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4851038 No.4851038 [Reply] [Original]

So, like probably most of you here, I had a phase, as a teenager, where I played all the other classic Final Fantasy games - IV, V and VI. Within the retro community it was almost forbidden to consider VII the best game in the franchise, the gameplay people named V as the best, the story people named VI as the best and the like .

But after replaying this and I was blown away. Much more than when I was a teenager (I preferred VI back then) The storytelling is superb, the structure of the story is world-class, the way the plot and the characters are revealed in the course of the story in a way that is both mysterious, unreliable but also logical and suspenseful is great. The materia system is incredible fun. There are a tons of good minigames. The game is HUGE, there is a plethora of things to do in-between the story. The setting and world-building has been given more thought than any other game thus far. Certain difficult topics are handled in a very mature manner no other classic game does - eco-terrorism is shown from different perspectives, its goods and bads are shown, for instance, the moral greyness of it. You could even say that the game is a nice and easy introduction to classic Asian philosophy and thought, reincarnation and the like. There is psychological complexity within Cloud that many teenagers can relate to and Cloud's growth and story could directly inspire many of the players of this game if they pay attention.

All in all, I feel like this game isn't as praised as it should be because people believe this game took FF in the wrong direction - the direction of FF8 and FF10 to be precise. And, of course, to be edgy. It's just too popular, everyone knows about it while the SNES titles are much more obsucre, so it's cooler to like them.

Basically, I am asking if anybody else has had a similar experience replaying this and considering the best title in the series after all.

>> No.4851050

It's a good game.

>> No.4851053

While FFIII/FFVI is my favorite I don't give a shit if VII is your favorite, I'm not some elitist faggot.

>> No.4851069

>I feel like this game isn't as praised as it should
>It's just too popular
Holy shit

>> No.4851071

most of the ff7 haters are contrarians and hipsters

>> No.4851073

Within the retro community obviously

>> No.4851117

Actually, FFX is very good, and people who disagree are contrarians and memelords that JUST HAVE to bring up the laugh meme. Saying it's "linear" is a bandwagon thing and easily debunked as being a legit criticism. I need to replay 8 in order to truly form an opinion on it, though.

VII is great, but it's overrated both by normalfags and /vr/ alike.

>> No.4851127

FFX is a hallway, but the battle system is fun

>> No.4851130

FFX would be perfect if you could skip the cutscenes

>> No.4851131

FFVII is one of the greatest games ever. The detractors always bring it up in comparison to another Final Fantasy they feel is superior. Like look up some random FFVI video and there's a chance a number of comments brings up FFVII's inferiority out of nowhere

>> No.4851140

If there's one aspect of the game that's truly overlooked, it's the superb pacing. Way too many JRPGs waste so much time with superfluous and dull exposition/fetch questing at the start whereas FFVII just throws you right into the thick of it and doesn't slow down for much of anything until you finally leave Midgar for Kalm. It's great~

>> No.4851142

Yeah, I was trying to allude to the pacing when I praised the storytelling as well.

>> No.4851154
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>> No.4851158
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Was it autism?

>> No.4851192

Can't you do that in the HD version?

>> No.4851230

we don't have enough FF7 threads

>> No.4851243

Indeed, underrated af game

>> No.4851314

Ff7 is good, but not that good, especially considering DUAL ORB 2 came out a few years prior

>> No.4851319

anyone else kill emerald weapon with seconds to spare only for the timer to run out during his death animation?

>> No.4851323
File: 139 KB, 521x335, U N D E R R A T E D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck your Dual Orb 2 overrated pleb shit

>> No.4851331

i usually would end up doing cloud/cid/barret
all lucky 7's+ sneak attack comet 2 + comet2 quadra magic + highwind / ungarmax / omnislash limits
emerald never gets an attack

>> No.4851339

Unfortunately no you can't

>> No.4851374

I feel like we just had this thread.
> I feel like this game isn't as praised as it should be because people believe this game took FF in the wrong direction
I agree with the technicality of what you said, but not with how it comes off. It sounds like you're saying FF7 isn't praised as much as it should be which is just silly. FF7 gets way more praise and attention than it deserves because it was released right during the peak gaming age for the millenial generation. The only retro game I can think of that gets as much undeserved praise is Ocarina of Time and it's for the same reason. Both are good games. Both did a lot of things very well. But there's a ton of nostalgia associated with both of them from people who played as kids when they didn't think twice about spending 5 hours on a Saturday morning playing.

>> No.4851375

To be honest a lot of them we've had recently are falseflags by some FFVI-loving tripfag called Edgar. He wants to promote the insufferable fanbase of this game while instead showing the autistic lengths FFVI fans will go for their game.

p sure he was being sarcastic

>> No.4851409

I played thru this game to a very deep extent. i was able to beat both weapons, golden chobi, got all the materia etc. i think the reason it is not remembered fondly IMO is because the third disk kind of petered out storywise and kind of went into nothing. i think for many it was just a side effect of 1. playing the late game deep and trying to get alot of the spoils which took a long time and 2. having a somewhat convoluted end scenarios that may not have tied up as neatly as some wanted. i rememver the game feeling oddly empty towards the end but like i said i feel its because i took it for all it was worth.

I felt like the first two disks were incredibly entertaining and very engaging altogether. So i felt some dissapointment it didnt have a bit more late game story to it because i didnt want it to end. which overall is a positive sign for the game in general. I see alot of hate on this game and sometimes i wonder if they even played it. There was alot to enjoy in the game and I definitley feel like it was great overall. especially for the time.

>> No.4851414

You can on the Steam version at least
>One year later on May 12, 2016, it was released for Microsoft Windows via Steam.[107] It includes an auto-save feature, 5 game boosters, 3 parameter changes, the option to skip FMVs/cinematics, 4K resolution support, audio settings and graphic options.

>> No.4851426

>being elitist about video games

Why are there so many pathetic people in life?

>> No.4851474

Well shit. I wonder why the PS4 version didn't get it.

>> No.4851541

Le cutscene game
Le menu fights
Le teenager revenge drama

Final Fantasy 7 is reddit as fuck, this is why we have games like the last of us 2 right now. Cinematic experience went too far.

>> No.4851557

3/10 here's your (you)

>> No.4851558

>40 hour game
>total <1 hour of cutscenes
>cutscene game

>> No.4851565

>proving my point
>using menus

>> No.4851568

>menus make a game bad

>> No.4851585

FFVII is probably the greatest JRPG of all times, from a story/atmosphere/etc. perspective. The materia system is really cool as well, but it suffers from the usual JRPG problems (random encounters getting annoying, you get a lot of items you never really need to use esp. status related ones, super hidden shit that NO ONE would ever find without a guide etc.)

>> No.4851634

Personally I like VI more but VII is a great game. It's just as fun as IX and more replayable.

>> No.4851646

Final Fantasy VI, VII, IX, X and XII are the only good mainline titles.

>> No.4851764
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>I isn't a good title
u wot

>> No.4851780

What the fuck are you talking about? VII is the game that gets the most dicksucking.
I personally think it's okay, has some nice pre-rendered backgrounds and music, but I'm not a fan of the character design, or random battles with loading times.

>> No.4851820

VI and VII are my favorite still. Never liked it when VI fans hate on VII because of that.

>> No.4851873

5 and earlier are very basic games.

>> No.4851875

They're all basic games, anon.

>> No.4851897

From VI and on there's a proper story at least.

