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File: 454 KB, 1280x720, #260 「魔獣王」.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4866175 No.4866175 [Reply] [Original]


What's the most you've spent on a game from a GCCX episode?

>> No.4866181

Next game will be a Kirby game.
Arino has already played Kirby's Adventure and Kirby's Dream Course, and he's played Kirby Super Star enough times on various specials it's unlikely they'll make it that.

So what are your guesses?

>> No.4866201

If it's not a safe choice like one of the Dream Land games or Kirby 64, it could be Kirby no Kirakira Kids. Probably the Super Famicom version.

>> No.4866214

>minecraft episode 7 subs out

Thanks based minecraft anon.

>> No.4866224

I fucking love Arino's face in that pic, it just reeks of childish joy

>> No.4867076

The wut kids?

>> No.4867080

Japanese name of Kirby's Star Stacker.

>> No.4867127

How easy is to follow the raws without knowing Japanese? At this point, it seems unlikely we will ever get the entirety of the show subbed (at least not from SAGCCX), so might as well.

>> No.4867160

it's not too bad. you can follow most of whats going on without subs. if you've seen it with subs before, you know whats going down anyway.

>> No.4867307

Why not learn Japanese?

>> No.4867373

Because besides of GCCX I would have no use for it.

>> No.4867379

I kind of doubt that and GCCX is reason enough.

>> No.4867474

But that would be super hard and it would take years, anon.

>> No.4867476

As much as I love Arino he alone isn't worth it

>> No.4867478

That's just scaremongering.

>> No.4867481

Then leave this board. We don't need people like you.

>> No.4867485

Prove me wrong then, anon.

>> No.4867486

p-please no I'll be good I swear!

>> No.4867490

How am I supposed to proof that it didn't take me years or wasn't hard? You can only do that yourself.

>> No.4867496

Then how you did it, how much time it took and how much can you now understand from games/shows/etc.

>> No.4867507

Doing Anki, immersing myself in Japanese media, picking up new vocabulary to feed into Anki along the way.
Took me about six months to play SFC-level games and a bunch more to watch with Japanese subtitles.
Nowadays I can follow most spoken Japanese without subs and rarely ever have to look up a word.

>> No.4867512

It's rewarding because it's not easy, but it's not as hard as people who haven't done it pretend it is.
I took longer than >>4867507, but I reached being able to watch GCCX without subtitles and understand 98% of it after a year and a half.

>> No.4867513

the real question is: can you understand an Osakan or Hokkaidoan?

>> No.4867517

It depends if they are avoiding to be understandable.
It's like sometimes English can be hard to understand.

>> No.4867518

That's the funniest thing about learning languages, you learn the standardized form and believe you mastered the language as a whole, but then you go somewhere like Osaka or Munich or Naples or wherever and they have no idea of what the fuck you're saying

>> No.4867523


Are you for real or are you just a shill?

>> No.4867527

It's a free and open source software.

>> No.4867529

This guy >>4867513 again, but different dialects are easy to learn and take only a short time to get used to once you really understand the basics well. 関西弁(Kansai-ben, what you called Osakan) just slurs some things together and replaces certain words and occasionally vowels. いい to ええ, for example, ちがう to ちゃう, だ to や, 本当だ! to ほんまや!, etc. etc. It also shares some commonalities with 広島弁 (Hiroshima dialect), like the more frequent use of おる as a replacement for both ある and いる. And of course there are expressions/set phrases that are popular in the Kansai region that wouldn't be so popular in Tokyo, like もうかりまっか? (which has become the meme Kansai phrase for people outside of Kansai, so it's not obscure or anything, but it illustrates my point)
In general (with exceptions, like really thick Aomori Dialect), Japanese dialect differences don't pose a big problem. They certainly aren't nearly as problematic as differences in language between different areas of countries such as India or China, where two neighboring towns can have essentially separate languages.
Anki is the best way to obtain and maintain a vocabulary without living in Japan, and the only people that hate Anki are brainlets who lack the discipline to actually study. Plus, Anki is free, why would the developers waste their money paying shills when they gain nothing from it? The people behind Wanikani have been known to shill, however.

>> No.4867606
File: 18 KB, 431x422, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're so diligent and all-knowing, why don't you translate the show?

i'll do the typesetting and encoding if you give me a script

>> No.4867751
File: 45 KB, 672x181, 2018-06-28--1530210407_672x181_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you're so diligent and all-knowing, why don't you translate the show?
>diligent and all-knowing
No need to put words in my mouth, or that of the other guy you replied to, but it's a time investment to go through and transcribe every line of dialogue and text in an hour-long episode.

Here's an idea though: I don't know how many Japanese speakers we have in these threads, but it's probably enough to pull this off: I'd be willing to translate a portion of an episode here and there. If each person who was able to translated and transcribed five minutes of an episode, and then someone (you, for example, since you've so generously offered other services already) were to go through and make the wording consistent among the different parts in case different people translated an item name differently, for example, then you'd be left with a complete script.
To start us off, I've translated the first five minutes of the most recent episode. If ten other people do five minutes each we'll have the full episode.
Enjoy. https://pastebin.com/SD4gtcq7

>> No.4867753

Made a small mistake: "Master Keri" in one of the signs should be "Master Mouri"

>> No.4867796

Translating is a completely different skill I have no interest in.

>> No.4867828

I think you're greatly overestimating the number of willing and qualified translators who read these threads, and I think your idea would end up being a really messy mix of styles.

>> No.4867896

Your typesetting and encoding is shite innit

>> No.4867905

Do the next 53 minutes, or the next 52 if you want to drop the outro.

>> No.4868115

That sounds good, maintaining consistency is a must. I'll post what I have once it's finished and maybe we'll setup a discord or something. That way people can shit on the typeface and all that good stuff

>> No.4868147

Always thought it'd be nice to do translations through git, keep everything open so anybody could come along and add/edit an episode.

>> No.4868670

I'm back, here are the first five minutes of Pocket Zaurus.

Thanks for the script. I tend to watch this show all the time so I threw it on my screen and did the usual. I walked around the room and observed the boldness, readability, all that stuff.

My to do list
>Maintain typeface consistency, clarity, and cleanliness of workspace. Keep redundancies to a minimum? Text outline, kerning, line spacing, etc.
>Take in feedback, weigh options accordingly.
>Do more encoding tests, get optimal target file size while balancing quality.

>> No.4868731

Hm, might be down for that, actually.

>> No.4868774

What year is this? mkv is the only real container for almost a decade.

>> No.4868787

>Thanks for the script.
No problem. Good work on the typesetting, it looks good. I've never translated anything like this before, so it's pretty surreal to see what I wrote earlier on screen like that. Just one thing: Why encode it? Is there a reason to hardsub it? It's not a problem right now, but for the final product I'd prefer if it were softsubbed, the reason being that hardsubs make it more difficult for people like me, who prefer watching raws, to find them. With softsubs I can at least turn them off. It's near impossible for me to find raws (or anything but hardsubs) of the early seasons, and I'd prefer that didn't become the case for newer episodes, too.
Just say you're doing it if you decide to, so someone else doesn't translate the same section as you at the same time. It'd be nice if this worked out.

But that takes time and I'm a busy boy
Discord is cancer, I wouldn't join. Thunderpad would be better suited for something like this, anyway.

>> No.4868794

>Just say you're doing it if you decide to, so someone else doesn't translate the same section as you at the same time.
Yeah, I'll see if I can find some time during the weekend.

>> No.4868795

This no hardsubs please, that thing feels old.

>> No.4868819

>I've never translated anything like this before
What have you translated before? Diving into a full episode of this isn't the easiest starting point.

Take it slow. Do it right. Fix any mistakes. A slow translation is only slow until it's done. A bad translation is bad forever.

If I were you, I would start with something smaller and simpler like a DVD episode. You'd have a shorter run time and fewer segments and screen text to handle.

>> No.4868846

My reasoning for doing hardsubs was to support as many devices and users as possible. In the meantime I will practice and read more tutorials. Please post more opinions

>> No.4868849

What device doesn't support mkv, PS2?

>> No.4868862

Maybe consider doing two versions like the Minecraft guy did with his final subs. I can certainly appreciate that streaming a hardsubbed mp4 directly off of mega is going to be the most convenient option for a lot of people.

>> No.4868906

This. A lot of people seem to think that just because you know 2 languages, you must be good at converting between them. It's completely untrue, especially for J-E. Translation is basically taking a perfectly formed legible sentence, and asking yourself "how can I completely ruin this in the least damaging way?".

The best translators in the world? They're just better at writing decent English. There isn't ever a point in translation where you get past the sense of butchery, unless you're some kind of egotistical moron who thinks his shit doesn't stink. Which is probably why translators have such thin skins and drop projects at the first sight of a mean comment.

Communal translating is always done with the best of intentions, but it produces consistently awful results. There's really no way to stop an N5 from coming in, and then misinterpreting or just outright rewriting a line he doesn't understand.

>> No.4868919


My phone, and streaming on websites like Cytube, for two examples.

>> No.4868926

What kind of shitty phone doesn't support mkv?
And what fansubber bows to streaming services?

>> No.4868934

>I want to support as many devices and users as possible
>What doesn't support them?
>What fansubber bows to that?

>> No.4868936

How about supporting users that can't watch hardsubs?

>> No.4868941

such as?

>> No.4868942

Myself. Hardsubs make me sick.

>> No.4868945

Between the choice of devices/websites that are physically incapable of using mkv and one autistic shit who just gets his panties in a twist over them, the choice should be obvious.

>> No.4868946

>Between the choice of devices/websites that are physically incapable of using mkv
That's purely a matter of software and can easily be fixed.
Hardsubbing damage lasts forever.

>> No.4868947

>>Myself. Hardsubs make me sick.
Then why the fuck are you watching a Japanese variety show? They all have hardsubs.

>> No.4868952

>Hardsubbing damage lasts forever
not true, you can easily wash the poo poo stains out from your panties

>> No.4868953

Nowhere near as bad as hardcoded fansubs.

>> No.4868982

You know how easy it is to simply re-encode the softsub version to be hardsub? However its impossible to do the opposite and remove hardsubs.

>> No.4869021


Kirby 64 it is.

>> No.4869026

I should be able to watch this one live.

>> No.4869512

>There's really no way to stop an N5 from coming in, and then misinterpreting or just outright rewriting a line he doesn't understand.
With good contributing guidelines and a review system this shouldn't happen.

>> No.4869634

I agree with this guy >>4868862, if you insist on hardsubs at least make softsubs available as well.

>> No.4869638

Is this the first time he's played an N64 game on the show?

