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4834891 No.4834891 [Reply] [Original]

>beat any jrpg or story driven game
>forget 99% of the plot in like a week
is this normal

>> No.4834895
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If you have the attention span of a gnat, maybe

>> No.4834902
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only happens with games tho, it's like I want to take the plot seriously but I can't give a shit

>> No.4834903

Endings don't matter, especially in Japanese-influenced media. It's normal. More about the journey than the destination, you know.

>> No.4834958

I'm this way about almost literally everything. Can Alzheimer's kick in at 29?

>> No.4834960

>frogposter is a fucking idiot
What a shock.

>> No.4834962

video games are like a piece of bubble gum. momentary sensation to be disposed of and forgotten

>> No.4834964

I'm the same way but I never finish them because the plot is forgotten in the middle. Gave up on RPGs.

>> No.4834972

for me it is
also, any movie I watch

>> No.4834989
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I'm like this if I spend more than a week away from an RPG. I'll forget the story and what I needed to do to progress.

>> No.4834993

Depends on the RPG, sometimes I can't even remember the final boss a week later. If it's a memorable game that really captures my imagination, like Fallout or Shining the Holy Ark, I'll remember every corridor and detail about it. For games where I didn't love them but just pushed through to see what the game was about, like, say, FF IX, I won't remember but much but a few details here or there.

>> No.4835059

>Shining the Holy Ark
I always saw this in game magazines and wanted it so bad as a kid, but I've never touched a Saturn. It's still my holy grail

>> No.4835293

I usually forget the plot about 5 mins after it's over, that's if i understand it at all as most JRPGs don't make any god damned sense. And some games like Xenogears just aren't even finished.

>> No.4835304

JRPGs hardly ever have memorable stories

Or they have such shitty endings that ruin everything you went through until then

>> No.4835342

>More about the journey than the destination
This is why I don't like japanese media. They all have this about just about everything. The ending is the most important part of a story and they can rarely get it right.

>> No.4835386

Happens with books with me. I never did well in school.

>> No.4835407

Depends a bit. JRPGs with a good plot are not forgettable but most JRPGs have a samey boring plot.

They also tend to have very reactive plots with an overarching fetch quest. Like, 'oh we need to collect five magic crystals because otherwise the BBEG will take over the world' and then on the way to each crystal you encounter like a town you need to rescue from bandits or you need to traverse an ocean with a giant monster or climb a mountain with a dragon at the top or something. These are things which are interesting when they happen to you because they're very immediate problems you have to solve but afterwards there's not much memorable about them.

Many JRPGs have this problem and it doesn't necessarily make a game bad if there are other things to make up for them. Like, Skies of Arcadia has this kind of plot but the characters and the environments are interesting enough to make the game very memorable to me.

>> No.4835409

>the real villain of FF7 is Jenova!
>Cross has nothing to do with Trigger!
>GFs cause memory loss?

No, you're normal and freaks like me who actually understand the plots and remember them aren't.

>> No.4835413

I've finished Super Hero Sakusen (a PSX RPG) 2 days ago, and I already forgot the order of the events. I don't even remember most of the bosses.

For example: in FFVII, do you fight Proud Clod in CD1 or CD2? Is it before or after Sapphire Weapon attacks Junon?

>> No.4835787

Oh, i see a fellow who remembers even the smallest details about every game he's ever played :')

>> No.4835789

I was about to say there may be something wrong with you, but then I realized that even though I autistically search out all the dialogue from townspeople I often end up forgetting what they said. Only the main plot sticks with me.

>> No.4835798

I only retain the story if I really liked it.

>> No.4835808

There's definitely something wrong with you, but I have the same issue. I usually remember a very basic outline of the plot, but most of the details and sometimes even character names get tossed out of my head in a few months.

>> No.4835867

Well, at least you know what I'm talking about. You don't have to like it.
I think there are merits to it though. It's more character-driven. When you think about your favorite characters, it seems natural to imagine in the middle of their journeys, the way you spent 99% of your time with them, rather than wherever they eventually ended up. No one thinks of Harry Potter as a 45 year old father of four. It's the perpetual present.

>> No.4835890

No, that is completely normal and everyone does it. You probably remember a handful of things really well (as does everybody else), and gradually forget the details of everything else.
The specific shows, games, etc. that each person remembers in detail will be personal and different from person to person. As a result, it will seem to any one person that everyone else remembers things better than he does.

>> No.4835918

I remember the basic outlines, or at least the major twists, but there are sometimes gaps in the exact order of events.
Maybe I have not played many JRPGs with shitty endings, but I feel they often get them right.
Quite unlike anime or manga, which have dissatisfying endings so often. Especially the latter, which often start out with some good ideas, but have shitty endings because they get axed or the author hadn't planned very far and everything naturally turns to shit as the series goes on when the author starts piling on more and more.

