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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.87 MB, 1024x1489, 1530508051283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4875218 No.4875218 [Reply] [Original]

>game gets a remake
>it looks worse

>> No.4875219

Well, that's pretty much a given for visual novels. The remakes / future releases will almost always be worse.

>> No.4875228

She looks like a 3D model but I'm sure she's not they just want that aesthetic. Manga style art period is going downhill it's a shame.

>> No.4875231

>tfw as a kid you thought everything in the future would be better

>> No.4875235

>those fat, squishy boobs
>those thick thighs
>all... gone

>> No.4875259

i want to say that since the early 00s anime art has grown more flat, color and shading wise

im probably talking out of my ass though

>> No.4875275

Mostly because of the shift to digital. Artwork (not all, but most) has really suffered as a result.

>> No.4875279
File: 31 KB, 256x362, Wild_ARMs_Alter_Code_F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Game gets a remake
>It's a satisfying remake

>> No.4875489

Digital form allows to cut a lot of corners. But it also incentivies cutting a lot more corners many artists would not have been as eager to do otherwise, which results in way too many corners being cut to the point where quality significantly suffers.
Which is why '85-'99 is my favourite anime period.

Artists that use digital form to enhance their art instead of cutting corners like that can produce a marvelous results, but those are rare, and in the modern environment - where everyone is cutting corners - it is simply not commercially viable not to.

Example: Cuphead. It was produced by people who were passionate about thetime period,art and techniques. Such a project would have never been made by a large studio, even if they had been 100% sure in its commercial success.

This directly ties in the issue of HD remakes. Most of the time they are not passion projects, but a way for a studio to cash in on the project with much less investment than was put into making original work, if it had been otherwise, they would've simply made an original work instead. And since they BEGIN with trying to put less effort, they get inclined to put even less effort to maximise the return, as CEOs and managers rarely take the appeal of a product on its own to the target audience into account, relying on the appeal of the ORIGINAL product instead. This may seem shortsighted, but such shortsightedness is common in videogame industry, mostly because people in charge are too far removed from the target audience.

Directors and CEOs of car manufacturer giants surely drive cars. But do directors and CEOs of videogame companies play videogames themselves? I really doubt it.

>> No.4875493

Name a single remake that didn't ruin its original aesthetic.

>> No.4875789

Pokemon HGSS, while a given that it didn't have the original aesthetic as the original games you could consider this a superior version of the previous games.

>> No.4875996

Most of the music is worse, unfortunately.

>> No.4876013


>> No.4876048

I still can't believe how they fucked that up. FR/LG are the only good Pokemon remakes honestly.

>> No.4876079

Its rare, but it's nice when it happens

>> No.4876083

All my hate and anger.

>fan of the original
>hunt down this game for months because I can barely find it
>get it eventually and play it
>it's a steaming turd
I learned a lesson during this shit.

>> No.4876087

I don't understand this argument when games were always digital.

>> No.4876308


>> No.4876384
File: 607 KB, 1900x1260, 1520786571018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4876386

yoshi tier autism

>> No.4876443

The artstyle is less interesting, but the remake looks like a much more realistic design which fits I think. The original is trying too hard at fanservice.

>> No.4876502

What does that mean?

>> No.4876508

I still think the remake looks much better.

>> No.4876518

there's an image that floats around here occasionally that autistically compares the design of yoshi from smw to his modern design, a-la blue arms/green eyes

>> No.4876557

It has little to do with the tools and a lot to do with passion and work ethic and imagination. On the right you have all the colors you want and get less of them than you do on the left where the color palette is limited. On the right you have this vaguely featured person that's like looking at someone before putting on your prescription glasses while the one on the left has a nose, lips, ears, just fully featured all around which makes a huge difference in how much more expressive she looks compared to on the right. On the right you have this perfect gradient translucent glass table in this place that looks like a shopping mall food court, on the left you have this perfectly transparent table that lets you see all of the character and appreciate all her details in an intimate and cozy cafe. Most would rather sit across from a sexy girl in the cozy cafe than in some shopping mall food court so that goes a long way to make this scene relateable. I don't even know what this shit is but I can see that the one on the left is using a limited digital color palette to render something drawn and colored by hand and give it colors as or more rich than what the original drawing did. The right is just some dude going "whatever" and if they weren't side by side I'd never know these two things are related.

They're spending less effort and sparing that they save and the end result is illustrations and anime and shit that look lower effort than uncanny valley art from the 90s.

>> No.4876579

Sometimes when there is less detail either because of fewer colours, lower resolution or stylization, the brain fills in what the eye doesn't see. That said I'm pretty neutral on the OP example. Niether look great or awful to me.

>> No.4876582

Oh man I was too busy waxing autistically to notice the coffee cup blocking the panty shot on the left and how it goes away and gives you a clear detailed look. They even use the little bullshit scenery to some effect there while on the right you just have a persistent vague panty shot looks shittier and isn't even at least more tasteful. So the old shit is not only more intimate but more dynamic to boot.

>> No.4876584
File: 187 KB, 640x400, nuisancebegone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did they miss the whole fucking point of the scene

>> No.4876601

It's almost like this was made with spite toward people getting it in a more accessible way. Realistically, I imagine they wanted to make the game less overtly lewd and "male gaze" oriented by redrawing the whole game, but since that's expensive they used a cheap art style and cheap artists.

>> No.4876651

Umm what was the name of that game? I have a feeling I fapped to this a lot 15 years ago along with Nocturnal Illusions

>> No.4876663
File: 283 KB, 514x290, 1530509480693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't parse her legs, it just looks like pic related to me.

>> No.4876708


>> No.4876728

The remake looks like a cute girl you'd chat up in a coffee shop. The original looks like a prostitute propositioning a john. Both are kind of heinous and cringey but in different ways.