>> No.4869704

He played DDG64 a year ago.

>> No.4869735

There's a complete list in the OP with the systems for every episode. This is the fifth N64 game he's played for the TV episodes. He also played a little bit of Star Fox 64 for a Nintendo Channel episode.

>> No.4869884

Oops, sorry for the dumb question.

>> No.4869927

Hey typesetter here. Currently experimenting with softsubs over here and things are looking good. Timing needs to optimized and discrepancies with font styles carrying over to video players like VLC and MPC-HC need to be ironed out.

Expect an srt. soon. Pleasantly awaiting next script.

>> No.4869943

Also here's the raw for anyone that doesn't have it.


>> No.4869980

Initial translator here, thank you.

>> No.4870040

Please reply to these points. >>4868819

That's extremely wishful thinking. How do you expect that to work?

>> No.4870056

>That's extremely wishful thinking. How do you expect that to work?
Same way open source projects work.

>> No.4870075

Nah, you didn't know. Don't worry about it.

>> No.4870102

Open source projects aren't normally based on an anonymous imageboard.
Go to gitlab, github or whatever.

>> No.4870110

>Go to gitlab, github or whatever.
Yeah, that was the original point.

>> No.4870136

>unironically using gitshit

>> No.4870139

What version control do you suggest?

>> No.4870181

something that doesn't track your information or requires an account

>> No.4870319
File: 51 KB, 580x466, Dunning-Kruger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please reply to these points.
I've never translated for other people before, but Game Center CX's Japanese is really easy stuff. There's one typo in there ("Takahashi Mori" should be "Takahashi and Mori") but I initially only translated & transcribed this to prove a point, so naturally I wasn't being a stickler for quality. Your advice to start with a shorter episode is well-received, but I'll say this:
If you have any concerns about my translation abilities, I've already provided a sample of them and someone else has already typeset my translation. You're fully equipped to nitpick my work yourself and see if I've made any mistakes, and seeing as you haven't, you probably don't actually know any Japanese. Assuming that's the case, how do you purport to be qualified to direct the translation process?
I understand where you're coming from, and that you'd like to prevent a repeat of what happened with the subbers of the first season of the show, but that was the result of absolute incompetence and haphazard guesswork on the translator's part. I'm confident in my language abilities (and yes, I'm well past Mt. Stupid and the Valley of Despair on the Dunning-Kruger chart, I'm somewhere along the Slope of Enlightenment), and I wouldn't be offering to translate if I weren't. There is no incentive for me to try and bluff my way through, either, because all that would come of that would be endless shame and ridicule on these threads, starting as soon as someone else that knows Japanese comes along.

>> No.4870389

>You're fully equipped to nitpick my work yourself and see if I've made any mistakes, and seeing as you haven't, you probably don't actually know any Japanese.
That's a really obnoxious assumption you're making about someone trying to give you advice who just might not want to get involved in your work.

>> No.4870512

Hey, here's a softsub sample. I went with .ASS since SRT. wasn't storing styles right.

>> No.4870541

"git" doesn't do that. Github might, but there's a ton of other sites for git repositories.

>> No.4870605

>That's a really obnoxious assumption
If you say so, but it's certainly not an unrealistic one. Anyway, they can tell me themselves if I'm wrong, you don't need to step in and defend them.

>> No.4870764
File: 38 KB, 640x480, 1526830941856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4870780

I'll give you a few quick little things. I haven't watched the episode, so this is just from looking at your script.

>Hanyu Yuzuru
Yuzuru is his given name. You'll probably want it to read Yuzuru Hanyu in the translation.

>Seventh Revenge Match
It's not his seventh revenge match. He's going to play seven different games at Makuhari Messe. Seven-Game Revenge or Seven-Match Revenge would be better.

>Pocket Zaurus: The Mystery of the Ten Kingly Swords
Isn't the reference to the mythological Ten Kings 十王 and not the number of swords? Aren't there only like five swords in the game? The OP has the translated name as Pocket Zaurus: Mystery of the Swords of the Ten Kings, which is maybe a little stiff but definitely better if the interpretation is correct.

>Baribari Boku Mode
You might want to take a stab at a translation for this instead of leaving it like that.

I'm not trying to offend you, but you are coming off as a little headstrong. Keep in mind that there are like three of us who have expressed some worry about your process, some more politely than others. You're not going to get a lot of translators or checkers on board if you make assumptions about people's abilities from their lack of willingness to jump in immediately. I don't think I'm interested in working on something like this in this way.

I don't feel that a brand new episode in the middle of a major anniversary season is the best place for you to start. If you don't want to do a smaller project like a DVD episode, consider an older episode or a season opener.

>> No.4870789 [DELETED] 

How hard can it fucking be to just translate these episodes the day they come out? All the Chinese dude does is suck his teeth mutter “muzukashi” over footage of somebody else playing the game. Fucking lazy translators, get your asses in gear.

>> No.4870801
File: 7 KB, 308x164, old man vidya games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the Chinese dude does is suck his teeth mutter “muzukashi” over footage of somebody else playing the game.
Amazing show right?

>> No.4871035

Without accounts you won't gain trust in contributors.

>> No.4871037

Eh, it's more watchable than 90% of let's players

>> No.4871098

How the fuck do I learn Japanese? I’ve been working on Genki and Anki for two weeks but feel like I’m going nowhere. Genki is tedious as fuck and I’m spending more time trying to work out how to study effectively rather than actually learning anything.

>> No.4871110

Genki is garbage, if you want to get a basic grasp on grammar read Tae Kim's guide

>> No.4871112

Genki is trash for retards, but if you're 2 weeks in and getting impatient, language learning probably isn't for you. Go for Tae Kim if you're an ESL, or Japanese the manga way if you're an EOP. Hopefully you're doing something like core2k with anki and not RTK.

>> No.4871449

>he thinks he's setting type while using .SRT

>> No.4871612

I’m doing a core2k deck, yes. Do you mean I shouldn’t do RTK at all? How will I learn kanji? Thanks for the advice anon.

>> No.4871889 [DELETED] 

Not so much. The one or two times I have bothered looking at this topic, it has been nothing but pages of children screaming at each other about, "encoding" or video editing or subtitles and on and on. I honestly don't even understand the point of these topics regarding this letsplay. Do you people talk about the show ever? At any rate, I have watched a few episodes but don't really see the appeal. I wonder if you people even realize how offputting these game center threads are to the rest of us here on vr.

>> No.4871986
File: 6 KB, 236x177, skippin stone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's how these threads go usually, I ignore it. I'm only interested in making subtitles for my favorite show so other people and I can enjoy it. I have no interest in arguing over japanese, romanization, and conflicting egos. That's up to the people if they want to do it. I don't care. I have every episode and have no qualms about doing both hardcoded and softsub. I'm not rich but I backup all my shit, have at least 10 HDDs and growing, and my internet is relatively good.

Yes, if you're serious about contributing translations I'll do the grunt work and sync it up in my spare time.
Email: rippledance@hotmail.com

>> No.4872315

RTK is useless because it doesn't teach readings and the meanings aren't really accurate besides the basic stuff. Just read the guide in the /jp/ japanese learning thread.

>> No.4872765
File: 113 KB, 320x684, Dogeza_2015-01-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yuzuru is his given name. You'll probably want it to read Yuzuru Hanyu in the translation.
And the Japanese don't call each other by their given names. There's been disagreement about this in translations for years and years, but the way I see it, if we really want to adopt the Western naming convention for translations of this show it'd have to be about Chief Shinya.
The others are valid, though, and your point about this being a bad spot to start translating is well-taken. Apologies for the rudeness, I've been humbled.

I'll try my hand at a DVD episode or something first.

>> No.4872772

And the Japanese don't call each other by their given names in formal environments.*

>> No.4872793

Referring to modern day Japanese people by western name order is the international standard, though. It's not a westernization thing, since it's not done for Chinese and Korean people, it's just the established way of doing it.

>> No.4872867

This >>4872793
Yuzuru Hanyu is the order in which it officially appears for the Olympics, just like the rest of the Japanese athletes.

>> No.4872950
File: 101 KB, 256x256, 1445984401033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As retarded as I still think that is, I've come to understand what people are talking about when they say how much more there is to translation than just knowing two languages.

>> No.4872962

I'll be staying in a capsule hotel in Matsuyama-shi on the 19th next month and I'll be able to watch GCCX as it airs while listening to salarymen snore.

>> No.4873096

>I'll be able to watch GCCX as it airs while listening to salarymen snore.

Wow, the capsule hotel pays to subscribe to Fuji One on CS?!

>> No.4873138

Don't be a faggot, to the guy doing the subbing,

In regards >>4868774 I know nothing about subbing myself, but would it be to much work to create an .ass file to placate the babies like Mr hates hard subs? Again, don't know if it can be done.

>> No.4873164

It can be done and it's relatively easy. You do the softsub then you encode them into a video. Kill two birds with one stone

I uploaded a sample .ass in >>4870512. If you have Pocket Zaurus you can load it up

>> No.4873169

There you go then, keep the hard subs with .mp4s to maximize how many people can watch it and the soft subs to placate the autists.

Doing moot's work Anon.

>> No.4873176

That just means people will no longer archive the raws and >>4868787 remains true.
There is simply no reason to pander to the lowest scum. Everybody else has moved on to softsubs, even commercial companies.

>> No.4873183

Can you calm down?

>> No.4873186

If you want to support everybody, why not go back to SD xvid avi or SVCD? Plenty of DVD players can't play mp4 or HD.

>> No.4873215

Wondered the same thing but all the bellhop could say over and over was "You can watchu Japanese terevision"

>> No.4873217

XviD4PSP for /vr/ and DivX 5.0 for SA to see a return to the glory days

>> No.4873221 [DELETED] 

Oh and if anyone wants to sub like a Real Man then holler at your boy JD, got those scripts 100% done and ready to go.

>> No.4873224

Did you discovered any cool games from this show, I discovered Chelnov/Atomic Runner.

>> No.4873240 [DELETED] 

How does one get in contact with you?

>> No.4873462 [DELETED] 

Email: rippledance@hotmail.com

>> No.4873538

>not releasing DVD bonus translations as .VOB with .BMP subs in .ISO form with custom menu

>> No.4873561

>I'll try my hand at a DVD episode or something first.

Sonic 2 please.

>> No.4873875

That one's even longer than a normal episode

>> No.4873880

I discovered tant-r and the famicom detective games from arino.

>> No.4874158

>only took 6 months
I wish I was that smart

>> No.4874405

Doubt you'll be able to see GCCX, seeing as it's on a pay channel. Have a nice trip though!

