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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4817062 No.4817062 [Reply] [Original]

Times are getting rougher, my niggas. As time moves forward, the rarity and value of /vr/ games and accessories are increasing and as a collector it is becoming more harsh on both my finds and my wallet to complete my collections. I mainly focus on Sega Saturn and Dreamcast library/collection.

How do you /vr/gins coupe with this? Should I just give up and settle with what I currently own?

>> No.4817062,1 [INTERNAL] 

I could sell you some Dreamcast games, OP. I have:

Soul Caliber
Dead or Alive 2
Crazy Taxi
Power Stone 1 & 2 (1 is maybe the most underappreciated fighting game ever made)
House of The Dead 2
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Marvel vs SNK 2
One of the Tony Hawk games, not sure which one
And maybe a spare controller if you're interested

>> No.4817470
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Already own 99% of what I've wanted and for the absurdly expensive 1% I can just pirate or emulate those so I don't care.

>> No.4817484

With some shit I just have to look for other stuff I want to first. Others I just bite the bullet like with some arcade hardware.

>> No.4817523

Have you tried not being a hoarding idiot? That makes life easier

>> No.4817527

i bought a few everdrives now I'm set for life

>> No.4817562

Most collectors would look at this as their collection appreciating and smile. How many Saturn games do you really need to own that you can't budget in one or two a month?

>> No.4817712

2600 games are still cheap, the market should collapse once more who remember the time passes.

>> No.4817723

Stop being a pretentious faggot and just emulate.

>> No.4817729

Since when were Atari games ever collectible? Gamer culture didn't really exist back then, most guys who were kids in the Atari era just treated them as an electronic-ized version of pinball or board games.

>> No.4817732

Pretty much this. If I have stress related to collecting it's over when and if to sell not how to buy.

>> No.4817735

There are some balls rare VCS games some of which only surface once a decade or less.

>> No.4817737

I think arcade games are bigger for that generation than console ones. arcade-museum.com has a lot of guys in their 40s-50s who collect and restore them. Console games were just the inferior little brother of arcade games back then.

>> No.4817741

>How do you /vr/gins coupe with this?
Flash carts. Duh.

>> No.4817767

>spending your spare money on more games
Just buy drugs retard

>> No.4817787
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I kind of make a distinction between the SNES/ Genesis era where playing the game on the original hardware feels more essential and the cartridges themselves feel like real collectibles and the Saturn /ps1 era, where i feel like if I really want to play something I might as well just get it off psn (I'm playing FFVII on my PSP even though I have a hard copy and a PS1, it's just easier).

I guess I'm also sort of lucky since I managed to accrue some decent stuff just by being an oldfag who held on to a lot of things, so most of my collection is stuff I just bought off the shelf at Toys R' Us (RIP) or K.B. Toys (RIP) or the Warehouse (RIP).

>mfw all the comfiest stores are dead now

>> No.4817792

came here to post this

>> No.4817794

Not buying modded consoles is the dumbest thing you can do financially. Pretty easy to do most yourself, I'm killing it on eBay lately.

On the topic of prices, so we all know about the RGB fad. Anyone ever hack a CRT TV to give RGB output? It's hard to find service manuals online and I don't want to keep hauling free fatass CRTs home in my car to find usuable ones.

>> No.4817796
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also people buying ultrahdmi are fucking retarded, what the hell is wrong with you. $500 for some stupid ass shit, I hate these video signal quality whores you're such sheep, those of us that sell you these things use s-video or composite and laugh all the way to bank holy fuck.

>> No.4817798
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I just sent out an order for 100 rgb boards for $10 from china and with an afternoon of work I can flip these for 2 grand over a month like lmao.

>> No.4817803

Especially when an OSSC is less than half the price, gives equivalent quality, and works with any console. People are dumb.

>> No.4817807

It's numales in IT/software engineering buying this garbage and not realizing the people designing, creating and coding these 5 cent kits are NEETs making wagecuck threads as they pour their funds into shit they were brainwashed into buying.

>> No.4817813

GameTechUS is literally some admitted fat fuck in backwoods Kentucky living in his mom's house after she died making likely 40-60k a year making and installing this unnecessary meme technology. aHe likely worked at Arbys before the numales made (((retro))) popular. You know you're almost audiophile tier right?

>> No.4817820

Holy mother of based. My respect for GameTechUS just went to astronomical levels.

>> No.4817829

this but unironically, i love arbys!

>> No.4817838

This but unironically. I actually do enjoy the food served at Arby's

>> No.4817842

this but ironically, i actually hated arbys

>> No.4817852

came here to post these

>> No.4817923
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>Times are getting rougher
lmao maybe for you ebaycuck gotta learn to find those deals
case in point: pic related for only 600 of your puny earth dollars

>> No.4817941

Don't worry, most of you will be dying within the next three decades.

>> No.4817952

This is actually bargain prices as everything becomes digital and anything you can hold in your hand is an eyesaw.

