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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 120 KB, 750x396, mario-kart-drinking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4853009 No.4853009 [Reply] [Original]

>Peach gets drunk and Bowser just swallows alcohol in the japanse Mario Kart
Wow... What are some other classic games that had adult content like this, that Nintendo felt needed considerable censorship in the regions outside Japan?

>> No.4853014

i need to party with bowser

>> No.4853016

lol, yeah. He's just letting it spill like a madman

>> No.4853019

A lot of retro games had instances of you finding adult magazines.

>> No.4853045

bowser taking lessons from stone cold

>> No.4853046

Wario Land 2 has an enemy that throws beer at you, which causes you to become Crazy Wario, this was changed to a bowling ball in the US

>> No.4853053

Does alcohol really count as "adult content"?

Like, children in most countries know what alcohol is, and what being "drunk" is, and that it's a thing adults do. It's mostly just Americans who are super-uptight about it.

>> No.4853075

Not to mention you're basically seen as a weird outcast if you don't get drunk before ~16

>> No.4853080

Well, i mean, sex, mind-altering substances and violence are all central parts of the human experience, of life even. It really doesn't make sense to censor any of it.

>> No.4853091

kek underage drinking is a big nono in japan

>> No.4853094

Since when are Peach or Bowser underage?

>> No.4853096
File: 9 KB, 513x224, ness magicant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ness is nakies in Japanese Magicant, but he's wearing his jammies in American Magicant

>> No.4853101

Isn't there a whole book about the censorship that NoA did for Earthbound?

>> No.4853106 [DELETED] 

TIL Aleister Crowley is still alive and posts on /vr/

I used to drink wine coolers a lot when I was a kid, like 13 or 14. My first time getting like, drunk-drunk though, I think I was 16.

It was super embarrassing because I started hitting on all my straight male friends, I was so thirsty back then holy jeez >,<

>> No.4853107

Isn't Peach 17 according to Nintendo?

>> No.4853110 [DELETED] 

>TIL Aleister Crowley is still alive and posts on /vr/
But it's true isn't it? Why censor things that all living things are meant to experience? Children might even gain something from seeing certain aspects of the real world shine through even in electronic media (maybe except the mind-altering substances, although almost all people get drunk, high etc. at least once)

>> No.4853112
File: 20 KB, 678x411, 1513384761725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kids imitate things, especially people they idolize.
American kids know what alcohol is, but it can't be THAT bad if Mario drinks.

Before anyone mentions it, I'm not saying kids will drink for that reason but they might. There's just no good reason to put alcohol in children's media in the first place.

>> No.4853114
File: 7 KB, 256x224, loudnoise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean underage drinking is a big no-no in America too, but we shouldn't try to shelter kids from the fact that adults drink alcohol. It should just be seen the same way as voting, having sex, or driving a car; things that kids aren't allowed to do but that they can look forward to when they're older.

Pic related, it's a """""cafe"""" in Earthbound. Like any kid playing this game doesn't know what a bar is...

>> No.4853119 [DELETED] 

>But it's true isn't it?
Well yes I do agree with you.. I'm just degenerate enough to think Aleister Crowley is a good role model :P

>> No.4853129

>There's just no good reason to put alcohol in children's media in the first place.
Children spend time playing games. It is all about putting it in responsibly. Sheltering them will more likely create unhealthy relations to the 'adult' topics

>> No.4853130
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>no good reason to put alcohol in children's media

Well, there kind of is. Alcohol IS part of most children's childhood experiences, whether those experiences are positive or not (pic related).

If you didn't know what alcohol was, what getting drunk was, or what an alcoholic was by the time you were in middle school, you were sheltered as f***

>> No.4853169

Theres some funny dialog in rpgs at bars. The translation is sarcastic because its so obviously a bar with alcohol. I think I'm remembering chrono trigger
>dude is wasted
>slurs that he wants another soda
>bartender says hes cut off, "youve had enough sugar for one day"

>> No.4853182

Also there's the "soup" drinking contest with Ayla, and some dialogue implying that Lucca got a bit wild when she was drunk. Chrono Trigger was so fun.

