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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 20 KB, 214x317, doom_the_movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
477808 No.477808 [Reply] [Original]


Please READ this FAQ before posting, some stuff here is very important!
FAQ: http://pastebin.com/XVwD7Lv2
Doom setup tutorial for newfags:
Steam Group:

Discuss wads, stories, projects, servers, ask for recommendations, suggest ideas, etc; don't be shy, we're here to help!

We have many projects going, and if you want to share your maps or join in whatever thing you may want feel free to do it.

Remember, to join the /vr/ servers, you should get Zandronum
Standard passwords for /vr/ servers: vidya, vidyagaems, videojuegos
If these do not work, ctrl+f the server name.

We have an IRC channel too

irc.zandronum.com #vr
password: vrtroopers

For singleplayer, use GZDoom SVN builds. vid_renderer can switch between software and OpenGL so you don't have to install zdoom as well.

This is a begginer's pack someone kindly put up for everyone
IWAD Pack (40 MB) (Contains Doom/Doom2/Plutonia/TNT/Strife/HeXen/Heretic/etc)
Doom Pack (200 MB)
MEGA PACK (1 GB) (w/mirrors)

Let's get Dooming!

>> No.477817

How doesn't it work, anon?

>> No.477824

The wads I mentioned aren't compatible with Zdoom as google suggested. Not sure if it's because of dehacked or what

>> No.477829

Third for reaching unexpected levels of gaming sodomy by spamming agitation in Zandronum servers

Seriously guys, one of these days...

>> No.477830

To load dehacked patches you need to use -deh file.deh

>> No.477842
File: 105 KB, 1024x767, guten tag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.477845

With which source port? These wads won't work with Zdoom according to the doomworld forum posts

>> No.477846
File: 627 KB, 800x599, jumping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jumping is broken plz fix

>> No.477861

Any source port.

>> No.477875

alright i'll try again, should I make a shortcut and set that as a command line ?

>> No.477885


>> No.477914

>Doom 64

Stop being dumb.

>> No.477920


you can't jump until you get the jump rune nerd

>> No.477928

i hate ps1 big boxes.
so needlessly bulky.

>> No.477949

Beat hectic
acquire jumping

>> No.478009

These dumbasses didn't know that?

>> No.478014
File: 253 KB, 344x1943, 1365925792150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ. impressive
Can you make a shadow warrior and witchaven reactio pic like those?
If you do this ill suck your cock

>> No.478035

should we make a /vr/ dropbox for things like reaction images?

>> No.478036
File: 45 KB, 146x155, guess i'll play some games.....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah i know right people just immediately knew how to shoot the barrels in the right order to access the secret exit.

>> No.478064
File: 25 KB, 281x184, 1363340825273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.478054

Anyone wanna play some revenant rape fest?
though i forgot the password...
Skelleting? Skelletongs?
Anyone rememeber it?

>> No.478060
File: 114 KB, 800x473, 1359605011011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, let them lurk for those.

>> No.478067
File: 284 KB, 1024x768, DSCN2077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this is all your doom collection is

>> No.478079

I want to try but I have yet to use Zandronum so it will take me awhile to figure this out. Though yes I am interested in it.

>> No.478084
File: 37 KB, 640x480, 1343611132604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.478091

thanks you

Server::: [BE] New York :: /vr/ gets agitated
pass: skellingtons

>tfw all digital
Its easy as fuck to use, ill give you 2 minute to figure it out.

>> No.478096

besides it being fullbright and being censored, the GBA port of Doom 2 is pretty much perfect

>> No.478115

Nvm the wad exploded. Its unplayable.

>> No.478128

How would I go about running the sky may be in GZDoom?

>> No.478131
File: 89 KB, 306x273, 1365461881749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remake server and try again

>> No.478126

What's unplayable?

>> No.478132

You don't, it's broken. Do the dos version.

>> No.478138

If I have a wads folder with folders of wads in them, will Zandronum use the wads in the subfolders or will I have to link the subfolders too?

>> No.478141

My physical Doom collection is two CDs of Ultimate and Doom II in half-broken CD cases that I got from Goodwill.

>> No.478148

Get ZDL, put both the DEH and WAD file in there, load it with Ultimate Doom under any sourceport.

I actually played it quite recently in GZDoom.

>> No.478154

Regarding this, the Chex fix should still work.
I don't know if anyone else would be interested in this, but since the Contra bullets look like Zorch anyway, here's a tiny .pk3 that lets you play Doomtra in Chex Quest

There's a fix for Zandronum tho. Should work in GZDoom


>> No.478181
File: 4 KB, 74x112, ohshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey boys

>> No.478185
File: 42 KB, 544x400, 1358146227231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta restart my run of doomtra then

>> No.478209
File: 2.61 MB, 3264x2448, 2013-04-03 10.17.18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rip and tear, motherfuckers.

Posted it in a bingo thread thing once, but something, something bullshit, thread ended, no fucks given.

>> No.478213

The /vr/ gets agitated server.
You join you have like 0.5 fps and you can see all the agitated skeletons through the walls and you cant join.
I cant into servers

>> No.478230

Is Doom SNES any good? I've seen it referenced a lot, but I've never played it.

>> No.478238

That's a problem on your end.

>> No.478240

It's good for what it is, but obviously there's tons of better version out there.

>> No.478234

great music
shit gameplay
still better than 32x

>> No.478245

Almost all of the console ports of Doom suck massive ass in one way or another, SNES is no exception.

>> No.478251

I think it's the worst port of Doom. I've finished GBA Doom, but couldn't play through a single episode in SNES Doom.

>> No.478253

Not really, I had the same problem.
The server is unplayable, the lag is higher than Nuts on a bad day.

>> No.478259

too many skeletons

>> No.478262

What wad are you playing (other than revenantation)

>> No.478265

Doom 2 and the WADs that WADseeker DLed.

>> No.478273

what are the wads that wadseeker downloaded

>> No.478302

Just going off of the WADs Doomseeker says the sever is running.

>> No.478313

okay, that's odd
that's what we were running yesterday and it worked fine
also, you don't need skulltag_data or skulltag_actors
what port is it running?

>> No.478316

>please respond

>> No.478325
File: 176 KB, 228x253, 1365373490130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ordered one from eBay two weeks ago
>guy hasn't shipped yet
>he has 1000 sales and 100% rating

>> No.478338
File: 95 KB, 192x279, DONT PANIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.478346


You can launch WADs with Zandronum by simply dragging them onto the executable and choosing the correct IWAD.

I think that you mean Doomseeker, then yes, you have to give precise adress. Better keep them all clumped together.

>> No.478349

You mean the IP port?

>> No.478352

He dead bro

He dead

>> No.478364

Zandronum, what the fuck else?

>> No.478357

no, the source port dummy

>> No.478383

Then I don't know what the problem is, don't load skulltag_data/skulltag_actors I guess

>> No.478387

You need Actors first, then data. Try that.

Yea I know it's stupid but zandronum does that.

>> No.478401

png is one hell of a format

>> No.478394

And how would that fix the problem of there being too many enemies in the game for anyone to play it?

>> No.478405
File: 214 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20130417_165926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, SuperSpread is kind of a downgrade.
Doom 2's only gonna get bigger

>> No.478412

Holy shit I try to put on my trip and instead put in sage.

This fucking chest cold has gotten to my brain.

>> No.478416
File: 270 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20130417_180447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.478425

They don't.

What the fuck?

>> No.478428
File: 100 KB, 501x518, 1342614483068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.478429


What kind of a clusterfuck of a WAD is this?

>> No.478430
File: 44 KB, 320x200, spoonfeeding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a dumb thing I made.

>> No.478438
File: 54 KB, 431x415, 1336732606035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.478443

Will do, thanks.

>> No.478452

I bet you think zombiemen are no big deal, either.

It's Hideous Destructor. This is the first time I've set foot past Episode 1. I was used to the aimbotting zombies and mini-demons, but this is totally new to me.

