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File: 1.77 MB, 1200x1710, SuperMarioBros3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4893576 No.4893576 [Reply] [Original]

Is this game hard or do I just suck at it? It's been a painfully long time since I've played any sort of classic Mario game and I'm struggling.

>> No.4893580

The game is a bit of a marathon, more about endurance than difficulty.

>> No.4893584

I only played it once and I remember it starting to get hard in pipe world
maybe you're not playing many retro games lately

>> No.4893585

It's not HARD hard but it is harder than some other Mario games. The lack of a save system is a real slog, too. What version are you playing?

>> No.4893587

>The lack of a save system is a real slog, too
Just warp to whatever world you left off in.

>> No.4893591

While you can do this, you also end up missing all the items you stockpiled. It's not really the same.

>> No.4893608

I think the level of challenge is just right. A lot more so than World.

>> No.4893610

Have fun and just play through the downs for the ups, anon. Winning is better if you struggled.

>> No.4893618

I forgot about the whistles, shit. My bad.

>> No.4893621

World 8 is absolutely ball-shattering

>> No.4893657


World 7 and 8 are hard for sure. Not knowing paths makes it harder. As some levels in even world 2 are tricky, but skippable. I don't think I've ever sat down and beat it in one go.

>> No.4893661


Anon, I don't think any Mario game is meant to be beaten in one go besides SMB1 and the Gameboy games.

>> No.4893667
File: 39 KB, 600x374, sage advice from cranky .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4893668

About a decade ago on a Friday or Saturday night, I sat down and played every single level in the game. Took me a few hours. Haven't done it since.

>> No.4893693

You just suck.

>> No.4893694


>> No.4893698

I havent done that for years. Im playing e.g.g. in dc and warioland 2. I want to beat antz for gbc as it was the first game i played on it, but i have a nice backlog before then.

>> No.4893704

The truth often is.

>> No.4893853

The second one

>> No.4893868

SMB3 sure seems to be setup that way though. Unless you're playing All-stars.

>> No.4894058

It's hard later on yes, but if you're having trouble at first you're either a) using a laggy setup, b) shit at games or c) just rusty.

>> No.4894059

also pro tip - the USA version is way easier than the jap version.

>> No.4894072


>> No.4894084

No, he's completely correct. Taking damage as any powered-up version of Mario reduces him to his small state in the Japanese version, unlike the Western version where he reverts to Super Mario.

>> No.4894087

>totally not samefagging

>> No.4894095

Bit of both. It's hardly Battletoads, but it's a lot harder than people generally expect Mario games to be.

>> No.4894106

>only way to not beat any pre-SMW Mario game in one go is to find secret warp zones that are pretty fucking well hidden
They were meant to be beaten in one go. "Everyone knows about the warps" is not an argument.

>> No.4894115

What would even be the point of samefagging? You're wrong no matter how many people point it out. Is it so surprising that more than one person figured out you're full of shit?

>> No.4894116

Creating fake internet personas won't make you any less wrong.

>> No.4894127
File: 673 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180710-012959_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notwithstanding you double downing on a stupid accusation (see pic), you have been proven wrong with an actual verifiable fact and you aren't fooling anyone by trying to bluster out of it. You're failing on multiple fronts here.

>> No.4894129

>it took him over 18 minutes to right click, view source, and delete the (you)

No wonder you think SMB3 is hard.

>> No.4894132

I honestly think World has a better difficulty curve, even if it's not overall as difficult as 3.

>> No.4894157

Between the star road e d levels and a few levels on world 8. They got a bit o difficultu, but its fun difficulty cant really call it hard like super streetfighter 2010.

>> No.4894164

You're fucking daft. How do you right-click on a mobile? Also are you going to ever getting around to demonstrating how the Western version is as difficult as the Japanese version?

>> No.4894210
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>> No.4894403

>thinking super mario bros 3 is hard

>> No.4894412

SMB1 is a whole lot harder than SMB3. Just use your fucking items.

>> No.4894413

It's very twitchy gameplay but everything that happens is very predictable. You have to kind of get used to going fast but always ready to hit left mid jump the minute you see something spawn.

>> No.4894414

It's the issue of running into stuff for the first time ever. Once you know the timing of everything it's easy.

>> No.4894424
File: 3 KB, 256x224, SMB3_n-spade_bonus_game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then make sure to write down the minigame patterns. Once you know them you can clear the board every time which will give you quite a lot of items. There is no reason to ever start a level as small Mario. You will still have to throw some items away even if you use an item in every single stage.

>> No.4894435

God i love this game, It's ok OP i can't beat the game let alone world 8 i mean I've never tried as an adult tho...so....idk...........maby i can now.

>> No.4895278

I beat SMB3 in one go as a kid. It was a several-hour marathon with my friend and I but we did it. The multiplayer in SMB3 alternated turns after each time you beat a level. So Mario could do 1-1, Luigi could do 1-2, then Mario would do 1-3, etc. Unless you died of course and then it would also switch to the other player.

Also, you could play a version of the original "Mario Brothers" arcade game by activating the square with the other player on it, and the winner would take the next turn.