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4787425 No.4787425 [Reply] [Original]

What is your opinion on FINAL FANTASY V, the last Final Fantasy game Hironobu Sakaguchi's directed?

>> No.4787432

There is already a thread for this shit on /v/

>> No.4787487

cool man, 15 minutes from now when that thread is dead due to how fast that board moves we can talk about it here, then.

>> No.4787554

it's in my top 10, played through it five times

>> No.4787560

Must've beaten it over 20 times. Easily one of the most fun RPGs ever.

>> No.4787568

>TFW people mostly didn't get FFV because they played the god awful version on the PS1.

>> No.4787580

It's the best game in the series.

>> No.4787581


I'm going for a complete classic FF collection eventually, and was going to get V on PS1. What's so bad about it other than loading times? Never played it.

>> No.4787583

It has a garbage translation.

>> No.4787605

Great music, has a lot of charm. 6 feels like it has too much polish and takes itself a bit too seriously for a kids game. Atleast that's what I got from it before shutting the game off after 4 or so hours in

>> No.4787607

I prefer Dual Orb 2

>> No.4787617

The loading times are bad, worse than you'd expect. Sometimes even just opening the menu takes a while. That having been said, the translation is stiff as a board without any flavor injected. I'd recommend playing the GBA version. The colors and music aren't as nice, but it adds content, the translation takes more liberties, and it's just overall a better pickup.

>> No.4787630
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>6 feels like it has too much polish

>> No.4787680

The loading times seem like they wouldn't be an issue but you have to switch menus so often that it winds up being death by a thousand cuts. I originally played the RPGe version and couldn't get through PS1.

In anon's defense, FF6 does "feel" polished baesd on its aesthetics and controls. All of the game's elaborate sprite-acting scenes and scripted events are impeccably done. The UI is smooth and solid, for example the way weapon attributes can be examined feels much more polished in FF6 than in FF5 (and certainly more than FF4). Most players won't encounter the sketch bug or notice the evade bug.

Most of the issues with FF6's gameplay mechanics are design flaws rather than bugs or glitches, meaning the game still "feels" polished without actually being polished.

>> No.4787821

Don't listen to those shits that complain about the load times. I did the past two FFV4JFs with the PS1 version and never had an issue with load times. Granted, I was playing on a PS3 which might improve the situation. That said, the translation does leave a lot to be desired.

>> No.4787845

I personally love it. The story is pretty overlook due to it not being as grand as 4 and 6 but the cast felt human and more down to earth compared to other characters in the series at the time which is a nice contrast to the villains. And what have not been said enough about its gameplay it allows a great amount of customization with a surprisingly amount of depth in the combat, just the right amount of difficulty to get the player to want to optimize the job system, and fun,varied locations to explore. Also the game has a underrated ost outside of one song not my favorite in the series but there's some really good tracks in this game.

>> No.4787849

Last crappy FF game

>> No.4787860


>> No.4787891

There's also sound issue and the encounter rate.

>> No.4788173

>Also the game has a underrated ost
Yeah it's still quality Uematsu. I think there's something about some of the orchestration and instruments that detracted a bit for me, in particular that horn/trumpet instrument. Seems like a very weird gripe but I can't really think of anything else on what is otherwise as good as 4, 6, or 7.

>> No.4788389

It's one of the better ones and it's also a good game in general

>> No.4788406

Erm not really, FFVI was far better

>> No.4788417
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I like the ending sequence themes

>> No.4788427

4 through 9 are all fantastic. 8, not so much. 5 is really fun, but it's insanely difficult unless you use cheese strats. It's pretty dissapointing because there is really no inbetween. I always hated how a good 90% of jrpgs only have artificial difficulty.