>> No.4874475


>> No.4874480

you're kidding, right?

>> No.4874851

Talking about when Karly Pilkboys went to Japan, queermo. Missed the ultimate opportunity for a crossover.

>> No.4875021

I'll just call the place I'm staying and ask.

>> No.4875302

Real hotels might offer it, but if you're stupid enough to stay in a gimmick cube hotel, they're probably not going to pay the associated fees.

>> No.4875538

>not traveling around Japan with your own miniature satellite dish hooked up to a mobile PC with PCIe capture card and B-CAS decryption keys

>> No.4876915
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>> No.4877337

What episode?

>> No.4877346

Season 3 episode 2, Takeshi's Castle.

>> No.4878872

A couple new headlines in the OP today.

Yoiko's Toadal Wraparound Life finishes up in a few hours.

Arino starts his Official Supporter job for TGS 2018 on Niconico a few hours after that.

>> No.4880271
File: 1.14 MB, 500x2547, 1461512706644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4881772

Who is the best AD?

>> No.4881869
File: 308 KB, 1280x738, GameCenter.CX.165.Dragon.Ball.Z.Super.Butuoden.RERiP.720p.60fps.HDTV.x264-VRiSFAGS.mkv-00_53_20-2018-05-03-20h26m53s653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nakayama's my fave. His mere existence always amuses me.

>> No.4882030

Will you give us the hint at the end or tell us if it's a two parter? The paste editor is on a road trip and won't have the hint up until later this time.

>> No.4882294

Yeah, I can post some live updates while the episode is airing.
Are they going to announce a new Makuhari Messe game today? I forgot.

>> No.4882372


>> No.4882374

I'm 100% sure Kirby 64 is going to be a two-parter.

>> No.4882376

I've never played Kirby 64, but is it especially long or hard or something? I mean, it's Kirby.

>> No.4882487

>Are they going to announce a new Makuhari Messe game today?
Probably not until #263 on July 19. They seem to be announcing them in the second half of each month.

>> No.4882507

No, it isn't either. There are a lot of neat different powerup combinations to show off though

>> No.4882519

Unless they talk Arino specifically into spending time on that, he's not really going to do it, though. This isn't some let's play by a guy wanting to show off the full game.

>> No.4882680

Episode's starting here. Watching live for the first time.

>> No.4882683

Never played this game before. The fire sword ability looks awesome.

>> No.4882684

Remember to use spoiler tags.

>> No.4882689

He got a game over on 1-2

>> No.4882692

He's been given a set of magnets to use to write notes about the different power mixes. With him making cute little doodles.

>> No.4882693

He's also doing voices for all the characters in the cutscenes.

>> No.4882695

Boss 1 down. He died once before he figured out what to do, but didn't have any issues otherwise.

>> No.4882697

>Wow, I already beat him?
This game seems pretty easy so far

>> No.4882701

Tamage is set in a really cool looking retro-themed cafe called Coffee Mikado, where they have arcade games in the tables, he's trying Space Invaders. As usual he keeps getting interrupted by his food arriving while playing.

>> No.4882703

One of the other patrons got a score of over 5000 points on Space Invaders, Kibe is trying to beat it now. It's a fun segment.

>> No.4882707

And now they're finally playing a 2-player Mahjong game.

This segment is making me hungry.

>> No.4882710

Kibe is taking pictures of his food to post it on instagram, too

>> No.4882713

Second boss down. He died twice trying to figure out how to beat it, but didn't have a hard time once he figured out what to do.

>> No.4882719

The third boss gave him some trouble, he died twice one the first form, and now he's struggling with the second.

>> No.4882727

He finally beat it. Lost 8 lives on that boss.

>> No.4882734

He just aced the bit with lava following you using the Burning/Burning mix. Now he's on the fourth boss.

>> No.4882738

He died four times on the fourth boss, but again it was mostly just him trying to work out what he's supposed to do.

>> No.4882739

He's having trouble with the crushing ceiling on level 5-4?, but did better once he checked the manual and discovered the dash move.

>> No.4882743

He's dying a bunch against the fifth boss now, but he seems to be playing really sloppy now.

>> No.4882746

dude, shut the fuck up

>> No.4882750

And he finally beat it.

>> No.4882757

6-3 mini boss now. He should be able to beat this.

>> No.4882759

This Bozo should stream himself watching a little TV in a drawer, look at me I'm watching live

>> No.4882764

Final boss (I guess). Been taking him a while, but he got the hang of it now.

>> No.4882767

He beat it, and now he's getting told he needs to find all the crystal shards to get the true ending. They could've told him that before, he's skipped a lot.

>> No.4882769

We're getting a minigame tournament with the staff, if Arino wins they'll get the crystals for him

>> No.4882771

But Arino lost all three rounds of the minigame, so the challenge counts as failed.

Minigame looked really fun, though.

>> No.4882775

Next game is ___2

>> No.4882779

Cool, lets just flood the thread like an idiot till it reaches its limit.

>> No.4882780

Calm the fuck down, faggot.

>> No.4882787


>> No.4882805

Suck a frozen hobo turd you child molesting fuckface

>> No.4882834

Episode 234 - Pizza Pop!

Translated by zari-gani
Timed by Random Stranger
Proofread by hirayuki



>> No.4882838

no thanks

>> No.4882840

Episode 234 - Pizza Pop!

Translated by zari-gani
Timed by Random Stranger
Proofread by hirayuki



>> No.4882862

mega key plz

>> No.4882868

Hm? Downloads fine here.

>> No.4882872

Like this, Bozo


>> No.4882875

That's literally the same link.

>> No.4882880

Now all can see that it's his problem

>> No.4882882

Thanks to salaryman live viewer for causing SA to become spiteful and release early, thus stealing your thunder

>> No.4882887

>salaryman live viewer
What's that?

>> No.4882967

Why SA so pathetic.

>> No.4883003

Holy shit, three failed challenges in the row.

>> No.4883016

It was pretty unfair to Arino, I felt.
>Arino, you haven't actually beaten the game yet, you needed to have collected all these little trinkets to access the final world. We conveniently didn't bother telling you that. And no, we're not going to let you go back and get them.

>> No.4883278
File: 1.81 MB, 1280x720, GameCenter.CX.262.Kirby.64.720p.60fps.HDTV.x264-VRiSFAGS.mkv_snapshot_01.42_[2018.07.05_15.56.10].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2671.24 kbps @ CRF 18 — 1.19 GB

>> No.4883289

That was quick.

>> No.4883316

What the fuck happened in here? Jesus, people calm down.

>> No.4883331

Have to button lips and sink some ships when confronted by irrational exuberance

>> No.4883339

An anon was watching the episode live and providing commentary, and some random fuck showed up and got ridiculously mad at that for some reason, then stuck around to post some additional crap afterwards. I dunno.

>> No.4883346

I noticed within all of the vomit someone actually posted new subs, has anyone checked them out? I'm downloading right now and will watch later.

>> No.4883451


here ya go guys, half the size and the quality is just as good! https://mega.nz/#!NvYXkCSL!HZdfd7BcGDcnc8_yEVSyoeGFRqlBP1dacXKtqSHtC40

>> No.4883478

>implying smaller file sizes are a good thing

>> No.4883485



>> No.4883525

That format and size could be a preferable alternative to some people for a bunch of reasons, but that guy is probably false flagging against the smaller uploads by acting like a jackass. He very suspiciously calls attention to the larger uploads every time he posts.

>> No.4883530

Yeah, I was being facetious since that guy is such a weird-o about it every single time.

>> No.4883803

Clearly got his thunder stolen too

>> No.4883841

>half the size
>same quality
Not interested in a 29-minute episode, they should be 58 minutes.

>> No.4884341
File: 689 KB, 1280x720, Game Center CX - S22E06 - Kirby 64 - The Crystal Shards (N64) [RAW].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best power.

>> No.4884834

You're the best, thanks!

>> No.4885339

This has to be one of the worst episodes they've done so far, around 90% of the challenge literally consists of the "Arino clearing stages effortlessly" footage.

>> No.4886198

That's usually the case with Kirby episodes, isn't it? It's not like he really has that much trouble with those games.

>> No.4886373

Sayapyon was so cute god damn

>> No.4886394

What? They cut most of that because it wasn't interesting, so most of the stuff they show is him fighting the bosses.

>> No.4886606
File: 1.34 MB, 2160x2160, 20180707_161008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best boi and I are in Japan right now, and we got to stop at the Dagashiya Game Museum in Itabashi. Turns out Arino played there and they had lots of copies of a book he wrote on the games. 10/10

>> No.4886626

Sorry, to clarify, the owner of the museum wrote the book but Arino recommends it

>> No.4886636

The aforementioned "Best Boi" here, I highly recommend the museum. If you want to get to it, the nearest station to it is 板橋本町駅, which is accessible by the 都営三田 line.

>> No.4886637
File: 880 KB, 1920x1080, いっぱつくん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my picture.

>> No.4887054


I feel like a slower paced two-parter where Puzzle Kacho has to figure out how to get all the crystal shards would've been way more interesting than we've got.

>> No.4887246

Yeah, they should've made it a two day challenge and had him collect crystals on the second day.

>> No.4887250

hey thanks for posting an alternative to those 1gb+ files that idiot always puts on here

>> No.4887258

When you're out on the trail there I bet you two bust each others' guts with your little fucking funnies. Best translate some Chief to enlighten the rest of us.

>> No.4887268

I'm sure someone will coddle you at some point with a 720p streaming link so you can watch Pizza Pop without downloading 1.3 GB of normal-sized hour-long video. >>4882840

>> No.4887361

but I already have the much smaller 720p copy that was posted, so I'm good to go!

>> No.4887474

SA wouldn't post a redundant copy of their translation and none was posted here so try again

>> No.4887519

The Pizza Pop sub was only in one size, but it's an mp4 so you can watch it without downloading it.

Why are you acting so pissy?

>> No.4888767

That does sound like a neat idea, actually. I still thought the episode was alright, though.

>> No.4889505

>When you're out on the trail there I bet you two bust each others' guts with your little fucking funnies.
I dunno about that, but I sure am laffin at your post, friend.

>> No.4889627

Sick of it

>> No.4891252
File: 2.51 MB, 1280x5760, 1416070954198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4891285 [DELETED] 

What is it about Mikan's laughter that drives me completely crazy (in a good way)?

>> No.4892926
File: 2.95 MB, 300x225, 1404413542041.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's probably my favorite, too.

>> No.4893112

Yea, his awkwardness was hype.