>> No.4876734

>Both are kind of heinous and cringey but in different ways.

I don't think this genre of games is for you

>> No.4876736

This is hilarious. Clearly the new artist had no idea what they were doing.

>> No.4876748

Yeah I don't get the appeal from the get go, both if both were drawn equally well I'd probably choose the remake if forced. Even as is I probably would.

>> No.4876758

I feel you, but even with regard to that the old one still goes farther than the newer one. The old one goes a long way with shaping and shading details to guide you into seeing them the way they're meant to be seen at just a cursory glance, and to go even further they all hold up under closer examination. The newer one doesn't go to those same lengths, the detail and the attention to it just aren't there.

>> No.4876769

>media dares to appeal to hetero men
Fuck you.

>> No.4876895

Yeah I'll give it that deffinitely.

Both appeal to hetero men. I'm just saying I like the cute one more than the slutty one if I had to choose.

>> No.4876903 [DELETED] 

They both look like sluts, I don't know what you're on about

>> No.4876909

New one looks more like Pokemon so he likes it better

>> No.4876912

To a degree, but one has an outfit that looks sexy but believable for a typical person out at a cafe or the like. The other straight up looks like an 80's street walker

>> No.4876919

>looks like an 80s street walker
That's the point.

>> No.4876927

Yeah and I find it's level of cheesiness a little much. Both look pretty awful, but the subtler one is better in my opinion. You don't have to agree of course.

>> No.4876954

Have you played the game? It's actually your teacher, but you might not recognize her at first. So seeing your teacher from school dressed up as a prostitute is a bit shocking. The costume does its job better than the new cutesy outfit.

>> No.4876968

No, I'd unironically rather go to the dentist.

>> No.4876984

Why are you even in this thread?

>> No.4876992

I am interested in remakes?

>> No.4876997

You seem more interested in complaining about problematic depictions of cartoon women.

>> No.4877005

Looking like a ho is quite popular these days.

>> No.4877020

I'm not even complaining, just saying I like one more than the other. I'm not offended by it, It's just a little too cheesecake for my tastes.

>> No.4877029


>> No.4877070

The remakes of the first two Pokemon games are pretty good about that. I like the look of the third remake but a lot of characters look drastically different there, so I can't vouch for that one.

>> No.4877076

Tomb Raider Anniversary looks great at least, they just borked the gameplay.

>> No.4877097 [DELETED] 

Now that you've gotten your desired attention, go bathe with your toaster.

Found you a boyfriend.

>> No.4877129 [DELETED] 
File: 955 KB, 500x273, f9a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need a boyfriend, I've been married almost a decade. I am so sorry that my preference in women has upset you this much though... It wasn't even my intention this time :)

>> No.4877235

Because you're so deprived of things targeted toward you, I'm sure.

>> No.4877267


>> No.4877269

This game doesn't look good. Is it actually good?

>> No.4877287


>> No.4877395

Nope. I actually prefer the original WA1 to it. ACF does have much better visuals, though.

>> No.4877685

I hate moefication so much. The left at least looks like a woman while the right just looks like some soulless child face-wise. I just want hot women in my chinese cartoons, why do they keep pandering to pedo bullshit

>> No.4877779

The prostitute look is the intended look, because she's trying to look quite different from what she looks like on a daily basis to a person in a different table she's trying to eavesdrop on. She ain't dating you, you just kinda stumble upon her because you don't know what the fuck is going on. Also spoilers she ain't really in the right time or place for her so she does weird shit that doesn't make much sense, like sleeping under the bed.

People seem to think this is deliberate for other reasons, that she's dating the protag (?) or that they were just trying to give her a sexy look for the sake of it but the remake does miss the point as she's more identifiable.

>> No.4878114

So what made the school teacher decide to dress up like a turbo slut and then flash her crotch at students?

>> No.4878153

I love anime girls that dress like thots

>> No.4878294

she is not

>> No.4878326

>visual novel
Get out.

>> No.4878329

She's not what? That's just a description of the picture...

>> No.4878360

Girl on the left seems to have more personality. Plus she is sluttier, which is a bonus. I also prefer the art more on the left, it is generally better drawn.

>> No.4878361

Oh no, instead of being generic 90s anime its generic 2010s anime

>> No.4878437

But she is dressed like a high class whore, or escort.

>> No.4878454

name of the game?

>> No.4878479

Doesn't answer the question though. The premise is she's literally so slutty looking she's unrecognizable... But why? Simply so she can hang around and give her students boners? I mean I get it's a porn game but there's gotta be some sort of plot.

>> No.4878485 [DELETED] 

This is a porn video "game", you're overanalyzing it

>> No.4878490

>name of the game?


>> No.4878592

but why is she dressed so slutty?

>> No.4878596

Story stuff i'd assume.

>> No.4878603

i guess we'll find out when the anime airs

>> No.4878615

Hot Chick vs. Michal Jackson with a boob job.

>> No.4878670

I want to do it to her all night long.

>> No.4878685

She didn't know her student would be there to nag her while she was trying to eavesdrop on some motherfuckers

Also the protag is known to be a fucking walking sperm around school and she's completely fucking aware of it.

and in the end, it's not like she's the sluttiest. Protag gets the least sexual interaction with her from all the characters, she's

>> No.4878687

oh I didn't delete that last thing.

>> No.4878696

So why's she dressed like that then?

>> No.4878709

Never played the game, just following the conversation but are you being daft? Anon explained he was eavesdropping and making herself look like someone else. That's a reason.

On a sidenote, I looked up this game's CG gallery earlier and it's amusing I now have slight context for why she was under the bed thanks to that anon. I assumed she got murdered. Still not playing this though.