>> No.4851903

How is DUAL ORB 2 pleb shit? It's got sniper rifles and monster trucks

>> No.4851906


>> No.4852145


It's a good game and the story telling is great, but also awful. I don't want to get into detail too much. I think it's pretty well polished, but at a point I think it's over done. With the limits of cartridges gone and the ability to be on multiple CDs space wasn't an issue. They didn't need to edit dialogue. It's really too much at times. Sometimes less is more is a good approach and 7 is just overly long to me. It feels too much like a TV series where twists and turns of the plot feel like a way to lengthy what would be a shorter story.

I also greatly dislike losing features and gameplay options in the game and using "story" as excuse. The fact you have many characters damaging limit breaks and one character with supportive limit breaks. Then through the course of the game you lose those supportive limit breaks. From tactical and strategy aspect, that's limiting. As the game leaves the parties largely optional and up to the player, I have to hold this against the game. I feel it would be more fun to have these features to the end. The story....obviously, doesn't fit this.

Overall, even with my complaints, it is a well made game. It's hard to hinge on these issues when you're tackling bosses and new mini games and hearing funny dialogue. It all just works.

>> No.4852162

It's too overrated, FFVII is the true underrated masterpiece

>> No.4852181

LOL thats where the whole kpop douchebag protag thing began that killed FF and turned it into twilight

>> No.4852347

I didn't finish this game, I played it a while ago.

I decided to start it up again, someone recommended me New Threat, but I gotta ask: Does this game get stupid difficult with the actual difficult parts or is it just more balanced difficulty?

Like I'm not really a fan of some difficulty mods as they tend to make the game more of a chore and less appropriately challenging. But I'm all for doing things a little bit more strategically or just not having quick and easy access to broken shit.

>> No.4852358
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I can understand why people might be let down by the immense hype, but I never understood the seething hateboner that most oldschool RPG nerds have for it. Like, it's not enough for them to merely dislike the game and move on, no they have to spread the negativity around as much as possible. I also love how most of their "reasons" for hating the game (i.e "terrible" story and characters) can easily be debunked in seconds. Not that it matters to me either way, if people are allowed to have fucking FF8 as their favorite of the series, then I see no reason why I can't have FF7 as mine. I mean even a game like FF9 is far from perfect (especially if we're talking about the gameplay) but the fans of that game won't shut up about it being the crowning jewel of the series while calling FF7 teh most overated thing evar, I just don't get it.

>> No.4852361

Indeed, most underrated game ever

>> No.4852365

Basic isn't bad.

>> No.4852368

dance dance dance dance dance to the radio

>> No.4852591

Woah there. I am the biggest FFIX fan youll ever meet but i love VII too.

>> No.4852762
File: 782 KB, 460x364, 1529219769604.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game sucks. Just played it for the first time a few months ago.
>Dropped XV a few hours into it.
>dropped 1 a few hours into it
I guess there was a reason i never played this shit when it came out.
Ill probably try 6 and 10 and then call it quits.

>> No.4852774

>Ill probably try 6 and 10 and then call it quits.
I would say try 4 or Chrono Trigger, although 6 isn't bad. Both are paced quickly enough that you'll be well into the game after "a few hours."

If you don't like FFVII though, definitely stay away from the other PSX Final Fantasy Games (and Xenogears)

>> No.4852902

FFVII, I will always say, stands out. Its setting is pretty good, the materia system is really flexible (though perhaps not amazingly balanced, and can produce some broken results, but you can just choose not to do that), the characters are mostly memorable and the story is just weird enough to like it. It takes risks other games in the series don't and it has good pacing (I would say better pacing than FFVI in which many things happen way too quickly, in my opinion).

The game does receive flak of course for still having a few flaws, but I feel that many people just look at other stuff (crisis core, advent children, dirge of cerberus) and the popularity it has and just go "fuck this, it's way overrated and Cloud is an edgelord". I found quite a few people that haven't played this since the 90s holding similar thoughts until they replay the game, at which point they see the charm in it. People are fuzzy on the details sometimes.

>> No.4852921

I agree with this. The first disc is 10/10, the second disc is pretty good, but by the third disc I always find myself not caring as much up until the final boss fight.

>> No.4852936

Every time I've tried to replay this game I get bored and usually abandon the playthrough sometime around the midpoint or so.

>> No.4852986

>There are a tons of good minigames.

I love FF7 too but the minigames fucking suck. The only good one is the motorcycle chase, everything else is terrible. The submarine game, snowboarding, the fucking dolphin jumping part, all awful. It could be argued that 8 and 9 are the only installments in the entire series with good minigames (triple triad and the chocobo treasure hunt respectively).

>> No.4852992

The chocograph part of the minigame is fun. I absolutely hate Chocobo Hot&Cold, though.

>> No.4852997

I see a lot of people say that, but I don't really get the hate. The randomness of it all can be frustrating I suppose, but it never seems to take too many turns to get that chocograph you've been looking for.

>> No.4853001

> but it never seems to take too many turns to get that chocograph you've been looking for.
But it's SO tedious. Any amount of time above zero that I have to spend on it is excruciating.

>> No.4853008

I actually dig that it's sort of random. When I find something important at least I know I haven't done that shit for nothing and it's kind of satisfying. I wouldn't like it as much if all I had to do was check somewhere how to do it perfectly.

My issue with FFIX is the way skills work. Being forced to use certain equipment for a while until I get a specific skill is definitely a bit more annoying than having to level up materia, for instance.

>> No.4853028

I love FF7 because the MiniGames suck. You can tell where they put their attention. And that was the main game.

>> No.4853036

The minigames were a big selling point in the late 90s. "Look how much shit we can cram onto CDs that you can't do with cartridges!" It seems to me they actually spent a decent amount of time and effort adding that stuff to the game. If they didn't care that much they could have left them out of the game entirely.

>> No.4854990

>Basically, I am asking if anybody else has had a similar experience replaying this and considering the best title in the series after all.
I'm biased, it was my first RPG in general, not just JRPG. It was my second console game. It's 100% nostalgia.

>> No.4855174

FFVII to this very day still get's a lot of praise and many people consider it the best FF, but I don't think it is.

When comparing FFVI and FFVII I think there both equal in quality, but I think FFVI had the better setting and combat.

>> No.4855341

The FF7 hate is almost entirely generated by FF6 fans. Early on they capitalized on FF7's popularity and played a narrative of how mainstream it is and how hardcore original gamers preferred the more "obscure" FF6, proving their gaming credentials.

As the internet became a bigger thing, this fell apart, but the hate remained. Now FF6 fans will obstinately claim their favorite is just a better game, despite the fact that it objectively lags in every conceivable metric.

FF6 had a bigger cast, sure, but almost none of them had any kind of character development whatsoever. Even most of the main characters never had more than a brief scene or two, max. While Kefka was more personable a villain than we'd seen with the likes of say Zeromus or the Emperor, Sephiroth ended up being much more personal and story-entwined.

Hell, even that amazing opera theme with the midi voices that FF6 fans were blown away with got supplanted by the fully voiced orchestra in One-Winged Angel. It's easy to see where the salt comes from. FF6 had progressed the series by an enormous leap forward and the very next entry did so ten times further, making FF6's achievements seem petty in comparison. That's plenty of reason to have sour grapes.

Also, FF7 remains to date the single highest grossing FF title of all time, adjusted for inflation. There's no toppling the king.

>> No.4855360

>a brief scene
This is the main reason why 6 is better than 7, and I'm not even a big fan of 6. It had mostly brief scenes in-between lots of core gameplay. There are like 4 hours of cutscenes in FF6 vs 14+ hours in FF7.

