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4909520 No.4909520 [Reply] [Original]

>left extinguisher in metal scanner bin so couldn't get magnum later in game
>by the time I went back to fight the worm the black guy had already died in his stomach so couldn't get the uzis
>had claire carrying the grenade launcher and bow gun so had to fight the final boss with the shotgun and a fucking knife

Well fuck me lads. Despite my retardation, however, I really enjoyed the game. It was a lot longer and had way more content than I was expecting, though. I thought the game was ending 2 different times before it actually did. I also liked how they went deeper into the lore and got freakier with it than RE2 did, it reminded me more of RE1 in that regard. how the fuck was wesker still alive

>> No.4909524

Why did you remake this. The red cover was cooler.

>> No.4909526

I've finished that game on normal with so much ammo left over it was kind of retarded. Fire extinguisher is needed to get the magnum and ak right? I used the magnum on the last boss but never touched the ak lol.

But yes, it is great. I really like Alexia and the ant colony thing is great. The last fight against her sucks though. The platform is small as fuck with almost no room to maneuver and when she does finally go into phase 2 aiming the god damn rocket launcher with a controller is just cancer. Still a dope game though. One of the best classic REs.

>> No.4909527
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I thought so too but I was worried it wasn't as recognizable to people skimming the catalog. Also that I had to many words in the OP that would cause people to keep scrolling.

>> No.4909532

I had a stupid amount of ammo left at the end for the grenade launcher, bowgun, and Claire's superior handgun (she was holding like 200 rounds), none of which I could use kek. Though tbqh, for the final boss I preferred to just use my knife once the shotgun shells were out than use Chris' pistol.

Also I liked the final boss fight (actually felt like a proper final boss compared to 1 and 2 imo), but yeah, fucking the final form where you have to aim the rocket launcher.

>> No.4909553

i hate this fucking game, rockfort island is one of the worst designed things in video game history

>> No.4909609
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Man the RE2 remake really spark up RE conversation eh?
Many RE waifu threads on /v/ a bunch of real game RE threads here.
I just finished Code Veronica, i'm replaying the old games, finished 1, 2 (leon A, claire b) 3, CV and now i'm playing 4 with the HD project patch.
Great vacation till now, such a great series.

>> No.4909723

>I thought the game was ending 2 different times before it actually did.
Maybe because you were playing on PS2. One of those times is the disc change cliffhanger.

>> No.4909785

I like the little rat guy tbqh

>> No.4909807

going to play through this for the first time. should i play the dreamcast version or the gc port?

>> No.4909921

I have this on Dreamcast and the HD version on pc. When I go to replay it, which should I play on?

>> No.4909931

>HD Version on PC
You mean the emulated PS2 or GCN version?
Also, it depends on if you prefer more or less Wesker, and if you wanna see Wesker get beat up

>> No.4910048

Hmm, if it's a bad emulation job I might stick with Dreamcast then.

>> No.4910079
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Is this the RE thread?

I finished it for the very first time on Friday (never got around playing it as a kid thanks to retarded censorship in my country) and got the SMG, which I used to breeze through the scenarios again, pic related.
Is it just me, or are the unlocks much too easy to acquire? I finished my first (blind) Claire B with a B rank, which unlocked the SMG. And since you only need a B rank, I could use that to get the other stuff.

>> No.4910086

It works fine on dolphin, you can play with bells and whistles, just don't stretch the screen please.

>> No.4910195

These aren't the only times you can get fucked in this game.

The worst offender is the fight against Alexia, playing as Chris, in the RE1 mansion replica.
They sort of made it better in the recent re-release by having an item box screen before going back to Chris and that fight but it's still bad.

Now - if those things were the only negative things about CV, I would still like it.

The problem is that it's not. It truely is an awful game and I genuinely believe people who like it have an awful, awful taste.

>> No.4910307
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>game is from 2000
but i thought you could only talk about shit that came out 1999

>> No.4910310

The rules go by the release dates of the consoles the games are on, not the games themselves.

