiman changed his stance on "piracy" of his works after noticing that it supports the sales of physical books. As an experiment, his popular book American Gods was put up online for anyone to read and download for a month. The following month sales of his books through independent bookstores went up by 300%. Like lending, this sort of piracy amounts to advertising.[8]

>Paulo Coelho, the best-selling author of "The Alchemist", is using BitTorrent and other filesharing networks as a way to promote his books. Coelho’s view is that letting people swap digital copies of his books for free increases sales. In a keynote speech at the Digital, Life, Design conference in Munich he talked about how uploading the Russian translation of "The Alchemist" made his sales in Russia go from around 1,000 per year to 100,000, then a million and more. He’s convinced that letting people download free copies of his books helps sales. For him the problem is getting around copyright laws that require him to get the permission of his translators if he wants to share copies of his books in other languages.

>He took it one step further and set up a WordPress blog, Pirate Coelho, where he posts links to free copies of his books on filesharing networks, FTP sites, and so on. He says it had a direct impact on sales.[9] His online e-mail newsletter, published since 2000, has 200,000 subscribers. In 2006 he started blogging, in 2007 he joined MySpace and Facebook to interact more actively with readers. By 2007 Coelho's total print sales worldwide surpassed 100 million books. "Once we did the Pirate Coelho there was a significant boost," he says. "Publishing is in a kind of Jurassic age," Coelho continues. "Publishers see free downloads as threatening the sales of the book. But this should make them rethink their entire business model."[10]

>> No.4923014
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This wouldn't be a problem if the company actually fucking rereleased their old products, I hope you realize that

>> No.4923016


there is nothing"anti-ethical" about availing oneself of a free copy of an easily reproducible digital artifact.

of course, if it happens to be an "unauthorized" copy you will be technically committing a crime. which sounds pretty scary to anal-retentive people, i know, but illegal doesn't mean immoral.

i mean, think amateur translations of jrpgs. think smw rom hacks. think of all the japan-only retro games that no one would even know about were it not for emulation.

do you think mother 3 would even have been made if it weren't for earthbound's cult following, a phenomenon which probably would not have happened without emulation?

also: concert tickets. kickstarter. patreon. "pay what you will" systems. there are many ways for creators to make money that don't involve IP.

>> No.4923018

the main issue is one of archiving. If publishing disputes get in the way of certain games being released then there is nothing good that can come of said game being memory hole'd forever, and if Nintendo decides to remake SMB and give mario regenerating health or some shit, I should be able to play the old game without their retardation. Look at the beamdog bullshit with Baldurs Gate. That's what happens when middlemen get ahold of an IP

>> No.4923024


gaming culture (as well as music culture and cinephile culture) thrives on internet piracy. piracy is the inevitable dissemination of easily reproducible digital artifacts. it is inevitable.

good luck finding godard, bergman, kubrick etc. on netflix. good luck finding b-sides and live bootlegs and rare stuff on spotify. sticking strictly to legal services basically means having your taste be degraded.

read up on the history of IP laws. they have always favored monopolies. they have always screwed the consumer.

>> No.4923027

Don't reply to his shitposting, it just encourages them.

>> No.4923028

Most "official" rereleases of games like the Virtual Console are not very good and they're designed to appeal to casual normies, not enthusiasts. Would you want to rely on those?

>> No.4923035

It reminds one of George Lucas adding stupid CGI effects to the Star Wars DVDs because he said "I created the franchise, I get to decide what to do with this." Which of course is massively self-indulgent. He couldn't grasp that fans wanted a clean DVD release of the OT.

>> No.4923050

Good for them, but it's a futile war of attrition.

>> No.4923054

Go wave your cock at traffic instead.

>> No.4923071


I think Nintendo's policy is

> If we didn't do it except to be sued.

I mean remember when Nintendo threw a hissy fit about streaming smash at Evo? Then after a TON of backlash Nintendo figured out this was free advertising and would generate sales for their new games.

Nintendo are just huge dicks about everything.

>> No.4923076

Their official emulators are often not anywhere near as good as fan-made ones despite them having access to the original programming dox and schematics. Yet they get upset when you would rather use a fan made emulator over their shitty VC ones.

>> No.4923080


> Game sales across the board continue to grow every year.

>> No.4923082

anyone remember Graal?

>> No.4923083

Only when you include mobile-based microtransaction games. The death of gaming is more nuanced than flat financial figures.

>> No.4923096

> www.LoveROMs.com and
lmao i bet that happened because they didnt knew how to cover their asses, emuparadise is up and running and i can go and download gamecube games because they agreed to delete a few games

>> No.4923108

I personally think copyright terms should be capped at 40-45 years max.

>> No.4923121

Fuck nintendo, they cant even dump their own fucking roms... wtf?

>> No.4923132

There used to be a company called First Star Software who owned the rights to Boulder Dash and they would get absolutely buttblasted at anyone who would put their games on ROM sites. However, their official "retro pack" release just had CCS64 with a bunch of C64 disk images downloaded from pirate sites and a small script included to skip over the crack screen.

>> No.4923135

See this, its been proved over and over, by the headers in their nes roms.

Headers were only needed in 9ld 90s nes emulators. So, either an employee had helped dump these roms and make the nesticle(i dont think thats right, correct me anon), or an employee downloaded these roms years ago and nintendo hqve been planning this for a long while. Or..........possibly the fuckwits downloaded an old ass rom from, i dont even know where they would get this shit anymore, its very intriguing!

>> No.4923140

>there was no jeopardy deluxe!!!

>> No.4923141

Do you have a 4chan gold account or whatever the fuck? Do you use adblocker?

>> No.4923157

I'm gonna be honest, roms are a gray area for me, I don't even know where i stand with them. In my opinion, there are only a few exceptions for using roms. Either you already have the game that you're emulating, it's a foreign game or something otherwise impossible to get (Mother 3, StarFox 2), or it's a rom hack. This goes for nintendo as well. As much as I love the fact that they're bringing back great classic games, they're still just using cheap emulators. For the NES classic, in my opinion, I would have made it the same mini hardware, but you would also have to insert mini nes cartridges, or at least a multi game cart for it to work. That way, if you wanted to add a game or two to the system, you could just release a mini cartridge. In my opinion, I think it would be great for nintendo to keep producing their older consoles and games, as they were.

>> No.4923162


maybe balance should be the ideal here. not paying for anything is a dick move, but being too anal about piracy is silly.

it's good to support the industry. if games were more affordable in brazil i would gladly acquire more of them legally.

but without piracy we wouldn't have seiken densetsu 3 or secret of the rudras. we wouldn't have smw rom hacks. we wouldn't have tool-assisted speedruns. most people in the third world would play far fewer games.

even famous gaming youtubers pirate. dunkey emulates. vinesauce vinny emulates. piracy is everywhere. it's a part of gaming culture.

when radiohead released "in rainbows" in 2007 they did so in "pay what you will" system. you could legally download it for free. and most people still paid for it. it's almost like customers are willing to be generous. it's almost like they don't need to be fucking threatened with million-dollar lawsuits.

>> No.4923167

Thats actually a great point.

If a copyright is changed exponetially, is it even copyrighted anymore. As, the reasons for being copywritten has changed. This is the reason we often see copyrights being updated, especially by nintendo! How many copyrights can keep a monopoly on a property before it becomes public domain? Can a corporation daisy chain copyright patents before it becomes copyright fruad. Surely the daisychain should last as long as a living person, in their right mind, can establish lost equity and infringment. Once a living entity, in which, the sole proprietor is deceased, no profit should be made from said properties, unless, a significant change has been made to the property in question, which changes enough of said property, to be different in a manner that allows current copyright laws to destinguish the aformentioned property with the supposed new property.

>> No.4923173

No, you are correct.

But, by not being a poorfag, none of this matters!

>> No.4923176

Huge point.

Easy solution. Iffer the creators of the emulator a royalty each time a vc game is downloaded. It could be 25 cents and the creators of the emulators would probably be happy they make anything off their "free service".

>> No.4923179

This is the shit thats needs to be called out. The only reason they are able to do this, is because, they are the cooyright holders, but difnt bother oreserving the games as the fans do.

>> No.4923184

Nintendo officially condemns fan-made emulators so they won't license them (licensing them would be an endorsement of the things). As a result, they code their own in-house emulators which are typically done on a time budget and not coded very well, whereas many fan emulators have been perfected over years of work.

>> No.4923186

I guess thats a "nintendo doesnt want money" scenario.

>> No.4923202

My guess was that they didn't have any original 1541 disks laying around 20 years after the fact, let alone anyone with the technical knowledge to be able to dump a clean copy of the games, so they just went fuck it, downloaded some cracked images, and called it a day.

>> No.4923204

You guys don't have a fucking clue how a video game is actually financed, do you?

Producers pay developers to create a product. Whether or not that product sells is irrelevant to the devs because they make all, ALL, of the money they receive at the creation step of this process, not the retail step. They have been paid already, none of your money EVER reaches them except in the case that the developers are themselves the producers. The producers then sell that product to recoup the finances they invested in making the game. If everyone steals the product, the producers go bankrupt and devs are in turn less likely to receive further commissions to create more games.
Justifying piracy by claiming it's an old game and the devs don't get any money is no excuse since they got paid to make the fucking thing in the first place, long before you, as the consumer, even had a chance to make a purchase. This is the same idiocy Microsoft was talking about a few years ago about how they don't receive any money from second-hand sales.

>> No.4923209
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>> No.4923213

...And them probably hounded the sites they downloaded them from with DMCA takedown notices and maybe even a vague lawsuit threat or two.

>> No.4923221


it is thanks to lobbying from companies like microsoft that IP laws all over the world are stricter than ever. which is a bad thing, particularly when you consider that high taxation in those countries still makes legal games (or legal copies of windows) prohibitively expensive for most people.

basically, the american government, thanks to lobbying from monopolies such as monsanto, microsoft, the riaa, the mpaa, pharmaceutical companies etc., threatens third world countries with economic sanctions unless they reform their intellectual property laws -- so that these monopolies may sell their products abroad without fear of competition from rival "generic" or "pirated" products (such as "unauthorized" generic medication, since even the molecular structure of these substances is an intellectual property owned by monopolies).

patented seeds are the reason small farmers currently have a hard time in the market. monsanto owns the patents for the best seeds and demand royalties from whoever wishes to use them.

in the third world, anime fans, video game fans, comic book fans can only indulge in their hobby thanks to piracy. all the kids who flock to anime conventions here pirate a lot. it's the done thing. and yet they still buy a lot of things legally, they buy stuff at conventions, they support the culture. in a way piracy serves as advertisement. it builds niches. but the point is without piracy we would be screwed.

>> No.4923241

>carmack dont get no royalties

Kek, fucking idiot.

>> No.4923242
File: 58 KB, 278x200, krabs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically, literally anything you do with anybody else's copyrighted work, be it fanfiction, fanart, or videos featuring them, is illegal by definition. You cannot, by any stretch of the imagination, say that piracy is wrong while continuing to support the previous infringes, because they are all caught under the same banner. In the real world, outside the courts, copyright is a grey area governed more than anything by common sense.

And common sense says that this isn't going to slow down pirates, and it's not going to make the tiniest bit of difference in their bottom line considering barely ~5% of their consumers pirate their products, and that's being generous. All this is accomplishing is making Nintendo looking like even bigger totalitarian dickheads than before, which is saying a lot.