>> No.4788435

some level of customization due to picking different classes at the start
Offers a lot of customization but it's a mess
Job system returns and the game is a decent step forward
No customization at all and you're railroaded. The first story
Job system returns and is improved allowing the player to have more options than any of the previous
A giant step backwards. The game is FF4 with some barely passable customization
Materia system gives allows the player to shape the characters
Junction system does the same as the materia system. It's really annoying having to switch Junctions due to the constant party switching though
Again a giant step backwards just like FF6
Sphere grid allows a similar level of customization that the materia and Junction systems did

Either play FF2, FF4, FF6, FF9 once or skip them. The rest are good games

>> No.4788437
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>but it's insanely difficult unless you use cheese strats
Is simply leveling a white mage (standard healer class in RPG) a cheese strat now? Doing that gets you through the entire game without having much trouble. I suppose it is harder than 4 and 6 though since those are pathetically easy.

>> No.4788441

> but it's insanely difficult unless you use cheese strats. It's pretty dissapointing because there is really no inbetween. I always hated how a good 90% of jrpgs only have artificial difficulty.
You have no creativity.

>> No.4788459

Good advice if the only thing you care about at all in these games is preparation and customizing builds.

>> No.4788471

>5 is really fun, but it's insanely difficult unless you use cheese strats.

No, it isn't.
It's 100% possible to beat FF5 without using ANY job class or breaking rods, or grinding for levels.

You just swap weapons a lot and become batman.

>> No.4788473

I would think that most people would worry about gameplay over story

>> No.4788475

>I'd recommend playing the GBA version. The colors and music aren't as nice, but it adds content, the translation takes more liberties, and it's just overall a better pickup.
Someone ported the GBA script to the SNES version, so there's that too. https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/3687/

>> No.4788480

>the last Final Fantasy game Hironobu Sakaguchi's directed
Every game he made in Square was mediocre. FF only started getting interesting when he stopped being the director, too bad it didn't last long.

>> No.4788508

>freelancer becomes stronger the more classes you master
I loved this so much when I finally noticed

>> No.4788521

V's story gets too much shit. It's hardly any less complex than IV's but IV gets worshipped as the War and Peace of JRPGs while V gets flak. Its somewhat lighthearted tone and focus on friendship rather than romance or political intrigue sets it starkly aside from all other FF games, and it still packs some emotionally hard-hitting moments and memorable characters. Another opinion that just gets accepted as truth and parroted.

>> No.4788538


This never made much sense to me because the game doesn't go on long enough for me to master more than one or two jobs, and it's not like it requires any grinding to finish so I'm not sure what the point was

>> No.4788660
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>> No.4788667

FFV does use a lot of percussion to give the game the adventure feel which I find works due to how they are used so different even the main villain battle theme is like a evil version of the main battle theme.I prefer FFV battle themes, town, and dungeon themes over those of 4 and 6.All three have great music though. I love 7 music too much even compare but it has many callbacks to FFV as well.

>emotionally hard-hitting moments
Yeah that's also another thing is that a lot of people die in this game both on screen and offscreen. Exdeath probably has the highest kill count out of any villain in the series.He's so pure evil but not for the sake of it either like some would think. He's pretty much the punishment the worlds get for abusing the crystals and mishandling their own problems. Exdeath is man made product gone out of control seeking to return everything to once it came to which he feels he's in right in doing so.

>> No.4788738
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that's one of its good points

>> No.4788743

You can literally beat the game using any combination of classes throughout; how could you have possibly found it insanely difficult? No Final Fantasy game is hard.

>> No.4788758

To be fair if you don't know a specific gimmick a boss or enemy have you're going to have a hard time but status elements are generally useful in this game to turn the tide of battle in your favor. Which is why the red mage is not as bad as some say

>> No.4788779

Mastering the red mage also gives you dualcast which is overpowered but then again most people probably won't want to grind and would only get it if they really liked the job and used it for most of the game

>> No.4788792

>if it doesn't have a job system it is shit
Come on son

>> No.4788798

Best of the classic series.

4 and 6 suck a big limp dick by comparison.

Only FF's worth playing are 1, 5, 7, 8 10, and 12.

>> No.4788805

Then add the fact its only limited to red mage tier pool unless you have lvl4 or higher of the other mage classes. Dualcasting with just the red mage pool is honesty still good though. I had it in one of my last fiesta.