>> No.4878718

If you could see yourself liking a VN at all then you should play it.
If you're not into VNs then this one won't change your mind though.

>> No.4878721

Not him, but I played like 3 whole VNs in my entire life and this was one of them. And I glad I did play this one.

>> No.4878723

Last VN I played were the Zero Escape games. Spoiler for non-retro. I like them fine, I guess. Just didn't see anything grabbing me. I could parse it was sci-fi from my gallery viewing.

>> No.4878724

Secret of mana is a very good example of this

the original is a masterpiece
remake is soulless shit

>> No.4878727
File: 155 KB, 831x724, 004 Anime 039 Thumbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mentioned this in a /vr/ thread a few days ago and got browbeaten,

It peaked in the late 90s and became utter shit after 2006

>> No.4878732

Anime didn't used to be digital, it was drawn by hand and then copied pixel by pixel

>> No.4878735

Anime today still is hand drawn. What people are complaining about is post-production stuff.

>> No.4878736

t. Basedboy

>> No.4878739
File: 118 KB, 657x543, 19jbetclc1yx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. SJW in denial

>> No.4878745
File: 1.91 MB, 500x386, 174950423642.gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I mean like it used to be drawn on a physical medium now it's drawn directly into a digital surface, they're like ipads except they're made specifically for drawing and animation.

It created a significant shift in the way things look. Also shading and colors changed a LOT

>> No.4878751

Don't listen to them. It's perfectly fine. They just don't like it because of "muh nostalgia" and hate it just on principle.

>> No.4878765

Yeah, currently produced anime still use cels, genga, and underpaid interns to edge out the remainder frames. What you're describing is what the editorts do, which is take that physical art and "smoothen" it without any input from their creators. I'm sure some anime are completely pad-based but what I watch is still subscribing to basic practices when I follow their production.

>> No.4878804

Wild Arms is pretty boring. Breath of Fire/Lunar tier.

>> No.4878814

Agreed, though not entirely with the BoF thing.

I tried hard to get into Wild Arms and it just bores me to tears after a decent amount of hours. Many other jRPGs don't.

>> No.4878990

I'm amazed at how much less sex appeal right has.
and shit, even though she's got a softer, more cutesy face, she still manages to be less cute
she's also got dead fucking eyes
and her boobs are smaller

it's ridiculous

>> No.4879018
File: 183 KB, 556x799, Mileena_klassic_costume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He just said she was trying to eavesdrop, why making yourself stand out like a sore thumb would help that who knows.

No denial, I'm more of a social justice necromancer though. Also outfits like that are awesome in context, this just seems goofy where as the remake seems more fitting even if the art isn't as good. It is less fappable though, I'll give it that.

>> No.4879056

>things that never happend
unless you are very easy to satisfy/have shit taste

>> No.4879853

YU-NO's enjoyable because of it's time-line jumping item/inventory puzzle-solving mechanics

>> No.4879975
File: 772 KB, 766x481, eriko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, let's try to explain why standing out like that would "work".

Essentially, it's understood, at least by her, that by dressing like a slut she blends in better around the place. You can find her only at nighttime around there. However she is also an absolute weirdo for story/spoilerish reasons so it's not unreasonable for her to do things ass backwards. She uses this excuse (pic related) to explain to the protag what she's doing there being this teacher and all.

But for instance, let's say that I'm talking to you and there's some bitch on the distance, and I'm not the least interested in sluts, but I would probably be worried if a person I know was there. Assume that that man dressed as a clown is not the principal because why the fuck would he be dressed as a clown of all things. You'd think "but her face is completely visible" but going with her original look, her face is "covered" if that makes any sense.

This is as much as I can explain as I don't want to spoil the entire thing, this game is sci-fi anyways and has a lot of completely unexplainable shit that goes way, way beyond a teacher using a disguise like that.

>> No.4881151

I still prefer the classic look of Yu-No. Eriko here looks obviously better on the left.

The remake bothered the character art so bad... Yuuki looks like a girl in it.

>> No.4881184
File: 162 KB, 438x281, Yuuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Botched*. Here's an image example from my last message, about Yuuki's new appearance.

>> No.4881194

Sadly, I believe so...

>> No.4881204

It is a game. Many visual novels are. It's a point and click adventure game, and that one in particular innovated the timeline divergence map mechanic, which is also used in later games like the Zero Escape series, for example.

>> No.4881221

Yeah, people call YU-NO a VN but it's definitely a game, more of an adventure game than a VN really.

>> No.4881234

>going from a guy wearing a hoodie and a cap to some hermaphrodite with a hairclip
The designers of the remake really weren't thinking, were they?

>> No.4881265

The variety of manga art is actually improving.

>> No.4881276

The face might be rounder, but its also flat, the whole thing looks flat because the shading is inferior. Nose and lips are also non existent compared to the original making the face look featureless.

>> No.4881289

I just noticed that her her underwear is kinda vanilla in contrast to the rest of her outfit.

>> No.4881293

At least he doesn`t have that goofy receding chin...

>> No.4881428

why is this pic censored? you can see her panties in OP's pic. 2 versions of the game?

>> No.4881432

>while at night he would play Ultima and Elf's Doukyousei for hours at end.
Mah nigga.

>> No.4881450
File: 204 KB, 720x807, pm2compare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that the original's art was anything amazing, but it certainly had its charm. Meanwhile, Refine's art looks like some Deviantart HD mockup.

>> No.4881460

I gotta say just knowing it's a sci-fi setting which isn't apparent from the screens there makes her outfit make more sense. If the other people around are drsssed similarly especially.

>> No.4881621
File: 687 KB, 1920x1080, ffviterraface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst example is the Final Fantasy "HD" games on Steam and iOS.

