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4804114 No.4804114 [Reply] [Original]

FFIX is the best game ever made

>> No.4804117

this would be a true statement if the combat lag wasn't so bad, and what I mean is the turn lag, when you do a move 10 weeks ago and by the time your attack kicks in you already wanted to do a heal instead 5 weeks ago

>> No.4804138

I see many weak points in their armour

>> No.4804246

glad to see you enjoyed the game

>> No.4804347

It's funny but back when I played it that never bothered me. I had lots of time and no want to play anything else so I just sunk into the rhythm of it. I highly doubt I could play it now though.

>> No.4804402

My favorite Final Fantasy.

But I even I have to admit the battles could've been more interesting.

>> No.4804673

did vivi ending up scoring more than any other final fantasy character?

>> No.4804682
File: 425 KB, 540x324, 57aa72430fc331b347d073401f2f9347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best FF spend a lot of time playing in lindlumb jesus i love that city so much

>> No.4804721
File: 367 KB, 908x986, freya_by_moonshen-db07k5r.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is defining. A near perfect FF, perhaps not technologically (slow battles, sure) but absolutely thematically, musically, core gameplay and the imaginativeness of it all. Not to come again. A good book, and the author has passed.

Nice for a replay every couple of years, remind me that I can still love this hobby.

>> No.4804865 [DELETED] 

Thirteen is the only one I've finished so far. It was pretty good :-)

>> No.4804870

One of the best FF games but also one of the WORST final bosses.

>Kuja isn't enough so let's just have a literal giant space flea out of nowhere that strikes your whole party with EVERY debuff possible at once.

>> No.4804909

FF 12

>> No.4804934

I played it now recently and everything is just insanely slow. As a kid I never noticed but as an adult it's all slow

>> No.4804959

This is honestly my least favourite PSX Final Fantasy. That isn't to say its bad, but there's nothing I find great about it. 7, obviously is a classic and is top tier square with their best world design, music, and presentation. 8 tried to innovate, and the results are less than amazing, but it is interesting. 9 doesn't really excel in any field except the music, but even that isn't better than 7 or 8, just on par.

It was supposed to have a "retro" appeal, but most of what is appealing about FF4 to me is that it is a 12 hour long game that I can breeze through and it actually has retro aesthetics. FF9 is insanely long, with tons of non-combat sections and very, very slow battles.

>> No.4804968

Good lord that gif is beautiful

>> No.4804993
File: 25 KB, 206x123, BC7A668F-0078-4819-ADFA-209BF41B2FCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My man

>> No.4805017
File: 12 KB, 209x231, Garnet Trance Ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4805028
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>> No.4805036
File: 829 KB, 741x807, 7f5a9c7a6588ddbe23048d97193d0b17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cutest main girl if nothing else

>> No.4805056

not the first time a FF game has had a weird conceptual final boss like that. i'm sure if you dig deep enough into the lore and extra works like ultimania you could piece together what the deal is, but honestly? it's a video game. it gives you one last challenge to beat up the concept of death and depression or whatever. it can be a tough fight, and it's satisfying to beat it. doesn't bug me as much as it seems to bug a lot of people.

>12 hour long game
MAYBE if you mash through all the dialogue, don't talk to any npcs, don't explore or grind, and don't do any sidequests period. Even 20 hours would be pushing it IMO.

>> No.4805148

The first disc was top tier comfy, even after the war breaking out, but it shits the bed by disc two onwards

>> No.4805172

No. The game had better IX before and X was better by far.

>> No.4805189

She's basically Tifa with a nice ass instead of tits.

>> No.4805193

>Alexandria governed by a queen
>Beatrix is the general
>the female soldiers are beautiful, fit and wear ponytails
>male soldiers are discredited
>males are useless and unreliable in Alexandria (the game tells that)

>> No.4805358

I agree.
One of the few games to make me sob after completing it, I remember thanking Sakaguchi and Square for making this game.
Good times.

>> No.4805405

This is very true, unfortunately. Still my favorite of the playstation Final Fantasy games.

>> No.4805454

I agree 12 hours is pushing it for anything resembling a casual playthrough of FFIV. Last time I played, actually took notes: I finished in 17 hours. I got every item except the rare drops and did not mash text. I also took the time to grind Rydia to level 60 for Meteo.

That was for the FF2(US) version of the game, however, not the translated FFIV, which I haven't played lately.

>> No.4805467

Well I was more or less an adult when I first played it as well, but when I had a lot more free time.

>> No.4806350

You might just have shit taste then. Literally the only outright objective flaw in 9 are the slow battles, everything else is pretty outstanding and while its far from the best GAME ever made like OP claims, it definitely stands tall among some of the best JRPGs ever made.

But hey as long as you don't put any post-merger "Final Fantasies" over it like 12-15 you're legit in my book, I think everyone has their own personal preferences when it comes to the games produced during Square's Golden Age, just so long as you recognize they were all quality when compared to most of their output today, post bankruptcy and Enix merger.

>> No.4806390

I am not a fan of the slow pace and restrictive gameplay. I hate how I every time I reach a new location, the party splits up for a bunch of scripted "Active Time Event" sequences. It completely ruins the sense of adventure and exploration. It's like trying to play the game with a friend who won't let you just play and keeps taking the controller from you to show you the next part.

At least with Midgar in FF7, there was a lore-based reason for the restrictive gameplay. Midgar was supposed to feel oppressive, crowded and uncomfortable. FF9 on the other hand, is set up more like an old school Final Fantasy adventure, except that cutscenes are constantly taking over the gameplay.

>> No.4806396

Agreed. Anyone who likes Riona has brain damage.