>> No.478453

skulltag_data and skulltag_actors come with the hosting. Bestever use that on every server

>> No.478473

then I have no idea what the problem is, worked yesterday just fine

>> No.478489

server couldn't handle it

>> No.478491

Well, were there as many enemies yesterday?

>> No.478506
File: 276 KB, 1024x768, DSCN2079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just realized that the box calls John Romero the "Creator of Doom"

>> No.478514

yeah, it was the same everything?

>> No.478537
File: 15 KB, 177x271, roflbot[4].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mine's superior

>> No.478561

It may be because yesterday there were maybe 100 revanants, now there are over 2000 in one level.
It may need to be lowered to be able to play on most systems.

>> No.478562

whelp, it's not working today.

>> No.478563


>> No.478581
File: 231 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20130417_172349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put dropweapon on RMB
>able to hoard weapons
awesome, but at a cost

>> No.478595
File: 48 KB, 1129x1248, 1365644772677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.478586
File: 111 KB, 637x476, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got it, oh man that was hard. Ended up using prboom. Went through so many source ports.. in the end I just made a little batch script that did this:

prboom.exe batman.wad batman.deh

that's it.. but it worked. Thanks man

>> No.478587

Does anyone have that pasta about how fast the Cyberrunner goes?

>> No.478590
File: 1.33 MB, 400x182, tumblr_ml61yfFIQf1qzocx4o1_400[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now there are over 2000 in one level.




>> No.478603

>power of magnets

That's the most retarded fucking thing ever. They can't just say it's momentum. It's fucking magnets. Now how would that even work?

>> No.478606

That was my bad, MAP08 exploded with revvies and eventually spammed the start area until you couldn't survive half a second without dying.

Now it seems the Cacos are for some reason continuously spawning more little revvies, and the result is ridiculous lag. You can't play or even navigate menus.

I tried to VoteMap but I don't know what the names of the maps on rotation are, I just tried MAP09 for example, but nothing happened. What's up with that?

>> No.478607

There's zdoom fix for the batman wad that works on pretty much every modern source port you know.

>> No.478625

The cacos doing that is intentional. I may make lostrevenants destroy on death (fadeout)

>> No.478626
File: 80 KB, 590x462, 1334067136813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cacodemons shoot revenants

>> No.478630

Is it the one I'm staring at on zdoom forums?

how do I get it to work? I don't see a readme or anything

>> No.478632

I think that's a spergy attempt at justifying the homing attack in the 3d sanic games. Still sounds pants on head retarded though.

sage for offtopic as hell

>> No.478648

Well you might want to tone it down or something, this many revvies is literally making it unplayable.

>> No.478658

alright guys, so i started a doom reaction images folder. it isn't very big because i started making in about 2 threads ago. I split them into 2 categories: general and reaction. Here's the link :filedropper dot com slash 4doom

>inb4 >filedropper

>> No.478652

I tried loading the server just to see if there was an issue, which there clearly was. I heard beautiful music during the load up thinking "this shit will be so cash" then I hear screaming and explosions everywhere and the screen never updated yet I could hear myself dying dozens of times and escape key stopped working annd oh manomanomanoman
I had to click the windows button on my keyboard and manually destroy the server with all of my hopes and dreams
This didn't happen yesterday, this isn't the server that I used to know

>> No.478667

>revenants shoot revenants

>> No.478670

That's the point of the mod.

>> No.478674

Is there any reason not to use zandronum for singleplayer?

>> No.478686

>The point of the mod is that you literally cannot play the mod
what a pants-on-head retarded gesture

>> No.478687

The point of the mod is to crash the game and do nothing else?

>> No.478689

Less compatable with modern ZDoom wads.

>> No.478675

I just had an idea

Doomtra + Revenantation + Doom 2 4x Bigger

>> No.478685

I dunno, I randomly found it on the internet some time ago. Actually, I think it was a fix for skulltag... A quick google search gave me this:


Just download the wad and run it with Zandronum/whatever. Rip and tear the night!

>> No.478691

>Revenants chaingun fire chain rocketing Revenants.

>> No.478706

some images overlap the folders because they fit into both categories

>> No.478707

That's how it agitates you, it spawns so many skeletons that it just fucking crashes the game.
Also here's the wad incase the BE one is actually broken

>> No.478710
File: 69 KB, 456x386, 1334704340041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those revenants

>> No.478718

The point is to make it unplayable, or to make it ridiculous? Because it was doing the latter just fine for a while, at least with respawning enabled. Now it's just broken. Completely unplayable and even unusable since just navigating menus produces obscene lag.

As one who enjoyed what they experienced of the setup, I strongly recommend limiting the number of cacorevs that can be spawned per caco, or making them fade away over time. As it is now, the game is quite literally unplayable.

>> No.478728

I actually have no idea why it's crashing, and the point of it is actually to be ridiculous.
I will do what I can to fix the cacorev and lostrevenant errors

>> No.478729

Thanks! only thing is, I don't see a wad.. just a 'patch' file.. any idea?

>> No.478747
File: 29 KB, 459x416, 1333517375763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still trying to hunt down a copy of Brutal Doom lite as all the mediafire links are gone. Do any of you have it?

>> No.478737

Well nevermind, apparently killing a server is the only point of the mod.

I don't see how that's a worthwhile goal, but I won't force you to change it or anything. Carry on with your hideous dreams.

>> No.478740


Is there any way to get the item glow in zandro (potions, helmets, armor) in GZDoom?

>> No.478748

Hmm... maybe you need the original Batman.wad, the .pk3 patch, and to drag and drop them both at the same time in Zandronum?

>> No.478750


Damn, I need to get some plugin again. What's the best 4chan plugin for auto-refresh these days? I'm on Firefox something or othre right now.

>> No.478751

Well, regular Doom has a limit on how many Lost Souls can be spawned by Pain Elementals, so maybe you can implement that?

>> No.478770
File: 45 KB, 320x200, spooning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend of mine asked me to make this.

>> No.478762

It's hosted on ModDB now.

Just click the "Auto" check box at the bottom.

>> No.478765

I love you so much anon, thanks I actually just now figured it out before you said that, I basically did it the same way

But I made a batch file, thanks again! hours of work all come down to this.

>> No.478775

Someone should edit the Arch-Viles so that they can resurect Cyberdemons and Spider Masterminds

>> No.478778


I just figured it out. Lights.pk3


>> No.478781

Hey, no problem dude! I actually really like Batman Doom, it's an amazingly original wad!

Actually, since you can get it to work in zandro now, maybe we could coop it?

>> No.478783
File: 355 KB, 640x480, [revenants intensify].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.478801

I just had a look at it. The problem seems to be that the cacodemons are spawning a jillion baby revenants who are dying and then just staying there. Try adding an A_FadeOut(1) call at the end of their death animation. This'll make them fade out and be removed when fully faded.

>> No.478803

I don't have that. Just checked, Firefox 20.0.1

Did I disable something I shouldn't have or something?

>> No.478804

Okay. I made a much less intensive version (this just removes revenants on death)

>> No.478818

That would be great, I'd like that.

Now I'm just hoping to find a way to play the old aliens TC's

>> No.478820

The revenants don't seem to actually do anything but die immediately, so I'd say go for it. Just make the cacodemons shoot the revenant balls IMO

>> No.478821

Click "Settings" in the bottom right/top left.

>> No.478807

I wanna give a shout to my nigga Space Nigger

>> No.478810

That's what I did. I also removed the cacos spawning babby revenants.

>> No.478829

[revving intensifies]

>> No.478830

I checked the downloads on their modDB page and I still couldn't find it there.

>> No.478834



>> No.478836

filepost dot com slash files slash 9d915m1d shlash Retro_Gamer_44.pdf
Retro Gamer issue on Doom

>> No.478838

Go get 4chan X.

>> No.478840

That's intentional. The cacos are transformed to melee, when you get close they instakill you. I removed this because meh

>> No.478843

Thanks mate, dunno how I missed that. Guess I just assumed it was gone.