>> No.4882041

How can anyone like this ugly shit?

>> No.4882056

>not more of a videogame than literally everything you play on your iphone inbetween shitposting and getting rejected on tinder

>> No.4882062

>i don't know what i'm talking about but i'll keep posting anyway, here's a horrifically ugly character with an awful design from a terrible game to prove how fucking tasteless i am

>> No.4882063

Noone does. The thing is, Squeenix doesn't give a shit, they just hope too make a quick buck on nostalgia, so they just release cheapest possible remake.

>> No.4882078

Both are pretty awful? No, they aren't. First one is a bit cheesy, but it's also well drawn and sexy. Second isn't sexy but it also isn't.... anything else. It isn't cute, cool, dynamic or pretty. That is objectively worse artwork.

If you want to replace something sexy with something else... go ahead. But this ISN'T replacing sexiness with anything, it's just bland.

And it's not like the second version is any less cheesecakey, the girl still has huge boobs and a panty shot. The reason the second pic is less sexy is not that the artist cares about a portrayal of female characters, but because he tried to make her look sexy - BADLY. It's only less cheesecakey because of artist failed at cheesecake.

And besides... the issue is not the fact that a sexy game puts a sexy female character in it.
The problem is industry trend of sexualizing female characters needlessly. However, this is meant to be a sexy scene, so complaining about cheesecake is pointless in this instance.

The problem is when every female sniper, ninja, and assassin is sexy in EVERY scene they're in for no real reason.

>> No.4882425


>> No.4882457

D/Generation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IN9b6A9LdtQ
D/Generation HD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJVsHypBXiQ

>> No.4882503

But there was a lot of crap looking art in the 90s and early 00s.

>> No.4882513

>The problem is industry trend of sexualizing female chara.cters needlessly.

Its an eroge, you goober. Thats the fucking point.

>> No.4882520

Games look like shit in this day and age. I am pretty sure the millennial generation will be hated by their own future children.

>> No.4882579

I still think they both look pretty awful but mildly prefer the remake. Ypu don't have to agree with me though.

>> No.4882593
File: 222 KB, 1600x740, felghana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Game gets a remake
>Goes from the black sheep into the golden standard of the series.

>> No.4882648

>how to detect someone has uter shit taste
go back to /v/ if you like any of the Ys remakes

>> No.4882685

Haven't played them, what did they fuck up?

>> No.4882686
File: 178 KB, 988x480, 5-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>denial in what square always wanted their sprites to look like intensifies.

>> No.4883004

Puzzle Fighter remix is objectively better because the pattern balance isn't total shit.

>> No.4883032
File: 102 KB, 1024x649, c8b9b2_1792813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Pokemon HGSS

>> No.4883040

>It peaked in the late 90s
wew, I can't imagine actually thinking late 90's looked good.

>> No.4883043

Oh my god you're right.
The new promotional artwork makes it unplayable.

>> No.4883098
File: 595 KB, 268x220, ZzA - Anime 039 - 1145.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*clears throat*

>> No.4883110
File: 187 KB, 607x1000, ZzA - Anime 039 - 0682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When do you think it peaked?

>> No.4883165

early 2000's easily. don't get me wrong, 90's and earlier had some great art but by and large the rest of the crowd had caught up in the early 2000's.

>> No.4883190

>le SOULLESS meme
Go back to /v/, faggot.

>> No.4883216

>The new promotional artwork makes it unplayable.

Are you really willing to play the game after knowing that the main protagonist is wearing Vans with no socks? The mental gymnastics needed to get over that is madness.

>> No.4883249
File: 83 KB, 643x385, ZzA - Anime 039 - 1573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough, I still fondly remember dreamcast era animu.

>> No.4883347
File: 461 KB, 857x1280, kpkc5kwjjvh68fegjolx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that is the worst era, its literally the time when most anime was transitioning to digital and the designs were the most BLOBish.

>> No.4883367
File: 11 KB, 200x202, This.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I dropped anime at that time, too many of noodly-limbed, bug-eyed schoolgirls in boring slice of life shows

I actually think Azumanga Daioh was what killed anime although that had a little spark of life in the art that had yet to fully extinguish

>> No.4883370


But they don't look anything like that? Just because chibi's a simple graphical style doesn't mean you can't botch it badly.

>> No.4883386


Azumanga Daioh itself is great, a lovely show/manga in a bubble but it had the Seinfeld effect, what became known as the Slice of Life genre was just a bunch of carbon copies that like a multi-generation VHS had less and less of what made the original good each time. That's trends for ya.

>> No.4883523

Obvious bait is obvious

>> No.4884419

Prepare yourselves, the inferior remake is now coming to contaminate the West: https://gematsu.com/2018/07/yu-no-a-girl-who-chants-love-at-the-bound-of-this-world-coming-west-for-ps4-pc-in-2019

>> No.4884567

It's totally the same style. I just can't decide which looks worse.

>> No.4884568

Well since he hasn't responded all these days later, I'm forced to conclude it's fine and he's just mad it committed the egregious /vr/ sin of... not being the original version.

>> No.4884669

>Dreamcast era

All of your examples there are from the 1980s though.

>> No.4884695

It's kind of amazing how utterly terrible these early visual novels were. I legitimately can't comprehend people who think they're good. The writing in FSN is a timeless literary masterpiece compared to each of these PC-98/DOS VNs that I've tried. True Love, Three Sisters' Story, this shit, it's all utter thrash.

It's a great example of a medium that's simply improved over time.