>> No.4853193

It seems more unnecessary than sheltering. The game doesn't suffer without it.
Kids get exposed to alcohol in a lot of ways, but I don't think watching bright, colorful characters drinking is necessarily a good way to do it.

That's a good point, I wasn't thinking about educational uses. But when it's included as a neutral or a positive then the consequences aren't clear. Kids are just seeing their idols drinking.

>> No.4853218


I seem to recall Final Fantasy 6/3 in America changed the beers to cider

>> No.4853224

yes lets introduce kids to usage of tobacco,weed,alcohol,gambling and pornography at the age of 12.
Its surely wont do anything to their development.

>> No.4853225

Was this a winning animation, or losing animation?

>> No.4853234 [DELETED] 

You mean he's not? I've RUINED MYSELF FOR LIFE!

>> No.4853239

What? She was totally lady-like the whole evening!

>> No.4853243
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>> No.4853265
File: 18 KB, 320x288, nixe04normalversion253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the Japanese and some non-English versions of Link's Awakening the mermaid's necklace is a bra.
It's also the reason why she tells you not to dive next to her.

>> No.4853428

>The game doesn't suffer without it.
No, but the childrens relation to the things might.
On the contrary, i think that they can appreciate and gain nuanced perspectives on these subjects if they're introduced responsibly into a world with bright characters.

>> No.4853526

In Faxanadu many of the villagers smoke.

>> No.4854403 [DELETED] 


>> No.4854412

"Responsibly" is a bit subjective but you are right. In the case of this animation in mario kart, it suggests that the thing you do when you lose/feel bad is drink a lot. Which isn't a good coping behavior and does actually lead to alcoholism. Taking that out is overall fine but you do lose out on having the ability to use it as a teachable moment. And with every culture around the world having a different perspective on alcohol it is a bad blanket treatment. Unfortunately kids can't learn that message on their own without an adult to give context and when you produce stuff for children you usually don't want to rely on that adult being there. Because if they're not willing to give that context then they might just turn around and blame you for being a bad influence on the kid they left alone with a videogame.

>> No.4854464 [DELETED] 

No need to namefag here

>> No.4854529

>demands games with said content to have a retarded T or M rating
>games with T & M ratings are still flooded with retarded 10 year olds
Ya can't win with tards like you.

>> No.4854561

>In the case of this animation in mario kart, it suggests that the thing you do when you lose/feel bad is drink a lot.
Yeah, it is a bit caricatured. But it is actually the win animation. They drink in celebration.
>without an adult to give context
Agreed. I do think game makers can introduce the subjects into the games in a nuanced and responsible manner.

>> No.4854565

It's just champagne. Any kid who've seen a single Formula 1 race (probably any euro nation) witness the podium where they shower each other with it and drink.
Besides, not like kids don't see their relatives drinking shit at family parties. Murica, fuk ye

>> No.4854569 [DELETED] 

More like

>> No.4854685

Is the namefag not old enough to remember the puritanical 90s?

>> No.4854686
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It was a strange time

>> No.4854691 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4855491

It's genuinely weird to see Peach getting drunk. Feels like my childhood is getting raped

>> No.4855516

F1 isn't a video game marketed to children, it would've been given a higher age rating in countries that had them

>> No.4855626

>nintendo games are for kids
Seems like only outside japan

>> No.4855829

Mario RPG.

>> No.4856519

Censoring Mario Kart...

>> No.4857139

Why only Peach and Bowser?

>> No.4857715


>> No.4857729 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 221x212, 1499274982050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Wanting to fuck a tranny from /vr/

I don't care what it is you're into, I guarantee you can do better

>> No.4858748

Super Mario Kart sucks though.