>> No.4835986

I can't say it's abnormal, considering I barely remember FF3 or 6. Or Bahamut Lagoon, but that game deserves to be forgotten.

>> No.4836916

Typical JRPG plot:

>evil villain with god-like powers wants to rule/destroy the world/universe/all dimensions

>underdog hero with flawed character and ragtag team of misfits save the day

>underdog hero has unique ability

>add ancient aliens, evil empire/corporation, secret experiments, gods, and other dimensions

>add melodrama, social commentary, and environmental message to spice things up

>> No.4837063
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Best times of my life were playing this game, anon. Pic related was the image I saw in the magazine as a kid, and something about it just captured my imagination, the comfy look of it, the mountains in the background, the art style. I got for my birthday that year and went in with those expectations. It's one of the few games in my entire life that I built up that much in my mind and lived up to exactly what I thought it would be and more. I didn't expect how hardcore some of huge dungeon exploration or puzzles would be. It just made it that much better.

>> No.4837778

Nips sure love their god killing.

>> No.4839997

This is why Skies of Arcadia is probably my all-time favorite JRPG. It largely avoids these tropes and has very likable main characters instead of mopey sad sacks like Cloud or Squall.

>> No.4842074


Its absolutely normal. Back then thy chose completely irrelevant stories and characters that you would forget in a day. They did this deliberately because it ads to the re-playability of a game. This is called ISRP.

>> No.4842087

Japs can't write good endings

>> No.4842274

>never had a good happy ending in japan

>> No.4842294 [DELETED] 
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only happens to frog-posters since it's their job to post here and pretend to be racists.

>> No.4842297 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4842304

>remembers even the smallest details about every game he's ever played
I'm quite certain that's not what I said. If that's what you read, I'm not surprised you have difficulty recalling the major plot points of stories seeing as you seem to have brain damage.

>> No.4842321

Most popular, long running manga an anime will be completely exhausted of original ideas in a few seasons. The rest will be just repeating the same plot points, jokes and an endless stream of filler. I think most writers of anime/manga don’t even humor the idea of creating an actual ending for their work. I think its funny how the shitshow created by the NGE fanbase made Anno create End of Eva.

>> No.4842542 [DELETED] 

so you admit to being a neo cohen?
Try making money creating things for once: food, carpentry, masonry.

>> No.4842548 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 688x654, obama war monger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neo cohen
I'm not an obamatard tho???

>> No.4842556 [DELETED] 

This is "videogames-retro/". Most of us opt out of politics for a good reason.

BTW you deserve a demotion. Poor meme referral.

>> No.4842735

That happens if they're serialized longrunners, since the editors of the magazine will just insist the author keeps coming up with new plots and arcs. You don't get that shit in stuff that was already planned out properly as a single story with a clear beginning and end.

>> No.4842752

You get that shit in the west too, with eternal-runner comic strips like Beetle Bailey and Hägar that have been running in "repeat some gag from 30 years ago"-mode for ages. They're comics that continue existing because they print money, not because the writer actually has more ideas for the comic he hasn't used yet.

>> No.4842757

Are you sure that the creators aren't dead and those are just reprints of earlier comics? I know that the Peanuts is

>> No.4842784

Are you suggesting that your greentexts are things only smart guys like yourself would realize?

>> No.4842808

You should have used regular comic books and their movies as your example instead of newspaper strips, my dude.

>> No.4842813

>mopey sad sacks like Cloud or Squall
Ah yes, the classic "I didn't actually play FF7 and 8" argument.

>> No.4842837

I meant compared to Vyse and crew.

>> No.4843630

Take some Memofante.

>> No.4844225

You might have ADHD

>> No.4845860

Same. Whenever there's a cutscene and some guy shows up, I'm just like who the hell is this guy

>> No.4846369

Most post FF7 jrpgs are horribly written and overly long rubbish.

>> No.4846525
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Never had that problem, I remember all of them to this day. Some good, some bad, some meh.

>> No.4847609

FF7's plot is just Lavos causing trouble but in the guise of The Thing.

>> No.4847871

Good? Vidya story is irrelevant window dressing, which your brain rightfully refuses to preoccupy itself with. Enjoy the gameplay and having memorable moments there.

>> No.4849829 [DELETED] 

Did you know Final Fantasy 13 is actually good?


>> No.4849841

If you're play mediocre games it is.

I'll never forget Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines, for example, because it's THAT good.

>> No.4849906

that's because: you give a fuck about the story, the story sucks or both, I choose the third option

>> No.4849921

very end of CD2 and way after