>> No.4884716
File: 606 KB, 268x220, ZzA - Anime 039 - 1144.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I uploaded the wrong picture accidentally

>> No.4884717

catpcha is being a complete cunt so, I don't post often.
>worse music
>got rid of bump combat that made Ys interesting and not yet another arpg
>budget ero game tier art
>shitty blurry sprites
>streamlined items

>> No.4884718

t. I only discovered anime in 2013

>> No.4884739
File: 140 KB, 476x271, 5373576971_3f02dcf2ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worse music
Really depends on which versions we're talking about. OiF sounds just as good if not better than PCE.
>got rid of bump combat that made Ys interesting and not yet another arpg
Ys III already got rid of that. Besides, are you telling me that "approach from corner to win" is more interesting than literally any other combat system?
>Budget ero game tier art
Compared to what exactly
>Shitty blurry sprites
Only thing I can agree with, if we compare them to pic related

>> No.4884742
File: 140 KB, 368x368, 1527903974286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this shit even possible? You can make excuses for game and anime because of costs, but this is 100% about commissioning ONE good lead artist. ONE GUY who knows how to draw. PAY ONE GUY to not make it shit, and they make it shit regardless. How.

>> No.4884757
File: 80 KB, 300x300, Lum_and_Family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a similar situation but I think it was more burn out on the medium in general. I used to be super into anime, getting into it in the late 80's and all through the 90's. There was a hobby shop near me that rented all kinds of stuff, even fansubs (I know) and I watched everything I could get my hands on. Urusei Yatsura was probably my favorite, but I'd see just abput everything. Me and friends would even have parties where we would rent 24 hours worth of anime tapes and try to watch them all. (Miyukichan in Wonderland at 4am for your first viewing isn't entirely recommended).

Then after Cowboy Bebop it all ended super abruptly. That show was incrdible to me, thr characters, the music, the style and charm. It hit that sweet balance between funny and serious and I loved every moment of it.

But after that everything started feeling really samey and uninteresting. I would be tempted to blame anime itself changing, but even when I went to check on older series I hadn't seen yet, they just didn't do it for me anymore. I haven't really watched any anime since.

>> No.4884769
File: 1.36 MB, 4000x2529, 1522063861655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started watching anime in late 90's. I watched Bebop only last year and then i started going backwards. Old stuff is superior. I can't watch a single thing these last 2 seasons. It's better shaded, better animated, and better written. I've gone so much back i've hit Leiji Matsumoto's and Go Nagai's stuff and it's blown my mind. It's not that it's amazing art to surpass all other art forms or anything, but it has attention to detail and originality, with no reused tropes.

The problem with modern anime isn't even that it's cheap. The problem is that it HAS to be cheap to get a profit, since it's so derivative and uninteresting!

>> No.4884836
File: 14 KB, 960x540, YNG_0290B (Image 0).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, it's just that the coffee cup is in a separate image that's displayed on-top of the CG and I was too lazy to put it back in for my comparison.

>> No.4884912
File: 1.58 MB, 1024x1489, notsofankytang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what, fuck it. Here you go.

>> No.4884937

Well like I say, I can't speak for any newer stuff but there was a lot of older anime that also looked really rough but I still enjoyed. Even UY doesn't have fantastic animation for a lot of it's original run. The movies look great but they're mostly weird and bad. The OAVs are perfect but I'm fine that the whole thing didn't look like that. Art is a big part of it, but not everything.

Though I will say I've always had a hate boner for Toriyama and thus even with everything else have never watched Dragon ball or played CT for that matter

>> No.4884942

Hey guys im 12 what game is it

>> No.4884963

Suck My Dick Or Die!

>> No.4884964

YU-NO: The Girl that Chants Love at the Edge of this World.

>> No.4885038
File: 174 KB, 966x696, ys wanderers pc engine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ys III already got rid of that. Besides, are you telling me that "approach from corner to win" is more interesting than literally any other combat system?
Ys 4 returned to it. besides, bump combat isn't a guaranteed "move and you win".

>Compared to what exactly
The original games of course, it might be generic 90's animu but at least they had standards then compared to now.

>> No.4885504
File: 382 KB, 385x384, fghhhnklm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a lot
>replies with one picture
here's an example from an artist who can be very hit or miss. the art evolution of ranma is atrocious, ishida should not have been involved.

>> No.4885521

Azumanga Daioh is hardly responsible for the influx of mindless moe animes that are pumped out today, that's like blaming YMO or Kraftwerk for Jpop and Eurobeat

>> No.4885534

First season of the anime was the best in terms of art and animation.

>> No.4886109
File: 24 KB, 575x261, Why the Remake exists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a society

>> No.4886619

We already have the original version translated into English, so I don't mind the remake with "meh" art getting a wider and official release. You'll get more people wanting to check out the original too, as a side effect.

>> No.4887353

Rumiko Takahashi herself was never a great artist. But her designs were great abd more skilled artists were able to take both her designs and style but refine them into some of the most classic characters ever.

>> No.4887382

He hates PC-98 YU-NO because it's "generic 90s porn art"

Kurt Kalata is such a tool.

>> No.4887398

>an e-celeb acts like his opinion means anything to others
and years later they still wonder why everyone who isn't a braindead sheep mocks them regularly

>> No.4887816
File: 53 KB, 400x600, MegaZord_32984_MegaTigerZord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a moron.

Also the site redesign sucks. the old one was great and simple. not it's a bunch of shiity javascript plopped on top, and takes forever to load.

and they didn't even transfer all of the articles! they're literally rewriting them instead of just copying them over! wtf were they thinking?!

>> No.4888105

I think it's mostly a matter of taste, I don't mind the new artstyle on its own, though it does look very soulless compared to the original, and I think that's the main problem with the artstyle of remakes like these.
The character designs and the rest of the drawings get all polished up and "updated" to the current popular artstyle and they lose all their charm in the process.