>> No.478851

Alien TC is just a wad and a dec file right? I could probably make a fix for modern sourceports.

>> No.478885

Oh would you? That'd be great. Yeah I believe it is.

>> No.478903

>mod is fun
>then gets unplayable

"that was the whole point lel'

Revenation has potential (see last night) but thats just pants on deimos base retarded

>> No.478914
File: 6 KB, 394x156, meleecaco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if you just want to make the cacodemons instagib people in melee, you can do something like this. This also shouldn't crash the game, though you'll have to make sure the lost revenants are fading out anyways to fix the pain elementals.

>> No.478920

I was joking
apparently I can not into jokes
oh god

>> No.478921

I wish my wife would do that for me
It took me awhile to figure out what it was, but now that I know, I teethe with envy

>> No.478929

Hey eric,

you're not the green herring guy, are you?

>> No.478945
File: 24 KB, 201x130, super_shotgun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best weapon coming through.

>> No.478941

I forgot how to make it so i wont change weapons once i pick one up.
gib answer pliss

>> No.478948


>> No.478956


multiplayer options player options weapon setup

>> No.478958


He's a speedrunner and mapper.

Thought you might be the same guy.

Apparently not.

>> No.478959

Well, looks like my usual conversion method didn't work. Sorry dude, you'll have to keep looking.

>> No.478963

Nope, I can't map at all and I dislike speedrunning.

>> No.478967

Yeah this is difficult, maybe I can get it running in prboom

>> No.478972

O yea thats right.
Thanks anon.

>> No.478976
File: 18 KB, 483x447, archviles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I'm at it, here are some changes to the bosses that I feel make it more... interesting...

Feel free to change the damage numbers if you want people to survive it without armor.

>> No.479003

Got it working through Cdoom
thanks for trying to help though.. maybe it'll get ported over eventually

>> No.479024

I like it.
Adding it now.

>> No.479041
File: 35 KB, 420x420, 457547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>162 posts.

>> No.479048

i don't understand the point of this post

but i do understand the image

just call me luvs2fast

>> No.479076

Made some "slight" adjustments.
VILE G 8 BRIGHT A_FaceTarget
VILE H 6 BRIGHT A_VileTarget
VILE O 6 BRIGHT A_VileAttack("vile/stop",50,120,200,10.0)
VILE P 20 BRIGHT A_Jump(230, "Missile2")
Goto See

>> No.479082

I like it

now we just need a server

>> No.479091

okay updated revenantation for the 100000th time today
upload this version to BE niggas

>> No.479105

It will make it chain cast archvile fire

>> No.479102

What exactly will this do?
Should I be afraid?

>> No.479114

also the fire does way more damage than archvile fire

and it pops you about 500 feet into the air

>> No.479118

another excerpt from the PS1 box: "Super fast speed: up to 30 frames/sec"
"up to"

>> No.479160
File: 136 KB, 569x422, 1345993550540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there much difference between the PSX doom music and the Doom 64 music?

>> No.479164

Doom 64 is a completely different game that is 2SPOOK like Quake and has a soundtrack like Quake too.

>> No.479173

64's music sounds much darker. Very eerie.

>> No.479171

whats a better port 32X or SNES? i hear the music for the 32x was terrible

>> No.479181
File: 512 KB, 1920x1200, 1339348617655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know they play different, 64 was great.
Just listening to the tracks they sound very very similar.

That creepy ambient sort of "music"

>> No.479182

32X has shitty music, decent gameplay. SNES has shitty gameplay, decent music.

>> No.479214

how to change gravity so I can traverse doom with 4x bigger mod on?

>> No.479234

sv_gravity 200
1/4 gravity for 4x bigger rooms

>> No.479238

sv_gravity 200

>> No.479230

Can someone tell me what the password for /vr/troopers is? Vidya, vidyagaems and videojuegos all do not work.

>> No.479248

Anyone know a good Wolfenstein3d port?
Or should i try to play it on DosBox?

>> No.479251 [DELETED] 
File: 288 KB, 800x1231, 1300428345932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the 3d0 doom tune, ''dark halls''

Tell me if I'm alone in this, but while it sounds good does the music sort of ''slow you down''?

Basically, in comparison to other songs can you rip and tear as well to this? And if it's slower and creepier, is that so bad if the level is more action-y?

>> No.479252

ECWolf is zdoom in wolf3d (literally)

>> No.479258

Super Noah's Ark 3D

>> No.479260
File: 288 KB, 800x1231, 1300428345932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the 3d0 doom tune, ''dark halls''

Tell me if I'm alone in this, but while it sounds good does the music sort of ''slow you down''?

Basically, in comparison to other songs can you rip and tear as well to this? And if it's slower and creepier, is that so bad if the level is more action-y?

>> No.479273

That's fast enough and full of enough delicious 80s synth I can rip and tear to it without getting too spooked.

>> No.479284

how do I implement that into the game? is it a wad? is it a command?

>> No.479293

Type it into the console.
>not knowing about console commands

>> No.479287

Ask in the /vr/ IRC

>> No.479312

Ey Faqqer how's Archviolation coming?

Also how do you guys feel about a MASSIVE MAPS wad + Cyberrunner + Zharkov goes to the store + Hard Doom or something that makes monsters ridiculous?

>> No.479316

I was busy ripping, tearing, and fixing up revenantation. I'll get back to it now.

>> No.479323

So huh, this is gonna sound kinda weird, but:
is there a Rasta themed wad somewhere?

I dunno, I felt like listening some Bob Marley and play Doom at the same time, but I'm not sure blowing demon's brains out to reggae would be just as satisfying.

>> No.479326

How do I exactly connect to it? I try putting in the name given to the address and it comes up with host not found. Is the port different from 6667?

>> No.479338

depends on what irc client you're using

if you're using the built in doomseeker IRC client, connect to the zandronum server, and in the server console (it should say "Zandronum ( Name )", not "#Zandronum", the latter is the zandronum channel) use /join (SERVER [PASSWORD])

>> No.479352
File: 244 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130417_210817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the name of this monster?

>> No.479359

El Diablo.

>> No.479360

Ask in /vr/troopers.

>> No.479378

I end up with invalid server key

>> No.479387

I mean incorrect channel key
Sage for double post

>> No.479380

Rocky VI
no clue

>> No.479390

Use linetarget I think.

>> No.479397

red deamon?
red fuckers?
rip target?
those red fuckers?

personaly id pick rip target. but hey, thats just me

>> No.479401 [DELETED] 

Want some Doom rage?

>> No.479408

You're typing in "/join #vr [password]" right?

>> No.479410

Seriously stop posting that every thread.

No one cares about it anymore.

>> No.479412

Nope, already shared it in another thread and I noped hard

And I kinda liked him when he started out, but today he's just a faggot

>> No.479420 [DELETED] 


>> No.479418


>> No.479426

fuck deleted the wrong post

>> No.479430

i dunno then, maybe connected to the wrong server?

>> No.479434

you got it right the first time.

>> No.479441

That's a blood demon.

>> No.479449

now thats a boring name.

Im still gonna call them rip target.

>> No.479456
File: 237 KB, 1280x800, 47454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.479467

rip target

>> No.479498
File: 8 KB, 535x412, unf insinuating a positive response.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg how did I not think of cyberrunner + Doom 4x

>> No.479535

What wad? I want to play one with new monsters that doesn't drastically change the gameplay. Scythe 2 was amazing for that.

>> No.479540

Looks like Hard Doom

>> No.479587

fuck it's goddamn perfect

>> No.479639

don't put it in brackets.

/join #vr vrtroopers

>> No.479648


>> No.479654


I got to map 03 but I'm stuck in the big courtyard with the water and shit

I'm playing on a trackpad

>> No.479681

REVANANTATION.WAD 4 mockaward 2013
oh wait
fuck you doomguy2000

>> No.479683


>> No.479686

What did doomguy2000 do this time?