>> No.4855362

how many people in the ff7 party have serious character development? as in more than the average character in ff6? i'll give you cloud. interested in seeing you justify any of the others. and this is coming from someone who is pretty undecided as to whether they prefer VI, VII, or even X.

>> No.4855373

Cid definitely does. His story touched me way more as a kid than Cloud's and it still does to this day. A man sour because he couldn't follow his dreams and he pisses his days away instead of trying again.

>> No.4855387

come on man, there are not anywhere near that many cutscenes in VII.

>> No.4855390

that isn't really deep development by your standard of criticism. that's not really any more in depth than, say, cyan's story in VI, where he is tormented by guilt over the death of his wife and children and you travel through his fucking mind until you confront his grief and he comes to terms with it. or locke's learning to live with loss, terra's whole deal with love, etc.

>> No.4855429
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>because people believe this game took FF in the wrong direction - the direction of FF8 and FF10 to be precise
Basically, yeah. The game is really solid and polished, but it marked a total departure from what I was used to in the sense of old school swords and magic. They started incorporating emo kids, guns, cyber-punk stuff, half-baked liberal sensibilities on economics and humanity, etc. If they had called this game "Techno-Fantasy: Mega Faggot Edition" I would have thought it was astoundingly amazing, but I just hated the fact that it probably meant future Final Fantasies were going to be geared toward the newer participant-trophy generation with their hair-sprayed hair and faggy politics. I moreso enjoy the straightforward good vs. evil, you believe in death while I fight for life, etc. model of 97% of previous RPGs.

I'm definitely okay with more nuance in characters and story (e.g., Legacy of Kain), but just not in this format.

That said, the game is still awesome and I beat it like 5 times; I was just angry that I was losing a piece of that standard swords and magic dark fantasy forever. And unfortunately we turned out to be right. 8 was a disaster in terms of characters, and it mostly continued downward from there.

>> No.4855441

I would say FF7 does have better character development than 6. Not necessarily better character concepts, but they're more fleshed out. And frankly, for a game with 3 times more, dialog I would hope the characters would be more fleshed out.

FF6 is very surface level: Edgar, a ladies man, responsible king. Sabin, his musclehead twin brother. Their parents are dead and they flipped a coin for the throne. Edgar is a responsible king and Sabin is virtuous monk. That's it. Most of the characters are like that. Terra, Locke, and Cyan get a bit more, but not that much really. Most characters in FF7 have much more detailed backstories and distinct motivations and personality that show through in their actions.

Kefka is a really great villain, though.

>> No.4855448


Maybe it's less than 14, but it's sure as hell a LOT more than 4.5 from FF4


>> No.4855505

It's true the backstories were mostly more in-depth, which is to be expected of a newer game with a smaller cast. There's just a little more to Edgar and Sabin as a relationship than you're letting on - Edgar not wanting the throne any more than Sabin, but wanting the best for his brother, flips a double-sided coin so that Sabin can live a free life. I don't know if you missed that or just glazed over it, but it definitely adds more nuance to Edgar and Sabin than you suggest. I'd argue that characters like Tifa, Aeris, Yuffie, Cait Sith, maybe Red XIII aren't any more fleshed out than that.

>> No.4855507

The difference is that Cid's story is really elaborated and shows through in his character's actions and motivations in subtle ways. I think that as a character concepts, FF6 and FF7 are no different. But I can't deny that FF7 goes into a lot more detail than FF6. The problem is all that storytelling cuts into the gameplay

>> No.4855515

>from FF4
I meant FF6

>> No.4855525

>Dropped XV a few hours into it
You were like 7 hours from the end, then.

>> No.4855553

By "brief scene", I didn't mean cutscene. I meant exposition. Story. There's almost none to be had for the majority of FF6's characters. Take Sabin. You literally meet him while he's fighting his nemesis. That's it. The only other exposition he gets is when he finds his master isn't dead after all and they spar for 5 seconds. He's a *main character*. Same with Gau. You hear about an abandoned wild child, but what story does he get? You meet his father in one scene that lasts ten seconds and that's it. And those characters ended up with way more backstory than the likes of Mog, Gogo, Umaro, etc.

Meanwhile, the background characters in FF7 like Vincent and Yuffie had backstory and exposition coming out the nose. A lot of it even tied with the main story and advanced the lore in meaningful ways, like discovering Sephiroth's mother was Lucrecia and his father Hojo through Vincent. All the FF7 characters got the full background treatment that only like 3-4 of the FF6 characters got.

All of them, I'd say. Pick any character and you've got unique quests, tons of backstory and lore, etc. Barret and Corel mining town, also his starting quests as the leader of AVALANCHE, his backstory at the Golden Saucer and showdown with Dyne, etc. The weakest story might be Cait Sith's, and even his is pretty fleshed out given he's a double-agent for Shinra who's actually secretly double-crossing them to help Cloud is in his quest, and is actually Reeve, the head of Urban Development for Shinra. And you get scenes showing his opposition to the other leaders of Shinra throughout the game.

>> No.4855563

That's fair, man. I'm
and I can agree with what you're saying to some extent. The whole thing with Barrett and Dyne actually completely slipped my mind, which is surprising because it was one of my favorite scenes in the game. I guess it's fair to say that the minimum development in VII is generally what you got out of the more developed characters in VI, which is to be expected given the differences in capability and cast sized. I guess I just find some of the backstories in VI more interesting, which helps make up for them not being as fleshed out. I really do love both games, though. This is making me think that VI really could have benefited from having a little less bloated a cast for the sake of a little more exposition on each character in the style of VII, but I guess them being a little different from one another is good too. Like I said, I can respect anyone preferring one over the other. They definitely both have their merits.

>> No.4855582
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to be fair, FF8, 13, and 15 are the only really sci-fi ones. That's only 3 games out of the billions that came after FF7.

>> No.4855596

you seem like you're basically only described FFVIII with the things you hate about the games that followed VII (but I didn't play any past the abortion that was X-2)

>> No.4855606

>By "brief scene", I didn't mean cutscene. I meant exposition. Story.
I'm not disagreeing. I'm saying that yeah, FF7 has a more developed story. It's subtler with more nuance. The tradeoff is that you have to sit through an extra 10 hours of cutscenes to appreciate those advantages.

>> No.4855607

I played to the end of X, and decided I was pretty much done with the franchise for life. (And if I need to explain why, we probably wouldn't agree on anything else either.)

>> No.4855610

x was good

>> No.4855938

Say what you want about X-2's story and characters but there's no denying that game had an excellent battle system.

>> No.4855986

I agree and that makes it even worse for me, they turned a potentially awesome game into a cringefest and I just spend the time imagining how great the game could have been. the battle system is my favorite out of any FF game except maybe tactics which is a different beast entirely

>> No.4856147

If you rule out the MMOs only the only FF games after 7 to feature a pre-modern setting are 9 and 12. (FF'd had sci-fi elements, it's really the overall setting that's relelvant)

>> No.4856159


Anyone with half a brain knows that FFVII was the best. It was paradigm changing for it's time. Amazing game. Haters are sheep or they just never played it when it got released.

>> No.4856183

It's overrated. Combat system sucks. Story isn't that great. Graphics are fugly. Most characters are emotional train wrecks. The only interesting parts were the Weapon battles.

>> No.4856190

>materia system
>not the greatest thing ever conceived by mankind

>> No.4856217

ff5 job system is better

>> No.4856229

THIS! A millon times this! FFV also doesn't takes itself too seriously and is therefore fun to play

>> No.4856237

Is Dual Orb 2 posting a thing now?

