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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4880784 No.4880784 [Reply] [Original]

Its coming. Aug 21st.

>> No.4880798

It's also locked to 30fps, cutscenes are 4:3 in SD and takes up 30 gigs of space.

Lazy port, lol no thanks

>> No.4880802

Personally hate Shenmue. It has garbage gameplay and its unreasonably bloated budget was one of the factors that killed Sega.

>> No.4880804


I would expect no frame cap on PC

>> No.4880807

nope, 30fps is all we get.

>> No.4880814

A lot of the game's logic is tied to FPS.

>> No.4880818

OK, still not good enough.

There are plenty of dev teams that figured a way around it and actually did fantastic ports.

30fps is really not OK these days when I can run shit at 165fps.

>> No.4880932

Also DirectX11 and 64-bit operating system for Dreamcast ports, and they're charging 30 dollars for it. Meanwhile Yakuza Zero is a port of a much newer game for 20 dollars and it supports 60+fps and ultrawide. This is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.4880975


the game clock is tied to the framerate, I don't understand how professional programmers of AAA companies overlook this kind of things, framerate and resolution should be made future proof

>> No.4880984

You clearly don't code.

>> No.4881023

I hope people buy it. Are there any gameplay or control changes?

>> No.4881046


Q: Which version of Shenmue II did we port?

A: For technical reasons we started with the Xbox source code and data. This has the advantage of some additional
features missing from the Dreamcast version:

* Snapshots system
* Filters
* Texture mip-maps to improve anti-aliasing

As some community members will know, the Xbox does have some graphical differences to the DC version which will also be present in our version.

Q: What features have we added?

A: As well as the herculean effort of porting the code to the new platforms, there is a huge number of things we have added:

* Choice of Japanese or English speech in both games
* Saves can be carried over from Shenmue into Shenmue II on all platforms
* Saving anywhere in both games
* HD resolution rendering
* Updated UI
* New post processing effects for both games
* Full controller support and configurable mouse and keyboard for PC users
* Full Achievement support for both games on all platforms

Q: What does Modern control scheme mean?

A: Modern control scheme means we have enabled use of the analogue stick instead of the D-Pad for movement of Ryo, as well as adding full mouse and keyboard support for PC users.

>> No.4881051

I guarantee modders will figure out a way to get it 60fps at 1080p within months, just don't fuck yourself and by anything other than the PC release.

>> No.4881080

>* Texture mip-maps to improve anti-aliasing
I wonder why the Dreamcast version didn't use mipmaps when the PowerVR2 hardware supported (and supported it properly unlike PS2 which had a fucked up implementation).

Anybody know if PowerVR2 needs two cycles to do mipmapping or just one? If it requires two, then that's probably the reason the Dreamcast version didn't use em. Xbox can do mipmaps and trilinear filtering in one cycle so there's no disadvantage to using them.

>> No.4881154

Noice, thanks anon.

>> No.4881161

Does this game need 60 fps? Afair it only had static scenes the character moved within.

>> No.4882373

>and they're charging 30 dollars for it. Meanwhile Yakuza Zero is a port of a much newer game for 20 dollars

You're getting Shenmue and Shenmue II for $30. $15 per game isn't bad at all.

>> No.4882413

> * Choice of Japanese or English speech in both games
What about text?

>> No.4883648

You can play it already at 30FPS in half a dozen emulators.
Pretty sure shenmue 1 will be emulated. THey conveniently dodge questions about its source code and only talk about the xbox source for shenmue 2.

>> No.4883672

>DC about to lose its only worthwhile exclusive left
dreamcucks blown the FUCK out

>> No.4883707

>dc fans will stop liking the dc because of ports

That's not how it works.

>> No.4883720

Most of /vr/ games are emulated well enough, does it stop people from buying old consoles?

>> No.4883729

>dreamcucks will have to play the inferior versions of their games
the absolute state of segaspergs

>> No.4883730

butthurt nintendie detected

>> No.4884115


Chu Chu Rocket PC port when?

>> No.4884478

I recently bought a Dreamcast and a copy of Shenmue II just so I could play it. Now this happens, lel.

>> No.4884482

Speaking of which, is the Japanese version out next month too?

>> No.4884681

So motion blur because it's the xbix version.. That's disappointing.

