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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 36 KB, 350x343, If-Youre-Watching-This-Cant-Remember-a-Thing-This-May-Help-Some.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4850087 No.4850087 [Reply] [Original]

I start:

- ca. 90s game
- japanese styled world probably a jrpg
- party of two guys and a chick going around
teleporting into other maps and defeating
monsters and demons.
- ginseng was an item

>> No.4850093

Oh good, I was just thinking of a game myself.

PC game
Racing, with an overhead camera similar to R.C. Pro AM.
Somewhat futuristic setting, had an FMV intro movie with some gameshow host jackass talking about the cars.
There was a side mission in the first race where you had to pick up a bottle of steroids for a lone shark.

>> No.4850095

Sounds like a Breath of Fire game.

>> No.4850101

>Breath of Fire
No wasnt that

>> No.4850106

Grandia? I'm just going off games with ginseng as an item.

>> No.4850114

it was a real time game with an isometric perspective

>> No.4850125

Ok fambots, it's an N64 game that is a black cartridge with a black and white label. It was like SCAR or something, it was about shooting aliens in FPS I think. It was SHIT and I returned it for an exchange.

>> No.4850127

That's an easy one. Armorines.

>> No.4850129

God damn it looks even worse than I remembered, n64 is such a bad console

>> No.4850130
File: 8 KB, 225x169, arm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

otherwise check this

>> No.4850132

Can you remember at all which console it was on?

>> No.4850139

>Can you remember at all which console it was on?
It was a PC game

>> No.4850181

>ginseng item
>isometric perspective
>PC game

Sounds like one of the Ultima games.

>> No.4850184

>Sounds like one of the Ultima games.
no wasnt ultima

was a asian/japanese world

>> No.4850189
File: 34 KB, 640x400, 9W0ZlGW[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original Legend of Sword and Fairy?
Breath of Fire IV also fits the description.

>> No.4850203

>The original Legend of Sword and Fairy?
>Breath of Fire IV also fits the description.
both aint it

you entered and left the realms/maps through blue (?) gateways from the main map

>> No.4850232

It was this two game bundle; one of them was a 3d pong game, and the other one used mostly the same controls to have a space shooter thing, where you moved with the mouse and fired your left and right cannons with the two mouse buttons respectively. The earlier levels had you trying to shoot down asteroids before they hit earth, and then you fought the aliens sending the asteroids, culminating in hitting a base of some kind and trying to fight your way back (I never did beat the game entirely).

IIRC, it was just titled based on the first game, "3D Pong", but there are so many 3d pong games out there that it's hard to find the one I want.

>> No.4850237

>IRC, it was just titled based on the first game, "3D Pong", but there are so many 3d pong games out there that it's hard to find the one I want.

I am also looking for a game called "Boxing" on PC.

You were a boxing trainer and manager. The boxer wa "controlled" by yelling at him from outside the ring. You could dope him. There were training sites to send him ranging from mointain resort to tropical island

>> No.4850283
File: 143 KB, 800x600, 5_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prince of Qin?
Septerra Core?

>> No.4850293

Ps1 game. Rpg I think, had grid and turn based combat system where flanking actually mattered and iirc your warriors transformed into folklore creatures on occasion

>> No.4850309

Saiyuki: Journey West

>> No.4850331

Fucking bingo, thanks. Got it from a pawn shop on the 90s and then lost track of it and never saw anyone else with it

>> No.4850357

>Side-scrolling SNES adventure-ish game
>Can choose to play as a boy or girl (and possibly a robot)
>Start inside a dark, foggy room
That's about all I remember.

>> No.4850623

>Prince of Qin?
>Septerra Core?

>> No.4850629


>> No.4850641

There was this JRPG I played on rom few years back. Was mega sweet. Had monster trucks and sniper rifle. Any ideas?

>> No.4850669

One of the Metal Max games?

>> No.4850681

Man, OP's game is really kicking everyone's ass.
The first thing that comes to mind with ginseng and blue gates is .hack, but that's probably not it.

I'm also looking for a game I played when I was very young:
>16bit era, probably PS or Saturn
>simple 3D action rpg
>had multiplayer and multi-tap support (that I never took advantage of but always wanted to try)
>something about fairies and a guy with a bandana?

>> No.4850714

I remember people always mentioning that game on this board, I can't quite remember... I think its title was in all caps??

>> No.4850875

2 games, both pc, likely win9x

First was a sudescrolling platformer where you are a wizard with a purple robe and hat. Your main attack was a magic missile style projectile and you gained spells that went in a menu you could use mid game. One was featherfall which let you fall slower.