>> No.4910312

What’s so bad about the Alexia fight? You just keep your distance and shoot her a handful of times with the magnum.

>> No.4910316
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but the cutoff for PC is still 1999 right?
does that include homebrew or fanmade games?

>> No.4910318

Code Veronica has some issues but I agree and it’s one of my favorites in the main series. I like how zombies became more of a threat again since they take way more shots to go down compared to other RE games.

>> No.4910336

Here is what's so bad:

>play as Chris
>switch back to Claire before the fight abruptdly, with no hint that there will be a bossfight
>play as Claire for 1-2 hours
>switch back to Chris right into the fight abrupdtly
>can't even access item box
>if you don't have enough supplies in your inventory you're fucked
>since you played as Claire for 1-2h before chances are your previous Chris save has been erased, if not you have to load that and re do everything

and you HAVE to fight her with supplies, there is no B way like fleeing or puzzles like for most bosses in RE1/3; on top of that using the knife on her is one of the hardest

Also when you see that you go back as Claire, logic would want you to put the supplies in the box for her.

It's really shit design, and it's bad survival horror, they didn't learn anything from RE1/3: In the worst case scenario there should have been a B way to go through the fight, like using environment props like in RE3; or things like the spider fight in RE1 and the way you can trick the spider into destroying its own web on the door and leave.

It's also not the only time the game is guitly of something like this but it's the worst.

>> No.4910338

>In the worst case scenario there should have been a B way

That or have supplies to pick up in the room

>> No.4910436

Never really thought of this way. I always had different “loadouts” for Chris and Claire. I usually have Chris using the assault rifle, shotgun and magnum and then kept the bowgun, dual machine guns and grenade launcher for Claire.

>> No.4910458

idk id put code veronica in last place on a list of best classic resident evils. There was some cool ideas but i didnt like the way the game had 3d models for everything instead of prerendered backgrounds.Also steve was very annoying.

>> No.4910471

I liked the change to all 3D but the constant “fog” even when you’re indoors kind of hurt the look of the game.

>> No.4910480

I feel like the change to full 3D was really a let down, even at the time.
Everything looks empty and clean unlike RE2/3 which are fully of details and things in the background to check.

On top of that, they barely took advantage of the 3D with camera angles. They could have had some really cool 3D moving camera angles like Dino Crisis had which bring tension and couldn't have been done in 2D, but nope, nothing good like that.

>> No.4910483

The Ashfords would be pretty top tier creepy RE villains if it weren’t for the very Dreamcasty voice acting. I still liked all the backstory for Umbrella that CV provided though.

>> No.4910487


>> No.4910495
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>The King was loved
But literally no one liked Alfred. Not even Alexia, really.

>> No.4910501

Code Veronica does have problems but I will say that it did the whole insect motif a whole lot better than 0 and its leeches.

>> No.4910503

So I was thinking of getting CVX on PS4. It's my understanding that this version is NOT the HD port that was on PS3/360 but rather a slightly upgraded port of the PS2 version, correct? Which is better?

>> No.4910536
File: 238 KB, 1600x1200, veronica x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately it's the PS2 version and not the true HD remaster, yeah. Get the HD one if you can, but if you don't have a PS360 handy it's not the end of the world.

>> No.4910542

I had tons of supplies before this fight the first time I played it and still took her down with the pistol lol.

>> No.4910547

It's not bad design because of mine or your personal experience, it's bad design because of how it's made and what can happen.

It's survival horror, RE1/3 got that right by letting the possibilities to NOT use guns for most of the bosses, CV didn't and that particular fight has tons of aggravating circumstances making it worse.

>> No.4910590

Yeah but it’s also not really fair to judge it based on how only a small percentage of people play these games. The majority of players aren’t attempting knife only runs or tying to get past the giant spider in RE1 without killing it.

