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File: 2.00 MB, 2233x1764, Mega-Man-4-Characters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4828989 No.4828989 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best classic Mega Man and why is it 4?

>> No.4828998

Want us to validate your tastes?
All of them are good, some less than others design-wise. Megaman 2 probably is the last on the list but still a fun game overall.

>> No.4829006

I'm probably in the minority but I think my favorite of the NES ones is 5, but 4 is pretty good too

>> No.4829010
File: 444 KB, 1270x803, MM2-MetalBlade-Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find a flaw on this weapon

>> No.4829058

4 isn't a bad choice, but I might have to give it to 2, even if it's the mainstream choice.
I think you meant to say 3 is last on the list, bud.

>> No.4829060 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4829150

Too unbalanced
Negates too many challenges
Ugly color
Basic-ass weapon

>> No.4829221

3 doesn't have a horribly designed boss like the bomb turrets in 2 nor a super economic and OP weapon you can shoot in 8 directions.

>> No.4829398

I just finished & Bass for the first time. It's not as hard as people make it out to be, especially the king 2 bosses. Hell, I had way more trouble with Burner Man and Dynamo Man. The latter was a huge cunt with the healing bullshit.

>> No.4829508

>Find a flaw on this weapon
That's precisely its flaw. Hardly a reason to use anything else.

>> No.4829636

Because it has the most polish, without all the gimmicks of 5 and 5, the best level design, mostly useful weapons, great music, and challenging bosses.

Also, the Cossack-to-Wily bait-and-switch was fun and original before 5 and 6 came out.

>> No.4829995

5 probably has the weakest premise. You can at least write 6's plot off as a joke; Wily's disguise is paper-thin and Capcom had to know that nobody was going to fall for the same trick three times.
In 5 there's absolutely nothing stopping Protoman from showing up and going "dude, it's not me" at any time.
Then again, it's Mega Man, so who really cares about plot.

>> No.4830187

even if it wasn't overpowered, the other weapons are useless half the time anyway.

>> No.4830207

My personal favorite of the classic series is 6.
However, I can see why 4 might be some people's favorite.

>> No.4830258

1 is the best because casuals whine that it’s too hard without glitches

>> No.4830259

yellow devil is actually pretty simple because the pieces always move in the same order. i've never figured out how to beat fireman without taking damage though.

>> No.4830263


>> No.4830268

>yellow devil is actually pretty simple because the pieces always move in the same order.
I fully agree, I really don’t know how the yellow devil meme started. Ice Man is also a heavily pattern based boss yet I find him trickier because the timing window to jump in between ice flashers is much more precise than jumping in beteeen yellow devil pieces. But then elec beam tears him to shreds so it’s really only somewhat challenging if you’re fighting him with just the buster.

Fire Man is easy, just do the video other anon posted. Elec Man has a similar rhythm but if you do it right he can’t even get a shot off

>> No.4830296
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>The latter was a huge cunt with the healing bullshit
Holy fuck this. I just gone done replaying it too and I hated that bullshit so much, combined with the fact that the copy weapon isn't really that much of a strength against him.

My favorite would be & Bass, having replayed all of them recently. People whining that Bass is "too easy" need to git gud with Megaman. The only reason Bass is "easy" in platforming is because he's basically a perpetual rush jet that can skip things. I bet people thinking the game is too hard with Megaman are the type to skip as much challenges as possible with the rush jet and so on.

I like & Bass because the two characters allow for lots of replayability, the levels are fun and memorable, the weapons are all useful, the shop is actually useful too, the music is awesome, the animation is beautiful, and the CD sidequest is awesome for fans of the series (plus the official translation is hilariously dumb). It hits all the right marks for me, though I don't think any classic MM game is bad.

My favorite NES MM game is 3, for what it's worth. Never got the hardon for 2 when 3 is so much more polished.

My absolute favorite Megaman games are the battle network series though.

>> No.4830324

>the copy weapon isn't really that much of a strength against him.
yeah it didn't help that half the time he'd start healing while you're still waiting for the copy to wear off. they should've made it do more damage to make up for that.

>> No.4830329

they balanced the game so that bass would have an easier time with platforming but megaman would have an easier time with bosses, except maybe dynamo man because bass can fire at the healing shit from below.

>> No.4830349

Is it bad that I don't care about Dynamo's healing ability and just use MM/Bass's busters against him instead of his weakness?

>> No.4830353

you do you man

>> No.4830367

>but megaman would have an easier time with bosses, except maybe dynamo man because bass can fire at the healing shit from below.
The funny thing is anybody who’s actually done challenge runs of the game knows that dynamo man is the ONLY boss that’s harder to perfect run with bass than mega man, because he can’t slide under the orb attack.
Tengu is significantly easier with Bass than Mega, Burner is hard with both, none of the other bosses are particularly tricky with easier but all of the stages are easier with bass

>> No.4830378

How is this a question, it's 2.

>> No.4830381
File: 390 KB, 739x662, Mm7_wilycapsule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.4830384
File: 288 KB, 1169x1653, MM&B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't make that much of a difference because his weakness (the copy vision) is basically an auto buster. But it is easier to use it because when Dynamo Man's orb attacks go after the copy and not you, so you only have to dodge his other attacks. If you find it hard to avoid his orbs, try using the copy vision.

As a side note, the monkey boss in King's fortress will also target the copy vision instead of you, so using it there makes that fight a lot easier.

>Tengu is significantly easier with Bass than Mega
Are you talking about buster only runs? Because if you use the drill weapon he's not really hard at all with either character. He's in fact one of the few bosses that gets totally decimated by the special weapon, most bosses are balanced so that the correct weapon gives you and advantage but not an autowin.

Burner Man is hard with both though. Dynamo Man is annoying and the fight can drag on, but Burner Man is just brutal because of how fast he is and how hard it gets to properly corner him with the ice wall weapon...

>> No.4830387
File: 12 KB, 256x224, MM7_DWno55_ShadeMan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'll get a lot of shit for this, but for me, it's VII.

>> No.4830392

seven is underrated

>> No.4830401
File: 35 KB, 457x614, Super Adaptor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the Super Adaptor.

>> No.4830408

>gets wrecked by a slinky

Not today, Wily.

>> No.4830414

I love VII too. It's way more creative than the previous couple games in the series and the localized ending is really memorable.

It only gets overlooked because MMX hogged the spotlight, and while X is awesome I'd rather play VII than X2 or X3, honestly.

>> No.4830427

>In 5 there's absolutely nothing stopping Protoman from showing up and going "dude, it's not me" at any time.

