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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 19 KB, 220x220, 220px-Steroids_crouching_tiger_hidden_gabber_megamix_death_grips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4866231 No.4866231 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most fast paced and intense game you've ever played?

>> No.4866235

any shmup/bmup

>> No.4866252


>> No.4866256


>> No.4866267
File: 37 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good recommendation i will try that out soon

>> No.4866270


I'm still horrible at it even though I've learned how to bhop

>> No.4866285

Streets of Rage Remake is pretty intense. It basically blends the whole trilogy together and cranks the action way up.

>> No.4866306

I don't get the image

>> No.4866434

>internal brainlet tears posing as an intelligent well adjusted young man

>> No.4866437
File: 55 KB, 434x378, GameofLife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean. It can get intense.

>> No.4866451

Is that in reference to >>4866256 or the person who posted the image?

>> No.4866463

your autismo is really showing

>> No.4866464

Beatmania is much more hectic. I'd say that game has made me the most frantic of any video game ever.

>> No.4866471

Back during it's glory years, UT1999. Jesus christ that game was adrenaline in videogame form when playing with people who were damn good and could make good use of the teleporter thingie. Bullets and explosions everywhere, staying still longer than half a second was death, and at any given second some motherfucker could teleport behind you and open fire with an insta-kill rocket blast. Best way I can describe it for modern gamers that weren't there for it would be TF2 if everyone played Scout, had a re-usable teleporter that they could throw anywhere, and had access to rocket launchers and sniper rifles. People think sticky bombs are OP? They never saw the insta-gibbing teleporting ninjas of UT1999. Half the servers had the teleporter device disabled just so regular players could have a place where they wouldn't get completely raped. It was non-stop high speed action with mere seconds between rounds. CTF, Deathmatch, Assault, it didn't matter what you played, it was gonna be intense.

These days it's alive in a technical sense, but barely anyone plays and most of the people that do play 24/7 sniper wars on Facing Worlds. Sad, since it ranked right up there with Quake 3 and Duke Nukem 3D as some of the best retro FPS multiplayer around.

>> No.4866479

So it is in reference to the Life post. Thank you, and apologies for the autism.

>> No.4866671

Dragon Quest

>> No.4866682
File: 296 KB, 595x480, w3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised no one has mentioned the first 3 wipeouts

>> No.4866686

or GX

>> No.4866703

That's not retro, anon!

>> No.4866712 [DELETED] 

Not retro, but Dino Crisis 3

>> No.4866776

Doom. Just mute the music and play some black metal on a harder difficulty, shit gets me so pumped.

>> No.4866782

No game makes me tense up like Robotron. I'm better than most, not as good as a lot of people. Around a million point's I'm so wired that I end up failing.

>> No.4866798

Dangun Feveron

>> No.4866801

Star wars podracer holy shit i need to play it again

>> No.4866814 [DELETED] 

unironically Smash Melee

>> No.4866817

Puyo Puyo
I'm sure any action puzzle game applies, but that's the only one I ever bothered to learn

>> No.4866823

what was so great about duke nukem 3d multiplayer?

>> No.4866983 [DELETED] 

I thought 'we' accepted 6th gen as retro now? or was that eight chan?

>> No.4867003

>fast paced game
>runs at like 12 fps
it could have been amazing but it ended up being just a blurry mess

>> No.4867045


>> No.4867049 [DELETED] 

the /vr/ over there is dead but iirc they allowed gba games

>> No.4867058


>> No.4867438

Jetpacks, trip laser bombs, and remote detonation pipe bombs. Short lived, since people moved on to Quake. But if you didn't have enough computer for Quake, Duke Nukem 3D was still a blast. Still have good memories of flying around trying to dodge the lasers from the trip mines everyone was putting on every surface they could find, while strafing people on the ground. Good times.

>> No.4867441 [DELETED] 

I think their cutoff over there is 2004? But the board is so slow that there's years-old threads up.

>> No.4867450 [DELETED] 

that's the charm of that site, wandering around and finding long dead boards and age old threads, it's like going into an abandoned factory or subway tunnel and seeing decades old graffiti

>> No.4867457

hm ive tried pantera but never black metal, ill give that a go, do you have a favorite wad?

>> No.4867461
File: 2.86 MB, 512x448, Whizz.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides racing games and shmups, Whizz for the SNES. They must have fucked the game up for the sake of rentals, because when I first played it I thought my emulator was set to double speed..

>> No.4867465


Just occurred to me that it could be an Alice in Wonderland reference, and you're supposed to constantly be feeling like you're late for something.

>> No.4867538 [DELETED] 

The cutoff date there also resulted in some weird shit. You could talk about the first Kingdom Hearts but none of the sequels at one point.

>> No.4867585 [DELETED] 

It happens on this site too, /po/ still has a thread from January of 2016 up

>> No.4867643

Recca (NES)

>> No.4867701 [DELETED] 

>tfw my thread from 2015 is still up

I like being able to return to a thread on /v/ or somewhere after work or sleep though.

>> No.4869715

The only one I was ever even slightly close to being decent at was Audiosurf.

>> No.4869742

quake/team fortress classic
still my favorite games too

>> No.4869753

Why are they your favorites?

>> No.4869826


>> No.4869836

holy shit i love this meme game

>> No.4869845
File: 9 KB, 230x219, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever played Ballistics in the arcade? It'll fuck you up