>> No.479702

a guy that makes stupid/shitty wad

>> No.479736

I thought they brought back the Joke awards?

>> No.479748
File: 2.96 MB, 640x480, 1366117723984.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.479749

did they?
first ive heard of it

>> No.479754
File: 473 KB, 173x119, 130742864432.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did, thankfully

>> No.479765

That one's gone and dead.

>> No.479760

what about Worst wad?

>> No.479782

damn, i presume this was because doomguy2000 didnt want his shitty wad to win the award?

>> No.479787

Actually quite the opposite from what I remember.

DG2K actually attempted to make the worst wad possible but what happened was the worst wad to him was being as lazy and incompetent as possible. On purpose.

>> No.479784

No, it's because of stupid retards farting out the worst shit they could imagine in hopes of winning.

>> No.479804

Good lord, I'm looking at EDGE DDF, it's basically DECORATE's bastard father

>> No.479810


>> No.479821

Dear lord

>> No.479851
File: 270 KB, 1280x800, 2spooky4me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.479843

Not drama really so much as trying to keep a standard of quality when it came to wads.

See, if there's an award for worst wad ever, that would mean people would have to compete to get that award, which meant shitty wads being uploaded tenfold, which means trying to dig through shit to find one little piece of diamond.

>> No.479853


blood demon

>> No.479867

Or, since it's "Worst wad", it's like diving through shit to find the specific clod that was shat out by a dog.

>> No.479909

>tfw the only Doom game i have is the BFG Edition

>> No.479919

Since when MAP01 has cacos on it?

>> No.479939

summon Cacodemon
give Shotgun

>> No.479989

Just found this little gem

>> No.479998


>> No.480047


>> No.480136 [SPOILER] 
File: 99 KB, 1024x768, Screenshot_Doom_20130417_230417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.480151

Abaddon thread.

>> No.480170

I'm so spooked that my guts fell off.

>> No.480209

I just got an idea.

What if we put in as an enemy replacement for a cyberdemon, Super Mega Death Christ 2000 BC Version 4.0 Beta, Bitch?

>> No.480241
File: 436 KB, 1296x999, not a bad idea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.480232

That sounds better as a replacement for the Mastermind.

>> No.480236 [DELETED] 

>AVGN forced meme for Doom
Are there no depths to your faggotry?

>> No.480251

I'd play it.

>> No.480258 [DELETED] 

you guys do understand zandronum was created when a lesbian and a faggot stole the domain name and source code to skulltag from the creator of skulltag


>> No.480259

>AVGN forced meme
>not knowing what a forced meme is
Id play it.

>> No.480268 [DELETED] 

>not knowing it's a forced meme
>maybe if i put the year here he'll feel worse!

>> No.480274 [DELETED] 

I don't see what's wrong with being a homosexual or taking source code from an open-source project?

>> No.480275

Well that might work too but it'd have to have quite more hit points than the Cyberdemon. Not to mention it has not only plasma shots like the arachnotron, but the rockets, and yea, the hitscan chaingun the Spider Mastermind has.

And everytime it shoots it screams FUCKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERS

It'd be almost impossible to kill, you'd have to get around him to exit the level, which is in a hard to reach spot. Could you imagine the fucking torment?

Don't reply, it's the usual shitposter.

>> No.480283 [DELETED] 

no, they stole the domain name from the original skulltag creator and pretty much hijacked the project

>> No.480291 [DELETED] 

Carnevil, go to bed.

>> No.480292 [DELETED] 

your point?

>> No.480307 [DELETED] 

They also made it 5 jillion times better than carnevil's horrid shit. nobody cares.

>> No.480313 [DELETED] 

so he couldn't get another domain name?

>> No.480301 [DELETED] 

Okay? And why are we bringing this up now? It's been years since that happened.

>> No.480302 [DELETED] 


I'd be more enticed to sympathize with Carnevil if he wasn't a giant flaming crybaby.

>> No.480327 [DELETED] 

The amount of damns I have for poor Carnevil's plight are miniscule.

>> No.480353 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 800x600, texas46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

carnbarn pls

>> No.480354 [DELETED] 

who the fuck cares

>> No.480348 [DELETED] 

doesn't change the fact that Zandronum is pretty much ran by the worst faggots in the world

>> No.480378 [DELETED] 

says the tripfag desperate for attention

>> No.480367 [DELETED] 


>> No.480383 [DELETED] 

>being this much of a homophobe

>> No.480386 [DELETED] 

he is a tripfag because he creates content, moron

>> No.480391 [DELETED] 

er.. what? seriously the only reason I have a trip is because I made the FAQ and pasta, and because I have some projects that I've released here

>> No.480402 [DELETED] 


>> No.480406 [DELETED] 

I made a drawing in MS paint once. Does that entitle me to going around using a tripcode because I'm a "content creator"?

>> No.480414
File: 35 KB, 338x287, somuchformach5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, um.
We added a speedometer to Cyberrunner, to see if that pasta actually had any merit to it.
The top value is the turbo running speed, and the bottom value is the highest speed I could muster.


(if the image doesn't link I will stab kittens)

>> No.480427 [DELETED] 

No, who even implied that? You're retarded, kill yourself.

>> No.480430 [DELETED] 

Why are there so many beaners? Every server got a bunch of a beaners talking in spanish.

>> No.480431

standard procedure folks, ignore the shitposter

>> No.480435 [DELETED] 

creates content?
so fucking what, half the people here have created content as well but you don't see them dropping names left and right.

and hell, all you made is the faq, it's not like that's regularly updated and/or others are going to go OH MAN I WANT TO TALK WITH THAT FAQ GUY

>> No.480436

Your speedometer's broken. 91km/h is slower than Doomguy.

>> No.480448 [DELETED] 

i'd rather be retarded than furry and gay

>> No.480440

Mach 5 was theorically and with lost of boosts.

Or maybe you cant handle to go faster tahn the speed of love

lil late for that, dont you think?

>> No.480442 [DELETED] 

don't forget the faggots with coloured names and clantags

what a bunch of faggots, they only play because their computers are shit and it's all free

>> No.480443 [DELETED] 


So disagreeing with someone is shitposting.

>> No.480454

Your math is broken.
Doomguy was never that fast.

>> No.480457 [DELETED] 

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.480458 [DELETED] 

this entire community is full of faggots
/vr/ is full of faggots
/v/ is full of faggots
4chan is full of faggots

just leave

>> No.480474 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, the shitposter's come back and he's not pulling punches. Please people, if someone mentions the community, colored names, or anything else mentioned in the FAQ in OP, PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND.

I was hoping for a decent idea that might end up coming to fruition but people had to reply.

>> No.480479 [DELETED] 

>I don't like these guys, so I'm gonna baselessly argue that the things they make are bad!

>> No.480471 [DELETED] 

sup dude
unbanned i see.

>> No.480480 [DELETED] 

Actually, it was regularly updated when I got this trip. Also, I didn't just create the FAQ, I have some mods that I'm making.

>> No.480485

I'm using the same value as we've all heard 100 times. You have something better?

>> No.480494 [DELETED] 

>Please people, if someone mentions the community, colored names, or anything else mentioned in the FAQ in OP, PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND.
Not that person, but this really grates on me.
What, so people aren't allowed to disagree now? We're not allowed to voice dissenting opinions without others shrieking "shitpost! ignore! report!".
Are we a fucking hugbox now? Aren't others allowed to disagree?

>> No.480498

and then everything gets deleted

>> No.480505

Thank god. an we go back to the utterly painful to think about idea I was coming up with?

>> No.480506 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 299x330, Carmack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look janitors are deleting posts by people with trips and siding with shitposters. How mature, please leave.

I'm gonna go play some more brutal doom 2 now.

>> No.480508 [DELETED] 

There is literaly nothing to disagree with.

>> No.480503

What "same value"? There's, like, eightteen different values for what Doomguy's speed is.

>> No.480516 [DELETED] 
File: 264 KB, 638x461, hepler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>siding with shitposters
are you fucking blind?