>> No.4817957


>> No.4817960


As in, i saw that. Thats cool!

>> No.4817961

>Chase the chuckwagon
>Video Life
>that T-handled cart
There are 2600 titles worth 100s to thousands, even five figures in exceptional cases. People were collecting them on Usenet groups like rgvc ages ago.

Thankfully, no useless e-celebs to hype Atari, so it all remains cheap other than genuinely rare titles (as opposed to the idiotic pricing on SNES etc common shit).

>> No.4817962


Atari jaguar stuff has skyrocketed in under a year. The pressure of all these items as they get more and more rare should make any serious collector rich when we are old enough to not appreciate it.

>> No.4817963

Pre-crash era stuff is permanently depressed and will never appreciate, however. The sprite generation just cannot appreciate the stuff. Jaguar at least is capable of "good graphics" by the criteria of Youtube generation gamers, even if much of the library is trash.

>> No.4817964


Oh look theres 2 dozen games and the homebrew community is just intense. Its an open source machine and theres fan SDKs and everything its capable of churning some serious pixels and yeah.

The consoles now you could pick one up for ike under 100 bucks not long ago, now a brand new one in shrinkwrap pushed 750 US. Should have got onto that one plebs.

>> No.4817970

I can remember piles of new Jaguars being blown out in the Mall in the late 90s for $50 each. It we're talking hindsight though, may as well buy Google, Amazon, and Apple stock back then and become a millionaire.

>> No.4817976


Yeah. But just the general value of being able to hold something you buy is what im talking about. All this stuff is going to ballistic, the jaguar is kind of a good example considering its just pulling power is that its, fucking atari. Its atari! but only 250,000 consoles and games and so on its a frenzy for collectors. Buuut theres a sd card mod flash cart thing coming out which extremely friendly for programming with a CD emulator to boot with unlimited space to use to make games for, it is really worth finding a working console for some serious gaming oodles.

>> No.4817982
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The jaguar failed because it was like the homer mobile. All these features and chips and capacities that do all this pretty good stuff but they didnt have a proper SDK. It bombed cause people outside ID software who all have experience with assembly language could really program for it. And a whole bunch of short comings in company structure they were stupid it could have been significant. But since yeah theres fan engines that do the work for you after years of a study of the thing. But the graphics when done right, nail it and the response time is very quick on all the inputs, Its a shame. The last console developed and manufactured in America. VR head sets and shenanigans they could have really screwed the pooch if they didnt act like they were drunk. Even the VR headset has rumour of interest of being reverse engineered and all kinds of stuff its worth finding a console. fak.

>> No.4818234

>Since when were Atari games ever collectible?
The very early 2000s.

>> No.4818239
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Buy everything now cus even games that are $60 will probably be worth 400 by the time you die. But i think games should be played not just put up on a shelf

>> No.4818243

I go to local flea markets mainly. It's also more fun because you never know what you'll find.

>> No.4818263

Honestly I just do like >>4818243 and go to the flea markets nearby. There are the vendors that will still try to charge you "premium" for garbage quality or games that are common as shit but you still have a chance of getting neat finds at decent prices.

>> No.4818324 [DELETED] 

Dear OP...

My main collection focus is roms. Jamma and neo geo. I already made piece with the fact that i will never be able to afford stuff like neo turf masters for the aes. As optical media is fucking flimsy anyway, you might as well grab the isos off the web, draw your own cover and stick that in a jewel case? I mean paying 250 $ for a batsugun cheapo cd is ridiculous. Most of these 90's CD games will cease to work in a couple of years anyway.

>> No.4818334

>Don't worry, most of you will be dying within the next three decades.

And their CD's even earlier, lol.

>> No.4818708


You need to setup a brokerage account and start trading stocks. Vidya market becomes a lot less stressful.

>> No.4818714


You paid $600 for a bunch of commons covered in dirt?

>> No.4818716


Forget Amazon and Apple, even passive funds that index the S&P500 has appreciated in value more than any console or game from the late 80's or early 90's.

Games are not a good investment.

>> No.4818819

>How do you /vr/gins coupe with this? Should I just give up and settle with what I currently own?

Be happy with what you have. If there are games you want that you don't have, sell the stuff you don't care about. Complete collections are as cringy as any hipster activity. Get a flashcart, USB GDROM, Phoebe/Rhea. Honestly there are a lot of "turds" on any system, why bother collecting almost literal shit? If you went to a restaurant and saw your favorite food, would you get that or the food you hate just so you can say you tried all the food on the menu? It's almost the same mentality to collect games that don't bring you joy.

It's not "poorfag" mentality either. Do you honestly think you'll get joy or fulfillment from owning a complete collection? Pro Tip : You won't, your overall happiness will be the same level it is now when your collection is at its current state.

