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File: 110 KB, 220x220, 220px-BoFIVBox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4883323 No.4883323 [Reply] [Original]

When I was a kid and bof4 first came out I rented and played almost to the end.

I remember an area that went up to the sky and it was like an abandoned castle or something. There was an escalator or elevator that went up and there might have been robots there. I remember it being bright and magnificent.

This was where I quit playing. I watched a walk though and didn't see any place like this.

Am I just remembering wrong and making this area up?

>> No.4883334
File: 88 KB, 636x673, Wyndia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was Wyndia

>> No.4883342

Wyndia is in every BoF, except V.

>> No.4883354

Probably the area of the 3rd game, Myria Station.

>> No.4883359
File: 108 KB, 640x480, 13-Breath_of_Fire_IV_02340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably at Fou Lu's tomb. It's near the end of the game, is abandoned, and you fight robot enemies there.

This room might be what you remember as "bright and magnificent".

>> No.4883371

Just another one of dozens of reasons why V is garbage.

>> No.4883376

V is the greatest pleb filter of all time.

>> No.4883387

If it's pleb to hate poorly designed games then yes, I'm a pleb.

>> No.4883394

the portal gateway thing?

>> No.4883414

My gosh I think I made it all up in my head because it's none of these suggestions. I distinctly remember bof4 graphics.

It had something to do with the robot character and the gods. Like the robot had to do with the party going there or speaking up once we were exploring.

The party went up and it was like an abandoned castle dungeon in the sky or outpost it seemed big. It was in the clouds and more beautiful then the rest of the game too.

>> No.4883424
File: 122 KB, 1024x745, ershin_kun_by_xxxultimateotakuxxx-d4ef5u6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the robot would clearly be Ershin, the best character.

>> No.4883428

Watch this and see if it trigger s any memories.

>> No.4883431

BoF4 does have a robot party member that contains a god's soul; the lamia/naga woman from the first game.

>> No.4883445


There's a part where you go inside Ershin. It's kinda in the sky, but it's more of a mindscape.

>> No.4883449

Just a weird thing when I was a kid where I made up a level that never was. It's just so etched in my psyche

>> No.4883456

>Poorly designed
If that's poorly designed then the rest of the series is straight up trash.

>> No.4883458

oh yeah, she had all these barechest butlers

>> No.4883462

What the absolute fuck does Dairy Queen have to do with this discussion?

>> No.4883464
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>> No.4883470

Dragon Quarter, aka Breath of Fire V.

>> No.4883537

Whole series went downhill with 4. 1-3 were an interconnected story. 4+ were just vaguely related reoccurring names like Final Fantasy titles.

>> No.4883542

>1-3 were an interconnected story.
How? I never got that impression in slightest.

>> No.4883564
File: 42 KB, 640x480, 67-Breath_of_Fire_IV_01481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Probably thinking of this section. In this section Deis, who was trapped inside Ershin, is released essentially killing Ershin. She refuses to go back inside which causes some problems.

>> No.4883572

It's very minor but the antagonist, the goddess Myria, is the same across all three games. The games don't really have characters refrence prior events too often but they take place in the same continuity. Really more of a cool small detail for fans then something major.

That guy is just bitching, it's there but it never mattered much.

>> No.4883574

How old were you when you played it? I was around 8 I think and that game traumatized me.
I got to the part where you find the princess, after traveling through the dungeon that is her deformed body.
Like after you pull back the cover on her bed I remember freaking out and turning off the system and being sad for like a week and ended up getting rid of the game.

What happens at the end, do you ever save her? All I wanted back then was to rescue her.

>> No.4883576


Which I always had two questions...

Was Deatheven her son?

Is she the older or younger sister of Deis?

>> No.4883604

>Was Deatheven her son?
It was her spawn so technically but she created it more just to further her cause.
>Is she the older or younger sister of Deis?
Younger, Deis is the older sister.

>> No.4883616


Then why is Myria a fucking nut job kill all and Deis so damn laid back? Let me guess, younger sibling jealousy?

>> No.4883626
File: 40 KB, 484x447, MyriaIIIArtwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been awhile but I don't think it's actually related to Deis. Myria is more just a control freak. She is obsessed with "peace" even at the cost of segregation and downright genocide. As long as she feels she is in control and the world is at "peace", most people not suffering, she's will feel accomplished.

I guess it more comes down to Myria being "the end justifies the means" type while Deis is more peaceful and not someone who really tries to alter the world, leaving mortals to figure their problems out theirselves.

>> No.4883664


Ah, the helicopter parent vs. the lazy one. Ok.

>> No.4883746

>very minor
What? No it's not. There's continuity all over the place. 1-3 talks about Wyndians losing their ability to turn into birds and even having wings over time. Old Wyndians in BoF 3 still have wings, for instance. There's even a giant mural in Drogen in BoF 3 showing all the heroes in BoF1 facing Myria in combat.

The franchise was about the Brood / Dragon Clan against the Goddess for the first three games. The fourth one suddenly just started making up lore on the fly and the fifth and sixth took the trend and ran with it. Instead of a Breath of Fire world, we got unrelated stories about "dragons" named Ryu.

Deis/Bleu comes out and says she's the older sister. Although it definitely seemed like Myria is the stronger of the two.

>> No.4883765

>Although it definitely seemed like Myria is the stronger of the two.

Insofar what she ever revealed of her true self.

>> No.4883878

I just figured that 4 was earlier in the timeline since the Wyndians still have wings and this is a plausible introduction for a race of people who can transform into dragons.
I never thought of it as breaking old lore since the implication is how the world originally developed into a setting with wandering God's, dragons and demons

>> No.4884078


BoF 4 is a very depressing game in some aspects.

>> No.4884135

It's a common theory from fans of the 4th game who want to connect it to the main franchise, but the links are just too weak and outright contradict the lore of the first three. Not just Myria, the central antagonist of the series, but Ladon, Dragnier, Brood/Dragon Clan, etc. A lot of people tried pushing the alternate universe theory too.

BoF 5 was the deathknell for the theory that 4 was connected. Another game with absolutely no connection to the main franchise beyond similarly named characters and wildly different lores.

>> No.4884218


Unless you consider 5 is connected as well being set some years after the desert expanded to far. And let's not forget that the dragons in 5 are artificial and 4 did make an awful lot of noise about creating false gods

>> No.4884252

You're thinking of xenogears

>> No.4884575
File: 353 KB, 500x708, 1493744168086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see the absence of Dragnier or Ladon to be a contradiction if Breath of Fire 4 predates The Brood. Even Myria could possibly be explained by the survival of Yuna, a diabolical hate wizard who tries to turn ladies into Snake Goddesses to power his magic ghost holocaust gun.

I would have to hear a more thorough explanation why 4 couldn't possibly be a prequel to discredit the idea entirely.
I also don't see Dragon Quarter as a punctuation on where the series canonically separates, but that's a separate argument.

>> No.4884578
File: 23 KB, 250x580, bof4-yuna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey yo, hope you guys don't mind but I borrowed your girlfriend for a bit, yeah no don't worry she's fine. She just loves her new cloacea and everything.

No worries, she has all eternity to adjust!

>> No.4884583

The area you're talking about is P'ung Tap, a tower that goes way high into the skies.

>> No.4884773

Between the first, second and third, every game directly references one another and the events of each. The issue isn't why four couldn't possibly be related, it's why would it possibly be related? Even if we ignore that they threw out the window all the people, locations, villains and mechanics that were being developed throughout the main franchise, they make a point of never having anything that directly ties this game in with the rest. The same holds true with Dragon Quarter.

Note that this isn't an indictment against BoF 4 or saying it's a bad game. It's just the first in the series that broke continuity and went off to do its own thing. Although, in retrospect, making the Dragon Clan a bunch of alien gods summoned to the planet is very Highlander 2 of it.

>> No.4884847
File: 70 KB, 517x700, Astana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delete this

>> No.4884868
File: 123 KB, 900x528, 1449135732364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot. Was there a reason they had to use the princess? I mean, there was a town full of orphans nobody would go looking for. They might have gotten away with it then.

>> No.4884901

She was going to be used as ammuntion for the Hex gun. The gun does more damage depending on the connection the people have to the sacrifice. So a kidnapped princess turned-endless would mean genocide.

>> No.4884910

I'm picking around old forum discussions on the topic and the only thing really throwing me for a loop atm is wyndian devolution, though I'm considering transformation possibly being a sign of divine influence/Yuna's genetic meddling.
Transformation seems significant through out the series but it's only really in 1~3 for non-gods. Otherwise it's Ryu & Fou Lu and them accidentally inflicting transformation on other beings.

Or Yuna inflicting things. Fucking Yuna.

Yuna's goal was to get the caronnade working at full power. He needs a subject to torture with a deep connection to the land they're firing at. The princess had deep connections to all their primary targets and as a goddess could be supplied as infinite ammo

>> No.4884962

Also there doesn't seem to be much thought put into making a single cohesive map between all three games.

1 & 2 match up fine, but there's never a connecting bay to Wyndia with a large desert far north for 3 to even exist.
In relation to 4s map, anything could almost be anywhere

>> No.4885425

They match up okay enough if you're using Wyndia for a reference point. It's just that true north for 1 and 2 seems to be east for 3.

Right where Romero is in 1, McNeill is in 3. Both villages of the same approximate size and ecology. Rhapala looks like it was built where Drogen used to exist at. The Urkan region lines up perfectly Gant and Nabal. And the giant desert is across the ocean to the east (north) right where Wisdon is.

Which is sort of appropriate that Myria is inhabiting the place you used to find Dias/Bleu at, and Dias is located where Drogen used to be.

