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File: 8 KB, 225x224, X-Play.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4863564 No.4863564 [Reply] [Original]

Lately, I suddenly have the urge to watch X-Play again (Last time was around 2007, I think), alongside Game Center CX.

I know that two shows are fundamentally different, but do you guys have any ideas why does X-Play died (other than because G4TV screwed themselves up) and Game Center CX still lives? What could had been done to save video game-related TV shows to survive in this age? (Does anyone watch Ginx TV? And Bad Influences, anyone?)

>> No.4863569

Easiest answer is cultural differences and people's viewing habits.

>> No.4863582

>What could had been done to save video game-related TV shows to survive in this age?
How about not being unadulterated trash like X-Play was.
Game Center CX only has games as a backdrop, the show is really about the host's personality, interactions with his crew, and showcasing them visiting places.

>> No.4863587

Didn't X-Play went through a phase similar to that during its later years?

>> No.4863597

I suppose you could say that but unlike GC CX Adam was always obnoxious and Morgan is just eye candy, they're personality voids, so that doesn't really help.
You're not going to have a good time revisiting that one, it was /kinda/ cool when you're 12 simply because... videogames... but once your older you can see how little they actually know about the subject and how poorly written everything else beyond the reviews were. It dosn't age well.

>> No.4863630

Personally, I don't think Morgan is an eye candy. She and Adam were more knowledgeable than what people give them creditfor.
I will, though, say that they played the characters too hard. Creating the whole FFVII debacle was a stupid choice on their part.

>> No.4863694

You can't discuss X-Play without the clusterfuck that was G4. I watched the show when it was still called GamespotTV on ZDTV. Later ZDTV changed to TechTV and the show was seen like an afterthought to the channel with Adam Sessler and Kate Botello. I twas a good show and was mostly reviews and commentary. Eventually Botello left (sadly) and it was Sessler solo.

The ratings grew so TechTV decided to relaunch the show as Extended Play and it became a hit, it was around this time that Morgan Webb joined (and all 3 hosts were def. gamers). It worked and later it was re-branded as X-Play, during this time more skits were added and "comedy" and it's when it became huge and one of the most watched programs on the network.

I stopped watching after the TechTV/G4 merger so I don't know how the show evolved after that but G4 only bought TechTV for the channel's reach and X-Play basically and ran it to the ground.

Even with that it was difficult for X-Play to remain relevant, it used to have one show a week, most gaming news in it was already old. YouTube became a thing in 2005 when the merger happened and people preferred gaming reviews there on demand for any game they wanted.

Sessler/Webb became caricatures of who they were and not funny even during the final TechTV days. When the show became big everyone treated them like gods and it kinda got to their heads also which made me dislike them. I'll always remember Sessler as that guy who would get crazy excited over announcements on the air, and how awkward Webb was on the camera as a host at first.

>> No.4863747

literally this. what killed the whole channel is the advent of video streaming on the internet. people dont need to watch a tech show when they can just read a magazine online etc.

>> No.4863783

Morgan was hot but she factually knew what she was talking about. You can see that it's true if you look anything up about her today where she talks about something, it's all real. She was on a Kevin Pereira podcast a while ago.

>> No.4863784

game center cx is the only show that matters.

>> No.4863883

Sealer acts like an addict of some kind trying to fight withdrawal. Was G4 that much of a drug for him?

>> No.4864002

Sessler is literally a coke head. Used to love him during the Extended Play days, shame he's such a colossal faggot these days.

>> No.4864061

Thank you. X-Play was never good. Their reviews were poorly written and full of bad jokes and Morgan's speech patterns where she ended every sentence the same way was awful.

>> No.4864125


Kevin Perreira's podcast with Sessler goes into full detail about what happened with X-Play, TV video game review shows, and a whole lot more. A good listen if you really care about the subject that much.

>> No.4864146
File: 50 KB, 375x508, 1451335437844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me tell you something. FUCK G4. Fuck it. We had something wonderful. And it was called TechTV. G4 Ruined Everything.

>> No.4864167
File: 986 KB, 990x773, Roger X-Play.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4864315

Xplay was shit. A lot of stuff on G4 was but it and TechTv had a lot of good ideas that I do wish had been saved or executed better.

>> No.4864514

Is there any popular video game review channel on NicoNico?

>> No.4864516

pretty much this, gccx is still going because arino is so damn likable

>> No.4864529

oh wow I totally forgot about that Morgan Manjaw chick until now

>> No.4864635

She has a very...equine face.

>> No.4864723

I remember enjoying X-Play as a kid, but I think it was probably just the novelty of seeing a game review on real life TV.

>> No.4864924
File: 191 KB, 1000x1380, Morgan-s-FHM-Pages-morgan-webb-621230_1000_1380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine there was a time when Morgan "Horse" Webb posed for men's magazines.

>> No.4865294
File: 44 KB, 442x330, 1510388561251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted Morgan badly when I was in grade school.

>> No.4865307

>interviewer got the Konami code wrong and the "gamer" didn't correct him

>> No.4865356

>Mortal Combat
The interviewer/writer really half-assed it.

>> No.4865363

she kinda looks like moot

>> No.4865389

Yeah yhe whole rev 3 gamimg this ended horribly.

>> No.4865394

I agree. There is a large part of me that really liked techtv, not just the stuff. It had awesome science and tech shows too.