>> No.4806406

I feel like playing FF9 again just for Chocobo hot & cold.

>> No.4806529

You don't have to watch most of them and most people arguably enjoyed the narrative depth it provided.

>> No.4806557

I see so many fags bitch about this every time ff9 is brought up but it's really not that bad

>> No.4806565

Because it's the only thing even resembling a valid complaint which they can fall upon. The fact of the matter is it's the best of the PS1 trilogy, and the FF7 & 8 babies can't stand that truth.

>> No.4806569

Best game, no, but amongst them definitely.

Best JRPG? Most probably, only FFVI is it's competition.

>> No.4806649

>game has a flaw
>people point it out
A true mystery why this happens

>> No.4806680

JRPGs are barely games

>> No.4806706

And they essentially become akin to Babylon for it. Everything bad happening is directly credited to Brahne being a bitch, and Beatrix going along with it when she knew it was wrong.

>> No.4806709

You know if you don't hit select the ATE will just pass right? And the game will never penalize you for missing them.
Its only your autism that forces you to watch every single one.

>> No.4806714

>undeveloped characters
>some plot points and character arcs never go anywhere or are completely forgotten
>general aesthetic of the world feels like a Breath of Fire clone
>ability system is mediocre and most of the abilities themselves are unbalanced
>lel difficulty, although that's a given when talking about the PS1 era FFs
>story pacing is wonky
>suddenly, Necron
>weak amount of content when compared to the previous games on the same system
Music is the only point it's impossible to touch regarding IX.

>> No.4806731

there's pointing out a flaw and there's exaggerating the flaw to comical proportions and not giving a 20 year old a pass for having load times. it reaks of emubaby

>> No.4806738

>undeveloped characters
No different than 7 & 8
>some plot points and character arcs never go anywhere or are completely forgotten
No different than 7 & 8
>general aesthetic of the world feels like a Breath of Fire clone
It's a Medieval setting. This is a non-argument as you could say it's a clone if nearly every other RPG which came before it.
>ability system is mediocre and most of the abilities themselves are unbalanced
Show me a single Final Fantasy game with a perfect, balanced ability system. You can't, because every last one of them lets you break the game in one way or another.
>lel difficulty, although that's a given when talking about the PS1 era FFs
Once again, show me a single Final Fantasy game that's actually challenging.
>story pacing is wonky
No different than 7 & 8.
>suddenly, Necron
9 was an homage game to the series, and it even paid homage to the final bosses which came the fuck out of nowhere. This is the exact same thing as SUDDENLY, CLOUD OF DARKNESS or SUDDENLY, ZEROMUS. I'm sorry your brainlet mind couldn't connect those simple dots.
>weak amount of content when compared to the previous games on the same system
It's the exact same amount of content as 8, and even more than 7 which was one three discs instead of four.

>> No.4806747

Final Fantasy IX is good, except for it's shitty sci-fi "twist".

That shit's gay.

>> No.4806751

Not giving a pass? Just responding to the claim that the game is perfect. It's a pretty valid complaint, but that's it.

>> No.4806791

i'm under the assumption that the PAL version had it worse, and everyone who bitches about this is a euro who played that version. i was never even slightly bothered by """turn lag"""" or whatever people want to call it.

>> No.4806806 [DELETED] 

Animations are a couple seconds slower than FF8 which was slower than FF7, and those few seconds add up.

>> No.4806809

Animations are a couple seconds slower than FF8 which in turn was slower than FF7, and those few seconds add up.

>> No.4806869

What the fuck is this about undeveloped characters? Some of them have arcs that are more brief than others, but for the most part each of them has a problem and grows in a meaningful way by the time the game ends. Amarant shows up pretty late, but still has an arc (can't understand why Zidane goes to the lengths he does to help people, even if they're his enemies, so he decides to hang out with the group and is changed by that). Better, his arc contributes to the game's overall themes. Even Quina has a few decent scenes, you just have to dig deeper into the side content to find them.
The rest of the main cast all have great arcs. Freya is the only particularly weak one.

>> No.4806880

I know that. It's not just about the time they consume, it's about the loss of control and what that does to the sense of adventure and freedom by having them trigger instantly upon entering a new town.

In the old games, a new location was there for you to explore as part of the adventure as a whole, not a standalone experience or the next chapter in the story. You could go in, look around, leave, go somewhere else, and come back later. Scripted events didn't trigger until you came upon something important, would usually be over quickly, and tended not to force much apart from unlocking the way forward.

>> No.4806885

Not that anon, but to me the appeal of ATE was to see all the characters enjoying mundane shit, walking around town, and seeing a bit of extra world-building. Some of them also hinted at sidequests, moogle locations, and even could get you items.

>> No.4806891

FFIX is the only game in the series with load times that bad.

>FF4, FF5, FF6
2-3 seconds
>FF7, FF8
6-7 seconds
14 seconds

It's fucking painful.

>> No.4806898

It's the previous poster that was exaggerating:
>Because it's the only thing even resembling a valid complaint which they can fall upon. The fact of the matter is it's the best of the PS1 trilogy, and the FF7 & 8 babies can't stand that truth.

>> No.4806920

Sure, I get their appeal. I'm not saying the scenes themselves are bad or even the idea of them. But there's a gameplay tradeoff that has to be made to enable them.

At least for most of Disc 1, FFIX almost always favors narrative and story over gameplay. Compare the introductions of FFIX and FFVII. FFVII is exciting, dramatic, functional, and gets you into the thick of actual gameplay within minutes. FFIX's on the other hand, is very slow and elaborate with the Tantalus cutscenes and Vivi wandering around Alexandria and sneaking into the performance, etc..