>> No.4893125

>Watching GameCenter CX always gets me hyped up to play games
>boot it up
>no one is watching
>No one to joke with
>No stakes
>No hints
>Get bored after 30 min

Every time ;_;

>> No.4893934
File: 509 KB, 1280x720, 1525475452525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayapyon a cute

>> No.4895393
File: 512 KB, 1280x720, 1505090869908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4895407 [DELETED] 

And people say that GCCX fans are different from YouTube e-celeb fans.

>> No.4895410

GCCX actually airs on TV though

>> No.4895413

I've seen ads for those wiener pizzas and they look so fucking good.

>> No.4895438

ahahahahaha! oh that's awesome. it's stuff like this that makes this show great.

>> No.4895469
File: 816 KB, 1280x656, 1491474937_tumblr_nkkj2bYkDR1rypd71o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Motoring, GCCX crossover when?

>> No.4895471
File: 88 KB, 1024x768, p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just reached the first Retro Game Master episode. The dub is much more distracting than I thought it would be.

>> No.4895656

What the fuck are you watching the dub for?

>> No.4895848

Nowadays people tend to watch tv shows on their computers and phones.

>> No.4896050

From what I can tell, there aren't subs for Ninja Gaiden and other episodes released as Retro Game Master.

>> No.4896102

Click on product information in the OP. The DVD set lets you turn off the dub and watch those episodes with subs. I'm sure there's a torrent around somewhere if you can't buy it.

>> No.4896269

>the dvd subs are by an sa-gccx member
Oh damn, that's really cool and I respect the publisher a lot for going to those lengths. I definitely need to pick this up sometime.

>> No.4896839
File: 170 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As usual, Mikan is the best

>> No.4896841 [SPOILER] 
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, 1531309728387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wins in the games and in my heart

>> No.4897169


>guy sitting in a chair
>upscaled 240p gameplay
>1 hour
>a gigabyte and a half

This is only normal by absolutely shit standards

>> No.4897863

This episode mentioned Cameraman Abe's food blog and it got me curious, anyone know where to find it?

>> No.4897871

here you go

>> No.4897873
File: 250 KB, 1280x720, GameCenter CX S20E18 - 234 - Pizza Pop.mp4-2018-07-12-00h54m30s047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayapyon is cute! CUTE!

>> No.4898083

Wow, another late announcement for #263.

>> No.4898092

they should make him play E.V.O.

I want a perfect sealed copy. It's the single, one piece of gaming memerobilia I want. I imagine by the time I get one, it'll be close to $1500.

>> No.4898220

Does anyone know what song plays at 21:20 of the Koshien episode?

>> No.4898405

Not as late as last time. It's Captain Tsubasa Vol. II: Super Striker.

>> No.4898785


>> No.4898830

kacho's getting old ;_;

>> No.4899858

He's pushing 50.

>> No.4900384


First theme to the baseball anime Touch.

>> No.4900663

Well, luckily most Japanese people tend to live long lives.

>> No.4901275
File: 56 KB, 720x642, 20180713_034428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, luckily most Japanese people tend to live long lives.

>> No.4901535
File: 6 KB, 238x250, 1530882853357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to the twitch stream?

>> No.4901538

that's a pretty long life expectancy, and japs seem to age gracefully

>> No.4901548

Shut down for illegally streaming TV shows.

>> No.4901550

more surprised that it lasted so long

>> No.4902153

Just finished the first season today, loving it so far. Is there a list of all the ADs anywhere?

>> No.4902163


>> No.4902198

The episode list in the OP has the AD names and their intro episode numbers on top of each season when they were introduced.

>> No.4903472

we all do

>> No.4904573
File: 129 KB, 640x1440, 1391264856714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4906363
File: 65 KB, 444x750, 1446728423251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4907642

Is there a direct download link for the Super Mario Maker live challenge sub?

>> No.4908223
File: 39 KB, 640x480, Arino Shinya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need the gif of arino dancing at the pinball machine

>> No.4908379
File: 76 KB, 500x641, DBD2DC0D-DF07-447A-8DAE-037A730C9EAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know which eps are on these new blu rays?

>> No.4908401

The magic pastebin man knows.

>> No.4908405

Looks like the red set has: “Atlantis no Nazo “Prince of Persia" "Ninja Gaiden" "Sonic the Hedgehog"

And green set has: "Makai village" "Tokimeki Memorial ~ forever with you ~" "Super Mario World" "Clock Tower"

>> No.4908412

>Makai village
Google Translate is bad for you, anon.

>> No.4908486

You're forgetting the commentaries on Ninja Gaiden and Tokimeki Memorial, the Shikoku trip director's cut split between the two sets, and the Mystery of Atlantis and GnG revenges. Just look at the pastebin episode list.

>> No.4908551
File: 2.99 MB, 256x192, 1386928206476.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4908665

1920×1080 59.94i @ 16:9?
1440×1080 59.94i @ 16:9?
1280×720 59.94p @ 16:9?

BluRay format doesn't support 1920×1080 59.94p

>> No.4908673

Which LC episode is this from so that I can update my GIF

>> No.4908832

Huh? It doesn't say anything about the resolution. I'm sure they'll be scaled to whatever blu-ray supports.

>> No.4909130

BluRay supports all 3 of those video game approved formats. 1920×1080 59.94i would allow 1080p@60p encodes though. This and only this.

>> No.4909579

I just watched the Pizza Pop episode, and I really have to wonder how games like these got any sales at all. It's not based on any popular license, there's nothing interesting about its presentation, concept or gameplay, it's not going to sell by word of mouth or reviews since it's so generic... did Japanese kids really go "Mommy, I want the game where you play as the pizza delivery boy" back then? It's bizarre.

>> No.4911097
File: 766 KB, 845x1900, 1448124214358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4911121

For those in hear who can understand moonspeak.

How much in theory would you have to be offered to translate an episode.

I have money....and i can't deal with SA putting out 3 episodes a year anymore

>> No.4911128

No chance.
What's keeping you from learning it yourself?

>> No.4911142 [DELETED] 


>> No.4911152 [DELETED] 


>> No.4911154 [DELETED] 


Answer the fucking question.

>> No.4911157

I make shit in your mouth. This and only this.

>> No.4911507

If it's a decent amount, setup a bounty (openbounty?) for a specific episode and then post about it. Maybe someone will go for it.

>> No.4911726 [DELETED] 

Why did you answer his question with another question? He's talking about paying someone and then you chime in with "not a chance"

if you're not willing translate for money or answer his question directly then the person who originally asked the question wasn't talking to you. I want to see more translated episodes too, so quit being obnoxious. You're probably the same dude who tells people to go learn japanese in every single thread. It wasn't funny or cool the last 300 times Who says we aren't trying you faggot? It takes a while to get there.

>> No.4911760 [DELETED] 

>I wish we had more translated episodes to watch or that they would come out faster
>How much would I need to pay to get someone to translate more episodes?
>You can watch raws and get the general idea of what's going on but it sucks that you miss a lot of the jokes
what does he get out of it? is it satisfying? is it autism? fuckin seriously

what an asshole

>> No.4911772

I think it sold based on the idea of a real life mundane activity as opposed to something fantastical and out of this world, just look at Paperboy.

>> No.4911778

Paperboy was a pretty entertaining concept, though. "Generic platformer - but at the end of each level you deliver a pizza instead of making some progress towards saving the world/your girlfriend" isn't really. I doubt Paperboy would have been a hit if it was just a generic platformer where you put a newpaper in a mailbox at the end of each level.

>> No.4911908

VRiSFAGS opens the bidding at $5,000 US per episode.

>> No.4911925
File: 4 KB, 256x224, Captain Tsubasa (Japan)-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave Captain Tsubasa a try because Arino is playing the sequel next episode, and damn. I'm no soccer fan, but this has to be one of the least fun sports games I've ever played. Where's the fun in this crap? I don't feel like I'm in control of anything, I can't see where the hell any of the players are, and I have no idea what kind of strategies I'm even able to apply. It's all so random.

>> No.4911941

yeah that's real believable. a person came in the thread a while ago claiming to be JD saying that he had plenty scripts available ready for timing and the post was later deleted. If you look up in the thread you'll even see a guy offering to translate the show. That's when I posted a sample hardcoded video and a later sample subtitle file using his sample script >>4868670 and >>4870512

Nobody asked for my opinion but money is probably the last thing that needs to get involved in something like this. But hey if you're really VRiSFAGS and that's your offer then I can't talk or anything seeing that I'm poorfag and fairly useless. That being said I'm still offering typesetting services for anyone who's proficient in japanese.

>> No.4911995

Offer? That's VRiSFAGS' initial bid. Initial position as publisher. $5,000 per episode, no agent's fees, greater than 50% share for translator.

>> No.4912079

Forgive me, I use the word bid and offer interchangably. Either way, you guys have the skills, you get to call the shots

Anon's theoretical question >>4911121 raises some interesting concerns, mostly if anyone who likes this show actually has money to cough up. I know I don't.

>> No.4912125

A couple gaki translators have started taking donations in to sub. $150 in donations, 16 hours of work over 2 weeks, and one of the translators will be releasing an episode in the next day or so.

>> No.4912180

What, of GCCX?

>> No.4912216 [DELETED] 

Don't you realize how obnoxious the whole translation begging is?

>> No.4912218

Gaki no Tsukai, it has a bit bigger following in the west, but still comparable to GCCX. Still early days, but donations seem to be working for that show, so it could also work for GCCX.
The biggest difference concerning this, I think, is in where the western fans centralize. AFAIK GCCX discussion is mainly at somethingawful and here, while GnT fans are mostly at reddit - so would 4chan/SA posters actually donate, and would a translator from this site actually deliver in a timely fashion (or at all)?

>> No.4912250

It's more likely that the money would be dangled with promise of "payment on delivery" of translation, at which point the anonymous sponsor would disappear secure in the knowledge that those who'd done the job of work would likely release anyway.

>> No.4912394 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 165x244, 1485496482657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you realize how obnoxious being a fucking faggot to people is?

A lot people have jobs and other hobbies. Coming in and telling people to go learn another language EVERY SINGLE TIME is some shut-in antisocial behavior. Lucky you for being able to sit down study another language with your disposable amounts of free time. Everybody isn't you and I'm not against learning the language, I'm against you being a naysayer cocksniffing fuckfence. What? Is it wrong that people want some new subs? That's it, there's nothing else to it. We're not badmouthing SA-GGCX, being entitled, or irrational or anything. Fuck off and go away

>> No.4912409 [DELETED] 

If you don't understand the language then just shut up and let people who do enjoy it.
Crying for translations just means you can't allow others to have fun without you.
If you don't have time to learn a language you shouldn't waste it here either because it certainly isn't going to produce anything.
This isn't restricted to GCCX but applies to the whole board and beyond.