>> No.4858758

Hey! Miriam(sp?) was addicted to smoothies! Don't sully a wholesome show for children!

Seriously though. Poor Helga.

>> No.4859075


Will /vr/ ever learn what this word means or use it correctly? Unlikely!

>> No.4859105

>what is self-censorship

>> No.4859607

Something other than what Nintendo was doing. What is localizing for a demographic to maximise sales?

>> No.4859624

Do you want them to stop popping bottles of champagne at races IRL? Children might witness it

>> No.4859679

When it's done to protect America's coddled youth, it's censorship.

>> No.4859816 [DELETED] 

>drank wine coolers at 13
No wonder your a fucking tranny

>> No.4859817

It's always been marketing. It's not censorship.

>> No.4859848

Marketing is not always =/= censorship

>> No.4859942

but marketing can lead to censorship

>> No.4859951

Honestly, although I'm against most of these instances of censorship, I think this one actually fits the tone of the game more.

>> No.4859983

even as a kid in my head these characters were always adults and could do shit like that

>> No.4860002
File: 552 KB, 1161x711, 4CCD6704-C283-4891-9072-082D3843B334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a neat thread idea and it’s literally just people arguing about childhood development. Anyway the Casino in Sonic Adventure used to have a sexy cowgirl in the Japanese version.

>> No.4860010
File: 310 KB, 800x534, ftftbt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the Frog the Bell Tolls has bunny girls and people getting drunk on wine.
Wine is also used for health recovery.

>> No.4860029

>localizing to be greedy
>doesn't actually work because parents buy whatever T & M rated shit like Call of Duty for 12 year olds
>best selling shit isn't rated E
Ya know, My Little Pony stated their 'target audience' meme was for "little girls and their parents". Then everyone gets buttmad over bronies, because they psychology think "parents" is different than "30 year old men".

>> No.4860039

>wanting your product to be successful is greedy now
>that post probably wasn't even ironic

>> No.4860058

lol, what a low IQ failure
Tell me the names of those other things that were localized and still sold like shit.

>> No.4860116

Your example is beside the point. Just because they weren't successful doesn't turn their localization into censorship. That's the matter in question, no one was censoring them they were localizing the game in the way they thought would make it sell the most units.

>> No.4860138

It's the equivalent to Oscar Bait: Game Of The Year Bait. They don't wanna make anything that deviates from the norm, even though it's well known that controversy is still best for business.

>> No.4860146

>Win the race and are gifted a traditional bottle of champagne
>Can't even wait until you're off the racetrack, just start chugging it on the winner's stand

I think Peach might have a problem...

>> No.4860163

Actually, it's the other way around.

>> No.4860184 [DELETED] 

My mom smoked weed all the time and I turned out fine.

>> No.4860196 [DELETED] 

I thought you were a woman in a man's body.

>> No.4860205 [DELETED] 

let's get spicy bb

>> No.4860215 [DELETED] 

Peach isn't an alcoholic, she drinks socially. Celebrating a victory is a perfectly acceptable time to get drunk.

btw I went to a gamer bar last night with my boyfriend, and they had a drink there called a Princess Peach that was really good. I've always had a preference for sweet drinks <3

>> No.4860246 [DELETED] 

I can't say I'm not the same. While a good rum and coke is fine, I can't just do straight up rum or vodka.
I've always been particular to Pina Colada's, I like coconut.

>> No.4860385

Children only copy what looks cool, >>4853009
this doesn't look cool and murder simulators are a good thing.

Fuck this gay ass thread.

>> No.4860527

Yeah. And is making something to be oscar bait censoring it from being non-oscar bait? Of course not.

>> No.4860564

I guess they thought drinking in games might encourage kids to drink in real life, but it was unlikely they would pull people's spines out by their skulls just from seeing it in a game?