>> No.4885604

Cray asked Ryu to leave the Dragonslayer sword behind, then he talked with the princess. The princess asked him to kill her using Dragonslayer. He killed her to end her suffering.

>> No.4885614

>infinite ammo
holy shit, i fucking hate this guy

>> No.4885616

Yuna did not get what he deserved, both in terms of screentime and an ass-kicking. Great villain, but could've been used more.

>> No.4886402


So was two and fuck six.

>> No.4886419

Psst! Six is online game. Don't even mention it.

>> No.4886447 [SPOILER] 
File: 667 KB, 800x698, 1530940843146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cray deserved to be happy ;_;

>> No.4886456
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I'm sure he did.

>> No.4886467
File: 92 KB, 728x1101, yuna gets punched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I both hate and love that he survives

>> No.4886496
File: 1.14 MB, 1680x1020, 8868925_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuna surviving, intended or not, absolutely brilliant.

Had he died BoFIV's story would be fine, but just that, fine. Every jrpg has a happy ending where every antagonsist reforms or gets what they deserve. That's not a bad thing, but at a point you want something different. In BoFIV Fou Lu had the belief that mortals are evil by nature and that they are destined to destroy themselves. This isn't uncommon for jrpg antagonists, or antagonists in general, but Fou Lu is so amazing and memorable for two reasons. For one, we actually see him begin to question his outlook on certain occasions like when he meets Bunyan and Mami, players actually experience his development. But even better is that we understand why he feels the way he does, and Yuna surviving is why. if Yuna died so would Fou Lu's argument. If every antagonist suffered for what they did Fou Lu's point would just be made mute, as the game shows us that obviously karma exists. Because Yuna lived what he says before the final battle actual had depth, we feel the same way about Yuna he does, and we actual are left to question if maybe he is right, even if just for a minute.

I don't mean to sound pretentious, and I'm sorry if it does, but I think having him survive really elevates BoFIV's story, not as the greatest writing or anything, but above what is expected for jrpgs. It's been one of the few plots in a game to ever really stick with me, which is why i think it creates a powerful response for me.

>> No.4886597


Great point.

>> No.4886679
File: 13 KB, 83x96, Stallion_Sprite.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuna's survival is one of the main reasons I find the BoF4 prequel theory to be highly probable.

>"Well! What is this? The Endless are fading away.
>It would seem that the gods are dead.
>But we needn't worry about that...
>I can make as many gods as we want...
>Or need.." - Yuna

His ability to spiritually alter beings may eventually result in him being able to create Myria, possibly with the help of Deis(just to explain the "sister bit at the end of 3) willing or not. It may also be the origin for many beings in 1~3 being able to transform or Myria's ability to give her Dragon Slayers their demonic forms.
The brood could originate from Fou Lu's(assuming the immortal emperor ever took a wife before Mani) or Ryu's offspring. Or they could possibly arise from Yuna creating lesser gods that then calcify into dragons over time, since slowly turning into a dragon was a thing for the Gods summoned into 4, would also explain Deis growing a big snake tail and Myria doing the same thing.

They're just immortal mutants made by a crazy chinese myth wizard that parade around as Gods- seems to be in line with all the other scientific horror in 3.

tl;dr Yuna is responsible for the creation of horse's being capable of DBZ style fusion dances to turn into a Frieza Unicorn.

>> No.4886683 [SPOILER] 
File: 146 KB, 854x711, 1530951700154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and we actual are left to question if maybe he is right, even if just for a minute.

Maybe so...

Man that bad ending.

>> No.4886687 [SPOILER] 
File: 242 KB, 1044x1500, 1530951982271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The manga was actually a pretty good.

Fou Lu gets a happier ending, which was nice. It ignores the fusion and has Ryu take him around the world to show him how he saw it.
Yuna still lives though.

>> No.4886693

I don't think the game really contradicts this;

A.) Foulu now lives inside of Ryu and his understanding eventually comes to terms with Ryu's because he now has similar experiences to Ryu


B.) Fou Lu is released at the god-send from Ryu and is free to go experience the world a new

>> No.4886703


Well, no. But it's still nice to see.

>> No.4886704

I think they're based on Korean because the names of Dragon skills sounds more like Korean than Chinese. Mami also called Fou-lu Ryong (dragon).

>> No.4886706


It's a hodgepodge of Buddhist stuff.


Game's dense, yo.

>> No.4886707

The dude had a pretty good LP, I think he's a bit off on Cray being Fou-lu's foil, but only in the sense that Ryu's entire party is Fou-lu's foil.

>> No.4886708
File: 116 KB, 800x1203, Ursula manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well they all do represent different parts of him but I think Cray's one of the easier characters to point to. Like Ursula's really cool and a good example of why not everyone in the empire is evil, being a bit haughty and commanding but generally chill but she's basically the same person she is at the end of the game as when you meet her. Which is to say best girl.

>> No.4886718

Is it worth it to play BoF1 & 2 or have they aged poorly?

>> No.4886720

I'm refering to the Dragon skills.
Hwajae (화재) = fire
Pung (풍) = wind
Bing (빙) = ice
Lyong (룡) = dragon (what Mami called Fou-lu)

>> No.4886721

Mami called Fou-lu Ryong. There's no L in Japanese so it's Ryong.

>> No.4886724
File: 128 KB, 615x530, bof1 team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1's a really bare bones game, but in a way I think that's actually helped it age somewhat better than the immediate sequel. It's just straight and to the point and has some neat events till you get to the end. I actually still think it's a fun game you can use to kill a weekend or two. But Im weird.

2's probably a better game because it reached higher, but to be honest it's kind of jank and more than a little busted. It also has easily the worst translation in the series and while there is a fan retranslation, I don't think it's written very well. There's a lot more meandering and it just feels a bit like a chore at times.

>> No.4886727

2 has the worst dragon skills.

>> No.4886728

RIP never getting to cast the ultimate thunder skill thanks to the lack of water dragon elements

>> No.4886736

Thunder skill? I don't remember, it's been more than 10 years since I played this game.

>> No.4886737

If anyone is interested I have just ran across this LP: http://s1.zetaboards.com/Four_Against_Nature/topic/5100042/1/

Someone played the english & japanese versions side by side, might be some good lore in there

Valhalla I think?

>> No.4886739


Outside of those handful of scenes that got trimmed, I don't remember hearing there was that huge of difference.

>> No.4886746

Oh, now I remember. The spell combo. It's Mjolnir. Only available if you cheat.

The LP looks interesting. There's some censoring in the English version like Nina & Ursula bath.

>> No.4886756
File: 25 KB, 172x350, ursula no fcks given.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Im a bit surprised no one's made a patch. The cut scenes are really small so it shouldn't be too much work to translate, but maybe Im underestimate how much work actually patching that would be.

>> No.4886758

I have no idea about this. But I have seen many SNES patch with new contents. Some mods have completely new contents. Maybe if those haxxor could be encouraged to do it?

>> No.4886760

I also wish that someone can obtain a water skill for Mjolnir combo.

>> No.4886761

I just remember that someone made a patch for Suikoden 2. It fixes many bugs in Suikoden 2, like level 99 glitch, some item drop glitch, etc.

>> No.4886762

I guess they're just so minor that most people are just fine with seeing them through google.
Maybe no one wants to be known as the guy who spent hours of his time so you could see half naked Nina

I'd just give Ershin all the basic dragon elements so you could do it

>> No.4886764

>half naked Nina
It's called dedication. I'd do it if I have the skills.
>give Ershin all the basic dragon elements
Basic dragon elements? Can you tell me what it is? My memory was fuzzy. I don't remember what skill I gave to Ershin. But I think I remember Ershin has a unique breath attack like Ryu's dragon forms (also Fou-lu).

>> No.4886767
File: 145 KB, 940x1338, censored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah. Hell outside the emperor's death you wouldn't even know they where gone till the internet told you.


You don't even see the half naked Nina. That stuff is all off camera. There is the bit where Urs pulls her trousers down but again. Very brief scene.

>> No.4886828

The ones you get when you transform Ryu
these are the ones: >>4886720

>> No.4886831

Aren't those are Ryu and Fou-lu's only skills? I don't remember any party members beside Ryu can obtain it.

>> No.4886832

2 is the best game in the series.

>> No.4886885
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>it reached higher
What does it even mean.

A word that marks poster a retard.

>more than a little busted
What does it mean again? If you think it is unbalanced, look no further than 3. Character usefulness is much better than in 3, where Ryu is the only useful character, others are even bad at being item throwing bots. Then again, if you mean that cheap way to deal with everything in 2 with Ryu, you won't come across it playing blind, so the game will never drag itself to being piss-off easy.

>I don't think it's written very well
Re-translation is written 10x better than every BoF game brought together. Funny to hear this when other BoF games' writing and translation are cringe worthy, at least BoF2 vanilla doesn't do something like picrelated.

>it just feels a bit like a chore
It is challenging save for that cheap tactic. I can't say that about 3 and 4, because they are piss-off easy. You just one shot everything with Ryu in 3. You will have to play strategically against Barbaroi at any level in 2.

>> No.4886890

Damn game was confusing in the desert. I stucked and rage quit at that time (early 2000). Haven't played again. I finished 1, 2 and 4 (5 and 6 don't exist for me).

>> No.4886930

>What does it even mean.

It tried to do more. Man learn to suss shit out from context.

>A word that marks poster a retard.

Im not the one having trouble understanding simple slang.

>at least BoF2 vanilla doesn't do something like picrelated.

There's nothing bad about that line.

>You will have to play strategically against Barbaroi at any level in 2.

Healing when you're in danger of getting killed by the obvious amount of damage a boss can do isn't strategy.