>> No.4856252

most cliche' opinion on the internet for the past 10 years

Now that is something that is ACTUALLY overrated, it's pushed so hard and yet it really is nothing special.

>> No.4856715

I thought FFVI handled it better.

Every character can learn magic from espers but they have special skills that make them unique.

FFVII doesn't really have anything like this with exception of Tifa and Vincent with her slots and his transformations.

>> No.4856907

It's not overrated, although FF Tactics did it better.
Regardless, it's the right comparison in this case because the materia system is the same basic idea except with a bunch of arbitrary rules that mostly make it worse.

> Instead of characters learning abilities, the items learn the abilities.
This was probably done to avoid punishing a player for developing a character only to have them die or leave the party.
> FF7 has no class-based equipment rules and a dumbed-down equipment system in general.
There's no point to all of the equipment-related abilities that FF5 has, so they're just not present. Instead, stuff you get for free in FF5 is now made into abilities you have to earn, like "All materia."
> Individual abilities are scattered around different items, instead of grouped together.
There are two major consequences to this. The main "advantage" is that there are a lot more individual pieces of loot to obtain, but you still have grinding required to unlock abilities. Also, instead of the interesting variety of combinatorics you have with FF5, In FF7 you just assign whatever individual abilities you want into your available slots, which throughout the game tends to favor a party of bland hybrids.
> "Materia slots" on equipment is a purely arbitrary concept with no real roleplay logic behind it at all.
It gets even more arbitrary as the game goes on in terms of which equipment has linked slots and how many slots are present. The FF5 job system is also arbitrary, but only exactly as arbitrary as it needs to be to make the class/ability dynamic work, it doesn't interfere with the general concepts of equipment and items.

>> No.4856938

VI is arguably the worst implementation of any Final Fantasy to date. While Materia is customizable on the fly, Espers are forever locked in. For example, if you decide you like the idea of Vincent having Added Effect+Hades on his weapon and all his attacks inflicting status ailments, you can freely change your mind and make him a healer by changing slots- not dissimilar from class changing in FF5. If you stack Setzer with status magic, there's no replacing it with healing, all of it becomes a permanent part of his kit, just like everyone else. The more you learn in FF6, the more permanently homogenized everyone becomes.

Moreover, FF6 tying Espers to stat advancements means you're forced to either deliberately gimp yourself or stall leveling for about half the game while you collect them. And even then, most of the early ones offer shitty advancement compared to later ones, further encouraging level stalling.

>> No.4856946
File: 120 KB, 834x746, sora ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. FF5 is fun to play even when you replay it for the sixth time while FF7 overstays its welcome on the first.

>> No.4856951

Only if you're a brainlet. Experienced gamers have figured out that the class system and materia systems are functionally the same. The end-game for both is mastering all abilities and picking and choosing the best ability combos on your character. Most of the "fun" in both FF7 and FF5 come through self-imposed limitations and challenges with those systems.

>> No.4856961

> Experienced gamers have figured out that the class system and materia systems are functionally the same.
Except in the obvious ways they are not, some of which I pointed out here: >>4856907

>> No.4857128

Yes your right, with FFVI each character will know pretty much every magic spell. The game literally steers you in that direction.

However I was not trying to criticize FFVII's materia system. What I was trying to point out is that in FFVI each character had a special skill like Sabin's blitz or Celes's Runic and that in FFVII no character really has something like this with the exception of Tifa and Vincent.

>> No.4857142

FF7's system doesn't lend itself as well to challenges as FF5's. There's a reason Four Job Fiesta exists

>> No.4857279

well, they all have different limit breaks, some of which are different from regular attacks and skills. for the most part though, you're correct. the only issue is that magic in FFVI is so strong that the unique abilities of almost everyone stop becoming useful or make them a sub optimal character by the time the second half of the game rolls around. the only useful unique skills later on in the game are Sabin's Blitz, Terra's Morph to some extent (you don't even need it at a certain point), and shadow's throw. the rest all become outclassed by basic magic or are very situational (like steal, which I can't discount). by the end of FFVI, the characters aren't really very different from one another than the cast of VII. in the world of balance, though, VI is a mile better in this regard, I'll give you that.

>> No.4857312

You mean like no-Materia runs? Or single color runs? Have you tried the Enemy Skill-only run? Support only? FF5 might have a more established self-imposed challenge run, but it doesn't change that they're functionally the same.

All of which are superfluous to the point. You level materia up like you do the job classes, unlocking new spells and abilities precisely the same way. You acquire new materia as the story progresses, the same as jobs. And you equip them to the character in the same way. The limited materia slots work just like your FF5 character's limited ability slots.

>> No.4857353

they're all hallways, XIII just turned it into a meme

>> No.4857408

Reading comp isn't your strong suit, huh? Yes, it's popular but mostly for the wrong reasons. It's popular because its most people's first FF, not because of the writing.

>> No.4857536

In FF5, your job and ability selections have consequences you have to think about. If you pick White Mage for the healing magic, you also have to take the white mage stats, equipment rules and all the other white mage spells. If you want offensive spells, you can't just throw on one offensive materia and go. You have to use up a whole ability slot for the black magic, which could have been used on something like "Equip Armor" to make your healer more durable. This dynamic doesn't exist at all in FF7.

In FF7, you just decide what abilities you want then equip the materia for those abilities. You're limited only by the number of slots you have and to some extent by how the slots are linked. There are some stat consequences so sometimes you can do things like give someone all magic/summon materia to max out their magic power, but you can easily go for a balanced loadout with decent stats and ability selection. That's what I mean by bland hybrid builds: average stats with an arbitrary list of abilities. Does it matter who has the "steal" materia? Not really. All you really need to do is avoid putting all the good abilities on one character.

>> No.4857614

>This dynamic doesn't exist at all in FF7.
It absolutely does, particularly early on.

When you're using the Buster Sword you have two connected slots. You could pick Lightning and Ice the default, or when you pick up an All materia, that could be attached. You sacrifice AP learning on the extra, but add utility with the All. Or you could put it with a Restore Materia where it would be more useful. Not to mention that all of the Materia come with inherent bonuses and penalties to your stats, just like job changing in FF5.

Careful Materia placement, cultivation and abilities are exactly the same premise as the job class in FF5, just further refined. The only difference is as you've pointed out- ultimately you have more "slots" by end-game for customization. Once you're wielding everyone's ultimate weapons with all capped out materia and the best armlets, it doesn't matter who has the Steal materia. However, the same holds true in FF5. Once you've maxed out all the jobs and abilities and are sitting in the naked form, does it matter who equips the 16 attack cheese?

The meat of these games are the beginning and middle, not post-end when you've finished everything. And while you're still picking up and leveling materia/jobs, it's a game of balancing and refining.

>> No.4858834

It's true that you have some decisions to make wrt to All materia, but to me this is a poor tradeoff to make for the loss of equipment and stat dynamics from FF5, especially since the elemental rock/paper/scissor game has never been one of the more exciting aspects of final fantasy gameplay.

> Materia stat mods are just like FF5 classes
Only in theory. In practice it doesn't work that way because early on, the mods are too small to make a difference. Later on, you can usually just do builds with a mix of bonuses to get average HP, magic, and attack power. If you just load up the abilities you want, your stats will probably be about what you want, which basically means a character with a lot of magic materia will have good magic power and maybe a bit less HP than you'd prefer. It's not like FF5 where choosing a class not only modifies your stats in major ways, but also sets a baseline of equipment options and abilities.

>> No.4859097

>Within the retro community it was almost forbidden to consider VII the best game in the franchise, the gameplay people named V as the best, the story people named VI as the best and the like .
I remember these people and they were contrarians in the minority. Gaming was full-hipster from about 2003-2010. You couldn't like anything that was popular.