>> No.4860959 [DELETED] 


>> No.4860962 [DELETED] 

They don't pop bottles at racing events in Muslim countries.
Muslim feelings > children

>> No.4861672 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 220x196, 220px-Super_Princess_Peach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the end of this game it tells you that "vibe scepters" vibrators are real and that "your mom or your sister might have one!"

>> No.4862093 [DELETED] 

Top KEK right there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkVkz4iL4SE&feature=youtu.be&t=6m10s

>> No.4862182 [DELETED] 

>the wand that makes people feel emotions has a funny name so it must secretly be a vibrator

God damn if this isn't the creepiest board here.

>> No.4862229 [DELETED] 

>I'm 12 and what is this

>> No.4862281 [DELETED] 

Upon viewing the clip as an outside observer, I think you are more correct than the other guy. If it literally said "Vibe scepters are real and your mom or your sister might have one!" that would be one thing, but the actual text does not come close to that interpretation. Furthermore, it becomes much clearer from context when watching the clip that "vibe" refers to feelings rather than vibration.

>> No.4862331 [DELETED] 

I hate low brow humor too my man but come on, Nintendo was essentially asking for this.

>> No.4862507 [DELETED] 

Yeah that was my reaction. I shouldn't be surprised at this point.

>> No.4862693 [DELETED] 

How? Just by using the word "vibe"? Nothing else is at all suggestive about the clip.
That's really nothing at all compared to the fact that the wiimote was babby's first vibrator for an entire generation of kids.

>> No.4862832 [DELETED] 

These are the people who lay awake at night fretting about how all the Sonic characters lost their virginities and how non-consensual it was. It's hardly shocking they hear the word vibe and can only think of one thing.

>> No.4862878 [DELETED] 

It's because the game stars Peach dude. Nobody would bat an eye if this was a Wario game. Though that line about your mom or sister being in a better mood because they have a vibe scepter would probably still raise a few eyebrows.

>> No.4862889

Now that I think about it, sonic didn't become autism magnet until SA2 was released on the GameCube

Nintendo fans confirmed as biggest degenerates in vidya.

>> No.4862895

>pornography is the same thing as an adult drinking
What are you some kind of dumb nigger

>> No.4862902 [DELETED] 

When was the last time you saw somebody pop open a bottle and just start chugging on the winner's podium? Maybe that's what she uses as an excuse, but that's not a socially acceptable place to drink.

>> No.4862918 [DELETED] 

Happened all the time at the Indy 500 mang.
Its milk though.

>> No.4862945 [DELETED] 

Yes, we should normalize it for them, to make it less of a taboo subject.
It works real fucking well when we shelter them from it, totally not the reason every catholic school girl has a gaping vagina.

I'm not saying that you should be feeding your child vodka in a baby bottle, but knowing what these things are and what they do is not going to harm their development, it's going to take the mystique away and, in my experience, make them less likely to bother dealing with them. Most drugies aren't drugies at this point because they like the high, they're addicted because their body craves that chemical reaction. Stop being such a faggot about it.

>> No.4862960 [DELETED] 

For a 12 year old? Don't you think kids should have a right to innocence until they're at least 13?

>> No.4862984 [DELETED] 

It would, but that is not really what the line says. You're right though, it's because it's about Peach. Just standard gross attitude towards women stuff, should've known.

>> No.4863035 [DELETED] 

In general, Jap Nintenduh has been marketing these alcohol-laden games towards children for the last 20+ years. The country with the bigger drunk, rape and murder rate is Murica, not JapLand.

If peeps have a problem with a company that's been marketing these games towards children, then stop giving Nintenduh money, because you've been endorsing it for years.

>> No.4863039 [DELETED] 

okay that was pretty funny

>> No.4863192
File: 44 KB, 442x330, 1510388561251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here have an animated sprite of that Bowser but with just bowser?

>> No.4863481

Americans are just fucking sissies, what did you expect? They're even comparing showing images of a glass bottle of beer to be the same as porn now in this thread. Gotta love amerifats.