>> No.4910591
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>Alfred and Steve are both /ourguy/

>> No.4910594

>sexually frustrated sleep rapist

>> No.4910596


>> No.4910601

Tries kissing Claire when she's asleep.

>> No.4910605
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>> No.4910615

Man, these types of novelizations are a relic of the past. I had all the Doom books as a kid along with a couple Nightmare on Elm Street books since I wasn’t allowed to watch the actual movies.

>> No.4910627

I recently found the whole ebook collection in my language and been reading them ever since. Read the Zero novel and Umbrella Conspiracy and just started Caliban Cove.
Apart from them deviating from the games they are really enjoyable imo. Just easy schlocky fun.

>> No.4910664

It has been a long time since I played it, but I think that CVX did have moving camera angles in at last some places. A system that would be further expanded and improved on the Outbreak games, along with the full 3D environment.

BTW, never understood why REmake and Zero went back to the old system of prerendered 2D with fixed camera angles. There was already enough technology to make a good looking full 3D game back in 2002.

>> No.4910665

>but I think that CVX did have moving camera angles in at last some places.
I remember it having a ton of dynamic angles. Majority of the outdoor areas had them, a really memorable one was the one you get the first time you go to Alfred's castle.

>> No.4910683

Alexia is one of the best villains in the series but the final fight against her is one of the worst fights in the series (if not the worst).

>> No.4910687

Yes there were a LOT of moving camera segments, NESfag is just letting his bias cloud his judgement.

>> No.4910694

Why is that CVX never got a PC release? It's the only main series RE that isn't on this platform.

>> No.4910705

>only a small percentage of people play these games.

What? Classic RE games sold millions, 5 millions for 1 and 2. CV singlehandeldy made people buy a Dreamcast.

> The majority of players aren’t attempting knife only runs

It's got nothing to do with knife runs, it's got to do with how the game doesn't fuck up by having tons of moments when the player can possibily get stuck, especially regarding a game with tight inventory limit and supply conservation.

>You can get out of the room if you're out of supplies, come back with more
>You don't have to kill it and you can simply dodge to pick up the key item at the back of the room and leave
>There is a pack of shotgun shells in the room

>You can get out of the room if you're out of supplies, come back with more
>You can solve a puzzle that takes away the 2/3rd of its HP
>If all else fails the knife is highly effective against it, makes sense because it's a plant

Giant Spider:
>You can get out of the room if you're out of supplies, come back with more
>You don't have to kill it and can simply destroy the webs and leave, there is a knife in the room for that purpose
>You can even trick the spider into spitting on its own web and destroy it so you can leave, now that's amazing

That only leaves the 2nd Yawn encounter and the Tyrant in the lab. 2nd Yawn you have to use ammo but iirc it's still possible to leave the room. Tyrant in the lab is the only time you're stuck in the room, but as it turns out a single Beretta clip is enough to bring it down, the PC version even has a secret beretta clip hidden in the room.

RE3 has similar things:
1st Grave Digger encounter:
>you can just dodge, press the 3 switches and leave
Nemesis in the tram:
>just leave
Nemesis clock tower:
>Depending on your previous actions Nemesis will be different and the fight will be more or less hard
2nd Grave Digger encounter:
>dodge and wait a little; then shoot down the lamps on the pool of water to electrify item,

>> No.4910713

Why are there so many /v/fags in my /vr/?
It started with the 'why play RE1 when REmake exists' fags, but now we people saying classic RE wasn't popular and CV haters

>> No.4910714

Nemesis in the trash compactor room:
>use the acid switches
Final Nemesis fight:
>use the laser

Now; that brings us to RECV:
>locked in rooms with bosses, can't leave, have to shoot
Alexia fight:
>last time you played as Chris was a long time ago with no hint there'd be a boss
>can't leave the room
>no supply in the room
>knife is hard to use on her

On top of being bad at survival horror it's bad game design

I meant they are nothing special and don't really make good use of the possibilities, they're not innovative and you could have static angles just the same.
Meanwhile Dino Crisis has some amazing dynamic cameras

>> No.4910718

RE2 remake announcement.