Nintendo's arguments essentially boil down to
>you're not paying directly for our intellectual property
>therefore it's a loss of opportunity cost
>you're taking away our theoretical money which likely never would have existed anyway

For all the shit Sony puts Youtubers through with its DMCA takedowns, Nintendo does that and so much more. With an actual fucking lawsuit (not a DMCA takedown, they are actually being taken to court), and Nintendo's fucktarded "Creators Program", they have demonstrated just how out of touch they are with the modern world.

You don't fight piracy by suing them and ruining their lives, and making yourself look like an asshole. You fight it by offering a better service. And nickel-and-diming your consumers to pay $5 for every fucking 30-year-old piece of software, with no enhancements, no ability to use romhacks or even fantranslations, and locking them to the specific piece of hardware you buy them on without the ability to play them across all devices without having to pay a fee IS NOT A BETTER FUCKING SERVICE.

Sony, Microsoft, even major movie corporations like Disney all understand this. Yet you don't. Kill yourselves and GTFO the industry.

>> No.4923246

Autism levels... rising

>> No.4923250

Archive.org has the entire PSX library in one place. Its insane lol.

>> No.4923259

Not all those games are even worth fighting for, less than half!

They only care about things they can still make money off of, but they refuse to supply the demand for their fames. At this point they should just restart production on snes, n64 and gcn. sell them cheap, because production cost for those outadted electronics could be cut by 4/5ths the price. Authebtic repros with better tech, at cheaper prices!!!! I would buy so much shit, and they could even pull their "limited production" false flag bs and only make a tears supply worth. It would make them bank, but they are morond!

>> No.4923261

>Technically, literally anything you do with anybody else's copyrighted work, be it fanfiction, fanart, or videos featuring them, is illegal by definition.

What is fair use.

>> No.4923270

This, holy fucking SHIT this. If there is anything to take away from this thread, it's this. Seriously, what the FUCK is Nintendo thinking? Who the fuck tries to take down rom sites when their Switch, a massive selling console, has no VC software, despite ARM-based emulators existing for fucking years? They even hired the fucking devs for Dolphin to make native ports of Twilight Princess and I think Mario Sunshine in fucking China for fuck's sake!

What the FUCK are these idiots doing? How the fuck can you sit on an untapped market like that an not do anything, then stop anyone from trying to play it? When Microsoft shut down HaloGen for C&C Generals Zero Hour, I was mad, but when they released Halo Wars afterwards, and the reason the project was cancelled was because they had Halo Wars in development and didn't want there to be competition, I thought they were still retarded but at least understood. If you're going to sue people to keep them from playing games you aren't even fucking selling though? Eat shit. Fuck you.

>> No.4923272

Fair Use is a defense, not a right. Right now I'm wearing a Majora's Mask-themed t-shirt I bought at a con, which was not licensed by Nintendo, and sold without their permission. You probably own a similar shirt in your closet. And the same people who buy those shirts, or basically any merchandise featuring Nintendo characters be them stickers, figures or pins, are the same people who are defending Nintendo's move here. It makes me fucking sick.

>> No.4923276

>current year
>having a centralized ROM data set is illegal
>50 million autists have to each spend a half TB to store the same set of ROMS locally

>> No.4923279

>it is thanks to lobbying from companies like microsoft that IP laws all over the world are stricter than ever
Ironically, is also easier to pirate than it ever was before.

>> No.4923285

>oh boy, I sure hope investors and corporate bigwigs can keep making money on 20-30 year old IP!

Someone should remind these fuckwits that Nintendo have literally been caught selling roms dumped by 'pirates'.

Yes, you read that right. Nintendo will literally download pirate copies of their own games, and then sell them to people too stupid to pirate themselves.

>> No.4923286

Oh no, $15 worth of drive space. However will I cope?

>> No.4923289

As mentioned above with Boulder Dash. I don't understand the reason for it either. Nobody at Nintendo is capable of buying a secondhand Zelda cart from a flea market and dumping a ROM of it? How hard can that possibly be.

>> No.4923294

Isn't a 10 terabyte HDD multi-platter which makes it not too reliable.

3-2-1 Mr. Falcon

3 copies

2 media types

1 offsite

But that doesn't matter for ROMs because someone else can give you a copy any time. Only your original data needs to be preserved.

Video games are better than ever :-)

>> No.4923295

Let's be more honest, what reason would Nintendo have to *not* have backups of their games?

>> No.4923297

Surely the company would have the original ROMS and codes and shit, right? Regardless of age they would archive that shit

>> No.4923301
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And what amazes me is that people's reaction to this is almost negligible. Like, this isn't a DMCA takedown. These people are being sued. Their lives are about to be ruined, all for something that isn't even remotely worth it.

I mean, do you understand? Nintendo is literally ruining lives now in their downright monstrous crusade. For god's sake, say something. This is actually fucking serious.

>> No.4923309

Anything that happened to copyright laws during the Clinton years is not legitimate and should be disregarded out of hand for the same reason Ralph Waldo Emerson declared back in 1850 that he would not obey the Fugitive Slave Act.

Prior to the Clinton years, copyrights were 50 years for an IP produced by a corporate entity and they could be renewed for another 25. Works created by an individual were to last the lifetime of the author plus 50 years. While I still think this is excessive and copyright terms should be shorter than that, I am willing to accept it.

Anything like the Sonny Bono Copyright Extension Act or the DMCA? Into the trash it goes.

>> No.4923310

Anyone who frequents romsites can tell me how big were these 2 websites? Because i've never heard of them in my life

>> No.4923317

In 2018, you're lucky to get some eyeballs for free.

>> No.4923319

I use loveroms every day. It's my go-to place to get PS1 and Xbox isos. All the Nintendo ROMs are gone, but I think what got them fucked wasn't so much the fact they were hosting roms but the fact they had a premium service, and had a 3DS rom of a currently sold game. Nintendo likely just uses a spider for filenames of their games and found LoveRoms had a listing for Mario Golf on 3DS with the dumped filename and everything. Not very smart.

In short? The site may be fine, but their lives, if the case goes through, will absolutely not be. Nintendo is fucking the shit out of their assholes.

>> No.4923320

All the Beamdog games are good tho

>> No.4923324

>Japanese developers
>archiving their games
pick one and only one

>> No.4923325

Back in the 90s, Fox used to be obsessed with shutting down Simpsons R34 sites. By the 2000s, they eventually gave up. Disney is the only media company that still sometimes goes after fanart sites/porn (although less aggressively than they once did).

>> No.4923326

Kubrick is on Netflix. His shit is mainstream. Every "intellectual" teenager watches it.

>> No.4923327

Yeah but this isn't a new thing for them.

Ten years ago they sued the guy that ripped new super Mario bros Wii onto torrent sites for $150,000.

>> No.4923329

I've yet to see Nintendo go after r34 and fanart, non-commercial stuff of course

>> No.4923331

>dumdums who can't into torrents can't get roms from shitty ad sites

idc lol

>> No.4923335

I'm not giving your shitty site any revenue.

>> No.4923337

Even Gabe and others that actually matter in the vidya industry admit piracy is a service problem more than a monetary one.

>random person downloads Earthbound or Mother 3 due to word of mouth hype
>enjoys the game and looks for more methods to enjoy it
>takes advantage of the eshop to buy Earthbound Zero and possibly portable Earthbound as a result and spreads more praise to new people that wouldn't be exposed in a normal manner

With Nintendo officially ending the VC for their home consoles and no immediate plans for a 3DS successor to continue that version of the VC, Nintendo's just hurting themselves by limiting options to control and monopolize their old roms. It's not like there's a non-JP exclusive version of the NES or SNES Classic with a different set of titles included; Nintendo just wants control over how their stuff is played.

Isn't there one artist that's completely denied from drawing any of their stuff again, or is that due to commercial reasons?

>> No.4923339

"Core" gaming continues to grow and the games are great if you don't have early onset Alzheimer's :-)

>> No.4923348

not that i'm aware of, they're mostly hands-off when it comes to non-commercialized fan stuff, that's probs why I still see shitloads of Zelda and Mother stuff on pixiv

>> No.4923359

With Nintendo, the Dev and Prod are the Same most of the time.

>> No.4923363
File: 230 KB, 800x1035, Bill_Gates_Letter_to_Hobbyists 1976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bill Gates wrote this in response to widespread copying of paper tapes of Microsoft BASIC. One member of the Homebrew Computer Club in San Francisco said "The general reaction to the letter was to tear it up and throw it away." MITS sold BASIC bundled with their piece of shit 4k memory boards for $50, or you could buy BASIC by itself for $500. As you might expect, nobody was going to go along with this pricing policy.

Furthermore, Lee Felsenstein remarked "The reason Microsoft's BASIC became the industry standard was due to the widespread copying of. There were other BASICs around at the time, in some cases better than Microsoft's, but theirs was what everyone had so it became the standard and every manufacturer wanted to license it for their computers. In essence, Gates was blaming hobbyists for putting himself and Microsoft on the map." Felsenstein also questioned Gates's claim of $40,000 in computer time. "I find it pretty hard to believe that they could have spent $40,000 developing that software. If that computer time came from anywhere, it was someone else's, possibly Honeywell's, where Paul Allen worked."

>> No.4923381

It's surprising what hoops you guys will jump through to rationalize illegally taking free stuff. I hope I can keep my kids from also looking for handouts when they grow up.

>> No.4923386

Netflix's catalogue is different in each country (due to IP laws). The only Kubrick movie we had on Netflix in Brazil was Eyes Wide Shut... until its license expired last month.

I'm looking at the Netflix catalogue right now. Two Scorcese movies. No David Lynch movie. Wes Anderson, nothing. Truffaut, Godard, nothing. Bergman, nothing. If you like auteur cinema, you're out of luck. Quite a few Adam Sandler movies though.

And yeah Kubrick is mainstream, sure, whatever. My point of course is that if your standards are any higher than Adam Sandler movies, Netflix sucks.

>> No.4923389

It's only shit outside the U.S.
Here, Netflix and Amazon are pretty good. I still torrent lol

>> No.4923392

I don't try to rationalize it. I do it because I can. You're no better if you're not vegan :^)

>> No.4923396

That's right. Ignore all context and common sense. Ignore the fact that copyright is a grey area. Ignore that Nintendo might actually ruin someone's life over this. Ignore that virtually every other company out there sets a precedent for not doing this shit. Ignore that there are better ways to fight piracy. Ignore that there are legitimate reasons for why people don't want to pay for old unaltered Nintendo games in the first place.

Ignore all of that. They broke the law and they got punished for it. That's the way it should be, right? The law can't be wrong in basically any instances, right? The law can't have any nuance to it that's up to the people it protects, right? No, of course not. The law is absolute.

Isn't that right, Dredd?

>> No.4923398

you forgot an arrow

>> No.4923403

>being this much of a newfag

>> No.4923406

As said above about the Fugitive Slave Act. Ralph Wald Emerson said "This was written in the 19th century by a civilized country. I will not obey it."

>> No.4923414

>forcing humans into existence without their consent
You are scum.

>> No.4923415

Oh, I get that it's an entitlement thing-- not debating that at all. Human nature is a pretty terrible thing, afterall.

