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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4849801 No.4849801 [Reply] [Original]

What happened?

>> No.4850047

All the buyers wanted circa 2003 thrift store bargains while all the sellers wanted modern ebay prices.

>> No.4850128

So the sellers are at fault? Something used is only worth what someone will pay >:(

>> No.4850940

Well you can make the effort. Post what you're looking to buy or what you got to trade away and see if you get any nibbles.

>> No.4851068

I don't have anything, I just used to use it years ago

>> No.4851074

Over abundance of collector faggots, no one selling anything interesting.

>> No.4852405

Anyone have any interested in a region free Dreamcast?

>> No.4852410

May as well post considering it doesn't appear this thread is against the rules, but people just stopped having things to sell.

MM3 Playstations: $30
Dreamcasts with region-free BIOS, resettle controller board fuse, rechargeable battery, battery holder $70

Have some other stuff in stock and pictures with timestmaps/install pictures, vrguy@mail.com

>> No.4853281

So >>4850047

>> No.4853293

$30 for a pre-modded PSX is pretty decent. You can usually nab a PSX for about $10, not buying modchips in bulk is usually around $10 as well. What he’s offering is pretty close to cost. $10 for the labor of installing the modchip is reasonable, too.

>> No.4853795

When their board first started a while back there were some people who wanted to sell shit but then we had a lot of scammers. I remember there was always one guy who ended up getting something from here. I nearly sold some stuff back then too.
I would try agian here since I have some retro tech and games I need out of the way.
Like SFC Star Fox and Behar Brothers Garo, I'm willing to sell for Major discounts. I sold something on /fit/ before tho

>> No.4853806
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When you break the costs down I'm charging 20 bucks for an hour of my time with specialized equipment you don't have available. Meanwhile eBay asks $50-60 for just the BIOS swap.

>> No.4853815

I've literally never heard of anyone getting scammed, source?

>> No.4853834

Is that you vrmodfag? Still enjoying my modded PSone.

>> No.4853851
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What was your email sans the tld, friendo

>> No.4853853

Both are at fault. Buyers being unrealistic and sellers being inflexible.

>> No.4853861

a lot of the reason why i dont sell anything cheap is cause i just feel like they are going to resell it. i cant charge somebody $40 for smash bros but when you can put it on ebay and make 20 bucks off when i sell it for $20 it pises me off

>> No.4853864


>> No.4854070

I can't remember anyone getting scammed but since its 4chan I'm assuming people were trying too, lowballing or just afraid they weren't getting their product.
I'm still down to sell some stuff with some photos attacthed the issue is whether people are interested.

>> No.4854128

No one got scammed, or at least no one was scammed and reported it in the thread. Things were going good back when sellers were selling below ebay prices($5-$10 less), buyers and sellers were willing to TRADE, and buyers weren't looking to get 2005 era prices just because "It's a very common and popular game, even if the ebay price is $50 I should be able to get it for $20 or $25 max." Sellers could move stuff collecting dust without dealing with ebay, buyers could get games for cheaper, and everyone could trade around for something new or interesting.

Then all the sellers changed from people selling a handful of items they no longer wanted to collectors trying to offload the 70 duplicates they have at ebay prices, the buyers stopped being willing to buy, and everyone stopped being willing to trade period.

It went from swap meet B/S/T to collectors trying to use the thread as a classified listing. At that point it wasn't much different from ebay except less buyer protection. So the threads died.

>> No.4854171

thanks for sticking around all these years

>> No.4854224

if this thread is still on tomorrow I'll post some stuff tomorrow.

>> No.4854280

prices should always be 10% less than eBay because youre not paying fucking 10% fees on your sale god damn retards

>> No.4854684
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Hey vrmodfag, the v-saturn I bought off you 4 years ago is still going strong :)

>> No.4854706

Do you always have stuff on hand? I'm moving soon so I can't be ordering new shit, but I think a modded PS1 might be a wise investment in the future.

>> No.4854740

Top kek kid. Any fool can find a mod chip for a fraction of that. What does that make you? I pay under a buck for mine. And $10 to solder 8 wires? Wew lad.

>> No.4854743

why would you larp in a BST thread?

>> No.4854770
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>> No.4855242

woah, chill out I didn't mention anything other than trying to put stuff up. No need to come at me like that.

>> No.4855363
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fuck you man im upset

>> No.4855368

Good to hear man, bizarre to know there's several of you still here

>> No.4855389
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I get ya, I haven't bought video games in forever and I come back once in a while only to be shocked at how fast prices increased and how many games went from being uncommon to ULTRA R@R3. I didn't know NGPC were expensive too now.

>> No.4855391

that system fucking sucks, i had one a few years ago, cant see anything on it and the library is bad. meme console

>> No.4855572

If it takes you an hour to install a mod chip? Is that because you use "specialized equipment" like mutilated cutlery instead of a standard screwdriver?

>> No.4856123
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>If it takes you an hour to install a mod chip? Is that because you use "specialized equipment" like mutilated cutlery instead of a standard screwdriver?

Dude, I'm not the anon you're talking to, but fuck right off. If you want a piece of his "huge money making business" then do it yourself and post instead of being a fucking LARPing hater.

You're a thousand times more annoying than anyone on this thread, I don't believe in suicide, but go maim yourself or something, preferably so you can't pass on your genes.

$30 for a premodded ps1 is fucking pocket change, $70 for a dreamcast is what one modern game will cost you. Just fucking stop.

>> No.4856134

plz, anon
we all dishwashas heer
braggin about retro while secret desiring interactive movies

>> No.4856160

You sound very mad

And very reddit

Please go back

>> No.4856184
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>> No.4856187

problem is they think a dreamcast doesnt sell for $50-60 all day long in 2018

>> No.4856192


>> No.4856846

>not soldering to the dsp directly

>> No.4857362

Here's a few things I'm selling cause Ebay sucks and I want this out of the way in good hands

SFC Star Fox loose $8 shipped

SS Sega Touring Car Championship $5 Complete

Garo Component to VGA/Scart 65 (if I can find the power supply) 55 (if I can't)
Nothing wrong with it I just don't need it anymore works amazing

Prefer a trade but I'll sell it too
Advanced V.G for the PC/Turbo CD Looking to trade for another PC/Turbo CD game or $18

Shoot me an Email at bigbadbangaio at hotmail

If I have more stuff to sell I'll update the thread.

>> No.4857693
File: 42 KB, 800x600, PC_Engine_Core_Grafx_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought and traded with a couple anons based in Japan up until last year, hope you guys are still around. Never had any issue whatsoever.

>> No.4857704

really, they had BST threads last year? What did you get

>> No.4857718

It might have been from the BST or Japan anon threads, but I bought an AV Famicom, PCE core grafix, and Super Game Boy 2. I think the last time I bought and traded in earnest was in 2015-2016, trading a Sega Genesis 2 for a spice GameCube and buying SFC games. Lots of amiibo too.

>> No.4857750

Ahh thats pretty cool! Wish I was there to see these threads havent' been here since about Mid 2016. Glad that happened to you anon

>> No.4858538

As long as this thread is up I'm looking for gameboy and advance games of all kinds reach out to me at jimrussler gmail

>> No.4860296

do you really want to buy sell or trade with anyone here? i sincerely doubt there are many ppl here who are generous or looking to give a fair deal or price on either side of the counter.