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File: 353 KB, 1440x1424, Megaman X6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4809410 No.4809410 [Reply] [Original]

Megaman X6 wasn't THAT bad.

>> No.4809535

wasn't THAT good either

>> No.4809562

Best music in the series
But otherwise I agree with >>4809535

>> No.4809576

X6 is actually pretty amazing. Only plebs think otherwise.

>> No.4809585

X6 is a huge in between.
The things it does bad are super bad and the things it does right are also super good but still, gotta admit it falls way behind the previous games.
X with a Saber is a nice addition. My only gripe is the virus that sometimes it appears on stages, if you have bad luck you aren't going to avoid getting damaged by them and the fight with Gate is a huge anti-climax.

>> No.4809745

It was still a fair game and had godly music.

>> No.4809784


>> No.4809794


The power of Zero's Guard Shell and Slash Dash Cancel.

>> No.4809795

>the things it does right are also super good
Such as?

>> No.4809809

Music, controls, fun armors, Zero's abilities, SOME STAGES (not gonna deny X6's stage design sucks balls but for instance Infinity Mijinion's stage is really cool and, Commander Yanmark's is also fine and fun except for a leap of faith).

>> No.4809817

>fun armors
That you won't have acess for 80% of the game because you can't equip incomplete armors.
>Zero's abilities
Now I know you're just shitposting.

>> No.4809823

It's fine not to like stuff anon, just don't be a dick about it. No one owns the universal truth about shit.
I just spouted shit from my point of view.

>> No.4809848

Is the bad stuff about X6 fixable with a romhack? I'm interested in working on it but am only familiar with X4.
What design elements are particularly bad with X6?

>> No.4809856

I believe someone's trying it with X5, but X6 hasn't been touched to my knowledge. I don't think there's any tools though, so you'd have to be able to work without it.
X6 is a good game in it's core gameplay, but the Nightmare system, adding annoying effects to stages after you beat other stages, and the level design are the main problems. There's also the hostages being killable, but only by one enemy so you could fix that with level design by just not putting them next to them.
If you're willing to find a way to edit the levels your self, then you could fix the game, but there aren't any tools so if you can't you're shit out of luck.

>> No.4809862
File: 28 KB, 320x240, BHX6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What design elements are particularly bad with X6?

>> No.4809881

I wonder if the nightmare system was an afterthought and they just shoved it in without testing.

There are so many overlooked design choices in this game.
You can engage in a boss battle that can't be beaten.
You can't obtain the Black Zero without cheats because for that you need to collect 5000 souls before fighting him, but if you collect 3000 souls the battle becomes inacessible.

>> No.4810005

Didn't the devs used a new tool for level design for this game? I remember reading something about it years ago, that made a breeze for them to make the levels, but was something you'd expect for a user level editor, and not a pro tool.

>> No.4810801

is not bad at all

>> No.4810810

It wasn't "that bad" it was "absolutely fucking dog shit".

>> No.4811681


>> No.4813749

I agree. X5 was way worse, it's a shittified version of the masterpiece that was X4.

>> No.4813751

I've been learning PSX hacking. Studying the processor at the moment. If I ever manage to learn this, X6 is the first (and probably only) game I'll hack.

>> No.4813852

X5's biggest sin was splitting up the bosses into 4s

Like the whole point of picking the bosses is you can start with which ever one you want and then be able to follow the weakness cycle from any starting point. When you split them up into two groups you've now made it so there's only one option now nimrods

>> No.4814426


>> No.4814526

X6 was at least better than X5

>> No.4814818

Another interesting technique:


>> No.4817206

I played X6 a lot as a kid but never beat it. I thought it was the best one.

I played all the X games 3 years ago. Now that I'm an adult and more critic of the games I play, I expected to feel different, but I didn't, I still enjoyed X6 the most - if anything because it was the hardest and I appreciated the challenge quite a lot.

Pretty weird. I only learned people hate the game recently.

>> No.4819443

X4 is the blandest X game out of all of them. You can't seriously call it a masterpiece

>> No.4819943

It's a game from the X series so the fundamentals of how it feels to control the characters and basic ideas found in the series are at least a league above the average 2d action game even if it shits the bed pretty hard in almost every other aspect and new idea.
X4 was too easy and level design can be very simple and unremarkable, not a bad game by any means but I don't really understand why so many people nowadays consider it one of the best in the series.

>> No.4821901

X6 is a wasted opportunity.

>> No.4821915

We're understandly concerned that you're proud of this post.

>> No.4821937
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x6 is almost too hard to fix with a romhack imo. its to the point where a handful of stages and some bosses' ai is unfinished.

>> No.4821964

Just play the game to get all the armors and items!

>> No.4821976

Does anyone have a list of official megaman character artists handy? I'm looking for that one who actually did lewds of roll but for the life of me I can't remember his name

>> No.4822254

X6 should keep Zero dead, make X more proficient with the saber, and introduce cyber elves. That would be the ideal continuity.

>> No.4822606

I remember reading the original idea was that the levels were random every time, the final product seems to be the result of the dev team obviously not being able to work that out in such a short time.

>> No.4822610

X4 has Zero but even X3 is more fun overall.

>> No.4822618

This, I can't opine on cyber elves but making it an X only game and have it use something similar to the weapon/subweapon system of the Megaman zero games would have been just right.

>> No.4823382 [DELETED] 


>> No.4823443

Man, they literally weren't given time to finish it. It's a broken game with awesome music that could've (keyword there) been awesome, but it is literally broken.

>> No.4824845

debatable. And by that I'm mean, yes it was.

>> No.4825338

It got some nice armors and god tier music, its fun and a nice challenge(but sometimes a challenge of bullshit).

>> No.4826638 [DELETED] 

Megaman X8 wasn't THAT bad

>> No.4826680

It wasn't so much as bad, but just really irritating because of bad level design. While the nightmare system just adds on to how annoying X6 can be. However, I will agree that it's soundtrack is fucking amazing.

>> No.4827461 [DELETED] 


>> No.4827465

I had no idea about this.

>> No.4827517

Zero's game wasn't. X's was kinda shit though.

>> No.4827519

>X4 was too easy and level design can be very simple and unremarkable, not a bad game by any means but I don't really understand why so many people nowadays consider it one of the best in the series
The overall package is just right. Best stage and best boss are in 4.

>> No.4828184

Speaking of Megaman, is that legacy collection worth it?

>> No.4828270

I don't think the X collection will be better than the PS2 one but the Megaman one seems a lot better than the one released years ago.

>> No.4828281
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>> No.4828979

>look at me i'm contrarian

>> No.4829692

X4>X3>X>X5>X6>X2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>X7 and 8

>> No.4831354

>keep Zero dead

You might as well kill the golden goose

>> No.4831360

X4 = X1 > X3 = X2 > X6 > X8 >>>>>>>>>> X5 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> X7

>> No.4831381

X is great
X2 and X3 are fine
X4 is the best one
X5 was lame as fuck
X6 I dropped since it was no fun

>> No.4832526

Think you mean Hideki Ishikawa

>> No.4833289 [DELETED] 


>> No.4834829 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 640x908, vr03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4835121

So bad.

>> No.4835145

My friends and I played this game constantly for like... a few years. This and Gundam Battle Assault 2. I tried to play X6 recently and just couldn't get into it.

>> No.4836854
File: 123 KB, 640x908, vr03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make an action rpg out of Megaman X

Was it worth it?

>> No.4837974

Someone just released this: http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/4035/

Haven't tried it yet, but sounds promising, especially the Level 4 Nightmare Zero stuff.

That's turn-based. Command Mission X is a legitimately good game; it has issues but it unironically has one of the most fun turn-based combat systems I've ever seen.

>> No.4838089
File: 114 KB, 1200x2400, IMG_0966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the games really that different, really

>> No.4838196

I really believe it was. I did not think that MMX would do so well as an TBRPG, but the flexibility of sub-weapons, along with the standard fare of equipment, proved me DAMN wrong.

>> No.4838418

I'm sad it hasn't gotten a sequel or some sort of HD release, they even ignored it for the upcoming MMX Collection.

>> No.4838632

>makes having more lives a bad thing in your path

>> No.4838658

pfffft, megaman 9 had better music


>> No.4839363


>> No.4839873

Yeah, Megaman X6 wasn't bad. It wasn't good either, it was mediocre at best.

The winner of worst Megaman X game goes to 7. I fucking dare you to tell me otherwise.

>> No.4839989

It just needs a bit of tweaking http://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?topic=26507.0

>> No.4839991

My only experience with the later x games was laughing at it with my friends because of how bad it was.

>> No.4840041

This is really good. Just being able to enable exits on uncleared hidden stages saves you a ton of tedium.

>> No.4841152


>> No.4841165

He even supplied a tweaking program and spreadsheet with all the information. Holy shit.

Another cool improvement to X6 would be making all upgrades apply to both X and Zero, so I won't need to make separate saves for each maxed out character.

>> No.4841169

>written in autohotkey


I'm thinking about contributing a Python version so more people can build on top of it.

>> No.4841535

>Live your life hunting your own kind and survive the near destruction of the planet. Lose your body to seal away a a crazy bitch, which then gets destroyed.
>Your clone becomes a tyrannical despot and slanders your good name.
>Die unceremoniously as a cross dressing ghost in a stupid hat.
X had a hard life, and after life.

>> No.4841585
File: 501 KB, 2518x1024, B Cl(ass) Hunter vs the SA Class Hunter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4842640

Zero was always objectively superior to X. Dr. Wily won in the end. Dr. Light's creation is what led to the utter destruction of the planet, given how people cloned him and his virus weakness. Zero's burden was undoing the ludicrous damage Dr. Light caused.

Zero is the real hero.

>> No.4843378


>> No.4844564

It wasn't that bad fag

>> No.4844912

It was originally written and designed that way, adding zero back in is probably what fucked up the development schedule

>> No.4845720

>them load times
triggered my ptsd from when bootleg copies would take forever to load on my fucked up PSX

Damn I can't wait for emuvr to launch

>> No.4845725

Is this the Megaman thread?
If so, WHY THE FUCK ISN'T MEGAMAN AND BASS in the Megaman legacy collecton for ps4,xbone and switch?

Seriously, just putting 1through10 with no extras makes me just question why shouldn't I just emulated them.

>> No.4845889

X6 very clearly intended X to have both the X-Buster gameplay and the Z-Saber gameplay. Zero pulled a Goku, AKA dies and passes the torch to Gohan (X), but Goku was too popular so they brought him back and Gohan became a jobber.

It's undeniably better that way, but X6 suffered because they 180ed with Zero and it ate up dev time.

>> No.4845956

You mean like how Zero's downward suicide dive is mapped to the up button for no discernible reason other than to make you kill yourself if you're trying to grab onto something while attacking?

>> No.4847184

X6 is better the second time

>> No.4847374

Because capcom didn't bother romhacking their gba translation into the snes version. You see, the collection was made by burgers who might have as well forgot the game existed (they even forgot to include japanese roms in the JAPANESE version for an earlier street fighter compilation so idk why you expected much)
Not couldn't, but didn't wanna do it. They could scrub game boys and nes consoles from megaman 7 stage art.

can't even be arsed to code a menu and make megaman x legacy 1+2 a single collection like some other burger dev before who gave a damn (even tried to translate the navi text for rockman 1+6) did 10 years ago on fucking ps2.

should i even bother ranting about not even adding a fmv (from ps1 ver) in the menu before megaman x3 snes begins, or include saturn version content in their PORT of megaman 8 / x4.

they reduced loading times in some ps ports so that's fine

>> No.4849539


Best Megaman opening.

>> No.4851957


>> No.4851995

The tweak romhack for megaman x6 doesn't fix the level design, but is good.

>> No.4853085

Megaman X5 wasn't THAT bad

>> No.4853474
File: 1.82 MB, 1318x690, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this last night. I know I'm late. But god damn it's beautiful.


>> No.4853921

If you want to play the games on PS4/Xbone/Switch that badly, go for it.

>> No.4853928

Zero saving the world in the end means that Wily won so hard it looped around back to a fuck up, since he was supposed to destroy the world, not save it.

Same for Light.

>> No.4853959

It was my introduction to the series. It was great to me

>> No.4853972

this. Fucking disgrace.
>"Hey this game isn't so ba- oh my god this is horrible!

>> No.4853981

I never found Ground Scaravich's stage to be that bad, let alone top 3 worst stages. That title always went to Blaze Heatnix and Metal Shark Player. And Gate's stages if you count those.

>> No.4854360

They're not really split in two, they're just presented that way. You can still access the "right side" stages anytime.

>> No.4854363

Even if you could change the stage layout and redesigned the whole game, it would pretty much be a fangame by that point.

I like the idea of getting rid of the annoying parts of it, like the missable items and some of the annoying Nightmare effects, and just playing it as a shorter, less frustrating version of what little there is to play. Make the little turn shine a bit.

>> No.4855490

Also have a real soft spot for the American Megaman 8 opening. Makes me nostalgic for playing the playstation during the summer.


>> No.4856586

>nostalgic summer playstation memories
same here, X5 does that for me as well, and god damn I love the american MM8 intro theme.

>> No.4856592

X6 was actually the first psx X game I owned so I have weird rose tinted glasses for it, but I know full well it's not very good. It's got a horribly rushed translation, a lot of features that feel like they were unfinished or half thought out at best, and some of the worst stages in the entire series in the form of Metal Shark Player and Ground Scaravich's levels

>> No.4857250

Someone please explain the following to me:

>Why was Zero completely resprited? The X4/X5 sprites were perfect.
>Why is Zero's Z-Saber different than X4/X5 and X's Z-Saber? Is it even the Z-Saber?

