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4831746 No.4831746 [Reply] [Original]

Honest thoughts on Resident Evil 2?

>> No.4831749

It didn't age well at all.

>> No.4831757

If I'd do a Top Ten Games list, It'd be on it.

>> No.4831826


It was alright. But not as good as the first one.

>> No.4831972

I've jerked off to Claire more than Jill which makes it better.

>> No.4832003

flawed but you won't figure why on your first couple of playthroughs

>> No.4832030

We have a resident evil thread, check the catalogue.

>> No.4832039

The only case of a superior N64 multiplat

>> No.4832063

Now that the dust has settled we can all agree Resident Evil hasn't aged well at all, but that's the case with any game of the crane hopper genre.

>> No.4832094

Never played it

>> No.4832141

they cockteased you with the streets, then it turned into mansion 2: police station boogaloo and followed the exact same formula as RE1 to a T but added mr X/birkin encounters in to pad the illusion of bossfights

it took the series closer to its intended destiny, IE the action games we know now, but dino crisis 2 perfected the RE gameplay and the only thing left to do was create a third-person game

>> No.4832178

lol no.

>> No.4832232

Maybe i need to replay these games, but i don't understand why so many people think this is much better than RE1. In my mind they are very similar games.

>> No.4832249

Superior to 3, not as ambient as 1.
The puzzles in this one and the story line, sans the terrible voice acting are better. Though that being said the VO in all of them were pretty bad up until nemesis.

>> No.4832297

It's a good game to pick up and enjoy. RE1 could get pretty damn tedious at times. I also think the monsters are generally more fun to fight.

>> No.4832543
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good story and characters
cool enemy designs
re1 is scarier, but re2 is still very good

>> No.4832551

Good game, top ten anime betrayals when you open the door from the police station out to the street and zombies start walking in

I never felt so betrayed in my entire life

>> No.4832560
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that music is seared into my soul

>> No.4832674

Eternal classic.

I nearly fucking shit myself the 1st time that happened to me. The 1st time ever that the safety and security of the save room was compromised. Spent the rest of the session feeling anxious about the possibility that it might happen again someplace else. Thank God it didn't. Well played, olde Capcom. This is how you build tension.

The difference being that RE2 perfected what RE1 did.

>> No.4832684

Top 10 video game for me. Dead serious.

>> No.4832689
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>> No.4834837

My favourite RE2. I'm sure it's in my all time top 5 games.

>> No.4834982

i'll just leave this here


>> No.4835072

good game, classic.
honestly excited for the remake after watching some of the playthroughs out there and listening to the devs at e3

>> No.4835198

I can tell this is going to play like Revelations where it starts out slow and then by the middle of the game it's a full blown TPS

>> No.4836389

Still mad Leon didn't fuck Claire when she was young and stayed eternally blue balled by that ugly asian bitch

>> No.4836397
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All I saw

>> No.4836791

>The only case of a superior N64 multiplat

The N64 version of Resident Evil 2 is an admirable port, especially given that Angel Studios (now Rockstar San Diego) had to cram a 2-CD game into a 64MB N64 cartridge. But the N64 port did have to cut a few corners to make it happen. Some of the pre-rendered backdrops are lower resolution on the N64 than the PS1. The polygon character models have lower resolution textures on the N64 and there are less variety in zombie designs. The FMV sequences were compressed heavily to fit within the limits of the cartridge. A few seconds of FMV footage was cut out of the game as well. The audio is a bit compressed as well. But otherwise the entire game is there. It is still an impressive port.

Generally Speaking, I love Reisident Evil 2. The game is a bit more streamlined than Resident Evil 1 and has less puzzles to solve. Resident Evil 2 also ups the zombie count, giving you more to kill. The game is also a bit more liberal with ammo as well. The best part of Reisdent Evil 2 is the second survival mode, where you get to see parts of the game that you would not have saw in your first playthrough. The game also ads quite a few other surprises as well. It is still my favourite game in the original Resident Evil series.

>> No.4836801

Yeah it's way too dark, and I'm someone who rigged up Skyrim to where torches and lanterns are mandatory.

>> No.4836826

I always sort of felt like RE2 was the least notable of the original trilogy. RE1 was iconic and fresh, and RE3 had the best atmosphere I think. Everyone said RE2 had the best gameplay of the three, but I didn't find it to be wildly different. I think it just has more action in general? Whereas RE1 has more puzzles IIRC and RE3 has more of an investigative quality.

Of course, my opinion was also skewed by the fact that when I was a kid I liked playing as Claire, but it's Leon who gets the true storyline. I didn't really bother playing as Leon because in the first game, the same basic shit happens whether you choose Chris or Jill, aside from anything involving Rebecca or Barry.