The other was a masters of orion style game but wasnt from that series. Two of the groups you could play as were Draconians and the Hegemony. There was both space and ground based exploration. Movement grid was hex based. In the ground you invade cities and I think there may have been some terraforming. Each group had its own units based on its lore. Draconians were lower tech lizard folk who used hollowed out space rock for their ships and gained defense from it.

>> No.4850912

>Man, OP's game is really kicking everyone's ass.
Yeah that's really a duesy aint it?

>> No.4850920

Nobody's even attempted mine :( >>4850093

>> No.4850942

gameboy game
play as a thief, collect money bags
i remember the game starts on the roof? and you move into the inside of buildings
don't remember ever beating it as it always seemed to loop back to the rooftop scenario

>> No.4850947

pc turn based strategy
mutated people everywhere
some dude joins your party and you better not have given him a gun because he turns into a monster
later on a monster joins your party but it seems to have control of itself

>> No.4851008

A game on a demo disc in the early 2000s.Side scrolling puzzle platformer in which you play as little yellow alien with a gun.Levels were quite short.

>> No.4851018

I am also looking for another game also on a demo disc in the early 2000s.Thrird person adventure game in which you play as a girl.I think u can only jump and move i dont rember any combat.You start off on a sand beach and there are crabs.The symbol of the game is an eye appearing in the loading screen(i think) and other things.Soon after the beach there is an area with a pool table and a painting on a wall with holes in eyes you can look through.I don't remeber much else but really wanna play it

>> No.4851027

Old DOS game with polygonal graphics, wandered around a haunted house or something

>> No.4851029

Alone in the Dark?

>> No.4851031

YES, that's it! thanks

>> No.4851156

Not retro, but sounds like Alien Hominid

>> No.4852045


>> No.4852113


>> No.4852228

Blaze & Blade?

>> No.4852240

>Blaze & Blade

>> No.4852251

I've had this one game in memory for a long time now, and I have never been able to figure out what it was

It was a game for the ps1, that was either a first or third person view, but I think they might have been interchangable, and it was sort of a shooter/platformer with multiple weapons.

alot of things are pretty vague and sort of a blur to me but what I remember very clearly was being in an area of the game that was sort of a dark alleyway with dark black shadowy buildings, and I was behind two large building in sort of an enclosed area with brick platforms and ladders that you had to climb on, and I think you had to get to the top of the building, there was kind of like a metal platform with railing on the side of the building too, and you got attacked by a bunch of demons during the game. I have no idea what this game could have been, if it even exists or if I'm remembering it completely wrong, but I saw this thread and thought I'd take an opportunity.

>> No.4852253

You walk right, and a funny little man approaches you. I never figured out how to get past him.

>> No.4852272
File: 387 KB, 960x720, 37349-ODT_-_Escape_or_Die_Trying_ NTSC-U -1492042143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds sort of like O.D.T.

>> No.4852279

No,way more obscure i'm pretty sure.The alien got clothes on and is a bit thinner

>> No.4852284

-old JRPG
-starts in a vast empty desert
-after walking a few steps someone shows up
-asks your name
-game asks a few questions about yourself
-gets teleported in a village
-it's nighttime
-you either kill everyone or escape through the well
-suddenly wake up and it was just a dream?
-somewhere during the game you kill your father

I've been trying to find this game for a very long time pls help.

>> No.4852296

Death Rally

>> No.4852338


>> No.4852367

That sounds a lot like one of the possible starting quests from the Dragon Quest III remake(s).
Except you don't kill your father, he dies in front of you.

Could also be Ninja chapter from Live-A-Live, but it definitely sounds like Dragon Quest III.

>> No.4852373

I played a sega genesis game on my console
The title was written in japanese so did'nt cared much.
Anyway as far as i remember there were four playable characters which were interchangable within the game.
One of the character had a ryu's like hadoken projectile which can be upgraded fully into a dragon
Also the second last or last stage was in some orange colored cloudes and stuff

No matter how much i searched throughout these past five years i was unable to find it

>> No.4852381
File: 226 KB, 640x654, lof0ps0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a little google, and I think that's it.
The name didn't sound familiar at all, turns out they changed it in the french localization. I'm pretty sure it's the same game except for that, though.

>> No.4852387

>early DOS game (or at least early enough to run on a PC XT)
>involved Mickey Mouse
>the filename for the executable was MM.exe

It's the first game I've ever played. I hope my dad didn't change the filename for me because that's my only real clue.

>> No.4852408

Disney's Follow the Reader?

>> No.4852426


That could be it, but I barely remember what the game looks like. I'll probably have to look through all the Disney games myself. Thansk anyways.