>> No.4886949

Man, you are just a retard and your whole posts scream of some jaded fucktard behind them who rants using nothing but buzzwords and implications only he can truly understand: jank, chore, suss, etc. Use normal words if you want to prove anything. You just look like some self-absorbed individual.

>There's nothing bad about that line.
Except that it sums up game's writing as atrocious, and Nina as a badly written character. The idea behind her and what she was supposed to do was right, but the execution was not. That's a time after the skip, and I expected better from the matured cast.

>Healing when you're in danger of getting killed by the obvious amount of damage a boss can do isn't strategy.
Still more strategy and challenge then there's in the whole 3. Btw, the battle against Terapin is the better example of how much more strategy and risk-taking there's in 2. Battle comes early in the game you can't use AoE heals by then.

>> No.4887105

it's definitely possible that Myria was made by Yuna though

the area OP is talking about is Myria station in 3

the highest place you go to in 4 is when you meet the wind dragon.

>> No.4887131

I don't even remember why I dropped the game when I was a kid but I finished it last week and honestly I was disappointed. It was very mediocre and I remember liking bof3 pretty much.

>> No.4887140

Nina is actually the character that gives Ryu a sense of self-valuing in that game. She yells and says dumb stuff like that because the shit people are talking about is making Ryu feel basically suicidal.

>> No.4887174

That's the point. If you make a character whose purpose to inspire someone, make his/her speech/actions inspirational. That's not the case with Nina. She just says stupid shit like that.

>> No.4887185

Literally none of that is mentioned in any other Breath of Fire game, ever. It's actually part of why I find BoF4 so distasteful. What is a solid stand-alone game has no real connection or place with the rest of the franchise, and the only way to make it work is with an enormous amount of hand-waving and retconning in the series.

>all the dragons and gods and every major villain and character was created by a mad scientist from this game XDDD

I always figured that when 5 came out, also entirely unrelated to the main franchise and then 6 doing the same, it would put to bed the nonsense about 4 being a connected story since Capcom had obviously quit trying to make them part of a single narrative after 3, but it only seemed to double-down on the madness.

>> No.4887189

>Character usefulness is much better than in 3, where Ryu is the only useful character
In a game with the largest option for character growth and customization in the entire series, if Ryu was your only useful character, it's because you're awful at the game.

>> No.4887212

>you're awful with the game
And I still have beaten it.

>best character growth and customization in the entire series
Can't help if 99% of that is a filler.

>> No.4887223

>character advancement and growth is "filler" content, and this somehow supports my objectively wrong statement that only Ryu is useful
Jesus Christ, the autism.

>> No.4887225

>It's actually part of why I find BoF4 so distasteful
Because it tried seperating itself from the prior games? I really don't think breaking away from the Myria conflict after three games is distasteful, they wanted something new but still was in line with prior games.

>> No.4887229

>Because it tried seperating itself from the prior games?
No, because fans refused to let it. Four might arguably be the best title in the series, but there's some weird compulsion the fans have of it to try and force its unique incompatible lore onto the rest of the series.

>> No.4887245

It's a filler, because it's useless. That's it, there are many absolutely useless dragons/abilities in the game, and the amount of those that can come in handy are hand full. And I didn't even discount those which are superseded by others.

BoF3 customization is a meme.

>> No.4887248

>It's a filler, because it's useless.
In that as a jRPG you can simply grind past every challenge, but that's true of every BoF game. Your initial point was that 3 was far moreso than the others, but it does, in fact, have the most customization, balance and character use in the entire series. The only way a character wasn't useful is if you were so goddamn awful at the game that you personally fucked them up beyond repair.

>> No.4887270

>grind past every challenge, but that's true of every BoF game
Not for 2. You can't one ability spam Barbaroi even if you are high level like you are in 3. You have to use tactics, a barebones ones, but still.

>have the most customization, balance and character use in the entire series
I am pretty sure not many have ever bothered with this but you. I also love how you bring this out to support your point, but when talking about 2 you will completely disregard the shaman system, although it's more accessible than master system in 3 will ever be.

>The only way a character wasn't useful is if you were so goddamn awful at the game
You seem like a buttblasted fanatic of that onion shitter, a Aspara knock-off. Well, in that case stay mad that people didn't grind like madmen trying to make him relevant.

>that you personally fucked them up beyond repair.
Literally impossible in this shitty JRPG, because it has no level scaling. In the end, a character will only get stronger one way or another.

>> No.4887476
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>None of its mentioned in game.

Well of course, I'm not arguing its canonical, I'm arguing its a possibility, a Probable Theory, that Four can somehow link up to the other three games. After all it is a game that shows a possible origin for Dragonkind and fake Gods like Myria. I also don't believe it requires a lot of hand-waving and retcon, I think it offers explanations for things that don't necessarily need to be explained. Just because its a possible prequel doesn't mean that it somehow undermines the significance of the other games.
We already know BoF3 Myria is a fake god, so what if we know an era in the world when real gods were released from the world and mankind found the ability to make their own gods?
Yuna doesn't even need to produce a single god if he can produce the method for creating them and pass that knowledge on to humans misuse it and become demons or gods on their own.

I can agree that BoF4 is a standalone game in the sense that it has nothing to do with the Myria saga and Yuna's line at the end could've just been a little easter egg/teaser about maybe making Myria as a nod.

I'm getting the feeling you're very attached to the original Myria plot and see any aberration to it threatening, almost blindingly so. So in the interest of fairness I will point out another hole I can't seem to close: BoF4 has the same broken ancient robots presented in 3, except that in 3 the high technology stuff is centered around Myria as if her original pre-desert people built it. There's no way that 4 could be a prequel if it has even shittier and more outdated malfunctioning robots floating around its ancient ruins. I never really know whats up with those anyway, was that something in 1 & 2?

>> No.4887495
File: 2.43 MB, 1920x1020, Ryu&NinaCompleteWorks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weird compulsion

I think its just a normal thing to look for possible relationships and connections between games you like.

I also don't know why its so particularly troubling either.
Breath of Fire 3 has Deis, Dragon People & an Evil Fake Goddess.
Breath of Fire 4 summons Deis & Dragon People to the planet, and then an Evil Scientist who made a Fake Goddess says he's going to make some more Fake Goddesses who may or may not be evil.

Does a possible connection here really seem so weird? I'm really surprised the amount of fearful, puritan responses I'm getting here over this.

>> No.4887506
File: 2.16 MB, 3196x2104, Breath-of-Fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright guys hot new theory here.

Breath of Fire 1 is the actual last game in the series the same way that the original Zelda is the last game in the series.

Obviously 2 is a sequel to 1 and comes after it but whatever, its like 1.5 really.

So Myria gets sealed in a tower with six keys- well in BoF3 when the building collapses she gets sealed in that giant tower and this is where she's stuck until BoF1.

BoF4 is the super first game but its really more of a prequel to BoF 5.
Yuna makes some fake dragons and this leads to "nuclear" conflict which chases everyone underground where they then make the iconic monsters as genics. The Brood come around because everyone is trying to connect to Dragons. So a fraction of the population becomes Brood.

They then escape and their Woman Genic Goddess Myria goes haywire and fucks up the machine or whatever she actually did in 3 ( I forget ) and separates the continents.

100% Canon. 100% True. Cannot be disproved.

>> No.4887891

No, it's because Yuna being alive was a question of time constraints, the developers said as much. 4 was never intended to be part of the series, and it's exhausting watching people try to work out convoluted scenarios to force it in. It's like having a conversation with the "Rinoa is Ultimecia!" people. It'd be okay if it was a conversation with the caveat "this isn't canon, but it's a fun theory to discuss" but it never goes that way.

The events of BoF1 are recorded as the far past in BoF3. The opening mural in BoF3 when you turn the game on shows Ryu from BoF1 battling Myria. Canonically, it goes BoF 1, 2, 3 - and then alternate BoF universes for 4, 5 and 6. For some reason 4 is the only one of the alternate universes that ever tries to get shipped with the original 4, even though the devolution of the Wyndian people clearly contradicts its place as a prequel in the timeline.

>> No.4888820

>and it's exhausting watching people try to work out convoluted scenarios to force it in.

I think it's a good idea to ponder the possible relationship between everything in a series. I just don't understand this religious fervor where it's such taboo to even wonder it.
You're literally saying that it's physically hurting you that someone's opinion on the timeline might include a slightly different brand of mad science somewhere up the road.

I just can't respect that dogmatic attitude.

>> No.4888874

I only know of 1 and 2 being connected. 1st off there is Bleu, and the 2nd is Ninas Grandma in 2 is Nina in BoF 1.

>> No.4888876
File: 41 KB, 465x500, Ershi-Deis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


3 references 1 a lot and Bleaus there too but she's back to being named Deis. Deis also shows up in 4 where she's at her most Deisy but also least snakey. She actually doesn't have a physical body to speak of at all in fact.

>> No.4888995

See? It's this kind of wanton autism that I'm talking about. If it were just people throwing around their headcanon for shits and giggles, it'd be one thing. But you get these fervent BoF4 fags who get in a tizzy when you point out the holes in their nonsense and start in with the strawmanning.
>religious fervor
>taboo to even wonder
>physically hurting you
The only vague tiny connection that four could've conceivably had to the original was a scientist villain. And even though the developers said he's supposed to be dead, they just didn't make him the boss fight they intended because of time constraints, you lot keep persisting with this theory that they had SECRETLY intended for him to be the progenitor of the Brood / Ladon / Myria / everything else in the series in direct contradiction of what you were told by the creators.

Why do fan theory fags always have to be cancerous?

>> No.4889031

You're the one going on angry rants that I like the idea. I'm just pointing out all your arguments have been emotional ones.

>> No.4889073

Deis, Ershin and who?

>> No.4889082
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>> No.4889093

the little girl with the pointy hat is one of the kids in the Village with the Abbess, Deis wants to get out of Ershin and possesses the little girl.