Wasn't Protoman trying to save Cossack daughter/Dr.Light?

>> No.4830482

>Are you talking about buster only runs?
Buster-only no damage, specifically

>> No.4830538

yeah 7 is the best

>> No.4830602

7 is pretty fun.
I really don't understand why some people consider it to be the worst in the classic series.
I thought it had charm.

>> No.4830610


>> No.4831376

3 is my favorite since it has the best controls.
I don't like charge buster, since it made 4 too easy.

>> No.4831382
File: 4 KB, 256x240, 3638screenshot2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 is great once you get used to it. The couple of first playthroughs leave a bad taste because of the small FOV, but once you know the game and the enemy placement, you can start having fun.
People who don't like 7 are probably the kind of people who only play a game once.

>In 5 there's absolutely nothing stopping Protoman from showing up and going "dude, it's not me" at any time.

Well, that's pretty much what I did:



>> No.4831386

I'd still give 2 the edge because it's the better overall game, while 3 starts you off strong and then peters out HORRIBLE the instance you go from the hard as fuck Doc Robot stages to the piss easy Wily stages.

>> No.4831453

Wow I didn't know there were so many Mega Men. But is that Mega Man in the lower right a vent or something? That's weird.

>> No.4831494
File: 3.37 MB, 3492x2311, r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey don't talk shit about dust man, the 12 year old who designed him is a pretty cool dude

>> No.4833283
File: 933 KB, 1600x1235, RCO012_1466535800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with the Wily stages in 3 is that they're short and all use the same graphics. They're rushed.

The Docbot stages were a cool idea but some of the bosses are too damn horrible, again because the game was rushed. Between the Docbots and the fortress, too many bosses were designed with only their weaknesses in mind.

Someone ITT said 3 was more polished than 2 but I don't see it.
It's a shame because the initial 8 stages of the game are damn great.

And that is part of the reason why MM4 is the best. In 4 they learnt from their mistakes and also the game was actually polished all the way through. The 2 castles thing was a better idea than Docbot because it allowed for diversity of stages. The charge shot is also not OP like it became in 5 and 6

>> No.4833345

I miss the magnet beam. It was really fun to use.

>> No.4833371

>3 doesn't have a horribly designed boss
What are the fucking Doc Robots.

>like the bomb turrets in 2
Can be killed in one life if you aren't retarded.

>nor a super economic and OP weapon you can shoot in 8 directions.
You're right, the Shadow Blade is a super economic and OP weapon you can shoot in 5 directions.

>> No.4835717
File: 763 KB, 1507x1401, MMManga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are classic MM fans ITT who haven't read the Ariga mangas

What's your excuse? They're even being re-released in colour and comics format.

>> No.4835720
File: 314 KB, 640x360, Megaman-Power-Battle-Coop1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are classic MM fans ITT who haven't played Power Battle, Power Fighters and Battle&Chase

What's your excuse? At least for Battle&Chase there is an excuse since the western releases are shit and you have to play it in Jap, but using screenshots and FAQs for car parts I managed.



>> No.4836726

the arcade games are nice but the novelty wears off after an hour. battle and chase is a mediocre kart racer.

>> No.4836752

You probably shouldn't be playing any arcade game for an hour straight, unless you're aiming for world records and shit. They're usually things you pick up now and again when you don't want to invest too much time into a specific vidya. A lot of handheld titles are like this.
For me personally, I wish somebody would crank out Mega Man 3: The Power (whatever) with robots from Mega Man 8-11. The Mega Man 7 / Power Battle artstyle was always my favorite out of all the old Mega Man titles.

>> No.4837332
File: 62 KB, 320x240, SLPS_910.93_04072017_205658_0865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Battle&Chase was surpringsly good and underrated.
The management aspect with all the different parts you get to earn and try to build up your ultimate car, or to change part depending on what environment the course is in, was fresh.

Mind you in order to truely enjoy the game, you have to play through the adventure campaign 4 times, as each loop becomes a little more difficult and only in the end of the 4th loop you'll have earnt all the car parts.

The best is to play as Quickman, his turbo system is tons of fun.

>> No.4839486

>People who don't like 7 are probably the kind of people who only play a game once.
Honestly, same for X6. The game gets better the second time

>> No.4839495

best boss theme, sounds really panicky as a boss theme should
wish it had more decent remix versions

>> No.4840739

Playing 4 again right now and it's great, but I just finished 5 and god that game is so good. Triggered that it gets slept on so much

>> No.4841118

What exactly do you think is so good about 5?

>> No.4841175

What the FUCK is going on in this picture? Why is Sonic there? Is this some kind of comic?

>> No.4841191

Why does the fire disappear so quickly?

>> No.4841194

It's the Archie Comic books. They were making Mega Man and Sonic comics, so they did a crossover. Two actually, they're not very good, but the main comic book series is worth it, especially the first half.

doesn't beat the Ariga mangas though

>> No.4841195

It was from the Archie Megaman/ Archie Sonic comic crossover. They're both dead now.

>> No.4841203


Fresh off the presses! Improve X6 TODAY!

>> No.4841575

Yeah I saw, this looks pretty darn good and I will definitely try it next time I play X6.

X6 really is a game that has an awful first time experience but shines in later playthroughs, very unlike X5 which is the complete opposite.

>> No.4841860

Glad to see another X5 hater here. X6 may have been a little rough around the edges, but god damnit it was FUN and exciting.

I don't know if I've ever been as excited for a game as I was for X5. At the time, it felt like there was such a massive gap between it and X4. Seeing screens of Zero with his buster back + X getting multiple armors was so freaking hype. But even that first playthrough was just insanely dull.

>> No.4841874
File: 2.22 MB, 1190x870, Mm3jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do so many people jerk off this game when 4 is better?
>clearly unfinished, buggy and and full of glitches
>doc robots are terrible as they use the exact same pattern as the megaman 2 bosses without accounting for the doc robots being taller
>wily stages are terrible
It introduced some great things like protoman, rush, and the slide but the actual game isn't that amazing.

>> No.4841882
File: 44 KB, 384x313, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like it as much as 4 but I like it more than 2.

>> No.4841883
File: 489 KB, 1024x736, arthur-gng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Megaman games are for incompetent (man)children who prefer casual experiences.

Patricians play the superior Capcom sidescroller series.

>> No.4841887
File: 37 KB, 708x480, 1519109798235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw megaman was also in that game and is why I bought it
Awesome game btw. Arthur kind of sucked in it, but dang if he didn't look cool.

