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File: 115 KB, 1279x911, 1280px-Sega-Nomad-Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4817018 No.4817018 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Americans, why did this sell so badly? A portable Megadrive in 1995 seems pretty neat, and most bad things I've read about the system could be applied to the Game Gear too.

>> No.4817028

>A portable Megadrive in 1995
I think you answered your own inquiry. Also it ate batteries like popcorn, like the GG.

>> No.4817035
File: 341 KB, 1024x680, Sega Nomad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You pretty much nailed it. If lithium ion batteries were more widespread sooner it would've sold much better.

>> No.4817076

batteries, Sega dropping it within like a year because they stopped everything to focus on Saturn

>> No.4817209

I had one. It's a bit of a shame about the battery thing because truth told it's a fantastic little machine. Great D-pad, had TV out. Was nice.

>> No.4817212

Everyone mentions the battery life, but the screen was pretty shitty too. The tech in general just wasn't there yet for this sort of thing.

>> No.4817215

All of this posts are wrong. It sold poorly because the pricetag was exorbitant.

>> No.4817276

it needed like 6 batteries and the screen made side-scrolling games way too blurry.
like sonic games were unplayable

>> No.4817298

I had that. It was great, but goddamn it had a short battery life.

>> No.4817334

everything that's been mentioned in the thread + poor software selection. most games were garbage nearly unplayable sega genesis demakes with lots of missing content

>> No.4817406

>get a load of this guy

>> No.4817445

i'm not trolling the master system library is way better than the game gear. western game gear games are basically unplayable sega genesis ports

>> No.4817449

i wouldnt mind 8 bti genesis ports if they took the limitations of the hardware into consideration like the gameboy games instead of basically being 15 fps 1:1 demake missing entire levels and mechanics

>> No.4817578

>Hey Americans, why did this sell so badly?
3D games happened. 2D was unpopular for quite some time after that.

>> No.4817610

Are you trying to be funny or do you actually not realize what system we're talking about?

>> No.4817628

This thread is not about the sega game gear.

>> No.4817734
File: 2.00 MB, 330x270, 7o1k4KG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motion blur is an underrated downside of a lot of portables. That shit is headache-inducing.

>> No.4819610

I didn't buy one because I had a Turbo Express which was vastly superior.

>> No.4819685
File: 209 KB, 960x960, 1527446631555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello there, kiddo.

>> No.4819917

i got one from toys r us when it was on clearance for like $30. i had to buy a pair of a/c adapters for the car and the house, because it ate batteries. after i got those i played the hell out of it because as long as i had an external power source it beat the crap out of my game boy. nothing was better for long car trips or vacations.

>> No.4820108

because at the time it was released cost more than your parents make in a year

>> No.4820548

your parents made less than 200 bucks a year? What are you, a homeless Nigerian?

>> No.4821346

I have one and I love it, but all the complaints here are valid. On top of this, remember that this is a portable mega drive released a year after the Saturn and Playstation, and a year before the N64. Why would anyone dedicate half of the cost for a shiny new system toward buying an expensive and rather niche variant of a 6 year old system? If you somehow still hadn't played mega drive then you could get a genny 3, which played the same games and had comparable av out, for all of 50 USD vs the 190 that a nomad cost.

>> No.4821373

Wasn't it like 75 bucks after a year. I would probably have bought it for that price had it come out in Europe, the size and batteries don't seem like such a big deal coming from a Game Gear.
>an expensive and rather niche variant of a 6 year old system
Oh fuck. I was assuming Sega had plans to actually support it with new software and treat it as a legit Game Gear 2 but everything went to shit because of poor sales, didn't think about it as a redesign. But that makes a lot of sense.

>> No.4821443

This. A combination of issues made it problematic. I used it very rarely. It just wasn't worth hauling around when I knew that the same games could be played at home on Sega on a larger screen with controls that were easy to manage and without the concern of battery life.

>> No.4821457

> expensive
> battery life sucked
> came out in 1996. The Genesis was on its way out.