>> No.4912478 [DELETED] 

You're hilarious and probably have some crippling disorder. People wanting to watch something in english doesn't affect you in anyway whatsoever, go crawl back into your hole

>> No.4912586

Fuggg Captain Tsubasa 2 is the best NES RPG by miles

>> No.4912587

And the first Captain Tsubasa is total shite btw

You can grab CT2 translated to english and other languages

>> No.4912592 [DELETED] 

Get help

>> No.4912630

What do you guys think is a good episode to introduce somebody to on Game Center CX?

I want to say Mystery of Atlantis but I'm biased since that was my first episode.

>> No.4912635 [DELETED] 

Takeshi's Challenge

>> No.4912645

>What do you guys think is a good episode to introduce somebody to on Game Center CX?

A game they've played before. I've introduced two different girlfriends who aren't gamers to three SMB3 episode and they got super into it.

>> No.4912648


>> No.4912678 [DELETED] 

People who can't watch the show without subs need help.

>> No.4912694

>3 episodes a year
How do we have the first 19 seasons translated almost completely, then?
Did they change their pace of translation some time ago? I'm asking since I'm new to the show, currently watching season 2.

>> No.4912713

I know Japanese, I don't need a translation.

>> No.4912714

>Did they change their pace of translation some time ago?
Yes, the translators got busy with real life stuff as they grew older. It's common with fan tl groups like this.

>> No.4912718 [DELETED] 

Man, that sucks. I do agree with >>4912394
It's not a problem to learn the language, it's about time. Japanese is extremely hard, and not having a lot of time doesn't help either. All in all, that one guy spamming "why don't you learn the language?" should just shut up.
What's the reason the translators got busy? Other than jobs, I mean. Do they have a wife, perchance?

>> No.4912738 [DELETED] 

>Japanese is extremely hard,
That's a worthless statement.

>> No.4912742 [DELETED] 

No, it isn't. Learning japanese and learning french are two completely different things. I'd say the hardest parts about japanese are the sheer amount of kanji and the fact that everything is written together (no spacing between words).

>> No.4912746

And there are no new groups to fill their place because nobody else cares about the little epenis you get from translations.
Japanese is no longer a mystic skill only a handful of wizards possess.
If you want money you translate manga since it pays more for less effort.

>> No.4912747

If you want money you translate hentai manga, since that actually has bounties.

>> No.4912750

That was always the case. Before SAGCCX came along, all we had was TV Nihon and their worse-than-watching-raws guesswork.

>> No.4912754 [DELETED] 

Then you need to say Japanese is hard compared to French. Without a measure the statement is empty.
I find French hard to learn because there's not that much French media that interests me, Japanese is part of my daily life.
And French at least has BD and some retro games. Spanish or Russian seem even less appealing.

>> No.4912758 [DELETED] 

The fact that there's a lot of Japanese media that interests you doesn't change the fact that it's one of the hardest languages to learn. It doesn't change the amount of Kanji that exists and how many of them you need to memorize, for example.

>> No.4912772 [DELETED] 

I never had an issue with the amount of Kanji and by now I know some 3000+.
There are languages nobody speaks or writes, those are hard to learn.

>> No.4913138

gotta love this thread...

>> No.4913142 [DELETED] 

>I'd say the hardest parts about japanese are the sheer amount of kanji and the fact that everything is written together (no spacing between words).
Because you're someone who basically knows no Japanese, this point is moot.

Kanji exist literally just to help you. I know it's hard to understand, but the language without them is hideous and filled with misinterpretation. Word spacing is totally meaningless, it's obvious where words start and end thanks to kanji.

The hardest part of Japanese is learning 20k vocab with no common roots. Kanji are a fucking speedbump.

>> No.4913153 [DELETED] 

>20k vocab with no common roots.
I was surprised to see what kind of words are loaned to and from Japanese. Common roots doesn't help that much for vocabularies. Sooner or later you'll cross 20,000 completely alien words.
I think the hardest part are the readings. A word can have multiple readings with different meanings so you need to check context when seeing them.

>> No.4913298 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 500x374, 1474349130317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because you're someone who basically knows no Japanese, this point is moot.
Oh bugger off, what's your point anyway? So you think you know the language, big deal. Anybody can just say they do. All you've done so far is push a narrative that Japanese isn't a hard language to learn and people who don't know the language should "go away" or "stop whining". At the end of the day it seems that's your crowning achievement. Congratulations, you learned another language. Other people not knowing Japanese has no withstanding repercussions on your life and your opinions are stupid. Nobody cares

You'd make a more compelling case if you splattered your gray matter all over the pavement. stupid pimple faced no argument having loser

>> No.4913307

The dookie is real.

>> No.4913331

As a fluent speaker, I estimate that most Westerners will likely need a few years of working on their Japanese language skills before reaching a level of proficiency before being able to watch GCCX effortlessly. Add even more time for garbage pop culture consumption if you want to catch all the obscure references Arino tends to throw out there.

>> No.4913341 [DELETED] 

>completely misses the point then gets other autists to join in on the reindeer games.

Bravo, you human piece of garbage.

>> No.4913369 [DELETED] 

I believe it was people like you who keep complaining about subs. He proposed a solution. Better yourself by learning a new language, in which will further your enjoyment of that pleasurable thing you like.
you say, as if retorting like a child having a temper tantrum.
>"Its to hard, it takes to long! Gibs me my subs greedy anon. Just do it cause im a lazy piece of shit crybaby that strawmans arguments and spews shit from my tounge!

You say that people not knowing japanese has know bearing on his life, which is a strawman. He never said that. His implactions were, that if you are crying so damn much about not being able to watch or play something in a different language, you should probably learn that language. His suggestion triggered the lazy ego you exhume. Many people replied back with snide remarks, but no actual rebuttal. This is a direct consequence, that is a repurcussion of you people complaining about not knowing japanese, therefore people who do know japanese need to make a sub for me. Not him being annoyed that people in general dont know japanese.

Absolute imbecile.

>> No.4913408

Sure, but what's a couple of years when most of the people in this thread have probably been shitposting on this site for far longer?

If people started learning back when the translations dried up, they could easily watch the show by now. I should know, I did it. But nope, they've got to sit around and whine, week in, week out, because maybe pissing into the wind will get someone to come and "help" them experience another couple of episodes.

It's all so tiresome.

>> No.4913417 [DELETED] 

>people who do know japanese need to make a sub for me.
nobody said that you fucking idiot

>> No.4913421 [DELETED] 

It was implied by your whining, you child.

>> No.4913428 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 200x145, 394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeak, keep strawmanning you inellectually weak bitch!

>> No.4913453 [DELETED] 

Where do you get the word need from? Where's the whining and greed coming from? Nobody ever said that anybody needed to make a sub for anybody, you've pretty much just resorted to making up all sorts of things. We're eternally grateful for the subs the teams have given us over the years, and the problem isn't with them. There's a tons of content to watch and even raws. That's not the problem. It's with this weird "don't have an opinion, don't want more episodes subbed" thing you're trying to chase people away with. There's no gravitas or meaningful cause behind it. You just want it to go away because you know japanese. You've gone so far as to claim that japanese isn't hard and that kanji is easy to invalidate others who don't understand. That's stupid and it'll always be stupid

My point is that if you want to come into a thread and tell people to go learn japanese you rightfully deserve to be told off and rightfully so. I'm free to have an opinion just as you are, but you're really really really retarded. You have ass backwards logic.

>> No.4913482

What did you use for studying japanese? Post thel links you used.

>> No.4913489 [DELETED] 

You know what, I have a huge problem with janitors just coming by and wiping away my argument with the other guy who keeps sperging out at others for wanting subs. But hey I get it, it derails threads away from GCCX and draws attention.

I think other people deserve to come by and laugh and point fingers and weigh in on it, instead of it just being wiped away clean. What is this, Tiananmen Square? I'll be damned if some fag can just keep coming in and popping off at people because he knows japanese. Fuck him

>> No.4913632 [DELETED] 

Yup. The janitors do a shitpoor job with this thread. Wiping away pages of posts at a time as they see fit. I barely post here anymore because of the janitors.

>> No.4913704

Got around to watching the episodes where he plays the game, and yeah - Arino does a great job making it a lot more exciting that it actually is.

These episodes really need subs.

>> No.4914086

Nothing wrong with taking a bit of effort.
And the time it takes to get accustomed to following Japanese without closed captions is spend on reading, playing, listening and watching with closed captions so it's hardly wasted.

>> No.4914690

Will you be able to watch today's episode as well?

>> No.4914704

Meanwhile I actually studied a useful subject and make 300k a year.
I guess we have different priorities.

>> No.4914705

I should be.

>> No.4914770

It's a little sad that you think you couldn't have spared 30 minutes a day during your degree. Or that you can't do it now.

Why do you even want to watch GCCX, clearly you don't have the time to spare anyway.

>> No.4914862

djt thread on /jp/ or /int/. Tai Kim for grammar and Anki for vocab flashcards.

>> No.4914872

That sounds like the most realistic scenario. Are there any online middleman services that could help prevent something like that?
I learned Japanese to conversational fluency and passed my N2 during my first two years of college through self-study, while majoring in electrical engineering. It's not a matter of different priorities, it's a matter of putting in more than the absolute minimum amount of effort. This >>4914770

>> No.4914878

Lucky. I'm that anon that's staying in the capsule hotel in Matsuyama, and sure enough it doesn't have the channel. I ought to be able to watch the next episode on the 2nd once I'm back in Tokyo, though.

>> No.4914883

>>That sounds like the most realistic scenario. Are there any online middleman services that could help prevent something like that?
Not realistically. And while a fantastic business proposition, it wouldn't last because anyone who creates anything these days winds up on Patreon, where they'll get paid much more for not doing any work. Until that system crumbles (i.e. never), there's not going to be a decent option for crowd funded translation work.

Hell, gaki is a 30 minute show. I'd do an episode for 150 bucks a pop, that's miles above the going rate for translation work.

>> No.4914901

>next episode on the 2nd

Don't they usually go on a break on August?

>> No.4914945

>where they'll get paid much more for not doing any work
This is my only gripe with Patreon. It gave us some amazing things, but its con overshadows the good things, because of the thing you mentioned. I know a few people whose content deteriorated after they've gone on Patreon and racked up enough money. It makes them lazy, and I despise that they earn money for not doing anything. Their previous content was great, but they don't deserve to keep getting an insanely big amount of money for not doing jack shit.