>> No.4852427

I've been looking for a shareware FPS that appeared on a demo CD from a magazine. All I remember is that the game had a pencil-drawn artstyle and everything looked like a paper cutout, black on white. Enemies were like cardboard sprites, but I'm sure it was a rudimentary 3D engine. There were a lot of mazes I think.

>> No.4852731


>> No.4853465

Wow, everything seems to check out, I think this might've been it.

>> No.4853491

I remember this one difficult point and click puzzle game I had, I'm not sure what it was called though, it was some kind of old british game and it took place in some sort of small town, I don't remember many of the puzzles except for maybe the last one, there was like two fools in the town next to a fountain, and they gave you a bunch of eggs, and you had to figure out which one was rotten as a riddle, and then you had to put them in the fountain water and the rotten one would float. No idea what this game was, probably wasn't even that good, but it'd be nice to know what it was.

Oh, and it was for PC.

>> No.4853505

A friend of mine was trying to track down a game described as looking like an early Windows game that had walking around a night time city, and talking to people. Apparently all the assets were clip art, and all the talking had text to speech.

Any ideas?

>> No.4853509

-Game from a Windows demo disc
-One of those point n click first person deals kinda like Myst
-You start out in a camper full of alien tracking stuff
-Something you do summons some creature to which I always noped the fuck out of the escape button
-Exiting causes this animation of a dancing greyling alien

>> No.4853590

are you talking about diablo

because if so you might belong here (because you're retarded)

>> No.4854203


>> No.4854401


it all was played outside not inside...

>> No.4854459


>> No.4854550

Oh man, there's one rpg I've been looking for some time now and I can't remember it's name.

>8bit or 16bit era
>probably a jrpg
>main character is a blonde guy in armor
>the system reminded me a lot of Dragon Quest
>one of the characters was a thief with a red cape
>you could choose where to put your status points

>> No.4854594

Playstation 1 game
you play a spider
had puzzle elements
the spider was actually being controlled by a man
the spider may have been a robot?

I remember the levels had count down timers and something bad would happen.

>> No.4854675
File: 6 KB, 227x222, Download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here - plz helb

>> No.4854701


How about Spider? Ticks all the boxes, but I don't recall a big puzzle emphasis

>> No.4855045


>> No.4855068
File: 232 KB, 1280x720, IronMan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got one for you guys
>mid 90s DOS or PC game in a big box
>heavy anime giant robot theme may be based on a show
>One of the characters is shooting an over sized laser that takes heavy inspiration from capcom fighters like pic related
>gameplay looked run-and-gunala probotector or gun hazard but I'm not %100 sure
I got it from a circuit city bargain bin in 1996-98 and it was taken away from me before I could install it because I had a poor understanding of how big a mega byte was and broke the computer by filling up the hard drive.
My parents were the originators of "the computer caught a virus from your damned video games" cliche and the game having Japanese writing on it made it seem illicit to them so they threw it away before I could install it.

>> No.4855118

An arcade game, verical shooter. You could shoot with a normal shot or bomb enemies on the ground. You could rescue little people (which was indicated by a sing that read PEOPLE, lol), and obtain money which you could use on upgrades.

I've never seen it again, even in mame.

>> No.4855153

>An arcade game, verical shooter. You could shoot with a normal shot or bomb enemies on the ground.
Going just off that, it sounds like Xevious, but Xevious doesn't involve rescuing people, money, or upgrading your ship. You might try searching for games like Xevious.

>> No.4856129

PC game, thirdperson, fantasy, either an action RPG or pure action game. You play as a barbarian or warrior guy of some sort. I played a demo of it and my main memory is a part where you run up to some goblins or some other such baddies and your guy shouts YOU BASTARDS, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HER?? I suppose because they kidnapped some girl or something.

95% sure I didn't dream this, had that one scene and the specific way he says the line in my head for decades, it floats up at me in quiet moments.


>> No.4856538

Looks like that's probably it, but I do remember there being a puzzle emphasis and it had a sequel?

>> No.4856732

Thanks I already knew about xevious... I've been looking for this so long and so hard I'm actually starting to doubt my own memories.

Thanks anyway.

>> No.4856751


Op still needs help

>> No.4856752

Die by the Sword?

>> No.4856789



>> No.4856842

Srsly dude?

>> No.4857081

>Die by the Sword


Fuckin A, thanks anon. I had the line wrong all these years.

>> No.4857146

Sounds like Bonanza Bros but obviously that's a Sega game

>> No.4857358

OP needs to share some tips because the ones he gave so far are clearly not working.

>> No.4857690

>OP needs to share some tips because the ones he gave so far are clearly not working.
he doenst have more

>> No.4857736

It’s a marvel fighting game that had a roof level and you could use the environment against your opponent. Maybe there was a story mode with marvel characters turning evil.