>> No.4888989
File: 564 KB, 660x684, ZzA - Anime 039 - 1222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You pretty much nailed it, Couldn't agree more

>> No.4889834

On the opposite ends most of the remakes of the dragon quest games are pretty amazing. 1-6 on the DS are great. 7 on 3ds is god tier and I know 8 is a bit controversial but it's still good. I hope we get a remake of 9 for that sweet class system and hopefully multiplayer

>> No.4889849

I know its not too new but give Gundam thunderbolt a shot I was baffled with the sheer artistry of it and the music is fantastic and done by the same person as bebop's. Personally I liked it better than bebop but that's just preference. I wouldn't recommend watching season 2 yet cuzz it ends on a cliffhanger and season 1 is pretty complete in and of itself

>> No.4890257
File: 408 KB, 800x800, 1530051905626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got rid of bump combat that made Ys interesting

>> No.4890269


Why would I care about a hooker?

>> No.4890410
File: 140 KB, 640x800, 6768989667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i for one cannot think of a single remake i actually thought looked better. they all have these small inconsistencies or artstyle changes which seem to rub me the wrong way every time, as if they are rewriting the history of what i believed the art to be. the system shock remake LOOKED amazing in the demo, it maintained a stylized look and ran good on my machine. but they changed the gameplay to be slower which made it look more boring. and then they trashed the graphics i liked, and then the level design, and then finally gameplay even further and canceled the project after wasting all the money on hookers

>> No.4890610
File: 438 KB, 991x1400, ZzA - Anime 039 - 1534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bigger theme is that modern anime looks like trash while it used to look great pre2006

>> No.4890620 [DELETED] 

Was it HD what killed it?

>> No.4890631

i blame it actually on the mindset of the artists. so many people believe the "2d over 3d" meme, sure i think the drawn girls look better but the problem with this mindset is that those artists back then learned from 3d. they studied real women and appreciated their bodies, and then simplified the less important features likely to make animation cheaper. and now nobody seems to know how to draw humans anymore, theyve all learned exclusively from other drawn works and continued to get worse. i wouldn't blame digital because that is just a tool and tools can be misused

>> No.4890656 [DELETED] 

It's like what Miyazaki said, the industry now is by otakus, for otakus, with no inspiration from real life anymore

>> No.4890658
File: 523 KB, 803x895, 1469074931196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not a meme, the closer girls are to 3D the uglier they are.

>> No.4890681

in my experience that isn't the case, i find evangelion characters to be very attractive for example. besides this image is poorly drawn. there is no shading and many shapes are wrong see the chin, the eyes and the nose which makes the bottom image look far worse than even the source material directly above it. when simplifying work you focus on the attractive things but this artist seems to have tried to focus on the unattractive things. would even say this was intentionally made just to trick retards into thinking anime isn't based on humans

>> No.4891594
File: 449 KB, 996x1400, ZzA - Anime 039 - 1537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever drawn on a digital surface?
I have, it's very different than on paper. The tactile feedback you get is much better on paper, there's also more friction.

I'm only an amateur artist, but I can see why digital ended up going to shit.

I'd love to get a list of all anime between 1985-2005, so I can archive them, it's be a shame if such great styles were lost to time.

>> No.4891875

I remember in the mid/late nineties I found a torn out cover of a hentai magazine, all in japanese and just floating around the street. I went to grab it to throw it out and these covers remind me of it, and more particularly I can still remember how it still smelled of the printing ink.

I then kept it hidden in my room for like 2 years.

Ha, haven't thought about that for a long while.

>> No.4891891
File: 1.27 MB, 1024x768, e_rui05d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think anime art looks that bad now. Digital coloring has come a long way since the early 2000s.

>> No.4891907 [DELETED] 

Why are you only concerned about anime girl shit when talking about anime art? Fucking weebs

>> No.4891948
File: 796 KB, 1000x825, 1529200385607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually a lot of the old designs have the mouth way too high on the face. I thought this was a mistake at first, but its way too common. I actually prefer older anime especially for the setting and themes, but certain modern designs are clearly an improvement.

Because thats what majority of anime is.

>> No.4891949 [DELETED] 

>Because thats what majority of anime is.
Thank you, loser virgin otakus. Scrap that, fuck you

>> No.4891951

Eva characters are way too lanky. If they went any further it would be in Clamp territory.

>> No.4891954
File: 400 KB, 1800x1509, 1529022741942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problemo, you bitter nerd.

>> No.4891957 [DELETED] 

>weeb fapper calling others nerds

>> No.4892119

CGI has been the worst thing happening to anime art styles. Anime still hasn't recovered, you can still find doors and celling fans in anime made today that look like something out of a 1990s videogame cutscenes. It used to be that japs used painted still images to save time and money on animation frames, nowadays they are using cheap and shitty CGI to cut costs and corners, anime is suffering all the more for it. The switch from cel animation to computers has also been devastating on line art quality and shading, these days all the anime grills look like they boils filled with puss all over the bodies, which are supposed to depict light reflections but fail miserably at it. It is truly a tragedy.

>> No.4892123 [DELETED] 

The Big O
Season 1 VS Season 2

>> No.4892124

>hardcore incompetent cucks
That site blows donkey dicks, some faggot gave Hagane a scathing review because the faggot couldn't be bothered to read the manual and didn't manage to make the special attacks work or figure out how to play the game correctly.

>> No.4892126 [DELETED] 

hardcore my ayuss, more like Poser Gamer 101

>> No.4892862
File: 288 KB, 1276x1880, ZzA - Anime 039 - 0230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will anime aesthetic ever recover bros? Or will it forever continue downhill?