>> No.4884687

Just replace all of the hardcoded 30s with a call to a library instead

>> No.4884691

You're out like $40 what's the problem? Now that you've got the hardware you can burn anything you want to play natively so it's still not bad having the console

>> No.4884756

Why didn't you get an Xbox if you wanted to play Shenmue 2? It's the best way to play it. Plus you could get other classics like Jet Set 2, Orta, Gunvalkyrie, Crazy Taxi 3, and Outrun 2.

>> No.4884986

Sega made a reputation on PC where their ports of nearly decade old games could run at 60 fps or above and charged 20 for them (went on sale frequently at the 5 dollar mark), seems odd to see Sega abandon the "good ports of old games" mindset they had. This is just a quick churn out for the impending Shenmue 3.
Modders with autistic programming knowledge to uncap framerate like Durante or kalaiden have decided to hone their autism to port ancient PS3 games for money, I wouldn't hold my breath. 30fps in 2018, fucking LUL.

>> No.4884993

game sucks

>> No.4885413

shenmue 1 cutscenes are 4:3 and there's a chance shenmue 2 cutscenes are widescreen but boxed in.
honestly yeah everyone should wait to see how the port turns out.

i wonder if forcing widescreen in shenmue 1 dreamcast version works properly in cutscenes?

>> No.4885490

I'm buying the PS4 physical copy.

>Muh framerates
No one notices framerates, kid.

>Muh gig space
Poorcuck detected

>Cutscenes are in 4:3 in SD
So what? There's no way to enhanced cutscenes from an old game.

>> No.4885876

>i wonder if forcing widescreen in shenmue 1 dreamcast version works properly in cutscenes?
Most of the time.

>> No.4885881

>So what? There's no way to enhanced cutscenes from an old game.
Are you retarded or something? They are realtime.

>> No.4886203

You don't even need pre-made mipmaps. Just provide the graphics driver the highest resolution texture you have and it can auto generate mipmaps. This has been a feature since before the dreamcast existed.

>> No.4886206

>It's the best way to play it.
That awful dub says you're wrong.

>> No.4886481

Not all of it, retard.

>> No.4886915

They're not?

>> No.4886964

They are realtime. Afaik they're even swapping the models with more hires ones.

>> No.4887003

It's a decision that's made when you first start coding a game (or, these days, a decision made by your engine) and affects how you write pretty much everything. When Shenmue 1 was developed and it was assumed that it would only ever run on one unchanging piece of hardware, it would have made perfect sense to cut down on development time and complexity and assume a constant framerate. Changing the code now would be a massive undertaking that wouldn't be worth it at all.

>> No.4887034

But I gots 1 on DC and 2 on XB...

>> No.4887732

>Its cumming

>> No.4889484

Shenmue Dojo just put up a video with newdetails. Among them, apparently bloom can be toggled on or off but no confirmation on motion blur yet.

>> No.4890624

So it won't have the licensed products. Do they have to completely redesign his watch and the zippos or is it good enough for them to just remove the logo?

>> No.4890809
File: 850 KB, 1500x1500, Shenmue Ryo Aliens Forklift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were usually codebreaker codes that could allow for widescreen hacks, I imagine with time someone would be able to make a mod for the PC version so cutscenes are in widescreen, although culling is a different issue altogether and while you can make the game widescreen on NullDC it'll have culling pretty badly.

Although, I remember playing Metroid Prime last year and finding a widescreen code to completely eliminate culling, so there could be a workaround in time.

>> No.4890819


I'll stick to my original discs because I'm not a cocksucking millennial.

>> No.4890909

What's with Segaspergs and choosing to play the inferior versions of their games? Is brand fanboyism really a thing here?

>> No.4890920


What's with the 14 year /v/ crossborder nigger doing spamming the same bullshit in multiple threads?

Back to your containment board.

>> No.4890938

It's a thing everywhere. Welcome to life.

>> No.4890976
File: 31 KB, 400x400, hazuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever buys this is a fool. Save your fucking money for Shenmue 3, if anything. DO NOT SUPPORT THESE BUSINESS PRACTICES!

>> No.4890984

What do you mean exactly.

>> No.4890993

>developer makes old game accessable to those who don't have a DC or Xbox



>> No.4891069

>tfw 33yo boomer still has 2 dreamcasts and origional shenmue 1 2 in mint shape.