>> No.4857783

-Vertical-scrolling shmup on the NES
-One of the levels takes place in a swamp
-You fight an alligator

>> No.4857812


>> No.4857824

Maybe he does say that in the demo, they aren't always just a level from the final build.

>> No.4858025

An unreleased space sim with primitive polygonal graphics and they hired some goth band to do the soundtrack. I can't remember the platform but it was probably DOS or Amiga.

>> No.4858053

I remember this only once at a friend's huse before he moved: space shooter, head on kind of thing. Like star fox. You might have had a cockpit view. The most distinct thing I can remember is that you would have squad mates talk to you with fmv boxes. Its not wing commander. I think it might've been on 32x or Saturn. Possibly 3d0 or something though.

>> No.4858058

First game sounds a bit stormlordish

>> No.4858060

I want to say Bayou Billy but you said a Shmup

>> No.4858075
File: 83 KB, 630x420, that's funny .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a shmup on the NES, involved a Samurai trying to save the US from a Zombie apocalypse, I played it on Nintendo8 years ago.

>> No.4858076


Zombie Nation?

>> No.4858079

Some FPS that takes place in a spaceship and you fight purple aliens.
I was too much of a chicken to finish it as a little kid.
I think it was on PS or Saturn, could also be N64 but it's unlikely.

>> No.4858084
File: 36 KB, 476x358, aku .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it! Been looking for that game for a long time.

>> No.4858090

PC Game, maybe late 90s to early 2000s?
Might have been apart of one of those CDs with like 2000 games on them or something

You play controlling a slingshot where you have to fire people across the ocean, trying to land them on islands, cruise ships and clouds. Might have been in a complication pack of 4 different games but I remember it vividly.

Another one I can't remember is this Christmas themed game around the same time where you played as one of two little puffballs and you can to kill eachother with things like flamethrowers. My cousins had some weird games.

>> No.4858269

I can't remember a tennis game, I dont know if it was on snes or nes or maybe even turbo graphics. you go around towns in an rpg like overworld and challenge the tennis players there. It has some memorable music/sounds. there's multiple types of courts with terrain/colors

>> No.4858297

>rail shooter
>arcade game also on PC, or just a PC game styled after arcade games
>play as cops?
>levels included a construction yard and subway
>could choose to go left or right at parts that led to different levels/paths
>one enemy possibly in the construction level chucked shit at you from on top of a building
>player 1 had a blue? crosshair and player 2 had pink?
>possibly had a co-op mechanic where one person aimed and the other used the keyboard to reload/shoot
I played this when I was a kid so my memory of it is horrible.

>> No.4858316

virtua cop?

>> No.4858321

Virtual Police Officer?

>> No.4858338
File: 69 KB, 381x472, 1474444897430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes thank you. It was 2 specifically.

>> No.4858757

√ Early 90s - DOS
√ Black ball on grey background that would break if it fell making a broken glass sound.
√ Isometric perspective

>> No.4858785

Bayou Billy had two shmup levels.

>> No.4858897
File: 151 KB, 1024x768, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gorky 17?

>> No.4858902

Wasn't Marble Madness was it?

>> No.4858976

>n64 sidescroller game (?)
>4 marble things with faces (red, blue, green, yellow) lined up on the Z axis in their own tracks, each different shapes
>at least one of the levels have a lava-red theme
>was a 4 or 5 y/o visiting a place when I saw it on a screen, I don't even know if it actually exists

>> No.4859019

Education games in the 80s. They came in sets. One was you were a dolphins running for President.

>> No.4859238

No, but very similar, possibly a rip-off, it featured power ups and other balls as enemies. The sound effects were very distinct.

>> No.4859774

it was a racing(?) game either on ps1 or dreamcast. one car is a lunar rover thing that has a human driver and a monkey inside. if you press a certain combination of buttons, a robot arm starts flailing around. during the robot arm animation, either the guy will say "so i've got long arms, so what?" or the monkey will scream.

>> No.4859813

That's probably Rise of the Imperfects, which is not retro by far.

>> No.4859851

It was a text based adventure, had monochrome yellow graphics and involved a Flask.

>> No.4859864

I remember my dad rented a game for me one time.

It was for the SNES, and you were like a manger of an airport or something, i don't remember much except that it had something to do with planes, but you don't actually pilot them, you just had to make decisions and stuff.

I remember it was pretty bored and that my dad got sad because I wasn't having fun with the game he chose.

>> No.4859882

So it probably was Bayou Billy

>> No.4860093


>> No.4860153

Yup, that was it.