>> No.4923416
File: 31 KB, 300x162, 3928d27eb3cb03d85a4ba1af517a435d17a128f8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Piracy and stealing are the exact same thing
>implying that all companies have the same viewpoints on emulation and ROMhacking
Nice try, oh DMCA and/or NOA droid.

>> No.4923417


Does it occur to you that particular laws might be unjust? Does it occur to you that the very concept of "intellectual property" might be untenable? Whole books, books by scholarly and honest men, have been written against the concept of IP. To scrutinize a subject and to disagree with the status quo perspective on it doesn't mean one is "rationalizing".

> illegally

Who cares? Do jaywalkers scandalize you too? Do you gasp at people smoking in "no smoking" areas?

>taking free stuff

Do you know how economies work? Only scarce goods constitute legitimate property. A house, a car, a book, an apple: these are scarce goods. If I take your apple, you don't have it anymore. I have stolen it from you.

But if you write a book and I make a copy of it, you still have your book. I have not thereby deprived you of it. It is an abstract good, a nonscarce good, an infinitely reproducible good.

Intellectual property laws create artificial scarcity. An artifical scarcity which is profitable for company CEOs and government bureaucrats more than it is for creators and consumers of copyrighted content.

>> No.4923425

This not /vr/ but I tend to download anime and then buy a physical copy if I like it, I end up spending a ton of money I won't have otherwise spent if I hadn't checked it out online, just last month I blew 100+ dollars on an overpriced boxset because I thought the show I initially downloaded was just that good. I really truly believe piracy helps sales based on my personal experience.
Of course that being said video games are different. I do emulate games but I don't find myself buying them as often, mainly because I don't own the systems anymore, I'm currently playing SMT for the super famicom, and while it's an okay game I'm not gonna buy a famicom and then the cartridge just to play it legally.

>> No.4923428

>Whole books, books by scholarly and honest men, have been written against the concept of IP. To scrutinize a subject and to disagree with the status quo perspective on it doesn't mean one is "rationalizing"

I can accept IP and copyrights within reasonable limits (what Disney and Sony Bono did does not fall within reasonable limits).

>> No.4923430

>Human nature is bad/evil
Misanthropic and Hobbeisan bullshit.

>> No.4923462

The inherent flaw in IP is the assumption that every pirated copy is a sale lost. Problem is, most people are perfectly willing to pay for something if it's worth paying for. There are plenty of games which became best sellers because people liked them and felt they were worth the money, and others that weren't so good and not worth spending money on.

>> No.4923473

I can confirm, I usually emulate a game to see if it's worth owning on the original hardware

>> No.4923487
File: 1 KB, 300x200, jumpman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the classic examples that dismantles most piracy arguments was Jumpman. This thing sold a _lot_ of copies and was huge at the time. Randy Glover got fat off of Jumpman royalty checks. Even better, it managed this without having any copy protection (at least not the original Atari 8-bit and C64 releases).

>> No.4923509
File: 9 KB, 560x384, 886303-the-bilestoad-apple-ii-screenshot-now-it-s-my-turn-to-flee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the other hand, Bilestoad for the Apple II sold about 1500 copies although probably more than twice that many pirated copies existed. This game was probably just too "out there" for most people which is why it was not a success.

>> No.4923526

I knew this was going to happen. Just last week I was talking with a friend about how these for profit rom sites are brazenly hosting all this copyrighted content themselves and how it's fucking retarded that none of the copyright owners have targeted them yet.

Does this mean I kiss Nintendo's ass and think they're the best etc? Lol no. But at the same time I have very little sympathy for the operators of these sites even though I use them all the time. I also think the people whining about this and saying shit like "omg but not all games are released on VC etc how will I ever get these games blah blah blah" need to shut the fuck up too.

There are still other ways to get roms and you should educate yourself about them. The most obvious way is downloading full sets off torrents. Keep those around and you'll never need to worry about some shitty site going down. Another is to find sites like nicoblog that post links to filehosts like google drive etc instead of hosting this shit themselves. When it gets taken down they put it back up.

I still remember what it was like to be into emulation in the late 90s early 00s. I had to find roms hosted on geocities and angelfire sites. Almost all gameboy roms were hosted on these weird Latvian websites. There were so many dead links in google and it could be a pain in the ass to find what I wanted. Then I got on IRC later on, #gbanow, #gbatemp, and #roms-isos made me forget all about those shitty sites. These days you don't even need to go that far though, just buy an external drive and grab everything from torrents and forget about it.

>> No.4923530

On the one hand, I'm sure that the programmers/artists/musicians who worked on these games are long gone and will never see anymore money from these games, so I don't see much of a problem with pirating them. I don't think Nintendo as an abstract corporate entity has a compelling moral argument as to why they should profit off of these works forever.
On the other hand, pirates are so fucking smug and entitled, and so few of them are actually honest and come out and say "hey man I just like free stuff", so anything that inconveniences them in any way is automatically good.

>> No.4923537

>yes I know I just ate dinner at your restaurant, but I don't want to pay, I decided it wasn't worth paying for :^)

>> No.4923542

But when you buy old games the money isn't going to the copyright holder, unless it's on some type of virtual console type thing. I really don't give a shit, I pirate modern games too, but the argument doesn't hold up as well for retro games.

>> No.4923545

so did you eat an "unauthorized copy" of the dish

>> No.4923556

That falls under >>4923417. Food is a finite commodity.

>> No.4923569

here's a phenomenological approach to the issue: all the coolest people i know pirate. be they bookworms, cinephiles, musicophiles or the anons of this fine forum. why do they pirate? because people with highbrow taste are omnivorous. they don't want just the singles, they want the b-sides. they don't want just the latest AAA game, they want old games and obscure games. the wider your taste is, the more you will find services like netflix, spotify and steam to be lacking.

this itch for obscurity, this inclination to be amateur historians of the media we appreciate, it's a healthy thing. maybe it's a particularly male thing, this cultural adventurousness. and it tends to be synonymous with piracy.

finding an interesting rom in one of those fishy off-shore rom sites or discovering a new artist in soulseek is like discovering an interesting obscure book printed in 1955 in a second hand bookstore. you don't get the same pleasure using steam or spotify. these services feel like being spoonfed.

there is a dignity to "piracy" and there is an uncomfortable feeling of confinement and degradation to using these legal services.

>> No.4923580

why are replywall fags the worst people on 4chan?

>> No.4923582

The emulation/retro game community are usually a lot more knowledgeable and passionate about the games and the hardware than the companies themselves. Nintendo really doesn't give a shit about NES or SNES games anymore except as a cheap way of milking nostalgiabucks out of people, which they do by making shit-tier emulators on VC that are about at the level of early 2000s ZSNES in terms of how accurate the emulation is.

>> No.4923595
File: 50 KB, 1341x651, amiga copy protection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They actually expected you to pay for a game that could damage your hardware? No, screw that. Any company that does this doesn't deserve your money.

>> No.4923597

I'm not entitled I just like free shit.

>> No.4923606

Such autism man but I feel you.
>You will never finish all those games. >You will probably go old and blind and you will think "fuck i've wasted hours maybe years of my life clicking buttons like a retard just to feel satisfied"
>everything is just fucking numbers and codes

>> No.4923621

US copyright is a scam and anyone who supports it in its current state is a corporate boot-licking queer. The creator should have ownership for ten years MAX. Why the fuck would a company need to milk a single product for longer than?

>> No.4923637

As originally conceived, copyright terms were granted for a relatively short space of time to motivate artistic creativity. You could profit from your work for a time, but it would eventually become public domain and you had to keep creating new things if you wanted to eat. The thing is, companies like Disney reject this idea. They want to be able to milk ancient IPs because it's easier and lazier than creating something new.

If you are so creatively bankrupt that you need to depend on ancient IPs created decades ago for your main source of income, what does that say about you as a company? At that point, you deserve to go under.

>> No.4923791

I already do that. Lots of people honk in support.

>> No.4923840

Since posting in this thread earlier talking about alternative rom sites I found another one I like. It's hosted in South Korea and has full rom sets.



It's nice to be able to click through alphabetically and download what I want without stupid waiting screens and shit like that.

>> No.4923857
File: 62 KB, 1200x700, 1529385095_bittorrent-free-download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are y'all really too stupid to understand getting a file by loading another file into an app?

>> No.4923860

I use torrent too. I have an account on r****w***** so I can get pretty much anything. I just don't like downloading full rom sets on my shitty internet here in the Philippines. When I'm back home in the US I'll get more use out of torrents.

>> No.4923870
File: 146 KB, 476x586, SUPERGAZELLE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that tracker have folders of roms compressed into a single file or have you not noticed a torrent client allows selection of individual files?

The 1337 tracker I'm on has individual ROMs as their own torrents.

>> No.4923873

>companies like Disney reject this idea.
I may be mistakwn but isn't Disney almost single handedly responsible for the continued extensions of copyright law in the States?

>> No.4923878

Yes, which is why you should always christen a new torrent tracker with a copy of Steamboat Willy

>> No.4923881


>> No.4923882

Sort of. Sonny Bono was a huge lobbyist for them when he was a Congressman. Shortly thereafter, he met a deserved end.

>> No.4923885

It has both, there are many different versions of complete sets on there. I'm especially fond of the old scene releases. Also there are lots of individual torrents for odds and ends that wouldn't be in the complete sets. Betas, homebrew, hacks.

>> No.4923893
File: 38 KB, 580x414, main-qimg-fa40175f89bc162a77dde74f3f000f18-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're caught stealing something from a store, it's the same damn thing.
Guess that guy wouldn't download a car.

>> No.4923895

"piracy" is a propaganda term. Please stop using it. I'm not saying petty noncommercial copyright infringement is okay, just that it's not anything like actual piracy.

>> No.4923896

It dates back to the days when pirate radio stations were on actual ships. It doesn't really pique my autism because it makes the mundane activity of downloading copyrighted material sound cooler than it actually is. Also reminds me the Teen Titans Go episode that touched on this was really amusing, even though that show sucks.

>> No.4923904

It's more like going to a small store to window shop for things you'll buy off amazon, only nobody gets anything.

>> No.4924043

Good point. I used to think buying games on Steam will lend me a feeling of urgency to play them, a contentment of having legally obtained them. But it's not like that at all, I just don't give a shit. I haven't played anything on the service for ~2 years, and I don't feel compelled to because I "own" a license fo acess digital content. It feels the same as if I burned an iso to a DVD, and you can acess it offline in the latter case anyway.

>> No.4924108
File: 47 KB, 600x600, 1335976871055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't that imply they made good games?

>> No.4924117

They stopped being good when his parents stopped buying them.

>> No.4924140

How about the NES Classic Games Series for the GBA? They had a slightly different version in Japan with some games that never got released here. It would have been nice to bring some Famicom games over here that Americans had never seen, but no.

>> No.4924153

>LoveROMs and LoveRETRO websites are among the most open and notorious online hubs for pirated video games.
I've seriously never heard of either and I've been using emulators since the early 2000s.

>> No.4924179

>R4 / flash cards are a pain to buy because Nintendo is so anal about that shit. Ended up ordering mine from a sketchy site where I had to pay with interact transfer.

I just bought one on ebay for 9 bucks!
Why do so many people here have a fear of ebay? You always get your money back if the order is not correct!.

>> No.4924181

Entitled, crybaby pirates are the fucking worst. Stop acting like you're some gallant crusader fighting for "THE CONSUMER" by downloading games. Nintendo owns the IP, it's their right to do whatever they want with it. That includes not making it available, limiting the availability in whatever way they see fit, and charging however much money they want. Deal with it.