I'll wait for number 3 to come out tyvm

>> No.4891415


>> No.4891427

Yes, we're all aware that emulators exist. Still isn't an argument against a simple rerelease that no one is forced to buy. And again, opening up the game to a wider market is a good thing.

>> No.4891451
File: 7 KB, 380x455, ryojak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no passport content
Disappointing. These really are low-effort ports.

>> No.4891505

we’ve been blown the fuck out since 2001 so here’s your trophy for being Captain Obvious

>> No.4891514

It's amazing we're getting ports at all considering Sega hates Shenmue and Yu Suzuki.

>> No.4891528

Who cares? It's been two billion, three hundred and thirty seven million, six hundred and forty three thousand and five years since the most recent one was released. Just let it die already.

>> No.4891537

Sonic Adventure? Skies of Arcadia? The best games released on the DC still don't have ports as good as their original releases.

>> No.4891541

You mean S*random battle*k*random battle*i*random battle*e*random battle*s*random battle* *random battle*o*random battle**random battle* *random battle*A*random battle*r*random battle*c*random battle*a*random battle*i*random battle*d*random battle*a*random battle**random battle**random battle**random battle**random battle**random battle**random battle**random battle**random battle*?

>> No.4891652

>playing SA on DC
Enjoy less content, 30fps, and no way to skip the cringey cutscenes.

>b-but all the ports are bad!
Modded PC is the way to go.


>> No.4891771

shenmue is every manchild's favorite game that they never played. overrated piece of shit that failed commercially back then, and i hope it fails again now. when you think about the grandeur of expenditure that game had weighed against what it accomplished, you realise how shit it is. now lets see how many manchildren throw money at this shit port.

>> No.4891882

I doubt they can uncap the framerate when it's integral to the game's logic. Look at GTA:SA, probably the most modded game in existence and still nobody has made a 60fps mod which doesn't fuck up some game mechanic or other.

I can't see why 1080p wouldn't work though, since emulators can already manage that.

>> No.4891886

Indeed, but that can be said about any game series. They're video games after all- do you really expect the audience to be very mature?

>> No.4891953

So now that we have determined that all videogames are shit we can finally merge with /v/.

>> No.4892147

I think we already have. I've been following 3 threads and the hostility is way above /vr/'s usual comfy levels. Summertime is real

>> No.4892268

>60fps mod which doesn't fuck up some game mechanic or other.
Changing the framerated does influence the game mechanic? That's sound interesting, please elaborate, Anon.

>> No.4892281

What's wrong with 30fps in a non shooter or action game?

>> No.4892313
File: 26 KB, 700x758, 30 feel per second.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motion always looks better at higher frame rates. 30fps is just unacceptable for vidya; it causes worse ghosting/double images depending on the display type.

>> No.4893186

They didn't even fix NPC close range ghost appearance/disappearance. Definition of lazy port. That's what you SHOULD do when you have a source code. When you rewrite it, you naturally also improve it. You should thinking about game logic, not just mindlessly rewrite it. But they did nothing beyond basic attempt. I'm sure there will be many glitches and inconsistences in the game. Because they do not care at all. And also they said that S. code is a clusterfuck. No any professional could say something like that because any foreign code from old console IS the clusterfuck. Why JSR, Nights and SA2 was ok but for Shenmue it's just big fuck you. Fuck d3t.

Fuck SEGA. I had hoped they somehow improved their business practices after all these promises they did but no.

And no passport, nothing. And Denuvo. For the game which only for fans anyway who is not going to pirate it anyway. For the game that you can straight away emulate anyway. For the game 20 years old. Fuck this and fuck that.

And fucking double squeezed screen for Shenmue 2 cutscenes. Embodiment of ugliness.

>> No.4893206

Also no japanese subtitles. Why the fuck there are japanese voices but no subtitles? What if I don't undestand japanese this well to feel comfortable with audio only? Or what if I'm deaf?

>> No.4893261


30fps is more movie-like though

>> No.4893286


>> No.4893293

There's that ShockWave port from like 20 years ago. It's got the most levels. I played it back in the day.

Quick Google search:

>> No.4893298

The real SEGA died in 2004. I would not give a single cent to (((nu-SEGA))), lest you want to disappoint yourself.