>> No.4858674


>> No.4858918 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 600x463, graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I rate the series

>> No.4860078

First playthrough:
X1 = X2 > X4 > X3 > X5 > X8 > X6 > X7

Multiple playthroughs:
X1 = X2 = X4 >> X3 > X6 > X8 > X5 > X7

X3 feels great the first time because of the surprise Zero segment and the Hyper Armor being completely broken, but then the more you replay the game, the more you realize that the levels aren't that great.

X5 has a good first impression with the multiple armors, the plot that isn't garbage and the X vs Zero parts. But then you replay the game and you realize the bosses are lazily designed and Alia doesn't shut up.

X6 provides a horrible HORRIBLE first experience due to its absolutely shit level design. But after learning it, the game feels better and you feel like a champion every time you succeed. And thankfully, Alia shuts up and the bosses are less lazy than X5.

X7 is X7.

X8 is an ok first experience, but the levels are so boring that it's not fun to beat that game multiple times. At least you have several gameplay options via the Neutral Armor, Zero's weapons and Axl's polished playstyle.

>> No.4860139 [DELETED] 
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>Hyper Armor

>> No.4860142
File: 265 KB, 469x1402, X3 Gold Armor.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hyper Armor

>> No.4860349


>> No.4860398

Needs a sequel, fuck X9 this is the real deal.

>> No.4860429

I want to know this too, honestly if you consider everything that happens in the game as something like a fever dream that Zero had while he was being fixed after he was found then the game makes a lot more sense, nothing in X6 makes sense and everything is off because none of that actually happened MMX6 is the original creepypasta game and a post-modern masterpiece.

>> No.4860489

>classic X and Zero sizes

I seriously miss it. X and Zero look better as smaller robots, and I personally like having X being smaller than Zero.

>> No.4860806

Definitely looks better now than the X4 to X7 designs.

>> No.4860973
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Hell yeah it was.

>> No.4861839
File: 185 KB, 490x800, 379836BB-A237-4FC5-9C32-DF823A8DC9B0-1689-000003BB18909E6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which battle network do I start with first. Never played, gonna play me on an emulator

>> No.4861908 [DELETED] 


>> No.4863184 [DELETED] 


>> No.4863615


Collections count as retro right

>> No.4863672
File: 260 KB, 1038x1495, MMXLCArmor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.4863772
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Cursed image

>> No.4864794

I don't see that mode being a lot of fun. Most fights are just going to be a mess of near-unavoidable attacks while you simply get into a DPS race with the bosses.

>> No.4865373

same, had X4 and megaman 8 on my playstation, X and 7 on my snes, though I do prefer the jp opening for 8 nowadays, and still hate both snowboard sections.

>> No.4865393

2 definitely, the series gets experimental past 3, 4 goes horribly wrong, 5 is odd but I like it, 6 is a refinement of the good introduced in 4 and 5. 1 is archaic as hell, fun for the novelty of more content that doesn't reappear in the later games.

>> No.4865751
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X6 had a couple noticeable improvements from X5, had a difficulty mode that actually mattered, had a kickass soundtrack, had Metal Shark Player's stage (one of the best levels in the whole series), and had quite a fair bit of replay value. It also had rare moments of, holy shit, actually good challenge unlike games like X4 which are so easy they're boring.

But it also had some of the shittiest level design and even boss design in the whole series, had lackluster weapons, had a beyond-retarded story and translation even by MM standards, and oftentimes relied on fake difficulty instead of an actual fair challenge. It also had SHIT for control, particularly in Zero's case where after every attack there's a second of delay before you can move so his dumb ass can put his saber away, and the fucking Sentsuizan.

That's not mentioning shit like the Nightmare effects which cause nothing but frustration and don't change the level layouts in any meaningful way, or the Rescuable Reploids which may or may not have a part you need and the only way to save them is to act within half a goddamn second to where you'd need clairvoyance or a strategy guide to save them all (or at least the ones that matter) and being able to get yourself stuck in some cases unless you have the right character, armor or part.

So yes, while it does have some things going for it, arguably to where it's better than a lot of games such as Mega Man 5, 8 or X7, and it is not AS horrible as some people make it out to be, it's not a good game. By any stretch of the imagination, it still sucks and anyone who thinks it's better than X5 can go fuck themselves.

>> No.4866750

I just tried playing x6 and it seems to have some horrible input lag.

>> No.4866810

All the PSX games are a little slower compared to the SNES/GBA games, but I don't think X6 is any worse than X4/X5 in that regard (besides what >>4865751 mentioned about Zero's saber).

>> No.4868150

I want to go back to enjoying X5.

X6 is ok now

>> No.4868189

1. He wasn't completely resprited, not sure what you're talking about. He got some new sprites and retouches on old ones, because he got a new sword. Which leads to...

2. X has Zero's Z-Saber, what Zero's using in X6 is a completely different sabre he grabbed to replace his old one. Presumably he gets his original one back from X after X6, because he's still using the original design afterwards.

>> No.4868509

Couldn't X just give it back? Why would Zero settle for the other Z-Saber? Sounds much easier to keep the X4/X5 sprites and say X and Zero share the same Z-Saber than to make Zero bring a different one when X is off-duty.

Also where is your source for all of this? Could be a cool read

>> No.4868540
File: 111 KB, 767x1041, concept_art_for_zero__s_ultimate_armor_by_kazemaruheishi-d4srm4r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in X4, Zero was supposed to have his own Ultimate Armor, but ended up having none
>if the player enables X's secret code, then X has a turquoise palette swap and X can now pick up his Ultimate Armor
>if the player enables Zero's secret code, then Zero has a black palette swap and Zero can now pickup his non-existent Ultimate Armor

>somehow people are ok with Black Zero being a literally unfinished feature

>> No.4868559
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>Presumably he gets his original one back from X after X6, because he's still using the original design afterwards.

No he doesn't. The original Z-saber bends and flows like water when it's swung, and in its base form it has a curved blade. This is the one X takes. The one Zero gets from whoever rebuilt him, however, is like a lightsaber. It's a solid rod and doesn't bend like the old one. Zero has this for every game on.

And it IS a totally different saber, because we see Zero carrying it when X finds him in X6.

>> No.4868621

I blame the saber change for the PS2 games not feeling as fluid for Zero.

>> No.4868631

What is the new saber called anyway?

>> No.4868637

X gives it back in Megaman Zero, the saber there works and looks exactly like in X4/X5.

>> No.4868660
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>> No.4868686

X6 Zero is the best Zero in the series. He's a fucking monster in X6.

>> No.4868715

Best in regards to being busted as shit, correct?

>> No.4868721


>> No.4868931

To be fair, the turquoise one was really subtle and it's kinda ugly. Black Zero looks cool and it works as a reference to X2.

>> No.4869029

So, is there a lore reason in both classic and X for spikes to kill you in one hit?
Have they ever explained that?

>> No.4869031

>lore reason
Fuck this board

>> No.4869035

It's just curiosity, since Megaman went full cinematic by the time X4 was out I figured they must have added some reason to the spikes as well.
I understand their game design reason of course.

>> No.4869043

>full cinematic
FUCK this board

>> No.4870135

>tfw Capcom actually bothers to rename X5 mavericks but won't retranslate X6 in MMXLC

>> No.4870138 [DELETED] 

The shitty X6 translation doesn't risk copyright issues. They're just that lazy

>> No.4870408
File: 138 KB, 560x420, Punji-Stick-Trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee how could a few wooden sticks kill me, I don't understand.

>> No.4870449

My source is X5 and X6. Zero gets more or less blown to shit in X5's most canon ending, as does X, but Dr. Light somehow manages to repair X using his hologram ghost powers or something. X comes back with Zero's saber as a memento. Zero is listed as either dead or MIA, because he's missing after getting blown the shit up.

X6 starts, X is using Zero's saber as his Triangle button attack. Eventually you can kill a fake Zero, and then suddenly Zero comes back with a new saber. After that, you can continue using X, who continues using Zero's old saber, and Zero keeps using his new one. Whether or not Zero gets his old saber back from X after X6, he's using a different one in X6 itself, so they changed the graphics a bit to represent that.

>> No.4871368

I want to FUCK female X

>> No.4871394

Zero : "The rumors of my death have been greatly exagerated"
it's literally what happens.

>> No.4871996
File: 17 KB, 92x130, Falcon_Armorbig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's /vr/'s favorite armor from the pre-3D era?


>> No.4872045
File: 17 KB, 667x129, x5armorpics.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I REALLY like the X5 armor sprites. It's criminal X6 didn't have those.

>> No.4872049

What was the point of the Blade Armor? The charge shot was worse than default/Falcon charge shot, the charged saber was worse than the regular saber.
All you got out of it was that controllable air dash, and I can't remember if there was ever a point where you needed that over simply using Jumper/Hyper Dash.

>> No.4872059

I'm pretty sure you can only defeat High Max with the Blade or Shadow armor, or Zero, and you need the Blade Armor to complete the Shadow Armor.
I also want to bet the Falcon Armor wasn't going to charge boss weapons, and they changed it at the last second.

>> No.4872065
File: 228 KB, 1000x804, Blade_Armor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it looked cool...

>> No.4872076

You can get the Shadow Armor without it. Just requires some nightmare effects, if I remember right.

>> No.4872092

Are you talking about abusing invulnerable frames in the Rainy Turtloid stage?
Well, you can do it, I'm pretty sure you don't even need nightmare effects, but that's a overlooked exploitable.

>> No.4872096

Oh, I was thinking of the nightmare block you can ride up to get Heatnix's capsule.
Honestly, I find abusing iframes for Turtloid's capsule to be easier than the intended method.

>> No.4872243

>Zero's hair is part of his armor

>> No.4872261

Yeah, this was also implied in ZX.

>> No.4872331
File: 262 KB, 928x927, Gate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gate did nothing wrong.

>> No.4872337

He revived Sigma instead of being the real final boss. Truly an unforgivable crime.

>> No.4872569

>Ultimate Armor ahead

Bunch of casuals

>> No.4872617
File: 279 KB, 1054x1130, CommandMission_Zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, yeah. It's attached to his helmet. You didn't seriously think that was part of his head and he threaded all of it through that little tube did you?

>> No.4872639

Fourth armor is the best armor in the series.
They finally gave the boots part an ability that is not just dash in a new direction.
The helmet helps you instead of being nothing but a requeriment to get another upgrade.
The buster is actually an improvement, instead of just being bigger like in X1, and have no retarded cooldown like in X2 and X3.
I also like how it just replaces the 3rd charged buster level instead of adding a 4th or even 5th level.

>> No.4872668

I don't even think X and Zero can even remove their helmets like in the classic series. Their helmets are their heads.

>> No.4872692
File: 505 KB, 775x528, HelmetlessX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4872696

How horrifying.

>> No.4872714
File: 25 KB, 500x338, HelmetlessZero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4872741

Where are these from?

>> No.4872745

So Zero has hair AND armor hair? Or is... his armor hair... armor... for his hair?

>> No.4872749
File: 167 KB, 1200x891, Bandai's line of Mega Man X toys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4872750
File: 142 KB, 335x565, 14521256984123697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So Zero has hair AND armor hair?
Reminds me someone.

>> No.4872801

I still can't believe they opted for double glasses. At least the Zero thing is two different artwork so the X5 sprite can be written off as "sprite error".

>> No.4872923

I'm more concerned about X's body being armor. I don't even want to fucking know what he looks like underneath his base form.

>> No.4872956

X1 - 9.5

An almost perfect masterpiece, It doesnt get a 10/10 because it's true that the bosses weren't balanced to be defeated without ''the weapon'' or armor parts, but everything else is still almost perfect, could give it a 9.7 just because of that, but there's only half and whole numbers.

X2 - 8

Fixes the balancing of bosses, minus the Maverick Hunters, but the music isn't as good, and focuses more on action rock rather than atmosphere, plus the slowdowns if you play the original, also a bit of forgettable final stages

X3 - 5.5

Piece of shit, lack of balance or testing, brocken enemy damage, Playable Zero was a last minute hackjob, awful difficulty, terrible music, bland or bad level design, an unfair Sigma battle with an almost non-functional chase part, i hate it so much.

Nver played the rest.

>> No.4872958


The general consensus is that the game was rushed and released while still in beta. Most of the game is just unfinished

>> No.4872961

>terrible music

Fuck off. X5 has the best soundtrack in the series next to X1.

>> No.4872969

He was talking about X3

>> No.4873104
File: 369 KB, 843x812, rsz_c5w3n6b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad

I need sleep

>> No.4873327 [DELETED] 

Nah, these aren't as good, there's a reason I gave my favorite a 8.5.
X1 mainly suffers from not having the main levels designed around the dash since it's technically optional for every part excep Chill Penguin's stage later part. Still one of the better ones

>> No.4873485

Dr. Light didn't do shit though, it was all Dr. Cain's fault for producing reploids in the first place and Dr. Wily is the reason why there's even a maverick virus in the first place (thanks Zero).

If anything, Dr. Light was the only one who actually had a lick of sense since he put X in stasis for a few decade running Avast knowing the potential damage that could occur from inventing robots who had free will and the capacity for evil.

>> No.4873642

>Mega Man is the Dragon Ball of the series
>Mega Man X is the Dragon Ball Z of the series
>Mega Man Zero is the Dragon Ball GT of the series

The similarities are uncanny. It's a matter of time the Zero series is retconned to not-canon and we get a new X series sequel with X and Zero in their original art style.

>> No.4873654

Mega Man Zero was good though. If anything, Mega Man Zero retconned everything past Megaman X5.