>> No.4859243


I'm playing through it right now on my phone. I was surprised how long it took until I got through the first disc, it just keeps going. The second was good and ties up a lot of the stuff in the first. The third is nothing. I'm getting materia and gold chocobos and side quest stuff, but you can do a bunch of that in disc 2, so whats the deal? It just feels empty. Was it just over flow from disc 2 and never intended to be a full 3 discs?

>> No.4859247


I like the mini games because it added a sense of Japanese quirkiness. And the Defend Fort Condor was fun for me.

>> No.4859674

Should I play the Steam or the PS1 version of this?

>> No.4859753
File: 45 KB, 360x360, 1500651338496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasted potential. Good ideas, bad execution. People who love FF7 love what it could have been, not what it is. FF7 apologists are autistic masochists.

Look, games are software. Programming narrows concepts down. Stories broaden and deepen. Story isn't videogames's strong suit because videogames are programs, not stages.

Games are good at letting you figure stuff out, then act upon that knowledge. FF7 doesn't have much to figure out. Therefore, this doesn't light up your brain the way a Mario 64 would. You don't get excited when you make progress in 7 because YOU aren't doing anything besides hitting a button to move the dialog forward. Yeah, there IS a battle system, but you can brute force your way through the game. You don't need much finesse at all when it comes to the combat.

FF7 is an underdeveloped anime, hence it attracts autistic, depressed, sexually confused losers who defend it because it was one of the few exciting, meaningful things they grew up with.

Go ahead and say you like the story, atmosphere, characters, music, and even the battle system. It doesn't change the fact that it's junk food. With bad translation.

>> No.4859761

lol, Edgar be less obvious

>> No.4859763

You don't like games, kid. You like the idea of games. You like what you see on YouTube and imagine yourself to be a YouTuber as you play "quirky" Japanese things.

>> No.4859776

Steam has all the cheats.

>> No.4860441 [DELETED] 

I always considered it the most overrated because all throughout my childhood it was considered the best ever made.

>> No.4860447

Literally all video games are junk food.

>> No.4860450
File: 2.55 MB, 500x278, 968e19c6b704a341b468b23e7cfa166010da238060d4c73d399d7ae05c275a08.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got FF7 5 years ago
>still haven't gotten to beating it
I'm at the last dungeon too. Its such a comfy game, but with JRPGs, if I take a day off then I lose my motivation to play again until I somehow get back into it.

>> No.4860914 [DELETED] 

>FF7 is an underdeveloped anime, hence it attracts autistic, depressed, sexually confused losers who defend it because it was one of the few exciting, meaningful things they grew up with.

Wasted potential. Good ideas, bad execution. People who love FF7 love what it could have been, not what it is. FF7 apologists are autistic masochists.

Ya got any proof for all that?

>Story isn't videogames's strong suit because videogames are programs, not stages.

It's a unqiue medium when it comes to telling stories because it gives the player choice over how the story will play out and the player can also have an influence over the setting as well. In FF7's case the story is linear like a film so it's fair to say it's flawed but it's still entertaining and that's all that matters.

>Therefore, this doesn't light up your brain the way a Mario 64 would.

It requires basic thought at the very least. It may not be challenging but it's good enough.

>> No.4860916

>FF7 is an underdeveloped anime, hence it attracts autistic, depressed, sexually confused losers who defend it because it was one of the few exciting, meaningful things they grew up with.

>Wasted potential. Good ideas, bad execution. People who love FF7 love what it could have been, not what it is. FF7 apologists are autistic masochists.

Ya got any proof for all that?

>Story isn't videogames's strong suit because videogames are programs, not stages.

It's a unqiue medium when it comes to telling stories because it gives the player choice over how the story will play out and the player can also have an influence over the setting as well. In FF7's case the story is linear like a film so it's fair to say it's flawed but it's still entertaining and that's all that matters.

>Therefore, this doesn't light up your brain the way a Mario 64 would.

It requires basic thought at the very least. It may not be challenging but it's good enough.

>> No.4861042

The biggest problem with New Threat isn't its difficulty, it's that bosses have way too much HP in the early game. If you can get over that, go for it, it plays much better than the original game.

>> No.4861075

nice, I'm not that anon but I'm going to try it out as well. other anon you wanna play it t-together

>> No.4861103

>the seventh game in a series of linear turn-based RPGs shouldn't have been a linear turn-based RPG

>> No.4862274
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Holy shit, you peoples's arguments are worse than I expected.

False. Some games require challenge. People make spreadsheets for some games. Some games force you to rise to the challenge. I might as well say it: Dark Souls.

>hur dur Dark Souls was easy
First of all, you're lying, second of all, that's irrelevant because it has a reputation for being difficult. It's difficult by design. Maybe it's simply NES hard, but it's still hard. Get over yourself.

>>Ya got any proof for all that?
This thread. What do you want me to do? Dox everyone and post their medical records? The fact that you're being defensive and not thinking this through suggests you're one of the people I'm talking about.

>It's a unqiue medium when it comes to telling stories because it gives the player choice over how the story will play out
FF7 isn't Baldur's Gate/Fallout/Deus Ex. Stop lying.

>and the player can also have an influence over the setting as well. In FF7's case the story is linear like a film so it's fair to say it's flawed but it's still entertaining and that's all that matters.
Stop acting like your opinion isn't subjective.

>> No.4862315

Shitty bait draws shitty counter-arguments. The fact that you spam /v/-tier images with your bait is like you're planting a flag on the post, demanding no one take you seriously or put any effort into a real response.

>> No.4862320
File: 54 KB, 600x462, you need to prove your view is valid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah yeah yeah

>I don't like it so it's bait.
>Whatever you show must be from the place I don't like.
>You must say things a certain way in order for us, the collective, to take you seriously.

Who's baiting who. Get lost, kid.

>> No.4862364
File: 13 KB, 210x240, dr-gero-android-20-dragon-ball-z-super-android-13-1.77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread. What do you want me to do? Dox everyone and post their medical records? The fact that you're being defensive and not thinking this through suggests you're one of the people I'm talking about.

Your just proving my point. You don't know everyone that's played FF7, therefore you can't realistically say that apart from assume it, and now you even ASSUME i'm one of the people your talking about. So you just did it again. It's like saying everyone who plays Sonic games is fat.

>FF7 isn't Baldur's Gate/Fallout/Deus Ex. Stop lying.

I acknowledged that. So how on earth was I lying?

>Stop acting like your opinion isn't subjective.

Yes, my opinion is indeed subjective. I don't expect everyone to like stories in games with no input from the player. But at least I don't resort to assuming every person who likes a game I don't like to have some sort of problem rather than just accepting the fact that people like different things.

>> No.4862402

What I SHOULD tell you is look at the image I posted and recheck your argument, but since right now I foolishly believe I need to educate your ass, I am going to throw in a response.

You are saying words that you cannot substantiate, nor can anyone. By your rationale, who can realistically do anything? It's this kind of relativism that makes it impossible to argue with people like you. Not only do you have no argument, your rationale makes it impossible for arguments to be made.

Yes, I am "assuming" and "generalizing". I don't have the time or inclination to carefully calculate all my words so they're free of those things. You are saying I can't be realistic because my argument...what, hasn't passed peer review?

Actually, I assume less than you imagine. You do realize this argument comes up on this board time and time again, and this subject itself comes up time and time again without any real consensus other than "Welp, guess it's subjective".

