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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 170 KB, 640x640, game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4827731 No.4827731 [Reply] [Original]

Describe a game you can't remember as best as you can, and help others who can't remember theirs.

>> No.4827737

The 2D game where you play as a monkey or something and have to fight other things (...other monkeys?) and collect gears and other mechanical things. It looked sort of like This War of Mine where it's a big house with no front and you can see all the rooms.

>> No.4827740

It was a DOS game, an educational one, that involved a character going up a mountain? It was similar to King's Quest, I remember there was a castle that had a treasure chest or something

>> No.4828224
File: 7 KB, 320x200, super-solvers-treasure-mountain_8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Treasure Mountain I believe.

>> No.4829606

A PSX racing game where the announcer (who sounded sorta like the F1 announcer) said UNBELIEVABLE! OK! OK! OK!

I think it was a rally game, but no luck finding it.

>> No.4829609

A run and gun arcade game in the summer of 1991 which was kind-of like Chelnov/Atomic Runner but your character was even smaller. I think.

It may have even been Chelnov but I remember the sprites being very tiny. Can't find it in MAME whatever I'm remembering.

>> No.4829610

an amiga game, western setting, side-scroller but kinda metroidvania like. not a lot of action, just basic shooting. you rescued women i think? all i can remember.

>> No.4829615

"Unbelievable" is from Formula 1 97, I believe.

>> No.4829706

It was a DOS (I think it was on Amiga too) dungeon crawler where you have to kill your evil twin brother by going back in time or something? I remember there were was an Egyptian and Graveyard level.

>> No.4829712

Text based RPG\adventure game. (Mostly?) about killing skeletons. I remember an Uzi being an equipable weapon. I always ended up dying in trap rooms, crushed by walls or on spikes or something. Downloaded of off a BBS.

>> No.4829723

There was that game bundled with my GeForce 4 where you ride a disc through various very colorful tunnels with some catchy disco like music. It's not TRON but the aesthetic was quite similar. You could choose from several characters, and I think you could shoot enemies, but mostly the game played itself and was more of a tech demo for the GPU. I remember the whole game being very purple and the disc you're riding is transparent with a rim around it. Another game bundled with the GPU was Gun Metal, maybe somebody can make a connection.

>> No.4829754

PS1 game where you control a black ship. You start on a base where you can actually shoot to destroy but will turn the sky black, it will eventually give you an upgrade of your machine gun.

Other description:
- Its an open world game
- Its Main menu screen is on a black screen with a pterodactyl displayed
- There is a demo on it that shows the ship on a forest area, armed with a red laser

Even today, I can't remember what is the name of this game.
I remember it being called "Frontier" on the cover but I don't see results on my searches.

>> No.4829764

Arcade ninja sidescroller, pick male or female character, you have a grappling hook. Thought it was a Neo Geo game?

>> No.4829778
File: 17 KB, 352x224, ninja-spirit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ninja Spirit, perhaps. Not a Neo Geo game.

>> No.4829826

If it's not >>4829778 I would like to know as well.

>> No.4829835

can't remember if it was a game or someones tech demo. remember it from early-mid 90s. it was on the pc and used vector graphics like battlezone (though it could be simple shaded polygons. you pilot a vehicle that jumps onto platforms. dont remember anything about enemies

>> No.4829842

It's not Ninja Spirit. You could actually swing from the grappling hook (like bionic commando), and you selected from one of two characters at the start. Probably early-mid 90s.

>> No.4830438

Only game I can think of is Ganryu, but I don't recall if the grappling hook was a significant mechanic

>> No.4830456

It was some kind of space combat game, I couldn't actually install it. I got it around 2005 I believe. I read the whole manual and I remember the concepts of spongers, kraal (kral?) and ejection was called "ejaculation". That's all I can remember.

>> No.4830457

An old shareware FPS that had graphics which looked like paper. As in, pencil-drawn black&white paper cutouts, everything looked like that. Not sure if it was ever finished, I played it from a magazine demo cd, but it always stuck in my memory.

>> No.4830552

It was a top down shooter on the GBC. You basically fend off an invasion of alien bugs.

