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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 175 KB, 1280x720, sor2 cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4810156 No.4810156 [Reply] [Original]

If SOR2 is your favorite beat 'em up, it just means you're a casual

>Lives are given out like candy
>Continues aren't shared and both players have their own
>Very forgiving friendly fire damage
>No pits at all
>Easily spammable OP as fuck moves that don't drain health (not even Final Fight 3 was stupid enough to do this)

I'm sure there are other ways this game is super easy, but these are just the ones I know. It is a rightful classic for music and graphics, and it certainly plays better than either Golden Axe games, but I feel like there's also a casual contingent as to why it's so revered.

Batman Returns on SNES is a harder, more quality beat 'em up.

>> No.4810160

"causal" wasn't a word that was used in regards to video games back /vr/ times, I only started reading the word "casual" being thrown around in the early 2000s.

>> No.4810287

Yeah the divide between casual and hardcore wasnt as strong then as it is now thus there wasn't much need for it, but the OP is using it more colloquially simply refering to a less committed subset of players so it's perfectly apt.

>> No.4810298

>difficult = good, easy = bad
i consider the game entry-level because it's pretty mechanically simple, but bad because it's easy? not at all.

>> No.4810308

Who the hell cares about vanilla SoR when SORRemake exists?

>> No.4810313

>thoughtlessly mush all the content in several games together to make an exhaustingly-long, padded out dumpster fire that overstays its welcome by about 3 hours and doesn't take balance into consideration at all
yes, why DOES anyone like the originals

>> No.4810370

>Easily spammable OP as fuck moves that don't drain health
I thought that was just SOR3

>> No.4810667

Axel's GRASSHOPPER is nearly impenetrable. It's so goddamn strong that it makes mincemeat out of Russian Bear

>> No.4810704

>it just means you're a casual
>at beat-em-ups
>the most casual genre
Literally who cares. These games were good for a quick thrill and some mindless coop fun. Only faggots take them serious

>> No.4810713

Yeah, thought he was talking about SOR3 with Blaze's jump kick (abusing the jump mechanics so only the tip of her toe hits enemies) or Zan's shoulder dash which rapes everything.

>> No.4810734

Is this the same sperg who obsessively hates SoR2, just trying new tactics?

>> No.4810794

Batman Returns is good, but no multiplayer, unfortunately.

>> No.4810808

If you think SOR2 is cheap or easy, play it on Mania mode. Suddenly it has the most intelligent non-cheating AI of all belt scrollers.

>It's so goddamn strong that it makes mincemeat out of Russian Bear

Rocky Bear, according to the guys who made the game.

>> No.4810904

When are they gonna add a beat'em up mode to Street Fighter, where you fuck up hapless thugs through the streets of new york as your favorite character?

>> No.4810918

His name is CorkscrewBlow.

>> No.4810980


>> No.4810987

Could say the same thing about Batman Returns, except I can't beat BR on Hard, while I'm sure I could beat SOR2 on Mania.

>> No.4810994

>while I'm sure I could beat SOR2 on Mania.

Try it. Don't bump your lives up to 9 btw.

>> No.4810997

Why don't I play one handed and blind fold myself too?

>> No.4811003
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>belt scrollers
kys yourself

>> No.4811006

>while I'm sure I could beat SOR2 on Mania.

That's what you said, stupid.

>> No.4811009

Pretty sure you can start with 7, not 9. 9's Japan?

>> No.4811012

Looks like someone has never played Mania mode before.

>> No.4811019

Oh okay. I'll try it eventually on Mania with 7 lives.

>> No.4811020

When you enable Mania mode, you also can bump your lives to 9. You would know this if you had played Mania mode even ONCE in your life.

>> No.4811023

I'm basing the fact that I can beat it on Mania on the fact that I beat SOR2 my first try last year on normal.

Hard/Good beat 'em ups take me a few tries to complete them at least.

>> No.4811026

>I'm basing the fact that I can beat it on Mania on the fact that I beat SOR2 my first try last year on normal.

So did everyone else who played the game. SOR2's normal mode is notorious for being easy. otoh, SOR2 on mania mode is one of the hardest beat'em ups ever made. that is, unless you bump your lives up to 9 and use up all your continues, which no one should be bragging about.

>> No.4811027

>that is, unless you bump your lives up to 9 and use up all your continues, which no one should be bragging about.

There's nothing wrong with this. It took me all my continues to beat Batman Returns.

>> No.4811029

Batman Returns is fucking easy with all its infinite combos and grab exploits. Still a good game though.

>> No.4811034

Golden Axe 2 is easy when you do the infinite spell trick too, come on.

>> No.4811035

>There's nothing wrong with this.

That's up to you. But if you brag about "beating a game" when you needed a bunch of continues, then you'll be ridiculed.

>> No.4811038

>infinite spell trick

Which is? Regardless, I don't give a shit about the Golden Axe series. They're mediocre games.

>> No.4811042

>Woooooooow you beat the game the way it was intended you homo. LOSER!

Unless it's MAME and I'm quarter feeding, SOR2 was designed to let you use continues

>> No.4811045

Yeah, they're for people who suck at games. Cars have airbags, but people who don't get into accidents will never use them.

>> No.4811134

Is it that time of the year again where we'll be spammed with anti-SoR2 and pro-SoR3 for a month or two?

>> No.4811209

SOR2 i alright but it's no BK3.

>> No.4811248

It's one guy. His name is Corkscrew Blow.

>> No.4811268
File: 9 KB, 228x216, 1500459503711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for beating the game within parameters

>> No.4811270

>needing a continue to beat SOR2 on default difficulty

>> No.4811329

That's stupid

Why are you guys so gay

>> No.4811474

How do you spam special attacks in SoR 2 without losing health?

Does it have street fighter special moves or something? I thought it was just jump, attack, and a special attack that consumes some of your HP when you use it.

>> No.4811480

I use an action replay for infinite continues and you can't stop me. All "arcade" style games are quarter munchers and were never meant to have limited lives and bringing them to consoles was a mistake.

>> No.4811487

limited lives were also a way to extend the length of short games so that kids couldn't finish them in one rental period and would be encouraged to buy them (or at least encourage Blockbuster to purchase more copies to be rented out).

>> No.4812525


>> No.4812549

Forward forward punch

>> No.4812740

>all these metal gymnastics to justify being bad at the game
You should try for 1cc one of these days just so you can see it's not as impossible as you assume it is.

>> No.4812778

Yes let's just forget about the bosses, loops and endings hidden behind at least a 1cc requirement and extra lives both score based and hidden. It's amazing that this needs to be said on /vr/ of all places, it should be common knowledge.

>> No.4812821

I've 1cced a couple arcade games but I think I'll always just suck at SoR2

>> No.4812825


Don't you mean RENT-A-CAR?