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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4840793 No.4840793 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking swear enemies are programmed to only drop shit when you're at full hearts

>> No.4840803

Certain drops are based on how many kills you get without taking damage.

>> No.4840806 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 947x1200, gassed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that swastika-shaped map
Delete this now, goy!

>> No.4840809 [DELETED] 
File: 666 KB, 500x391, spoopy skeleton.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the swastika has a different meaning in japan

>> No.4840813

>> No.4840902


>> No.4840906

This! So don't get all excited, neo-nazi scum.

>> No.4841021

10th enemy has the bomb.

>> No.4841053 [DELETED] 

>neo-nazi scum
It's sad you still think the Axis were the bad guys of WW2, and not the globalist kikes controlling the Anglosphere and Russia.

>> No.4841228 [DELETED] 

>muh historical revisionism
don't forget to put on your tinfoil hat when shitpoting

>> No.4841920 [DELETED] 
File: 442 KB, 599x801, based_chinks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-it's just a conspiracy theory, goy, don't go questioning the official narrative, now

>> No.4841979 [DELETED] 

If white people are so great, how come they allowed the Jews to control everything?

>> No.4841983 [DELETED] 

Also, how would any major industry be different if it were run by white people? They're just as greedy and degenerate as anyone else when they get in positions of power. Hollywood would be exactly the same as it is now.

>> No.4841990 [DELETED] 

Embracing Christcuckoldry instead of their native faith turned them into slaves to the jew.

>> No.4841994 [DELETED] 

>Only source is reddit

>> No.4842018 [DELETED] 

White people are great for different reasons, the only thing the Jew excels at over whites is being deceptive and devious. If whites were less compassionate and more tribal-minded like asian people they would not have fallen for the jew's tricks.

>> No.4842049
File: 1.38 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20180119-174055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4842052 [DELETED] 
File: 404 KB, 570x806, 1524341253580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4842063


>> No.4842065 [DELETED] 

Because charlemagne was a cryptojew who killed anyone that didn't suck circumcised jew dick.

>> No.4842168 [DELETED] 



>> No.4842189

How am I supposed to read this chart? :s

>> No.4842258

watch >>4842063

>> No.4842704 [DELETED] 

Do you know what divide and conquer means? Tribal mindset is exactly what allows people to be manipulated.

>> No.4842909
File: 142 KB, 1280x1024, 52795-Spider-Man_(E)-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm already at full health!

>> No.4842919 [DELETED] 


Crude, but more historically accurate than most history books.

>> No.4842973 [DELETED] 

No, tribal means your people don't allow any outsiders into your culture, and you stick up for those who do belong.

>> No.4843715 [DELETED] 

Yes, that's what being divided is

>> No.4843743 [DELETED] 

Is this /vr/ or /jidf/?

>> No.4843881 [DELETED] 

How are you divided if your people are united as a tribe and keep das juden out, ya dingas?

>> No.4844148 [DELETED] 

>How people divided into tribes are divided

>> No.4844375 [DELETED] 

>>How people divided into tribes are divided
There is no division within the tribe, which in this case is the Indo-European ("white") race vs. negroids, mongoloids, and semitoids. You shouldn't be having this much trouble understanding my point.

>> No.4844381 [DELETED] 

there's only one race the human race #resist

better than just picking it up anyway and wasting it

>> No.4844384


The game manual also tells you which monsters are more likely to drop what items. On the same page with the overworld map.

That's why I always start the game going left until a blue moblin drops a bomb, then right along the coast to get money and heart containers.

>> No.4844460 [DELETED] 

>There is no division within the tribes that people are divided into
Your point is retarded.

>> No.4845009 [DELETED] 

>Your point is retarded.
No, you're retarded. There would be no D&C in a homogeneous group. Look at Japan, they are strongly collectivist because they only accept fellow Japanese in and are very suspicious of foreigners.

>> No.4845065

it's still the same sign with the same origin
you cucks get far more excited about nazis

>> No.4845082

Note--only bombs in group B enemies.
Only fairies in groups A and D enemies
That s what you really need in a dungeon.

Kill 10 Blue Darknuts get 2 fairies.
Kill 10 blue Wizrobes get 2 fairies.

Kill 10 orange Wizrobes and or Darknuts (or blue Moblins) and get 3 bomb drops.
Kill 10 Gibdo get 3 bomb drops.

You can manipulate all of the drops

>tenth enemy has the bomb
Not in group A,C, or D.

It s dangerous to go alone
Take this chart

>> No.4845151

Not quite right. You count item drops, not kills. Every kill there is a random chance to drop an item. If an item appears, it will be the next one in the list. But an item might not appear.

>> No.4845947

You re half right.
You might not get an item drop but the kill still cycles the chart forward one turn for the next possible drop.


>> No.4846231

I am pretty sure the counter is incremented on the item drop, not the kill.

>> No.4846278
File: 106 KB, 1024x733, C5E00F22-28A4-45B5-BB4D-DBF4AF851D5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