>> No.4893203

They don't look like that at all

>> No.4893241

It's not that digital went to shit, it's just that any shitty art you see now is bound to be digital because it's by far the easiest and most prevalent.

There's always been more crappy art than good art, but it used to be it was all traditional. But as it's become easier and easier to work digitally that's become the standard. So if you're doing a spot illustration for $50 that you can only afford to spend an hour or two on, at this point it would be against your best interests to do it more slowly traditionally.

There's still both great digital art and shitty traditional art, but the balance has shifted.

t. "artist"

>> No.4893247

CGI has been devastating to all drawn media, not just anime. I think the crux of the issue is that CGI allows no-talent hacks to produce artwork without having to develop the skill set necessary to block out, frame, and drawn interesting scenes. Instead, you essentially get a marionette to pose and pick where the camera goes.

>> No.4893307

How can you say that? It's totally the same style. Chibi bodies, huge eyes, no noses. Literally the only major style difference is the new sprites don't have as pointy chins.

It's a sad thing, and I think they all look like absolute ass, but that's clearly what Square wanted the game to look like. And looking at their old art, its what they always wanted it to look like.

>> No.4893329

Well it'll never go back to the same style, but it will change and probably get better.

>> No.4893336
File: 1.00 MB, 1062x653, Confused Chinese farmer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Waiting for a torrent
>Try watching Lucky Star for the first time
>Get so bored within 5 minutes I start checking random episodes
>Dropped immediately
I thought people hated it because it was trying too hard to be wacky or something, not the complete opposite
Completely bamboozled me

>> No.4894002

Perfect Dark on 360 disagrees. The aesthetic is near-identical.

but in general youre right

>> No.4894416
File: 1.04 MB, 800x1099, branmarker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Branmarker didn't look that good to being with compared to the sequel.
I feel the remake looks better but goes overboard with the cuteness.

>> No.4894556

Original doesn't look good, not symmetrical

>> No.4894662

Not just drawn media. There is nothing more uncanny than bad CGI.

>> No.4894667

The old one has a certain charm to it though. A lot of modern nipp games seem to be just cobbled together, doesn`t help that now many use different artists with totally unrelated styles to make a single game. What is up with that?

>> No.4894743

Yeah they are both quite bad, but the remake is an improvement.

>> No.4896069
File: 151 KB, 900x585, GoodGameBadArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, but I think part of the reason why digital is so bad is particularly because of the coloring.

Pic related was not colored by hand, but probably using some sort of gradient fill in tool. It looks bad, and you can definitely tell compared to hand colored, much less detailed and overall just worse. Not to mention the asymmetry/face ratios, etc.

I think part of it was also the rise of the internet, Now anyone can publish art, and there's since there's more less experienced people to put stuff out there, you're going to have to sift through more shit till you get to some good styles

>> No.4896083

>Loses elbow gloves and clevage window
Holy shit what a downgrade.

>> No.4896971

Remakes of Elf games' are great.
Doukyuusei 2
Dragon Knight 4

>> No.4896981

Can you read? It looks like that to him so he photoshopped it that way to share

>> No.4896984

use the GB sounds in game for the OG soundtrack

>> No.4897131

the face and head proportion is mega derped on the original but the colors have so much more visual pop

>> No.4897163


This level of nostalgiafaggotry is impressive even for /vp/

>> No.4897167

He's right though.

>> No.4897215

>Pic related
is a free game that did a marketing scheme so tons of people would spread the word about the developer. In other words you can't really compare that to older games that were made with profit in mind and a budget for a whole team.

It's also not /vr/-related but whatever, nobody really cares about the state of this board anymore at this point.

>> No.4897416

No i was just trying to compare older art styles to newer ones and doki doki is modern,

But even big budget anime and games follow this style nowadays

>> No.4898318

thought i was the only one who felt this way.

>> No.4898363


/a/ has pre-2000 anime threads that hit the post limit on the daily now, there's no denying the enduring popularity of otaku-pandering moeshit but you're far from the only one disenfranchised with it. The rise is similar to /vr/ actually, just more and more people realizing the product isn't for them and getting into old shit. We'll probably have an /ar/ board before long.

>> No.4898437
File: 183 KB, 1050x780, 2620843014a3c5b1f07cb1f000f51dea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a funny guy.

>> No.4898448

>We'll probably have an /ar/ board before long.
It would be my home board from day 1.

>> No.4898482

>hipsters are nothing new

What a shocking revelation!

>> No.4899459

Thanks for the keks.

>> No.4899613
File: 1.24 MB, 1080x1920, pixel1531400199304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it happen hiromoot

>> No.4900062


Hell this is /vr/, 90% of this whole scene is hipsters. HIDDEN GEMS BRO!

>> No.4900069

When did hack VN artists forget how to draw facial expressions?

>> No.4900080

I never got this. Why we don't have an /ar/ board yet when they create boards like /bant/ which is just /b/ with flags, a useless board.

>> No.4900082

>actually fucking using an EVN as proof that digital coloring is bad
You haven't played any recent Japanese VN/eroge, have you?

>> No.4901101
File: 1.13 MB, 1819x1150, 1996635_Asuka_Langley_Sohryu_Hikari_Horaki_Neon_Genesis_Evangelion_tekuho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When anime became mainstream and the average viewer decided he would settle for anything

>> No.4901107
File: 115 KB, 640x800, ZzA - Anime 039 - 1554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art styles are the same between jvn's and evn's desu

>> No.4901191

It's actually the reverse. Anime has become way more niche and made for neckbeard nerds at late night from the 90s on and considering the fact that Japan's economy crashed in that era and is still recovering from it and producers simply can't spend as much on them anymore they don't even bother making them all ages anymore unless it's some incredibly popular brand like Gundam, Dragonball or Sailor Moon.