I pirate games because I'm a greedy fuck who wants free shit. If a company shutting down a ROM site stops me, then the onus is on me to be a better criminal, not them to act in a way that seems fair to me.

>> No.4924191



>> No.4924192

Piracy is a tactical dance that can either help or hurt a company. I think nintendo doesnt realize that piracy is a big reason people still play their old games. As they wont rerelease them do to possible complicated copyrights or by being short sighted.

>> No.4924193

>Nintendo owns the IP, it's their right to do whatever they want with it. That includes not making it available, limiting the availability in whatever way they see fit, and charging however much money they want
They can do that, but they shouldn't expect people to pay for their shit-tier emulation on VC and refusing to release anything except basic bitch games like Mario and Castlevania we've already played 120,000 times instead of obscure JRPGs or something else that might actually be interesting and novel.

So how come Nintendo can't provide as good quality service with their own hardware and software they made as the emulation community who do it for free?

>> No.4924196

As opposed to Nintendo reselling the same fucking rom on three different consoles, while not allowing you to transfer that license between consoles? Nintendo are being money-grubbing cocks when it comes to retro gaming, people have a right to be pissed.

>> No.4924202
File: 686 KB, 3264x2448, 1529146552921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to download an English romhack of the Satellaview Zelda game and I realized that I can't because of this fucking bullshit pulled by Nintendo. I have complete ROM compilations on my Raspberry Pi, plus I have flash carts for the SNES and N64.

>> No.4924204

You don't care about anything if you're playing on a Raspiss. My phone can do it better.

>> No.4924216

I really love to download virtual console games using tools for PC, extract the roms, then play them on emulators. Stealing bandwidth from Nintendo is the best

Which romhack for which game? I'm sure I could find an alternative source.

lol it's not like most of the cores in retroarch require a monster CPU. I run that shit on a cheap chinese android TV box, except it's running this instead of android: https://github.com/shantigilbert/Sx05RE It's better than retroarch on my vita, which is still awesome anyway except for gba, psx, n64 etc which are all fine on my $30 China special s905x.

>> No.4924217
File: 35 KB, 480x480, n30pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I admit, the Raspberry Pi is fucking horrible at emulating. It can't even do N64 or PSP games, while my phone can do both plus the Dreamcast and the Nintendo DS. I have pic related and it has problems only with the Raspberry Pi such as input lag and a problem with the b-button I only ever get when I'm playing on the RPi's NES emulator.

It was a fucking letdown and I've since moved to collecting flash carts and modded consoles.

>> No.4924219

In that case, Nintendo should stop using ROMs they got online for their emulation services. Why not actually dump a clean image from a cartridge? They forfeit their right to complain about ROM sites by doing this.

>> No.4924221

BS the Legend of Zelda and BS the Legend of Zelda Ancient Stone Tablets

>> No.4924223

I like to play with runahead and shaders. Need a bit more power for those.

It's weird how people act like that SBC is the only or even best way to emulate anything, when they already own a laptop with HDMI output and they live in an efficiency so it's not like they'd need to move it to plug it in.

>> No.4924226

I would like to point out that this controller works very nice on PC and on my phone, I have no idea why it doesn't like my Raspberry Pi so much, specifically the NES emulator. For everything else it works fine.

>> No.4924231

Dude, they don't do that because it's like classic rock radio. People will turn it off if there's stuff there they don't already know. Normies would rather play Mega Man 2 for the 5000th time than see something unfamiliar like Sensetsu Suppa Kawaii Panty Quest Adventure.

>> No.4924237

You have the Famicom confused with the Sharp X68000 apparently.

>> No.4924239


These links are from cdromance which is basically the same thing as nicoblog. Both great sites which I recommend. They link to google drive instead of hosting it themselves.

>> No.4924242

I want free game and I also want to be told I'm a good boy why can't I have both? >:(((

>> No.4924246

VC and their like are clearly low effort services aimed at normies/casuals who want a quick retro/nostalgia fix, not enthusiasts.

>> No.4924253

nice, cheers.

>> No.4924256

Lemme give you an example. Nintendo would rather give you the horrible original FF4-6 censored localizations from the 90s than an infinitely better fan translation that doesn't censor stuff and has actually proper English in it.

>> No.4924258
File: 26 KB, 864x224, All_three_picked_up_from_the_same_Target._Eat_it_scalpers._And_thanks_Nintendo_for_listening_to_demand_for_once._retrogaming_-_2018-07-23_04.52.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the typical retro gamer.

>> No.4924263

One time I remember seeing The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition running and LOZ looked muddier than it does on a real NES and it seemed more sluggish as well.

>> No.4924270 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 953x953, 52352-Martian_Gothic_-_Unification_(G)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can, but you only get to play android adware games, then google will give you a sex change and dye your skin black. That way all the gibs can go to you, also vote democrat this election, were bringing obama black, but this time hes also gender queer!

>> No.4924276

>paying $5+ for games that came out 30 years ago

>> No.4924280

I don't care that people steal games, I do it, but it's annoying when they whine about being told they're not good bois. We're scum. Accept it and move on.

>> No.4924281

Not that it matters. For every site they take down another one pops up.

>> No.4924284

And this is why having Reddit running its mouth about ROMSites is a dumb fucking idea

>> No.4924285 [DELETED] 

Ha, the dems would never run someone queer intentionally. They're too convinced they're going to win over MAGA chuds like you if they move further right on economic issues. They didn't get the fuckin memo. It's a lot like Square thinking nobody wants JRPGs yet when they put them out they sell like hotcakes and they still pretend like it's not a thing. They just won't acknowledge they're not going to win unless they move further to the left.

>> No.4924287


Interview with Steve Wozniak from the 80s in which he complains about Apple's monopolistic practices. So much of this also applies to Nintendo, especially this part.

>You have to let the end users develop their own standards. You’ve got to give them the freedom to discover how they’re going to use an operating system, what sort of things they’re going to buy. And if you’re really right and have provided a good solution, that’s where they’re going to settle. The thinking on the III was very much like a religion in that it could only be done one way – our way.

>> No.4924292

People might pay for it if Nintendo had an emulation service up to the standard of the fan-made ones.

>> No.4924293

they toned down the brightness on a lot of 'em too, shit's hard to look at on screen

>> No.4924297


You say that like retro games or, in particular, the retro game aesthetic hasn't taken off big with normies the past few years. Nintendo absolutely could be making more money - Octopath Traveler has been doing monster sales worldwide, they could be getting extra money from the same people just selling old, obscure Squaresoft RPGs on the Switch store for five bucks. The audience has always been there, they're just out of touch.

>> No.4924307 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 500x435, 1519791966391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not a huge trumptard, but i dont hate him either. After these midterm elections, if the dems dont get their shit together, they will lose. Who the fuck am i supposed to vote for, who is the top contender thats going to make me not vote for trump? They aint got shit!

Its like a pc simulation from the late 80s where hitlers black and loves gay jews, but only stranger!

>> No.4924308

Fanmade emulators usually have a machine language monitor so you can adjust and hack code, let you adjust settings, emulate different chipset revisions, NTSC or PAL, that kind of thing. Last I checked, none of Nintendo's official ones ever did that.

>> No.4924323 [DELETED] 

Well they don't truly love gays, jews, black people, women, etc... They just see them as a convenient shield to hide behind. They pretend like identity politics is going to save those people and ignore the real reason why they get fucked over by society, the same reason why poor white people from rural areas like me are getting fucked over. It's capitalism. Shit wages, being treated like cannon fodder by employers, having nothing to fall back on when you get injured on the job, no rights. People like Nancy Pelosi are no different than Paul Ryan when it comes to economics. They let the people running the banks come in and tell them how they want to be regulated. They serve the rich at our expense, no matter what race, gender, whatever you are you're fucked. Some get fucked harder than others but it isn't some contest, we all are fucked. Arguing about who is more oppressed just plays into the hands of the other side. The dems are a bunch of retards screeching about Russia thinking that's going to win them elections while they tune out our collective pain, they're useless.

On the other hand flash cart and emulator devs and manufacturers are heroes. Making sure we don't have to pay greedy second hand dealers to play the games we love. True champions of the proletariat.

>> No.4924327

art should be free, but in any society it cant be. Artists should be able to live off their work
No one at nintendo is going homeless because we refuse to buy their godawful netflix-lite deals for games we've already owned once before
Nintendo cracking down on pirating 30+ year old games is pathetic. THOSE FUCKERS KILLED SMBX AND THEN MADE MARIO MAKER. THE CHEAP SLEAZY CUNTS

>> No.4924375 [DELETED] 

You are correct, but this kind of thinking is forbidden. The alt-right idiots and trumpfags see themselves as subversive, but can't acknowledge real economic issues just like the liberals. Diverting discussion to identity politics and cultural bullshit is the oldest trick in the book, but that's the only kind of politics that survives in the US and western Europe. There's some hope in the UK but I'm not really optimistic, always count on social democrats to fuck you over at the first opportunity.

What we are seeing is the death of the worker's movement and decades of neoliberal triumphalism, and people wonder why shit is so fucked up. In post-WW2 economies, it was a pretty mainstream position that unions keep corporations and state power in check, to give the average prole a halfway decent life. Nowadays, supporting anything like this is tantamount to quoting Stalin as far as the average idiot is concerned.

>> No.4924378 [DELETED] 

>pinko commie bastard

Capitalism is the problem? You sure its not just that humans are greedy fucks in any type of government? This is the best we got, a constitutional republic that uses democracy as a tool just as we use socialism and communism as tools to help better certain aspects of society. Its never going to be perfect, nothings perfect, but we get to try and work together to make it better. Even though you complain about having no rights when it comes to employment, we have more rights than any other country in history. American privelege is astounding, but its not good enough. We are still working on this country everyday. why do you think we will ever have a finished product when it comes to this? It never ends, just like the ever increasing quality of everdrives coming out of china. Im really thinking about getting one for genesis, but ive being buying up all my favorite games cib lately. Sell me on an everdrive anon.

>> No.4924385 [DELETED] 

>humans are greedy so just shut the fuck up and stop thinking about economics
Why does anyone ever, anywhere think this constitutes a convincing argument? Fuck off.

>we just gotta hold hands and make it better together
Trite platitudes that don't mean anything. Make what better? According to whose analysis and socio-economic perspective? The basic bitch market neoliberal one? What we actually need right now is proper analysis and dissemination of theory, since the entire "left" is clueless and inert.

>> No.4924546

take 2 down a few hundred will take its place

>> No.4924562 [DELETED] 

Do not bother, all these invalids talk about is how glorious it would be when in reality, those mouth breathers would be executed when the revolution ends. We do need reform, there is no question as the system is corrupt but communism wouldn't work in the long run as it would lead down a dark path which could stifle innovation as the leading party would dictate what flies and what does not. That is what fucking Lysenko did when he banned genetics and look how that turned out (Medical science was stifled for years as a result of his policies due to geneticists being unable to innovate as a result of being expelled or executed for not toeing the line).