>> No.4873659
File: 1.07 MB, 601x604, Rockman_ZX_DVD_Promo_Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got any more Dragon Ball analogies for ZX and Mega Man series?

>> No.4873665

Not him but Megaman Zero is like Battle of the Gods and ZX/Advent is like Dragon Ball Super.

>> No.4873721

Zero try to trade X's golden armor for his saber .

>> No.4873734

How are the similarities uncanny? Why is it a matter of time until Zero is retconned to being non-canon?

In what ways are they like those?

>> No.4873763

Artstyle change that most fans didn't bother to give a chance to, retconned to appeal to the DBZ purists and then DBS was basically more DBZ instead of trying something different.

MMZ fans love their series, but oh so many MMX fans refuse to give it a chance just because of the artstyle shift. When MMX is revived next year (it's basically inevitable), it will either be X9 or a new sequel to the X series with the old artstyle. Something like "Mega Man X & Zero".

>> No.4873774

And yet people remember fondly the "good old days" of DBZ and asked for more DBZ and less for GT. It's the same for MMX/MMZ: fans want more MMX, not MMZ/MMZX. Sure, there are some vocal ones (basically the GT fans of the Mega Man series), but the demand for more MMX far outweighs the demand for the other.

ZX is still MMZ and thus is still GT.

No. MMZ is GT, MMZX is GT. Battle of the Gods is X9. Super is the new MMX sequel.

>> No.4874091
File: 847 KB, 658x1214, black_goku_super_saiyan_rose_by_bardocksonic-daezl5j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the next major villain is going to be X-Kai?

>> No.4874094

Time to filter the thread.

>> No.4874098


>> No.4874135

Honestly I wouldn't even be surprised. Evil twins are super popular and Bass is the single most popular Mega Man character according to a very recent poll (granted, this poll was mostly enfranchised players otherwise Mega Man would have won).

It's either him or an evil Zero clone again, like Omega.

>> No.4874195

I wish I knew how to have fun in Mega Man. I always feel like I'm picking the wrong stage. It's like everything is predicated on pre-existing knowledge that isn't intuitive. Like, I could look up a guide to know that for some arcane reason I'm going to need Toilet Man's skill in Chicken Picata Man's stage, but if I'm constantly looking at a guide that kind of ruins the fun in several ways.

On the other hand, I could bludgeon my way through one of the games and accumulate the knowledge organically, but that's only going to help me on subsequent playthroughs. I'm just then going to have a bad memory of my first time through the game, cycling through stages until I figure out an order that works for reasons that can't be explained logically.

>> No.4874204 [DELETED] 

They're not meant to be played just once, but to have replay value. And these games aren't that hard

>> No.4874227

I don't find them hard, I find they don't reward you using your head.

>> No.4874234 [DELETED] 

They're action games

>> No.4874238

It's not retro, but you should try the ZX games if the weakness chart bugs you. Those games only have three "elements", and the challenge is more in figuring out how to land the correct elemental attack on a boss.

>> No.4874241

ZX1 is 12 years old. It's retro enough.

>> No.4874242 [DELETED] 

Or the Zero ones I guess

>> No.4874259

I think this is a really obtuse way to think about it. The action genre still has ways you can leverage situations. It's one things to have a straightforward reflex-based game, but Mega Man to me has the pretense of having this element of choice and logic—it's just not one that can be deducted using rational means, you just have to *know* that Toilet Power does double damage to Chicken Picata Man.

Or, to use a real example, Mega Man X. The game obviously wants you to do the ice stage first. It's straightforward, the boss is easy, and you get the dash, which is critical. But how would I know that? If I don't, I'm going to assume, "Well, ice stages tend to have slippery or wind mechanics, so I bet that's a mid-tier stage. Let me try the cute forest stage first."

Obviously they give you these options right off the bat in case you want to challenge yourself in different ways later, but some inkling would be nice for first-timers, unless I somehow missed it, or it was in the game manual (I didn't have the games contemporarily).

I will try those, thanks.

>> No.4874361

lurk moar

>> No.4874389

Retro and /vr/ are not the same thing, anon is right.

>> No.4874418
File: 103 KB, 752x1063, x___megaman___ultimate_armor___16_bits_by_lithyun-d8h31nc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ultimate Armor has the perfect abilities and the perfect design.

>> No.4874450
File: 58 KB, 768x768, 510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Falcon Armor = Jet Adaptor
>Gaea Armor = Power Adaptor

And yet no equivalent for the Super Adaptor, which is Jet+Power. THAT would have been a cool idea and reward for collecting all 8 parts.

X5 disappoints more day by day.

>> No.4874451 [DELETED] 

>but Mega Man to me has the pretense of having this element of choice and logic
Yeah, to you. They're simple action games
Besides, the weapons are there for noobies, you can beat them with the buster.

>> No.4874483

So this is the kind of retard that always shits on X5 in these threads. Good to know.

X5 was the best X game. Best level designs, music, atmosphere, enemies, bosses and Sigma fights.
>oh but the satelite crash
Only happens if you're a complete retard.

>> No.4874492 [DELETED] 

X5 is not bad but the unskippable text is horseshit, first of all.
The levels aren't that great (boring slow autoscroller is the worst) and I think the bosses are a step down from X4 both in animation and patterns.

>> No.4874495

not him, but alia is more tolerable when you realize she has literally nothing useful to say

every button on the controller advances dialog, so you can skip through it pretty fast

>> No.4874496 [DELETED] 

Yeah, but this shit doesn't happen in the other games. Having to mash buttons to skip Alia is bad. This happens just a tiny bit in X4 and it's already annoying, in X5 it's ridiculous.
And then you have the text cutscenes, fuck.
It's a chore. Even X6 with its rushed and sloppy design realized this and made this stuff optional.

>> No.4874501

What is this referring to? Also, what is it that you find so good about the level designs, enemies, and bosses?

>> No.4874503 [DELETED] 

That it was probably his first game of the series

>> No.4875420 [DELETED] 


>> No.4875650

>a future cyborg with a steel body is the same as a human
A cannon ball can kill me too, but it won't kill X.

>> No.4875661

>I came here to whistle at you

>> No.4875990

Proto Man is the most obvious Char clone imaginable.

>> No.4876000 [DELETED] 

Spikes are just an obvios way to portray hazards to the player to avoid some trial and error, you moronic storyfags. Even if ironic this isn't funny. Go back to your modern garbage to discuss this lore shit.

>> No.4876118
File: 75 KB, 909x1200, robot-spirits-ms-14s-gelgoog-char-custom-ver-a-n-i-m-e-11_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even has the exact same shield the Gelgoog has on him!

>> No.4876206

Blues is 20% Char, 80% Racer X.

>> No.4876460

It's too complex to be an enjoyable Mega Man game.

>> No.4876467
File: 886 KB, 1427x1365, angle4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4876494

>too complex
How so? Rather, how is it complex at all?

>> No.4876510

All the bullshit with the Nightmare Phenomenon and the passive abilities and that nonsense. That's not what Mega Man is to me. All I want is a bunch of bosses to beat, a handful of weapons to manage, and maybe a loosely described story thrown in. Mega Man isn't about depth, it's about action.

>> No.4876607

I see. You must not enjoy any X game after 3 or 4 nor any of the Zero/ZX games, and I can only imagine what you think of BN/SF.

>> No.4876691

Gate is the real antagonist of x desu. He is a scientist that observes X's weaknesses and implements them in battle. the whole battle is taking place in mid air where X/Z can easily die. Also he developed and armor that can block all of their attacks. ALL. the game had to give him some weakness so they made up a stupid cliche of destroying his own spheres to damage him. But if he wasnt a generic anime antagonist he could destroy the hunters' base all at once at will

>> No.4876710

Giga Attack + Commander Yamark weapon makes it trivial sempai. Bad stage design and annoying, yes, but not as impossible to go through as some make it to be.

>> No.4876718

Here's your Mega Man X Legacy Collection bro

Mega Man X Capsule Remix
Makes the game less linear by relocating Dr. Light capsules and makes all upgrades skipables.

Mega Man X Retranslation

Mega Man X3 Zero Project
Makes Zero completely and freely playable, adds a memory save system, reduces slowdowns, and a bunch of other fixes.

Mega Man X4 (and Mega Man 8) Undub
Restores songs and in-game voice samples from the japanese version.

Mega Man X5 Improvements Project
Disables Alia's in-game dialogues, and makes start game bonus and life upgrades affect both characters regardless of which you choose.

Mega Man X6 Tweaks:
Prevents Parts being permanently missable, reduces grind of Souls, restores Nightmare Zero Lvl.4 fight, skips annoying dialogues, disabled Nightmare effects, etc, etc

Mega Man X7 and X8 Undub
Restores songs and in-game voice samples from the japanese version (X7's option for japanese audio only affects cinematics).
Compared to the previous X8 undub that's been floating around for years, this one maintains the american logo in the video.

Mega Man X Command Mission Undub

Mega Man Zero, Zero 2, and Zero 3 Restoration
Restores blood from japanese version.

Mega Man ZX and ZX Advent Undub (new version that doesn't freeze)

>> No.4876723
File: 256 KB, 692x577, 1523841454236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember going into Heatnix's stage as the first thing after unlocking Zero.

No shock absorber
No giga attack
Nothing but donuts

>> No.4876731


This is some good shit for the Zero series as well

>> No.4876840

You know what the shittiest part is? If you look at it closely, you can see it's not a donut, it's a dragon. It was probably supposed to rotate or have a tail on it. In fact you can see at the top, the tiles don't align properly like it was hashed together from different parts of a single sprite.

They were that fucking lazy.

>> No.4877150

it's an ouroboros

>> No.4877217

robot poison
that's why they kill you when you touch the non-sharp end too

>> No.4877283

Design: X2's armor
Upgrades: X4's armor
WORST: Falcon armor. And I don't mean the broken one from X6, I don't use it in X5 either. Shit buster range, useless slow flight, ugly design.

>> No.4877373
File: 290 KB, 1108x1092, X5_falconarmor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shit buster range
It's the only buster that penetrates walls so technically it has the best range in the game. It's just thinner than the plasma shot.
>useless slow flight
Have you even fucking used it? You're invincible while using it. Like, literally, invincible. You pass through any and all enemy sprites, including bosses. Also, I wouldn't call it slow considering it's faster than your walking speed.
>ugly design
...really? X3's armor and the Glide Armor are much uglier IMO. It looks pretty cool to me.

>> No.4877438

>You're invincible while using it
You're not. I'm not sure exactly how the invulnerability works, but you can definitely take damage while flying.

>> No.4877557

You can still take damage from some shots. But you are invincible to spikes and contact damage as well as a few miscellaneous attacks. (like the face boss green eye in Zero Stage 2)

>> No.4877591

This thread is still here? God this place is slow.

>> No.4877989

You're right, X3's and Glide are uglier. I still don't like it though

Also I didn't remember the buster going through walls in X5, I was playing X6 today and it definitely didn't go through anything

>> No.4878038

please, please tell me these work in mednafen psx libretro core

>> No.4878091

I've been playing with the X6 patcher in standalone mednafen just fine.

>> No.4878132

>MMZ fans love their series, but oh so many MMX fans refuse to give it a chance just because of the artstyle shift

I've never heard anyone use this as the reason for not playing Zero, and I've been shitposters in Mega Man communities for years. I've seen people say they don't like the art style change, but that's it.

>> No.4878157

The charged shot in the Falcon Armor is the only shot that goes through walls in X5.

>> No.4878169

It got a major update over the weekend btw, check the link on the list

>> No.4878212

>I've been shitposters in Mega Man communities for years
As in you've been shitposting for years or have seen them for years? What reasons have you heard?

>> No.4878283

That's because MMX fans are not as enfranchised as the MMZ fans. MMX fans don't participate in threads like this, or go to forums.

>> No.4878306


I meant I've been shitposting.

I've never heard of anyone dropping it over art style. It's either because the games are too hard, the screen is too small, they don't like the GBA in general or some shit. Never have I heard someone refuse to play because of the art style.

>> No.4878337 [DELETED] 

The thing with MMX/MMZ is that, while the Zero series is constantly quite good, the X series ranges from good to horseshit. This attracts shitposters and contrarian posts, particularly because some entries are borderline good/bad

>> No.4878398

>That's because MMX fans are not as enfranchised as the MMZ fans. MMX fans don't participate in threads like this, or go to forums.
What do you mean, particularly with enfranchised?

How does quite good compare to good?

>> No.4878582

>while the Zero series is constantly quite good, the X series ranges from good to horseshit
More like from god-tier to horseshit.

I like the Z series, really, I do, but I think what it does best is the only narrative worth a damn in the franchise besides X1. Gameplay-wise, Z2 is the only one I can definitely say deserves a Top 10 placement.

Z1 relies on fake difficulty even more than X6 does and overall has some really half-baked ideas and level design that feels empty and unfinished, along with an overemphasis on ranking and being penalized for seeking upgrades. Z3 nerfed a lot of the challenge from Z2 as well as the RPG elements, making it lose a lot of the appeal for me, and the level design isn't quite as solid either though still damn good. And Z4 is just bland. It feels like a cookie-cutter entry they hashed out for a quick buck, just like MM5 and MM6.

Is it more consistent than X? Yes, absolutely. But I still wouldn't call Z1, Z3 and Z4 better than even X5.

>> No.4878586 [DELETED] 

Nah, wouldn't call any Mega Man game this. The best are quite good but never more than that. The games feel a bit compromised to appeal to less skilled people.

>> No.4878587

Z2 has more off-screen ambushes and blind spike drops than Z1 does. It just feels less cheap since the lives system is more forgiving.

Inti didn't realize they were developing for the GBA until Z3.