You are having an argument to win an argument. I made my statements to express an opinion. You are trying to get me to put my thoughts into an arbitrary framework of your choosing so you can win that argument.

Anyway, whatever your response is, make it tasty enough to respond to. Otherwise, I'm done with you, kiddo.

>> No.4862438

Literally only whiny beta faggots hate FF7, only losers afraid of the Chad of the RPG genre are insecure about it. This game that isn't as deep or mechanically complex, and doesn't has anything to say unlike your favorite autistic science fiction simulator will always be more liked, remembered and accepted by people close to you that wouldn't touch your favorite game even if they were paid to.

Those devs that were out of their fucking minds and made a game like no one ever made it before? No one cares, while based FF7 will always be stone-cold proof of the worst cancer in gaming: the pretentious pleb who hates things that look cool because he's afraid of being the target audience of a simple game.

You are getting trolled, I realized that the moment he wrote
>Look, games are software. Programming narrows concepts down. Stories broaden and deepen. Story isn't videogames's strong suit because videogames are programs, not stages.
Classic mr.I only play REAL videogames ACfag tier cunt.

>> No.4862467

schizo post

>> No.4862472

>Classic mr.I only play REAL videogames ACfag tier cunt.
Never heard that label before. I'll have to remember it. What's an ACfag?

What you're doing here is putting a label on something so you don't have to think about it. Because if you tried to unpack my argument and make counter arguments, it would require getting your hands dirty. You're happy to dismiss other people's arguments while flattering your own.

I am actually pissed off at the opinions in this thread. Had you gone with the "u mad" response, you would have gotten more mileage. Instead, you choose to entertain my arguments, albeit in the most timid way possible.

The previous part of your post seems to suggest you're insecure about your masculinity. (Other than that, I can't tell what the hell you're trying to say.) So let me go ahead and dust off a classic: you're a fag.

I am being completely serious when I say games aren't the ideal place to stories. How come almost NO professional writers (and please miss me with the WULL THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO WRITE AND THAT'S THEIR PROFESSION THEREFORE THEY'RE PROFESSIONAL WRITERS bullshit) write for games? How come more books aren't made into games? Even Harry Potter is based off the movies, not the books.

Now, clearly, you CAN have an engaging story with a game--but I mean just that. Engaging. Planescape: Torment, not that you have good enough taste to play that fucking game, has per se bad writing. But the saving grace is the game aspect is fun, and the story can directly feed from your stats. It helps that the story seems to have some meaning.

FF7's story is actually about life and death, per the writers. Yet most people just say "Wow, it's a hell of a story". Nobody talks about how this game expands their thinking about life and death. Because it does a shit job of it. Like I said in an earlier post, this game has good ideas. It's the execution that falls short, hence the remake, which I am excited for.

>> No.4862478

>The storytelling is superb, the structure of the story is world-class, the way the plot and the characters are revealed in the course of the story in a way that is both mysterious, unreliable but also logical and suspenseful is great.

Final Fantasy 7, like most anime is power fantasy nonsense, the stories mean absolutely nothing from a philosophical didactic standpoint as they are mere power fantasies for juveniles.

They are fun when you are a teenager, but beyond early adulthood you need to move past the power fantasies that occupied a powerless youth's ambitions. I liked Final Fantasy when I was a teenager, but that stuff is really just meant for teenagers and young adults, it waxes one's desire for power in the self-insertion of Cloud, or the desire to have him succeed against great odds, as are the themes of most all comicbooks and anime. In the end these stories mean nothing.

Western Fantasy does it better, though Game of Thrones is garbage whose only value is in shock. Tolkien really set the bar because his work is so layered in his philosophy that you can read his stories over and over again and find new pearls of wisdom, even C.S. Lewis understood that the stories needed to mean something timeless in the end, and the power fantasies of anime don't really mean anything, kids are occupied by them because kids have no power, but once you realize that power is a meaningless theme to center your stories around, you set out for real mediums of story-telling.

>> No.4862528

> pseudo-intellectual wankfest
Let me guess, you just graduated with a liberal arts degree this past may.

>> No.4862554

doesnt undo his argument, moron.

>> No.4862664

>acting like gameplay is something to brag about in a Final Fantasy JRPG

>> No.4862697

you sound like a huge fucking douche

>> No.4862704

Final Fantasy 7 is more than just a power fantasy. If he'd paid attention to the story he'd know that. His entire premise is therefore false. So fuck him and fuck you.

>> No.4862705 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 394x256, cma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final Fantasy VII has an immense amount of character development but its pretty subtle and doesn't hit you over the head about it like in VI.

FFVI will have pretty obvious cutscenes/sidequests that halt the plot and notion "character development", while FFVII's cast progresses more through their dialogue and actions during events in the main plot. You need to piece it all together.

A good example is the Cloud/Aeris/Tifa dynamic. As seen in Cloud's psyche portion, Cloud is essentially a man-child playing the hero (which is analogous to the average JRPG player). Outside of his delusions, he really can't take care of himself or be confident in his identity. A flashback scene shows him being nagged/babied by his mother. She tells him he should get an "older girlfriend, one that would take care of [him]". If you check the characters' ages, you'll see Aeris is older than Cloud. Aeris is actually a very headstrong character that encourages Cloud along. She is motherly, expressing vast amounts of wisdom and assurance. And if you compare the character models between Cloud's mother and Aeris, you'll notice they are pretty similar - both characters wear blouses and both wear their hair in a ponytail with bangs (pic-related). This Freudian theme obviously continues with Sephiroth and Jenova. Meanwhile, if you look at Tifa's age, you'll see she's younger than Cloud. In comparison to Aeris, she's a very insecure and helpless individual, often relying on Cloud to make decisions or encourage the team along. Essentially a theme of the game is Cloud learning to be independent enough to take care of others (Tifa) instead of being taken care of (Aeris), along with avoiding becoming some post-industrial man-child like Sephiroth (I mean literally, Sephy is practically encased in a womb for most of the game). Tifa's arc is similar to Cloud's in that she learns to be her own person too (this is most apparent during when Cloud is comatose and she ends up leading the team).

>> No.4862707
File: 134 KB, 394x256, cma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final Fantasy VII has an immense amount of character development but its subtle and doesn't hit you over the head like in VI.

FFVI will have cutscenes/sidequests that halt the plot and blatantly notion "character development", while FFVII's cast progresses more through their dialogue and actions during the main plot. You need to piece it all together.

A good example is the Cloud/Aeris/Tifa dynamic. As seen in Cloud's psyche portion, Cloud is essentially a man-child playing the hero (which is analogous to the average JRPG player). Outside of his delusions, he really can't take care of himself or be confident in his identity. A flashback scene shows him being nagged/babied by his mother. She tells him he should get an "older girlfriend, one that would take care of [him]". If you check the characters' ages, you'll see Aeris is older than Cloud. Aeris is actually a very headstrong character that encourages Cloud along. She is motherly, expressing vast amounts of wisdom and assurance. And if you compare the character models between Cloud's mother and Aeris, you'll notice they are pretty similar - both characters wear blouses and both wear their hair in a ponytail with bangs (pic-related). This Freudian theme obviously continues with Sephiroth and Jenova. Meanwhile, if you look at Tifa's age, you'll see she's younger than Cloud. In comparison to Aeris, she's a very insecure and helpless individual, often relying on Cloud to make decisions or encourage the team along. Essentially a theme of the game is Cloud learning to be independent enough to take care of others (Tifa) instead of being taken care of (Aeris), along with avoiding becoming some post-industrial man-child like Sephiroth (I mean literally, Sephy is practically encased in a womb for most of the game). Tifa's arc is similar to Cloud's in that she learns to be her own person too (this is most apparent during when Cloud is comatose and she ends up leading the team).