>> No.4901193


when anime focused entirely on teasing unwashed otaku dicks is when the medium went down the toilet

>> No.4901295

That sounds wrong. I'm not gonna claim I know much about pre-90s anime but it's not like it's 'niche' now at all with the sheer quantity of shows that's there. There's just such a ridiculous amount of shows coming out every season that it's obvious that a lot of them will be crap. Like, 30-40 shows come out every 3 months, that's insane. That, combined with the fact that it's just way more cost-efficient to cut corners whereever possible. Everyone knows that you can't beat the charm of something hand-drawn over some crappy pseudo-3D like in the Berserk reboot, but it's much easier to make something that looks passable that way.

Also, I get the impression that larger companies with established franchises obviously have more funds, but rather than focusing that on a few very good projects they prefer to dilute that into a dozen mediocre ones. Because they know that it'll sell regardless of quality - just look at the Pokemon series. Sure, spending three years on a single very good game might mean they'll sell 20-30% more units of said game....But if they direct those resources towards producing three crappy to mediocre games, they'll sell 2x-3x the units. The Japanese are very much quantity over quality, and they primarily like what they know. It's why Pokemon, Evangelion, Fate/Stay Night etc etc all still exist. In between the endless reboots and remakes and sequels they throw a bunch of shit at the wall, too, hoping that one of those will be the next hit.

>> No.4901342
File: 1.06 MB, 1024x768, e_hon07b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ddlc shading doesn't even come close to this

>> No.4901416

people hate it because it's just boring but it's become an anime icon at this point so everyone also likes it at the same time just because of that

>> No.4901445

God, the mid 70's and complete 80's looked so good.

>> No.4901571 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 1080x1093, 36613409_627753150935511_8089290981817450496_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4901824

>that 10 year old zoomer that says remakes are always superior and has never touched the original game

>> No.4902210

I guess he just worded his idea poorly.
What he probably meant is that in 80-mid90's Anime followed the same road cinema did - something for everyone, there were comedies, dramas, serious titles, some specific genres, trash action flicks, etc.
There were a lot of people who watched anime, but "otaku" (back then it was a degrogatory term for anime-obsesed) were few and far between.
As popularity of the anime skyrocketed,as well as abundance due to cheapening cg-assisted production, the anime-subculture manifested, mutated and got polluted by otaku neckbeards.
Now every anime HAS to pander to those neckbeards at least in some way to become popular and make its money worth, which means injecting it with fow animu tropes, moeshit and fanservice.
Sure, there are some fringe cases and singular examples of actually good anime that does its own thing, but those are rare novadays.

>> No.4902240

>mixing up a meme from 2009 with a meme from 2018


>> No.4902249

Did you at least watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes? It's the diamond in the rough that hadn't emerged in the West until like 2006 and is only now getting mainstream attention.

>> No.4902250

this guy knows his shit

also, just like you can cherrypick a few good new anime you can also cherrypick some total otaku pandering shit from the old days, too. But by and large it was made for a wider audience target.

>> No.4902279

Mm, I get where you're coming from on the animu side, but when it comes to games it seems like it's the exact opposite. VNs in particular used to *have* to have H-scenes, no matter how forced they felt (for example, Fate/Stay Night), or it was assumed they wouldn't sell, and now non-H VNs are quite popular.

>> No.4902302

mana transfer and molluscs were essential, the series wouldn't be the same otherwise.

>> No.4902368

VNs used to be a nipp only thing, now I`m sure some of them try to appeal to a larger global market it seems. Even Steam sells VNs.

>> No.4902780

I thought Steam has been cracking down on nudity/sex since a few months ago.

>> No.4902852
File: 75 KB, 640x700, ZzA - Anime 039 - 1591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shading is better, but it still feels ugly in comparison to pic related for some reason, despite being a higher res

>> No.4903243

(this space for rent)

>> No.4903693

It looks too plasticy, like everything is wrapped in plastic. This is however a more stylistic flaw than anything. Pixelation in itself adds a certain "grit" to the art that fits certain genres and art styles more than others I find.

>> No.4903769
File: 15 KB, 215x300, pic11172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh yes, but I watched it on fansub. I'm happy it's been released officially and getting attention, I didn't know that happened.

Actually that series got me and my friends into a tabletop space game called Full Thrust that we got deep into. Would have these massive games that stretched for days.

>> No.4903815

Well they retracted their statement and now they say that anything goes. It's still a long process to get your games on Steam though.

>that sounds wrong
>I'm not gonna claim I know much ... but it's not like it's niche at all with the sheer quantity of shows that it's there
You don't seem to be sure of your own statement. The reason there are so many shows to begin with is because of different publishers who are pushing competing studios and artists to squeeze out as much as possible out of them without while spending as least as possible and and playing it safe by telling the creators exactly how it's got to look like.

They should merge most of those studios and ask them to work more on less TV-shows while giving artists more leeway but Japan simply can't afford to put in that much money in that industry anymore. It's not that much better for other popular media or videogames, especially for consoles and PC. It's been suggested a lot on this website that they should market their cartoons for the West but for the moment they can mostly make some money of the chinese and some other asian countries. It's a sad state of affairs but nothing us anons can do anything about for the moment.

>> No.4903868

I feel this >>4901342 is too plastic-y feeling. Reminds me of airbrush t-shirts.

>> No.4906156

Airbrushing is popular though.

>> No.4906498

Agreed not a fan of the eye shapes and how low the mouth is on the face

>> No.4906674

Should I go with the remake/remaster of Star Ocean 2 on the PSP or the PS1 original?

>> No.4906813

Probably the PSP version.

>> No.4907247

Man even the panties are less detailed on the right and those are arguably the most important part.