I can't seem to remember her name however

>> No.4889105

I see. After googling, I found her name, Rhem.

>> No.4889110

Oh wow! The developers were going to have another Yuna dungeon? That'd be a perfect place to hint at a Myria creation in the work! Its genius!

>> No.4889495
File: 43 KB, 640x480, deis harem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah. Deis's reaction to not quite getting the bod she wanted was a bit of laugh. I think Deis may legit be one my favorite characters ever.

>> No.4889501

I wonder how well Rhem would have developed being possessed by Deis

>> No.4889503
File: 84 KB, 728x1120, f001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On that note though is her name pronounced Deis like in DAYS or like De is. I suppose you could also make a case for Day Is, as well. I mean Bleu is pretty clear cut.

I wonder why her name got changed anyways. It fits the character limit, which was usually the big reason for this kind of thing outside of anything deemed offense or controversial. Though then again Ershin's original name was "Master" and that got changed to Ershin because "Master" was a bit of a spoiler to what was in the tin can. Though in a really clever move Ershin itself means something to the effect of God's Gift or God Resides here.

The whole censor thing is a bit dissapointing but holy fuck did the localization team pick up the slack elsewhere.

>> No.4889506
File: 858 KB, 894x943, ershin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ershin itself is also pretty goddamn great.


love dat OST

>> No.4889536

They say many times in BoF2 that Death Evan is the spawn of Myria.

What truly connects the series is the mural that exists in Dragnier in BoF3. It shows the final battle against Myria/Tyr in BoF1. I think Momo also comments about the events of BoF2.
(Also, Dragnier is supposed to be the same place in every game, although it's spelled differently... and is also in different places...)

Yet another connection is that one of the bosses you fight in 2 is the "Guardian". You fight it with only Nina, and when you defeat it, it reveals that it's Nina from BoF1. She'll tell Nina (BoF2) that she's the reason that Wyndians can't turn into Great Birds anymore, because she mixed her genes with someone who was not a Wyndian (implicit that she's talking about the Ryu from BoF1).

>> No.4889540

>and is also in different places...)

Flying town ships.

>> No.4889554

It's more like "Deece".

>> No.4889567

If it was left as Master, the point of it meaning "Master of the House" in the Empire language would've been really awkward. Replacing it with a fictional word keeps this aspect. Not sure if Ershin actually means anything, throwing together some kanji got me no results that made sense.

>> No.4890482


The LP said it means "Two souls" in Chinese

>> No.4890574

I replayed this some weeks ago and still hold up very well. Before always liked Nina II the most but with this playthough i appreciated Nina IV more, could say that her is now the best Nina for me. And i still hate Yuna.

>> No.4891403

>Let's challenge the girl with wings who can fly to a duel on the mast of a ship
>What can possibly go wrong.

>> No.4891585

Close but no cigar. The fucking Carronade used the victim's suffering as a sacrifice to power up the fucking thing and make it unleash armaggedon on wherever the empire wanted to, at the cost of the sacrifice's life.

Yuna's goal was having an immortal victim to torture over and over again to keep the fucking Carronade always ready to fire whenever he wanted to.

Fucking bastard. Ursula's grandfather was supposed to sneak on Yuna and break his neck during the ending, but that was just one of the things that BoFIV got cut off because it was a rushed game.

>> No.4891829
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 65-Breath_of_Fire_IV_02821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Close but no cigar

It's both.

>Ursula's grandfather was supposed to sneak on Yuna and break his neck

I call bullshit. That's just Capcom backpedaling when they saw how much hate Yuna got. You know how I know it's bullshit?




Let's say they DID intend to kill Yuna but just ran out of time. Then why in the fuck would you end the game like this. They didn't just not kill Yuna, they made sure the player KNEW they didn't kill Yuna. If his death just fell through the cracks in the development cycle he'd just fuck off without a word and never be mentioned again, the staff hoping the players might forget about him after focusing on a bigger flashier villain. Instead they went well out of the way to show him alive and plotting again.

Do you know how easy it would have been to just have him get some crappy throw away death? Im not an expert but I can't imagine it would have been terribly difficult to kill him any number of ways. Toss his sprite in the path of Tyrant dragon, add a spell effect, a couple dialogue boxes and boom.

Yuna's survival was always the plan. Not only because of what I said but because of what


His survival works too well, adds too much and them showing, not hinting, not implying but FLAT OUT SHOWING his survival? Too intentional. And even if it wasn't the story is better for it

>> No.4891863
File: 77 KB, 500x750, Fou.Lu.full.786423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tries to correct somebody
>the post he tries to correct is already correct


>> No.4891879
File: 241 KB, 1000x666, Breath.of.Fire.full.154572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have never seen proof of this "Yuna fucking dies" nonsense. I hear its in a Magazine somewhere but never see who said it or what. Could just be an intern making shit up.

>> No.4891895
File: 366 KB, 2615x736, 15607_575495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember being really into Dragon Quarter's lore and trying to figure out what a lot of the stuff was on the way up.
I wish I could find some good images of the Sephirot Tree they keep referencing for the council

>> No.4891929
File: 944 KB, 1446x736, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not entirely sure what the inner-hexagons are supposed to say.

I'd like to think that because this is whats printed on the main door to the surface that it's a warning about not opening the door.
DRAGON DEMON BEAST seems like a pretty big deal.

Otherwise it could be referencing the three dragons in the story, the party or just be some fancy shit they thought looked cool.

>> No.4891982
File: 82 KB, 560x600, Dover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well given how balls deep symbolism autistic they went with four, Im inclined to believe that 5's at least somewhat more intentional than just purely aesthetic.

>> No.4891997
File: 833 KB, 1200x751, 67527134_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear I used to have a lot more images of the symbols and junk squirreled away I got off like Dragon Tear when I was an active poster. When they had active posters. But fuck me if I don't know what happened to all the gaming stuff pre 2010 I used to have.

I do remember the rumors of Lin originally being Deis in disguise and a lot of her earlier drafts in the art book had her less rangery and more, well I wouldn't say outright godly, but very different than the direction we got. But again. Hearsay. Even though I have the artbook I can't really read the interviews and stuff.

>> No.4892002

Your headcanon doesn't trump facts. Yuna was supposed to die, they just didn't have the time to put it into the game correctly. Instead, they left his survival in as a teaser at the end of unfinished business. You're right that players were pissed about it - not because of the autism that it might tie BoF4 to the rest of the series, those conspiracy theories didn't start surfacing until later, but because people were furious that Yuna didn't get his comeuppance. The developer said though that had he known how strongly people would've reacted, he'd have intended to leave it in all along since it ended up being such a controversial and memorable plot point.

The truth of the situation is literally the exact opposite of what you think.

It was an interview with Makoto Ikehara, the writer and designer for Breath of Fire 4 who had been working on the franchise since Breath of Fire 1.

>> No.4892004

>turn beloved JRPG into a dungeon crawler with a timer
>act surprised when it bombs and kills the series

>> No.4892006
File: 21 KB, 228x191, low ds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dungeon crawler with a timer

How to spot someone who just sucks at video games. You can lap the whole world twice over and not fill up a third of the d-counter. And the battle system is without question the best and most tactical in the series only 4's really comes close.

>> No.4892014

Dragon Quarter is my favorite BOF. I fucking love Dragon Quarter. I only hate it killed the franchise.

>> No.4892021
File: 767 KB, 913x1280, quarter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only hate it killed the franchise.

Except it didn't. Capcom being retarded killed the series. Quarter was actually well received and sold decently. Capcom just went full Capcom and decided to drop all their franchises not named Resident Evil or Street Fighter. No more Viewtieful Joe, no more Onimusha hell we didn't even get a real Mega Man game that whole console generation.

>> No.4892038
File: 60 KB, 870x700, bof5-sketch-lin2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well here are some possible sets of three that seem immediately obvious to me where this could line up:

>Sun Dragon, Moon Demon & Star Beast
>Ryu, Nina & Lin.
>Odjn, Chetyre & Dover
>Ryu, Bosch & Elyon

The racial components explain themselves for the most part, with Bosch making a Faustian deal with the devil and Nina being a disposable science experiment, I think they fit comfortably under a demon label. Sun, Moon & Star might have their own intrinsic qualities to Japan, but I would think they're celestial placeholders for Yang, Yin & Wuji. Yang being a fire aligned masculine energy, Yin being an ice aligned feminine energy & Wuji being the absence of both Yin & Yang.
Likewise Lin doesn't really act womanly at all and Elyon is a being bereft of any elemental alignment and could easily symbolize a kind of emptiness on his own.

It would cheat you out of a proper Warren character to make her secretly Deis.
Though she certainly had quite a foreign & cultured look than most of the underground dwellers in her concept art. I can't really think of anything in particular that she said that would make her seem divine or Deis-esque. I do remember her riding on the back of one of those cyclops monsters like if it was a man-servant.

This. Capcom shit on a lot of different IPs. The PS2 killed the age of classic RPGs as everyone moved away from having a world map to towards more embellished environments.

>> No.4892045
File: 75 KB, 550x900, bof5-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The developer said though that had he known how strongly people would've reacted, he'd have intended to leave it in all along since it ended up being such a controversial and memorable plot point.

Its like you don't even read what you write. Jesus Christ.

>> No.4892047

>the developer must have intended for it to be in since the beginning!

>the developer said it wasn't intended but he ultimately liked that it was included

They're not the same things you fucking shitdribbling retard.