>> No.4924604 [DELETED] 

I find that "Communism" is a pretty useless term generally. If you study the socialist movements of the 20th century, you'll see there was a wide variety of government styles and economic experiments. The USSR Marxist-Leninist model wasn't ubiquitous like its defenders want to believe.
Personally, I find it pretty funny when westerners online tell me "if you actually lived there you wouldn't be a leftist". Well, I'm from ex-Yugoslavia and I have lots of people in my family who are not rabid anti-communists and have a positive outlook on it. For the average worker, many advantages existed which don't anymore. You had great job security and had to really fuck up collodally to get fired, you had company-funded vacations and transports to beach resorts, and very notably a system of workplace decision-making via councils (sadly, this wasn't implemented as far as it should have been).
State planning for everything is clearly a faulty idea, but a mixed market socialism has a serious case to be made. Most socialists nowadays don't actually want to bring back some kinda copy of the USSR economic systems, not even the MLs for fuck's sake. People should actually read what they have to say.

>> No.4924907

Why did you delete?

>> No.4924914

Janny didn't like our political talk. To be fair it was off topic but compare it to when that would happen on any other board. It's nice and comfy being in the company of fellow adults here.

>> No.4924919

This, that is a very solid point, people do pirate because they want access to older media they can't get and others will not release, much like an out of print book that can't be found anywhere.

>> No.4924965

AKA the Mickey Mouse Protection Act

Coincidentally, Steamboat Willie is due for the public domain in a few years, and there is already a bill in the works that will extend copyright to artist life + 144.

>> No.4924970

i live in brazil. everyone here whose taste goes beyond katy perry and puzzle pets is a "pirate". media monopolies are bad enough in themselves; add brazilian taxes to the mix and you find yourself in a kafkaesque nightmare where the only options are paying out of your meager income for overpriced legal media or just pirating like everybody does. at least our government is very lax when it comes to the enactment of ip laws.

but when you look at the history of ip laws, their morality becomes very dubious, and one begins to wonder where the real greed lies in this whole affair.


>> No.4924975

i will quote from "against intellectual monopoly" by michele boldrin and david k. levine.

>Movies and news, not to speak of software code, are relatively new products. Music and literature go back to the dawn of civilization – and for at least three thousand years, musical and literary works have been created in pretty much every society, and in the complete absence, in fact: often under the explicit prohibition, of any kind of copyright protection.


>The Statute of Anne, adopted in England by 1710, is considered the first piece of legislation that, in the modern spirit, separates the censorship function from that of the personal ownership of the literary product, allocating to authors, or to the lawful buyers of their manuscript, an exclusive right of publication that lasted fourteen years. Notice the number: fourteen, not as it is today, the life of author plus seventy-five; William Shakespeare had found incentives for writing his opus even without those fourteen years, and yet no Shakespeare appeared after 1710.

>> No.4924980


>In Germany, it was the monopoly friendly Bismarck who, in 1870, introduced a uniform copyright legislation, modeled along the British lines; Goethe and Schiller, Kant and Hegel did not profit from it.


>Literature and a market for literary works emerged and thrived for centuries in the complete absence of copyright. Most of what is considered “great literature” and is taught and studied in universities around the world comes from authors who never received a penny of copyright royalties. Apparently the commercial quality of the many works produced without copyright has been sufficiently great that Disney, the greatest champion of intellectual monopoly for itself, has made enormous use of the public domain. Such great Disney productions as Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Pinocchio and Hiawatha are, of course, all taken from the public domain. Quite sensibly, from its monopolistic viewpoint, Disney is reluctant to put anything back. However, the economic argument that these great works would not have been produced without an intellectual monopoly is greatly weakened by the fact that they were.

>> No.4924993


and this, from another chapter, on innovation in software:

>The software industry is a leading illustration of one of the sub-themes of this book. Intellectual monopoly is not a cause of innovation, but it is rather an unwelcome consequence of it. In a young dynamic industry full of ideas and creativity, intellectual monopoly does not play a useful role. It is when ideas run out and new competitors come in with fresher ideas, that those bereft of them turn to government intervention – and intellectual “property” – to protect their lucrative old ways of doing business.

>If we examine the efforts of Microsoft to prevent “piracy” of their software, we find that they made little effort either legal or technical to protect their “intellectual property” in their early creative days. It is now, in the 21st century, that they invest their time and energy in the prevention of copying. However, if we compare releases of their operating systems or word processors over the last five or even ten years, it would be difficult to detect much “innovation.” What was Microsoft’s greatest innovation since 1994? No doubt, the web browser, the Internet Explorer.

>But who invented the web browser? Not Microsoft, but a small group of creative competitors from whom, later on, Microsoft took the idea and then acquired most of the basic code: The first popular version of a browser, NCSA Mosaic, appeared in March 1993, while it was only in August of 1995 that Microsoft released Internet Explorer 1.0.3 Try imagining how the economic and social history of the last fifteen years would have to be rewritten if the creators of Mosaic had Microsoft’s deep pockets and, in anticipation of Amazon patenting of the one click concept, they had managed to patent the “idea of the web browser.” Would we all have been better served by such an application of the doctrine of intellectual “property?"

>> No.4924995

Didn't Brazil develop a new programming language just because of protectionist shenanigans?

>> No.4925007


you can the book here (for free, legally, because the authors are not hypocrites):

the whole book is full of devastating arguments against the ethicality of ip laws.

there are several good books on this matter which adopt the same anti-ip stance. i have been perusing some of them lately. here are some titles: "against intellectual property", by stefan kinsella. "steal this music", by joanna demers. "free culture: how big media uses technology and the law to lock down culture and control creativity", by lawrence lessig.

in short, the issue as not as clear-cut as it might seem, to put it mildly. *of course* it is a good thing to pay for the media you consume when you can do so, but strict legalism on this matter, particularly in less affluent countries, basically means severely limiting your cultural consumption.

basically it's silly to be moralistic about piracy, is my stance.

>> No.4925010

i don't know about that, but it wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.4925021



>> No.4925664

They won't be able to pull it off again. The 90s was before social media and the Internet was still in its infancy.

We'll lick them this time. ;)

>> No.4925682

>The software industry is a leading illustration of one of the sub-themes of this book. Intellectual monopoly is not a cause of innovation, but it is rather an unwelcome consequence of it. In a young dynamic industry full of ideas and creativity, intellectual monopoly does not play a useful role. It is when ideas run out and new competitors come in with fresher ideas, that those bereft of them turn to government intervention – and intellectual “property” – to protect their lucrative old ways of doing business.
Here, I will give you another example. During the Napster debacle in the early 2000s, the biggest voices in condemning music downloads were old, washed-up dadrockers like Lars Ulrich and Gene Simmons. Never did you hear young, current artists complain about it. Why?

Easy. It's just as you said. Young bands want their music passed around to spread the word about them. Old, past-it dadrockers with no more creative ideas left in the tank want to create monopolies that benefit them at the expense of young, upcoming artists.

>> No.4925693

>Mickey Mouse Protection Act
didn't know about that
is this another reason to hate disney or they didn't lobbied for it?

>> No.4925708

As someone else said. If you really need to retain ownership of 80 year old cartoons that badly, that you absolutely cannot live without them and would go bankrupt if they became PD, that says a lot about you as a company, most of it pretty bad.

>> No.4925710

Disney is about to own all of fox and its properties. Theres got to be some monopoly law that prohibits this kind of shit!

>> No.4925867

Nintendo doesnt own the IP of all nintendo roms

>> No.4925934

>ROM sites

What is this, 1995? Who even downloads games that way? Good riddance to shitlords making advertising revenue off games they didn't even dump themselves.

That said, demanding the website shutdown rather than explicitly telling them to remove games that are owned by Nintendo could be considered extortion.

>> No.4926283

You tried, faggot. You really tried.

>> No.4926296 [DELETED] 

>Nintendo owns the IP, it's their right to do whatever they want with it

By that logic, it was ok for Germany to do the Holocaust since it was their country and if you happen to be Jewish, you can just move elsewhere if you don't like it.

>> No.4926395 [DELETED] 

>By that logic, it was ok for Germany to do the Holocaust since it was their country and if you happen to be Jewish, you can just move elsewhere if you don't like it.

I imagine /pol/ would find nothing wrong with this, maybe you should take this there instead of the /vr/ section of this korean barbeque image board.

BTW dude, jumping to hitler and the holocaust to make your point on this is kind of like brining a fucking nuclear warhead to a slap fight.

>> No.4926403 [DELETED] 

>I imagine /pol/ would find nothing wrong with this, maybe you should take this there instead of the /vr/ section of this korean barbeque image board
But we're not /pol/ and we don't believe Hitler was a good guy here. ;)

>> No.4926417

This. My dad first heard about Metallica when he downloaded a few songs from napster. He isn't the biggest fan, but enough to warrant buying a few albums.

>> No.4927467

No it's not

>> No.4927470

Dr. Dre complained about it and 2001 was a fucking huge album at the time. It was definitely one of the things I was excited to download, also lots of gameboy roms.

>> No.4927475

You've had fifteen years to wrap your head around "open a file with a program to download a file"

Are retro gamers really this braindead?

>> No.4927598

The term you are looking is "debugger".

>> No.4927626

>they had a premium service
Yeah, they deserve what came to them. This isn't piracy in general, this is people selling pirated material for profit.

>> No.4927632

Nintendo is a Japanese company, Japan as a whole is a lot more tolerant of the fact that if it exists, people are going to make porn of it.

>> No.4927843 [DELETED] 

The holocaust is fabricated bullshit, you fucking good-goy dumbass. I wish that Hitler had actual intentions of genociding subhuman jews, though.

>> No.4927854 [DELETED] 


>> No.4927859 [DELETED] 

Yeah, don't go down to the Holocaust Museum. They're really committed to that "fabrication"

>> No.4927878

Be prepared. This looks to be a new wave of wanton litigious nonsense. They're also attacking people on fucking github of all things.

>> No.4927892

Someone was including Nintendo ROMs with their emulator.

>> No.4927897

Yes, but it wasn't on some ad-driven site or something. I fully expect there to be threats against fanworks, and soon.

>> No.4927903
File: 14 KB, 640x400, Gazelle #1519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever heard of AM2R?

>> No.4928043
File: 906 KB, 1920x2881, ZzA - Anime 039 - 1137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gib sets

>> No.4928060

You've had about the same amount of time to realize you don't need the first file. Hash is enough.

>> No.4928115
File: 416 KB, 680x1156, brains_nintendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon is woke.

>> No.4928137

Of course, I can imagine that Miyamoto and the like find it degenerate but not enough to take action against

>> No.4928182

Now I'll never be able to play Kirby's Dream Land 3 :(

>> No.4928186

In Japan it's just accepted that it happens with literally every franchise, everyone knows its a thing, and that taking action against it will just make people mad. It's the west that throws giant shitfits when they discover that someone somewhere made (insert franchise here) porn, Japan just knows it's out there and ignores it if they have no interest.

Literally the only time someone got in trouble over R34 in Japan was when someone made a Doraemon porn doujin that looked too much like an official publication, and they got in trouble specifically because it was feared someone might buy it and read it without knowing it was porn. As long as your fan porn is clearly marked as such, nobody gives a shit.

>> No.4928195

But let's be real here: the shit they've put in the original Japanese versions of their games like naked Ness in Magicant from Mother 2/Earthbound or the Mermaid's bra from Link's Awakening they're pretty welcoming of porn of their IPs

>> No.4928202
File: 198 KB, 619x790, 1531789921191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy sucking more corporate cock

>> No.4928320

Like someone else said, Fox used to shut down Simpsons R34 sites but eventually gave up.