>> No.4841907

Real men play Mega Man 1.

>> No.4841913

yeah the powered up version, since it's the only megaman game to have an actual challenging boss rush

>> No.4841914

um sweatie they're both good...

>> No.4841932
File: 157 KB, 350x360, oilman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oilman's a nigger...


>> No.4841945

I don't know nothing about no Time Men and Oil Men.

>> No.4841948
File: 372 KB, 500x614, Ghosts_'n_Goblins_-_Sir_Arthur_as_he_appears_in_Cannon_Spike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I wish the Cannon Spike armor was used for a Ghost and Goblins game.

>> No.4841956
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>> No.4841995
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>> No.4842006

tell me more

>> No.4842056

>X4 was outstanding
>X gets the Falcon Armor AND the Gaea Armor
>Fourth and Ultimate Armors return as well
>Zero's Z-Buster returns, last seen in X3
>Plot is about Zero's viral origins
>X vs Zero, Zero vs X and X vs Shin Zero (Shin Zero ending being canon)
>Can now choose your character before each stage

This game had a LOT of good ideas. But somehow it managed to make a mistake in all of them:

>X4 had more fun levels and bosses (just look at the boss sprites in X5, they don't move!)
>X needs to acquire all parts to use an armor now. At least (weaker) Fourth Armor is provided at the start of the game.
>The Z-Buster is complete shit
>Plot is somewhat cool but not skippable, which is tedious when replaying the game a lot (also Alia interrupts make replays completely unfun)
>X vs Zero and Zero vs X have the worst justification for fighting. At least X vs Shin Zero is excellent and on-flavor.
>The way Heart Tanks and such work make it so you're much better min-maxing either X or Zero, making the decision less cool (ex: you kinda want to try that armor you completed, but Zero is the character you boosted. Woops). Oh and the Shin Zero ending makes this worse.

X5 was so close to being a top tier X game, same for X6 but for different reasons.

>> No.4842219
File: 36 KB, 821x869, 1527382763274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X6 is unironically one of my favorite X games. The only ones I'd put above it are X1 and X4. Hell, sometimes I'm crazy enough to think X6 is the most fun.

I'd legitimately rather playthrough X7 again than X5.

>> No.4842265

>I'd legitimately rather playthrough X7 again than X5.
WHOA, whoa now, Anon. Let's not say things we can't take back.


>> No.4842273


>> No.4842285
File: 527 KB, 1400x1400, Flamehyenard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4842331

Mega Man 4 fags have somehow usurped Final Fantasy 9 fags as the most insecure fans of an oddly specific game within a franchise on this board

>> No.4842335

It's really hard to top Megamix. I don't think anything Flynn could have written would have ever surpassed Shadowman forcing Mercury and Neptune through Earth's atmosphere while shouting "CAN YOU STAND THE HEAT OF THE WORLD THAT YOU TRIED TO DESTROY?!"

>> No.4842336

what did I ever do to you man...

>> No.4842349

Probably happened since it's the most inoffensive game in the series. There's nothing blatantly wrong with it (Like Boobeam Trap, Wily Capsule 7, Frost Man, etc), so it doesn't get shitposted about as much as the other games.

>> No.4842374

>(Like Boobeam Trap, Wily Capsule 7, Frost Man, etc)
And 2 being too easy, 3's awful slowdowns and lazy wily castles, 5's over-reliance on gimmicks, 6's shitty robot master designs and fucked-up slide, 7's megaman being too huge, and 8's retarded autoscroller sections.

...You know what. Fuck Megaman. It's all complete trash.

>> No.4842382

There is literally nothing wrong with Wily capsule 7, casual.

>> No.4842384

It's the most inoffensive because it's the best designed one, of course you get shitters that think wonderful design is "soulless" and "boring" and they need stupid shit like overpowered weapons, ridiculous bosses, or unfair levels to spice up the game, so to speak

>> No.4842385

5 is fun okay...

>> No.4842389

>it’s the best designed one because I said it’s the best designed one

>> No.4842397

if I'm not getting instakilled every 10 seconds then it's not hardcore enough for a true gamer like myself

now excuse me while I go back to playing X6

>> No.4842404

I could write an essay on why MM4 is the best one on NES, only major flaw is that the pre-Cossack/Wily bosses are too basic. In fact I sincerely believe the only other game prior to MM9 that can stand up to MM4 is MM7

>> No.4842419

4fag here, this man does not represent us...

>> No.4842487

In fact here's what I think of each Mega Man game, best to worst from top bottom

>9: The quiessential Mega Man experience. The level design is excellent and challenging without being blatantly unfair, and the weapons play around nicely. Biggest flaw: spikes are sometimes placed unfairly, that's really it

>10: A lot of content such as three playable characters and three optional bosses which each give their own weapons, as well as three vastly different difficulties. However, even with this quantity, quality is not sacrificied. Some of the most fun bosses in the entire series. Biggest flaw: generally shitty weapons

>7: While a controversial choice, I see very few fundamental issues with this game. Great level design, music, and spritework. It also happens to have my favorite endboss. Like 10, it has great amounts of content in the form of secrets. Biggest flaw: limited screen estate

>4: Like 9 but with shittier bosses. Biggest flaw: first half of game has boring boss fights

>3: Very interesting concepts were thrown around in this title, and though it is unfinished this hardly reflects in the final product as the presentation and level design is still superb. Slide and Rush are fun and the game does a great job of utilizing these new features. Biggest flaws: weak late game, hardware limitations

>1: Good weapons and good level design, has flow to it and the weaknesses are actually intuitive. I miss magnet beam. Biggest flaw: short

>6: About as good as 1 for the samwme reasons. Biggest flaw: having to constantly switch between rush adaptors kills the flow in the later stages

>2: Overrated game though still good, just doesn't stand out to me in any particular way. Biggest flaws: painfully average

>5: The first bad game on this list, the game gives you the strongest weapon right at the start(charge shot). Biggest flaw: there is no sense of progression when beating bosses because their weapons suck

>8: Biggest flaw: lacks Mega Man's design philosophy

>> No.4842491

2's biggest flaw is that every wily stage after the first one sucks

>> No.4842497

This is what I get for phoneposting, fucking big ass fingers lmao

>> No.4842504

The problem is that there's no difficulty curve leading into it. MM7 is a cakewalk until that motherfucker comes out of nowhere. It would have fit better in something like MM&B.