>> No.4862709


What a complete tryhard. Lay off the thesaurus, nigger.

>> No.4862718

No one was bragging, you subliterate troll. But since you bring it up, the combat system in Final Fantasy is pretty good all things considered. It's not too challenging but it's a well-designed and engaging turn-based engine that felt great when it debuted in 1991 and was maintained reasonably well through FF7. The system was a bit played-out by then but as anyone knows, FF7 was the first chance many people had to play the series at all.

Ultimately, whether you think the gameplay is good or not, that's the game. If you don't want to play the game just watch the cutscenes on youtube or better yet read a book.

>> No.4862729

Not the guy you're responding to, but if you think about it, Tolkien's stories have the theme of succeeding against great odds as well. It's pretty unbelievable that Frodo and his friend waltz right through Modor into Mount Doom without the enemy noticing or raising an alert.

Some commonalities between Tolkien's stories and FF games: 1) The antagonist always has this shred of morality where they don't outright kill the "heroes" when they have the chance for whatever reason. 2) The antagonist always does something stupid that gets them killed in the end (Sauron puts his power in the ring and Sephiroth hides in his little icy cubby hole) 3) Despite what you say, the stories are all about power mongering. In FF7, it's Sephiroth vs Shinra vs Avalanche vs Planet. In Lord of the Rings, it's Humans/Elves/Dwarves/Halflings versus Orcs and Sauron. Major difference is that LoTR have more ordinary and down-to-earth protagonists that don't have any special powers or skills.

>> No.4862732

Are trying to make fun of him for being smart? Youre an absolute jigaboo bitch, kys fagoot.

>> No.4862737

good post

>> No.4862741


Nice samefagging, faggot.

>> No.4862749

Shit stained penis wrinkle

>> No.4862792

It's not a smart post. It's a dumb post full of pretentious language to cover up the fact that it is full of shit.

>> No.4862837

Best final fantasy games in their respective console generations (will include non retro):


>> No.4863654


this whole post is predicated on the idea that FF7's story is nothing more than a power fantasy a la gta v. you present this premise and expect us to accept it wholly without showing us why your assertion is correct. your word is not law.

of course, after reading your weird tirade about gaming's lack of merit as a storyteller, i can see why you come to this conclusion. to you a video game is nothing more than a press of a button for a dopamine release, or fun, and as such it is a lesser medium of story-telling. how pretentious.

what i find ironic about this all is you quote a game, planescape: torment, that deals with the nature of man, while conveniently ignoring the thematic relevance of its medium's biggest strength: player agency. it is like you are just saying things for the sake of saying them.

you are literally the equivalent of people in the 1910s who thought cinema was a joke when it was advented and that it would never eclipse live acting. you are literally that close-minded.

>> No.4863670

also, just to throw this whole "video games cant do anything to narrative structure that films cant" idea out the window: look at mgs 1s bosses, where each one has the player fiddle with different aspects of combat. you literally have to fiddle with hardware (aka technology) to fight psycho mantis and drug yourself to aim properly. see how these are all game-contained elements that contribute to theme of deconstructing a super soldier to its bare essentials.

see kh1 where you literally start as a kid waving a wooden sword to casting magic spells, paralleling player skill and level progression with the growth of a child. omg man games cant do anything to narrative they are just for fun! i just thought of these examples right now btw, stream of consciousness.

>> No.4863673

Glad to see this storyfag/FFfag containment thread, keep it up. Make it a general

>> No.4863710
File: 87 KB, 380x640, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the snowboarding and being a slutty Cloud.

>> No.4863781

Go away falseflagger

>> No.4863785

> huge
mostly filled with prerendered cut scenes. the game was shit then and has aged poorly since.

>> No.4864000

What happened to Cloud's mom? Was it just implied that she died on the day Sephiroth burned the town down?

>> No.4864005

I'm serious, believe me. This board would greatly improve with your kind concentrated on less threads instead of making dozens of them

>> No.4864006

yes, i think it's implied literally everyone other than tifa and zangan

>> No.4864121

I agree but it would improve even more with less snide, bitter, whiny, sarcastic bitching about it that isn't even funny in a lame reddit sort of way.

>> No.4864126

47 minutes over a 30-40 hour game, ten of which are the ending, is hardly "filled". That's not even 5% of the game.

>> No.4864147

>As seen in Cloud's psyche portion, Cloud is essentially a man-child playing the hero (which is analogous to the average JRPG player).

The le manchild archetype is way too overemphasized these days when looking at modern media, pretty much every hero's story since 5000 years ago shows a character progression from selfish child-like behaviour to more competent adult. It's not some new archetype reflecting modern culture

>> No.4864259

>also, just to throw this whole "video games cant do anything to narrative structure that films cant" idea out the window: look at mgs 1s bosses, where each one has the player fiddle with different aspects of combat. you literally have to fiddle with hardware
You're confusing mediums with the types of stories that can be told. Yes, a game can tell stories in a WAY that's different from film, comic books, or anything else. That does NOT mean any single vector for storytelling is inherently better. The cool thing about Kojima is he could tell a kind of story he wanted to tell with a game, esp in MGS2. But this is a retro board.

>see kh1

>where you literally start as a kid waving a wooden sword to casting magic spells, paralleling player skill and level progression with the growth of a child. omg man games cant do anything to narrative they are just for fun! i just thought of these examples right now btw, stream of consciousness.
Yeah, no excuses. If you're going to say something, I'm going to comment on it. And what you're saying is stupid because that's not an especially mind blowing parallel. Okay, it's unique to games, but if you think that's awesome, you're setting the bar low.

>> No.4864517


my point is i shat those examples out in a minute, it didnt require forethought for me to look at my game rack and pull two random games out and come up with examples of gaming en scene or whatever you want to call it. the genre is in its infancy, film came around in like the early 1900s and it took until the 1970s before we got a clockwork orange. we also have a medium that requires a lot of collaboration from a ton of different people. growth will happen but slowly, and kh1 is cool but dated, kh2 fucking owns btw, great arpg but thats besides the point.

ff7 is like nosferatu 1922 for gaming or something where its just a shakespeare play recorded - rudimentary but respectable for a decent story and the influence it had and will continue to have.

>> No.4864523

i also didnt posit that the kh1 progression as a growth thing was amazing nor did i say that any one medium is inherently better, the dude who i responded to was speaking as if video games were a lesser medium - to which i disagree, we have rudimentary ways of telling stories unique to gaming and home consoles are only like 30 years old up to this point. even then, only very few people like the silent hill 1-3 designers, or kojima, or early bioware tried innovating with it.

to look at the way guy was, its like comparing 1930s king kong with the dark knight or something, like i dont know what you expect, man.

>> No.4864530

also >loling at kh1 as if it didnt have baller boss fights, you're tripping anon that shit is pure blissful fun.

>> No.4864560

> le manchild archetype .. overemphasized these days ... modern media
Whatever dude you're not talking about Cloud or the story at all. The point of an archetype is to be a template or base for a character and thus a building block for a story. That most fucking archetypes are older than dirt means exactly nothing with regards to whether any particular instance of that archetype in an actual story is interesting or compelling.

>> No.4864565

>You could even say that the game is a nice and easy introduction to classic Asian philosophy and thought, reincarnation and the like

how so?

>> No.4864656

Because you can resurrect Aerith.