>> No.4928340
File: 808 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-07-24-14-59-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its 20 bucks on ebay you tard.

>> No.4928346 [DELETED] 

I don't understand why the Japanese versions are so dirt cheap but US cartridges are absurdly expensive.

>> No.4928349
File: 451 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-07-24-15-07-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4928351

why do japanese versions of games go for dirt cheap compared to the american versions?

>> No.4928375 [DELETED] 
File: 1019 KB, 1080x1850, 2018-07-24 15.19.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Certain ones dont.

Pschic killer tomoato
Super star wars rotj
Rockman 1
Any fucking castlevania
Ball bullet gun
Battle garega
Elevator action returns
Radiant silver gun (lots of saturn games)
Fucking snk games on neo geo (pic related)

Tons of retro are expensive in japan, its just different games were popular

>> No.4928376 [DELETED] 

>Any fucking castlevania
But that's not fair because the first two were on fragile FDS disks that probably don't work anymore.

>> No.4928379

Anyone in their position would do the same thing.

>> No.4928462
File: 99 KB, 400x533, 1511790979350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there is a new game I really like Im gonna buy it but these games are old as fuck and almost inaccessible, I aint gonna pay 10 bucks for a shitty GBA game in Virtual Console.
I might pay 5 bucks top if Nintendo released a pack of games for VC

>> No.4928483

Why are you here?

Did you click on the wrong tab? Forget youre not in /v/?

>> No.4928492

What position is that?

>> No.4928625

The position of a multi-billion dollar corporation who has laws specifically crafted for their benefit at the expense of much smaller entities. If you, a random nobody on the internet, uploaded a 30 year old piece of retail software that has been freely distributed online for 20 or more years at this point, the law would allow Nintendo to try to get $100,000 out of you. If that's not ridiculous, I don't know what is.

Even more alarming is how the lawsuit mentions the use of Nintendo boxart. Is GameFAQs going to be sued next? Random 4chan posters?

>> No.4928631

This makes me feel ok, the more they shut down ROM sites the more vauable my gamecube and NES games become.

>> No.4928638


alot more carts where made and sold in Japan, also they have a massive pirate game scene that makes a lot of money world wide

>> No.4928646
File: 427 KB, 599x603, roasted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw downloaded a collection of my favorite and all-time greatest SNES games as roms on my flashdrive long ago before the nintendo happening

>> No.4928649

I'll consider respecting Nintendo's eye-pee when they respect fair use.

>> No.4928662
File: 328 KB, 1840x1082, rom folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a real shame that people like you can't see that your ethics and actions are what killed gaming post-internet.
Its a real shame that big players like Nintendo and sega stopped marketing games for past systems. If they can't be bothered to make me more carts for my N64, then they shouldn't be bothered that I am going to play the games I want.

Can I buy a cartridge game for my N64?
Is it still covered by warranty?
Can I still send it to you for repairs since you made it
Since you don't support your old systems you won't mind if I download the games to play them on my flash cart?

This is the situation. This involves multiple companies all acting like this. Either I give them money, or I don't but either way I am playing the games I want.

I NEVER emulate on PC. However, I don't judge people who do. Perhaps if they still sold these systems, people wouldn't resort to becoming experts at roms and isos.

>> No.4928695

Nintendo doesn't make games that appeal to me anymore so I'm not to worried about them losing money over me playing roms.

>> No.4928698
File: 75 KB, 356x259, copy link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sameposting myself:

4 months ago my 1tb backup hdd crashed. I lost EVERYTHING that was no physically backed up on SD cards.....this post got me looking at my "collections" and realized that I no longer have a digital copy of SNES titles....I do have a Burned CD from the late 90s with all titles....but I can't be bothered to try to install a CD drive.

Thanks OP. You got me looking for things I may have missed.

>> No.4928702 [DELETED] 

Back in days of old, the ESA was called the IDSA and it was run by a "person" named Doug Lowenstein who used to put out rants against piracy/abandonware. Eventually they changed their name and he moved on to some other job unrelated to video games.

That's just disgusting. They hire people like that who have no interest in video games and are just lawyers who view it as another notch on their resume.

>> No.4928724

>ever since they barely even knew the internet was a thing.
They still don't.

>> No.4928727 [DELETED] 

Whenever the wind whistles through the leaves, I'll think Lowenstein, Lowenstein...

>> No.4928746 [DELETED] 

And this surprises you? The lawyers writing this current shakedown suit have never played a videogame in their lives. The fact that they want to know the sources of the ROMs is hilarious. Good luck proving that someone was the source of any particular ROM. The dumping process leaves no identifying info. Unless you recorded yourself dumping it and uploading the ROM, they'll have a hard time proving someone dumped it. Even most prototypes aren't one of a kind, and if the company used some unique cartridge ID back in the day, I guarantee that that info has been lost to time.

>> No.4928770 [DELETED] 

Most NES ROMs were dumped back in the 90s. How the hell are you ever going to find the original dumper?

>> No.4928775 [DELETED] 

I just made a post about this issue. Why did the janitor delete it?

>> No.4928776 [DELETED] 

Who knows. He seems to be deleting comments at random.

>> No.4928808

Already happened: https://kotaku.com/pirates-leak-pokemon-prism-after-nintendo-shuts-it-down-1790598623

>> No.4928814

Any cd/dvd drive can be used with a usb to hdd adapter. They are pretty cheap these days.

>> No.4928820

Nintendo were so paranoid about piracy that they used nonstandard mini discs in the GameCube which were written backwards, so impossible to write. You could read them with an ordinary DVD/CD drive if you knew enough about low level programming them to get the motor to spin in reverse.

>> No.4928825

I think when I bought a USB DVD burner for my shitty netbook awhile back it was only like $13. Optical media drives are dead cheap in general now.

>> No.4929081

This is wrong, but funny to think about.

>> No.4929294
File: 1.11 MB, 3024x4032, Gazelle in the world of Warhammer 40k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 copies

2 media types (not always necessarily but mechanical hard drives have unique failure modes others are immune to, like flooding)

1 offsite

But none of that matters for game roms because you can just grab them again, the ones you'll actually play, at least.

>> No.4929301

The mini discs had nothing to with copying. It was a standard size sine the CDs inception, originally intended for singles. Before ubiquitous USB drives and system boards that would boot them, I used to carry a live Linux bistro that fit on a mini CD. Came in handy often.

>> No.4929420

>but when you look at the history of ip laws, their morality becomes very dubious, and one begins to wonder where the real greed lies in this whole affair.
Like someone else said, unless you have Disney's resources, how you gonna sue anyone for copyright infringement anyway? It's useless to the little guy in that sense.

>> No.4929430

Yes, they made good games at some point. They still do. But they keep trying to resell their old shit at 4-5x the price they're actually worth with every fucking console, and no account binding.

>> No.4929438

>portable console
>gets stolen
>lose all your games

>> No.4929824

Which is sad, because the smaller companies or even (especially) individuals are in more desperate need of IP protection than anyone. In those cases, such IP "theft" can be harmful to both finances and morale. If some big corporation legitimately rips off your idea and uses it for their financial gain, you think you have the resources to sue them, and even if you do, do you think you have a snowball's chance in hell of winning? No. And do you think copyright infringement of out of date software harms Nintendo? Come the fuck on, especially since these are old games to begin with and Nintendo has done a piss-poor job combatting such piracy over the years. The real threats to them would be piracy of modern games, mass-production of bootleg hardware and physical media, or another megacorporation blatantly ripping off their IPs, not some hipster running a server out of his basement in Arizona, distributing ROMs that have been available online for in many cases 20 years without Nintendo really bothering to do anything about them back when they were actually relevant.

Have any other game companies tried to actually sue people distributing old ROMs? I've heard of Capcom DMCAing some fan translation project, but never actual lawsuits.

>> No.4929891

They've had account binding for years. Wii U and 3DS both have it, so does the Switch. You can only have the account on one type of each machine at a time, but your purchases are absolutely tied to your NNID / Nintendo Account

>> No.4929942

>hosting a ROM site in US
How can anyone be this stupid?

>> No.4929954

Aren't VC games like 5-10 bucks a pop?

>> No.4929959

They also put up 3DS roms behind a paywall, making it even stupider.

>> No.4929983

We need to install brain scanners to protect valuable IP from daydreaming too. The rightful IP older could have mad good money off of those thoughts.

>> No.4931079

I need to pay reparations because I borrowed Pro Wrestling from my friend 30 years ago.

>> No.4932316

so, where can we find roms now?

>> No.4932338
File: 25 KB, 598x708, Gazelle #1717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you haven't figured that out by now, you should just pay for licensed copies. You've had a decade and a half.

>> No.4932345


>> No.4932350
File: 58 KB, 621x563, 8db.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fact remains that if you truly cared about piracy laws and found them unjust, you could use your citizenship to do something about it
Wha...he thinks I _wouldn't_ like to see this fixed?

>> No.4932367

Did Overwatch tilt the outcome of the 2016 U.S. presidential election?

>> No.4932371


These are a few of my favorite sites for roms. I prefer them to the for profit paywall ones.

>> No.4932390

really doubt that works for unknown authors.

>> No.4932404

I remember when /b/ knew how to torrent, and now even /vr/ can't. Are most of you retro video game kids who never used any kind of PC software that doesn't run in a web browser?

>> No.4932407

Almost everything I've bought that I didn't hear about before the year 2002 media wise I first learned about through piracy. CDs, concert tickets, merch, games... I'm sure you already know if you're a fan of something it makes you want to acquire physical items related to that thing. Marketers have known that for more than half a century now. Free access to content is a great way to become a fan of it. Put one and one together and what do you have? My taste in music was drastically altered by piracy and I spent lots of money on artists that would be considered unknowns.

>> No.4932408

you do know who's in the current administration, are don't you?

>> No.4932565

boy, i sure do love exposing my ip so that nintendo's lawyers can easily sue me

>> No.4932696

been there, some are unavailable

>> No.4932715

For most of consumer history, you could get almost any popular media that was 10 years old or older for dirt cheap. That was the great democratizer of information. If you waited a few years, you too could have access to the same media as a rich person.

But because you need a super specific device to legally play consoole video games, video game makers can keep the cost of even ancient IP shockingly high. To do it Nintendo's way, you have to buy a very expensive new system and often spend $5 or more per game to experience 1980s IP. If the system breaks down and is no longer supported, of course, you're out of luck and have to begin the cycle anew.

It's terrible for consumers. Cheap or free access to information after a specified time period elapses is good for humanity. More information means a more enlightened populace. Plus, our lives are so short, even the poor should eventually get access to media. Nintendo already made billions off of this stuff. When does the greed end?

>> No.4932721


It actually works best for unknown authors, got turned onto a bunch of obscure writers from random /lit/ threads back in the day when you could embed books in the jpegs. Marketing for books is kind of a shitshow in general, you don't really see shit anywhere. Gaiman's point is essentially that word of mouth combined with some casual piracy is the best tool to promote not only your book but yourself in general. More often than not people will remember the name and actually buy shit next time they see it.

>> No.4932731

Never ever NintendoGaf faggot.

>> No.4932880

yeah it's anti-consumer abuse of copyright laws which where were originally designed where consumer rights were tied to physical copies when physical copies did not have a trivial cost. Producers thus have perverse incentives to cripple any physical products or avoid using them altogether.