Complete collections have been done, it's all about e-peen points or fooling yourself into believing it will somehow make you happier or complete your life somehow. If you wan't to feel like your life made a difference volunteer or something, shit help your family or younger kids who are struggling like a big brother organization. There's so much good you can do out there that doesn't revolve around collecting plastic.

>> No.4818962

Pretty much this. At the end of the day its just 1's and 0's. If you can't get a Phoebe/Rhea and have even minor soldering skills you can modchip the few consoles that need it (Saturn is only 1 wire). If you can follow instructions all consoles up to current gen can be hacked. At this point buying retro games is playing into a resellers market because parasites want to make money doing jack shit.

>> No.4819045

Flash carts, ODEs, and softmods. Dunno why anyone would pay for outrageous Saturn/Dreamcast gaymes. They will rot away.

>> No.4819046

>How do you /vr/gins coupe with this?
I discovered these things in 1998 called "emulators". They allow you to play out of print video games for free. They're really handy.

>> No.4819159

Give up? You should have never started. You missed the bandwagon by years.

>> No.4819307

I love using emulators but I buy the actual games factory sealed for novelty and display purposes. I guess you fags missed the part where I said I was a collector.

>> No.4819308

This right here. Between flash drives and soft mods and hard mods and new backup tech it's not hard to actually play games on original hardware these days. I only pick up games nowadays if they're cheap or I really like it and want a hard copy.

>> No.4819396

Maybe some people are outrageous older than you?

>> No.4819434

Meaning? If the games were purchased back in the 90s and early 00s, that's different. But paying multiple hundreds for those games these days blows my mind.

>> No.4819437

Pretty sure that's what he meant. If you're in your late 20s/30s/40s+, chances are you still have some of these games from when they were current, and maybe even scavenged through a Funcoland bin or two back when they were just old games and only viewed as collectible items by the most dedicated.

>> No.4819442


Oh God, those Dreamcast closeouts. Pretty sure Gigawing 2 and Power Stone 2 were sold by Capcom for like $20 online.

>> No.4819446

Even more reason to cash out now and buy a big stack of Taiyo Yuden CDRs and Everdrives.

>> No.4819470

>I guess you fags missed the part where I said I was a collector.

So assuming you're OP (you might not be), you came on asking us for advice and wondering if you should be happy with what you have. We give you advice and you say we're fags. With the limited advice you gave us, how were we to know almost anything about you?

If you have already made up your mind that you are a "collector" then shut the fuck up and collect. Get a second job instead of bitching on a korean jazz image board about prices related to collecting. Fuck sakes, this is almost as bad as summer.

>> No.4819561


A lot of people collect because its fun and enjoyable, not being a show pony. Kind of like owning art, cause well it is art but, yeah. I guess display purposes sure but having a complete set of original anything you enjoy is swell.

>> No.4819721

Meaning just that. If someone bought the games before you were born they probably paid a buck for things people are asking hundreds for now.

Even more reason to have bought an SF7+CD7 for a few bucks before Everdrives were a thing.

>> No.4819746

The only people ever selling games at my local flea markets are reseller scum who already run used game shops where they sell /vr/ at premium prices, and just do flea markets on the side.
On the super rare chance that normal storage unit sellers have any /vr/, it's still sold at premium prices even if it's in shit condition because all they know is "hurrdurr /vr/ valuable"
Even flea markets are drying up. I'm done waking up at 5:00 A.M. on weekends for this shit

>> No.4819927
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Look at the charts, market value is going to go down.

>> No.4819931


I was born in 88 lol

>> No.4819973

Ah, flea markets. I miss them. Only Turks selling used electronics there now (in my country, hint: not Turkey), no more old video games.
Should have bought more when there was still a chance.

>> No.4820102

>Only Turks selling used electronics
Where I live, that's always been the case.
I've maybe found 3-4 games worth getting in 10 years browsing flea markets.

>> No.4820113


>> No.4820171
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Is that suppose to mean something? Are you retarded?

>> No.4820310

You should stop and start getting into the counterfeiting business.

>> No.4820392
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>> No.4820405

Sounds even worse. I only got a dozen or so myself off flea markets, partly because I foolishly thought these games would be around forever and I can just emulate in the meantime.

>> No.4820542


I totally understand this, hell I even have a repro earthbound box because I like the art on it. That said, I only try to get CIB of things I REALLY enjoy unless it's got some amazing artwork or such.

>I'm done waking up at 5:00 A.M. on weekends for this shit

It's just not worth it. If I happen across a good deal I'll buy it but if you set out with the intention of finding fleamarket prices, you will be sorely dissapointed as they hardly exist anymore. I go to garage sales mainly for tools and maybe something that catches my eye, if I find games, even better. I'll also usually ask if they have any old video games while I'm there.

>> No.4822558

>i was born years after you bought your first famicom lol
lol indeed

>> No.4823714
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>> No.4824510

thankfully the hardest systems to emulate also happen to be the cheapest to buy

>> No.4824564

Ikr stocks don't corrode in my basement or have kittens play inside them in my garage.