>> No.4842604

>the type of person who boasts of being able to write an essay on a mega Man game is an obese phoneposter
It all makes sense

>> No.4842619

Calm down nigger don't act like you've never made a typo on your phone while trying to type quickly

>> No.4842647 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 1536x2048, A765861A-DE27-4EF7-8E59-C70ED8DBA618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking big ass fingers lmao

>> No.4842664 [DELETED] 

is that your boyfriend?

>> No.4842668 [DELETED] 

I was just fucking around my fingers are 22mm in width

>> No.4842675 [DELETED] 

Why the fuck do you have that pic?

>> No.4842687 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 640x853, lwiyxc2_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reverse searched this pic, you really took a man's before and after pictures to insult the fingers of an anonymous user

>> No.4842705
File: 19 KB, 337x372, 1520121277603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing MM1 on the PS4 collection
>everything going great, start iceman's stage
>get to the part with the helicopter platform enemies
>end up passing THROUGH one of the platform guys I jumped on and getting hurt, falling to my death
>confused af but rationalize that there must have been bullet I didn't see that caused me to pass through or something
>happens AGAIN, 100% positive there was no bullet
Man what in the fuck, I don't remember this ever happening in MM1. Is this unique to the PS4 collection? Or has it always existed and I just never realized?

>> No.4842714

Solid list, very little there I don't agree with.

Totally agree, easily worst in the series. I'm a huge fan of the og Mega Man series, and that's the only one I never bothered to finish. I'd like to SHOVE! SHOVE! that fucking snowboard up the directors ass.

This one I think never gets a fair shake. I thought it built nicely on 4 (one of my favorites), and the the Gravity Man stage is really fucking fun. The buster is pretty op, but not as bad as in 6. Beat was also a cool addition.

Coolest level designs in the whole series.

>> No.4842719

I've only seen that happen when they're shooting bullets, but those things are so unreliable that I'm sure there's plenty of ways they can break.

>> No.4842720

Ugh. I fucking hate that section.
The Robot Master path I take usually grants me the Magnet Beam which I use to skip most of that shit, though.

>> No.4842726

Fug. Maybe I'll try to jump on them when they aren't shooting then. I was thinking of bullets coming at me from the other platform guys, but I guess it would make sense if a bullet loading up inside of the platform I jumped on registers as a hit against me for some glitchy reason.

If I lose my last life here I may just do that, kek.

>> No.4842756 [DELETED] 

>doesn’t take a shirtless after photo because he probably has saggy skin from being so fat in the beginning

>> No.4842758

IIRC you can only clip through those guys if they're going upwards and you're going downwards. If you only jump on them while they are going down you should find yourself getting past them with more consistency

>> No.4842759
File: 247 KB, 791x580, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck man. I thought I must be crazy but I'm literally just passing right through the top of their heads.


>> No.4842761 [DELETED] 

Thanks for the tip, I'll give that a shot.

>> No.4842762

Thanks for the tip, I'll give that a shot.

>> No.4842767

this is why you don't start with ice man

>> No.4842771

Anyone else like the Inti Creates games (9 and 10) the most? I know they're not retro but they really captured what made the classic games good and added to them with new modes and characters.

>> No.4842772

Their emulator is probably too buggy. Don't expect Capcom and their contractors to match the quality of open source projects, even though source code is freely available.

>> No.4842779

I find 10 to be a little dull, but 9 is good. Easily inti's best games.

>> No.4842780

I did Cutman > Elecman > Iceman, but yeah. I think for anyone future runs I'm just going to do Gutsman > Cutman > Elecman > Iceman to avoid this bullshit.

>> No.4842781

I fucking love MM10.
...I'm not quite feeling MM9's difficulty, though.

>> No.4842783

I loved MM9, but I passed on 10 back in the day because I was mad they did the 8-bit meme again. I gave them a pass the first time on 9 because they claimed it was to see if there was demand or something. Is 10 any good?

>> No.4842789

10's good, I have a list above where I rank every game with brief detail and I put 10 at 2nd place

>> No.4842790

They're both stellar games.
I personally wanted to see more games done in the Mega Man 7 / Power Battle artstyle, since that's my favorite, but eh.

>> No.4842792
File: 211 KB, 936x854, MM5-GyroMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 is a great game. I can't believe some people dislike it.

All the games are great. The weakest is probably 1 or 6 for obvious reasons: it was the first and they stopped trying.

I still have them on my NES music list, though.

Elevator going up!

>> No.4842803

I liked 10, it's similar to 9 but a bit more experimental I would say. The weapons all had unique properties like chill spike which could freeze enemies but also lays ice spikes on the ground that hurt enemies that cross it. The new challenge mode was pretty neat and added some extras. The stages all had their share of gimmicks like Commando Man's sandstorm that pushes you back or forward and stops you from seeing the spikes or bottomless pits. Protoman and Bass were great too. Protoman had the slide and charge but took double damage. Bass had all his abilities from Mega Man and Bass except the double jump.

>> No.4842852

>end up passing THROUGH one of the platform guys I jumped on and getting hurt, falling to my death
It's most likely the other way around: getting hurt is what's causing you to fall through to your death. It happens when you touch a Foot Holder right as it fires. See, if your downward velocity is high enough to hit the newly spawned bullet on the same frame as the platform, Mega Man will hit it before the platform can push him out of the way. And briefly after Mega Man takes damage, of course, enemies can't touch him. Enemies like the Foot Holder.

There was a lot they hadn't figured out in 1987.

>> No.4842861

Yeah, that's what I was thinking at first, but I was actually going a fair bit through them before I even got hurt. >>4842759

A little while after this post, on the last one before the end of the section, I literally ended up passing completely through without ever getting hurt at all.

>> No.4842871

Those platforms are serious jank.
You're gonna want to whip out the Magnet Beam if you want to get to ice boi.

>> No.4842876

I did eventually get by it and I'm on Wily's stages now (saving that for tomorrow since I need to go to bed already). But yeah, I'm getting the magnet beam first from now on.

>> No.4842881


Yeah, they're just--they're not good.

>> No.4842883

this is actually painful to watch

>> No.4842912

Real pain in the ass is getting 50 gold medals on the challenges.

>> No.4842916

I did that, 51 medals in fact

>> No.4842928

6 is a beautiful game and it has rush power and jet adapters

>> No.4843323

>hardware limitations

Stop with this meme. A laggy NES game isn't laggy because of the NES, it's laggy because of unoptimized programming.
There are romhackers who wrote optimization patches for MM3-4-5-6 which get rid of all lag and which work on the original hardware.