We had plenty of MegaMan threads as well following MM11's.

>> No.4910721

>>only a small percentage of people play these games.

Come on lad

>based on how only a small percentage of people play these games

>> No.4910725

You misread my post. I meant only a small percentage of players are doing self imposed restrictions like knife only or whatever. Killing the bosses the normal way is what the vast majority of people do.

>> No.4910731

Yeah, and if they want to do that but are our of supplies, either they find shotgun shells or a knife in the room, or they can simply gtfo and come back with more. Not in CV, in CV you're fucked, and with some aggravating circumstances in some cases as well.

>> No.4910741

That sucks and is a legit design flaw and all, but
>this only affects your first playthrough
>99% of people don't get all that fucked even on their first playthrough

>> No.4910747

Besides I wouldn't take the 'most people just shoot' argument for granted.

Survival Horror is rooted in the adventure genre, when you see a text about a Plant, a text about how to kill its root, and a room with chemicals, it's not hard to figure it out.

Then it's also a horror game, and there is a scare factor. When you see giant snake coming in the room I wouldn't be surprised if some people just ran the fuck off, the same way they've been running from zombies. Once you realize that you can, you realize that you don't have to kill it.

>>99% of people don't get all that fucked even on their first playthrough

Says you. Through the years I've heard TONS of people complain they had to reset the game either on Alexia, on the Tyrant in the plane, or somewhere else. See OP's post.

>this only affects your first playthrough
Yeah, 'only'. You 'only' have to restart the game from scratch, 'only' to potentially get stuck later on too.

>> No.4910753

I agree those parts are frustrating but this is /vr/ and all so... git gud.

>> No.4910757

>'only' to potentially get stuck later on too.
Nigga if you get stuck when you already know what to expect you deserve it. FYI I'm op, and while I felt fucked, I didn't feel THAT fucked or anything.

>> No.4910758

Actually, in every RE game there's several ways to screw yourself over, forcing a player to load an earlier save or even restart over altogether. And CVX happens to be the worst at this, mostly due to the game not warning the player that he's about to switch characters and should leave the stuff that he's currently using in the item box.

>> No.4910760

That stuff was never frustrating to me but goddamn that Nosferatu boss fight. Whoever thought that was a good idea can kiss my ass. I think I’ve maybe killed him twice using only the rifle and I’ve never managed to avoid being poisoned.

>> No.4910767

Nosferatu's poisoning is a non-issue. It just adds an extra quest later. What's really frustrating is that fucking crusher. It's too cheap, and is only there to fuck over players doing a no save run to get an A rank.

>> No.4910778

>git gud

Seriously now? It has nothing to do with skill, it has to do with bad game design and bad survival horror design.
Also if you want to know how 'gud' I am I beat RE3 knife only, I beat RE1 knife only no save, I have a speedrun of RE3 in 55mins, etc

The only way to screw yourself due to bad game design in RE1 is if you pick up too many items as Rebecca, don't have enough inventory space for the serum/v-jot; and if there isn't any enemy left to dmg you so you can heal (because the only way to pick up too many items is by picking up herbs). That is highly unlikely.

I can't even think of anything else in RE1/2/3 other than wasting a shit ton of supplies to the point even the knife isn't enough for you. Even then like stated, RE1/3 have tons of failsafes so you can go through most bosses without using supplies

>> No.4910793

Code Veronica is an excellent candidate for a REmake. I agree with some of the others in this thread that the game wasn't really that great, but I think the settings and story were.

I replayed it not too long ago and if you kind of know what you're doing, and you remember where the boss fights are, it's almost too easy.