>> No.4830559
File: 624 KB, 952x1824, galaga artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like Galaga

>> No.4830560
File: 79 KB, 320x240, ganr009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, that's the one. Seems like an underappreciated game.

>> No.4830571

A C64 game. Your player stood on some personal hover-device and could go up/down and left/right. The sides of the stage looked like a mouth of something and the entrance to the mouth had yellow zig-zaging beams blocking it. Can't remember if there was a puck in the play-field or not. Can't even remember what the objective of the game was.

Could have sworn the game title started with X, but looking at a list of C64 games, I still can't figure out what it was.

>> No.4830573

That should be waxworks.

>> No.4830614

Please, bare with my lack of memory with this one..
So there's a 90's pc boardgame in which you and several players traverse a board that has multiple splits in it allowing the player to choose what direction they want to head in.
During the game, your piece on the board can change from gas, to liquid and to solid allowing you to pass over certain spaces on the board (I.E a gas cloud and liquid can pass through a vent where a solid may not).
Sadly, I don't remember much else, but I'd love to revisit it

>> No.4830631
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First game is a RPG Maker 95 game (similar to pic). I remember it started with the protagonist doing something in a house, then the text box says he learned some spell (I think it was an ice one) and then he starts running away from the village and you get control of him. The only other thing I remember is that at some point your entire party was temporarily transformed into cats or dogs (don't remember which) to get through a part.

For the second one, it's a RPG Maker 2000 game named "Zelda: The Search for Link". It was a shitty rpg starring Link's brother, at the starting town you could recruit a FF Cactuar into your party and the strongest weapon you could buy was a bomb bag. At a certain point you were in a raft and had to touch a whirlpool, but that caused the game to crash. Despite knowing the name I couldn't find any functional download links for this game or any information about the creator, so I figured this was a good place to ask in case anyone here has it in a game CD or knows a functional download link (truly the Search for Link).

>> No.4830651

it was a game with anthropomorphic dinosaurs with guns, 2D side scroller, played it on sega genesis, pretty gory, kinda like gunstar heroes but not as good. Can't for the life of me remember the name. probably played it around 1994-95.

>> No.4830656

Dinosaurs for Hire

>> No.4830659

Dinosaurs for Hire?

>> No.4830692

No not Galaga. Should have been more specific. It's a 3rd person shooter but viewed from he top down like legend of zelda

>> No.4830703


Could be Ray's Maze or A Mess O' Trouble

>> No.4830712

CGA (black, red, yellow, green) DOS adventure game, where in the beginning you step through a portal to another world and it gives you some text about seeing a "myriad" of lifeforms, accompanied by a little panel of glorious CGA artwork. I thought it was a Star Trek game for the longest time, but I've searched them all and it isn't.

>> No.4830770

I played a demo, maybe from pizza hut, and I want to say the demo also had Twisted Metal III. I remember ot being a medieval setting, with knights and so on, but two players started at the end of a small map, and cast long range spells at one another. I don't remember there being much flare to the physical attacks, but it was a fun game. No idea what the fuck it is.

>> No.4830789

The game I'm thinking of I played on an old computer which I believe was an Apple II. You played as a Knight on some heroic mission. It was a first person view game with mostly static screens. There was a drop down window where you selected all the actions for your character, including combat. There was a section where you fight a rat in a haystack, and you have to select the "low kick" attack in the drop down to proceed.

Thank you!

>> No.4830843

that's the one! thanks anons.

>> No.4830852

It was a wasteland. Your character, rugged, dressed in red and brown. There were floating debris in the air. You were assaulted by a charging monster as soon as you begun moving. I never really made it past the guy, but I could see a green monolith in the distance.

>> No.4831004

And you kill bugs?
Armorines project swarm?

>> No.4831185

Probably not it, but the only game I can think of that sounds at all similar is Invasion From Beyond.

Sounds like Destrega.

>> No.4831274

It is! Thank you! I am about to order it.