>> No.4836893

One of the finest games on the PS1

>> No.4837101


The N64 port of Resident Evil 2 was the first Resident Evil game that I ever played. I never had a PS1 back then. Resident Evil 2 on the N64 is a pretty damn good port. It actually played well with the N64 D-pad. I played through all four Leon and Claire first and second survivor quests.

Some of the backdrops looked a little blurry, and the FMV videos look like old Real Player internet videos. But the game is 99.9% intact from the PS1 game. It's only missing a few seconds worth of FMV cut scenes.

On the plus side, the models do look cleaner on the N64, and they are higher resolution when using the 4MB RAM pack. Plus there is no warping. Also the loading is a little faster between scenes. There is still loading in the N64 is still there as the machine has to decompress files from the cartridge and dump them to RAM, but it is minimal. This game uses a lot of compression routines.

RE2 N64 has it's up and downs. but it is not the definitive version. I liked it through and played through this version multiple times.

I think the Dreamcast and GameCube ports of Resident Evil 2 are generally the best versions of the original game.

>> No.4837112

>The N64 port of Resident Evil 2 was the first Resident Evil game that I ever played. I never had a PS1 back then.
That explains your perspective.

>> No.4837132

>That explains your perspective.

Well, yeah.

I've played through the PS1 game almost as many times as the N64 port, and while I do believe that the PS1 original is the definitive version of these two. The N64 port lost very little in the translation to a smaller cartridge. It's kind of an amazing port. But I would still rank it last on the pecking order of RE2 ports.

>> No.4837321
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There are three main problems with RE2 that prevent it from being a truly great RE game like 1 and 3 are.

1) The game isn't sure what it wants to be. At the same time it wants to be its own thing, and at the same time they don't dare stray too far away from RE1, as if they weren't sure what EXACTLY made RE1 so great and popular so they decided to stick as close as possible to the formula.
This is why we end up with a tease of something new (the streets) but which barely last 2% of the game.
This is why we end up with a police station which is in fact a mansion which in fact has an access to an Umbrella lab; which are all senseless things they have to explain awkawardly in documents.
More importantly, this is why RE2 follows the same pattern as RE1 with only a few moments they dare to step off. For instance:
>mansion, find 3 keys
>go out the mansion a little
>come back to the mansion with the last key to find Hunters/Lickers
>go further out the mansion through undergrounds
>find lab
>shit explodes
Which game am I talking about here? Oh yeah, both, because RE2 had no balls.
The irony in all that is that they dropped RE1.5 officially because "it was too similar to RE1". Right.

2) RE2 didn't understand all the survival horror gameplay mechanics that made 1 so great. The two best examples are:
- bosses. In RE1, for the vast majority of bosses, there is the possibility to kill them or go past them without shooting anything.
First snake encounter: you can just dodge it and pick up the key item and leave.
The shark: drain the water of the basin.
Plant-42: you can solve a puzzle to kill its first form, for the 2nd form depending on how well you performed as Jill, Barry will come to help; if all else fails the knife is actually very effective against it.
The giant spider: you can cut the webs off the exit door and leave without killing it, there is even a knife in the room; you can even trick the spider into destroying its own webs with its spit, now that's amazing.

>> No.4837323
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Tyrant in the lab: the beretta is actually highly effective against it, it takes less than a beretta 'clip' to bring it down, there is even a hidden beretta clip in the back of the lab in the PC version.
Tyrant at the end: dmg'ing only shortens the time it takes to get the rocket launcher, it's not mandatory.

Now RE2 doesn't have any of this on any bosses except the rocket launcher for the Tyrant. This is important for two reasons: the first reason is survival horror is all about wits and puzzles, fighting isn't always the best solution.
AITD got that, RE1 got that, RE2 missed the point. There is also the consequence that because you HAVE to shoot everything, RE2 HAS to give the player a SHITLOAD of ammo, which brings me to the next point:

- The 2nd best example of why RE2 failed at survival gameplay mechanics is supplies placement. In RE1 there is enough ammo to kill everything, yes, but that is only if you're good at ammo management AND if you look around for all the hidden stashes. That is the point, you have ot be smart with your weapons and look everywhere.
In RE2 you don't have to look for supplies, it's always there, in plain sights. Mind you the US version is a bit better and has some hidden caches, but even then you don't really NEED them considering everything there is in plain sight.
You should look at the original Jap release, IIRC there is literaly not a single hidden cache and instead even more ammo in plain sights. In RE2 you don't have to be smart, you don't have to look everywhere.