>> No.4910803
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I didn't know what to do at that part because I kept pressing use on the crystal right on the edge of the crusher imprint and nothing would happen.
>had to look it up in an faq
>the game wants me to stand right under the fucking thing to put the sphere down

>> No.4910810

>2nd Yawn you have to use ammo but iirc it's still possible to leave the room.

Just gave it a try, confirmed it's possible to leave the room.

>> No.4910813

Can we all just agree that Alexia has the best boss theme in the entire series?


>> No.4910819

Code Veronica might actually have my overall favorite soundtrack in the series. There’s some amazing music throughout.

>> No.4910826

Probably my favorite save room theme in the series.

>> No.4910829

I love playing this one at Halloween time:

>> No.4910834

Ooh yeah that was a good one was that giant bloodied doll shooting up through the center of the stairs ever explained

>> No.4910835

was about to post this. definitely my favorite save theme. just comes as more sweet and calming compared to like RE2 and RE3's more daunting, heavy piano save themes. spent many nights working while listening to that song on the hour long loop

>> No.4910837

Seconding this. The Ashfords were great villains. With higher quality voice acting and graphics plus some of the flaws addressed, it would be an amazing RE game.

>> No.4910842

Oh and maybe add a scene where Claire and Steve find coats because it always bugged me that they were walking around in Antarctica in t-shirts.

>> No.4910846

Cmon now anon, you would get those by pre-ordering the deluxe edition.

>> No.4910890

>Buy the BIOHAZARD RE:CODE:Veronica Deluxe Edition to deck Claire and Steve out in Leon's Jacket from RE4 and [insert Ducatti jacket]
>And if you get the $1000 Code Is Veronica Edition, you get a stylish HCF Watch
I do not doubt they'll do one of these, given the Revelations Watch preorder and the RE6 Jacket pre-order

>> No.4911153

I don't agree, I feel the backtracking is what kills the momentum of the game stone dead

This and Zero are the worst RE games without a doubt

>> No.4911156

Don't use the SMG for future runs if you plan on unlocking the shit. If you use special weapons it lowers your grade, it warns you when you unlock the weapon

>> No.4911173

I always use the SMG and always get an A rank. I don't recall getting any other rank on my RE2 playthroughs for many years. What I DO is finishing under 2 hours and a half, not using any first aid sprays and not saving much.

>> No.4911181

Anon, did you even read my post? I already unlocked everything because you only need a B rank.

>> No.4911212

>be me, shit at re games
>use 100% of my ammo by the time I reach the cargo plane
>they put a fucking save spot on the cargo plane
>I saved there
>now have to fight a boss with 0 ammo

never played it again, I still bitch about it in every thread

>> No.4911231

You can technically still kill the Tyrant without any ammo.

>> No.4911237

I still remember clearly trying to knife him and use the moving create to hurt him to no progress.

Perhaps if I tried a million more times I may have done it, but nah. This is back when it first released by the way.

I'll give it another try one day... maybe there will be a remaster

>> No.4911521

There's a remaster on PS3 and 360

>> No.4911558

The cutoff is 99 for PC because there's too many variables when it comes to software and hardware making it a pain to keep track of. As far as homebrew goes it's okay so long as it's on a console made in 99 or prior because they're still tied to the same constraints as games from that era. God you'd know this if you weren't such a buttsniffer man.

>> No.4911586

>back to claire for 1-2 hours

Nigger... WHAT!?

You get claire back for 20 mins tops. That part is like controling Carlos in RE3 for fuck sakes. And if I remember correctly, the situation when you part ways with Chris and take ober Claire is somewhat dire. So reload a recent save, take magnum with you as chris and you have nothing to bitch about.

Jeaus christ...
Learn to game, idiot.

>> No.4911794

Sorry man, completely misread my mistake
A true testament ultimately to the worst of the first 3 RE games

>> No.4911935


>> No.4912715

sorry nesfag but CV is a great game. slight departure for sure but still a solid core RE title.

>> No.4912926

>current year
>not having NESfag filtered

>> No.4913265

LOVE Code Veronica.