>> No.4864689

Is there any connectivity overarching the universes of the series? I've played all briefly, but mostly 4 and 6-10. I always wondered if there was any plot devices that interweaves the main series. So not obvious spin offs like X and X-2.

>> No.4864696

There's no continuity. Just a bunch of common elements like spells, a few creatures, and a one character always named Cid.

>> No.4864713

lifestream bruh

>> No.4864749

>character progression from selfish child-like behavior to competent adult
Way to fucking simplify it. In the game's case it's literal in that he's a man-child masquerading as a more cool, interesting character (Zack). It isn't just about Cloud growing up, but about Cloud learning to be his own man.

>> No.4864780

Honestly I would rather have contrarians like in tha past and not ass lickers like these days where everyone just has to like any bigbudget or """"indie"""" POS that comes out.

>> No.4864797

I've seen 7 get more shit from 9 fans than 6 fans.

>> No.4865040

>anime tiddy poster
>is retarded
checks out

>> No.4865049

>too liberal
As opposed to a right wing JRPG?
>Shinra is destroying the environment to harvest energy from the planet
>and then Shinra reported 125% growth in its last quarterly report
>the end.

Also it's funny how you attack VII for having magitek when VI started that trend.

>> No.4865054

No there all separate.

But I think they did try to sort of link FFX's universe to FFVII with the character Shinra from X-2.

I like to pretend that they did not do that.

>> No.4865064 [DELETED] 

Or you could just you know, contribute to a thread that you actually like rather than wasting time contributing to a thread you don't like.

>> No.4865069

Too many PoN's

>> No.4865371

I can't help but like this game. I don't know if it's the setting or the materia system, or some of the dialogue (even though some people seem to dislike it) but this shit for me is just too fucking good. I only finished it twice (once in 2000, once in 2015) but I still like it a lot. And I never beat the weapons because I'm a fucking pleb. Maybe I'll do it now. I'll play this again and reach that goal.

>> No.4865396

>you attack VII for having magitek when VI started that trend.
Final Fantasy had always blended sci-fi elements. The difference is the setting itself, all the little things like the clothing, furniture, incidental use of real-world technology like cell phones. FFVI was decidedly a steampunk-like fantasy setting. 19th-century style is certainly more modern than medieval fantasy, but it's still not present-day. FFVII was basically a present day (or slightly futuristic) alternate reality, as was FFVIII.

>> No.4865968

>liberal sensibilities
There's literally an entire essay online about how FFVII addresses the dangers of Globalism and Liberalism.

>> No.4865979

>it's another Americans don't understand what liberalism and globalism are episode.

>> No.4865991

I'm not going to read your blog, but FF 7 was good. Gave us some quality hentai too. 8 I didn't care for, but 9 was underrated I feel.

>> No.4866035

VIII is underrated, every loves IX

>> No.4866062

It's a very solid game. It gets blow back because it was stupid popular and 4chan has to be as counter culture as possible, but the game is still really good.

>> No.4866123

Xenogears does everything FFVII in terms of story did but better, and Phantasy Star IV has much, much better pacing and emotional impact than FFVII, including a party member death.

FFVII is certainly better than most other FF games, but overall it's a "great" RPG but in general it suffers the same issues as other FF games - piss poor pacing and broken gameplay. It's middling once you've played better games.

>> No.4866243

>Xenogears does everything FFVII in terms of story did but better
Sort of. Xenogears has more depth but worse pacing than FFVII and a lot more questionably necessary detail. And of course a massive amount of time spent in cutscenes. There's like 17 hours worth of cutscenes.

>> No.4866308

Yup, unfortunately in the case between either game, either the story is maximized and minimize the gameplay, or vise versa. I think Xenogears is overall a more wholesome experience imo, but the execution isn't for everyone.

Honestly, I can't recommend Phantasy Star IV enough. It's amazing how refreshing an RPG with good pacing is.

>> No.4866339

Xenogears also has a worse translation than FFVII. It literally uses stupid hackneyed phrases like "Why do you have bone to pick with me, Ramsus?" during a climactic disk 2 battle.

>> No.4866537

This is why a remake would be fantastic bruh. Square is actually doing a poll right now to see what people want, and I mentioned I'd love to see some sort of new version of the game.

>> No.4867032

You could be a Nazi and want to blow up Shinra for the same reasons. Corporatism is for niggers.

>> No.4867056

Having played almost every other Final Fantasy other than VII as a child, I can only concur with you. I played it for the first time when I was 24 and it's the best one in the series.

People remember it for the wrong reasons. Consider what Cloud stands for: the generic, whiny, androgynous anime boy brooding protagonist. That's not what he's like in the game. That's what adolescents who played the game thought he was. His story is much more concerned with going from not giving a shit to actually caring about things in the world, realising you're not a hero and becoming one in your own right through effort.

I would recommend to anyone who hasn't played a Final Fantasy title before to just play VII if they were only going to play one.

>> No.4867071

The one thing about the story I remember liking is appreciating the way they managed to pull out the "save the world using power of friendship" theme starting with Cloud's selfish, aloof character.

>> No.4867095
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I like the way FF7 Abridged handled the characters like how Cloud isn't an emo but more like an egocentric prick and acts like an asshole because of all the bullshit he puts up with from his friends who use and belittle him.

>> No.4867136

Did people seriously have difficulties with the Wutai sidequest?

I keep reading online "save on a different slot because if you don't beat the boss in this section you're going to be very frustrated" but it's an easy section that can be tackled no problem right after getting the tiny bronco.

>> No.4867391

>muh childhood

>> No.4869536

Exactly this. Caring what other people think makes you a follower. VII is easily the best.

>> No.4869578

>thought i was a big FF / JRPG fan
>only ever finished 7, 8, Chrono Trigger / Chrono Cross, Pokemon, and Star Ocean 2
I don't think I'll ever play RPGs again too

>> No.4872062

While I'm not a fan of TFS in general I can respect them for respecting the source material.

>> No.4872075

I haven't touched FFVII until a few years ago. I was already a huge fan of the SNES ones and went in with 100% contrarian expectations. The game blew me away, it's basically flawless. The pacing is great, the setting is very memorable and the gameplay is just right. While not my favorite (that'd be V for gameplay and IX for presentation) I'd easily concede it's the best FF game as an overall package.

>> No.4872325
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>> No.4872346
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I honestly just don't enjoy RPG's they always start the same, in a village, character that's already built for us to experience "THEIR" story. Its built up really slow and nothing gets good till disk 2. I mean you can say that about a hell of a lot of JRPGS (even western ones). The only games that are mildly interesting in the same vein, in my opinion, are your action RPG titles that offer a little bit more gameplay rather than sitting and waiting. Honestly, I can't believe how I sat through turn-based combat when I was younger. It blows my mind how I was able to sit there and get nothing out of both the plot and the game play. I don't really have a vendetta against turn based or action rpg titles, and trust me, I've played a little bit of everything from "Tactics Ogre" to "Final Fantasy Tactics." They just aren't things I could possibly consider wasting time on anymore. I'm glad however that people are interested in the plots of most of these games, probably just not my cup of tea story-wise. I started Chrono Cross again recently and then I realized how formulaic it was. Go to the location, fight a monster, story progression, go to a location, talk to EVERYONE LEAVE NO STONE UNTURNED, fight a monster, story progression, etc.

I just stick to shmups these days.

>> No.4872349

>I just stick to shmups these days.
Prepare to get lynched by the local JRPG hive mind

>> No.4872357
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>> No.4872358

Who's mad here?

>> No.4872360

shmups are annoying. dodge bullets, die, repeat. they're hard and boring simultaneously and offer no incentive to keep going.