>> No.4894681

Any word on the Japanese version?

>> No.4895134

You say that, but Zero in my PSN store is at 60 euros, this despite being possible to find physical copies for half price.

Same, but my DCs dont work anymore, I cant be bothered to fix them.

That would be a problem though. I remember at least half of the content was online stuff, like the store, ranking, and news.
Even back then I tried many times to log in and most of time wouldnt work.

>> No.4895161

yes, it needs it. there's no excuse in 2018 for this nonsense.

>> No.4895163

> being this much of a clueless & compulsive liar
on /vr/ of all places! im shocked.

>> No.4895167

nope. no way i would either. those days are well and truly gone. today's sega are a bunch of scamming assholes.

>> No.4895194

Nothing at all, 60fps in 3D games is a reddit meme

>> No.4896859

Any uodates on whether motion blur can be turned off?

>> No.4896867
File: 227 KB, 1600x1200, 1504476073938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the shots are framed for 4:3
>hurr why don't they make it 16:9

There's a lot of problems with these HD ports but that's not one of them

>> No.4896921

What about QTE sections? Switching back & forth constantly would be disorienting. There is an option to play in 4:3 at all times right? Maybe I'll just stick with that fir consistency's sake.

>> No.4896931

>What about QTE sections?
I'd imagine that would be case by case basis. But yes that does create a problem, in which *IF* the QTE segments are all in 16:9, if you see a cutscene being triggered and there's no black borders, you will just know a QTE is coming. What a mess

>> No.4896937

Is it pre-rendered? AKA FMV? If its not then theres no excuse.

>> No.4896939

>Is it pre-rendered?
As far as we know, no it isn't.
>there's no excuse.
Again, these shots are framed for 4:3, you'd just see random shit popping up from the side that wasn't supposed to be in the shot. One thing is gameplay, of course there's no problem with widening the shots. When it comes to actual cinematography and framing of the camera don't mess with the aspect ratio.

>> No.4896945

Yet many ports of other games are able to fix these issues within these rendered cutscenes. No excuse.

>> No.4896948

It's not a technological issue, I don't think you're getting the point. There's intentionality in the shots when you make them in 4:3, just widening what's in the image you will get shit in the shot that wasn't supposed to be there and mess with composition. Anon are you an actual philistine that doesn't understand what photography, framing or cinematography is?

>> No.4896954

You are acting as if this is a movie or pre-rendered cutscene. You can change the code to display the scene in 16:9 ratio then clean up/fix any popping in or out or whatever. many games have done this when ported to HD consoles.

>> No.4897047
File: 1.08 MB, 1237x1731, Movie_Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are acting as if this is a movie

It actually was!

>> No.4897071

>Seething this hard

>> No.4897081

That's not what that guy is talking about. He's mentioning the artistic composition of the shot, and how having additional material would be potentially distracting or deviate from the original intention.

Not saying I agree, just pointing it out because you two keep arguing about different things and it's really annoying.

>> No.4897086

Thats because I dont see how changing the cutscenes to 16:9 would affect anything artisticly. However I didnt play much of the original so I withhold true judgement until I play this ver.

>> No.4897182

>I dont see how changing the cutscenes to 16:9 would affect anything artisticly

Well, just imagine any movie suffering the same change, at least it could look really weird. All images require a composition to be pleasant to the eye and that would be fucked. They could have redirected them or something, but it's not that easy.

>> No.4897186

There would be no need for that. Again remember the cutscenes are just a shit load of animations and camera movements at its core. Its all in engine. I think that some touch ups with the rendering and removing clipping would make it work. It did for games like metal gear

>> No.4897246

>Muh framerates
>Muh 16:9 HD resolution
To the idiots complaining about this shit...

>> No.4897285

Not that guy, but I can see his point. Although if you're worried about 16:9 cutscenes I'm sure there will be mods to fix it, as of now you can easily play Shenmue and it's cutscenes in 16:9 without any popping in with some hex code edits, you can even remove the black borders in Shenmue 2 to give true widescreen.

The PC version will fix a lot of stuff, so it won't be a problem in the future. Things like Grandia 2's port are a problem where it had FMV cutscenes in and out of gameplay so it has to stay 4:3, even though it could be 16:9 in gameplay.