The truth is, back in the day they didn't really care, if there was a little lag it was "acceptable lag", it's not like these days where console reviewers are going to emphasize on "60 FPS AT ALL TIMES". If the game was done and it would have required 2 more weeks to fix this little lag, then it was done, it wasn't worth delaying the game or investing in for.

In the case of MM3 it gets even worse than "little acceptable lag" because the game was rushed and was released before they had a chance to really finish it, polish it a little.
As a concrete example (and I hope I'm remembering this right, but either it's something like that): in MM3 there is a subroutine that checks if wherever the player is standing, there is enough space. Afaik the only purpose is to kill the player in Spark Man stage with the falling blocks.
In other words it's not a light routine and it plays every single tic through the entire game even though it's only needed in a couple of screens of ONE stage.
I hope that gives you an idea why MM3 is laggy now, it's not the only reason of course, but you get the idea.

>> No.4843339
File: 4 KB, 256x224, megaman9-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree about 9 being the best.

What I think makes it the best is its rythm, its flow.

Once you know the game, there is the perfect balance between being able to rush through, but with skill, and moments when you have to stop to kill a bigger enemy.
What I mean by "rushing through with skill" is moments like that:
>rooms with traps or threatening enemies
>you can actually rush through if you simply jump at the right time and never fails
Think the start of Magma Man stage for example
>there is a mandatory jump and a bit later, once you land an enemy spawns
>you can kill the enemy as it spawns if you shoot at the right moment during the jump

None of this was by chance. The game is speedrunning friendly in a skill based way, and that's part of what makes it so good, on top of having the best flow, the best balance between platforming, shooting, traps, etc

Compare this to MM5 where the game is pretty much just straight lines and anyone just starting can rush through with little thought by spamming the OP charge shot the game has.

imo MM10 isn't as good exactly because the flow isn't as good. People complained about the insta deaths in 9, so they toned down those in 10, and to compensate they made more challenge based on enemies.
As a consequence the game is much slower paced. You have to stop all the time, even when you know the game, which makes the game feel more like a drag.
Sure it has some moments of clarity, like the last scroll of Commando Man with the sandstorm pushing you: if you jump at the right times to avoid the enemies and pits you can ride the storm till the end of the scroll ; but those moments of clarity are too few.

>> No.4843349

On top of having less instadeath, I feel like the general damage output in MM10 is pretty low as well. Like, it feels as if it's balanced around Proto Man's defense rather than Mega Man's.

>> No.4843367
File: 35 KB, 514x453, magmabeams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case this wasn't clear, what I meant was that 9 was "speedrun and skill friendly" using the regular buster.
Anyone can rush through Plug Man stage using the Jewel Satellite, but if you learn it you can rush through pretty much just as fast using the buster.

About the insta deaths, I never understood why people complained about them. I feel like 9 has the right ammount and they're part of what makes the game feel awesome. There is something about running through traps and pits with the perfect timing and perfect jumps and coming out un-scathed.

And those traps too are speedrun friendly. Pic related is the best example, as anyone would stop and wait to make both jumps, except that if you rush through as you come in the room and never stop you can make it through just in time for both jumps.

>> No.4843376

never played a megaman game before, playing mega man x
the levels are fine but the bosses are way too hard, it's not even worth playing without savestates
is this normal?

>> No.4843379

Part of the Mega Man formula is to play through stages until you find an easy one and then figure out weakness patterns from there.

>> No.4843384

ye, especially the X games where you start off with barely any health

>> No.4843396
File: 5 KB, 256x232, MM5shieldtest226-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 is my favourite of the original 6, but it's true some bosses are weak.

Another thing I realized about 4 is that it lacks projectile based enemies, there are way too few.
Most enemies deal dmg by ramming into MM, and too few are based on shooting at you; and even out of the shooting ones, most of those are barely a threat.

After making a Protoman romhack for MM5 I thought of doing the same for 4, but quickly realized there would barely be 1-2 potential use for the shield per stage; and that's the 'potential' ones, meaning in reality you'd use the shield even less...

>> No.4843471

>Biggest flaw: having to constantly switch between rush adaptors kills the flow in the later stages

You're going to want to play with these patches, you can switch adatpors quicker, skip the anim etc:

For Rockman 6 rom (does not work with MM6):
Lag reduction patch but also speeds up the process of many things, like loading times, scrolling when entering a room, etc:
Fixed sliding. In the original MM6, and unlike other MM games, you couldn't jump during a slide, plus there is a small delay, wait time, at the end of a slide. This fixes both:
With both patches applied, RM6 becomes 100% more fun.

For other games:

For MM3, there is "Improvement" which gets rid of all lag, fixes a lot of glitches, and also has some other additions/changes which you may or may not like

For Rockman 4 (doesn't work with MM4), lag reduction patch, there are two patches, one "standard" lag reduction, and another one which also changes other things like being able to switch weapons on the fly (but also gets rid of the autoscroll sections...)

For Rockman 5, but these ones also works with MM5. Lag reduction patch:
Lets you switch weapons on the fly (select, down+select, select+start):

Mega Man X3: fully playable Zero, but also makes the game better if you play as X, by getting rid of the delay when firing several charge shots, and by making level progression less linear (you can use a battle armor as soon as you have the tanks for it, and Zero can charge subweapons even without the upgrade, thus letting you open up levels in a less linear way):

>> No.4843476

I love Metal Blade, but let's be honest, it breaks the game in a big way.
>fires in all 8 directions
>range is to edges of the screen
>hard to run out of ammunition
>nearly half of the robot masters are weak to it
>the boss fight to acquire it is one of the easiest in the entire series

>> No.4843553

Outside of the Quick Boomerang and Metal Blade all weapons in Mega Man 2 are ass.
>Time Stopper is used up entirely in just one use and you can't pause while in it
>Crash Bomb takes forever too explode
>Atomic Fire takes too long to charge and uses a ton of energy
>Bubble lead is weak and only useful on things that have a weakness to it
>You can't move with the leaf shield and you throw it when you try to move
>Air Shooter uses a lot of energy and doesn't do a lot of damage to most enemies, not to mention the awful trajectory

>> No.4843632
File: 15 KB, 480x320, 1503017356877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW after 10 years I still haven't completed Mr. Perfect in MM9 because I always end up getting in the bossrush or against Wily

should I give it another try..

>> No.4843810

It's a game. If you don't enjoy it, don't do it.