>> No.4863498

That's Claude Moyse's first translation of Links Awakening. Funny guy. Took a lot of freedoms.

They removed his translation with the DX version and Moyse was let go by nintendo after some issues with Pokemon I believe.

Wondering what the guy's up to today.

>> No.4863505

>look it up
>leads a magazine publishing company
>among others literally publishing a yuri manga/anime magazine

still based

>> No.4863594

I read somewhere that the spell book in the first Legend of Zelda was originally the bible

>> No.4863609

True, but that wasn't the case here. Deciding to localize a game for America and acknowledging that it's a county of puritanical retards who might get triggered and not buy the game isn't censorship, it's knowing your audience and localizing it for them.

>> No.4863623

What about removing religious references?

>> No.4863634

Yeah that's a perfect example. Much of the world would shrug, Americans might have a melt down so you change it to something that they won't. Same as they wouldn't like it if they got the game and the text was in Japanese. They're not censoring Japanese by making it English, they're localizing it for a different market.

>> No.4863637

I don't think Americans have a meltdown from reading god, priest or monk in a game.
I expect some have a meltdown when they hear god being removed from something.

>> No.4863668

That said, localization can of course involve censorship (not that you claimed otherwise, just saying) if it requires compliance with certain laws that mandate censorship of e.g. nudity and what have you. Which could include removal of, say, nudity to achieve a certain rating.
>I don't think Americans have a meltdown from reading god
As long as it is "god" and not "God", I see no reason why they should. Then again, Nintendo of America for example thought otherwise, and maybe for good reason. No idea how many soccer moms may or may not have actually complained.

>> No.4863684

while I love earthbound and the mother series to death, that's something I can understand being censored, I sure as hell don't wanna see naked shota butt when playing a game

>> No.4863697

based wapanese treating christianity as just mythology kek

>> No.4863704

Ohh yes absolutely it could be. If the government or something told them they're not allowed to have any religious references for example, that would be censorship. It's not that censorship isn't real and horrible, but mistaking smart marketing for it and claiming it's tge same thing is a disservice.

>> No.4863718
File: 75 KB, 480x720, perseus-2800110_960_720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xtians tend to get super pissy when you point out their lord and saviour is a demigod. Sure he's a cool dude and all, but turning water into wine isn't as badass as cutting the head off Medusa. It's Perseus for me!

>> No.4863725

Just started playing this and was surprised a kid gave me wine.

>> No.4863828

Media doesn't have a responsibility to shelter you from negative things, but they do have a responsibility not to make it seem cool. If you deny that kids are impressionable this way, you may be a dipshit.

Hell, even adults are impressionable. If you don't believe me, hop over to your nearest biker hangout and look at how many retarded manchildren there are wearing Sons of Anarchy gear. Tell me if they weren't afforded an easy opportunity they wouldn't try to pull some heinous shit just because what they saw on TV was cool. (This is just one example - do not nitpick it)

>> No.4863970 [DELETED] 




>> No.4864113

>Media doesn't have a responsibility to shelter you from negative things, but they do have a responsibility not to make it seem cool.

They literally do not.

>> No.4864143

You're right, but you are just going to end up arguing with ideologues who will not be open to reconsidering their positions.

>> No.4864175

Nintendo of Japan were still marketing the alcohol-laced ones to kids, bro. If you don't like it, you're still giving them money to do it.

>> No.4864186

>unironically wanting to live in a nanny state

>> No.4864195

>wanting to patronize ethical businesses involves the state

>> No.4864203

>Does alcohol really count as "adult content"?
Yes, if Nintendo of America were asked. Just about every single instance of alcoholic drinks and drinking-related events in games back in the day were changed to something else.
Take the NA localization of Chrono Trigger for example: all bars and taverns were changed to cafes and people were drinking soda pop in them, Crono & co. were just "feeling tired" the next day after partying all night and drinking strange brews in the prehistoric age, etc.