If Nintendo and companies like them didn't have a long history of trying to fuck over consumer's rights as hard as possible at every opportunity, I'd be more sympathetic to their own copyrights.

>> No.4932904

Or made them available (at a reasonable quality) on other platforms instead of the hardware racket bullshit. I'd pay $60 for Zelda:BOTW if I could just buy a legit (preferably non-DRM'd) copy for PC. I played Final Fantasy IV for DS and liked it a lot. But the steam port is hot garbage.

>> No.4933005

>I love Nintendo games
>dude, nintendo is literally killing their own games and condemning them to obscurity
>stfu pirate lol

>> No.4933014

that's super made up.

>> No.4933042
File: 882 KB, 1489x753, ggn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm talking about fight club

>> No.4933060

I'm certainly not for Nintendo suing right out of the gate over old ROMs, a takedown notice seems more than sufficient (unless willfully ignored), but setting arbitrary goalposts to presumably justify piracy and set specific, never going to happen instances when you would pay is a bit silly.

>> No.4933090
File: 51 KB, 480x482, 1526494620664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not shoplifting flea markets while geeked out on meth for 3 days in a row
It's like you guys don't know how to live or something.

>> No.4933339

Normally I'd say "whatever, gotta protect your IP. It's not like they'll ever be able to take them all down anyway"

But now they're not even offering their old games on a digital download service anymore, so what is the fucking point

>> No.4933838

>and set specific, never going to happen instances when you would pay is a bit silly.
What instances would those be?

>> No.4933843 [DELETED] 

>If Nintendo and companies like them didn't have a long history of trying to fuck over consumer's rights as hard as possible at every opportunity
Nintendo specifically going back to when they used to tell retail outlets that they couldn't carry other companies' consoles/games. I am to feel sympathy for them because why?

>> No.4933886

NoA have always been a fascist company ever since the 80s.

>> No.4933923


>> No.4933931

Wii U's store is still up, though. Switch isn't going to have it though, they want to make people pay a subscription service a la Netflix to get games, and they'll probably drip feed releases over the next six years just like the Wii/3DS/Wii U did each time.

>> No.4933935

>homebrew hacks and shit?
In December 2016 Nintendo sent a cease & desist to Pokémon Prism, a fangame using Pokémon Crystal's engine which was in development since 2007. Thankfully an unfinished beta of the ROM was dumped online by a playtester and the fangame was better than anything Game Freak has put out in at least five years, but it was disgusting and made me stop buying Nintendo games. I was following along with the development of Prism since like 2012 and it was suddenly cut down.

>> No.4933937

At least Sega accepted that fans can make a better Sonic game than themselves.

>> No.4933948

>I NEVER emulate on PC.
Just asking, what do you do with your ROMs, then? Play on a flashcart? Burn to discs in cases like the PS1 and Saturn/Dreamcast?

>> No.4934429

Not him but I have my original xbox set up to emulate all systems from the Atari 2600 to the N64

>> No.4934430

Sad but true.

>> No.4934452

That's some low accuracy emulation. Do you enjoy it at least?

>> No.4934496

Shindol got threatened for Faithful Tepig, hence Faithful Tepig II being toned down, but that's all I can think of.

>> No.4934671

That's how software corps want it to work , yes. Not actually enforceable, otherwise best buy, metaljebus and ebay would be sued to death by now.

>> No.4934680

Use magnets. Doesn't matter if people don't seed. /a/ don't bother seeding last season animes and still get autist about people who stream. You think most people would bother seeding 20 year old games???

>> No.4934684

>obscure writers from random /lit/ threads
>Circle jerk over the same 10 authors their professor forced them to read back in eng lit community colleges.

Fuck off >>>/lit/

>> No.4934695

DAE 1984 my good sirs

>> No.4934705

ShinddoL didn't make Faithful Tepig

>> No.4934737

>Wii U's store is still up
and so is the one for the 3DS (for now). I'm not sure if people will go online on their Wii U on a regular basis but AFAIK the 3DS is still quite popular and there are still people who regularly buy games on the Eshop, both VC and other games. It's still a limited selection and there aren't many emulator options but it doesn't feel too bad and it's neat to play it on the go.

>> No.4934758

They think we are willing to pay over 200$ for some SNES cartridges

>> No.4934820

it still baffles me as to why they thought that it was a good idea to axe the VC for the switch, shit would have been good for gamecube games

>> No.4934828 [DELETED] 

Go to Google Groups and search for "charles doane" if you want to see some high octane piracy autism.

>> No.4934836

Sailboats are cool. I wish I had a small trimaran for the lakes here in Minnesota. They're really fun to sail.

>> No.4934876

Thanks, I am calling the cyber police now.

>> No.4934879

Why did you delete?

>> No.4934880


>> No.4935052

Trannyjanny loves abusing her mod powers. It's the only way she can feel in charge when she has nothing else in life.

>> No.4935061

From what I've seen, the janitor here is an irritable cis boi. How many are there?

>> No.4935271
File: 909 KB, 400x361, 1413389196689.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when the wii U and 3ds virtual consoles end, and nintendo rolls out it's game rotation program for the switch
the ability to acquire alot of Nintendo's and many other publishers best games such as Donkey Kong country 2, Legend of Zela OoT and Majoras mask, among countless others in the range of 20 years or older.
Will no longer be able to be legally purchased from a first party source as a "product" that doesn't have an expiration date attached it.

I was looking forward to the possibilitty of the switch being one of the best systems for legally preserving and playing the best games from yesteryear that Nintendo, square, and many other publishers, and illegally many others as well.
But what their doing with the switch and going after rom sites certainly paints a darker picture of the future

>> No.4935282 [DELETED] 

3-2-1 backup your roms and you will always have them :-)

>> No.4935284

what's 3-2-1?

>> No.4935297

Three copies (on three different devices, not all on the same drive)

Two media types. This is debatable, but hard drives don't like to get wet or tossed around.

One offsite.

Those are minimums. If any of those numbers go lower, you should feel anxious until that's fixed.

I only bother for personal OC like photos/documents, not mass media.

>> No.4935312

I'l have to keep that in mind anon, I'l probably be buying a switch eventually and homebrewing it once the process becomes idiot proof

>> No.4935318

You don't think a software update could permanently lock you out of h4xing it?

>> No.4935378

I'm not gonna update it I'm pretty much only interested in single player games or MP games that can be played locally, without having to be connected to the internet

>> No.4935384

Seems weird to buy a Switch so soon if you skipping online multiplayer.

Wii U is a great buy because it has all its games and two generations of backwards compatibility.

>> No.4935425

No clue, but the mircomanaging of pet threads is ridiculous.

>> No.4935426

I'm interested more so in the portability aspect. and alot of the ig hitters of the Wii U i'm interested in are already on switch and there companies making physical versions of digital only indie games on switch So I honestly don't feel too disadvantaged without internet

>> No.4935437

Are you going to get Sanic with the fake gold ring?

>> No.4935610

Absolutely nice and interesting talk would happen, were the jannies not vultures hellbent on destroying the level of conversation to waifus and and wojack posting. And now it's a coin toss on whether i get banned or not.

>> No.4935615

good for who?

>> No.4935981
File: 90 KB, 489x565, jew its working.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Goldstein, I think these goys are ready

>> No.4936208

>centralized ROM data set
Are you talking about some kind of cloud gaming emulation? That sounds like a pain compared to just downloading the ROMs yourself.

>> No.4936227

Isn't loveroms notorious for being riddled with adware and pop ups all over the fucking place?

>> No.4936232

>Theres got to be some monopoly law that prohibits this kind of shit!
There is, but there are courts made to determine exactly what constitutes a monopoly and those courts are corrupt. Those courts are the reason the Internet ISP market is so fucked up in the United States. There are basically three-or-so major corporations spread across the whole country which *kind of* compete in certain areas while having sole control over large stretches of the company, and those fake competitive areas are enough for the courts to say "oh yeah, this doesn't violate anti-trust laws, let them do whatever they want." So now it's impossible for smaller upstarts to try and create new competition in areas because when they try to lay down new cables they get sued! Doesn't matter if they'd win the lawsuit, they can't afford to fight it in the first place, so if your only ISP is Comcast, they can do any fucking thing they want to you and you have no way to stop them unless you want to stop using the Internet in an era where the Internet is almost necessary for basic daily life.

tl;dr The laws are there but they aren't properly enforced due to corruption, making them basically worthless.

>> No.4936278

Pieces of shit.
Once Switch emulation finally becomes viable I'm going to start handing out Switch ROMs just to spite them.

>> No.4936290

The yidrat attorneys and the DUMBASSES among the Nintendo fanbase

>> No.4936575

>I hope I can keep my kids from also looking for handouts when they grow up.
It's simply smart to get for free what you would otherwise pay for, as long as there are no negative consequences for doing so. If your kids downloaded hundreds of dollars' worth of ROMs (compared to buying each of those ROMs on Virtual Console) then that means they saved hundreds of dollars which they can now spend on something else or put in the bank. Do you get mad when broke college kids try to keep the financial drain they're going through down by pirating textbooks? It's smart for them to do so, they need to save every penny they can so they have as small a debt as possible when they obtain their degree.

>> No.4936607
File: 453 KB, 700x700, 1445970262253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nintendo's gonna win!! They're rough enough for that.

>> No.4936616

I don't really see how they could lose in this instance.
...but if they DID lose, that would make my fucking day, and my sides would never be the same.

>> No.4936707

I use my Wii U a ton but I just pirate whatever I want to play. I mostly use it as a semi-portable (in the sense that I can take the Gamepad to the shitter if I want) emulator box, actually.

>> No.4936760

>There are basically three-or-so major corporations spread across the whole country which *kind of* compete in certain areas while having sole control over large stretches of the company
That exists because the infrastructure for ISPs is extremely expensive so it's not really viable for 30-40 different providers to exist.

>> No.4936798

I am glad nintendo is doing this.

if something is good, it's worthy paying for. free games are usually trash.

>> No.4936813
File: 332 KB, 500x375, 1475824856392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But there are people who WANT to put in the money to build new infrastructure! Are you telling me it's for the public fucking good that someone wants to come in and save me from Comcast's endless hell only for Comcast to scare them off with a big stick and continue fucking me in the ass?
We aren't talking about 30-40 providers in an area, we're talking about MORE THAN ONE.

>> No.4936816

>something becomes better by charging more for it
So if you doubled the price of the same product would that double your enjoyment from playing the product, even if the product itself never changed?

>> No.4936818

Nintendo doesn't deserve money.
They ESPECIALLY don't deserve money for games over a decade old.

>> No.4936825

they are their intellectually property.

they are entitled, no deserve to be payed for the privilege of playing their games.

not quite, the price has to be relative to the quality of the game.

>> No.4936826

I do not give a single fuck if it is their intellectual property.
I do not give a single fuck if this is illegal.
Fuck 'em.

>> No.4936830

Both of those sites peddle in viruses. They just used roms to try and get people to download and run thay contra.nes.exe file. Emuparadise is the way to go or isozone.

>> No.4936831


you must be one one of those kids with the mindset "if its old it should be free"

Fucking entitled little shits.

>> No.4936837

Nah, I just hate Nintendo in particular.
They shouldn't have kept fucking me while still expecting me to give them money.

>> No.4936840

Not him, but old things should be free, yes. That's how we encourage the creation of new works. The original copyright term was 28 years; most NES games ought to be public domain by now.