>> No.4844105
File: 47 KB, 682x504, 1521226325807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give your rankings guys

5 > 4 > 1 = 9 > 3 > 8 > 2 = 6 > 7

>> No.4844117
File: 43 KB, 440x599, Bass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not retro

MM&B (the real MM9) > 3 > 1 > 2 > 7 > 4 > 6 > 5 > dogshit > 8

>> No.4844176
File: 1.02 MB, 972x873, angryvideogameman2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) 9
2) 4
3) tie between 7,10,MM&B
5) tie between 2,3
7) tie between 6,8
9) 1
10) 5

Yeah, I suck at this. I just like them all.

>MFW when I tried again and I only got hit once during the entire fortress
>Magma Man's jump during the bossrush

I'm having fun

>> No.4844182
File: 579 KB, 255x249, image_83.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and I also suck at math

>> No.4844229

I like how Time Stopper and Atomic Fire are balanced. They aren't meant to replace your buster, they're just absurdly strong weapons you can pull out once or twice in a stage when you need them.

>> No.4844479

>arthur kind of sucked in it
arthur sucks in every game, he can only take one hit and he's slow and can't change direction in midair like 95% of platform characters

>> No.4844531

Strict controls a la CV and GnG are superior to loose controls, you casual babby.

>> No.4844626

Source for that MM3 patch? I could really use it.

>> No.4844698


Here it is


>> No.4844768

I'm still mad about Bass's design being noticeably more complex than Mega Man's or Proto Man's. He just doesn't belong with these two.

>> No.4844789

Gotta show off them fancy 16-bit graphics.

>> No.4844829

The problem is the chest. If it had something like Mega Man or Proto Man, he'd be just fine and nobody would say he's too much like an X character. (Someone sprite this?)

>> No.4844852

Isn't Bass years newer than MM and PM? Makes sense for him to look more elaborate.

>> No.4845008
File: 52 KB, 504x517, k4wwn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Battle Network Bass is best Bass, he's simpler. He WAS created first in that series though, so maybe >>4844852 has a point.

>> No.4845012

Do Mega Man games have a logical way of figuring out which order to do the stages in (in regard to gaining weapons that are effective in other stages) or is this just something you have to bludgeon your way through the first 5 times if you're not using a guide?

>> No.4845021

Ideally all the weapons are useful in all the stages, but not every game can be MM9 or &Bass.

>> No.4845023

It used to be somewhat logical (Fire over Bomb, Bomb over Boulder, Boulder over Scissors, Scissors over Electricity, Electricity over Ice, Ice over Fire), but over time it became increasingly nonsensical and you end up with junk beating ice and springs beating vampires.

Sometimes there is a method to the madness. For example, in 6 tomahawks (USA) beat Yamato (Japan) and Yamato spaers beat the Knight (Europe), who in turn beats the centaur. It's random and sort of stupid, but there's a faint logic to it at least.

>> No.4845057
File: 29 KB, 369x442, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newer model. Most likely Zero's Protoman.
Also, what >>4844789 here says.
The Robot Masters also got more complex from there. Look at Astro Man, Sword Man and Turbo Man.
>Morphs into vehicle.
>Not a simple color scheme.
>Motor in torso exposed.

>> No.4845081
File: 17 KB, 670x376, 1756-0-1448061851[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part of the fun is tackling stages in a different way and figuring out the patterns.
It adds to replayability, but it can be a bitch, sometimes.
My favorite on this is 7.
>Throwing whatever I can at Spring Man.
>Attack him with Cloud Man's ability.
>He gets charged into a magnet.
>Hitting Shade Man with his ability in the last stage's gauntlet charges him up. Doing the same with Freeze Man makes him throw a pose.
>Burst man being weak to cold, heat and the buster attacks.

I wish more MM games did that, instead of following a cycle.

>> No.4845093

4 is great but not the best...and Minus Infinity is overall a better game (unlike most megaman romhacks)

>> No.4845203
File: 212 KB, 976x1200, complete stage select.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4845252

MI is good shit, but it's practically a whole different game from vanilla 4.

>> No.4845583
File: 24 KB, 765x394, Wii - Mega Man 10 - Bass Treble and Reggae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst offender is Bass's sprite in MM10. I guess they didn't have a choice because the original design is complicated and they had to make him look recognizable, but if Bass was made on NES he would never have looked like the MM10 Bass. Consider the following:

>Mega Man requires 7-8 8*8 sprites per frame
>Protoman requires 9-11 8*8 sprites per frame
>Bass requires 12-15 8*8 sprites per frame

>you have to fit every frame in the limited sprite pattern table

There is just not enough space for Bass. Consider the following: there isn't even enough space for Protoman either in most games.

The only NES MM game, as it is, which can have Protoman and Bass, as they are in 9-10, is MM5, only because MM5 is the only one using a system that has the possibility to load new sprites in the pattern table each time a new frame is displayed; but even then they didn't use it like this, they used it so they had a system with less hassle for the level designers to load various enemies in a level.

MM6 also loads new sprites in the pattern table but NOT on the fly, only during a loading screen when changing armor adaptor.

Of course any really good romhacker these days would find a way to load new sprites in the pattern table when needed, but it's just not what they did back then...

...and there is also the 2nd reason why Bass would have never used that many sprites: the per scanline sprite limit which with him would have led to even more sprite flickering.

There isn't a lot that MM9-10 do that the original games couldn't or wouldn't have done, some extra detailing in cutscenes, other very minor things like the Mega Mech Shark coming down over the floor (which wouldn't have been possible because both things would have been background graphics), but Bass is one of them.

>> No.4845779

So why does everyone hate 8?
The spritework and backgrounds are beautiful, and frankly as good as 9 and 10 are it's still a travesty that they refused to go forward and did a safe bet for retrobux.

>> No.4845790

I don't hate 8.
I DO hate 8's voice acting, though.

>> No.4845791

I completely agree, it's shit.

>> No.4845869
File: 2.22 MB, 2405x3493, 64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know the trick/timing so that Magma Man gets hit twice by a single Tornado shot ?
Afaik it happens 1 time out of 100 and it might even be a glitch...

Yeah I love all the secret little things in MM7, it has an impressive ammount of polish for what is said to be the classic MM with the shortest dev time.... although I have a hard time to believe that "3 months" quote.

>freezing the cloud platforms in Cloud Man stage gets rid of the cloud
>encassing the otherwise undestructible platfor mines using Burst Bubble

It feels different. Animation are more complicated and it just doesn't feel the same, it's not as fast and responsive... personally I don't have a problem with it but apparently that's a major complain for a lot of people.
There is also the focus on non platforming gimmicks like the snowboard... though MM5 started that trend with the jetski segment.