Just as boring as I remember lol

>> No.4860175

That could be anything from Zork to Thy Dungeonman.

>> No.4860195
File: 111 KB, 1163x753, monastery .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it was Thy Dungeonman, dunno why I thought that it was a retro game.

>> No.4860346

I've already asked this in another thread but here it goes.
It's a SNES turn-based JRPG an anon talked about sometime ago, where you can drive trucks during battles or something like that. I remember he posted a pic, so I'm almost sure it isn't Metal Max.

>> No.4860525

Front Mission?

>> No.4860526

RTS Pc game about saving a few survivors from an alien invasion
had insane gore and the only thing I ever played of it was from a PC demo
it had like randomized squads and random loot and the main menu theme was just random screams most of the time

>> No.4860809


>> No.4860830

Early 90s PC 3D Fighting game
Short game, around 8 levels
Little to no textures
Fighters with different shapes and colors
It would run extremely well on my i486
It probably fit in one floppy

>> No.4861213


>> No.4861637


OP still a faggot

>> No.4861774

Shogo Mobile Armor Division?

>> No.4862602

A pc fps, probably was a hobby shareware game made from the Doom engine. I just remember something about purple projectiles and giant brown faces. Was pretty fun for being an obvious rip off.

>> No.4862950
File: 42 KB, 323x456, IMG_1192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but better graphics and on PC iirc

>> No.4863007

Never mind, I found out it doesn't exist. It's just a forced meme.


>> No.4863048

Ps1 game
Rock music at the start screen (something a lot the lines of "GET UP GET UP")
Playable characters include a fat guy who could body slam/ ground pound to kill enemies and a lady who could scream really loud

>> No.4864885

Bumping for

>> No.4865138

Don't know the game but for some reason I thought of elvis and helga from clay fighter, god damn that game was lit

>> No.4865140

Chinese Paladin
mah nigga
too bad the translation of the remake was dropped :(

>> No.4865150

An fixed plane beat em up arcade game where as you go through stages you unlock dungeon doors and have people stand behind you and help you fight.

>> No.4865158 [DELETED] 

You play as a construction worker in a half finished building. You need to fix the floor with a jackhammer. There's a boss and a robot chasing you. It was in Lode Runner, Dig Dug era. I asked this and got an answer in gamefaqs classic game forum in early 2000.

>> No.4865180

Iggy's Wrecking Balls, maybe?

>> No.4865232

Magic Sword

by capcom. Got a snes port, too

>> No.4865236

Bunping for OP

>> No.4865339

After reading every post by OP, it sure sounds a lot like Chrono Trigger.
Would be funny if it was, given how popular the game is.

>> No.4865364

Some sort of minigolf game on PC. I can't exactly remember if it was a Windows game or DOS, because for some reason I remember the graphics being fairly decent. There was a shareware version for sure.

>> No.4865635

Dude there's like 500 minigolf pc games. I loved minigolf as a kid and played as many crappy pc minigolf games as I could. That's how I got into flash games actually.

>> No.4865707

Hey Bros. I used to play a snes game as a child, where you could play as one of three Kids (blue, pink and green i think and one of the kids was a baby) These kids did wear some Robot suits.
I think it was some kind of platformer. I just cant remember its stupid name . Pls help

>> No.4866545


>> No.4867027

That's a really tough one, don't you remember the system or what those characters looked like?

>> No.4867286


The chick had a blue outfit
And it was an action adventure

>> No.4868593

I used to play a game on my IBM 5150. It was a game developed by IBM, I think. A few different stages. One stage had a worm “eating” and apple. Another stage was guiding the worm through a maze.

>> No.4868948
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's clearly Breath of Fire 3 or 4.

>> No.4868967

You play as a blue hedgehog running around jumping on enemies. When you hit the question mark box a mushroom comes out and makes you big. Anybody remember this one?

>> No.4869051

>It's clearly Breath of Fire 3 or 4.

>> No.4869058

Not a single game in this thread sounds real.
Y'all are taking the piss, I'm sure of it.

>> No.4869060

Sonic Brothers' Land for the Nintendo Genesis.

>> No.4869072

sounds like Mario Tennis for GBC or Mario Tennis Power Tour

>> No.4869074

-Only came out in Japan on the Super Famicom and PS1
-Is a puzzle game starring cute penguins
-There is a sexy scientist lady straddling a giant test tube
-The penguins might be from the moon (?)

>> No.4869163

>Not a single game in this thread sounds real.
>Y'all are taking the piss, I'm sure of it.

of course now go to bed...

>> No.4869184

Alright, I'll give this a go.