>> No.4878612

I really wish they rereleased the Zero series with a higher resolution and a few QoL fixes. Just having a higher visibility range would improve them all massively.

It would probably mean remaking it from scratch, but it's not completely unheard of (they did it for Battle Network 1 on the DS with OSS)

I wouldn't expect it to be a collection if they make any upgrades, but I'd be ok with annual rereleases, would gladly buy them again (up to Zero 3 at least)

>> No.4878621

>But I still wouldn't call Z1, Z3 and Z4 better than even X5
That's quite something.

>The games feel a bit compromised to appeal to less skilled people
How so?

>Inti didn't realize they were developing for the GBA until Z3
I'm not sure what that means.

Why up to Z3 specifically?

>> No.4878624
File: 75 KB, 984x714, tweaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, that's what I've been using.
What settings are you playing with? I'm rolling with these. Starting with all armors might be a little cheesy, but I hate the X5 armor system and I didn't feel like praying to the RNG to get Scaravich's capsule.

I'm also wishing I disabled a few of the nightmare effects. I forgot how shitty some of these things are.

>> No.4878629 [DELETED] 

>How so?
Mega Man has plenty of stuff designed to make the game much easier, to the point that if you're any good at games the only way you're going to have fun with them is bia some kind of self-imposed challenge.
Stuff like insane weaknesses, items, upgrades, tanks, etc.
Fortunately they're fun with self-imposed challenges, but still, this is why I think something like arcade Ghouls n Ghosts is an excellent platformer and Mega Man games merely good, a self-imposed challenge never truly satisfies as much as a good challenge.

>> No.4878646

>What do you mean, particularly with enfranchised?
There are two kinds of fans.

1- Those that participate in community stuff, follow news religiously and will always be hungry for more.

2- Those that experienced something once, enjoyed it and said it was great, but it never got further.

It's kinda like Pokemon. There's the majority of fans who fall in #2 and aren't interested in the later gens as much as the original 151. But there's also a huge number of fans who can't get enough of Pokemon and ask for more every day.

MMX is #2. Several people have played the first game and maybe up until X5. But then they don't stick around and just talk about other game series. They're not enfranchised.

MMZ is #1. Those who have tried these games are the "here to stay" group. They are enfranchised.

>> No.4878752

This is what you call an echo chamber.

>> No.4878758

Sounds fair enough, though I'm curious what ranking systems count as to you. Probably self-imposed since the game doesn't enforce it?

An echo chamber of what?

>> No.4878767 [DELETED] 

Yeah, ranking is self imposed stuff still. In arcades I prefer games that are challenging though survival more than for their scoring systems
But again, these are mostly fine games (with obvious exceptions like X7), just that I feel that a demanding challenge that doesn't rely on scoring elevates a game even more.
Mega Man games would benefit from harder modes that solve these issues. The Zero games tried but they're unlockables so I never bothered

>> No.4878778

People who voluntarily go to forums to talk about Mega Man. What you have witnessed is not the general opinion: it was the opinion of a subset of the fanbase. An echo chamber of those deep enough in the series, essentially.

That's like going on /vp/ and seeing EVERYONE THERE hate Gen 7 and then claiming everyone in the world hates it.

>> No.4878782 [DELETED] 

What I woud have in a Hard mode in Mega Man:
-Remove random health/ammo drops from enemies
-Remove stunlocking from weaknesses and only make weaknesses very slightly more efficient than regular buster (no stupid 2 hit kills like Metal Blade stuff)
-Remove any optional upgrade / tanks
-Balance it in a way that you can't bruteforce any boss fight. I'm talking about what you can do that if you just shoot at a boss, if you are at full health they die before you do. I'm more inclined to them doing more damage instead of becoming more sponge-like.

>> No.4878795

Do both groups mentioned in >>4878646 fit that, or just one?

>> No.4878797

The Zero series gets pretty close to that. It removes your ability to use cyber elves, and you can't charge most of your weapons anymore (which is needed to exploit weaknesses).

I think the only games that removed health drops on hard mode were X5 and X6.

>> No.4878802 [DELETED] 

I'm aware, I just never bothered since by the time I unlocked that I'd already beaten the game. Fuck unlockables, I would have rathered played Hard from the start but no.

>> No.4878805

In this case, they are nested.

Vast majority want Gen 1 (the Go audience)

But there is still a decent sized amount of die hards. The up-to-date audience.

Inside that up-to-date audience, there's /vp/ who hates Gen 7. But the real majority of the up-to-date audience like Gen 7.

>> No.4878819
File: 26 KB, 411x358, 1527033811637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tryhard elitists thinking we should be making MM even more niche by ramping up the difficulty significantly

Mega Man's success comes in how it's just difficult enough to satisfy people who want a good challenge but not hard enough so that it'll frustrate the average normie.

Why you want to take that away, when we're JUST NOW getting a brand new game after 8 years, is beyond me.

>> No.4878824 [DELETED] 

It's a hard MODE, you baby
>just difficult enough to satisfy people who want a good challenge
Not to me, which is a shame since I enjoy the series' core controls and stuff

>> No.4878840

Except nobody is asking for a hard mode. You're saying Mega Man's entire core design needs to be brutally hard.
>Not to me
I don't care how hardened you are, Mega Man is more challenging than most games in the genre if you're going in blind. Sure, it's easier once you know where all the upgrades are and what weapon to use on which boss. But not before then.

You're probably the same faggot who preaches about how Dark Souls isn't hard at all and that's just a meme.

>> No.4878843 [DELETED] 

How whiny does one have to be to complain that one anon wished these games had a hard mode in a way he likes?

>> No.4878848

I mean, MM11 has four difficulty modes with names like "Advanced" and "Expert", so it's a bit late to be complaining about people asking for hard mode.

>> No.4878854
File: 58 KB, 278x200, krabs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're missing the point, you fucking retards.

I'm not arguing against a hard mode that does these things. I welcome it in fact. I'm arguing against such things being the normal difficulty, which is what people were calling for before.

In case I have to spell it out for you in plain letters, let me do so since you're so fucking dense:
>having a satisfying hard mode in a Mega Man game is fine
>having a satisfying hard mode in a Mega Man game is fine
>having a satisfying hard mode in a Mega Man game is fine
>having a satisfying hard mode in a Mega Man game is fine
>having a satisfying hard mode in a Mega Man game is fine

>> No.4878861 [DELETED] 

>which is what people were calling for before.
You're talking to the one that started this topic and I only advocated for a hard mode, moron
In fact, if you read >>4878782
>What I woud have in a Hard mode in Mega Man
I wasn't saying this is the only way these games should be
Now take your shitty baits somewhere else

>> No.4878868

>I only advocated for a hard mode, moron
These posts say otherwise, nigger.
>wahhhh these games are too easy!! make it so you die in the game you die for real!

>> No.4878873 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah, but that's my personal preference. And then what I suggested to improve them for me is a hard mode. Wow
Next post by me >>4878767
>Mega Man games would benefit from harder modes that solve these issues.

>> No.4878881

If the Xfags that dislike the Zero series are merely a subset of the up-to-date group, why are they occasionally given attention by other members? Is it due to their vocality, a persecution complex the Zerofags have, or something else?

>> No.4878901

Classicfags are just the general Pokemon audience of Mega Man.

Xfags are the Go audience of Mega Man.

Zero-onwardfags are the up-to-date audience.

If you talk to a stranger about Mega Man who has had some level of experience with the series (played 1-3 games), it wil likely be an Xfag, or sometimes a Classicfag.

>> No.4878903 [DELETED] 

>Xfags are the Go audience of Mega Man.
You went full retard

>> No.4878924

A more fair comparison would be Classicfags being Pokemon Red/Blue fans that have their eyes on remakes and rereleases of the classic formula. Xfags are Go because it is still nostalgiabait but moves away from the original recipe.

>> No.4879364
File: 70 KB, 980x717, 20180703 210725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going nuclear with the Nightmare Effects. They add zero value in my opinion.
It's been like 8 years since I last booted this game and I can see why you're enabling the armors from the start, most collectibles worth anything need extra air moves to get them.

I'm the author. Came here to shill my project and was happy to see you guys already were discussing it. I'm glad it's working for you. Please let me know if you encounter any problems, I'm currently 100% dedicated to hunting bugs and oversights. I'll be watching this thread until it dies.

>> No.4879398

Thanks for adding the Nightmare Effects.

I guess the only things left to add would be that Heart Tanks affect all characters. And the Zero "air up-saber" to "air down-buster" if you figure that out.

Thanks for making this by the way.

>> No.4879413

You welcome!

>I guess the only things left to add would be that Heart Tanks affect all characters

It's in there.
"Character Shared Stats"
"Life and Energy Upgrades"

>And the Zero "air up-saber" to "air down-buster" if you figure that out.

Yeah, I usually ignore Zero but I'm playing the game with him now and realized this really is a necessary fix.

I haven't figured out how to do mapping changes yet, but if I get there I'll definitely look into this.

>> No.4879437

>It's in there.

Ah, so that's what that was. Well that's a great thing. I'm not sure what is left to allow tweaking now.

Also, HUGE fan of just exiting the intro stage with the Exit Anywhere.

>> No.4879462

Blizzard Wolfang requires a nightmare effect to reach the secret area.

>> No.4879476

Great job on this tool. I don't see myself ever playing X6 again without it.
The only suggestion I would have is allowing each armor part to be added individually. It's really just the Blade Helm that's a pain in the ass to get, the rest aren't that bad (Although I'd probably still give myself the full set anyway).

>> No.4879539

I know. If you disable the fire nightmare effect with the tool, it comes with an additional modification to have the blocked ice walls always open.

>> No.4879581

For more specific preferences like that, I'm putting up a spreadsheet with all the information needed to edit the game manually (well, it's already up, but I'm about to upload an updated version)

But since I'm already here, here's what you need to edit to get only the Blade Helm:

- Use the patcher, put everything else you want, just make sure there's at least one modification from the "New Game Status" side (this puts in the base code needed to rewrite the new game table. For example, if you mark "Mark Reploids holding no item", that's enough).
- Open up the BIN with HxD (the simplest Hex editor, google it and you'll have it open in a minute), go to address 496592464 (Ctrl+G, "dec" mode). You should see "00000B34" on the Hex side (middle column). Replace it with "01000B34". Start a new game. Enjoy your helm.

>> No.4879648

Oh neat, thanks. I had overlooked that spreadsheet download.

>> No.4880460

Most stagea are gimmicky non-stages like Infinity Mijinion's and Blaze Heatnix's, but there are some genuinely good bits. The second part of Metal Shark Player is one of my favourite MMX stage sections ever.

>> No.4880474

Lol at people complaining over the red donuts you guys are worse than DSP he quit the game there so im sure you can relate very well with him you crybabies. You retards know you can leave the stage and come back later when you have more health and powerups right?

>> No.4880496

Who the fuck is DSP and why do you even care

>> No.4880498


>> No.4880502
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>t. donut

>> No.4880507

What is so good about it?

>> No.4880516

Probably been brought up by now, but here it is anyway:

"Not THAT bad" and "good" are two totally different things.

If you're such an MM fan that you need a quick fix of something you haven't already played to death, then aure. MMX6 is fine.
If you like to play genuinely good or great games and have fun doing so, not so much.

>> No.4880528

It's about precision movement in a reduced space, involving ducking, dashing while ducking, wall jumping on a small space, killing enemies before rushing, etc, stuff you wouldn't normally need to do. Good for variety, considering the rest of the stages you can get by jumping and flying around. Pretty similar to the kind of stage design you'd expect from X2 and X3's final stages. I liked to have one of the main stages built around it

>> No.4880534



ladies and gentlemen I present to you the average skill level of megaman x series shitposters.

>> No.4880536

The whole stage is a rising crescendo of instant-death hazards in which you become increasingly cramped and haunted by enemies in tight spaces. The last section is the most brutal assault in the game, but unlike Gate Stage 2, it doesn't rely on cheap artificial difficulty. A combination of spikes, conveyors, long stretches with no save spot, and the complex terrain make the compactor a vision from hell.

The latter half of the stage eliminates all breathing room and asks you to perform exceedingly specific actions without pause. And unlike most other sections in the game, Wolfang's nightmare effect making much of the floor slippery only adds to the chaos. The miniboss is also fucking annoying. I don't even know why, he just is.

If the rest of the levels reached this amount of difficulty without relying on absolutely effortless bullshit and lazily stacking unfair situations in a fine blend of tedium and purposelessness, this would be the best fucking X game in the series.

>> No.4880541

it still annoys me how letting go of crouch while the crusher is above you counts as instant-death

>> No.4880548

I get the feel that this was the first stage they made, before they realized they had to rush to meet a deadline

>> No.4880571

It's still not perfect. Getting through the stage with Zero, for example, is almost impossible since he's not equipped to deal with the Nightmares smack in the middle of those long stretches of crusher, unless you have Yammar Option.

>> No.4880578

Yeah, I remember having trouble with that. I think I ended up using the Guard Shell glitch to get past that guy.

>> No.4881784

>nobody likes Blade the best

Is this the worst armor of all time?

>> No.4881813

Rockman & Forte can be a nightmare, but the music is great.

>> No.4882064

Blade Armor seems cool on concept but it's too weak and the dash delay makes it less useful than the regular air dash.

It's a shame you get Fourth armor in X5 at the start of the game and it stays the best armor available after you get the new ones. And then in X6, even the broken Falcon Armor seems good in comparison to the even shittier new ones.

Armors get progressively worse with each game... Except maybe for the modular armor on X8, which was a bit forgettable, but kind of cool.

>> No.4882071
File: 149 KB, 1818x1176, X6ShadowArmorConcept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Shadow Armor was rad as hell to use.