>> No.4864204

Am I the only one who had just the right amount of autism to understand immediately when alcohol was being depicted but explained a way with "it's just juice!"? I never had any problem understanding what they were trying to say, even before I understood that the games had been translated from Japanese.

>> No.4864274

It's fine, that happens to me in nearly every thread as it is.

>> No.4864316

I don't think so. It's usually obvious that it isn't exactly common for adults to sit at a bar and drink "juice", and you at least know that this isn't what's really going on or something is off.
The translators have to turn it into "juice" either way, of course, whether someone falls for that or not.

>> No.4864408

oh my goddddddddddddd

>> No.4864421
File: 265 KB, 400x400, oldseph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wario sounds just like old joseph

>> No.4864608

Now you're changing your stance. Saying you want to support something you find morally good is very different from saying you think that thing has a responsibility to be morally good in your eyes.

>> No.4864612

No, everyone with half a brain understood.

>> No.4864798

>you think that thing has a responsibility to be morally good in your eyes.
That is exactly what I'm saying.

>> No.4865039

You're absolutely insane, and your beliefs are fundamentally at odds with basically every other person on the planet.

Who determines your absolute "moral good"?

>> No.4865189

Well then I deeply and fundamentally completely disagree with you.

>> No.4865212 [DELETED] 

Why tf did they delete my post and his post?

>> No.4865426

What does it even mean to think that something is good? What you think is "good" is the way you think things should be. If you want things to be "bad" then you are just an evil person.

>> No.4865430

>If you want things to be "bad" then you are just an evil person.
Is this even a thing?

>> No.4865441

Probably not, unless you are mentally ill or something. I'm refuting the point that I'm "at odds with basically every other person" for thinking that things should generally be good, as I understand them. If you have opinions at all about anything, it seems like you agree with me more than disagree with me.

I guess you could say that some nihilists do not believe that things "should be good" because they do not believe that things should be any particular way, or that any particular way is good. But they would be the ones who are out of touch with basically every other person.

>> No.4865443

I'm going to start imagining peach as an aristocratic drunk who's always hammered but acts normal and everyone lets it slide because of her status from now on

>> No.4865481


There was a lot more general hatred towards/pressure capable of being brought to bear on videogames back then, we know the left hates them but the christian right had tremendous weight they don't today and also hates games. If you only grew up and started paying attention to news and politics in the 2010s you might not understand how much more powerful explicitly religious groups were in politics back then.

Games are so firmly established in the general entertainment landscape today too especially compared to way back in the 80s, the idea they were only for children had practical merit at that point and the idea they were a fad that would come and go, and/or could be banned for societies betterment wasn't that uncommon. It's really not all that unreasonable to cover up the tit statues and remove the crosses when you consider the whole picture

>> No.4865512
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>> No.4865525

>Took a lot of freedoms
Rumor has it that he was told to make funny translations from higher up and the suits would reject anything overly serious.

>> No.4865596

>Deciding to localize a game for America and acknowledging that it's a county of puritanical retards who might get triggered and not buy the game isn't censorship, it's knowing your audience and localizing it for them.

>> No.4865725

>US got retarded censorship
>Europe got PAL-related speed issues
You just can't win.

>> No.4865728

Learn Nip

>> No.4865738

Europe got PAL related speed issues AND retarded censorshop

>> No.4865776

>>US got retarded censorship
Europe got that, too. In the US nudity is mostly a no-no because puritans. In Europe (Germany at least) kids need to be protected from violence instead.

>> No.4865803
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>> No.4866819
File: 2 KB, 167x104, Earthbound Magicant Ness Sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this post is 6 days old but here's the full naked Ness sprite. It's oddly pretty detailed, but it doesn't show his genitals at all. Personally I'm indifferent to this change, I think the original Japanese one makes more sense since Ness is going into his mind and it's supposed to be really weird and uncomfortable, but I can completely see why they changed it for the western release.