>> No.4831393

This is a game I know, but don't know where to find it. So I'm throwing this here. I don't expect anyone here to know what game I'm talking about, but if someone does, you will be my hero. I remember in I think the early 00s having one of those "100 arcade games" discs for PC, and there was this one shitty 16-bit RPG on there I'm nostalgic about. It was called (not sure what the exact spelling was) Arcane or Arkane. The fact that it has such a generic name, plus that it was on some shitty compilation disc, makes it impossible to find. If it helps, I vaguely remember the box art for the disc being some guy in a darkened arcade, and I think he had sunglasses on.

>> No.4831541

>Invasion from Beyond.
Its not this one unfortunately. I remember you can destroy some mutants on it but its really more on free roaming than action. You start on an Island where your base is then explore from there. Go deep under the sea and find a vent that has a red colored hole that can warp you on a different area. Similar warp holes can be found throughout the world and warp you into different areas.

>> No.4831553


That sounds like V2000, man.

>> No.4831563
File: 11 KB, 400x400, red_dragon_z_by_paradoxdraco-d7viu4b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2d top down rpg for windows or dos, had nice pixel graphics. You start in a medieval town / castle and venture into a cave to fight a dragon. I think it was somewhat obscure as i have not been able to find the name of the game.

The combat was real time and not a party based turn based system.

It came on a cd rom i think.

pic unrelated

>> No.4831572
File: 12 KB, 640x400, alphawaves-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alpha Waves?

>> No.4831574

maybe this?

>> No.4831582

Perfect, it is. Thanks alot anon.

>> No.4831802

Some jet fighter game on PC, I think DOS or early Windows. I don't remember any enemies because we were just dicking around in the computer lab at school after the teacher deleted Doom from the network, but one thing I remember is you could destroy anything but the control tower.

>> No.4831909

2d game where you play as grug and first boss was living gigant plant who eat people, second one was pterodactyle

>> No.4831918

80s arcade game with a top down view. You play as a knight / guy in armor and there’s a section where you ride on a raft. Similar view to Ikari warriors

>> No.4831921

sounds like Joe and Mac

>> No.4831945

very smilar but no, have more shadowy colors

>> No.4831970

It was on one of those pre-NES consoles/computer things. You were a stereotypical Conan-style barbarian, side scroller. If you went left at the first screen this bear-trap thing would kill you instantly. You did a flip when you jumped. One of the enemy creatures might have been a floating eyeball thing.
It was similar to Warlock, but obviously not Warlock.

>> No.4831983

PS1 game, kind of a Pokémon/strategy mix. You could get eggs or rocks that the creatures came out of and potions to make them hatch, and you had no idea of what you'd get until it hatched.

>> No.4831989

Arcade right to left side scroller with a bearded guy in a tuxedo fighting terrorists. I was 5 or 6 when I saw it in a Safeway so my memories of it may be off but it reminded me of the Golgo 13 NES game.

>> No.4831993

Sly spy

>> No.4832002


>> No.4832016

I don't think that's it. I think there is a level that starts with you jumping from an exploding helicopter at night. And like I said, the scrolling was right to left.

>> No.4832056

Game I played in the arcade as a kid.

Beat 'em up game where you were some red guy who would fight ninjas or something, and at some point your character would go flying into the clouds and fight there. You could also get swords by collecting different types of colored balls.

>> No.4832140

PS1 game. FPS, I think. You played as some little space-tank thing killing aliens or demons or something. The cover art had some alien/demon head on it.

>> No.4832152
File: 308 KB, 1280x720, Sengoku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4832160

Lifeforce Tenka?

>> No.4832164


Holy shit, that's exactly it! Thank you!

>> No.4832167

One of my favorite beat em ups. Sengoku 2 is pretty good too :)

>> No.4832172
File: 2.00 MB, 1453x1488, machine-hunter-europe-playstation_1523881263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4832242

That game was fucking amazing for me.
Also had math rescue, spent a lot of time playing these games because I was a bit to young for parser.

>> No.4832256 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 500x500, 41xJ-Bzcy2L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looked like a late 90s/early 00s CG educational game. I remember the game CD was mustard-yellow and had three worm characters in it, one of them being a girl and one was wearing a hat like the one in the pic (dunno if it was the worm girl).
Unfortunately I don't remember anything else, but I think it had something to do with music?