I love MM8, and especially the Japanese Saturn version, which is the only one with small different enemy placement, mostly having more enemies in some areas.

>> No.4845893

A lot of us love 8.

>> No.4845919

It's incredible how Inafune can't draw for shit

>> No.4845963

7 = 5 = 4 > 1 > 9 = 10 > 3 > 2 > 6 > MM&B > literal dogshit >>>>> 8

>> No.4847341

he's a reference to al jolson

>> No.4847657
File: 144 KB, 525x757, sliding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Ariga then?

>> No.4847690

Updating this list to include MM&B

>MM&B: It's like Mega Man 8 and Mega Man X6 had a baby, which is to say it's complete ass. Biggest flaw: extremely unfair design that is antithetical to what Mega Man is about

>> No.4847756

That's not bad at all, it fits the art style.
Inafune never improved.

Best Megaman illustration is probably that calendar from Yusuke Murata, then again it's Murata, he draws for a living.

>> No.4847761
File: 392 KB, 1000x1435, Mega+Man+Color_+vol1-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's Murata, he draws for a living.

So does Ariga.

There are also quite a few classic MM mangas that were only released in Japan, by other artists

But I think Ariga is the best. In that giant calender/poster by Murata MM looks thin and gay.

>> No.4847839
File: 67 KB, 200x113, MM_Heroes_Of_Capcom_Wallpaper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In that giant calender/poster by Murata MM looks thin and gay.
I prefer it that way, honestly. I was never a fan of the xboxhueg limbs.

>> No.4847841

Nice wallpaper

>> No.4847842
File: 637 KB, 1920x1080, NnkmmD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How embarrassing.

>> No.4847843
File: 150 KB, 1024x737, mercury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to play Mega Man V, it's one of the best entries in the classic series and it's a shame that it's overshadowed by the inferior hardware that shelters it

>> No.4847851

>Unlike previous Game Boy titles, the game did not reuse levels or bosses from the NES titles, but is a completely new game with its own storyline
Is this the only GB game world playing?

>> No.4848165
File: 208 KB, 1920x1080, 20180619175338_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all worth playing except II imo, but V is indeed the best.

God I wish it was in colour.... Hopefully Mastermix will continue to the end so we'll get see the Stardroids in colours at least in that.

I fucking did it.... after 10 years.


>> No.4848230
File: 300 KB, 1000x998, Mega Man Artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(1.) Mega Man 2
Has the most memorable and balanced stage design. It's not perfect, but none of the six games are. Best soundtrack by far, though I'd put Mega Man 3's soundtrack at a close second. Mega Man 2 also has the nicest ending. The metal blade weapon is over powered. And have you ever noticed how the easiest game in a franchise is usually the most popular? That's the case with Mega Man 2, I think. But it's non-overbearing difficulty is also what makes it more accessible to the less hardcore.

(2.) Mega Man 3
That on-screen slow down, man. It just sucks. Revisiting some of the main 8 stages before tackling Dr. Wily's Fortress was unnecessary. Other than that, you've got a darn near perfect game here. Brilliant design, best overall cast of robot masters and the majority of weapons you gain are all useful.

(3.) Mega Man 4
My favorite entry from the whole series and one of my top 10 fav games ever. Easily one of the best action/platform games on the NES, but not a best "Mega Man" game because of the charge shot. What's the point of beating robot masters and gaining new weapons if the weapon you initially have already gives you an advantage?

(4.) Mega Man
Classic stuff. You gotta love it. I know it's frustrating due to cheap moments, but hey, that's the name of the game with classic NES titles. Nothing sweeter than playing through the original MM title that started it all.

(5.) Mega Man 5
Has the weakest end fortress stages of the bunch. Gotta admit that Gravity Man's stage just plain rocks, and the other stages are equally fun and colorful. I really do like this game - it's just not as interesting as the four titles I've listed above.

(6.) Mega Man 6
Sorry, Mega Man 6 fans. And I know there's a lot of you out there, but the sixth entry had the weakest lineup of robot masters. All of them completely forgettable. But hey, saying Mega Man 6 is the worst Mega Man game is like saying the four-cylinder 912 is the worst Porsche. You'd still gladly drive it.

>> No.4848258
File: 45 KB, 600x480, 9c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that entire video

>> No.4848262

my naga


>> No.4848302

How is MM5's fortress stages any worse than the short deserted ones in MM3?

>> No.4848429

>What's the point of beating robot masters and gaining new weapons if the weapon you initially have already gives you an advantage?

Why do people keep seeing this about 4 when it's not true? It may be true for 5 and 6, but not in 4, the charge shot is the best balanced in 4 than in any other MM game.

In 4 the invicibility frame time of bosses is shorter (compared to 5 and 6) so using the weakness over having to charge a shot makes a substantial difference.

Besides the charge shot is not the best option against some bosses, take Dive Man for instance, if you insist on doing charge shots only, his torpedos will catch up to you pretty fast, it's better to use the regular buster.

Finally, some weaknesses deal more than 3 dmg.

Thanks, but I had luck on my side as well. Magma Man and Tornado Man gave me easy patterns (they can pull more difficult ones), and then Eddie gave a shitload of weapon energy right when I needed it especially after wasting so much on Jewel Man...

>> No.4848434

There's more to the weapons you obtain in the Mega Man universe than just using them for an advantage against bosses. Like, actually using the weapons in the stages you play through.

>> No.4848463
File: 43 KB, 500x750, Elec Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is MM5's fortress stages any worse than the short deserted ones in MM3?
It's just my subjective opinion. It's not a fact written in stone or anything. Is Mega Man 5 your favorite? Or maybe you just dislike Mega Man 3?

>There's more to the weapons you obtain in the Mega Man universe than just using them for an advantage against bosses. Like, actually using the weapons in the stages you play through.

Give us an example of times you use weapons other than your buster arm while playing Mega Man 4. Not counting the boss fights.

And I mean real examples of times YOU personally do so. Not examples of how someone COULD use them. Because, not meaning to judge you, but you're probably like the rest of us who blast through the stages with our buster arm, saving the weapons only for boss fights. And if we do use a weapon during a stage, it's rare.

>> No.4848473

I can only think of using the Rings to get through those blocks in Dust Man's stage and that's literally it

>> No.4848862
File: 10 KB, 512x389, 1222323714270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I love the charge shot. I think it's a great idea but I don't think it was done well in 4 because of not losing the charge when you get hit. In later installments, it's the perfect match to the slide, since they work together to avoid damage and capitalize on being good enough to avoid damage. The design is good.