>> No.4882086

Shadow Armor is cool except against bosses, then it absolutely sucks.

>> No.4882097

How does the Blade Armor charge shot work? I can't tell what determines whether it sticks to an enemy or pierces through them.

>> No.4882106

I don't know, I'd say X1 and X2 armors are about equal in quality

>> No.4882432

How about tweaking more than just Zero?

>Falcon: remove double jump
>Blade: remove double jump, and remove the Mach Dash "lag". AKA make the dash control like X3. Also make the Z-Saber as fast as Shadow Armor.
>Shadow: increased running speed and dash speed to match the other armors

And if it's in the game code somewhere, then restore Falcon to its X5 version. If not then don't bother.

>> No.4882617

>Shadow Armor looks just like High Max
>Gate is a scientist who has built outstanding reploids as well as god tier armors for himself and High Max, and is responsible for the Nightmare phenomenon

>Shadow Armor could have been an armor made by Gate, dubbed the Nightmare Armor

X6 had so much wasted potential.

>> No.4882852

How to fix X5 and X6's armor system:
>only start with Normal X
>collect parts of the white armor as normal, but you don't need to have all parts to use it (aka like in the previous games)
>one capsule contains the full set of the black armor

There. Now progression is like before, there still is more than 1 armor, the system doesn't get complicated with mixing parts (which was why X5 and X6 backed away from the old progression) thanks to the black armor being one full set only, and there is now only 5 capsules instead of 8.

Capsules really only felt special in X1 because there were only 3 hidden. 5 hidden is a fine number, but maybe make it 4 hidden with 1 being very hard to miss. 8 is just overkill and boring.

>> No.4883364

These niche armors would be more useful if X could just unsummon his armor when it isn't necessary

>> No.4883527

I mean Mega Man can equip adaptors on the go, it's quite lame that the most modular of Light's creations cannot equip armors on the go.

At least X does it in the X5 / Z1 / Z3 boss battles but this really should have been a feature.

>> No.4883703

Why the hell would I search for 4 capsules for one armor when I can grab 1 for the other?

X8 already fixed the multiple-armor system. Just have parts that you can mix and match with only the full set of one giving you a special ability. (Nova Strike, etc)

>> No.4883846

>enemies respawn if even one pixel of your character's dick leaves the immediate area

is this mechanic supposed to "add to the challenge" of Mega Man

>> No.4883881

Simple, just make the black armor a secret alternative that can only be obtained if the white armor is complete.

>> No.4883970
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good choice, but this one is my jam. Love the "guitar" solo

>> No.4883992

In that case, shouldn't the black armor be more like a straight upgrade? Since by the time you finish the white armor you'll probably be almost done with the mavericks anyway.

>> No.4884536

Nah, that would just be huge power creep if we kept having Hyper Chips.

Black armor can remain a secret alternative without completely eclipsing the white armor. They should both be of similar power level, but black armor has the pro of being a full set instead of multiple pieces. That way, being unlocked slightly later in gameplay isn't much of a drawback.

>> No.4884598
File: 111 KB, 776x1029, megaman_x_absolute_zero_by_aracelicasandra-d4qae3p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It exists now at least. In Command Mission style.

>> No.4884753

You're 100% correct, actually. I played through X5 and kinda hated it, but it's also the official/unofficial end of the X series, so I slogged through it. Never tried the Zero or ZX games if I'm being honest, but if they're similar to X5, X6 and the like, that's probably for the best.

>> No.4884795

They use very different physics. You should give the Z games a try.

>> No.4884801

What's the best way to pick them up? Isn't there a Collection on DS?

>> No.4884909

The collection is a 1:1 port. No enhancement whatsoever, not even an increased screen size (you get a black border exactly as if you were playing the GBA games on the DS, IIRC). The only new feature is a mode where you play the 4 games in one go, stitched together as one game, but it also acts as an uber easy mode giving you a bunch of upgrades just because (IIRC).

Play them in whichever format is more comfortable for you
I like to play them using the Restoration patches listed above, on a flashcart, on my Gamecube GBA Player, using a SNES controller adapter, using component cables, on a CRT TV.... But that's just me

>> No.4884938

>No enhancement whatsoever
Technically untrue. It has higher quality sound effects and music, like Ace Attorney. It also retains the Japanese ending theme of Z4.

>> No.4884941

If you want to purchase them, yes. Just a heads-up though, Z1 is rough, and not necessarily in a difficulty way. I feel that Z2 improves upon the experience, but another anon mentioned that it might have some issues of its own. If you get sick of either of them, just try Z3 instead.

>> No.4884979

I didn't know! Thanks for correcting me, I'll try it for the higher quality audio alone

>> No.4885004

Legacy Collection 2 was done by a Japanese dev, same for both X Legacy Collections. It's just Capcom not bothering to include anything outside the main games.

>> No.4885140
File: 93 KB, 437x294, X_online.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorite pre-3d has to be the gold armor, but this design that would have been used in Megaman Online is my favorite design.

>> No.4885482

That's the first time I've seen this. Looks neat

I hope X9 has an armor as good as this one.

>> No.4885487
File: 119 KB, 430x298, Zero_Rockman_Online_Armor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zero version

>> No.4886335

>implying that X9 will eventually come out

>> No.4886485
File: 20 KB, 256x224, KUiF2NNL.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game has great sprites
>changes them to shit sprites

>> No.4886503

Romhack restoring this spritesheet for Sigma on final game when

>> No.4886528

Hurr let's shill X and Zero everywhere with no payoff in sight, the revival was just for 1 game and nothing more

>> No.4887492 [DELETED] 


>> No.4887591

>but for instance Infinity Mijinion's stage is really cool
Are you fucking trolling me?

>> No.4887797

It's cool if you ignore the nightmare area.

>> No.4887813


>> No.4887870
File: 39 KB, 320x240, Illumina2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stage would be impossible if there was any complicated terrain. There's already enough obstacles to manage between illumina, the birds, and the nightmares. Not to mention you can fuck yourself especially hard by bringing Heatnix's nightmare effect into the stage.

>> No.4887878

Fucking Megaman 7 had the "giant thing chasing you" gimmick done better on fucking Slash Man's stage, of all things. And it did that without cluttering the screen.

>> No.4888163

The mavericks have better sprites in the final. The only reason I can assume they changed Sigma was because they wanted him to look closer to his Kaiser form. You'll notice they use the same head for both.

>> No.4888407
File: 4 KB, 128x152, MMX3BattleBodyIdleE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't matter when Kaiser Sigma looks that good.

>> No.4888595

Only plebs don't realize that X5 was the intended end of the X series and that everything after is fanfiction-tier bullshit.

>> No.4888609 [DELETED] 

The later games aren't good but c'mon (X5 itself isn't great)

>> No.4888615 [DELETED] 

Are you the same guy that thinks that shmups without terrain don't have level design?

>> No.4888682
File: 1 KB, 153x30, v4c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X6 is only second wurst to X7

>> No.4888775

How many times has that circular staircase background been reused?

Split Mushroom in X4?
I'm pretty sure it's in X5 too?

>> No.4889519 [DELETED] 

It was used before in Shadows over Mystara

>> No.4889532
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>> No.4889671

No, seriously. X5 was intended by the director of the games to be the end of the X series and lead into the Zero series, then Capcom decided to make more X games without him. That's why everything goes full retard in X6 and onward.

>> No.4889728 [DELETED] 

X5 already went in that full retard direction anyway

>> No.4890038

>cult of personality meme
Go away Inafune, you were never that important

>> No.4890057
File: 195 KB, 878x842, Zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4890101

Best levels
>Gameplay: X1
>Art: X1

Best mavericks
>Gameplay: X4
>Art: X1

Best fortress bosses
>Gameplay: X5
>Art: X5

Best weapons

Best playable characters (including armors)

Best music

Best """story"""
>X5 Bad Ending

Best character physics

Best replayability

Best overall
>X1, with X2 and X4 not far behind

>> No.4890108

The men who really deserve praise for Zero are the ones that decided how he should play and programmed him

>> No.4890114 [DELETED] 

For me (I don't care about art so it's all about the gameplay)

Best levels: X2
Best mavericks: X4
Best fortress bosses: I like the first five games or so similarly in this regard. Maybe X5 is the best but I'm not so sure
Best weapons: I don't play around with them much, though I have to mention X4 due to he invincible ammo helmet
Best playable characters: X4 (Zero in X5 sucks due to The Skiver's attack)
Best music: Either X2 or X4
Best """story""": I don't care
Best character physics: I haven't gotten into the deep physics or exploits to judge
Best replayability: Either X2 or X4
Best overall: Either X2 or X4 with X1 close behind

>> No.4890149

Best levels: X2
Best mavericks: X1
Best fortress bosses: X5
Best weapons: X4
Best playable characters: X4
Best music: X1
Best story: X1
Best physics: X2
Best replayability: X2
Best overall: X1 with X2 close behind.

>> No.4890162

>Best playable characters: X4 (Zero in X5 sucks due to The Skiver's attack)

I know it's a shitty argument to say but: SlashDashCancel is a mechanic abuse and Skiver patches it by chance, so are you saying SDC is better gameplay? Also another bottom-tier argument : you can also skip Skiver and his weapon.

I'm saying my two arguments are shit because X5 has tons of problems: those problems actually end up impacting Zero's gameplay in two ways that make it "better" and worth discussing.

>> No.4890167

There's also a patch that remaps Spiral Pegasus's weapon to the buster button.

>> No.4890170 [DELETED] 

SDC or not, I just dislike that ability. It sucks and you can no longer dash and slash normally I'd rather it be selectable in the menu like in the Zero series
>you can also skip Skiver and his weapon
Indeed, but still, since X4 and X5 are so similar, small stuff like this gives X4 the edge

>> No.4890172 [DELETED] 

I mean menu toggles btw

>> No.4890174

Actually I take that back, best playable characters goes to X6. The combination of a souped-up Zero, Shadow Armor and the Ultimate Armor still being a thing kills how cool Zero is in X4.

>> No.4890179 [DELETED] 

In X6 the characters feel a bit too broken. It's fun but X4 is still better imo
I mean, even the SDC is more balanced in X4

>> No.4890184


>Falcon > Blade
>Shadow > Gaea
>Repaired Himself Zero = Zero

They're pretty equal. But overall Falcon+Gaea > Shadow+Blade

>> No.4890187 [DELETED] 

One of the things SNESfags overlook in X4 is the fine ass control options. Check this out:

Square: Buster shot
X: Jump
Circle: Giga attack
L1: Dash
R1: Secondary buster shot (the one that lets you fire the regular shot with another weapon equipped / special techs for Zero)
L2/R2: Scroll between weapons
And then the rest like start

>> No.4890207

The annoying thing about the second weapon button is that using it cancels your charge for your main weapon. The Zero series pulled off that control scheme better.

>> No.4890214 [DELETED] 

I personally found the double charging mechanic quite awkward to control
but yes, the Zero series is peak Mega Man controls. Too bad about the screen crunch

>> No.4890217
File: 108 KB, 1920x1080, Zero factory level.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4890225

>I personally found the double charging mechanic quite awkward to control

I don't usually have both weapons charging, I just like to have a charged buster or rod as a backup for the saber.
Although if I remember right there is a control setting that lets you charge both weapons with one button, but I never used it since I like to keep the saber uncharged.

>> No.4890228 [DELETED] 

These games really emphasize memorization gameplay (with the rank system and these leaps of faith) which is fine but screen crunch is not something I personally enjoy
Charging both at the same time messed me up a lot

>> No.4890231

>These games really emphasize memorization gameplay (with the rank system and these leaps of faith) which is fine
Is it really though?

>> No.4890243 [DELETED] 

It is, I enjoy stuff like shmup scoring or racing time attack which is all about memorization (and execution). MMZero is like this due to the rank but to a much lesser degree, and partly due to screen crunch which isn't the most fun

>> No.4890304

>X5 was intended by the director of the games to be the end of the X series and lead into the Zero series
Con Man barely had any input on X5 (he isn't even producer or director of X5 at all, he directed X2/X3 and produced X4) and X6 is way better than the mediocrity that was X5. The plot shit itself in X5 because Capcom couldn't write a definitive ending, X never had a good ending point and nothing was resolved in the X5 ending except that Zero is dead AGAIN. But I guess bringing Zero back to life is only okay when every game other than X6 does it.

>then Capcom decided to make more X games without him
Con Man left the X series while X5 was in pre-production with the command to end the X series. X5's team felt that X5 had too many unresolved plot shit that would lend themselves to at least 1 more game, so they made X6 as a direct sequel to X5's plot and with an ending that better ties into the Zero series and allows for more room for Inti Creates to play with the story.

>That's why everything goes full retard in X6 and onward.
Things already went "full retard" between between X2, X3, X4 and X5.

>> No.4890321 [DELETED] 

>Things already went "full retard" between between X2, X3, X4 and X5.
Have to disagree here, X2 is better than X1, X3 was a big of a slip but X4 rebounded. X5 is the true start of the decline (if anything X6 is more fun to replay due to no stupid text)

>> No.4890342 [DELETED] 

a bit of a slip*

>> No.4890469
File: 1.28 MB, 639x1080, QZolQJz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant in terms of story cohesion, not game quality. X2 already brought Zero back to life simply because Con Man thought it would be "a shame" to keep him dead, Doppler already took care of the Sigma Virus in X3, X4 had potential despite some of the retardation, and X5 has X getting almost killed and saved by plot-armor and "here's like 4 different endings determined by RNG, 2 of which could be canon, making the timeline more confusing" bullshit. X6's plot is actually fairly good for X's standards, since it managed to have some actual moral leeway on the motivations of the antagonists, fleshed out Alia's character and advanced the Wily plot all at once. The issue was bringing back both Sigma and Zero in a way that nothing came out of the latter; they were clearly setting something up with Zero's return and Isoc being around, but then they discarded all of it. Con Man didn't plan jack shit and Inti was behind everything in the Zero series, and while their original plan to have Zero kill the real X was mega-retarded (let alone ending the series with Zero 3's piss-poor ending), they did a good job tying together all the loose ends.