>> No.4832259
File: 26 KB, 500x500, 41xJ-Bzcy2L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looked like a late 90s/early 00s CG educational game for PC. I remember the game CD was mustard-yellow and had three worm characters in it, one of them being a girl and one was wearing a hat like the one in the pic (dunno if it was the worm girl).
Unfortunately I don't remember anything else, but I think it had something to do with music?

>> No.4832423

>>a hat like the one in the pic

I believe that's called a beret.

>> No.4832428
File: 143 KB, 960x540, Puzzle game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for puzzle game, I played it on Windows 95, but before 2003.
Game looked like pic related.
One picture was hot air balloons (I think it was Stage 1), another was crayons (Stage 3?), later on hockey goalkeeper or players.
Also late in the game, there would be a question mark where picture preview would normally be (one such instance would be around stage 15-20, picture of a male swimmer).

>> No.4832593

Mid-80's 4 player arcade platformer with a sci-fi theme

>> No.4832616 [DELETED] 

That narrows it down.

>> No.4832618

That narrows it down.

>> No.4832637

>describe a game you can't remember as best as you can
What were you doing in 1987?

>> No.4832647

Sticking dried Play-Doh in my ear because I was in kindergarten.

>> No.4832696


Thank you for the effort.

The game I am looking for is text based and a DOS game.

>> No.4832764

An RTS in the vein of Warcraft, came out somewhere between '94 and '98. It was fantasy themed with what looked like prehistoric men and dinosaurs, had decent VGA graphics with at least 256 colors, but not at as high resolution as Warcraft 2 (probably 320x240).

I encountered it on a warez CD labeled "Best Games '97" or some such with a lot of other games like a ripped version of Blood Omen (no music or videos), Warcraft 2, Quake, Doom and a couple dozen of others. I've lost the CD when I moved to another house and was never able to find that one RTS ever again.

The games from that period that are listed on Wikipedia and old game sites look nothing alike

>> No.4832765

Point and click game on the PC starring some gnome like characters. Played it at school in the mid 90s and can't remember the name or any other clues.

>> No.4832773

another thing. I think the interface was located below the playfield like in Starcraft.

>> No.4832786

So I'm like a year older than you.

>> No.4832793

Yes! Thank you.

>> No.4832808

>not eating play-doh

>> No.4832862

There was an rpg on snes that I once rented. Your whole party would follow you when you walked on the wolrd map. The whole world was brownish grey, sorta like the future map in chrono trigger. You could fly around the map as well ok this creature.

>> No.4833175

3d ragdoll physics pc game purple and grey. was like a virtual playground

>> No.4833179


>> No.4833190

Say what you will you will about Mavis Beacon, that bitch helped me learn to type.

>> No.4833225

There's this one SNES JRPG an anon talked
about some time ago I was interested in, but the name escapes me.
I remember he kept bragging about the game having playable trucks and how it's such an unique gimmick for an jrpg or something like that.

>> No.4833335

Warlords Battlecry?


>> No.4833336
File: 27 KB, 640x400, gobliiins-1-walkthrough.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4833338

An old Windows "teaches typing' game where the two main characters are red and blue hands and you fight computer viruses. I think the first level took place on the monkey bars or something.

>> No.4833340
File: 73 KB, 640x480, zoombinis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4833402

Some arcade game where you fly an attack helicopter but the main objective is to collect people who sit on the side and drop them off later on in the level. The first level is in a jungle or forest. The camera is always behind the helicopter. I feel like I've looked up every well known helicopter arcade game from random google searches and I can never find it. Everyone always tells me its that one sega game, but the camera moves above and behind the helicopter and it starts in a city.

>> No.4833404

So there's a tough one:

- japanese / anime setting

- party of 3 (?) heroes (1 female 2 male)

- you entered blue portal to enter another map to fight monsters

- ginseng was an item in that game

- must be from the 90s

- isometric perspective

>> No.4833484

No. As I said it came out in 94-98, since that's when I got the CD. Warlords came out later in 2000. Also it was much lower res.
Also I remember now one of the units was a fat cavewoman.