>> No.4837326
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3) The scenario system is shit, it takes players for dumbasses by tricking them into thinking there is more than there really is, and the worst part is that players still fall for it to this day.
In RE1 (and 3), different things happen depending on the player's actions. That's how adventure games work, depending on what you did or on how well your performed you get to see and play different things.
In RE2 everything is static, your actions don't matter. Instead they have this system that has you replay the same thing 4 times just to barely see 10% different things each time.
And even then, even if you take Claire A and Claire B, the ammount of differences doesn't even equal to the ammount of different things you could do differently as Jill in RE1.

What I'm saying is, "B" scenarios shouldn't have existed, and instead the differences between A and B should trigger (or not) during a normal playthrough depending on the player's actions, like it is in 1 and 3.
But EVEN if they had done that, there still wouldn't have been as much actual content, as much different things to see, as in RE1. Yet, people still fall for the "it has 4 scenarios, it's more content" bs they pulled.

>> No.4837415

Even compared to the Game.com port?

>> No.4837430
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>a truly great RE game like... 3

>> No.4837576

>The Suffering of Chad.gif

>> No.4837626


I'll agree that RE2 is at its best in the Streets/Up to the S.T.A.R.S office, it really felt like the game was its own entity. And the Brad Vickers/Costume was a little magic, like most of RE2's hidden content. The RPD's layout was much better utilised with less with less backtracking than previous games. You hardly even "leave" the RPD with Ada or Sherry to do that box puzzle (Sherry climbing animation best part of game plz Capcom keep it). After you enter the sewers it is all a forward progression, though contrived for sure. I love Irons' sex dungeon but why does it lead to a sewer gutter? RE2 Labs were also a great part of the game, though could be lengthened.

I guess to emphasis on having to fight bosses is a bit weak, though . The Alligator is actually just a bad fight, though maybe it was a response to faggots like us who never fought Yawn? The Knife is effective and useable in every classic Resident Evil.

you can use the Knife against Birkin Spawn to easily kill his larva, and take out the arm/eye. Birkin 2/3B have easy knife Strats. It's just Birkin 3A that is hard. Maybe you should have been able to run from Birkin but that's more of a design choice to emphasis the SURVIVAL part of SURVIVAL HORROR

>> No.4837634
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Please tell me how RE1 had better enemy variety and mob switches than Resident Evil 1. Nemesis had great mob variety but that's why it was an EVOLUTION and SEQUEL, that along with Gunpowder were meant to freshen up the gameplay. A and B made the game for replayable, the secrets incentivise players to keep playing to get those secrets, the game is an appropriate length for the replayability.. RE1 is also a fun game to play multiple times but I think RE2 does better at presenting it to the player and giving them fun rewards. Forgetting among your runs what mob is supposed to show up in this room is a great suspense, or doing Tofu or Hunk and seeing familiar rooms with much harsher enemies..

RE1 is a classic, RE2 is a great sequel, RE3 is an Evolution, CV was the final evolution of map design in classic RE style.

>> No.4837692

we don't talk about the game.com port, anon
I wouldn't really say CV was the final evolution, considering how poor antarctica was
the rockfort island sections were all fantastic but antarctica ranged from meh to really dumb, like the not-spencer mansion in the middle of a fucking secret bio-weapon facility

>> No.4837698

Fuck off u sperg theres nothing wrong with how it aged

>> No.4837714
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yeah i mostly mean Rockfort Island - a Large island with multiple complexes to do puzzles between. Dislike the backtracking if you must (though you can eliminate a lot of it with routing - though not Alfred's Torture Chamber) but it holds up. yeah Antarctica was lame, too dark, too many Hunters, dumb boss fights, the Tentacles. But it holds in faith to what people wanted in the old style maps and really saw it through.

>> No.4839503

I don't see how RE2 has better enemy variety honestly.
Lickers are dubbed down Hunters, less frightening and less deadly. The spiders are under-used and made worse too, and always only used in areas where you don't even have to mind them. Plants are also pathetic... in fact there is something about RE2's enemy placement, that makes pretty much any fighting against any mod that aren't zombie give the upper hand to the player.
Most of the time you're going to fight Lickers in long corridors where you can outrun them, you always fight spiders in big areas where you don't even have to mind them, for the dogs it's either huge wide areas or their attacks are telegraphed. Even the Tyrant, always spawns in long areas where you can easily backtrack and have a long a long clear line of sight which gives you the upperhand on their slow walking.

For instance compare the spider use in the sewers of RE2, where you can just run past easily without a sweat, to the spider use in the guard house of RE1, where you have to be smart and use cover accordingly...

The only thing RE2 has over RE1 are technical improvements, like the fact that Hunters have long invicibility frames but no enemies in 2 do, making things feel less 'clunky' (although i'd tend to argue those inv frames help with the tension of fighting a Hunter).