Then again, this is goddamn Mega Man, so why even care that much about the plot. We just need badass robots killing each other and nice scenarios.

>> No.4890476
File: 43 KB, 429x500, MMZ Early Concept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4890484 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah, story in these is just garbage, but who cares anyway
Did they really intend to not make 4? As in, Zero 3 as it was was supposed to be the end?

>> No.4890490

I don't know, I'd say the story in the Zero games are good/solid, but as you said, doesn't really matter. And yes, 3 was supposed to be the last, with them maybe wanting to make a 1.5 at most, but Capcom insisted it be a new entry, which is one of the main reasons he dies.

>> No.4890503

Yes, lots of interesting details from the Inti Creates CEO in this interview: http://www.usgamer.net/articles/companions-through-life-and-death-time-and-again-the-story-of-inti-creates-and-mega-man

>"After we finished creating Zero 3, we actually didn’t want to create a fourth game," muses Aizu. "Scenario-wise, the story was complete in our minds, and we felt the ending to Zero 3 was a really clean way of completing the scenario. But then Capcom approached us to create another game in the series.
>"Our initial plan was to create a game which was basically Mega Man Zero 1.5, a story between 1 and 2. That was our way of compromising. But, Capcom wanted us to create a true Zero 4 instead of 1.5, so we started to rethink things. We're happy with the result — the game we created is very satisfying, in our opinion.
>"But we also decided at that point that we didn't want to create a Mega Man 5, so what did we do?" Aizu laughs. "We killed Zero off, so we wouldn’t have to make a fifth game."

Cockblocking us from fighting Weil would have sucked really hard, and the way the X guardians went out was really lame. Thank goodness we got Zero 4, its ending was great.

>> No.4890507

That design just reminds me of all the electronics in the 90s that tried to look cool by having clear plastics that let you see the internals.

>> No.4890509
File: 23 KB, 480x320, Zero 4 quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETVPH0qDKLY 6:24

>> No.4890513 [DELETED] 

How the hell was Zero 3's ending satisfactory?
And yea, glad we got Z4, good game

>> No.4890517 [DELETED] 

What are you trying to convey here?

>> No.4890527

Don't know how bullshit you'll consider his argument or not, but maybe this?

People like to shoehorn in Zeros final moment when discussion of Z4 comes up sometimes. Even as a fanboy, I don't get why.

>> No.4890534

Ultimate Armor.

>> No.4890550 [DELETED] 

>Dr. Weil is still a threat
I love how he downplays this crucial aspect lmao he compares the Zero series with previous ones like the classic which didn't take himself seriously at all and Wily is just a saturday morning cartoon villain. The main villain being alive is BIG in something like the Zero games

>> No.4890556

You mean iX?

>> No.4890560

To be fair, Weil wasn't shown to be that big of a deal by himself in Z3. Everything he did relied on Omega or the Dark Elf. It wasn't until Z4 that he gained any combat abilities of his own.

>> No.4890565 [DELETED] 

Sure, but still

>> No.4890575

yeah, I don't agree with the series ending at Z3 either, but if you squint hard enough you can kinda see how it would work

>> No.4890589 [DELETED] 

I'm glad Z4 was made since it was good, but also glad Capcom didn't milk this to the ground like it did with the X series. And they sure wanted to milk it, thankfully Inti prevented it.

Think about this:
Z2 and X7 were released on the same day in the US. Yikes. A franchise getting even better while the other is just... being an embarassment.

>> No.4890594
File: 146 KB, 800x325, tmp_30127-31004822_p501371477648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a more interesting subject, what do you guys think about the mechanic of dashing increasing the damage dealt by regular shots?

>> No.4890596

That was also when the Battle Network series got Battle Chip Challenge and Battle Network 4. Truly some dark times for a Mega Man fan.

>> No.4890598 [DELETED] 

It's a bit weird but I don't mind it
Triggered my PTSD (yet it's one of the best selling of the entire Mega Man franchise)

>> No.4890613

I'll always find it funny how both Zero and BN were supposed to end at 3 and had to make an unplanned sequel.

>> No.4890618 [DELETED] 

Inti definitely handled it much better lmao

>> No.4890659

Is not Falcon+Gaea. The Super adapter is literally the Jet + Power together.

>> No.4890660

No, that's Turles.

>> No.4891339

Anyone got some high quality scans of the Mega Man X artbook? Looking for the armor section in particular (I think there's a picture with all helmets)

>> No.4891845 [DELETED] 


>> No.4891990


>> No.4892252

Because of good will after BN3, then BN5 took the hit from BN4's bad rep

>> No.4892337

are you the same faggot that correlates two entirely unrelated things together?

>> No.4893575
File: 1.09 MB, 758x778, helmets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best I could find. If anyone has a better res version, please share it.

>> No.4893758

Ultimate armor > Falcon armor >>>>>> every other armor

Prove me wrong

>> No.4893785

In terms of OP-ness? Yeah, that's right.

>> No.4893796

Second Armor's Shoryuken OHKOs everything unlike Nova Strike.

>> No.4894501 [DELETED] 

so much deleted post

>> No.4894708
File: 512 KB, 1163x816, dhm0uguuwaahrj3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before the thread dies, I wanted to let you know I just submitted to the site what I think will be the last version, at least for awhile. Lots of bug fixes on previous features. Also in the last few days someone else contributed with a hack to change input for Zero's Sentsuizan, as lots of people suggested. Now that's been added to the patcher and seems like a good place to wrap things up. I already covered everything I set out to do initially.

Here's an xdelta patch with my own selection of modifications

And here's the patcher for full customization

>> No.4895867

Thanks for the update. Do you have any interest in touching X4 and X5?

>> No.4895912
File: 146 KB, 959x741, gap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reach this semi-secret area
>Looks like I'm supposed to go down, but die in bottomless pit
>Try to jump across the gap, but even with Ice Burst I can't make it
>Checkpoint respawns me here and I can't backtrack out


>> No.4895921

I already did the Undubs for 8 and X4. If anything, I'd like to restore stuff from the japanese versions of X5 and X6 next, but I need to go back to non-videogames stuff for awhile.

As for gameplay changes, I don't see anything wrong with X4, and X5 has mostly been covered by the Improvement Project (linked in the hacks list above). It removes Alia's hints, fixes graphical bugs and makes health and energy upgrades shared between characters.

There's also this new patcher made by Z3R0X, the guy who contributed with the Zero technique remap on my parcher


It adds being able to always get Parts (instead of depending on ranking) and always get parts for borth character. Also, a remap for a problematic Zero technique (again). Not a pretty tool, those are pretty cool hacks

I made for myself a patch that combines the Improvement Project with the good stuff of this new patcher and has the japanese intro. I haven't had time to test it, but once I confirm it works ok I could share it around here unofficially

>> No.4895925

You need to get there with the speedster and jumper parts to reach the other side. If you can't reach it, nothing to do except "exiting"

>> No.4895931

If you have Scaravich's nightmare effect it spawns a bunch of blocks that you can push around to get to the other side as well.

>> No.4895937
File: 131 KB, 959x741, gap2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to god this is my first time playing the game. I did end up just game over'ing there and tried a new stage

>now this!

>> No.4895941

how did you even get there with just the falcon armor

>> No.4895945

I used an Ice Burst block to jump up to a higher area in a cave. The only boss I've beaten so far is Wolfang

>> No.4895951

Like the rest of the X series, there's a lot of stuff made to be accesses after you get certain upgrades (except the rest of the series had the decency to not make those parts dead ends)

>> No.4895962

It's cool that you figured that out. I didn't on my first playthrough. There's a lot of difficult places you can reach very early with this (you can get the Speedster on Blizzard Wolfang's stage with just the Falcon Armor and this weapon)

>> No.4895976

>watching Johnny review X2 & X3
>he seriously thinks you're supposed to go from weakness to weakness your first playthrough

Johnny, I love you man but come on. You're not supposed to know that your first playthrough. A boss you don't have the weakness to is SUPPOSED to kick your ass while still being very much possible to kill it with the X-buster.

>> No.4895984 [DELETED] 

I know what you mean.
I've played all of the other Megaman games and I like to experiment with powers as soon as I get them.

>> No.4895987
File: 127 KB, 959x741, weird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops, I hit Post prematurely
I know what you mean. They really should've thought this out better.
I've played all of the other Megaman games and I like to experiment with powers as soon as I get them.

Now this is strange. I was in Scaravich's level and I actively avoided a random blue teleporter at first, but then I died to the 4th totem mini-boss and had to go through there again. I took the teleporter this time and got into a random fight with Zero and after beating him I have to start the level all over again. This is a very strange Megaman game.

>> No.4896000
File: 126 KB, 959x741, weird2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, third one actually. So what happens if I go in there as Zero?

>> No.4896003


>> No.4896006

depending on your equipment you may or may not be forcing yourself into a third game over

>> No.4896010
File: 167 KB, 959x741, goddamn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


HELLO? this goddamn game,

>> No.4896024
File: 198 KB, 959x741, sped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Speedster always on or do I not match the criteria to equip it? It won't let me put it on

>> No.4896025

You seem to only have one Part slot available. Grinding souls upgrades your Rank and Parts allowance. Unequip whatever you have equiped, Speedster is more important

>> No.4896026

It's not the Mega Man X6 experience if you're not committing suicide on a regular basis.
The amount of parts you can equip depends on your rank.

>> No.4896227
File: 46 KB, 959x741, sped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this sure is lovely. Trying to do platforming over deathpits with regenerating enemies around and I got this shit covering up my fucking screen.

>> No.4896240

I think Sheldon's nightmare can overwrite that. Not that it would really improve the situation, though.

>> No.4896246

I'm still not sure why they thought those stages needed bonus bullshit. The worst part is that this isn't the worst offender at all.

>> No.4896268

I think it was an attempt at having a difficulty curve. To make the stages become harder as you're exploring and collecting power-ups.

It doesn't really work since X6 is balls hard to begin with, but it could have been cool in a different game.

>> No.4896293

Would've been cool if they were actual changes to the stage layout. Remember Flame Mammoth getting frozen after beating Chill Penguin, changing how you go through it completely?. X6 only has annoying shit tacked on top to make you kill yourself and come back later.

>> No.4896474

do people think x5 is better? I just spent an entire level shooting locks to open doors.

>> No.4896507

there's a worse version of that stage in X6

>> No.4896716

I just want to say that I think Metal Shark Player's stage is the worst Megaman stage of all time. Holy shit, it's a fucking slog. Gotta keep watching for the ceiling to rise before I can move ahead and because Zero has so much fucking recovery time putting his sword away in this game I have to play like a bitch

>> No.4897492

>that Protoman theme right in the middle

>> No.4897494

>Golden X
Should crossover with Golden Frieza

>> No.4897512

>Mega Man ZX and ZX Advent Undub (new version that doesn't freeze)

Thanks /vr/o!

>> No.4897598

X5 is more of a platformer than an action game. On its own, the level is fun. At least I think it is, in its own right. It's a maze of enemies and obstacles and those locks act as puzzles.

It's definitely not a good framework for your typical X level though.

>> No.4898480

Classic: 20XX
X: 21XX (Command Mission: 22XX)
Zero: 22XX
ZX: ???

>> No.4898562

Should be 24XX.

>> No.4898917

Call me casual, I don't give a fuck, but I actually like how in the Zero games is so much easier to guess the bosses weaknesses and abuse them with charged Sword hits.

>> No.4899804

Last chance, guys who haven't voted.

>> No.4899834

Actually CM is 22XX, so Zero would be 23XX, thus ZX would be 25XX.

>> No.4899861

That works too. The specific centuries don't really matter, it's just +1 for all of them except ZX and Legends, which are +2 and +50 or so.

>> No.4900024

They said in the X Official Complete Works that Z is the same year as CM (22XX precisely) and is why X got a redesign to fit the era better.

>> No.4900039

It wasn't bad, but it wasn't all that good either.

Of course, X7 being a massive steaming turd only helps X6 look better in comparison.

>> No.4900141
File: 2.83 MB, 2400x3504, tmp_8059-406312298062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're referring to this page, correct?

>> No.4900159

Yup, thanks for posting it.

This book series is great

>> No.4900197

The OCW books are a good read, yeah.

>> No.4900213

What's the most optimal way to 100% X5 with X? And what about Zero?

Like there's a million revisits in the X playthrough and there's something weird to do with the countdown but I forgot

>> No.4900223

Bosses won't give you parts until they're at least level 8. Their level is determined by your hunter rank and how much time has passed.

So, unless you want to fire off the enigma and shuttle to go rank up in the virus stages, the only way you can collect all the parts is by intentionally getting game overs until the timer drops low enough for your first boss to be level 8.

>> No.4900234

Are there any collectibles I can catch on the way to minimize future revisits ?

>> No.4900237

To grab on the way during the game overs I mean

>> No.4900256
File: 140 KB, 765x677, megamaker example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a few moments where X6 really feels like it was made by Mega Maker level designers and really made me realize that the Mega Maker guys designed their engine accurately.