>> No.480530 [DELETED] 

>siding with shitposters

I...I what? You...don't see all the "anonymous" posters deleted as well? That tripposting was in the minority? Are you
I mean

>There is literaly nothing to disagree with.


>> No.480538 [DELETED] 

>siding with shitposters
I guess it's official. The Doom threads have turned into hugboxes. People aren't allowed to disagree for fear of hurt feelings.
Of all things, /vr/, I was hoping you'd be different.

>> No.480539 [DELETED] 

>Hurr the guys who made the game are faggot
ok bud.

>> No.480540 [DELETED] 

Well, if there's something to disagree with, then don't be an ass about it please.

>> No.480534 [DELETED] 

he didnt side he just DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING

>> No.480536 [DELETED] 

how about you go back to your gay social justice blog

>> No.480547 [DELETED] 
File: 344 KB, 500x405, 1352384296775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis guy

>> No.480550
File: 58 KB, 640x360, 1336933898742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey janitor/mod, would you like to play doom with us?

>> No.480543 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 400x533, 1263088371557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.480573


>> No.480574 [DELETED] 


>> No.480562 [DELETED] 

Okay, can you give a non-terrible reason for not being on /vg/ that A: isn't a greentext B: says /vg/ is shit, or C: actually explains things?

>> No.480564

i think the guidelines for the FAQ are too generic, as we are interpreting them multiple ways, i call for a refinement of the guidelines

>> No.480580

We've already been over it a thousand times with a full reasoning, I'd rather not go through the process of posting it again.

>> No.480591
File: 1005 KB, 351x263, pls.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this off topic posting

>> No.480593

I think my anus is and always was the same temperature as the rest of me. But yes, let's.

>> No.480594

I'm going to go on Stronghold if anyone's wanting to join.

Pass is vidya.

>> No.480585

Sure. Got any ideas?

>> No.480587

>We've already been over it a thousand times with a full reasoning, I'd rather not go through the process of posting it again.
If it's been asked a thousand times, then wouldn't that count as a "frequently asked question"? One that deserves a not-terrible answer?

>> No.480589

I take back an earlier statement; 91km/h is almost exactly Doomguy's speed.

What tells you otherwise? It's definitely open to interpretation.

>> No.480590

Id play if we had a vanilla Dm server.
Goldeneye is fun but unfortunetaly its unbalanced and half broken.

>> No.480602

Okay. What value? Can you give me your math?

>> No.480603
File: 85 KB, 500x338, 1209102190209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mod = God
Also, can we stop carrying on this retarded bickering?

>> No.480616

i would say that discussion about the Doom community is on topic, as its secondary, but saying "X is a terrible person because i say he is" would be frowned upon, i quite enjoy discussing the community at large

>> No.480606

Because I'm lazy. I'll try not to be this lazy in the future.
I agree.

>> No.480624 [DELETED] 

Karma. That's what you guys get for being stupid faggots. No value to society.

>> No.480625


Actually, Term and I figured out real life distances in Doom.

The doomguy is 51 pixels tall, not 56 - his origin is 5 higher than the bottom of his sprite.

According to this, the Doomguy is 5'6", or 66 inches tall. This means that every pixel is 51/66 inches tall.

Now, pixels in Doom were weird. They're actually 20% taller than they are wide, so to get the width of a pixel, we need to multiply this by 5/6. From this, we get that the width of a pixel is 85/132 inches. One inch is 2.54 cm, so this means a pixel is 2159/1320 cm wide. This is probably the width of a map unit.

From this, we can get a meter in Doom units.

doomunit = 2159/1320 cm
doomcm = 1/doomunit = 1320/2159 du
doomMeter = doomcm * 100 = 132000/2159 du
doomMeter ~= 61.1394 du

An SR50 doomguy can cross about 21.3 units per tic, which is 34.84 cm per tic, or 12.44 meters per second.

A qucik run through google:
12.44 (meters / second) = 27.8274875 mph
12.44 (meters / second) = 44.78400 km/h

Everything you know about Doomguy's speed is wrong.

>> No.480638 [DELETED] 


...which goes back to my original point. People are not allowed to disagree, everything dissenting gets ignored. In fact, I bet someone is reporting this very post right now.
My God, /vr/, I thought you said you'd be better than /v/.

>> No.480651 [DELETED] 

....its a fair point, i have to admit

>> No.480662 [DELETED] 

I still dont get what you want to disagree about.

>> No.480663

Never mind Stronghold crashed.

>> No.480671 [DELETED] 

Most people seem pretty lax if you disagree as long as you aren't a cunt about it. For me, it's not even a matter of whether or not I agree with an opinion more so that it's how the opinion is presented.

Sage for off-topic.

On-topic: So few people ripping and tearing tonight on Doomseeker. Everyone burnt out already?

>> No.480682 [DELETED] 


>He already is

>> No.480673 [DELETED] 

You're misinterpreting it. Lots of people do. What I mean is if someone's shitposting or being a huge ass about [x] then ignore them, if they have a valid point and such then 's cool.

>> No.480674

quality wad, innit

>> No.480675 [DELETED] 

can we cut it out with the "hurr /vr/ is the new /v/" shit? Saying it only serves to reinforce that attitude.

>> No.480678 [DELETED] 

Janitor is hilariously incompetent. Starts deleting everything, then stops because people are calling him names. What a fucking loser.

>> No.480680 [DELETED] 

I think the original argument was over weather or not carnevil is a jackass.
Stronghold is taking too fucking long to download...

>> No.480689


In fact I think the stupid messages and the completely ass fps makes the game's immersion that much easier.

>> No.480692

how about someone joins a server then everyone else joins? I'm up

>> No.480702 [DELETED] 

Thats still not related to DOOM

even if it was. Who the fuck cares enough to respectfully disagree?

>> No.480703 [DELETED] 

I don't see any namecalling bro, unless you're counting MODS=GODS

>> No.480713


/pol/ map guy here

not burned out, just mapping

Doom time is split between playing and mapping, and if I want to finish this map anytime soon I have to stop playing.

>> No.480717

We're not on /vg/ because the threads were being ignored. Even with expanded to 90s FPS General, we would be lucky if we even got 40 points before the thread died.
We moved to /vr/, and the threads fucking blossomed. We go through over a thread a day now. We asked on /q/ whether it was allowed, they said they'd be fine with it.
Strictly speaking, it is more of a "general" thread. We're not just discussing the games itself, we discuss the culture, the community, the mods, the source ports, and same-engine games, and even similar other games like Duke Nukem 3D and Rise of the Triad, but the mods accept it and we flourish here, while we were stagnating on /vg/. None of us want to go back to our floundering death.

Are you fucking enlightened now? Is that a good enough answer for you?

>> No.480725

Adding this to the FAQ. Thank you.

>> No.480740 [DELETED] 

youre still not disagreeing to anything

>> No.480730


Yes, it is. A shame I had to wade through fifty post deletions and attitudes like
just because I wanted an actual answer that wasn't
>going to /vg/

>> No.480757


>> No.480758

Nobody's disagreeing with anything.

>> No.480795

you should add a thing for the things mentioned to ignore that it only applies if they say so in a bad/derogatory wording e.g. obvious b8 type stuff

>> No.480802

So...for the sake of curiosity, what were you disagreeing about?

>> No.480826

holy shit I just realized I can edit pastes

>> No.480835
File: 47 KB, 499x801, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...I think it's kind of obvious.
I didn't agree with this on /vr/. I am now informed as to why it's on /vr/. I still don't agree, since it even admits it's more of a general thread, but nobody wants to see discussion of their favored game die out so I'll just let you be.
So...enjoy your shotguns?

>> No.480843

At first, we were disagreeing about Zandronum's creators, and then we were just disagreeing about disagreeing.

>> No.480856

shotguns are good yes

>> No.480878

I don't know who you are, where you are, or what you do, but if we ever meet I'm buying you a fucking drink.

