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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4875059 No.4875059 [Reply] [Original]

This game seems to get a lot of praise. Is it warranted?

>> No.4875063

Yeah. It had some of the best graphics and gameplay out of any console beat em up from that era.

>> No.4875080

Best belt scroller along with SoR2 and proof that console belt scrollers are superior

>> No.4875090

>belt scroller

>> No.4875104

Best example of a game that has no real challenge but is still really satisfying

>> No.4875121

Better than the Simpsons?

>> No.4875124

Yes. Play it.

>> No.4875134

On top of all of that, it has a 10/10 soundtrack too

>> No.4875140

This and that power rangers game are great left to right fighting games.

>> No.4875171

Way better than the simpsons, not even a question.

>> No.4875181

>and proof that console belt scrollers are superior
this is what low skill dadshit collectors with no 1ccs actually believe.

>> No.4875184

I've never seen someone use the Simpsons brawler as a metric for quality.

>> No.4875318

Maybe? It's low tier as far as arcade beat em ups go, but the truth is there were few fast paced 2D beat em ups when it came out. And on consoles the choice is still limited to this day. It also nails the presentation.

>> No.4875349

I like the way the moves work. It's pretty unique and allows for tons of moves with few buttons.

That and the SNES version is much better than the Arcade one.

>> No.4875421

I thought consensus was that it was good. All I remember is playing it at an arcade on my 10th birthday and having fun

>> No.4875657

Regardless, it was arcade exclusive and he specifically referred to console beat em ups

>> No.4875663

why do you /vg/ crossboarders always out yourselves?

>> No.4875754

The arcade versions of TMNT are specifically designed to milk casual players. They're designed to let players get plenty of easy hits to progress before nailing them with a cheap shot of some sort. Getting good at this game involves learning a bunch of awkward, unnatural gimmick tactics that mostly just make the game tedious and frustrating. It's fine that there's a small number of fanatics who love this kind of thing but let's not pretend it's good game design.

The difficulty in the console versions is much more straightforward matter of mastering the mechanics and learning and responding to intuitive patterns.

>> No.4875757

No beat 'em up general there, genius

>> No.4875765

No one said TMNT is well designed, neither the arcade nor console games are I mean you'll be spamming one move regardless of the version or game. Capcom arcade scrolling jabbers are way better than any console shit though.

>> No.4875870

>it was arcade exclusive
>he didn't play the PC port

>> No.4876081

There's our problem, then... no containment thread

>> No.4876291

Consensus is that it's okay but generally Konami arcade beat 'em ups are style over substance.

>> No.4876457

Yes. Best TMNT game by a mile.

>> No.4877148

It's a bog standard beatemup. Admittedly one of the better ones on the SNES but still nothing to get a hard on over.
>some of the best gameplay out of any console beat em up from that era.
BK3 would like a word. Even Final Fight 3 has better gameplay.
The simpsons is garbage. Repetitive, no variety to enemies or movesets, just awful.

>> No.4877159

Yeah it is very good.

>> No.4877560

I prefer the first game. I just thought it was stupid going back in time. I preferred fighting foot soldiers on the streets. felt more like the cartoon. I need to get around to playing Hyperstone Heist. I like that you can change their skin tone to that of the toys

>> No.4877705

>Capcom arcade scrolling jabbers are way better than any console shit though.
so are IGS but these fucks can't even begin to understand how to even play these games and igs are definitely for the competent player.

what is it about the truth that bothers you so much?

>but generally Konami arcade beat 'em ups are style over substance.
violent storm and vendetta 2 are the only good ones imo and even they have major flaws.

>> No.4878462

Why did they only make turtle beat em up games after the first one? Seems to me they could have gone more ways with the heroes in a halfshell, a Plattformen game like Capcom's Disney games where you could use special abilities to progress, rpg's, or even a (better) version of nes Ghostbusters where you drive around town or fly and fight random events out of the series... This always kept me wondering as a kid, the games were okay but were missing depth imho, played them 1-2 every quarter year or so

>> No.4878567
File: 853 KB, 567x800, kod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game is way better. the levels are short and don't waste your time.

>> No.4878573

Use common sense anon.
If a game gets lots of praise it's for a reason.

Besides it just takes you a minute to get a rom and play it to see for yourself. What's with /vr/'s fear of actually playing games?

>> No.4878595
File: 2 KB, 54x90, kara boga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kara boga!
what did they mean by this?

>> No.4878607

/v/ refugees probably. /v/ doesn't play games

>> No.4878618

Well, the GB games are platformers, albeit the first two are kinda garbage. The third one is a bit metroidlike and seems pretty cool, but I never invested much time into it.