There's this part near the end of Infinity Mijinion's secret path where you're riding a rail over a bottomless pit and then the camera awkwardly shifts to reveal more area to explore below the bottomless pit, but the way the camera shifts all of a sudden is jarring and now there's this bottomless pit area that still exists to kill you before the camera pans down. That whole bottomless pit area should be open area where the camera can freely scroll, but they designed it like an amateurish Mega Maker level (see pic, it's a depiction of pretty much exactly how that Infinity Mijinion area is like)

I actually enjoyed the game, I beat it last night. I liked the challenge. I actually really liked that stage on the way to High Max, with the totem guys and the little electrical shooter guys. That level was actually a challenge. I've never been so tested getting through a level as Zero before.

>> No.4900259

I think the only stage you can fully clear with nothing is Mattrex/Dinorex. I recall there's a trick to get Skiver/Pegasus's capsule using Zero, so that might be possible too.

>> No.4900474
File: 1.65 MB, 1961x2565, Normal_concept_x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it the Falcon Armor or the Ultimate Armor?

>> No.4900556

Seraph Armor

>> No.4900630

>Toxic Seahorse, Blast Hornet, Blizzard Buffalo and Gravity Beetle's stage themes were awful.
Yeah, nah. Something is wrong with your fucking ears dude.

>> No.4901530

You guys buying the upcoming Legacy Collections?

>> No.4901557

Yeah, but I'm considering it merchandising more than anything else, I don't think they'll replace playing them on their respective systems on my CRT TV setup.

I do have a bit hope they'll get some kind of tweaks besides X5's Maverick names

There's also X Challenge, but it might be the part of it I'm less hyped about. From the trailers, it looks like a mess of a damage per second contest, no pattern recognition or consideration for the layout or anything that makes X boss battles click

>> No.4901826

I mean the patterns are the same, it's like those simultaneous runs challenges but merged together.

>> No.4902043


Screechy, off key digital guitars are legitimately awful to listen to, anon.

>> No.4902394

I am, yeah. MM11 happened because LC1 performed well, so that gives a good chance for X9. https://venturebeat.com/2018/06/13/the-retrobeat-mega-man-11-interview-e3/

>“As I’m sure you’re well aware, Inafune-san departed a long while ago,” Tsuchiya told me. “Obviously a lot of other people were working on Mega Man at the time, and there were a lot of people within the company that had a strong desire to make a new Mega Man, but it was very difficult. The atmosphere just didn’t feel right for anybody to raise their hand and say, ‘I want to be the person that makes the next Mega Man.’ That was kind of the general atmosphere for a long while. It was a big reason why there was a long absence for a new Mega Man game.”
>“For me, it wasn’t so much about, why is this taking so long?” Oda added. “It was more about, why aren’t we making a new Mega Man game? I’d been making a lot of other titles for a while, and the whole time there was this feeling of, all right, when is this going happen? Who’s going to pick it up? No one? Look at all this social media feedback. I guess I’ll do it if no one else is going to. That was how things came about.”
>“What was really nice was, when we released Mega Man Legacy Collection, it did really well,” Tsuchiya told me. “It had 1 million sales worldwide. It was very much a way of numerically showcasing, to people internally, that there is a strong fan base. There are people waiting for a new Mega Man game. We were able to show that with those numbers. We wouldn’t have been able to do that without our fans. I’m very thankful to our fan base.”

Not gonna lie, having all of those games on one console is getting me unreasonably excited. So unreasonably excited that I'm looking forward to replaying all of them, yes even X7. X Challenge looks neat even though the different size scales clashing look kinda funny.

Expect faster loading times.

>> No.4902494

It's considered bad? I loved it at the time (X4 is the best tho)

>> No.4902638

I guess. I'm interested in X Challenge, and fucking love the entire series so much I even get some enjoyment out of X7, but I'm expecting disappointment as far as them not fixing the glaring, easily fixable issues and fucking terrible design choices in some games. Nothing remake tier, but things like X6's terrible script, Black Zero being impossible to unlock through gameplay in X6, Alia in X5, etc. Also disappointed that X7 and X8 seem to not have a real widescreen mode and that X3 doesn't have some kind of option to turn on the PSX FMV, sounds and music. Oh well, I guess it's nice at least that the SNES games are ports and won't have slow down or flicker. Even if X3's best version is the playable Zero hack and Capcom previously did a lite version of that for some garbage phone port in Japan a decade ago but can't bother doing anything interesting like that for a major re-release. Fuck.

But I just enjoy the games too much to not buy it despite all the shortcomings.

>> No.4902948

>and Capcom previously did a lite version of that for some garbage phone port in Japan a decade ago but can't bother doing anything interesting like that for a major re-release. Fuck.
What are you referring to?

>> No.4903040
File: 97 KB, 233x500, OVER-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's probably talking about Megaman Xover

>> No.4903331

There's An X3 port for some pre-smartphone japanese phone model that let you play as Zero normally, pretty much what the Zero Project hack does

In fact I think that port was the inspiration for the hack

>> No.4903583

>Rockman Xover
>Rockman's Over
I remember both laughing and crying when that thing was announced.

>> No.4903613
File: 267 KB, 1508x1856, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you make Zero's more generic looking boss abilities more identifiable to which boss he learned them from?

Hard Mode: You can't just use the boss's signature element in the ability's animation. Like how you know Zero learns his fire sword moves from Magma Dragoon, Dinorex, and Heatnix respectively.

>> No.4903652

Are you just now drawing that connection? Zeros pony tail mirrors Proto's scarf, the red color theme, one has a shield, the other has a sword.


>> No.4903708

Now i kinda wanted to see how vile/vava looked like without his helmet

>> No.4903734

The subject was hair and armor hair. Look deeper into the Proto Man post.

>> No.4903993

>more identifiable to the boss
>can't use signature element

Well that's dumb. X5 did a pretty damn good job showing which techniques were which boss.

>> No.4904178

Nope, what >>4903331 said. I think it was only in a high score based Ranking Mode but Zero could fight bosses. The SNES hack is better in every way, but it's an interesting, fun bonus feature lost to some shitty phone port.


Same thing for these two:


The second one is what Mega Man Mobile for Android and iOS is based off of. In other words, they double ported using atrocious versions of MM1-6, and then took out any of the extras (Roll in MM1, Ranking Mode in all 6) that would at least make them interesting if you could stand playing them long enough. Most likely because the lack of those features in the all-around better re-release, Legacy Collection, would be questioned.

>> No.4904274
File: 24 KB, 320x240, MMX6-MetalAnchorC1-SS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4904370

I did not know about this. This is neat

>> No.4904635

The sound wasn't as good as the first game but I never thought it was terrible overall in X3.

>> No.4904841

I'm replaying the Zero series right now and... it's not great. Looking back, it should have kept the X series formula with ways to improve your character naturally via the Life Ups and the armors. The Zero games are basically "no fun allowed" thanks to its ranking system punishing you for improving your character. The games had great ideas (like merging X-Buster and Z-Saber gameplay), the plot is good for once, the designs grow on you and the physics are the best in the series. It's really just the ranking, elves and the fucking screen size that make this series overall worse than X1-X4. But to be honest, I'd rather play Adjusted X5 and Tweaked X6 than any of the Zero games.

>> No.4904856

You wouldn't be able to use cyber-elves in Zero 1 even if you didn't care about ranking. The amount of grinding it takes to use anything in that game is retarded.

The rest of the games have plenty of upgrades that can be used without lowering your rank.

>> No.4904917

>But to be honest, I'd rather play Adjusted X5 and Tweaked X6 than any of the Zero games
Ouch. Also, when you say overall worse, do you feel that none of them surpass even X3?

>> No.4904938

ZX did it better.
>4 Heart Tanks
>4 Sub Tanks
>Model ZX is the same as Zero minus the EX skills, so barely a loss there
>ranks are only affected by boss performance, and a low rank is hardly a penalty as you can use in-game currency to nullify the penalty
>you can rematch the bosses anyway
>bigger screen (very relevant point)

And of course
>playable X in the form of Model X
>playable Guardians in the forms of Models H, F, L and P
>can all be changed on the go

I love MMZX. Truly underrated game.

>> No.4904964

Thank god they made Zero 4, it entirely fixed the issue of the EX-Skills being tied with your ranking with its weather system. I hated that shit so much in Zero 1~3, especially because your rank clearing a stage didn't matter, it was what your rank was *going into* the stage.

>> No.4904995

X3 is a very annoying game, but Z1 is a million times worse (I'm ok with losing lives but that game over shit is dumb).

But yeah I'd rather play X3 than any of the Zero games. Every victory is rewarded and my character's power level can scale with the game in a natural way.

>> No.4905027

ZX has its own share of problems. It just replaced the grinding with a ton of pointless wandering around.

>> No.4905040

>bigger screen (very relevant point)

Lolwut? It's the same resolution as the GBA.

>> No.4905046

>that game over shit is dumb
What are you referring to?

>> No.4905056

The best strategy is to not burn through your lives before the final stages as lives are finite. Basically, each time you die in a regular stage (including boss fight), your best move is to reload your save and restart the stage.

>> No.4905059

DS is slightly bigger and thus you can see things coming your way much better.

>DS: 256 × 192 pixels
>GBA: 240 × 160 pixels

>> No.4905229

I thought Zero 3 was a good game. Not sure what other people think about that one. I never played 1 or 2 personally.

>> No.4905246

X4 is one of the best games in the series but I'm gonna have to disagree with you about it being THE best in the series. That title goes to X1; X4 was just the last all-around decent game and the first to actually make zero a proper playable character with his own story and powerups. So yeah, great game. Fantastic even. But not better than the original.

>> No.4905252

I like it, but it's a little drawn out. I could have gone without the Z1 rehash stages, but I guess that's not a problem if you haven't played Z1.

>> No.4905257

Z1 is rough, and not in a difficulty way. There are reasons as to why it's that way, but still. Z2 is an improvement in most regards, and Z3 continues that trend. Z4 is a little above or below Z3, depending on your preferences.

>> No.4905973


>> No.4906019

I'm gonna be sad when this thread dies

>> No.4906231
File: 17 KB, 112x112, 23Mad31d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultimate Armor design:

X6 > X4 > X5 > X8

>> No.4906240

This shit had no right being this good.

>> No.4906248

It doesn't completely save the game but it's a start.

>> No.4906251

How the hell has this thread survived for nearly two months?

>> No.4906271

Beats me, but I'm glad Mega Man threads are still upbeat and comfy. We need more of these.

RIP /mmg/

>> No.4906275

By having good discussions like all MM threads.

>> No.4906279

It surprises me because beyond the Doom, Diablo and GCCX threads it's rare that a thread will last for two weeks here, let alone two months, the only other thread that lasted almost as long as this one was that Mother thread a week back

>> No.4906292

>I'm not sure what that means.

I think it means that the screen size on the GBA is small, so enemies have a bad habit of coming in from offscreen without any warning. Go to the desert area in the first game and see how many times you get divebombed by a falcon you can't even see.

>> No.4906307

Was that a glitch or intentional? It was so damn obscure that I could never tell.

>> No.4906324

So CM is a branching timeline where the Elf Wars doesn't happen? Neat.

>> No.4906338

It's before Zero gets sealed.

CM happens
Zero gets sealed
Elf Wars happen
Zero gets unsealed
X and Zero vs Weil and Omega
Zero gets sealed again
Zero gets unsealed for the MMZ series

>> No.4906375

I wish X2 had a way to use the Zero parts to improve X's armor instead of reviving Zero.

>Z-Saber beam after Double Charge Shot
>Dash with Z-Saber in front
>Earth Crush

>> No.4906651

That would be kinda morbid.

>> No.4906665

Not any more than X1 desu

They're robots and X is modular.

>> No.4906671

Yeah but that was just his arm cannon, and it was necessary to defeat Sigma anyway. (within the lore at least) This is just X taking multiple parts from Zero into himself to get more powerful.

>> No.4906735

>People claim that X6 as armorless X is impossible to beat

>> No.4906828

Nobody has claimed that ever since Hideofbeast did it back in 2009.

Also, what the fuck is this shit? New title screen? Bloom effects? New music? New sound effects? Is this from the Legacy Collection?

>> No.4906865

Why does X have Zero's sword?

>> No.4907136

It's just something that guy does, nothing important.

>> No.4907243

Pretty sure it's intentional since it carried into the Zero games.

>> No.4907272

>Blade Armor is the only one with 0 votes

How do we improve it, /vr/? Both gameplay-wise and design-wise.

>> No.4907293

make the mach dash do a billion damage so I can just slam myself into everything all day

>> No.4907295

wait, I just described the ultimate armor

never mind, the blade armor is hopeless

>> No.4907338

Here's a start: make the saber faster, and remove the air dash delay.


>> No.4907532

Nvm, I found the damage charts so I'm gonna update it soon with a few more options.

This is how FUCKED the Blade Armor actually is:

Regular shot: 3 damage
Half-charged shot: 7 damage
Fully charged shot: 5 damage (YES, LESS)
Charge shot ghosts: 1 damage

I bet they thought the ghost shots would make up for the reduced damage of the final charged shot, but most of the time they don't deal any damage at all, specially on bosses.

>> No.4907550

How do you even get those ghost shots to activate? Most of the time the charge shot just flies through the target.

>> No.4907579

I never got why X6 was singled out for shitty level design when X8 is just fucking miles worse

>a fucking stealth stage
>gigavolt man'ofuckshit's stage
>yeti's stage with yet another horrible riding gimmick
>descending autoscrolling that turns into an ascending one when you beat the boss
>cyber peacock but shit
>the absolute fucking bullshit that is gravity antonio's stage
>the one stage with the construction roid that makes you go through it straight and then backtrack while it chases you in another autoscrolling segment
Panda dude's stage was the only passable one out of the maverick ones and even then it just has 2.5D segments tacked on for no reason.
I don't think you do any platforming or fight any enemies in those segments so it's just why is this here?