>> No.4833574
File: 48 KB, 535x567, angryredfluffball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only played it for a brief time, but I remember that it had an angry red fluffy dude. There were also human characters and a yellow thing. I'm not as sure about it, but I think it was some kind of story book game that had it's own story and you can make your own story by using characters and objects and the characters had their own animations and would interact with each other. Last thing I remember is that it was part of a series, but again I'm not 100% certain that's the case. I MS painted the red guy because he's the one thing I remember clearly.

>> No.4833606
File: 44 KB, 640x640, 1524953035238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4833610

Septerra Core

>> No.4833698

>GeForce 4
2002, not retro. probably some demo game. try looking for the disk iso online

>> No.4833709

Shmup similar to NES Star Soldier, that's all I can remember

>> No.4833714

That's it! I played it one time in an arcade at a shopping mall and never saw it again. I can't wait to play this again. Thanks so much!

>> No.4833725

Old DOS game. Dungeon crawl with overhead and first-person view. Color palette was greens and purples on black. May be other, unrelated games using the same palette made by the same guy.

All of this is vague memories and might not be correct.

>> No.4833841

Glad to have helped. Another Sega arcade game that was popular at the time that also had a science fiction theme was Alien Syndrome. I think Alien Syndrome (up to two players could play simultaneously) was a more popular game so more people know about it. Quartet was rare and I'd only ever saw it at one major arcade back in the day.

>> No.4833984

Most likely a PS1 game, you roamed around a fair that had among other things a beehive and a shooting range.

>> No.4835319

>Septerra Core

that aint it

but close though

>> No.4835341

DroneZ maybe?

>> No.4835346

It was a 2d computer game where you were a factory worker and had to click activate machines to build the product as it went through the factory all the way to the delivery truck (and a trash bin conveniently placed behind it to ditch any products that you messed up).

You could some pretty silly stuff with mistakes, like misshapen dolls or basketballs with negative colors, but you had a quota to fill too.

I've seen recently a mobile game (i think it was factory hiro the name) that had the EXACT same idea, even the way the factory line and machines were set up was similar looking, but with hand drawn graphics.

I've been looking for this dang pc game for years.

>> No.4835347


>> No.4835350

Ninja Five-0?

>> No.4835354

I used to play this maze-like game on the C64 when I was a kid. Top-down view, you maneuvered a stick figure dude through corridors in search of a goblet or something. It may have been a two-player simultaneous game.

I remember calling it Maze Man, but that may have just been something I called it, not its actual name, I couldn't have been more than 4 or 5 at the time.

It was probably one of those shitty homebrew games, I know for a fact we had a lot of Loadstar disks at some point, but there may have been others? Loadstar is the only one I'm aware of.

>> No.4835358

So there's a tough one:

- japanese / anime setting

- party of 3 (?) heroes (1 female 2 male)

- you entered blue portal to enter another map to fight monsters

- ginseng was an item in that game

- must be from the 90s

- isometric perspective

>> No.4835382

What game is the music on this stage originally from? On the tip of my tongue.


>> No.4835384

It's a 2d jump and run game where you played as a little bald (?) dude or baby. I can remember shooting blue bubbles and I believe the first level was a cemetery where you could shoot open grave stones and they would drop pick ups. at some point there was a lava/fire stage with floating platforms. I've played it on an arcade machine.

>> No.4835387
File: 28 KB, 320x224, bonzeadv_a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonze Adventure from Taito.

>> No.4835389

Mabe Yo! Joe! or Rick Dangerous? Or La-Mulana?

>> No.4835392

maybe riglord saga?

>> No.4835396

holy shit, that's it! thanks a lot m8!

>> No.4835412
File: 9 KB, 193x262, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4835427
File: 21 KB, 474x189, th (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barbarian. I had it for Amiga, I don't know if it was for anything else. There's another Amiga game called barbarian the ultimate warrior which is not it

>> No.4835430

That sounds neat. Any time frame? Pc? C64?