>> No.4936842

paying to get fucked is perfectly normal.

just look at prostitution.

>> No.4936845

get a load of this funnyman over here

>> No.4936849

not quite, the way we get new works is by not gulping every rehashed POS sequel that the gaming industry throws at us.

if anything we need to support new IPs.

>> No.4936854

There is very little at this point that new IPs can bring to the table that old IPs haven't done already.
Most new IPs coming out are just watered down derivatives of shit that already exists.

>> No.4936858


being actually serious for a second, I disagree.

I think we've just gotten used to the idea that we've reached franchise peak.

if mainstream shit stopped selling, you'd see a shit ton of new IPs popping up real fast.

>> No.4936868

Nice quotestack, Mr. Guaranteed Replies.

>> No.4936885

>you must be one one of those kids with the mindset "if its old it should be free"

That was supposed to be the point. You retain exclusive publishing rights to your IP for a while, and then it expires and becomes public domain.

>> No.4936886

>thanks for the recipe!

>> No.4936889

My mom has done this before.

>> No.4936895


>> No.4936897

>they are entitled, no deserve to be payed for the privilege of playing their games.
Do you think this should be the case for 30 year old games the current company didn't create?

>> No.4936908
File: 995 KB, 1920x978, Browse_Torrents_GazelleGames.net_-_2018-07-28_01.45.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wait?

>> No.4936910

I need direct downloads, not torrents.

>> No.4936914

No one is giving you that much free bandwidth.

>> No.4936915

You'd be surprised what I've found for other consoles.

>> No.4936916

Do you have early onset Alzeimher's?

>> No.4936978

Make your older games more easily accessible and less people will pirate the fuck out of your games, Nintendo.

>> No.4936987


>> No.4937185


>> No.4937192

There needs to be a sense of urgency to buy them. It's just good business :^)

>> No.4937193

I'll respect it when they don't peddle lame emulator boxes like the SNES Mini.

>> No.4937197

Yeah, if they had the ROMs available on Nintendo's website for free, I'd probably get them from there.

>> No.4937198

Or charge $5 a piece to download them. I could accept that. If Nintendo weren't still living in the 1990s, that is.

>> No.4937202

That's $14000 for all the ROMs I got from a ROM collection, fuck off.

>> No.4937205

Any emulation stuff Nintendo has like the NES Mini is the most embarrassing, useless, normalfag/casual/nostalgia shit.

>> No.4937207

>new games are shit
>old games are so much better
>that's why I'm unwilling to pay even a tiny fraction of msrp for them

>> No.4937208

When the things were new, you'd have to pay like $50 a piece for them.

>> No.4937209 [DELETED] 

This is a blue board so please stop dropping F-bombs and S-torpedoes, thanks :-)

>> No.4937212

Gamers are generally stingy. There was a gamer gastropub here right next to the NFL stadium and they couldn't stay in business. It didn't help the place was fuckhueg.

>> No.4937213

>Gamers are generally stingy
Why do you think we don't want to pay Ebay prices?

>> No.4937216

If you're unwilling to pay msrp, even ignoring inflation, how good can the game really be?

>> No.4937221

>imagine being this consumerist

>> No.4937228

You can thank LGR for that.

>> No.4937229

LGR almost never touches console shit. Are you thinking of someone else?

>> No.4937405

>Try using the "but I wasn't going to buy it anyways" line after you're caught stealing something from a store. It's the same damn thing.
Except it's not. An item is physically lost when you steal from a store. Whether you were going to buy it anyway or not doesn't matter for physical items, because that's a lost sale no matter what. Nobody can buy that thing that you stole now.

Digital goods are infinite. There's no such thing as a lost sale if you were never going to buy it in the first place, because nobody will be unable to buy the copy you pirated.

>> No.4937439

Hold on there. How can Nintendo sue for the entire site? The only ROMs they "own" are their own games like Mario and Zelda. They don't have any jurisdiction over Mega Man, Double Dragon, Faxnadu, etc.

>> No.4937448

>what is licensing

>> No.4937561

They’re right though.

>> No.4937691

>wanted to get into wii+retro-emulation
>all sites taking down the "backups"

>> No.4937708 [DELETED] 

Nintendo's website had some FAQ thing which is just a red-faced rant against emulation and ROMs. It's completely biased and has no nuance or attempt to present both sides of the argument, it's like we're right and you're not.

>> No.4937715

We need to find where their lawyers live and publish their phone numbers and home addresses.

>> No.4937716

>downloaded all good gamecube games before the controversy

>> No.4937734 [DELETED] 

Why did the NES Mini only have 20 games? What if I want to play a game not on there?

>> No.4937737

Shell out cash for the original hardware I guess

>> No.4937742

This. I cancelled my internet last month and right before it ended I went on a spree and [Spoiler]diddledloaded hundreds of gagabots[/endSpoiler]

>> No.4937743

Face it. They don't like competition because fanmade emulators offer a better experience. It has nothing to do with protecting IP and you're a complete idiot if you think that's what it is.

>> No.4937750

Not as if Nintendo gets paid for it either way.

>> No.4937754

Perhaps you're right.

>> No.4937757

So make a better emulator.

>> No.4937762

They don't have to. They can just threaten to sue you so they can make mediocre shit emulators.

>> No.4937773

Nintendo did nothing about ROM sites for years and only now they're suddenly buttmad because of some shit they want to offer on the Switch.

>> No.4937797

They can close them down if they want. Doesn't mean we're not entitled to laugh at Nintendo.

>> No.4937805

I'm not sure what their problem is because loyal Nintendo people would still buy stuff from them just to SUPPORT NINTENDO GUYs
you think people who bought NES /SNES classics don't know what emulators are?
30 year old boomers just wanna spend money on toys

>> No.4937813

>30 year old boomers
Are you on some kind of allergy medication?

>> No.4938038

My stance on ROMs is very simple.

Can you buy it legally so that the proceeds go to the developer? If so, then downloading ROMs is wrong.

Buying used games from a 3rd party (e.g. your neighbour) doesn't benefit the developer, so emulation is justified in that case.

>> No.4938049

You don't think anyone involved in making games negotiates residuals?

>> No.4938053

Correct. Now if you were to buy that ROM today, the proceeds don't go to the developers because modern Nintendo has none of the same personnel it had in 1986. The people who worked on those games aren't going to make a cent from it, they've long since moved on.

>> No.4938074

I've thought this too before. But at the end of the day, part of the profits always went to Nintendo, so it makes sense for Nintendo to keep profiting from works they have produced in the past.

>> No.4938092

>But at the end of the day, part of the profits always went to Nintendo, so it makes sense for Nintendo to keep profiting from works they have produced in the past
This sentence makes absolutely no sense at all.

>> No.4938102

You can't just pirate games because the people who made the games are no longer at the company. That isn't how it works, at all.

>> No.4938116

You literally can, though. You can pirate for whatever reason you want. Not wanting your money to go to people completely unrelated to the ones who actually made the game is a pretty reasonable position.

>> No.4938117

I'm pretty sure the entire moral issue with piracy was that the people who worked on the game don't get paid if you pirate it?

>> No.4938131

>that beta redditor who feels a need to justify his actions

>> No.4938132

>You literally can, though.
Obviously you can, I'm talking about what is right or wrong. Though I find it to be stupid, Nintendo is entitled to make money off their past games even if their staff is completely different, though I would rather have the old staff receive the money themselves.

>> No.4938140

>Though I find it to be stupid, Nintendo is entitled to make money off their past games
I don't think they are. That's like Disney thinking they should be allowed to hold onto and profit off of cartoons made by long dead people.

>> No.4938146

Sorry, but I don't consider continuing to profit off the backs of people you're not paying anymore "right" or something you're "entitled" to. Remember, if it weren't for corporate lobbying/bribery, everything up to 1990 would be free now.

>> No.4938687

Nintendo can't do shit about emulators. Only ROMs.
There's two or three different Switch emulators in development right now, and Nintendo can't touch them.

>> No.4938802

When you pull the trigger and kill someone they don't just send your finger to jail

>> No.4938996

Now where can i find gamecube isos?

>> No.4939009

I get mine from a private torrent tracker. It's against the rules for me to invite anyone I don't personally know, and everyone I've invited to a private tracker so far has actively avoided seeding, so I won't.

The big public trackers often have some.

>> No.4939010

theisozone has gamecube stuff

>> No.4939446


>> No.4939463

That...makes no sense at all.

>> No.4939492

It's a perfect analogy of the tardlogic I was responding to. The only reason it doesn't make any sense to you is because only your tardlogic makes sense to you.

>> No.4939642


>> No.4939786

ITT: Corporate shills and physical copy skinners

>> No.4939807

woah. nintendo taking down public rom sites. what a shock. they've never done that before! outrageous! kek. life continues on as normal and nintendo 'can't catch 'em all!' even if they wanted to. they go after low hanging fruit run by retards.

> i make so little due to reasons
top kek.

>> No.4939813

> 2EDGY4U M8
no, this was still going on before the internet and software companies were still making a killing no matter if was pirated or not. nothing has changed. same dodgy math used to calculate losses using speculative figures.

>> No.4939842

what are you even doing here on /vr/?

>> No.4939850

board has no shortage of geniuses such as that, friend.

>> No.4939876

No fuck that. They're not getting paid for even a fraction of the shit rom sites put up for us to download. The virtual console library is a tiny being compared to most websites that allow us to enjoy those hard-to-find classics or super expensive treasures that Nintendo refuses to give us. If they wanna make money off their games they keep taking down, then let us buy em all. Otherwise, they're mostly all abandonware that they are not making shit off of.

>> No.4939889

For example, why the devil can't they include DQ3-4? Do you even know what you pay for a real cartridge?

>> No.4939949

Adjusted for inflation, those carts still cost less than original MSRP. Either buy the cart if you believe old games are actually better than new games, or admit it's not so great and steal it anyway without trying to justify it like a whiny redditor.

>> No.4939956

>I have never looked at prices for DQ4 on Ebay
>I am a Nintendo/corporate shillbot

>> No.4939974

It's $70 from there or Game Stop. That's about half as much in 1990.

Dragon Quest 4 is available on DS for much less.

You want free shit, and I'm okay with that. My dad always made VHS copies of kid movies despite being pretty well off. Just stop acting like it's some kind of holy crusade. It's annoying.

>> No.4939982

>It's $70 from there or Game Stop. That's about half as much in 1990.
I'm pretty sure the 1990 price was also the same and also they didn't produce all that many DQ4 carts due to the cost of the huge ROM, so it's hard to find them anyway.

>> No.4939992

Who cares?
Every goddamned "retro-gaymer" here, in Russia, have a full romlist for NES/SENPAI.

>> No.4940003

I can see he did not actually answer anon's question about why the NES Mini didn't include those games.

>> No.4940010

I have DQ1 and 2 but fuck me if I can find 3 and 4 for any kind of reasonable price.

>> No.4940019

It's just as well. Not as if the original dev will get paid anyway if you bought an original cart.

>> No.4940029

>retro games are so good I'm not willing to pay less than msrp for them

>> No.4940035

Ebay scalper detected.

>> No.4940040

Get the DS remake, or a flash cart or bootleg, or find the ROM somewhere other than a shitty ad site. It's not hard to get into the 1337 private trackers.

>> No.4941383