Overdrive is also a fucking terrible mechanic but that delves into gameplay which is another can of worms.

>> No.4907637

I honestly did not enjoy X8 for this very reason. X6 has bullshit stages but there's some fun in doing these. X8 is just unfun from start to finish, where every stage is a chore. I honestly just like X1-X6 in that series and it pains me that X9 will likely be similar to X8.

>> No.4907652

X8 is a very frustrating game for me because I love the way the characters play (at least comparing it to the disaster that came before), but I hate every single stage

>> No.4907710

I like the uniqueness of X8's levels. I've always found regular MMX level design to be a bit bland compared to the Classic games.

Trilobyte ain't even an autoscroller, the robot moves as fast as you do. It just has a minimum speed you need to keep up with.

>> No.4907716

X6 is kinda the shit. Not sure why people bash it so much.

>> No.4907963

We went over this. It's his memento of Zero after X5, when he thought Zero died.

>> No.4908197

Fire boss is autoscroll

>> No.4909176

Make it so its Z-Saber play is the X4 Triple Slash.

>> No.4910164 [DELETED] 


>> No.4910238

Maybe I'm just biased, but Megaman X6 is a lot more playable than a lot of other bad games I've played. The shooting and jumping's solid.
Its worst part to me was the Gate boss fight, and the Nightmares of course.

The first three Mega Man Gameboy titles on the other hand, now those are bad games.

>> No.4910258
File: 186 KB, 1042x396, YwqrJplNRXU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X6 feels bad and broken
I'd better play Zero, ZX, Legend and SF again.
Also, this дoиaт realy annoyng

>> No.4910270
File: 79 KB, 500x527, za2CWgXoj_g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I watch an anime for MM.EXE, MMSF? Same question 'bout that non-canonInafune crap:
I want to know all about Blue bomber, but anime it's... tooooo much for me. But in the ather hand, there could be some important things, like Quint, or that 3 new bosses in the willy wars.
It's hard to me, watч aniмe

>> No.4910283
File: 114 KB, 906x930, Если смог прочитать, то ты пидр.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is best girl in the hole titles?
I woluld to fuck Tron Bonne > Luna Platz > Sonia Strumm > Roll Casket > Hope Stelar > Mail > Neige > Ciel

>> No.4910287

More like Mega Man X Legacy Correction, am I right?

>> No.4910420

MM.EXE's anime avoided the backstory from 1 so it's pointless for lore, still useful for fanservice. Watch some longplay for 1 for the major story beats (it has a pretty interesting twist), and play 2/3 if you can bear it for more plot, and 6 for a good game.
MMSF anime had production problems but covered lore much better.
The game aren't as insufferable as long as you avoid 2 (or just watch a youtube longplay for the plot scenes) and play 1/3, which are good games with much better writing than the exe series but a whiny brat protagonist and less charming cast.
There's some anime for the classic series as a ps1 fmv game but even inafune disowned it.

>> No.4910440


>> No.4910469

>this is what we could have got

>got an abomination only good for reaction images instead

>> No.4910815 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 4592x1872, UltimateArmorSprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one is X6 supposed to be? Black & gold or black & silver?

(Refering to the black & gold mudshot VS the in-game sprites)

>> No.4910821
File: 10 KB, 325x115, UltimateArmorSprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao that picture got cropped very poorly

Which one is supposed to be the X6 one? Black & gold from the mugshot or black & silver from the sprites?

>> No.4910958

Shit, if I ever compile the list of games with a LaunchBox UI and distribute it, I'm using that name

>> No.4911061

so does this mean people are nostalgic enough about X6 to defend it now or something? it's garbage.

>> No.4911437

I still don't understand why they gave Mega Man those ugly as fuck eyebrows
It absolutely ruins the design

>> No.4911825
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Thank for answering, but actualy I played all MMBN games (except Network Transmission, Real Operating 4.5 and another Battleshitwork spin-offs), and also played All MMSF games. I'd love it so much. If anime dosen't give some new content and don't expend the lore, I think, what I realy shouldn't watch that

>> No.4912050

That would be kind of awesome actually. If you wanted to remove slowdown like the ports will(?), libretro versions of SNES9x have overclocking that works well for X1-X3. Apparently X1 needs the max setting to prevent a visual bug, X2 and X3 can use either, but if you use the latest version of Zero Project, it will soft lock when saving or loading with the max setting. A couple parts of X2's intro and title cinematics fall out of sync and cut off the very end of the music, but that's it for bugs from what I've read or seen myself while playing.

>> No.4912567 [DELETED] 


>> No.4912741
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>> No.4912780

Does the Mega Man franchise count as a scotformer? Or is it a bounce ‘n’ blast?

>> No.4912781

It's a blastformer, I thought it was common knowledge by now.

>> No.4912838

Isn't it a little early for that? We don't even have MM11 yet.

>> No.4912875

neither, it's a hop/scotchformer

>> No.4912960

The X Legacy Collection is coming and there are expectations for a new game now. They CAN'T wait like they did for MM11.

>> No.4914050

What stages do you always start with in every X series?

>X1 Chill penguin
>X2 wheel gator
>X3 blizzard buffalo
>X4 web spider
>X5 grizzly slash
>X6 ground scaravich
>X7 tornado tonion
>X8 bamboo pandamonium

>> No.4914067

I only played X1-X6, but...
>X1:Chill Penguin
>X2: Wire Sponge or Crystal Snail or Bubble Crab
>X3: Tunnel Rhino
>X4: Web Spider as X (Tried starting at Cyber Peacock as well), Magma Dragoon as Zero
>X5: Squid Adler as X
>X6: Shield Sheldon

>> No.4914093

>X1: Penguin, followed by any order
>X2: any order
>X3: any order
>X4: any order
>X5: optimal route for 100% if X, any order if Zero
>X6: Yammark if X, Mijinion if Zero
>X7: I don't replay that game
>X8: I don't replay that game

>Z1: in order of mission listings
>Z2: Hyleg Ourobockle
>Z3: Blazin Flizard
>Z4: Noble Mandrago

>ZX1: in order of mission listings
>ZX2: in order of mission listings

>> No.4914115

Same list as you, except replace Scaravich with Yanmark and remove X7/8

>> No.4914406

>X1: Chill Penguin
>X2: Wheel Gator
>X3: Toxic Seahorse
>X4: Frost Walrus
>X5: Crescent Grizzly
>X6: Commander Yammark
>X7: Tornado Tonion
>X8: Earthrock Trilobyte

Although, the whole point of MMX is that you're not supposed to start at the same stage and do the same loop every time, then it's too easy and the bosses have no bite unless you do an X-buster only challenge run.

>> No.4914571

If you want to see ships sail then it will deliver.

>> No.4914740

>best soundtrack


>> No.4914743

Is this patcher thing Windows only?

>> No.4914762


In case you're still here, thanks a lot for your project. Especially thanks for the documentation spreadsheet. I'm running RetroArch on Linux so I wrote a Python-based patcher based on that spreadsheet and it produces the same output as your patcher utility. The only reason I haven't published it yet is I only implemented the modifications I cared about...

>> No.4914779

You should still publish it. You'll make at least 1 other person happy.

>> No.4914781

It's got 20% of the features of the author's patcher and the parameters are all hardcoded in the script. Let me at least develop it a bit so it won't be embarrassing

>> No.4915157

Still here. Despite what I said I've implemented a few new options and an developing a couple more still (Blade Armor dash delay removal, other dash customizations, damage buffs for Blade Armor, defense buffs for base X and Zero, etc), so look forward for an updated patcher/spreadsheet soon.

You can follow progress here:
Or just wait for the next major release on RHDN

Anyway, thanks for letting me know you're using it. You should definitely publish your version of the patcher so other Linux users can use this. Though I'm confused why you mentioned RetroArch, are you patching the game on the fly when running or something?

>> No.4915238

Yeah I'm refactoring the script now. It was based on v01 so there's a lot of catching up to do... I'll definitely release it though. Is it OK if I post a gitlab link on that thread when I'm done? I'll make it expandable so that other people can contribute their own modifications to the script. I'll MIT license it too so that if others can do whatever they want with the program.

I mentioned RA because it's what I was using for PS1 emulation on Linux, the mednafen core specifically. Now that I think about it, probably doesn't make much of a difference. The script opens the X6 ISO file, verifies it's checksum and applies the selected modifications.

>> No.4915239

>Blade Armor mach dash fixed
>Blade Armor damage chart fixed

You're doing god's work.

>> No.4915245

If you manage do give shadow armor air dash you'll be literally god in my book

>> No.4915317

Please disable the "double jump" of the Falcon Armor and the Blade Armor. Basically just make it so that pressing jump while in mid-air does what is expected to happen: nothing.

>> No.4915323

Does the v06 autohotkey patcher release include source code? The v01 release included source code and was immensely helpful when I wrote my original script

>> No.4915338

Forgot to add it this time, sorry. Anyway we're up to v08 on the project thread and the next one will be done at some point between today and the weekend, so you should skip v06 altogether. I only submit on RHDN's database every few revisions because they approve submissions manually and it can take days.

You should register on RHDN's forums and contact me there so I can send you stuff directly, and also to follow the latest updates directly

>> No.4915342

I haven't gotten around trying that yet but I'm guessing it should be pretty easy to add as an option

>> No.4915351

I'm x6fan I registered on RHDN just to post a message of thanks and a few suggestions on the thread

I'll update my files with the v08 release

>> No.4915362

Found you! I'll PM you the source for v08 later when i get back home. It'll be updated soon but with it you'll have plenty to work with for awhile.

>> No.4915374

I'm not sure if I can do this one, but I've seen it done... look for "X6 Ultimate Shadow Armor" on youtube, or sonething like that, someone made some weird ass epsxe-based plugin to hack the game and he did a lot of customization for the Shadow Armor. I wonder if he'd be willing to share the source

>> No.4915376

Thanks a lot man! I'm working on the script right now, planning to get a cleaned up version done today

>> No.4915438

>both Intro Stage themes
>X vs Zero
>Izzy Glow
>Dark Dizzy
>Zero Stage 2
>Sigma 1&2

It's great.

>> No.4915518

Since we're talking music, I absolutely love X6's intro stage music. You can feel X's pain of going back to battle so soon with a broken armor and this time alone. And at the same time, feel the suffering of the development team having to rush into making this sequel in less than a year right after the last one was released and put behind.

>> No.4915523

So when this thread dies can we have a new one to discuss the X6 improvement patch?

X6's soundtrack in general is based

>> No.4915556
File: 18 KB, 514x204, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking through the spreadsheet and I'm not sure about something:

BIN PSX RAM Description Value (DEC) 496548780 8006D624 Rank UH 9,999 496548782 8006D626 Rank GA 5,000 496548784 8006D628 Rank PA 1,200 496548786 8006D62A Rank SA 800 496548788 8006D62C Rank A 500 496548790 8006D62E Rank B 300 496548792 8006D630 Rank C 200 - Rank D 0

The autohotkey source code also includes these definitions:

RankSouls04_Label = SA
RankSouls04_Offset = 496548786
RankSouls04_Default = 900

RankSouls03_Label = PA
RankSouls03_Offset = 496548784
RankSouls03_Default = 1500

RankSouls02_Label = GA
RankSouls02_Offset = 496548782
RankSouls02_Default = 5000

RankSouls01_Label = UH
RankSouls01_Offset = 496548780
RankSouls01_Default = 9999

X6 ranks go from SA => GA => PA => UH. This is documented in pages like: http://megaman.retropixel.net/mmx/6/parts.php

>Rank SA (900-1500): Two parts can be equipped.
>Rank GA (1500-5000): Two parts and a Limited Part can be equipped.
>Rank PA (5000-9998): Three parts and a Limited Part can be equipped.
>Rank UH (9999): Four parts and a Limited Part can be equipped.

Is this ordering correct?

>> No.4915608

SA is actually 800, the link you posted has it wrong (confirmed in game)

PA and GA labels were swapped in the GUI (not that it matters, you're only writing souls values)

Both of these were already corrected in newer versions.

You really shouldnt be looking at v01's source code anymore. I'll send you v08 in a bit

>> No.4915635

Sent you a PM on RHDN

>> No.4915876

Just finished rewriting my X6 tweaker python script. It should be useful especially for Linux users. If anyone here is interested, they can check it out here:


You can run it with the following command:

./x6tweaks x6.iso < examples.json

This will apply all the tweaks from the examples.json file.

The included example config file will write the game's own data to the image, resulting in an unaltered file. This proves that the patcher works correctly.

Currently, it supports tweaking of the ranking parts and soul requirements. I was eager to release it so I didn't include all the functionality. I'll add the rest of the features gradually! I also welcome any and all contributions, comments, criticisms, flames, anything. The program is also MIT licensed, so you can do whatever you want with it, just give attribution to the hackers who found all the data that made it possible

>> No.4915941

We have reached page 10 with no bumps left. Gentlemen, it has been a pleasure.

>> No.4915970

Why isn't there a Mega Man General in /vg/?

>> No.4915973
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Same here. Catch you guys on the flip side.

>> No.4916024

Is it bad that I really want them to revisit the X series, pretty up the old games, fix the later games, and continue the series?

Or am I just nostalgic?

>> No.4916071

This was a good thread. Until next time!

>> No.4916164

Not really, no. You just want something you like to be as good as it can possibly be.

>> No.4916164,1 [INTERNAL] 

Where can I find the transcript? It's the one Zero's bad dream version says "Washi" to Zero.