>I played it on pc, might have been on an emulator at least 15 years ago
>it was a sprite game, pretty sure it was 32 bit.
>You played a male character, you started off in a village/town, where your childhood friends(?) join your party, one girl and one boy
>When your party member died they'd turn into ghosts until you revived them, I think you took them to a witch to revive them
>Load menu was a witch wearing all black and behind a cauldron, background was dark

That's all I remember.

>> No.4869320

-SNES vidja
-Plays like Twinkle Tale or Ikari Warriors
-Characters turn into buff Cho Aniki dudes after a certain point
-JP title that makes it difficult to remember

>> No.4869991

>Shogo Mobile Armor Divisio
No, but I had that one too. This one was a 2D side-scrolling shooter with lasers and jet-packing

>> No.4870067

PC game. Looks like Descent. Does not play as smoothly. Overworld, free roaming. Giant robots on ground to fight.

>> No.4870074

arcade game, play as a voorhees like guy, the enemies spit out green vomit?

>> No.4870108


>> No.4870116


>> No.4870649


>> No.4871508

>NES game
>Ninja Gaiden clone
>First level or so took place in a forest
>Combat involved leaping from tree to tree, slashing enemies as you went by

I wanted to say Ballz so bad, but I'm at a lost.

Sounds like an early Dragon Quest game.

>> No.4871542

Sounds a lot like Shining Force II with the friends and the witch.

>> No.4871543


The Legend of Kage?, although I wouldn't call it a clone since it predated Ninja Gaiden

>> No.4871546
File: 10 KB, 496x448, 1-shining_challenge_003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah this sounds like Shining Force 2, and it's a Priest who does the revivals, not a witch.

>> No.4871551


SD The Great Battle ?

>> No.4871572

Hey, that is it. It's been so long I've forgotten what the main character's sprite looked like. Thanks.

>> No.4871584
File: 39 KB, 474x355, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First was a sudescrolling platformer where you are a wizard with a purple robe and hat.


>> No.4871594

90s pc
It might have been a demo in remembering.
It was a side scroller adventure game.
I remember needing to put a blue gem, maybe water, into a tree early on in the game.
Always tried to figure it out with no luck.
Not much to go on I guess.

>> No.4871658

Legend of Kyrandia

>> No.4871720

Holy fuck, thank you so much! I've been trying to remember this game for over 10 years! Cheers!

>> No.4871785

Yeah it seemed a while ago. Thanks, we loved that game

>> No.4871805

psx jrpg with a combat system with all kinds of like elements and bonuses and targeting specific enemy body parts

>> No.4871854

That's it! Thanks man!

>> No.4871867

Parasite Eve? Vagrant Story?

>> No.4871891
File: 465 KB, 680x762, 1444263174893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>know the name of the game
>too obscure to even find screenshots or information of it on the internet

>> No.4871915

I've been looking for one point'n'click title for years now. Probably came out in early 00s (or very late 90s). I remember exploring 2 areas in this game: one was a theatre, the other was some sort of mountain. It had polish translation for sure.

>> No.4872115

Not quite, similar pallette but less cartoony. The mc sprite was only like 8 pixels tall and looked like gandalf, broad brimmed hat and white beard.

>> No.4872254
File: 22 KB, 281x219, space-hulk-vengeance-of-the-blood-angels-playstation-ps1-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space Hulk?

>> No.4872259

Srsly dude?
I got it on a german 100games-box.

Whats the name wojak poster?

>> No.4872270
File: 40 KB, 256x224, dtai-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deae tonosama appare ichiban?

>> No.4872276

I have vague memories of two games: one was some shareware copy of some point and click game, fantasy themed, where you were investigating some castle. You start in a prison I believe, make your way to a wine cellar, open a secret door to a cave, and go through a coal mine and diamond mine, after which you wind up in a tower and have to fight some enemy. Demo ends there.
The other game was some ancient disney point and click adventure that had a cave with a waterfall in it. Memory is bad on this one, I played it like over 20 years ago.

>> No.4872284
File: 124 KB, 640x480, Screen-Shot-2014-04-01-at-14.41.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4872335

That is the one, thanks.

>> No.4872434

>educational game we played in school
>you basically pasted images onto a background to make comics or something
>Medusa was One of the assets you could paste onto the image
>various categories likev people, furniture, monsters etc.
>kind of sprite based but the sprites were kind of detailed and not confined to a square
>early to mid 2000s

>> No.4872446

Iggys reckin balls

>> No.4872460
File: 14 KB, 294x171, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only game I can think of with a green baby in a robosuit is captain commando

>> No.4872484

Hudson Hawk

>> No.4872743

Similar artstyle, but I don’t think so. The protagonist didn’t appear on screen.