>> No.4878834

>It's a bog standard beatemup. Admittedly one of the better ones on the SNES but still nothing to get a hard on over.

Tell me, which ones have the hard on effect then ?

>> No.4878845

All the Capcom arcade ones

>> No.4878860


>> No.4878889

Whenever I try to play this lately, I get my shit pushed in around the prehistoric stage, everything else is a cake walk before that, and then suddenly, stone soldiers that hit hard and can't be cheesed by the throw attack.

How do I gitgud?
I swear I beat this shit at least once as a kid.

>> No.4878934

- use Raph, his superior speed is a BIG advantage here (and everywhere else in the game, really)
- if possible, try to keep the rock soldiers on one side of the screen to avoid getting swarmed and (rock) fisted from both sides
- spam the flying kick attack (special attack while dashing) whenever you're in a good spot for it: it doesn't cost energy to use despite using the special attack button(s) to activate, deals damage while moving fast past the enemies getting, AND it cancels out the rock soldiers' shoulder charge attack.

...and if not already done:
- switch to manual dash - auto dash takes way too long to activate
- assign a single button for special attacks (I like X)

>> No.4879091
File: 20 KB, 480x480, 1529354426162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah neat, never played them, might try'em out, thx anon

>> No.4879284

>shitposting is truth XD
Why are you upset by people enjoying things

>> No.4879317

I'd say that it's easily the best jog n' jab on the SNES.

>> No.4879620

Batman Returns is better, Ninja Warriors Again is leagues above TMNT.

>> No.4879635

>I prefer the first game. I just thought it was stupid going back in time. I preferred fighting foot soldiers on the streets. felt more like the cartoon

>> No.4879718
File: 38 KB, 312x318, Non Mutant Bebop arcade.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4880504

time well spent

>> No.4880526

It's a competent sidescrolling beat em up, it has the TMNT license, which was a huge deal then, it actually made good use of said license, has nice looking graphics and it's just fucking goofy (in an entertaining and fun way)

These things combine to make it a fairly unique game. There are better playing games in the genre, but none with the total perfect storm of turtles in time.
Except maybe the simpsons arcade game. MAYBE the Xmen arcade game. But that's pushing it.

>> No.4880552


>> No.4880751

I'm not saying you're wrong but neither of those are multiplayer so it's not really a fair comparison.

>> No.4880789

>playing bmups multiplayer
Fuck off, scrublord, if you haven't no-missed a bmup on your own, you don't get to have an opinion.

>> No.4880852

Agree with this. Seeing these Konami TMNT games back then was great, like a playable cartoon.
They are not specially well designed games, but more like pure crazy fun with colorful graphics and fantastic classic Konami tunes.

>> No.4880895

both games are great on SNES and Genesis, but some of the genesis music looked better than SNES


>> No.4880925

Give me your beat em up tier lists NOW

>> No.4880928

It's OK, but in retrospect it was not as interesting as I remembered it from childhood. The bosses for example are all pretty uninspired and basically just like normal enemies except they take more hits (granted you had the one fight with Shredder in the novel position where it looks like he's looking down at you from behind the screen while you fight off a bunch of foot soldiers, but then again you're just fighting a bunch of foot soldiers with the only thing he added aside from the visuals being a couple of mechanical claw things you have to dodge every once in a while).
I think the concept of fighting on all these different levels in the past and future is great, but it was pretty underused looking back.

>> No.4880938
File: 246 KB, 1000x1000, goemon-shiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genesis music looked better

>> No.4880949

Should have added that as a qualifier but alright, Knights of the Round then

>> No.4881180

I've 1CCed Batman Returns on stick on highest difficulty. Does my opinion still not count? If it's any consolation, I don't think Turtles in Time is a very good game mechanically.

>> No.4882147

>calling everything you don't like to hear a shitpost

This trend is tiresome, you should grow up.

>> No.4882152

>Use common sense anon.
>If a game gets lots of praise it's for a reason.

Yeah because of nostalgia and it being easy, that's not common sense it's mindless tribalism. common sense would be to talk to actually good players who know much more in depth knowledge and hear what they say before forming your own view, notice how all the good players have far different lists and rankings from the plebs.

>> No.4882205

it's kind of like battletoads except instead of ripping off ninja turtles it just is ninja turtles in the first place, and then instead of being by Rare it's actually good.

>> No.4882247

Yeah, surely bad games get good praise.

>> No.4883392

ah yes a gross over simplification by a vr peabrain.