>> No.4835451


>> No.4835467
File: 243 KB, 600x652, just_right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4835498

Not him, but I've been looking for this for a while. Thanns based Anon

>> No.4835504

A rip off of Bonanza bros or maybe a different version, but the camera was zoomed waaaaaaay off and you could see several floors and rooms at once. I played it once in an arcade and thought it was a huge improvement but they closed down and I could never find it again. I can't find any mention of this version anywhere

>> No.4835524

There was this game. I believe it was the first game i ever played.

It was a top down shooter. You went from the bottom to the top of the screen. I remember that your vehicle changed. I am sure the second level was a jungle. I am pretty sure that you had to hit the bosses in certain parts to injure them.

I remember the graphics were smooth. This is where it gets very fuzzy - we had an Atari 2600 at that time. But it could have been anything pre-NES, as I cannot discount poor memory,I may be wrong about where I played it because I was so young. My babysitter had a C64. My brothers mates had Amigas.

But I am CERTAIN that it was a late 80's Atari game. Halp?

Sorry, I don't know any of your games either:(

>> No.4835529
File: 88 KB, 508x445, gfs_39588_2_2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be Guerrilla War.

>> No.4835543

Thanks, but the game I'm thinking of you're a vehicle. Guerilla War is based though and so are you for trying to help buddy

>> No.4835547

Dual Orbs II

>> No.4835590

An arcade shooter like Operation Wolf except you were shooting zombies and other horror shit. I think it was pretty gory. Very early 90’s if not late 80’s. 16-bit sprite graphics.

>> No.4835709

wow....that is it

>> No.4835754

none of those sadly.

>> No.4835795

Factory: The Industrial Devolution?

>> No.4835836
File: 20 KB, 256x224, Beast%20Busters%20(World)-1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corpse Killer or Beast Busters

>> No.4835858

Thats it! Holy crap i've been looking for that game for years now, thank you!

>> No.4835990

Might be Star Force, which came before Star Soldier

>> No.4836142

Some tank simulator from one of those 50+ demo CDs.
It must have been released between 1998 and 2002. All I remember is driving around in a german tank, and when reloading the gunner would report "kanone bereit".
I'm pretty sureit isn't Panzer Elite, as I haven't heard that line yet in the game.

>> No.4836415

Beast busters was it. Thanks a ton.

>> No.4836497

Jurassic War maybe

>> No.4836514

Outfoxies from Namco takes place in a cut-away side view of different buildings, but the objective is completely different from Bonanza Bros. The goal is to kill a single CPU/human opponent.

Elevator Action Returns has a similar view, and is based around moving through the stage to the goal, like BB. Of course, it's a sequel to the original Elevator Action, which predates BB by quite a while.

>> No.4836561

Nah it definitely wasn't either of those. The game still had doorslam combat where you knocked out a guard for a moment as you ran by. I remember the guards looooved to stand by doors and if you didn't hit them the moment you could you would get hit instead. Some differently colored guards couldn't be fooled so if they were blocking the door you needed to find an alternate route

>> No.4836743

It was a game where you played as a ball across many different themed levels and the level select stage was a bowling alley

>> No.4836840

>Jurassic War
Close in concept, but not that game. The interface is very different (in the one I need it was below the game screen like in star craft)

>> No.4837394

Two FPS games on PS1. I can only remember that they both had a sci-fi/cyberpunk aethetic but one of them is full 3D, while the other one is Doom-like.

>> No.4837414


>> No.4837426

A platformer game where you play as a Mario like character. The first enemy is a cactus man who has flip flops and walks loudly.

>> No.4837498

Old game on the commador 64 I think, was like an amazing dizzy clone but you played some green dragon guy. only screen I remember was like some light int barrier that was pretty much just zig zags

>> No.4837673

For what it's worth, I do remember some other details. There's a world map where you could go to some lab to hatch the monsters and an arena where you could fight NPCs; there was also some portion where you could control the character inside of a cave.

>> No.4838234
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It was a game from one of those Windows Game Collections. You played a girl that was chased by a witch or something like that. You had to collect those blue orbs. There was some classical music in the background, but I can't remember what piece it was.

>> No.4838260

Kind of a shit description, but basically the game was a Raid on Bungeling Bay clone for the C64. Any ideas?