>> No.4892048
File: 312 KB, 1000x800, 8980316_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't really think of anything in particular that she said that would make her seem divine or Deis-esque

Well I think the idea was that she would be the one guiding Ryu and Nina on their trip to the surface. Someone who knows more than they do with an air of mystery acting on some greater purpose. Which ended up just being a big sisterly rebel with strong convictions who truly wishes to change the world even if her group was secretly a tool of the government she was fighting

I think I like it better that way anyways as it better emphasizes that it's humanity choosing to change and Odjin is enough mystery himself.

>> No.4892051
File: 69 KB, 437x600, game-art-breath-of-fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't distinguish much of a difference.

>> No.4892056


They're literally complete opposites.

>> No.4892061

Just post the interview already if you're so certain of its absolute validity.

Its a very sublime irony to see you calling others "autistic" through your own frustrations.

>> No.4892081
File: 84 KB, 620x500, bof5-misc08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just remembered she has an unlisted D-Ratio, I wonder how they even test for that kind of thing.

I agree, Deis would've been an incredibly intrusive plot element to balance against Odjn. Especially when Deis is an actual Goddess and Odjn is some sort of artificial bio-weapon that's also a program on leading humanity back to the surface somehow.

I suppose they could've had an extra hidden scene where Lin falls asleep and has a dream about Deis and her man harem, and then later on in a different hidden scene Lin accidentally does the same gesture or says the same phrase.
Deis being some sort of powerless shadow that was looking after Lin like Odjn was looking after Ryu may have been okay.

>> No.4892142
File: 223 KB, 1399x870, t2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It seems that "Blessing" here has a typo, either its BLLESSING, BLEASSING. or BVESSING.

IT IS are really hard to read, but they're short and this seems right.

Pure is clearly a PU_E, the R could be one or two more characters but I think it is their weird R.

The text underneath it seems to say GEO FRONT. Again the R making the second word incredibly difficult to read.

And then the text all the way at the very bottom of the image maybe says UNDER AR__
Its hard to tell if the final word is 3 or 4 characters long and what those characters are.
I think it may say UNDER AREA.

>> No.4892193

Truth. Like Rydia's summons from Final Fantasy II or whatever the number was on Super Famicom

>> No.4892316

Here's a neat interview:


>> No.4892387

What's wrong with Rydia's summons? Last time I play it was in late 90s. FF II (SNES) is FF IV (Super Famicom).

>> No.4892528

That is really dark. Kind of a lot to handle for a little kid. Amazed that made a teen rating.

>> No.4893039
File: 464 KB, 1280x720, 9636-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just remembered she has an unlisted D-Ratio, I wonder how they even test for that kind of thing.

She was probably born into the rebellion or slums. The truth is I doubt the higher ups care very much of lower levels and her ratio being 1=xx was less a show of her capability and more a show of her shunning the society they where in. She likes has or had a proper one, it's just not important.

>> No.4893053
File: 287 KB, 707x1077, dragon slayer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well the ESRB is sort of like the MPAA in that they only really go off X amount of VISIBLE violence, language, sex etc. This all happened off camera and even the messed up stuff that did was via the cartoony little sprites. Not Fun Fact: After he does it, he doesn't have a single plot line left in the story. Because he's basically broken from that point.

The manga implies he's starting to get better though in the epilogue. It's seriously pretty good. Id love to see it animated.

Also more Dragon slayer fun.

>> No.4893117
File: 122 KB, 640x480, 27-Breath_of_Fire_IV_02733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That ring of green trigrams is a Primordial/Earlier Heaven bagua. "The fuck is that?", the average goon says. Bagua means Eight Symbols in Chinese, and is an important diagram in Taoist philosophy. It represents the flow and structure of reality, with the trigrams representing parts of reality along with elements of yin and yang. Going clockwise from the trigram at Fou-Lu's feet, they are Heaven, Wind, Water, Mountain, Earth, Thunder, Fire, and Lake. They are also associated with seasons, cardinal directions (with Heaven as north, just like the compass says), emotions, concepts, families, and a whole bunch of other stuff. They're also an element in feng shui, used to map out the house to be in balance with creation and affect the owner's life. There's probably a metric shitload more symbolism here than I'm aware of (especially with the western symbol looking a lot like that Bangla script Om discussed in the previous symbolism update), but the fact that Fou-Lu's standing on Heaven while you approach him from Earth isn't exactly subtle.

I know people love to shit on more linear jrpgs, and sometimes even for good reason, but the amount of thought in BoFIV's world just amazes me. Had they made the combat more difficult I think it would be a near perfect game.

>> No.4893169
File: 48 KB, 640x480, The most important NPC in the world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, at least as I've always felt, it was never the linearity that's the issue so much as it's linearity with no breaks or things going on. Compare FFX to FFXII as an example. They're both basically just "hold up" corridors but X's is filled with more NPC subplots, travelers, various towns a long the way and generally things to interact with and see instead of the fighting, which compared to XIII's samey corridors and enemy placement at least gives the illusion of an actual journey. 4's the same way as X (Though a FAR better game and story) you're only ever moving forward, but the beats and breaks in that forward momentum create a sense of progression in a huge diverse breathing world.

Though I will criticize the choice to make the teleport spell so easy to overlook. As much as I love the game that really should have been a more obvious get

>> No.4894484
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>> No.4895253

The GBA versions updated the QOL a little

>> No.4895290
File: 97 KB, 727x450, 1525823546113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent awhile digging for a copy of that Breath of Fire 4 interview but couldn't find it posted anywhere. Anyone know where I could find it?

>> No.4895304
File: 53 KB, 340x468, 549~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if this whole obsession with calling old RPGs linear is some weird apologist movement for new RPGs to be walking simulators or just bad in general.
They all worked within their limitations, they let you move forward and explore. They also let you look around and make sure you got everything before moving on so you could watch things change over time.

I think these sandbox RPGs are really restricted on where they can put things just in case you go chasing after the ultra best sword right away or something

>> No.4895327

I want to lesbian sex Teaching Girl.

>> No.4895724
File: 227 KB, 1024x1024, Eersh laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well like most things, modern gamers and "critics" don't know their ass from their elbow. If a game has any sense of direction or focus at all it's apparently linear because who needs a focused intentional experience when you can climb radio towers and run a big empty field grabbing shinies

>> No.4895751

What's funny is how the term "linear" doesn't seem to apply to other genres, even though they have world, stories and exploration as well. Super Mario is stupidly linear. So is Crash Bandicoot, Homeworld, Battlefield1942... pretty much the vast majority of games ever released.

>> No.4896462


"linear" by itself is just a buzzword

>> No.4896748
File: 110 KB, 575x800, tumblr_luat7x1Iei1qginzlo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really can't stress enough how much I love these dragons

>> No.4896918
File: 67 KB, 505x700, bof5-misc12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mud dragon might seem quite profound
but I'll break you right out of the underground

>> No.4896985

So it does. BoF1 Dragnier lines up pretty well with BoF3 Angel Tower where the bones of all the Brood are laid to rest and Deis has been imprisoned by Myria.

>> No.4896986
File: 849 KB, 1976x1240, Bof1&3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4897038

I guess that does line up pretty well, I've been under the impression that BoF3's entire area was just blown up version of some generic corner on the world map.

Especially since 2 is all fucked by water

>> No.4897601
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>> No.4897635
File: 1.84 MB, 1206x848, Breath of Fire IV (USA)-180626-033013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which version of BoF3 shoulf I play: the ps1 or psp? It looks better on retroarch beetle with crt shaders on. But the psp version has better music. Ppsspp core crashes with shaders on my pc so I can't combine both.

>> No.4897647

Ps1. Psp has better music, instruments were added to the music, but suffers from slowdown at times, like using spells, and has some censorship, an example being the scene in the beginning where Ballii and Sunder pissing being removed entirely.

>> No.4897652

I always figured BOF1 - 3 were a trilogy and 4 and 5 were just there own thing. Was 4 and 5 in the same universe at 1 2 and 3?

>> No.4897674

So if a game had slowdowns on real hardware there will be slowdowns on emulators too? No way to fix that?

>> No.4897684


Emulators just EMULATE the console. If it's all a programming issue it's going to be there no matter what.

>> No.4898302

Lord of the Rings had The Hobbit and the Silmarillion.
It's a possibility that some thread tethers the five together.

>> No.4898771
File: 191 KB, 750x750, 42535152_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man it sure was heartwarming when Fou Lu made Mami his empress. She really did a great job of conveying the needs and plights of the peasants too and created a new golden age in the empire's history. And it was just plain cute watching the foo dogs become basically her pets because she fed them so well.

Yep. That sure was great. ;_;

>> No.4898849
File: 298 KB, 707x1000, Breath.of.Fire.IV_.Utsurowazaru.Mono.full.884130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was cool seeing Elina & Crays adorable cat bird son play with Fou Lu's child especially since little Rei is such a bumpkin and Ryong Jr is always so surprised at how improper he is

>> No.4900997
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>> No.4901038
File: 351 KB, 829x1000, 44098517_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never really thought about it but considering their characters, the two of them probably would have actually made a successful and peaceful emperor. Fou-Lu was spiteful but he wasn't a tyrant.

The more I look into the plot the more tragic I find it. All I fucking want is a better difficulty, it would be near fucking perfect damn it. That and removing some of the padding would make near fucking perfect.

>> No.4901115
File: 45 KB, 640x480, It means chill out bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In regards to the difficulty, while I agree it's a bit on the easy side, I feel like that's also because the game give you so many options for how to manage the flow of battle. Between Masters, Enemy skills and the combo system you had an insane amount of versatility.

In regards to the padding, Im actually a little hesitant to call it that. It may not seem quickly apparant but it's important to remember that much of BOFIV's plot and character development is tied directly to the journey rather than the destination. Especially Ryu's which may not be obvious as he's a silent protagonist but it is there. For example:

Repairing the King's Sword may seem like a filler side quest (The manga omits it entirely) but doing it is Ryu learning to go to lengths to help his friends while Fou Lu is always only acting in his own service.