>> No.4788819 [DELETED] 

Always wanted to play it more but just haven't in my life.

>> No.4788836


I played most of it but couldn't bring myself to finish it. I will admit the Job system is the best aspect of the game though and it's definitely worth playing.

If your going into this for the first time though don't expect the story or the setting to be like the FF games that came after because it's not anything like that. It's really simple in comparison. and in my opinion could've been a lot better.

>> No.4788906

It's one of the weakest in the series. A weird turn and huge shift in gameplay, where the focus is on endless grinding so your character can learn a new way of punching people so you can grind more.

>> No.4788917

You don't have to grind in FFV. Please stop being shit at video games.

>> No.4788928

>Most of the issues with FF6's gameplay mechanics are design flaws

go back to play angry birds you designflawsfag

>> No.4789215

Well that's okay at least you gave it a fair chance.
It really wasn't that drastic if anything it went back to the basics.
>where the focus is on endless grinding
You can beat the game with just the class only skill being the one they come with if you put in the effort.

>> No.4789236

>endless grinding

I think that there was exactly one point in the game where I did any real grinding, and that's because I was an insane guy who wanted to have every job mastered by at least one character. And I'm the worst at video games.

Try again.

>> No.4789252

It's fine. Morons and manchildren cry about a lot of little details that in no way make the game unplayable, or noticably worse than any other version.

Honestly Chrono Trigger is the only port Square did to PS1 where the load times have an impact, and that's because they're very jarring in that game.
Like, in the original, you transition smoothly and quickly to battle, and the PS1 port has everythjng just stop in place for 2 to 5 full seconds while the battle loads. So it's a problem there, and I will not defend it.

Neanwhile, every version of FFV has a screen sweep into battle, and the PS1 version loads during this time, adding very little extra time, if any at all to load.
Menu loading takes a second or two at worst, but a lot of PS1 and even PS2 games do this. Honestly, I've played PS3 games that have you waiting 10 or.more seconds every time you enter a menu. So FFV is nothing in comparison to that.

Also worth noting that while thw GBA release of FFV fixes all the minor issues with the PS1 version, it's more expensive ($5 or less to get FFA brand new from square's store, VS $44 minimum for used GBA version with no box or manual on ebay) and has horrible graphics and all around sounds worse. So there's no "perfect" version, like dumbasses like to pretend.

>> No.4789257


>> No.4789271

>So there's no "perfect" version
This is the truth there's no truly definitive release of FFV for the west. The mobile /steam version is the best its going to be for a while and even that's finicky for some. I have nothing against it aside from the cheap sprites for the characters and the amano portraits. Everything else like buffing some classes and changes were welcome.

>> No.4789389

I wonder how your butthole feels considering how much of a massive faggot you are.

>> No.4789640

it's the best classic FF in my opinion. What it lacks in story for both its predecessor and it's successor is its gameplay. the fact that you can customize the characters in ridiculous, game breaking ways and have fun while at it and get several future games trying to improve on said system, i'd say it's one of the hallmarks of classic FF designs done right.

>> No.4789643

*it does better in gameplay

>> No.4789676

There's more to gameplay than customizing your party.

>> No.4789683

In a turn-based RPG deep party customization and puzzle fights are as close to good gameplay as it can get.

>> No.4789701

Better a stiff translation than a unfaithful one.
The GBA version is shit.

>> No.4789708

*tips his katana to you*

>> No.4789739

Wait so I'm confused so Galuf was really the pirate and princess's grandad afterall and Bartz was just the son of Galuf's best friend? What makes it effed up is in whatever translation Galuf pervs over the two girls too. This is the WTF levels of amnesia from FF8 all over again. I didn't end up finishing FFV.

>> No.4789747

No. Galuf was one of the four original Warriors of Light who sealed Exdeath. King Tycoon (Lenna's/Faris' dad) and Bartz's dad were second and third. The furry was the fourth.