>> No.4914946

The episode list says #264 is August 9. They could be spreading them out a little differently this year to time the Makuhari Messe announcements for the later half of each month. #263 will have one today, and I guess #265 will probably have one if it's later in August.

>> No.4914954

How long is Captain Tsubasa 2? Will it be a 2-parter?

>> No.4914978

I think it could easily be two parts, although there's no Circuit Board Cafe again in today's episode, which means a little bit more time to show the challenge.

>> No.4915023

Episode starting.

>> No.4915026

The king said the episode is "commemorating the world cup"

>> No.4915027

Lots of clips from the Captain Tsubasa 1 episode

>> No.4915031

As expected, he doesn't remember how these games play at all

>> No.4915035

First half of the first game ended 1-1, he's doing pretty well for not really knowing what he's doing

>> No.4915039

First match beaten, mostly by Arino just using Tsubasa. The start of the game seems very easy.

>> No.4915043

Second match won, he seems very fond of Babington.

>> No.4915050

In the third game, he encountered some cutscenes that led to him learning a new move, and he got pretty confused by the lack of control he had. Never played the game, but it seems very cinematic for the time.

>> No.4915056

He lost on overtime, he seems to be getting a bit overwhelmed now that the game is getting harder.

>> No.4915058

He's got the hang of it now, it seems. He beat the fourth match pretty easily.

>> No.4915062

Fifth match went into overtime after an even score, then into penalty kick after the score was even once again.

>> No.4915064

And he lost the PK contest and has to try the fifth match again.
How long is this game, anyway?

>> No.4915068

He made it to the sixth match, the finals, but lost and had to go back to the fifth.

Unless this game is a lot longer than the first, I assume it'll only be a single episode.

>> No.4915072

Holy crap, he just barely managed to score a goal after the keeper blocked it five times or so in the final second of the first inning.

>> No.4915076

Fourth Makuhari Messe game is Majuou

>> No.4915080 [DELETED] 

jesus christ, stop flooding the fucking thread. ANOTHER great example of the shit janitors not doing their job. they either remove half the posts as THEY SEE FIT, or leave garbage and people that spam 20 posts at a time, GODO JOB

>> No.4915081

Arino has won the Rio Cup and is now playing the Japanese cup as Nankatsu. He seems to be struggling a lot more now, the game is getting harder.

>> No.4915083 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.4915085

First match down.

>> No.4915090

Just like in the first game, he's struggling quite a bit with the Tachibana twins

>> No.4915094

He got very close to keeping the lead he got in the second match, but the opponents scored at the last minute and sent him to a PK contest.

>> No.4915098

He lost the second match two more time, so now he's finally getting some help from Takahashi.

>> No.4915107

He does better on his fourth attempt thanks to the formation advice he got, but still went to the PK contest, where he lost in sudden death.

>> No.4915112

I feel bad for him now, this match is clearly really frustrating for him.

>> No.4915114

And he FINALLY won the second match.

>> No.4915116

Damn, he won the third match by a hair, the game ended in the middle of a shot on his own goal he wasn very unlikely to block.

>> No.4915118

Fourth match is won, on to the fifth. He seemed a bit confused by the cutscene between the matches, doesn't seem like he's all that familiar with the plot.

>> No.4915124

And he wins the fifth match by scoring with a final shot at the very end too. He's had a LOT of lucky breaks here.

>> No.4915127

Final match of the game, I assume. He's spent 13 hours so far, so he doesn't have much time left. The entire staff has benched themselves around his TV as supporters.

>> No.4915130

He's losing pretty bad, and seems to be getting flashbacks to this match from the first game too.

>> No.4915135

He lost, but the challenge "goes into overtime" so he gets to come back the next day to try again.

>> No.4915140

And he won!

>> No.4915149

And yeah, there's more left of the game, so it's a two-parter.

Arino is also hilariously unfamiliar with the plot and keeps getting confused by cutscenes and constantly asks who the different people are.

>> No.4915158

I knew they'd use that one.

>> No.4915183

Another one? Damn.

>> No.4915212

Bomberman was my first

>> No.4915220 [DELETED] 

Look mom, I posted it again

>> No.4915228

I used Castlevania 3, then Battletoads. Using a game they're familiar with is generally a better idea.

>> No.4915397 [DELETED] 

jesus christ, stop flooding the fucking thread. ANOTHER great example of the shit janitors not doing their job. they either remove half the posts as THEY SEE FIT, or leave garbage and people that spam 20 posts at a time, GOOD JOB

>> No.4915401 [DELETED] 

The "janitors" here are probably actual janitors in real life. Fucking uneducated highschool dropouts living in a basement jerking off to hentai. Fuck you janitors

>> No.4915406 [DELETED] 

Calm your autism, brah

>> No.4915449 [DELETED] 

>gook moot staff

>> No.4915598
File: 1.59 MB, 1280x720, #263 「キャプテン翼II スーパーストライカー」.mp4_snapshot_28.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#263 raw stream/download mp4

539MB 720p 60fps


>> No.4915606 [DELETED] 

did the mods seriously delete the last 10~ posts?

>> No.4915671 [DELETED] 

janitors b faggots

>> No.4915701
File: 1.75 MB, 1280x720, GameCenter.CX.263.Captain.Tsubasa.II.720p.60fps.HDTV.x264-VRiSFAGS.mkv_snapshot_01.32_[2018.07.19_14.16.46].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2095.27 kbps at CRF 18 — 975.6 MB

>> No.4915709 [DELETED] 
File: 1.79 MB, 1280x720, GameCenter.CX.263.Captain.Tsubasa.II.Part.1.of.2.720p.60fps.HDTV.x264-VRiSFAGS.mkv_snapshot_28.29_[2018.07.19_17.02.58].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your shit looks like Astroturf™. You know who's responsible for that?

>> No.4915792

NOPE see above post. perfect quality and half the size. https://mega.nz/#!Q7YXgYQC!0--eivy5lTnBSapD4Hd24rkjz32n4UdKlhtKsiqBIFw

>> No.4915852

Insulting the mp4 maker isn't going to score you any goals.

False flagging as the mp4 maker doesn't do any good either.

>> No.4915895
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x720, #263 「キャプテン翼II スーパーストライカー」.mp4_snapshot_52.31_[2018.07.19_15.25.53].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takahashi is definitely better at gaming than whistling.

>> No.4916007

Let me know if you meet him. You'll probably have to get the salaryman hotel guy to do a hard-target search of every prefecture.

>> No.4916398

In Kagawa Prefecture now, I'll keep an eye out for him. o7

>> No.4917271

Why are you such a faggot bitch LOLZ

>> No.4917376
File: 1.63 MB, 1280x720, GameCenter.CX.243.On.the.Pacific.Ninja.Gaiden.III.720p.60fps.HDTV.x264-VRiSFAGS.mkv_snapshot_00.35.05_[2018.07.20_18.19.38].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the greatest Tamage scenes ever right here.

>> No.4917460
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x720, GameCenter.CX.243.On.the.Pacific.Ninja.Gaiden.III.720p.60fps.HDTV.x264-VRiSFAGS.mkv_snapshot_01.07.07_[2018.07.20_19.14.23].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell, I love this episode.

>> No.4918479

Is there anywhere I can get the 9 hour Quest of Ki live challenge these days? Everywhere I look only has the digest.

>> No.4919672
File: 383 KB, 432x2268, 1450190840072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4920258

Nevermind, got it.

>> No.4920417



>> No.4921940
File: 1.50 MB, 1507x1660, 1450197330519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4923681

which episode is this from?

>> No.4923774
File: 167 KB, 800x800, C6ElHDeU8AAe4PR[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Arino play Adventure of Little Ralph? This fan art implies it. I'm not sure what they're saying.


>> No.4923778

Just how bad is your Japanese?

>> No.4923782

>Just how bad is your Japanese?

Google translate tier. According to that, they're just talking about the game, and are nostalgic for it, and discussing the bright colors. I don't get how Arino is involved.

>> No.4923818

I'd say it's less nostalgia and more fetishism.
He's satisfied to reach 8-3 and leaves the rest to Arino.

>> No.4924269


So it's just speculative fan art and Arino has never played it?

I suggested the game to them in their form like a year ago. I listed a bunch of others too.

>> No.4925308


>> No.4927114
File: 1.35 MB, 513x3200, 1454414333577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4927404

What's their suggestion site? I want to tell them to play Magical Pop'n.

>> No.4927494
File: 7 KB, 395x125, btn_request.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's on the official site. Click the button near the bottom left.

>> No.4927527

Oops, I meant to post the site.


>> No.4929393


Okay, told them to play Magical Pop'n.

>> No.4929778

My nigger.

>> No.4930826 [DELETED] 

dookie in the mouth

>> No.4931527
File: 105 KB, 526x400, 400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there Japanese subtitles for videos?

>> No.4931606


I also told them to play Adventure of little ralph a year ago.

>> No.4931690

Do you play the game before watching the challenge?

>> No.4931705

I often give them a try after they get announced.
Didn't play the Tsubasa game because I'm watching the new anime and want to play the first game after that.

>> No.4931706

I've done it sometimes, if the game looks interesting. It's fun to see if Arino struggles with the same stuff I did.
Watching him play Pocket Zaurus was fun after I had given up on ever beating it.

>> No.4931714

Is the new anime a retelling or something?

>> No.4931718

Yes. Fourth one at that.

>> No.4931720

Yeah, looked at an episode guide. Looks like the new anime is just past the point where the first game starts.

>> No.4931724

Nope, because there's no demand for them. GCCX is good study material though, because they say a lot of the same things in many episodes. However, if you're still a pretty early beginner, read Azumanga Daioh or Love Hina or something else with a character that speaks in stereotypical Kansai-ben so you can get a feel for Arino's dialect before you start trying to watch it raw.

>> No.4931751

>because there's no demand for them
Yeah, deaf people don't exist in Japan.

The people who rip shows are dumb chinks who are too stupid to include the subtitle stream most shows are aired with. A solid 95% of shows on terrestrial have subtitles, but good fucking luck ever finding them if you don't have a physical TV box in Japan to connect to.

Yesterday's episode 261 airing had subtitles. Today's 262 and 253 don't. Why? Because Japan is fucking retarded, that's why.

>> No.4931758

Can you rip them?

>> No.4931771

I've seen rips before, so it's definitely possible. The issue is that it seems to be on a show-by-show basis, because most of the chinks really don't care.

The gulf between how easy it is to find properly re-timed subtitles for western shows vs how impossible it is to even find untimed raw subtitles that still have the ad breaks in for Japanese shows is immense. The only shows I've ever seen them ripped for are dramas, basically.

