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4841650 No.4841650 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on these remakes? Personally I will fucking hate Pokemon Go forever for how it's influenced these. We will never get a real gen 1 remake with 3D graphics now. Thanks Gamefreak!

>> No.4841663

Gen kinda sucked and doesn't need another remake. Gen2 is perfect already and has a decent remake. Nothing to complain about.

>> No.4841665

FireRed and LeafGreen are perfectly fine.

>> No.4841672
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Disappointed. The graphics and Pokemon models/animations don't looksubstantially better than on Stadium games. In fact, Stadium 2 might still have the best 3D pokemon to this day, they have a lot more personality and better crafted animations than the 3D pokemon in the newer 3D games, or this new Switch game.
They could have taken the opportunity to make an actual remake of gen 1 with the older art style. People fucking love older Sugimori watercolor art, but I guess that'd take too much work.
But besides that, I was watching a playthrough from E3, and it looks like they broke the game, you can't battle wild pokemon anymore, you just catch them with a motion control gimmick, which I wouldn't mind if the game would actually battle them.
You can fight trainers, but I also noticed they're noticeably watered down. I don't know how the game progress later on, but on Viridian Forest, trainers has, 1 very low level pokemon, on the original trainers had at least 2.

>> No.4841679

Remakes are cancer.

>> No.4841965

Was never intended to be a real remake. It's a game for small kids to bridge them between Pokémon Go and the core series that just happens to use familiar layouts. The game wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for the Pokémon Go connection, stop pining for a dream remake that they would have made instead of this. You should know it's a fallacy to think "if they didn't make this, they would have used that time to make what *I* want"

>> No.4841981

This. It's Pokémon for kids who's first game WAS Pokémon Go or for kids who want to play Pokémon without having to deal with thr cancerous adult player base.

>> No.4842126

Pokemon Go is a very good thing. Augmented reality games are the future.

>> No.4842407

God that couldn't be more wrong. That deserves a filter.

>> No.4842410 [DELETED] 

Gramps is a natural baiter. Everyone learned to not take him seriously.

>> No.4842416 [DELETED] 

I like him a lot better than the tranny Sevenleaf desu

>> No.4842428

I don't consider myself much of a pokemon fan - I've only played Red and Pearl - so I don't care much. I do, however, get much enjoyment watching the tears flow from the fanbase over this.

>> No.4842432

They were crying since before they knew anything just because it was based on Kanto/Gen 1. Now they're happy that it turned into shit because they can mock "genwunners", even though real genwunners don't give much of a fuck at this point.

>> No.4842465

It's not going to kill you to leave the house, Anon.

>> No.4842515

And then anon was hit by a car....

>> No.4842589

The make you have to have a water or grass type to even battle Brock. Yet 20 years ago 5 year olds could figure that out themselves.

>> No.4842614

Get over yourself. You have Red, Blue, Yellow, Fire Red, and Leaf Green. You have enough of the old experience. Pokemon is a very tired franchise and needs altered game mechanics to have anyone else be interested in it. It has been the same concept for decades now and it needs to change.

>> No.4842617

This is exactly the same concept except even more simplified for absolute retards. If a regular pokemon game is too hard for you, you shouldn't be left unattended in case you hurt yourself.

>> No.4842620

So how to catch Pokemon is exactly like trainer battles with a one on one battle and you have to whittle the Pokemons HP down and use status effect skills to make them more susceptible to being caught by the pokeball?

>> No.4842626
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He's not wrong.

>> No.4842706

It's literally a dumbed down remake of a game that was already for 6 year olds in the first place. It's like making a dumbed down remake of Final Fantasy Mystic Quest.

>> No.4842736

You are NOT the target audience of Let's Go.
It's for super casuals who are coming from Go, you, the core fan, are getting a game for you next year.
You can't hate something that's literally not targeted towards you, of course you won't like it.

>> No.4842741


>He stills care about Pokemon

>> No.4842747

In fact i think they have the best aesthetic of all pokemon games.

>> No.4842787
File: 101 KB, 633x640, 3F18BF21-BD6B-4A8D-9E0E-6FF77FD90913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit take. If AR/VR is the future, I don’t want to be a part of it. Cheap gimmicks.

>> No.4842864

Wut is "target audience" supposed to mean?
If someone in le "target audience" hates it, I want to showcase that peep as the youngest voice of logic & reason.

"Every kid will like it, but he who doesn't is not a normal child and will be outcast!1"

>> No.4842890

Remember that art floating around a few years back, with young Oak and Agatha as the MCs, using the DS stylus to draw Pokémon you discovered thus making your own unique pokedex as you went along? It could have been great.

>> No.4843047

>you can't battle wild pokemon anymore, you just catch them with a motion control gimmick
>You can fight trainers, but I also noticed they're noticeably watered down
That's part of the shtick with the Let's Go games, to try and bring in the players that were sucked in via Pokemon Go, from my understanding of it all anyway.

>> No.4843052
File: 78 KB, 720x717, 080469BE-4A46-42DF-A786-610D0F5BF69D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn’t a remake OP. It’s a sidegame connected to Pokemon Go.

>> No.4843113

You'll know it's happened when the Oculus players start consistently outperforming KBM players in competitive FPS games. Years away still, maybe you'll get lucky and be dead by then.

>> No.4843225

Pokemon Go is good, stop hating anything that's new.

>> No.4843237

I also like Pokemon Go for what it is, and I'm excited for the new games. Haters gonna hate.

>> No.4843242

This isn't the next installment of the mainline series, it's just a Pokemon Go companion game thing. If they have these Go mechanics in the proper gen 8 games, that's when you can get mad.

Also we don't need another Kanto remake.

>> No.4843273

Holy fuck i'm so bored of kanto

>> No.4843414


>> No.4843574

no in this one you flail your arms like a spastic instead

>> No.4843624

Lets Go are an absolute disaster, one of the biggest disappointments in my gaming history

its literally the Pokemon Go mobile app with a $60 walk around kanto expansion pack

>> No.4843625


>> No.4843724

It kills the actual difficulty in the actual games, though. It might be fine in GO, but in Let's Go it's going to mean that any dungeon might as well not even have wild Pokemon in it anymore, since they can't damage your Pokemon anyway. Who actually catches new Pokemon in Victory Road?

It also means unless they bring back the Vs. Seeker, there's no way to grind if you don't have any money to buy more Pokeballs. I don't get why they couldn't just have battling wild pokemon as an OPTION.

>> No.4843741

Why are people offended at one small change?

No one cared about the catching mechanic of Pokemon anyways

>> No.4843876
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>one small change
BOI. Do you not understand how a butterfly effect works? They made every single trainer seen so far A TON weaker, the Bug Catcher on Nugget Bridge went from having a Level 14 Caterpie and Weedle (or Level 10 Caterpie, Weedle, Metapod and Kakuna in FRLG) to having a single Level 6 Venonat. The game is going to be easy mode of a game that was already extremely easy.

>> No.4843921

Oh I didn't know that part. I thought all the bitching from the new catching mechanic.

But if you don't battle wild pokemons anymore, arent you yourself going to be lower level too as you go through the game?

>> No.4843925

No, ever since Gen VI you get EXP from catching Pokemon.

>> No.4843938

not going to happen ever, have you tried fps with vr? it is fundamentally impossible to be better than a mouse which only requires slight movements of wrist.

>> No.4843943
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>> No.4843952

VR will probably be great for realism, but exactly as you said. I can do a 180 faster with a flick of my wrist versus my entire body.
i probably run faster in a game too

>> No.4845746

Way to minscontrue what I said.