Gilligan's island may seem like a bunch of dead air, but following the Puka tribe it's also where Ryu and the party are forced to be patient. To sit back with the only thing for them to do is digest what's happened. Fou Lu on the other hand is always moving always in a rush and doesn't take a moment to calm down. In fact his rage makes him double his efforts and in doing so it consumes him.

Now Im not saying the game doesn't have fluff, but I think it's important not to write the fluff off as unimportant just because it's not some major plot revelation or epic battle. It's these quite moments that make us appreciate the big ones and especially in the case of the Island boy did we ever need a breather.

>> No.4901282

It seems strange to me that Fou-Lu acts so compulsively while Ryu experiences everything rather passively.

Perhaps that's their little dot of on the Yin Yang of the opposite color?

>> No.4901290
File: 670 KB, 1516x2159, BOF_Dragon_Quarter_PAL_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, this one has text on it I haven't seen before.
I'll have to see if I can translate some of this

>> No.4901302

Seems to be in german this time around.

Maybe thats what the mysterious hexagons were written in too? Ten Ti Ku still seems rather asian

so far


>> No.4901305 [DELETED] 


The opening intro is in Russian I believe

>> No.4901415 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4901486
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>> No.4901627

Nothing wrong with Rydia's summons, but that's not how a Dragon transformation should be treated, with the party vanishing while a Dragon sprite comes in from off-screen to do one attack before they all come back.

Also, having it consume all of Ryu's AP, and do less damage if his AP wasn't full when you did it, was bullshit. Rydia at least could do her summons in consecutive turns. Also, which summon you use could do different damage to different enemies, so there was some sort of strategy there. In BoF1, the Dragon transformations lasted the whole battle and the elements mattered.

>> No.4902231


Especially when AP restoring items are rare as fuck and some of them actually take your hp too.

>> No.4902804
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It's funny you mention the island section and King's Sword quest as neither of those come to mind. The island is a nice breather for all the shit going down on Fou-Lu's quest and the King's Sword quest gives some nice characterization and background for Cray.

What came to kind was the Chinese stereotype asking you to get stuff for him and the guy asking you to find his chicken right before the final section of the game, those parts bothered me. Neither makes me dread replaying the game, but they definitely feel like padding to me.

>> No.4902936


Oh right. Those. Well, yeah that's a clear case of padding but I think it's less in a let's run out the clock sense and more "it''s a game" sense. To be honest I forgot all about those, which you can take however you will.

>> No.4902952
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I've been reading a lot of Wuxia, Chinese fantasy kungfu, lately and it seems like nonsensical farming jokes/filler is a tradition.
A lot of epic show downs are mirrored by nearby animal fights or the morning of have the protagonist get egg on his face or something

>> No.4903083
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I see people say they feel the game was rushed but honestly I've never really felt that way personally. I agree on it being more of "it's a game" as you said then them rushing.
Interesting, that's a cool way to look at it but I imagine realistically it might just be a simple objective. Still, there's a lot of stuff that has more depth then it seems like >>4893117 so it's not impossible.

>> No.4903335
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One thing I like about the manga is that it maybe sort of implies that Ryu and Fou's split wasn't quite the accident we all thought it was. And that it was actually meaningful exactly so the completed fusion would have a deeper understanding of both angles. Because as the game is not shy about telling us, coincidences simply don't exist.

>> No.4903340
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But what I really like is what comes next

>> No.4903341

Dragon Quarter is one of the best RPGs of all time.

>> No.4903343
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That they remember that Fou did have someone who cared for him. In fact the only reason he felt the rage he did was because of this.

>> No.4903347
File: 208 KB, 1031x1500, 092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Ryu sees that Fou Lu was capable of of compassion himself. And he really reaches in and just twists at it.

>> No.4903358
File: 67 KB, 359x432, Yuna hunted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also while Yuna still gets away they take special care to mention they're hunting his ass down.

>> No.4903442
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I find this to be an incredibly pessimistic view of the creative process to dismiss a possible story telling element as a purely pointless endeavor that means nothing for our characters.
A game may have undesired elements forced into it either by necessity or poor development choices, but this doesn't mean that creative developers cannot repurpose padding into something significant, nor does every mini-game or break in the story signify padding.

That being said, I do realize I am defending what is probably the laziest made mini-game in the entirety of Breath of Fire 4 and that it follows two different areas in the game where Ryu must patiently wait for the tides to change or a pot to be made, probably lending to its reputation as padding.
A few observations I can make without having played the game for several years is that this is a minigame you play before tackling the empire head on and may have just served as a tension break in the story before dealing with the final showdown.
I'd be interested to see the translation because "Took" is one of the names for the Rooster of the Chinese Zodiac and may have been a nod to eastern audiences.
Even without any symbolism this is another example of Ryu being sympathetic to the struggles that mortals have and doing the common labor of the land.

At the very least BoF uses its padding to give you a new experience rather than having you backtrack entire areas.

>> No.4903446

Oh geeze. I'm surprised Fou-Lu doesn't just punch Ryu straight out.

>> No.4903453
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He basically turns into the Tyrant immediately after and the boss fight ensues. Ryu being able to sense that stuff on him and pry at it is what allows him to not get absorbed completely because deep down part of Fou does retain part of his pre murder crazy personality however small.

I like it. The manga's good. Hitoshi Ichimura should do more stuff.

>> No.4903456

If you haven't already I do recommend checking out this post of the LP if nothing else: https://lparchive.org/Breath-of-Fire-IV/Update%2029/

>> No.4903459


These are always the kind of LPs I like seeing. Ones that actually showcase and explore the material while adding extra information that may have been overlooked and dissecting the material. And being generally fun and amusing. Not just filling air time as you bumble around for youtube clicks.

>> No.4903467
File: 344 KB, 553x591, Chetyre_concept_art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has there ever been any significance to the magic light wings on the Aura, Astral, Kaiser or Tyrant dragons? Are they supposed to be like Dragonfly wings but crazier?

I do like 4's Tyrant design

>> No.4903475
File: 152 KB, 740x800, astral page.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well I think the obvious dragon fly motif wholly intentional. Also a quick google says that dragonflies represent change in the perspective of self realization and the kind of change that has its source in mental and emotional maturity and the understanding of the deeper meaning of life.

Soooooooooooo yeah.

>> No.4903482
File: 51 KB, 611x960, dragon fly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and also this. Which is pretty dead on.

Man I didn't even think about the wings till you said something.

>> No.4903483

When I asked I thought someone might have said something like "Every wing is a lesson from Buddha" but this seems pretty on point

>> No.4903494

>Google Buddha dragonfly
>In Buddhist cosmology it often represents the joining of Heaven and Earth as the dragonfly is one with the air and with the water at the same time.

Fou Damn it!

>> No.4903506
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>air symbolizing emptiness
>water deeply collected with Fou-Lu
>Ryu ending has earth and heaven separated
>Fou-Lu ending has heaven joining earth to destroy it
>The bad ending is the canon one


To some extent, with chi anyway, Fire is considered to be a form of air- so a Fire Dragonfly and a Water Dragonfly coming to join heaven and earth and probably lends itself to the duality of Ryu and Fou-Lu.

We were this close to having a Dragon Hamster in BoF5

>> No.4903518
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man that LPer wasn't whistling dixie when he said the symbolism is dense as fuck in this game.

>> No.4903527

Light transitions downward from fire to air to water to earth. Light is everything. Light comes from nothing, and gradually, it returns to nothing, until nothing brings light once more.

It is light that returns life to nothing. It is nothing that is the source of life.

>> No.4903537

I'm willing to bet that even the silly parts of the game have deep cultural significance.

Chasing nightmares out of your dream in the Fairy Land or Nina becoming tiny and fighting a bird, though that may be more significant as a Breath of Fire thing than a Buddhist thing.

I know Ryu literally lands in between five stones arranged in a five pointed star pattern. Which reminds me >>4903335 I wonder if there's any way to guess who originally summoned a broken Yorae dragon.

>> No.4903541

>I wonder if there's any way to guess who originally summoned a broken Yorae dragon.

Well Fou originally founded his empire some centuries ago so it's really hard to say and really doesn't matter much I suppose.

>> No.4903547
File: 101 KB, 640x480, Chek1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I lied. You can probably extrapolate who had some hand in calling him as we do know where the summoning spell originated and given how many dragons are farting around it's probably easy to assume that a lot of summoners went out and called the Endless to serve and guide the various regions.

>> No.4903550

Can someone explain to me why Ryu is the Tyrant dragon and Bosche is the Kaiser that gets owned in DQ though?

>> No.4903553
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What are you talking bout, Odjin is much more kaiser than Tyrant.

>> No.4903569

in the actual game?

>> No.4903570

With all the Buddhism involved I wouldn't be surprised to find that the Yorae Dragon split himself in two in order to go through some self actualization process.
Reaching some sort of Apostasy where you are entirely free from Gods seems to be a running theme in BoF, and The God wanting to Ungod himself might be fitting somehow.

I wonder if its possible that the early summoned Gods taught them how to summon the Yorae Dragon in the off-chance that they might be released one day. Its a bit more treacherous than I think the Wind God is depicted as- so I dunno how I feel about a conspiracy of Dragons.

Or summoning a God wrong was simply the plan so that he'd be somewhat mortal, merciful and understanding.

Odjn seems much more fitting to the usual Kaiser Dragon and Chetyre is dark like the usual Tyrant Dragon. This is Basch's Dragon posted here >>4903467
Likewise Odjn is fire elemental and Chetyre at least has a lot of blue things. I don't see how you could interpret this the other way around other than Odjn seemingly being a villain to mankind as a crucified man hating corpse who is dying as you ascend.