>> No.4931783

I meant if (You) could rip them.
I didn't find retiming raw subs for anime a big deal. You just had to shift at the beginning and after op, eye-catch and ed. Times were always a multiple of 30sec.
Unfortunately kitsunekko stopped uploading them for most shows.

>> No.4931786

>>I meant if (You) could rip them.
Hey, if I had a physical TV box in Japan I wouldn't be bitching, I'd just be watching all my shows with them on. Most people don't want to spend 50+ bucks a month for that, though.

>> No.4931792

>Most people don't want to spend 50+ bucks a month for that, though.
Doesn't seem that bad compared to subscribing to half a dozen "legal streaming"-services.

>> No.4931795

You've also got to pay for the equipment, find a Japanese buddy, probably fly over to set it all up because they're too clueless to operate anything tougher than a fax machine, we're talking about a pretty sizeable cost here. I haven't seen any chinks offering a direct connection to your own private box, all they do is rip every channel simultaneously and send it out to hundreds or thousands of viewers.

>> No.4931807

Guess it's time to buy a house in rural Kanto.

>> No.4932165

Another excellent game. You're a true 2D platforming connoisseur. Got any recs for me?

>> No.4932623

God I hate the fucking chinks.

>> No.4932631

I hate them in some aspects, but I love them in others. They're evil jewish merchants, but they're also hopelessly stupid.

So thanks to them I have 60 odd channels of live nip TV with 14 day on-demand for the grand price of nothing. Things could be better, sure. But they could be a lot worse without them.

>> No.4932659

But... anon... is it like...worth it...? Japanese tv doesn't look like the most quality one ever...

>> No.4932941

No GCCX has ever aired with a subtitle track. Closest they've come is an empty subtitle file packed into the stream.

>> No.4933083

Not him, but look at the schedule. That #261 repeat had a subtitle track like he said, and it has it again when it airs again next week. The #254 repeat on August 15 also has them.

>> No.4933157
File: 1019 KB, 1781x744, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the 254 repeat from August 15.

>> No.4933218

Schedules sometimes claim a show has subtitles even if they don't.

>> No.4933221

Please teach me your ways in vague hints. Is this through one of their shitty Android apps or do you have access to streams that can be directly fed into mpv/xbmc?

>> No.4933229
File: 1 KB, 17x17, index.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Date modified
I don't understand.

Do have examples of that? This little red 字 symbol would mean an episode has been captioned.

>> No.4933267 [DELETED] 

Who here thinks we should nuke the chinks again? I say its long overdue.

>> No.4933270

No examples, but I definitely remember seeing that symbol attached to shows by mistake.

>> No.4933669

Like fun it does.

>> No.4933813

I'm sure that could happen, but this could also be something they're testing out for select repeats. We might need someone to watch one of those repeats with the captions on to confirm.

It stands for 字幕. Inspect Element on the schedule button to see that's what it's called.
<span class="oaicon jimaku">字幕</span>

>> No.4933853

Blue "captions" for some of Arino's speech, gold captions for Kan's. Red for Abe and Nina. Green for Nakayama. Purple for Kibe. Pink for female arcade store owners, translucent black for male.

>> No.4933882

We're talking about closed captions, like for the hearing impaired, not hardcoded onscreen text.

>> No.4933953

Alright you're the one who's "fucking retarded" in your words. >>4931751 You think that the Commercial SATELLITE system is a "terrestrial" broadcasting service. You think that "chinks" are capping .TS from Japan. You think that they then alter these streams to remove the subtitles rather than being responsible for the majority of subtitle efforts today. You are wrong and you're fucking retarded.

>> No.4933962

>You think that the Commercial SATELLITE system is a "terrestrial" broadcasting service.
No, retard. I'm just referring to terrestrial service, obviously the subtitles on satellite are a joke because Japan is still the third world when it comes to disabilities.

And you're acting like there are publicly available .ts caps of every show on every channel. Newsflash, there aren't. Most of what is consumed is third rate encodes done by chinks so they can upload that shit to crappy streaming sites.

The "majority of subtitle efforts" today are a fucking joke. Most terrestrial broadcasts have subtitles, but good luck ever finding those files if you don't have a butt buddy high up in the supply chain who can get you direct rips.

>> No.4934036
File: 65 KB, 600x413, 20361_back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are some people who legit hate the Captain Tsubasa famicom games.

Gitgud you faggots. It's the best soccer game you'll ever play on that trashy console. (Yeah I'm talking about the famicom)

>> No.4934040
File: 174 KB, 1280x720, captain-tsubasa-2-friendly-match.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat soundtrack. On par with Megaman.



>> No.4934087

After watching Arino play the game I realized you could see the positions of the other players by pressing B and choosing pass, so you can keep track of where the fuck everyone are as you runaround, but it's still piss poor design and I'm glad they fixed that for the sequel.

>> No.4934151


>> No.4934541

You're talking to more than one person. I didn't say any of that, but I could understand that he was using two separate examples. He never claimed that GCCX wasn't on satellite.

>> No.4934825 [DELETED] 

Nuke the japs!

>> No.4934842

Unless you count retroactively, $0. I don't know what this is.

>> No.4935567

>You've also got to pay for the equipment,

A TV and dish that's attached to every house/apartment in Japan?

>> No.4935638

How are you going to get that signal online, genius?

>> No.4935654
File: 76 KB, 515x768, Retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capture card? Not too expensive, Einstein.

>> No.4937569
File: 68 KB, 416x909, 1458865736469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4937681

nuke the japs, am i rite

>> No.4939037
File: 104 KB, 449x750, 1371289494867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4941147

I bought a lot of the games when they came out, so I didn't spend much then, but some of them are kind of valuable now.

>> No.4942101


The English Wikipedia page for King of Demons was almost deleted a few months ago. Thankfully it survived. However, Magical Pop'n and a few others didn't.


>> No.4942106

Might as well delete it. Not like it has any worthwhile information.

>> No.4942206

>Might as well delete it. Not like it has any worthwhile information.

It's a stub for a reason anon.

>> No.4942236


Did GC:CX ever profile Cocoron? I know they didn't do a segment on it, but I'm wondering if they did one of those "this game was released" sections.

>> No.4943521

>What's the most you've spent on a game from a GCCX episode?
Do the GCCX DS games count? I spent around $35 on the second one. As for games actually used for challenges, I've gotten most of mine for less than $10.

>> No.4943641

It's from 1991, so most likely. Check episodes in the 110 range.

>> No.4943696

Cocoron sounds like that noise they play when AD what's-his-name bows

>> No.4944191

You're talking about Nakayama and his "ponkoron"

>> No.4944313

I'm currently in Japan, is there any chance of me catching this on television? When is it on?

>> No.4944371

Please tell me there's some way to find the songs that play in the series. I'm especially interested in the track that plays during the intense moments (when they freeze frame and put red letters over the screen) and the track in season 2 that introduces the game showcase (where you have an announcer giving short descriptions of certain games, like Sunsoft's NES games etc).

>> No.4944646

The show schedules are in the OP.

>> No.4944694

They use Fantastic Plastic Machine in those game collection segments.

The King of Pleasure

Reaching for the Stars

>> No.4944734

I found some music in the assorted links paste. Those Fantastic Plastic Machine songs are tracks 4 and 10.


>> No.4944747

Holy shit, thank you so much, anons.

>> No.4944773


>> No.4944980

So like... nuke the japs. Ya feel me?

>> No.4945037

the eyecatch music in latter season is from Kamen Rider 555 but I can't find the single track on youtube

>> No.4945349


>> No.4945508

It airs on Fuji ONE, so unless you're staying with friends that specifically have this channel, there's no chance. Hotels won't have it.

>> No.4945537

has arino played any of the mother games on the show?

>> No.4945569

He played Mother 2 in one of the Nintendo Channel specials.
RPGs are in general not very well suited for this kind of show, though.

>> No.4945740

They won't have it via Hikari TV but there's nothing stopping a hotel from purchasing a subscription to CS or BS offerings in bulk for their rooms. It is standard practice. Why would they refuse to sell their service to clients who would buy huge offerings?

>> No.4946859

Am the only one who wants these in Katamari?

>> No.4947104

The "Tamage music" is actually a song from Azumanga Daioh

>> No.4947234
File: 31 KB, 315x461, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deleted Video

>> No.4947247 [DELETED] 

Hi guys! SO... nuke the japs!

>> No.4947297 [DELETED] 

The japs prolly did it. NUKE THE JAPS

>> No.4947416

Is there full raws of S1?

>> No.4947438

Got into this show after New Years this year and holy fuck I can't believe I put it off for so long. I'm only on season 7 now but I've loved every bit of it.

Just finished watching the Bomberman special and it was such a joy to see Toujima and Urakawa back and that tournament with them and Kibe and Abe was really fun to watch.

>> No.4947471 [DELETED] 

Isn't it funny how Game Center CX, a show that is supposed to help you reconnect with your childhood with casual enjoyment of video games has a fanbase full of elitist cunts?

>> No.4947476

Did the communal subs thing end up going anywhere or did it never leave the throwing around ideas stage?

I'm no expert at Japanese (I barely know it, honestly) but I do manga typesetting and QC stuff so if there's anything I can do I'd be happy to help.

>> No.4947540

This guy said it best.
>Communal translating is always done with the best of intentions, but it produces consistently awful results.

The fact that the first translator thought that handling the translation itself communally would be a good idea is a sign that he might not know what makes a good translation. I'm sure his intentions were good, but the end result wouldn't be.

>> No.4947610


They play Quarterman's March during successful gameplays.


>> No.4947623


Oh, they have the segments in chronological order? I never paid attention to them.

Magical Pop'n is from 95, when would that be?

>> No.4947628
File: 143 KB, 1440x1080, Metal_Warriors_-_1995_-_Konami[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they go to America again, Metal Warriors would be perfect. It's an American-only game, trying to copy Japanese anime.

I'm sure Arino could get a ton of Gundam jokes in.

>> No.4947634

of course, it's funnier to watch arino suck at mario and other platformers than it is to watch him suck at rpgs

>> No.4947712

Need someone on the inside if you want good copies of those. Kan and crew have them as 1s and 0s in best SD quality. More rollercoaster rides for Nina and perhaps she'll liberate them.

>> No.4947768

>Why would they refuse to sell their service to clients who would buy huge offerings?

The ever-so lucrative "people who want to watch GCCX in a $90 a night hotel."

>Hikari TV

has had two specials and nothing else.

>> No.4947965

I dunno, I have them in pretty okay quality. Are they really rare nowadays or something?