>> No.4873317

The orange clouds remind me of Sengoku, a neo geo game but it was ported on the sega cd

>> No.4873328

Reminder that OPs still looking for an answer

>> No.4873389

Help me!

I played this game ages ago on MAME.

You're like a wolf kid or something.
similar to the first legend of zelda game, you go to new screens like classic legend of zelda, there are minigames like baseball, bosses are like octopus etc.

I forgot the name and I wanna play it.

>> No.4873450
File: 390 KB, 500x416, arc_symphony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arc Symphony

>> No.4873613

Side scrolling PC shoot-em-up were you play as an cyborg. Pretty brutal with lots gore. You could use an flamethrower, icethrower etc. 32bit sprite graphic. Remember downloading it from the AOL Homepage back in the day. Mid-Late 90s

>> No.4873759

No. It was a action adventure

I think the controls felt like cybermercs

>> No.4873801
File: 10 KB, 320x240, U.R.B.A.N The Cyborg Project.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4873835

Love this games insane gore and metal soundtrack.

>> No.4873906
File: 112 KB, 800x973, 28685-heavy-gear-ii-windows-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heavy Gear 1 or 2?

>> No.4873914
File: 89 KB, 618x480, psx_515-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be Ghost in the Shell, but this is probably too obvious.

>> No.4873919
File: 2.00 MB, 1453x1488, machine-hunter-europe-playstation_1523881263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or possibly this

>> No.4873925
File: 28 KB, 320x200, 379377-simon-the-sorcerer-ii-the-lion-the-wizard-and-the-wardrobe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simon the Sorcerer 1 or 2?

>> No.4874235
File: 63 KB, 630x630, 1B318CD0-BDF1-4A4D-83D2-25EC13E0E211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thx anon

>> No.4874316

Terminal Velocity? Shockwave Assault?

>> No.4874356

SNES shmup with top down perspective.
You play as a fighter jet and the first level was a desert. Had huge epic boss battles and the graphics were pretty decent compared to other shmups on the system.
If i recall correctly i think there may have been some animated transitions between stages as well

>> No.4874671

Sorry I didn't answer sooner.
That's exactly right. Thanks.
Still not sure if it's worth revisiting, though. Everything looks scarier as a kid and I don't want to ruin that memory.

>> No.4875445
File: 114 KB, 800x544, 240542-strike-gunner-s-t-g-snes-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be this one. Its one of those shmups most people forgot about / never heard of.


>> No.4875451
File: 36 KB, 540x315, gfs_37016_2_4_mid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or U.N Squadron

>> No.4875621


>> No.4875629

Was in an arcade in the 90’s. You can select 3 characters 2 makes one female and I think female was a ninja, had a super attack that would screen wipe and it was a ton of lightning I forgot who it belonged to though if those characters. Was a beat em up game.

>> No.4875709

I know this game! The name is on the tip of my tongue but I can't quite remember it. I have some FMVs from it saved somewhere either on my computer or YT

>> No.4876527
File: 1.12 MB, 540x531, 1522695616626.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone could help me with this?

>> No.4877378
File: 45 KB, 640x480, gamecentercx058-maske05ryi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's even worse with flash games, especially whey they literally just have the name of the game they're ripping of

>> No.4877576

OP here.
Bump. Going crazy over this

>> No.4878180
File: 985 KB, 1200x900, 1529537191378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 3D game, third person platformer (?). Artstyle very reminiscent of Rayman, playable character even had floating limbs. In one level you have to rescue someone and there's an enemy that's a big tomatoe wich tou have to Dodge so he splatters. Then another level is you sliding down a snowy mountain, picking up stuff. Played it on PC, may be a multiplat or not

>> No.4878198
File: 57 KB, 620x349, 7_chaos_engine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>overhead shooter
>adventure game
>candy theme/water guns and stuff
>single player
>pic related-ish

>> No.4878287

Okay, this one moght be real difficult to figure out because I'm remembering this from being shown on a television show and I never played it.

This was a Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit game from the mid-late 80s on a personal computer, not a console. I am fairly sure this personal computer was DOS (maaaybe Commodore) because this was in the US, not Britain. There was a part where you had to do a timing based jump on a barrel or lose. The game may have been partially text-based.

>> No.4879348

I remember playing tan obscure game as a kid on SNES. it was mario, but it was 3D. And some of it was like regular Mario, but instead of jumping on enemies it brought up this whole battle menu. Story had bowser, but main bad guy was a giant alien sword or something.