>> No.4903574

Just to be obnoxious to that one guy, my head canon is that Myria summons Yorae at the end of BoF3 with her prayer to God.

Obviously time travel is involved to keep 4 a prequel

>> No.4903575

>I don't see how you could interpret this the other way around other than Odjn seemingly being a villain to mankind as a crucified man hating corpse who is dying as you ascend.
There is that part of the game where you spend 30 minutes (or 30 seconds) murdering an entire blockade of police officers

and then you overthrow the government and literally break the world open

So like, maybe you're the villain whose just selfishly abusing power and ruining everything, but it turns out you were on the side of justice this time and all your actions are retroactively justified by the truth you uncover when the world is shattered

>> No.4903579

Or maybe he was actually the one true god and he Jesus'd himself down there all according to keikaku.

>> No.4903589
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Well Deis makes it pretty clear that the Endless didn't ask to be summoned. I doubt there's much of a conspiracy because their general outlook is more to just roll with things with only her really speaking up. And while the people certainly worship the gods, from a certain POV the gods are also servants and possibly even prisoners of those that summoned them.

>> No.4903601

It helps Odjn's case for Kaiser that he has a positive plan for Mankind while Chetyre simply seeks revenge against Odjn and doesn't seem to have any secondary goals concerning mankind. Expect maybe erasure?

Which is why I find some meaning in translating the nonsense "language" they cooked up for 5. Moon Demon is a good approximation for what Chetyre, and by extension Basch, is. Moons usually symbolize reflection, or Yin, and Chetyre's focus on revenge against a "Sun Dragon" does seem like something a Demon would do. That's all terribly basic nonsense but still, its there. If you're confused about wtf I'm talking about you can reference my post here >>4891929

This is what makes me doubt the Conspiracy entirely, the Gods seem entirely truthful narrators of whats occurring in the world and how you function as an Endless and are never exposed in a villainous light of any kind.

>> No.4903607
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>That part at the end of Quarter where Chetyre rips out of Bosch's corpse and attacks your party, completely terrifying Lin and Nina beyond the capacity for rational thought and your only attack that can hit him is D-breath but you keep holding it and the counter gets closer and closer till it goes beyond 100 percent.

That games intense.

>> No.4903608

>It helps Odjn's case for Kaiser that he has a positive plan for Mankind while Chetyre simply seeks revenge against Odjn and doesn't seem to have any secondary goals concerning mankind.
But, in like every single game, the dark dragon is trying to fix society or the world or dominate all the sinners, and kaiser just comes up and smacks his shit down for being unreasonable then bitchslaps myria for good measure

if anything, having a borderline irrational plan for leading mankind to a better place by overwhelming force and disposition of the authority is teepo af

>> No.4903615
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>But, in like every single game, the dark dragon is trying to fix society or the world or dominate all the sinners,

That's bad.

>> No.4903619

So did you know that the language used in Dragon Quarter is actually Panzerese, the same language used in the Panzer Dragoon series and Shadow of the Colossus?

>> No.4903621

is it really about good and evil though? is it about love and hate? or is it just about justice and perseverence and realistic aspirations about what people are actually capable of as a species

but there are some times when things will never ever change if you don't do something unthinkable, aren't there?

>> No.4903626


I did not. That's pretty cool. Also Im imagining a Mobius Breath of Fire and it's beautiful

>> No.4903631
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>That's bad.

Sometimes its a good thing! Pic related.

I did not! I'll have to look into it.

>> No.4903635

yeah it's only when the dragons are talking though, Ryu just speaks normal japanese when he talks

I'm like 90% sure gravity rush uses the same language

Klonoa 2 also has some good made up dialogue but I think that one might be arbitrary for most of it's characters. the japanese VAs are pretty good

>> No.4903636

Dragon Quarter actually came out first though and invented the jacket before TTGL existed

>> No.4903638
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Hey Im down for a classic star wars story, I ain't complaining. Im just saying it's pretty black and white.

Man I remember calling GL out for yanking DQ's cast design. Where thehell did my life go, that was 11 years ago.

>> No.4903642
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He probably knows. That picture is old as shit. In fact we talked about the similarities a lot when the anime first game out.

>> No.4903643

Of course the actual character designer is like
>What? no I've totally never even seen nor heard of that game before.
cheeky bugger

>> No.4903678

I pretty much noticed immediately.
I was wondering if Gurren Lagann was directly referencing Dragon Quarter or if their miners have a similar uniform

>> No.4903687


Not that I can find and given how grueling and hot mining is I can't imagine much in the way of a uniform in the first place. Ryu's outfit almost comes off as copish though.

>> No.4903689

"copish" is not a word, and DQ came out first.

>> No.4903709

>"copish" is not a word

It expresses an image.

>and DQ came out first.

I didn't say It didn't. We where trying to figure out if they share a similar inspiration. Actually follow the conversation before trying to act like a hotshot.

>> No.4903712

Since a lot of characters wear jackets I figured it was actually a bit cold in the underground slums where the Rangers operate.
It sort of helps a bunch of European style pig monsters are wandering around in derelict sectors

>> No.4903969
File: 253 KB, 799x1000, teepo___bof3_by_l_dawolf-d9yo5vb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know man, Light Dragons have been getting awfully rowdy ever since Ryu 3 grew up into an adult and decided that apostasy was needed by the whole world regardless of what desert intruded over all the farmable land. Then Ryu 4 upends two entirely different kingdoms just to talk to his literal soul brother, with no real action taken against the bigger war going on.

>> No.4904353

>Then Ryu 4 upends two entirely different kingdoms

Okay that was Yuuna's fault.

>> No.4904547
File: 1.07 MB, 1250x750, 1497931008091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool to see how active this thread has been. Last night I went to bed and remember it having 190 posts and now we're at 240, pretty fast by /vr/ standards.

>> No.4904625

is this the same where a qt pi is turned into a body horror for mass-producing monsters?

>> No.4904704

actually I'm not sure that one has actually happened yet

maybe koudelka counts

>> No.4904782


That was Arc the Lad 2

>> No.4904827

this game has like 500 hours of sidequests and I never finished it so I don't know

>> No.4904858


Yeah it was a behemoth of a game alright.

>> No.4904861

I mean that happens but that's just an accidental byproduct of her actual purpose which is to serve as ammo in a hate powered ghost gun

>> No.4905009

I've admittedly not played through the entirety of DQ for the whole context of the image (though I know the general gist), but admittedly the Ten Ti and Ku bits reminded me of Suikoden's stars of destiny(which had similar naming themes like Tenkai, Tenki, etc), which were sourced from the Chinese "Water Margin" novel.

Grabbing the Ten (天) and Ku (空) characters used for that in particular, since the celestial theme seems to fit, and seeing that there's a Ti (体) character that means "body" (with 天体 being astronomy related in particular), I did a wee bit of messing about.

I'm admittedly not a native Chinese speaker, but machine translation of the characters together seems to provide something that fits the theme:

天体空 = Celestial Space

Though 空 is used for the Tenku star, it seems to be pronounced "kong" so I also tried 天体苦 which uses a different Ku character, and that comes out as Celestial Body as well. The Ku character means "bitter" or "painful" here though, so I dunno if it actually comes out to that or if it's just a machine translation quirk. Either way, it'd potentially make sense since you mention it's on the door to the surface world. Someone who can actually speak Chinese could probably weigh in more here to be fair.

Just thought I'd throw that out there at least, and thanks for putting in the work on those other bits of text!

>> No.4905134

Oh, so is this is the game I was thinking of? I remember an Anon saying you go into an organic dungeon and then it turns out to be part of her body.

>> No.4905158

That is something that happens in BoF4

I suppose the confusion is that Yuna starts doing it because he wants to prolong the life of his super weapon but then his new immortal ammo is also a Demon Aquarium and a Goddess at the same time

>> No.4905180
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>> No.4905181

I wonder if Ryu's insides are similar or not

>> No.4905186


Yuna says part of his experiment entailed grafting various other bits and bobs to her so probably not.

>> No.4905258

So is she big or are they tiny? ...and how do they get out of her?

>> No.4905312


They need to put Yuna in Smash Brothers.

>> No.4905447

The short answer is that they're normal sized.

The long answer is Elina's guts. because they expanded to take over a couple of storage rooms____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Just imagine this underline is Elina's intestines_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Gee Cray I really hope you like to cuddle_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________because there's a lot here to love

>> No.4905449

Yuna's ultimate smash can be everyone on the screen growing giant intestines and being forced way up to the point of being pushed to the top of the screen

>> No.4905464
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>> No.4905665

Oh very interesting.

I put Ten Ti Ku in different orders into Google Translate, Japanese detected, and got the following responses:

Ten Ti Ku: Elegant
Ti Ku Ten: Daughter
Ku Ten Ti: Crowded

Crowded Elegant Daughter. I don't think this is the correct answer but does make me think of Nina's plight.

Meanwhile typing Ten and Ti into Jisho.org gives me Heaven and Earth, but nothing seemingly relevant for Ku, the closest word being Kun(Comb). I was thinking in this case it might be something like Heaven, Earth and Ocean or Land, Sea & Sky.

www.mdbg.net , a Chinese dictionary, gives me Heaven Body Storage which is very close to your result of Celestial Space. In this case I was thinking that "Heaven Body Storage" could mean that this underground facility was where they stored the Dragons. While Celestial Space could mean the door is a gateway to a "Heaven" of sorts.