One other notable localization change to EB is the Cultist sprite, in the Japanese version they have "HH" on their hat and they don't have the pom pom on the tip of their hat. This change was probably done to make them look less like KKK members.

>> No.4867109

Nintendo is just telling developers who don't /voluntarily/ airbrush and cut the hell of their games, that they will never let them print in on licensed cartridges that work on consoles without needing to a bootleg anti-lockout chip.
Nowadays, it's review ratings tied to metacritic and sales, or scandals that can convince government bodies, retailers, and/or console owners to not allow its sale on a specific market.

But they still can publish it for free! Or release it digitally on PC for a fraction of the possible profits.
And THEY are the ones who cut all of that, they must then be okay with it.

Hence, censorship never existed for videogames.

>> No.4867130

That line is an accurate translation of the JP equivalent and exists in the French version as well.

>isn't censorship, it's knowing your audience and localizing it for them.
But when LGBTBBQ+ content gets caught in the mess, I never see this ambivalent attitude about it and it's not questioned at all it's "censorship".
Even marketing decisions not to bring Front Mission 2 and almost Xenogears because of their content where they said "we'd rather just not release this than cut it down" somehow also count as "censorship".

You can't have it both ways. The FE Fates controversy was especially hilarious in the light of some trying to engage in mental aerobic exercies how it's the best thing ever it's so cut down but two specific convos cut down is a problem because they like it.

Only if the translation is based on the US version.
Companies started to translate directly from Japanese ( the link awakening bikini) since the nineties and it's very recent burger branches are trying to force "consistency" across all translations with their cut down script. Result: Illusion of Gaia PAL had the drunk father subplot clearly spelled out, but the Story of Seasons 3ds PAL version has alcohol removed (despite not being so for the DS games).
Soleil PAL on the genesis is actually about religion, not the nonsensical generic plot of Crusader of Centy.

>In Europe (Germany at least) kids need to be protected from violence instead.
That was Contra.
A game named after current day actual war criminals that were very unpopular in Europe. Japs got away with the name's ateji spelling that meant 3 chinese words instead. The Euro reskin tried first and foremost to remove that association.
The no violence deal was a german thing (green blood) was already being phased away even in the late nineties, and the UK threw a fit about ninjas once.

Every time a game is localized first for Europe, it's invariably much less censored.

>> No.4867263

>, I never see this ambivalent attitude about it

It's the same thing as when people on here get upset an alcohol reference or whatever was changed. Just because they get upset and claim it's censorship doesn't make it so.

>> No.4867350

It is censorship though, be definition. Just because it's something mundane like removing the alcohol after a car race (what kid doesn't know people drink after car races) doesn't make it not censorship

>> No.4867510

As a kid I guarantee you that I knew nothing about "car races." If you aren't from a place where F1 or NASCAR is popular you are not aware of it that young.

>> No.4867521

>That was Contra.
Yup, exactly the one I am thinking of.
But also non-retro examples like Counter Strike Source, where shot enemies would do any anymation where they'd lie down on the floor, pretending to be dead.

>> No.4867526

No. It is not censorship.

>> No.4867534

>Companies started to translate directly from Japanese
It does not change the point you are getting at, but it was actually more like a game of telephone.
Claude Moyse did not speak Japanese, so some employee of whichever developer they were working with gave a cruse English translation of the script, which was then turned into German by Moyse.
Might have been different for other countries, but I believe someone mentioned in another thread that NoE deliberately used "translators" who did not no Japanese - no source on that, though.

>> No.4867794

Keep telling yourself that.
Just in case you didn't get it, >>4867109 was satire.

>> No.4867971

Yeah, that was obvious that's why it wasn't replied to. None of Nintendo's games were victims of censorship.

>> No.4868037

honestly, do you think anybody wants to see naked shota butt?