>> No.4879360

>game like baldurs gate/diablo
>remember a saravok looking dude at start
>start at lots of barrels
>something about it being a great game thats underrated but just has bad voice acting
>not in stores could get on ebay in a jewel case
>not dink small wood

would love to know

>> No.4879363
File: 3 KB, 640x400, hobbit .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume you mean this game?
honestly can't tell if you're shitposting or not Super Mario RPG

>> No.4879870


>> No.4881443


>> No.4882069

Power Pete?


>> No.4882384
File: 33 KB, 453x246, _20180705_123631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't verify since it's not mine, but I'm really curious about pic related. I'm obviously thinking 7th Saga, but the giant bunny rabbit fucks me up

>> No.4882412
File: 50 KB, 319x252, doomed_hometown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PLEASE help me
There was this RPG psx game , at the beginning you leave your village, that has a treasure in it, and when you return the village is destroyed and the treasure ( maybe a gem?) stolen.
I saw a meme about it , with a villager saying how could this happen, or who could have said.
Pls send help

>> No.4882428
File: 77 KB, 220x184, 220px-Xzr-msx1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out Un's playthrough of it on YouTube to check it out. Sounds like what your talking about though.

>> No.4882445

There's one PC demo disk game that has eluded me for years and I barely remember shit about it

>Isometric or topdown, can't remember
>Involved resource management and Unit création
>Menus feature a giant brain in a jar

>> No.4882451

It's Star Ocean 2, most likely for PSX or the PSP remake.

>> No.4882870

One of the later Ultima games.

>> No.4883227

That leaves like half of every JRPG ever.
But really now, that's super common. Do you remember anything else?

>> No.4883290

>15 days later
>still no idea what OP's game is

>> No.4883547

It suuuuuuvks man..
But at least some other anons got answers...

>> No.4883783

I haven't and Im starting to think I never will.

>> No.4884068

Me neithee but I will post gain when thread archived

>> No.4884352

It was a pc sidescroller, you were like purple with floating limbs and it had very beautiful sounds and atmosphere. There was like a fairy involved

>> No.4884382
File: 64 KB, 984x720, [OZC] Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam E10 'Reunion' [Blu-Ray 720p].mkv_snapshot_01.59_[2015.12.23_04.37.43].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure that this right place for this, but this game haunts me:
>late 90s/early 2000s game on "shockwave.com"
>trivia game, with shades of Ultima Underworld in its movement
>four possible answers — A, B, C, and D
>the game took place in a house with stairs and (possibly) an ocean view
>one of the questioners was a parrot asking about Richard Nixon

>> No.4884654

That's awesome that is definitely the game. I haven't seen this in years. I remember the mc having a bit of a bruce campbell vibe.

>> No.4885891
File: 101 KB, 800x506, qhjyRMxaK2gXKufJenqbed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Temple of Elemental Evil?

If not...

Be more specific, was the game an action rpg (Diablo) or a CRPG (Balders gate)

>> No.4885908

That snes game with the pink haired cavemen that flash trippy colors when you get invincibility.

>> No.4886031

Tombi / Tomba?

>> No.4886264

Oh shit, this thread is still going?

>> No.4886349

I think it was actually Joe & Mac and I was misremembering / mixing up some parts.

>> No.4886361

Looking for this for a little while.

>win9x game, could be DOS but was always played in windows mode
>backgrounds and scenery consisted of green colors, there would be an occasional not-green thing to pick up
>after some amount of time an enemy of some type would chase you and kill you

I remember stumbling across it at some point on a retro games site, but having other things to do ignored and forgot about it.

>> No.4886370

additional details because in retrospect this sounds like a very vaguepost

>most definitely cyber/computer themed in some way, green was just a side effect of the theming
>game title was on display in all rooms
>MAYBE: character had a shooter to kill enemies with. Either that, or stomped them like mario.
>MAYBE CONTINUED: some enemies couldn't die until you picked up a certain upgrade hidden around the level somewhere.

>> No.4886374

Heres a game I can't seem to remember, I only remember this one level of the game though

>fifth generation console, not sure which one
>adventure platformer
>some kind of circus level with a wood floor, maybe some kind of dock
>objective is to pick up talking screws with eyes and drill them in somewhere
>after drilling them all in, it activates a train somehow that you ride

Any ideas?

>> No.4886414

Found it myself and holy shit did I ever remember it wrong. "Adventures of Microman"

>> No.4886508

PC game, made for toddlers, WIN95/98, one level was three monsters of different sizes and you had to select the appropriate clothes for them. Not Zoombinies.

>> No.4886515

Streets of Rage?

>> No.4886663

PS1 game, you had like a black flying vehicle, you had to land on areas to rescue scientists. I remember you could also get something heavy to sink underwater.