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File: 3.00 MB, 1080x608, sonic CD.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4800436 No.4800436 [Reply] [Original]

sonic CD is the only sonic game that rewards replays. prove me wrong.

>> No.4800440

What is Sonic 2 XL?

>> No.4800443

Which Bad Dragon toy most resembles Miles "Tails" Prower? And Knuckles?

>> No.4800448

Your mom

>> No.4800463
File: 363 KB, 723x494, 1469467916565.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of the classic sonic games have branching paths, so by replaying them you're "rewarded" with a new part of the level. Sonic 3&K especially.

Then there are the special stages in 2 and 3. You're not expected to beat all of them on your first try. And when you do beat them, you get a game-breaking super power. Which is fine because you've already mastered the game at that point.

>> No.4800471

I'm not sure how your webm is at all different to how other Sonic games play. Yeah, once you have a route down you can blast through a level without stopping. That's true for all of them

CD, while having a really slick anesthetic, is easily the most overrated trash in the series. I don't know why so many people suck its dick

>> No.4800860

>taxman remake
>no timer reset

>> No.4800865

I'm really annoyed Taxman made some stuff properly transparent but not the waterfalls.

>> No.4800889

S3&K has playthroughs as Sonic, Tails and Knuckles. That's 2 replays.

>> No.4800897

>Two replays
It is Sonic 3 & Knuckles, not Sonic 3, Tails, & Knuckles.

>> No.4800908

Tails has his own unique routes. Not as special as Knuckles, but still.

>> No.4800910
File: 80 KB, 1292x532, sonic waterfall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waterfalls in sonic are basically a meme at this point to show off sprite filters

>> No.4800914

I know, but in reality who picks Tails? Sonic is the man, Knuckles is acceptable, but Tails? Come on.

>> No.4800917

if that's true it negates the (somewhat legitimate) "it's all memorization" criticism

>> No.4800934
File: 1.93 MB, 3840x1080, Genesis doesn't.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my onion, the right kind of blur improves everything.

>> No.4800936

Tails is cute :3

>> No.4800938

It's not necessarily bad, just a different design philosophy.


>> No.4801046

Are you special? All sonic games reward replays, Repetition and memorisation are fundamental to the gameplay.

>> No.4801189

Dumb contrarian

>> No.4801393

I honestly thought Sonic CD was by far the worst one of the 2D games I'd ever played.

>> No.4801397

traveling to the future is completely pointless.

>> No.4801419
File: 15 KB, 480x534, OOOOOH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this reviewer thinks the music in sonic 3 is worse than the music in sonic 2

>> No.4801420


Sonic CD just shouldn't have a time limit, period. By the time I've traveled to the past and found and destroyed the generator I never have time to confidently check out the future. It 'encourages exploration' yet also punishes it, it's caught between the Sonic standard of a ten minute limit and what it's actually trying to do with its level design.

>> No.4801424

The timer reset is there because of that. On the original Sonic CD, the timer goes back to 5'00 each time you time travel. 5 minutes is a lot to explore the future stages, and if you happen to be running our of time, you can go back, then go tot he future again, and it will be 5'00 again.

>> No.4801429

cool shit opinion dude

>> No.4801431

>Sonic CD just shouldn't have a time limit, period. By the time I've traveled to the past and found and destroyed the generator I never have time to confidently check out the future.
Doesn't the timer reset when you time travel?

Regardless, the point of Sonic CD is just to hang out and be Sonic for a while. You just go back and forth through these big playrooms and have a way of flipping the entire level and transforming it and then going to see what changed.

If you just cut through the levels and finish it or get your good endings and bad endings, you're really not playing the game the way it's supposed to be played.

That being said Sonic CD is categorically inferior to NiGHTS in this genre

>> No.4801434

Sonic 2 has better Sonic sprites. He looks way past cool there but derpy in Sonic 3. How did that happen?

>> No.4801463

He flies (and can attack in that way too), he runs in a special unique way, and >>4800936.

So, who in reality picks him? Many. Many of them pick. It's not like you can't also replay the Sonic games 3 times with all the the trio available to use.

>> No.4802223


Ah fair enough, I've only played the remake and that sounds a lot more reasonable. What a shame they never patched it.

>> No.4802238

okay, completely sincere anon here. What is "the right way" to play Sonic CD? Please explain it to me in detail, because I love Sonic and I have wanted to love CD for years. I recently for the first time got all the timestones, made a good future in every stage, destroyed the generators, etc. on original hardware thinking I'd come away with a new appreciation for the game. I explored, I timed out fairly often, I only used a guide to find one generator; I really just found the game tedious, and it was the most exhausting of my handful of CD playthroughs over the past 20 years. What am I missing? Is this game just not for me?

>> No.4802257

In the remake you can also play as Tails and go achievement hunting with time attack etc. But that's about it. Are you really OCD about this game or what? IMO just a single 30 minutes long playthrough should be enough for most people to realize that the game's just not very good.

>> No.4802269

lol well yeah, I don't like it. It just seems like there is always a genuine, passionate CD fan in every classic Sonic discussion singing the game's praises and I'm jealous that I can't seem to get that kind of enjoyment out of it.

>> No.4802281

Few people got to play Sonic CD back in the 90's because nobody really owned a Sega CD, so the game got hyped up to be some kind of a holy grail of Sonic gaming. But nowadays anyone can download it and realize that the level design might as well have been procedurally generated, it's that horrible.

>> No.4802286

Agreed. Huge sprawling levels are boring. Give me tight design any day

>> No.4802287

Not that guy and haven't contributed to this thread, but I actually think Sonic CD's level design is pretty good.

Sue me motherfuckers.

>> No.4802292
File: 24 KB, 178x170, IMG_7182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tend to pick Tails last, after I've already beaten the game with the other two or if I'm bored. However, Super Tails is awesome.

>> No.4802302

You're wrong and you know it.


>> No.4802330

Literally no reward for getting all of the Time Stones, nor going into the future.
Are you pretending to be a moron

>> No.4802334

>this reviewer thinks the music in sonic 3 is worse than the music in sonic 2

Eh, I'm inclined to agree with him. The songs themselves aren't bad - they've got good melodies and beats, but it's clear they were written by someone who wasn't used to the limitations of a tiny FM synth chip and didn't know how to get the cleanest sounds out the chip. That someone being Michael Jackson.

He wrote good songs, but he was too hung up on trying to emulate real instruments rather than embracing the chip's 'natural' sound.

>> No.4802389

Sonic 1 and 2 have the best music in the entire series.
In fact, they have the music that DEFINED the series.
3's music is nice, but a bit inconsistent at times.

>> No.4802547

It's really not. It's rough almost the entire way through.
it's not even like they randomly placed things either, most level sections are designed to stop you right before you activate your time warp, and stages generally keep that same staccato pace overall

As an aside, although Wacky Workbench kinda sucks (holy shit gettng a good future here is retarded), it's also really short and easy if you're just playing straight through like most people who bitch about it.
The actual dumbest stage in the game is Stardust Speedway, which is a total fucking mess despite the 10/10 "it's fucking stylish" art.

>> No.4802570
File: 714 KB, 1000x1409, grillr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4802571


Okay faggots, we're settling this once and for all.

Mumble-us.cleanvoice.ru port 50688

Get the fuck in here and say Sonic 3's music is inconsistent to my face, my mumble name is "Lasha"