Stop that.

>> No.480867 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 320x220, 1357096493703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Shitposting continues

>> No.480868

Well, since I deleted the old FAQ here's the OP as well

>> No.480885

>So...enjoy your shotguns?
Shotguns are neat.
Shotguns in a frenzy are better.

Anyone up for Shotgun Frenzy?

>> No.480881 [DELETED] 

I cannot wait for the /pol/ map. Even if the maps is shit, I know I will relish in the joys of doomguy calling the Imps hang and lynch your niggers

>> No.480916

I swear you nigs can't get enough of shotgun frenzy

Doesn't it ever... like... get boring?

>> No.480931

Iunno, when played in small quantities it's a blast.

>> No.480936

we a few of us are getting bored of the maps in survival invasion

>> No.480946

tbh yes.
The game is easily breakable, lots of glitches and some maps are just way too easy.
I can only have fun if i play it solo because im still challenged.

>> No.480970

Oh come on now! It was thread related, and referenced the culture of /pol/ in a subtle way. It was indefinitely pertaining to /pol/ makers post, and indeed did not deserve in the slightest to be removed by your massive hammerfinger.
The rules clearly state that the only board you are allowed to delete posts with absolutely no boundaries is /b/, otherwise this is abuse of power and rebellious towards the well thought out laws brought forth by the iron gauntlet of moot's very own craftsmanship.

>> No.481038

>playing ww-diaz-v3
>kill a flamer guy
>his sounds are from gay porn
i cant stop laughing help
don't ask how i know this

>> No.481146

>his sounds are from gay porn
What sounds?

>> No.481174

I warned you.

>> No.481212

Jesus fucking christ how horrifying.

>> No.481242

Oh god I recognize this.

>> No.481248

>reaches 45 seconds


>> No.481260
File: 202 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130418_005903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.481257
File: 16 KB, 333x279, 1344315706285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude... what?

>> No.481269

>hud link please
also, what wad are you playing?

>> No.481280


>> No.481271

It was used in last measure.

>> No.481294

Hud is ZDoom's non-alternative fullscreen hud. Press =.

>> No.481297

That's just the default ZDoom fullscreen hud. He's playing Knee Deep in ZDoom.

>> No.481305
File: 134 KB, 733x850, 1344060552133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.481316

i used to think that audio was so innocent before
just some idiot screaming
i can never hear it the same way again

>> No.481327
File: 205 KB, 961x915, Classy Baron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's implying you're gay.

>> No.481329

why are you going around watching shock sites?

>> No.481342


No I actually was like, 15 when I was linked it by someone, and then it took over the browser and essentially raped my ears.

Back to doom though.

>> No.481402

>last measure

That takes me back. I remember the first time I accidentally went to last measure. My speakers were on.

>> No.481416

but it was a straight porn video of an overly sensitive male achieving maximum overgasm
you know, by having sex with a woman

>> No.481432

but you were listening to male orgasm sounds, so that's

fuck you've got me offtopic again.

>> No.481453

>quickly lets go on topic
what do you think doomguy's orgasm sounds like.

wait, fuck

>> No.481462


>> No.481461

Has anybody played through Stronghold?

why does it suck online?

>> No.481464


>> No.481468

cl_UNF is "true"

>> No.481479
File: 69 KB, 463x187, thatface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.481475
File: 178 KB, 800x1200, >8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Late night is terrifying.

>> No.481492

i remember when doom threads weren't as bad as LoL generals.

>> No.481501

Are they now?
Were they ever?

>> No.481513

At least we actualy play doom, have servers, have people doing stuff, talk about doom most of the time and arent a having a perpetual waifu war.

>> No.481518

Since when are there women in doom?

>> No.481527

Wait what?

>> No.481523

Cacodemons are female.

>> No.481534

>at least we [...] arent having a perpetual waifu war.

>> No.481541

Have you ever SEEN a LoL general? It's not pretty. This thread went through some rough patches but is nowhere near as bad as LoLg.

And if you really want to see just how horrible a general thread is capable of being, look at SC2G. But be warned, the amount of shitposting you will bear witness to could drive you fucking mad.

>> No.481538
File: 24 KB, 435x385, cockodemon2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg to differ.

>> No.481539 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.45 MB, 5000x5000, Why do I keep posting this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.481546
File: 141 KB, 608x390, cacodemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that massive vadge

>> No.481561

That looks nothing like a vagina.

>> No.481565

Its a demon. I doubt it would look similar to a human vagina.

>> No.481567

vadge is below ass.
both are things I love to shove my ROCKETS AND BFG BLASTS into

>> No.481570

so where's that rapedoom mod

>> No.481572

So what, it JUST SO HAPPENS to have two orifices in just the right order?

>> No.481574

But if they have backginas, wouldn't there still need to be a penis involved in order for them to breed? My guess is that they're hermaphroditic and have penises that you can't see because they're tucked into their bodies when flaccid.

>> No.481589
File: 566 KB, 469x163, 1364718780533.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they find other things to breed with
why do you think the doom marines were wiped out?

>> No.481584

those horns might not just be decoration after all

>> No.481585
File: 176 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130308_040056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.481615

>deraling a legitimate subject.
tssk tssk

>> No.481616


>> No.481617
File: 361 KB, 447x459, lookatthisfuckingdonutgoddamn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, what if...

What if their dongs are inside their mouths and the "lightning" they shoot out is actually...

Oh Jesus...

>> No.481627

REELISM IT'S A PRETTY COOL MOD why are we yelling

>> No.481630

Reelism? Fuck I can't play it on Linux ;_;

>> No.481636

And at least we're not like the Katawa Shoujo generals where we actually have new content to discuss

>> No.481637
File: 2.25 MB, 300x169, Abandon thread.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night fellas
I strongly suggest we all go to sleep now and forget this moment.

>> No.481640

Is Russian Overkill supposed to be this easy?
You can just grab the megaarmor and be completely invincible.
Also some weapons use no ammo? Am I loading RO_pb.pk3 correctly?

>> No.481646

What, why not?

>> No.481648

All of those are a yes. It's a joke mod.

>> No.481650

Yes, and yes

>> No.481658


As in hates anything windows.

>> No.481668

I think it's only meant to be played on absurdly hard campaigns like Sunder or Holy Hell.

>> No.481663

What's the best wad out there?

>> No.481669

But Reelism is a Doom mod.
You can run it in Zandronum or GZDoom.
Zandronum is available in Linux.
I could play it RIGHT NOW if I wanted to, I just played RO.

Even on highest difficulty?

>> No.481678

But doesn't it need the exe to run?

HOld on lemme see this shit.

>> No.481694

Reelism only works with GZDoom, last I checked

>> No.481692
File: 307 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130418_004921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking mod man.
Everything is just so satisfying and it's pretty funny as well.

>> No.481693
File: 1.78 MB, 320x240, srsly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"This mod requires Doom 2: Hell on Earth and GZDoom to run."

>Realizes I've been posting without my trip

>> No.481763

>perpetual waifu war
The only waifu is the Cyberrunner.

There are no other notable female Doom mod characters.

>> No.481768

Oh hey it works.

I also suck at this.

>> No.481779
File: 19 KB, 290x705, Allow me to introduce myself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on play Team LMS on Internal Conflict!
Team games so there's no rump roasting!

Hostname: /vr/ Demon Dogpile
Password: vidya

Come on in!

>> No.481783


>> No.481791
File: 438 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20130418_010332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's really fucking good too.

>> No.481814
File: 168 KB, 800x600, Screenshot_Doom_20130418_010918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.481830

Looks like Hexen.

>> No.481835

>that hud
I'm sorry, what version is that?

>> No.481847

old one, it's wwhc-diaz.wad. I have a newer one on my hard drive somewhere.

>> No.481854
File: 342 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20130418_011120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.481864

Oh, wwhc-diaz is the newest one?

>> No.481880

this is the new one, althought it's different enough to merit having both of them, they're quite different.