>> No.4868040

what do you think

>> No.4868042


That's a perfect example of censorship.

Censorship is when you can't say something in a society because you'll be meaningfully harmed (in this case everyone will lose their jobs), and censorship is only justified when the thing someone trying to say in the first place is also meaningfully harmful (eg a threat).

There is no difference between having to censor something in the name of localization and having to censor something because of a law if we're asking the question of whether or not its censorship. It also doesn't matter if the person being censored is okay with being censored, which can happen, this doesn't change whether or not censorship is taking place.

>> No.4868224

Once again we are back to you fundamentally not understanding what censorship even is. This was not.

>> No.4868228

I didn't even know there was a Mario Kart on super nintendo

>> No.4868481
File: 6 KB, 480x320, 2377 - Mother 3 (J)_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Itoi clearly does, since he snuck it into Mother 3 as well.

>> No.4868723


That's right, you don't understand what censorship is. You might want to actually study the word and its history sometime, even from its inception in your personal definition has been obviously wrong and the real one in disagreement with your strange one.

No changing any form of expression for some market is in fact censorship. No ifs, ands, or buts.

>> No.4868730
File: 363 KB, 711x535, foam cowboy hat and airhorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno why, there's plenty of it of his characters on Paheal.

>> No.4868776

>No changing any form of expression for some market is in fact censorship


>> No.4868786



>> No.4868831

Drunk driving and general alcoholism is like a plague in America, especially during the 90s. This was back before we had restrictions on alcohol advertising and the whole "please drink responsibly" message enforced. You might think the censorship over the top, but at the time no one wanted to take the risk of allowing it to get worse. A better question you should ask is why alcohol ridden shitholes like Russia are not combating their alcohol problems, which are much worse than what he had, with the same vigor that we successfully did.

t. Ivan

he's a tripfag not a namefag

>> No.4868835

>sex central parts of the human experience

Where the fuck do you think you are?

>> No.4869119

>Where the fuck do you think you are?
On a website that became normalfag a long time ago.

>> No.4869187

Meh. I don't need to write anything more, that guy is flat out wrong and apparently still does not understand.

>> No.4869992

What you described is self-censorship.

>ˈˌself ˈsensərˌSHip/
>the exercising of control over what one says and does, especially to avoid castigation.

>> No.4869994

You think there are more than 4 people ITT who have had sex?

>> No.4870130


You haven't written anything and you are the one that's wrong. There's no definition of censorship that agrees with you except your personal one.


Uh huh, self-censorship is a form of censorship.

>> No.4870164

Localizing for a market Involves making changes only when needed. For instance none of the names in Phoenix Wright make any sense as puns when directly translated but part of the experience is supposed to be names as puns. So the dev changes the names in localization explicitly to maintain the original experience as closely as possible, because no matter what the original experience with the original names is impossible.

It does not involve pleasing soccer moms who aren't going to play the game.

>> No.4870227

This is 4chan in 2018, buddy. I'm probably the only kissless virgin left.

>> No.4870280

>Uh huh, self-censorship is a form of censorship.

>> No.4870282


Get wrecked, anon, you gonna cry cause you can't use your words?

>> No.4870312

Far from it, what else are we supposed to do for socialization?

>> No.4870316

Don't all of you have normiebook nowadays?

>> No.4870339

It's basically a dating website, virgins aren't tolerated.

>> No.4870350


I only use Facebook for events. I hate reading my family's political opinions.

>> No.4870354

Indeed, the ultimate normalfag interest.

>> No.4870456

I don't need to write a long diatribe. You are defining censorship wrong because you don't understand it and impose your opinions of what censorship should be onto what it actually is. None of those Nintendo games were subjected to censorship. You thinking they were because you don't know what you're talking about doesn't change that.

>> No.4870460

>Localizing for a market Involves making changes only when needed.

Fundamentally incorrect. That might be your opinion of what localization should be, but that's not the case as is.