What isn't good is how the weapons never really kept up. The buster is an option - But it's always the best option because the weapons fell short. The weapons are all balanced around the buster for the most part, save for the crucial difference of costing a limited resource. Why do weapons still have weapon energy requirements to this day? They all change your playstyle significantly enough that they should be alternatives to the buster. Instead they're treated like a key to a lock that rarely exists. Think of the weapons in, say, 6 for example:

>shot that arcs up
>shot that drops off immediately but creates a wall
>shot that has a shorter range but returns to you
>screen clear
>shot that travels along the ground
>needle cannon

All of these would change the way you play entirely if you were allowed to use one without consequence, but most were too weak per shot to justify their power cost, or their other drawback was too severe. If you could use them as much as you want you'd have more of a reason to drop the mega buster.

Honestly for me at least, this was a problem in games before the charge shot too. I never used my special weapons in the stages because again, they were limited, or had a limited range, or were more tricky than 'thing in front of you takes damage'. And the time it took to switch between them was rarely worth it over just mashing the B button. In the vaunted days before charge shot there was always a weapon (shadow blade, metal blade, etc.) that replaced the buster once you got it, but outside of that using them was rare in case you needed it later. Fuck you boobeam trap.

>> No.4848916

Drill Bomb is a really good weapon. It's not overly situational and has a unique function (remote detonation) that makes it more interesting to use than the buster.

I also use Rain Flush and Flash Stopper a lot, but they're kinda boring since they're just screen clears.

>> No.4849887
File: 46 KB, 1024x240, mm4skull_06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well I just didn't think it was the matter at all. Personally I like to use the buster as much as possible but the MM4 weapons have plenty of situational use that makes them better than the charge shot.

>rain flush
Clears the screen, notably useful against enemies during jumping segments or as a life saver. It hits everything and all at once, so compare that to the charge shot which is slow and only hits in front of you...

>Flash Stopper
Again, useful in jumping segments, more so than Rain Flush since it lasts longer, or if you wanna rush in an area which otherwise would require you to stop due to enemy patterns

>Pharaoh Shot
Do I even need to say it? It's like the charge shot but better since you can fire in diagonal directions. You can also use it when it's on top of your head as a protection against enemies coming above you; and since the devs forgot to clear the charge counter when you hit an enemy that way, you even get a free (no energy consumption) shot afterwards.

>Ring Boomerang
Can hit shielded enemies. For instance those flying shields in Skull Man stage, which come facing you, the ring boomerang is one of the only ways to kill them without taking dmg.

>Dust Crusher

>Skull Barrier
Yeah that one sucks too, I can't think of anything except repeating the "useful in jumping segments with enemies" line a third time.

>Dive Missile
Homes on enemies, good for enemies above or under you that the charge shot can't reach.
IIRC it's also one of the only 2 weapons which can kill Garyoby enemies.

>Drill Bomb
Remote detonation, really good once you get the hang of it as a single remote detonation can hit enemies twice.

>> No.4849890
File: 395 KB, 200x150, wily.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since the devs forgot to clear the charge counter when you hit an enemy that way, you even get a free (no energy consumption) shot afterwards.

Or rather it's the contrary, it's when the pharoh shot is above your head and that you hit an enemy with it that it counts as free.

>> No.4849934
File: 33 KB, 500x386, 1400247461468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no official Capcom demakes of 7 and 8 so we can have 10 straight games in the classic style
really triggers my OCD

>> No.4849967

There's Japanese fan 8-bit versions of those two, and Capcom is one of those few companies that doesn't throw a shitfit when fangames are made, so you could still probably track them down.
Even in the wake of all the fuck-ups the do nowadays, I still have a little respect for Capcom just for that. Only a little, though.
...now we just need an 8-bit Mega Man & Bass.

>> No.4849987

The only good thing about them is the bossfights really.

For 7 the translation to NES scale doesn't work at all, there is too much space everywhere and everything is empty.

For 8, they simply got rid of a LOT of things including entire stage segments.

>> No.4849998

Well, I wouldn't go expecting an official take to be much better.

>> No.4850020
File: 258 KB, 640x480, 1468400893337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MM10 Endless Attack
>those remakes of scrolls from MM4/5/6/9

>> No.4852129

No, but I'd expect something good from Inti Creates.

Also MM11 looks promising.

>> No.4852294

>Time Stopper is used up entirely in just one use and you can't pause while in it
If you got multiple uses it would be more op than metal blade
>Crash Bomb takes forever too explode
True but I love the way it was used for the Boobeam Trap puzzle in Will Castle 4
>Atomic Fire takes too long to charge and uses a ton of energy
Also kills Wood Man in two charged shots
>Bubble lead is weak and only useful on things that have a weakness to it
...like the final boss. It's also needed to find false floors
>You can't move with the leaf shield and you throw it when you try to move
Great against swarm enemies and for protection on moving platforms
>Air Shooter uses a lot of energy and doesn't do a lot of damage to most enemies, not to mention the awful trajectory
But it one shots the Sniper Joe mechs and it's good for the flame guys in Quick Man's stage

>> No.4852305

>If you got multiple uses it would be more op than metal blade
No, it would be like Flash Stopper from Mega Man 4 but without the ability to shoot, which to me sounds like ass
>True but I love the way it was used for the Boobeam Trap puzzle in Will Castle 4
k, I doubt most people loved that boss enough to game over or farm just to beat it
>Also kills Wood Man in two charged shots
Wow a boss is weak to a weapon, it's not like this is applicable for every single fucking weapon in existence
>...like the final boss. It's also needed to find false floors
That latter point is good but the former point though, a boss being weak to something is hardly an indicator that the weapon is actually any good as already discussed
>Great against swarm enemies and for protection on moving platforms
Yeah it's wonderful for the two stages that have moving platforms. I suppose it does work well against swarm enemies, shame they didn't put any of those in a convenient spot in Wily Stage 4 where it would've been useful
>But it one shots the Sniper Joe mechs and it's good for the flame guys in Quick Man's stage
Literally the only good thing the Air Shooter does, too bad they decided enemies like the bird eggs and the clown gears(i.e. enemies that are actually above you) should be immune to the damn thing

>> No.4852475

Why is this person namefagging?

>> No.4852516

> That one Wily boss that bounces everything back except the well-timed detonation of the Drill Bomb

>> No.4854563

Literally who