>> No.481891


You know what, darken weapon icons when not used and bring the current one front. That mess of icons remind me Ultima bags.

>> No.481901

Isn't v3 a updated version of diaz that came before wwhc-diaz? I have all versions already, by the way. I just don't play the wwhc version much.

>> No.481915
File: 205 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20130418_012734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking shotgunners.

Totally would if it were my mod and if I knew a damn about SBARINFO.

>> No.481950

iirc it hasn't been updated since 2008, it's probably "final".

>> No.481962

Oh, v3 was last updated 2011, and I already have that version. Nevermind.

>> No.481987

guys, is there a candy mod
machinegumballmachine, sticky grenades, chocoshot, etc just something stupid enough to get my giddies in a basket

>> No.481989


>They did, thankfully

I'm answering to a 4 hour post, but yeah, gonna need sauce

>> No.482008

"Surprise, fools! The Mockaward is back. There was some hushed talk about reviving it specifically for a particular nominee, when Scuba descended from the heavens and made it official. Inconcievable!"

>> No.482028

What mod?

>> No.482029


Oh shit how could I forget!? Yeah, it's true, CoDooty won that year...

But then again, fuck Doomguy2000 for ruining the fun for us all

>> No.482035

>that fucking picture
lol literally every god damn time

>> No.482040
File: 83 KB, 584x964, wwmods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been collecting wildweasel mods...

>> No.482389

There was one version of Diaz with more playable characters with unique abilities, I really wish I could remember what one that was.

>> No.482394


>> No.482436
File: 453 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20130418_030113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it was this
I love how Cortes throws her guns instead of reloading them in this.

>> No.482445

That's called a New York reload.

>> No.482450
File: 296 KB, 1280x800, B0A5BEB259CBF07282E45CDCD358B07CA50F779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's that time again. Time to go on idgames database. And hit random.
If you hit a weapons mod. Roll again, and play that weapons mod with the map that you get. Lets see what I roll.

>> No.482452
File: 10 KB, 218x231, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get on here everyday just for this thread, thank you OP.

>> No.482457

me too. Honestly I feel /vr/ is the best thing to happen to 4chan and these threads make it all the sweeter.

>> No.482462

Yes you have to add them all manually though if you're setting up a folder.
If you want to run only one though in single player, click and drag the WAD into Zandronum, choose the IWAD you want to play with, and it will start up if the WAD is Zandronum (Skulltag pre Zandronum) compatible.

>> No.482460


>> No.482476

Me and a buddy used to play it for fun, we got motion sickness every fucking time, and mine was so bad I would puke.
SNES Doom is the worst console port of all time, well that and the Atari Jaguar.
But the Atari Jaguar version has the best commercial of all fucking time.

>> No.482482

The Atari Jaguar version is bad? I thought its only problem was lack of music. I haven't actually tried it.

>> No.482486

Don't forget 32X

>> No.482489

Supposedly, it wasn't that bad, and every single console port besides the 32X one is based off it.
It's also supposedly the only console port that you can circlestrafe in.


>> No.482502

>Revenants with chainguns, firing cyberdemons, firing revenants, firing more revenants.

>> No.482503
File: 41 KB, 240x348, 1366074848506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Make a Doom thread on /v/
>Just turns into shit
>Make a Doom thread on /vg/

On the other hand the gauntlet and Doom threads are practically carrying /vr/ in general

>> No.482506

Don't make me actually create that. Because I will.

>> No.482509

Okay, okay.
Hear this
Pain Elementals
That fire Pain Elementals

>> No.482510


daily reminded we will never have a bayonet melee

>> No.482515


> The Seventh - Level Two: Station Charon

An okay-ish MAP02 replacement, narrow paths and "Go there, pick keys, go home" level structure, with nothing worthy of being noted

Oh and it has Rape Me from that one guy with the shotgun as a music replacement

>>Make a Doom thread on /v/
>>Just turns into shit

How shit? How much shitposting it received?

>> No.482516

We do, actually.
You wouldn't believe how much. I was there.
oh, okay

>> No.482520


Which on death explode into more Pain Elementals

>> No.482518

Fuck you.
I play on Nightmare anyways, I don't need that shit.

>> No.482521


>> No.482523

There are endless mods that do that. Honestly I like having more reasons to use my chainsaw.

>> No.482524

well considering ANY emulation based thread on /vr/ is pure condensed faggotry and confirmation bias i would say yeah the doom threads are doing pretty damn well

>> No.482527


>> No.482530

I like that we have Quake threads on here, but man I would love it if we had some build engine games threads too. I honestly don't know why Duke modding doesn't get as much love these days, it seems like you can do so much more in build engine than Doom.

>> No.482543

I love you.

>> No.482551

So was that Doom comic commercially available or was it given out as a free comic to promote the games?

>> No.482583
File: 36 KB, 600x434, 1365121838954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A constant 28MPH is still pretty unbelievable if you think about it.

>> No.482628

I know it was given in the ID Software anthology my Mother bought me when I was like, 7, BEST BIRTHDAY GIFT EVER BTW!
But everything else you need to know, is here.

>> No.482635

Scratch that it wasn't given in the anthology, come to think of it I have no idea how I came across my Doom Comic....

>> No.482638
File: 30 KB, 640x400, 1364501695842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doomguy is 5'6"

King of manlets

>> No.482646

It's not that much faster than Usain Bolt.

>> No.482665

Yeah but Bolt can only sustain that for a few seconds.

>> No.482673

And Doomguy is from the future, who knows what cuhrazy drugs he's whacked out on.

>> No.482704


Funny thing is, our math was still wrong.
We were doing some deeper digging, and then decided to look at id. According to Quake III, Doomguy's height is about 6'.

Of course, this could be just a completely random number pulled out of the ass! I mean, vital stats without any recognition for the sour

>Game unit: A game unit is used by deformations to specify sizes relative to the world. Game units are the same scale we have had since way back in the Wolfenstein days – 8 units equals one foot.
Well gee if 8 units equals one foot and Doomguy is about 51 units tall then ohhhhh shit he's right around 6'.

We're gonna have fun redoing the math.

>> No.482714

>deeper digging
>decided to look at id
>have fun redoing the math

Whaaaat the fuck are you guys even doing this for?

>> No.482727

Because it's fun

>> No.482782

>The first is the original giveaway printing and the second a set that was produced for the id Anthology collection.

It was given away with the id Anthology collection actually.

>> No.482787
File: 597 KB, 1024x768, Screenshot_Doom_20130418_041908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, I get to nerd out about obscure nerd shit, so that's always fun.
But ever since that one dude did a pasta of the Cyberrunner's speed, we decided to include a speedometer.

And, of course, we need to determine Doomguy's base speed before we can figure out where to go from there.

>> No.482925

>not a single person playing on an official /vr/ server

What is this, Soviet fucking Russia?

>> No.482932
File: 2 KB, 57x57, Nightmare difficulty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been soloing jumpmaze
plus, it's like 4:00am were I'm from right now

>> No.482945

Fuck off, it's 5 AM here. I'm going to fucking sleep.

>> No.482968
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, 1366202709319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw terry mods
shits funny

>> No.483001

this. I'm heading to sleep myself.

>> No.483019

shit aint funny nigga
it gets boring after you've played the 2000th terry mod

>> No.483036
File: 31 KB, 304x274, 1359414996089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold up, I'm kind of new to these threads.

What is cyberrunner, and where do I download it?

>> No.483040

Read the FAQ niggermcnogger.

>> No.483114
File: 202 KB, 500x525, Perdgate_cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone else ever play some of the commercially released megawads like Perdition's Gate? It's nice most of them are freely downloadable, but I would love to have some of the original discs for collecting's sake.

>> No.483151
File: 156 KB, 512x410, duke-nukem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't back peddle. Doomguy is a manlet and thus a inferior compared to superior Duke.