>> No.4897325

If the porting team is so lovingly recreating them as these gentlemen suggest then y no Shenmue Passport content?

>> No.4897338

That has nothing to do with framerate or resolution. Honestly the Passport isn't that important anyways.

>> No.4897368

No but if a DVD was finally getting a bluray release then it'd still be worth asking why all the special features were cut. And so is it here.

>> No.4897371

what retro games run at 165 fps?

>> No.4897383
File: 115 KB, 523x290, 1526782928990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not serious then that's funny.

>> No.4897389


You should know when a QTE is going to happen due to the soundtrack, they usually use the same kind of track for regular qte and another one for fighting qte scenes.
When it goes into brawl is usually some epic track that seems you are gonna fight the world itself

If heard any of Yu Suzuki's interviews you would know about those camera angles, the movie like cutscenes, etc and how it was done on purpose.

It had neat content. And the cat info how it would grow up

>> No.4897473

>There's no way to enhanced cutscenes from an old game.
yes there is, it's called remaking them you fucking enhanced moron.

>> No.4897497

disorienting if a scene cuts back & forth between aspect ratios when a QTE happens

>> No.4897657

>It's also locked to 30fps, cutscenes are 4:3 in SD
Almost like it's a Dreamcast game that was never planned to be on anything on the Dreamcast and has technical limitations because of that or something
>takes up 30 gigs of space
Only real problem here for non-autismos

>> No.4897751

>Rez Infinite
>Takes up 2GB of storage
>calling people autismos
>Support a lazy, shit product
No, John. You are the autismo. We've had plenty of fantastic ports to compare this to. This is just a bad port overall and you can't justify it no matter how many times you screech autism at others.

>> No.4897768

It's what Peter Gibbons would do

>> No.4897938

>Game hasn't come out yet
>Already calling it a bad port because of "Muh framerates" and "Muh resolutions"
>Of a game that was only created to be played on a Dreamcast
False flagger detected.

>> No.4897947

It's a re-release, not a remake. Sega is not going to spend cash on remaking an old release. You don't see them remaking some of their old classics like Streets Of Rage, do you? No. Because it's simply re-released on a compilation disc like they did with Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection for the PS3 and Xbox 360.

>> No.4898164

Rez Infinite is a borderline remake. Not to mention it doesn't have a bunch of FMV videos and two language tracks taking up filesize.

>This is just a bad port overall and you can't justify it no matter how many times you screech autism at others
Calling anything but perfection bad is pretty damn autistic.

>> No.4898169
File: 327 KB, 1000x667, this is you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4898201

Holy shit how will I ever recover? You totally btfo me and you definitely aren't a whiny autist looking for something to be upset about.

>> No.4899228

By playing inferior ports and convincing yourself that it's good enough.
>who needs all the weather effects and dynamic shadows? So long as we have color filters and a photography mode! This is fine...

>> No.4899254

But will shenmue 2's save carry into 3?

>> No.4899256

>own Dreamcast
>fall for Shenmue hype
>buy it
>weeb asian shit in muh house
>thow the disc out

>> No.4899285

No the save file won't carry over to Shenmue 3 unfortunately.

>> No.4899290

>other thing that never happened
next time at least throw in a romantic subplot for yourself to make the story more interesting

>> No.4899294

The original games used the hardware for its music & sound effects right? Do emulated versions of Shenmue 1 & 2 have any problems recreating them faithfully? I suppose these ports will just have prerecored samples.

>> No.4899485

>Not enjoying Shenmue
t.Filthy casual gamer

>> No.4899835

Two martial arts revenge epics spanning across asia for one low price? What a bargain! Aug 21, 2018 can't come fast enough

>> No.4899894


Especially with the 3rd on its way.

>> No.4901312

and you're an even bigger of a dumbass for buying those too.

>> No.4901717

Nope. I bought that game for hella cheap($5).

>> No.4901928
File: 912 KB, 1334x750, 1526241551226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 gigs for this shit and it sounds like not much is remastered. Why?

>> No.4901963

Uncompressed graphics and audio. This significantly improves loading times and performance but at the cost of space. It's more likely they upscaled compressed things and saved as a lossless format, which is a very bad idea.

>> No.4902035

Audio is definitely going to take a great amount. Everything in this game is voiced, with both dub audio, just damn.