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File: 33 KB, 581x473, 236503-shenmue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4835041 No.4835041 [Reply] [Original]

>stick up for coworkers being bullied by a gang
>get fired from your shitty forklift job

this game is bullshit

>> No.4835045

The real world is bullshit. This game is HONEST.

>> No.4835047

What made me give up on Shenmue was not being able to differentiate between any of the locations or people and then being asked to go find some specific person based on them being at some specific location.

>> No.4835050

I can understand this issue. There were a couple times where I was at the wrong bar at the wrong hour and had to skip a game day or two of progression because of it. Still in my top 10 of all time though.

>> No.4835060

For retards like you, the 2nd game adds follow feature with NPCs that will show you where to go exactly.

>> No.4835069

Do you want me to kick your ass?

>> No.4835073

do you know how unions and the mafia work?

>> No.4835080

I know that feel. I get bullied at my shitty wageslave job IRL too. I really need to get a new job.

>> No.4835247

Excuse me

>> No.4836237

How did you do that? Getting to Moonbeats bar isn't difficult you just need to keep asking people about it, plus maps are scattered around the place.

Hell, even asking people inside the area can help.

>> No.4836240

I don't recall. This was a very long time ago.

>> No.4836245

Ah that's fine. I just remember lucking out with finding Moonbeats bar as I entered the place next to it and they told me exactly where it is, and what time to go.

>> No.4836265

They don't fire you because your shitty performance, they fire you for beating the gangsters who were extorting everyone working on that pier, the workers should be getting in line and sucking your cock in turns for it but you get fired for "rocking the boat" instead.

That's even sadder.

>> No.4836271

>tfw beat this game as a 13 year old and literally can't even conceive possibly having your issue

Is that the reason why some people have trouble with Shenmue? That they have lower cognitive capacity than a middle schooler? How do we fix that?

>> No.4836281
File: 850 KB, 1500x1500, Shenmue Ryo Aliens Forklift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because the game is boring and having many people to ask questions to doesn't help. Don't get me wrong, I love Shenmue 1 and 2 and never had any problems with the game (well, except for the phone book bit since I don't know why the Hazuki family didn't have one and there was a dedicated phone call place) but there were moments where I didn't know where to go and was stuck in a 10-15 minute loop of asking people stuff until they eventually told me.

I did like that though, I enjoyed talking to people and finding information and stuff. It made it interesting and unique.

Although, I have no clue what that anon you're referring to is talking about. Whenever someone was important, they would always tell you where to find him and usually a cutscene would occur once you've found the area indicating that you've found him. I could think of any moment in both games where you had to find a single person in an area where control wasn't taken from you.

>> No.4836282

Do you need me to put a quest marker on my ass, a giant arrow floating in your vision, and a marker on a minimap so you can remember?

>> No.4836287

Well the easiest way to fix it is to understand not everyone had the exact same conditions and playthrough as you.

>> No.4836293

The fuck? It's a video game, everyone has the exact same conditions. Only the brains that sit down to play it are different.

>> No.4836308

I should have said external. How often were your wife and kids nagging/distracting you while playing? How many weeks were there between playtimes?

>> No.4836310
File: 88 KB, 720x960, 1468182969667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy, I wish I was a young forklift operator in late 80s Japan.

>> No.4836323

Best console to play Shenmue on?

>> No.4836329

Wait for HD, but if you really want to. Dreamcast for Shenmue 1, Dreamcast for Shenmue 2 Japanese Xbox for Shenmue 2 English.

If you don't have either, Emulate via Demul with widescreen hacks.

>> No.4836374

Being able to differentiate visual details in locations and people isn't act of intelligence. It's just a skill some people are better at than others.
Not everyone pays much attention to their surroundings or to other people, and if you were never interested in those sorts of details during your developmental years then you're probably not going to have much capacity for noticing those things as an adult either.

>> No.4836382

And if anything, being sensory-obsessed probably means you're the less intelligent person since you focus on dumb animal visuals instead of higher level abstract topics.

>> No.4836781

>Can you tell the difference between stores and bars?
>Well you're the real retard!

Can't make this shit up

>> No.4837150
File: 24 KB, 171x158, 1518217158386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>probably means you're the less intelligent person since you focus on dumb animal visuals instead of higher level abstract topics.

Jesus christ dude.

>> No.4837393

my favorite part is when he beats the shit out of some schoolgirls

>> No.4837503

The failed QTE section is funnier.


>> No.4838286

Fucking SNAP.

>> No.4838523

You missed the point that since Ryo started to hang out in the harbor shit happened with that local gang that was dangerous for any common folk. That gang was on drug deals, even security wouldnt touch them and even Master Chen had trouble with them.

>first game has small areas
>each area has a map, even if few places dont have a named tagged they can be seen that exist
>there is a fucking icon for "help" that indicates you can look around with the camera at places and see the name of those places translated
>can talk to people multiple times to give more info and detail, some will point with their hands the direction of the place
>Dobuita is divided by china/mob street, streets with bars and night stuff, and clothes & food
>there is a fucking diary saying what to do with key words
I can get not knowing the names, but there are so many ways or possibilities to progress the story. The part that people usually fuck up is the bar with sailors, mostly because they dont start looking for sailors at NIGHT and start looking during the day despite characters saying they only hang out at bars at night.

Dude, i had a friend that gave up playing Shenmue 2 back then because "the city is too big(Wan Chai), dont know where to go, dont know what to do", which means he got lost in the fucking first 2 hours of the game. I dont think he ever got to the hotel.

There is a phone book in Hazuki's house. Either next to the phone or under the desk of the phone with a flashlight

>> No.4838952

This subtitle totally betrays the obvious expression on his face which is strongly saying "Fuck off with the camera, buddy. Can't you understand I'm with my family?"

>> No.4839063

>There is a phone book in Hazuki's house. Either next to the phone or under the desk of the phone with a flashlight

But could you use this to find Warehouse Number 8 during the last part of Disc 1?

>> No.4839380

>Thinks this game is bullshit
>Has never been to actual IRL China
Anon, ffs China is a dog eat dog world, you should have kicked your coworker in the nuts the game is My First Yakuza anyway.

>> No.4839406

>ffs China is a dog eat dog world

It's actually a man eat dog world

>> No.4839979
File: 23 KB, 727x355, PWI_SET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't blame you for not understanding the concept of semantic / sensory interference. You are lower level animalistic sensory-plebs after all.
Here's some reading material:
Or look into studies with Stroop tasks.

>> No.4840875

I'm primarily an abstract thinker. That doesn't magically make it so you can't remember places. That's just called a bad memory.

>> No.4842109

Yes, because you only need the area code or whatever it was, both phone books were the same.
Most of the stuff you find in Hazuki's house is usable like the candles, lightbulbs and flashfight for the cave, or the battery cells for the k7 thing. I found the key way sooner due to early exploration and didnt know for what it was until that point in the story.

>> No.4842178

But it's in Japan