>> No.483158

Actually the calculation was wrong.
Read: >>482704
He's actually pretty tall.
Also, BFG

>> No.483154
File: 50 KB, 177x138, 22c70713f1d8f06786017931e79c604d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been hearin about some old skulltag niggas hanging out int hese here doom threads

how you guys been doin?

>> No.483170
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1036, Big fuckin signal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright guys, I've decided to make the motion tracker from Aliens a HUD item in Doom. I know how to calculate distance between actors, but I'm having problems actually displaying that distance on the HUD and playing the iconic motion tracker sound. Anyone in here good with ACS?

>> No.483171 [SPOILER] 
File: 35 KB, 114x83, 79Xnu[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.483189

Didn't you post this a few threads back?
I'd be happy to make this shoot cherry limeaid or whatever it's supposed to shoot if you give me a full spriteset.

>> No.483216

Who the hell are you?

>> No.483224


I don't have a spriteset for it, sorry; most of the stuff I post here is from the zDoom forums, but I think you can use an image editor and extract the sprites. It shouldn't be that hard, it's a GIF after all

>> No.483229

Oh, I didn't realize it was animated. My bad.

>> No.483249 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 631x537, Fucking_textures_how_do_they_work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the *hell* do I move floor and ceiling textures around in visual mode?

I use the arrow keys at the walls and it works fine, do the same with the floor and nothing happens.

Problem is pic related.

>> No.483253

I remember playing through a bit of that. Not a bad megawad at all. Music's decent too.

>> No.483254

These threads are full of faggots. Leave.

>> No.483256
File: 23 KB, 653x248, 4chin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I'm on the Zdoom forums quite a bit and I think I've got a mod that really might help you out.


It's basically a ''radar''.

>> No.483258

You have to be in UDMF format to do that.

>> No.483264

Would you care to elaborate?
sage for doublepost

>> No.483267 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 600x800, lost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How strange.

Wow, I never even knew that existed.

>> No.483269

>elaborate on something that is hiding in plain sight
If you can't realize this, you're likely one of them.

>> No.483270


by old skulltag niggas I hope you mean /v/ skulltag

>> No.483282

What, you mean the shitposters?
I'm horrible at finding things in literally everything I've ever done so don't expect me to find something hidden in plain sight (especially if I'm not even looking)

>> No.483298

It's not even possible in any other format without using ACS.

>> No.483307 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 800x600, spiderdemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's so odd though.
You can adjust the textures on the walls in visual mode to align them, but floors arent possible for this. You have to to it to the grid.

>> No.483314
File: 100 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130418_072149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on an even more compact hud based off of Jimmy's HUD.
Any recommendations?

>> No.483356


Looks nice and clean, and what's with the "100" in the upper right corner?

>> No.483357

It's the ammo count of the current weapon. The extra slot is for the key count.

>> No.483364

Thanks a bunch, now to just modify it so it only detects from the front, change the dots, add a detection wave and sound and limit the range.

>> No.483385

Is some server online?

>> No.483387

I tried Hell to Pay once. It was good when you don't mind all shitty sprites they've made. Though imp's, plasma gun's and BFG's sprites were good.
I think I'll try Perdition Gate someday. Maybe even will record FDA's for it.

>> No.483390
File: 61 KB, 300x224, 1328974408029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy to help.

>> No.483413

I feel like some DOOM. Who feels like getting their asses kicked?

>> No.483414

Revenants are sexy.

>> No.483441

I suppose "not right now" is the answer! Understandable, maybe later. Though I'd honestly say, you have no choice whether I kick your ass or not.

>> No.483587
File: 72 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130418_091420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit more progress
capatcha - TESTING
yeah, yeah I am capatcha

>> No.483604

Dems are computer screens

>> No.483614

Perhaps move the health and armor icons closer to the numbers and make them transparent?
Perhaps just keep the icons and number and do away with the grey background, or have the option to do that like as you minimize that's what gets taken away.

It looks good either way though.

>> No.483619

That's a good idea. I'll do that.

>> No.483640

I'd suggest you just highlight the ammotype currently in use rather than sticking it in the upper-right corner. I know I wouldn't be bothered looking at the upper-right corner when I can get the same information from the usual position for ammo counts.

>> No.483694


>> No.483719

No plan for a Doomguy face?

>> No.483726

There's plenty of place in the remaining corner

>> No.483734

I'll add one in the non-fullscreen HUD.

>> No.483793

You can't bind mousewheelup and mousewheeldown to taunt in any other port.

>> No.483817

You can't taunt at all in any other port.

>> No.483849

link to doom 2 4xbigger pls

>> No.483885
File: 45 KB, 251x251, 1338566092232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make a map in doom builder 2 (that uses 1 custom enemy) and I can playtest it just fine, though when I save the wad and try to load it outside doom builder 2, I get the "!" icon.
How can I fix this so it saves with added resources?

>> No.483909

Welp, finally got the hud nice and compact, any suggestions before I start work on the non-fullscreen version?

>> No.483913
File: 45 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130418_103401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image of course

>> No.483916

Is your custom monster from an additional wad? You gotta put it in your own, or else the game won't know where to look.

>> No.483924
File: 28 KB, 480x360, 1336059406986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've loaded it as another resource via ''game configurations''. If that helps.

>Is your custom monster from an additional wad?

One I downloaded, I'm just trying all the things you can do in doombuilder to learn and this is my first big hicup.

>> No.483925
File: 22 KB, 1280x454, dynamic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also dynamic shit on the hud as well as interpolation.

>> No.483926

Please respond.

>> No.483928

Well, open both that wad and your own in slade, and drag n' drop the monster in your game. that should fix it !

>> No.483929
File: 42 KB, 488x519, UV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the first google result.

>> No.483938

Where are keys displayed? I'd suggest putting them right above health, or maybe to the left of the ammo counts.

>> No.483937

The download links are broke.

>> No.483940

The amount of keys you have is in the top right as an integer. I prefer this but I guess I could add a key display as well.

>> No.483946


>> No.483947

There's activity in this thread. Let's play, right now.

>> No.483948

that's fucked up, how are you supposed to know which keys you have? the amount of keys isn't important, the ones that you have are.

>> No.483956

Sorry m8, just tried that and imported the files in Slade (and they're in the wad) but that's not working either.
Still getting the "!"

>> No.483960

I know the keys in the levels and their placement by heart, so I can just count them and know which ones I have.

>> No.483975



>> No.483979

What happens if you're playing a level you've never seen before?

>> No.483983

There's probably some other stuff you gotta put in, that contains the monster behavior or some shit. Sorry, I can't really help, I don't know much about custom monsters.

>> No.483987


>> No.483991

Oh well, I'll ask next thread and keep on trying.
Thanks anyway.

>> No.483992

My temporary memory is good enough.

>> No.483998

How frowned upon are crate mazes nowadays?

I say this because I'm currently making a map and I'm running out of ideas. I need a section for the player to go in to get a key, where they then have to backtrack to the main room of the level where an archvile will have been released and has respawned everything.

So far my level is just corridors and rooms with monster closets when you pick up the items. Somehow I was full of ideas when I started but I keep losing track of what I had planned and my mind goes blank.

>> No.484010
File: 25 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130418_105438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay added a key display

>> No.484016

Needs a Status Bar Face

>> No.484018

>How frowned upon are crate mazes nowadays?

It's not so bad really, just so long as it's not a total labyrinth or whatever.
Also, write stuff down - It's fun to brainstorm over while taking a crap.

>> No.484019

Like I said before, I'll add it on the alt hud.

>> No.484067

Just a few things before linking the new thread, I want to note this to everyone

>says the tripfag desperate for attention

>Why are there so many beaners? Every server got a bunch of a beaners talking in spanish.

>don't forget the faggots with coloured names and clantags
>what a bunch of faggots, they only play because their computers are shit and it's all free

Even if he's a dedicated one, he sucks balls way too hard in trolling matters, because I've seen him posting this same stuff in past threads. As always, if you see posts like this (AND in lowercase) don't reply and report

Okay, once I said the above