>> No.4947971

Pretty sure one of the rules for the show is that the games they play need to be released in Japan.

>> No.4947981

>via Hikari TV
I'm fairly sure he means through the Hikari TV service. Don't they carry some of the regular HD channels that show stuff like GCCX episodes? He's not talking about just those two specials.

It's an expensive service though, so I definitely wouldn't expect the average hotel to have it.

>> No.4947990


I'm guessing that's a legal thing about how they get the rights, then? They probably have deals giving them the right to play hundreds of games from Japanese publishers. Setting up a deal with an American company would be another level of complication.

>> No.4948015

The Dragon Quest episodes were really fun, though.

>> No.4948017 [DELETED] 

nuke. the. japs. this guy knows ^

>> No.4948090

They also want to stick to games that Japanese people were actually able to play at release to keep the show more relatable.

>> No.4948291

This song has been used so frequently and for so long on the show that I never even questioned its origins. It's interesting to see where they drew all the music they use in the show from.

>> No.4948304

Thaks for this, do you know any other songs?

>> No.4948308

Can you show mediainfo and a screenshot or two?

>> No.4948324
File: 280 KB, 640x480, screenshot00001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what you mean by mediainfo, but here's a screenshot from episode 5.

>> No.4948370


There was, and probably still is, a playlist of GC:CX songs. They buy rights from a catalogue tied, to I think, Sony Pictures. A lot of movie score OST. I just remember Jerry Goldsmith's Quarterman March since it's so distinct and I saw that crappy film as a kid.

>> No.4948424

TV stations in Japan license huge fucktons of music that their TV shows are free to pick and choose from. This is why music needs to be changed for home releases, since the stations only license the music for TV broadcasts.

>> No.4948504

So it's more lucrative to sell CS and BS programming packages to individuals than it is to sell such programming packages to institutions in bulk. You must be the economist who wasn't aware of which way a bid worked.

>> No.4948514

Hotels aren't going to pay for programming packages like that. They don't lose guests by not having them.

>> No.4948585

Yeah and no airline is going to subscribe to DirecTV. No hotel would subscribe to HBO.

>> No.4948589

No hotel would ever put Neo Geo consoles in the room

>> No.4949664

I think the main problem is length. You can't have Arino complete a 50 hour game in 10 hours.

>> No.4949796

dookie length

>> No.4949837

I've got a couple of questions. Firstly aside from Minecraft are any of the other videos with Hamaguchi in them subbed? He's really funny.

Secondly, are Arino and Hamaguchi still friends outside of work? I've sorta gotten used to Japanese comedians like Downtown who despite being partners and friends since school don't see each other outside of work anymore and I'd like to hope that's not the case for these two.

>> No.4949868

>are Arino and Hamaguchi still friends outside of work?
Not really. Anyone you work with for that long is eventually going to become grating for you.

>> No.4949875

Pretty sure they're good friends. I believe the Minecraft and subsequent videos with Hamaguchi were Arino's idea because he wanted to do some Game Center CX-type things with him.

>> No.4949881

Hamaguchi's first Game Center DX episode with Yoshi's Woolly World is subbed. The OP episode list is up to date and keeps track of all those things.

I think Arino and Hamaguchi still get along really well. Being just a few weeks apart in age could be a factor. I don't know how much they interact outside of work.

>> No.4949912
File: 523 KB, 300x300, 1524006295015.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a few posts talking about the twitch stream being shut down, but the channel still has its archive of recordings with full seasons if anyone is interested.


>> No.4949930

Can someone list off what all new gccx stuff has come out this year? The main episodes obviously, then, minecraft se2?(was that this year) then the yoiko toad 3 episode thing. The pizzapop sub(was that this year?) is that about it?

>> No.4949932

Dream Land 3

>> No.4949946

maybe itll be kirby 64

>> No.4949965

For subs, anything in the latest subs paste above the thing from New Year's Eve 2016 was put out this year. Anything not subbed, the episode list has the dates of when they were released.

It was almost a month ago. It was Kirby 64.

>> No.4950038

Thanks for the spoiler, you A-hole.

>> No.4950092

Someone telling you what games he's played isn't a spoiler. Telling you if he failed or not is. I know you're probably just being a wiseass.

>> No.4950173

>So it's more lucrative to sell CS and BS programming packages to individuals than it is to sell such programming packages to institutions in bulk. You must be the economist who wasn't aware of which way a bid worked.

Feel free to list all the successful examples of this in any country.

>> No.4950175

Arino was the witness at Hamaguchi's wedding.

>> No.4950180


Not that Anon, but are you a fucking moron? Have you never been to a hotel or airport?

>> No.4950221

CNN is a basic cable channel, Fuji 1 isn't.

>> No.4950308
File: 69 KB, 800x532, freewilly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gormlessness personified


>> No.4950498

That looks approximately the same as the encodes I've got. Not really what I'd describe as "pretty okay", though. Are yours also 30fps making the gaming segments look choppy?

>> No.4950571

Fun fact for the Bozos. Pre-HD era GCCX was 60fps interlaced video for the gaming segments and "23.976"fps fieldmatch-style telecine.

30fps encodes would not only make the game segments look choppy but also, depending on whether they do it wrong with 30fps fieldmatch or 30fps video deinterlace, introduce duplicate uneven frames / disappearing sprites. Jaggies will appear in the studio footage or the video game footage as well based on choice of incorrect method.

>> No.4951230

>That looks approximately the same as the encodes I've got
Probably the same ones. They're old shareraws I grabbed from some torrent like 10 years ago.

>> No.4951484


Who is this guy? I see GCCX in his twitter name, so I guess he works on the show? I see him talking about games, like Rapid Angel, and Gaia seed.

>> No.4951496

What part of
>名前は「ゲームセンターCX」よゐこ有野課長が日帰り社員旅行で付けてくれたアダ名です(実話)番組公認ニセ課長2 GCCXイベントにはほぼ顔を出してます。
Do you not understand?

>> No.4951513


I can't read Nihongo.

>> No.4951515

Why are you reading Japanese tweets when you can't actually read Japanese?

>> No.4951521


Looking for Game info, and hopefully mag scans.

>> No.4951529

Why can't you read Japanese when you want info on Japanese games and scans of Japanese magazines?

>> No.4951534

Oh boy, I can a bunch of shit while on the skybus!

Still not an argument.

A fan who attends events dressed in a Kacho outfit.

>> No.4951540


that's Yoko Ario, the show's director.

>> No.4951549

Google translate is bad for you.

>> No.4951556

Don't care.

>> No.4951603

He's one of the official Fake Chiefs. It's a troupe of cosplaying superfans of the show. You see them at a lot of events.

>> No.4951612

The news says it turns out #264 is the only new episode in August and will have the next Makuhari Messe announcement.

>> No.4951617
File: 84 KB, 500x548, pictures-of-cute-anime-girls-with-interrogation-marks-on-their-5787720[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>official Fake

>> No.4951628

That's what they call themselves.

>> No.4951642


Upon first glance, you'd think that this is just some native Japanese word. Look closer. It's short for the English word "Game Center'. Ga-Cen.

I love the Japanese use of English words. They remix them and create something new. Pocket monsters becomes 'Pokemon'. "Family Computer' becomes 'Famicom"

>> No.4951729
File: 303 KB, 1280x720, 2017.11.18 バカリズムVS有野課長世紀の一戦!.mp4_snapshot_00.05.51_[2018.08.03_18.21.47].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one of them at the live show last November.

>> No.4951827

This is a good idea since the uploader and the paster don't post. It won't stop that one knucklehead who reposts the links, but it at least gives it a proper looking post.

>> No.4951835 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x720, 1533316953332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4951851

Jesus, talk about a loser...

>> No.4951954

>Upon first glance, you'd think that this is just some native Japanese word.
Not if it's written in katakana like that.

>> No.4951984


>How dare this man have fun? I must put a stop to it!

>> No.4951990

Just marathoned the first 5 minutes of this show and just wondering.. does it ever get better?

No wonder no one wants to sub it, this shit is awful.

>> No.4952124

>Just marathoned the first 5 minutes
>5 minutes

>> No.4952150

Why does Sasano always look so high?

>> No.4952171

>falling for obvious bait
Never gonna make it

For some reason, Sasano looks really slimy to me.

>> No.4952291

Is there any native Japanese word with a long e?

>> No.4952329

Sure, there are some, but you would usually see native words in kanji or hiragana. My first impression with an odd-looking word in katakana is that it's probably an abbreviated loanword from another language.

>> No.4952464

>For some reason, Sasano looks really slimy to me.

I agree, there's something weird about him. It was really jarring going from the constantly smiling Toujima to Sasano.

>> No.4952479

No, not really. So just imagine 300 more hours of an old japanese man playing games and making dumb jokes. No idea why these threads still go on.

>> No.4952560

>talk about a loser
But we don't want to talk about you.

>> No.4952569

New thread.


>> No.4952612

It's not about smiling, Sasano smiles too, at least occasionaly. A smiling person doesn't have to be a nice person, anyone can put up a facade.
While we're at this topic, how much of GCCX is staged? I'm on season 4, and I haven't seen almost anything that looks like it was staged, but man, that part in the season 2 finale (the SMB3 episode), when Arino meets Toujima in that arcade, it looks like it was a complete accident, but I find that hard to believe. He works in America, yet he not only was in Japan on that same day they were shooting, but in the same hotel, in the same arcade of the hotel, even at the same time Arino was passing near a specific spot in that same arcade (because he could have missed him, even if he was in the arcade, since the arcade isn't small), the timing was insane.

>> No.4952617

They do that type of meetup on a lot of trips. They're arranged like that to seem like silly coincidences. It's just part of the humor.

>> No.4952621

I wish they were more sincere about it, saying how they didn't inform Arino that they'll arrange a meeting. Still, it was a great scene. One of my favorite episodes, at least for now. I started Season 4 yesterday, the Ultraman episode is one of my favorite episodes too.

>> No.4952646

They're just cliche meetups for comedic effect. Nobody really takes them as serious chance encounters. That's just how they do them.

>> No.4953147

Can you pick a shittier, less topical text?

>> No.4953616


>> No.4953618

This game is pretty long, surprised he managed to two part it

>> No.4953621

This is because the story of the game diverges from the manga at this point. Tsubasa plays for Sao Paulo alright yet Misaki never comes back to Nankatsu

>> No.4953783

When will the old chinc play fzero64

>> No.4953790

He played F-Zero X a year and a half ago.

>> No.4953803

Him doing a simple and silly start to the thread is perfectly fine.

>> No.4953806

It relates to the newest sub too. There's nothing wrong with it.