Unfortunately I can't seem to find this yellow sundial like symbol behind the red bit here >>4901290 on its own. So the inner sundial is really hard to read. Ten Ti Ku is still in the hexagons. The White text on the yellow on the right says THE FIRST ODJN, and on the left says THE LAST CHETYRE. The interesting thing is that the symbols that say SUN DRAGON, MOON DEMON, STAR BEAST in the other symbol are different words here though they're probably the same words in German. The one on the bottom says DR__TE, can't make it out with the giant Red Dragon thing on top of it, and the others are obscured almost entirely by the logo.

>> No.4906393

空 is Ku in Japanese, Kong (read: kung) in Chinese. It's kind of hard to guess which Ku is used for what because the Kanji has lots of different words with same pronounciation but different meaning.

>Meanwhile typing Ten and Ti into Jisho.org gives me Heaven and Earth
Earth (地) is Chi in Japanese not Ti. There's no Ti in Kanji. Kanji uses Hiragana as phonetic. Sometime Chi is used for Ti in Katakana but it's for loan words or onomatopoeia only.

>> No.4906642
File: 2.14 MB, 1238x2528, DQ_Sephirot_Scan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, that makes sense if the Japanese have a different reading for the same character. I didn't even consider the Japanese pronunciation of it when I was looking it up to be fair.

Hm, I took a peek in the Complete Works for you to see if there was a clean copy of that extended sigil, but no luck there. I did however grab a higher res scan of the Sephirot image from it for you though, since you mentioned that before.

I'm also here in Europe myself, so I can scan in the PAL disc for you if you'd like to look at a red on white variant of it for better contrast at least (there's no manual to check in my copy unfortunately).

>> No.4907035


Thanks for this

>> No.4907146
File: 583 KB, 1080x1080, 1526830195637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Breath of Fire thread
>People hate 1 and 4
>People call 2 and 3 "meh but nothing special"
>Same people can't understand why Capcom killed off the franchise

>> No.4907147

>"people hate 1 and 4"
>says this as people above are literally discussing BoFIV and the symbolism above
Thanks for making up shit and showing you know nothing, we appreciate the bump.

>> No.4907183

Discussing the symbolism doesn't prove that the gameplay is good or that the story didn't started pulling shit out of its ass compared to its predecessors, but thanks for the (you)

>> No.4907194

Well 1 and 4 are the weakest entries in the series. One for its long, boring slog of a story, and four for its crappy battle system.

>> No.4907219

four has a really great battle system though

>> No.4907238

Bot neither of those describe IV.

>> No.4907384

Yeah I'd love a scan of the disc
I'll translate once I wake up and eat

>> No.4907404

Japanese has 2 reading system for Kanji. The kunyomi and on'yomi (influenced by Chinese reading). Example:
空 is read Ku in on'yomi (kung in Chinese), but is read Sora in kunyomi. Both have same meaning.
天 is read Ten in on'yomi, but is read Amatsu, Ame or Ama in kunyomi.

Kanji has many different characters with same reading. Example in 108 Stars in Suikoden:
天勇 Ten'yuu = Star of Bravery
天雄 Ten'yuu = Star of Heroic Ferocity
天祐 Ten'yuu = Guardian Star
All the yuu in these 3 kanji have different meaning and writing but same reading.

>> No.4907414

Ah this bitterness! Could it be that you've returned to post that interview you religiously cited or perhaps you're ready to discuss the possible ideas and concepts in BoF?

Please, if you have a critique of Fours gameplay, go into depth. I'd love to hear an articulation on how the combo system or the backrow system actually took away from combat.

>> No.4907462

None of those posts you quoted mentioned an interview. What is this autism?

>> No.4907493

What the fuck? They're literally in her intestines? As in, where poop comes from? How do they get out? Magical teleportation I'm assuming.

>> No.4907497

>no Devil Hand
>no Gruntilda
>no Ballos
>no Specter
>no Sweet Tooth
>no Cross-Stitch
Shit drawing.

>> No.4907538

>Autism-kun doesn't remember his shitposting from last week

That's really low IQ of you brother

>> No.4907731
File: 3.13 MB, 1238x2528, DQSephiaTranslated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Earth (地) is Chi in Japanese not Ti.

My mistake, Jisho directed me to Earth when typing Ti so I had just assumed.

This has really been a godsend! Which is fitting since its a map of the Underground modeled after the Sephirot, The Tree of Life. I'm dizzy even thinking about it so I'll just talk about the translations and the basic things I think this is implying beyond the symbolism.

On the top left and right "shoulders" are the names of all the Regents though they're different from the English. I assume Mauabe must be Elyon just by process of elimination. "Altencia" is probably Hortesia, "Jazz-it" is Jezuit. "Demonade", "Vexsion", and "Ckpito" just seem to be silly engrish of Deamond, Vexacion and Cupid.

"A Human, A Thing, A Dragon. Three Consent Open Heavens Door". I wonder where Human and Thing would line up on our >>4891895 Ten Ti Ku Door of Sun Dragons, Moon Demons and Star Beasts. At first I thought it may have been referencing Elyon as something inhuman, I checked the symbols on Bosch's & Ryu's jacket just to make sure it wasn't saying something about either of them. Perhaps you just need the consent of three different types of being to open the door?

In the Trinity area we can see their purpose, maybe their orders? They "Mange", manage I assume, Military Law Production and then on the right side they "Mange" Government Something Concealment. Its hard to make out what that word is because its obscured by the Colony circle. Speaking of The Colony its interesting to know that your Ant Farm has a tangible place in the world, or maybe its a Human Colony.

Biocorp has an interesting company motto "AAL FROM CRADLE TO GRAVE IS CREATED"

Below that things get a bit weird as Rangers Base is "Rengers Bese", the path to the "Down Area' is called "Benemenb". Not sure if Pailway was meant to be Rail Way or Pale Way, I assume Rail Way.

>> No.4907803

Comfy thread, some good read here.

>> No.4907839


I love when a BOF thread goes well. IV has a lot to talk about.

>> No.4907889
File: 681 KB, 1201x1600, 01d648138879a04fe95322e651844fdc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now to pick through symbolism I guess.

4's a real nice game, we could use more Four Lore

>> No.4908560
File: 3.09 MB, 2868x2868, DQ_PAL_Disc_Scan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to have helped! Just got the time to scan in the PAL disc here now if you want a peek at that too.

As well as being better contrast to yellow on brown, the positioning on the logo isn't the same as on the cover/manual, so you may be able to make out some slightly different stuff from it.

>> No.4908584
File: 495 KB, 1200x1876, 67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can almost do it by eyeball without checking my reference, oh my.

Give me a moment and I'll translate

>> No.4908620
File: 418 KB, 1316x571, Breath.of.Fire.full.543663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright so:

Outermost Circle still says:

Red Inner Circle Says

White Inner Circle

Which seems to translate back to Devil Moon, Beast Star and Dragon Sun.

So they cared enough to keep this information in an entirely different language. At this point I should really comb back through DQ

>> No.4908661

Demons in the Breath of Fire series are in all cases produced with unethical biotechnology, in the case of 1-3 it's not spelled out but shown in every other way that Myria develops monsters on her station and uses her power to modify living beings biologically.

Unlike the other races, demons are entirely capable of living underground indefinitely without any apparent need for other nourishment.

The beast star is the planet, and the original races that lived on it (who all end up looking more human the more they mix races), the devil moon refers to the biotechnology remains of myria station that they utilize to survive underground (you're literally eating nothing but devil meat down there), and the dragon sun is obvious, the brood power is used both to seize and destroy leadership, it is the beginning and the end of the underground world. So the first leaders of the underground society who kept everyone in check as mayor was probably the 3 dragons, who were all murdered by the rest/each other, but remained in an undying pervasive spiritual/physical state (some sort of biological nanomachine dispersed in the air?)

it all works out and without humanity's influence for thousands of years the surface recovers and the desert spoken of in 3 recedes.

>> No.4908692

It certainly seemed like the running theme of 3 was about natural mutations vs unnatural mutations. Lot of form changing baddies versus your natural goodies.

Is this your personal theory or is this information stored in an artbook somewhere?

>some sort of biological nanomachine dispersed in the air?
I was under the impression that Odjn & Chetyre were artificial and made by the original inhabitants of the Underground to replicate a 1/1 True Dragon. Which is why Odjn, Chetyre & Dover are Dragon Halves. Somehow Odjn is also like a Program thats being executed?

>> No.4908886

None of this is mentioned in the Complete Works anyway, so it's likely a personal view on things. What it does mention prior to the DQ section though, is that the dragons were created by humanity as a means to eventually return to the surface, like you mention.

>> No.4908915

I mean in the first place Brood aren't literally dragons, they're half-dragons, they're dragon people. A half-human half-dragon is a normal brood in the way that a normal woren is a half human half tiger.

as for whether he's in some way artificial or like a program, you have to remember that broods turning into dragon ghosts and passing on power to their descendants, even 1/8192 descendants, is almost a normal thing that they do all the time to pass on their heritage. in addition to that, is the fact that magic and technology are the same thing in the bof universe. the computery aesthetic of magic in the underground is probably just a choice that reflects the spartan sterility of the environment and lack of natural forms, or thats just what magic looks like when it's advanced to the point of computational technology. You could think of the entire underground as being a magical vessel designed to ensure that a brood would be atavised at the correct time even if it killed the host, and it's possible that odjn is actually killing the brood by releasing ryu at the end, instead of turning him into the next ladon.

>> No.4908923

that's the way it always is when these japanese authors work for a company though, they don't have full control over the canon so they just leave parts of the canvas blank in the official material, instead going for a show don't tell approach and leaving things open to interpretation in interviews.

these is why so often you get dumb answers like "whatever opinion the player had of the ending is the correct one since it was meant to be open to interpretation"

which is always bullshit they just don't tell you

>> No.4909650


Well better for them to leave it up in the air then just spoil everyone's fun.