>> No.4789769

>Menu loading takes a second or two at worst
It's about 2 seconds, which is a very long time when you consider the original is about 600ms. That's a 3x difference. Like I said, it's a death by a thousand cuts. Having to wait 2 seconds every single time you want to go to the party menu sucks. And even if you are too stoned to notice or care doesn't mean it's not an objective disparity. The fact that other PS1 games of that era also suck hard in this way doesn't change anything.

>> No.4789791

Not even close. Good gameplay in a turn-based JRPG also means a system that facilitates meaningful tactical decisions during battle. You choose a plan of attack and respond what the enemy does. Do you try a risky instant-kill attack or do predictable damage? Do you cure a status immediately or wait a few turns? Which character will you use to cure that status?

The best designed JRPGs make those little in-combat decisions meaningful and only use the "puzzle fight" dynamic to mix things up a bit and put some constraints on the battle. Solving the puzzle should make the battle winnable, not a boring pushover.

>> No.4789802

FFV does all of those things, and what makes it possible is the party customization that gives you limitless options. As opposed to linear games with a set party like FFIV where you either find the one solution that instantly wins the fight, or grind more until you win.

Turn based gameplay in general is 2/3 preparation and 1/3 execution, so the more options you have in preparation the better it is.

>> No.4789817

>FFV does all of those things
I'm not saying it doesn't, but the argument was that it's the only thing that matters. And no, it's not 2/3ds prep and 1/3 execution. It's 50/50 at least, and more importantly there's no risk or urgency during the preparation phase. It's great for those of us with autistic micromanaging tendencies, but the fact is there's there's no excitement there. The execution is the dynamic part. That's when you have actual resources at stake and can lose. The execution is the part that really stimulates the imagination with dramatic scenarios.

>> No.4789851

Xezat was the third guy. King Tycoon was a third party that gets control by Exdeath for most of the game.

>> No.4789862
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Wanna play this, SNES patched version or GBA?

I have only played IV and VI b4

>> No.4789942


>> No.4789958

Yes, you're right. King Tycoon appearing before the final battle with the rest must've thrown me off

>> No.4790835


>> No.4791093

It's a shame FFV barely makes you do everything you said. Most fights in this game can be won with little to no thought.

>> No.4791098

The job system was super fun to mess with, the world had a lot of secrets and interesting enemies that hitted you hard way early on.

>> No.4791271

Almost any rpg can be done with little to no thought. That doesn't say anything about the depth of the game.

>> No.4791403
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Are you seriously trying to say that

setting up a strategy
positioning and formations

Does not require thought?

>> No.4791417

No I wasn't just that any rpg that offer the chance to grind can be beaten very easily. Its a option though not one that I favor.

>> No.4792548

A better question is how hard is it to stay in the "balanced" window. I find that FF5 can tolerate a decent amount of grinding and still be interesting. This is a contrast to say, FF6 where you more-or-less can't grind even a little bit without going OP. And in both cases I'm ignoring obvious exploits like breaking rods or Vanish+Doom.

Also, no one is going to argue that any Final Fantasy game has any kind of punishing difficulty. Only rarely does bad play actually result in a Game Over, normally you just wind up having to blow through more potions and mana after a battle to recover. But just because the consequences for mistakes tend to be lenient doesn't mean the mistakes don't matter.

>> No.4792756
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the fact that this game started with "hey guys what if there was an EVIL TREE" and actually made a story worth playing (and succeeded at making me hate the evil tree) is an accomplishment all on its own.

some of the other games have better stories but this one, for me, has the most replayability of anything until the Tactics games. not just the job system making it possible to play very different teams and self-imposed challenges, but also there's quite a lot of creative side quests and optional challenges / superbosses.

>no one is going to argue that any Final Fantasy game has any kind of punishing difficulty.

of course someone is going to argue that. literally in this thread someone has argued that.

>> No.4792828

Bartz has an awesome harem.

>> No.4792831

I could and have replayed FF4, 6 and 9 over and over again to re-experience their stories and enjoy the character progression. I think your advice doesn't apply to everyone.

>> No.4792875

>hating exdeath
He's a swell guy how can you hate him?

>> No.4792889

just because a turn based RPG gives you freedom to customize your characters does not mean that battles are all of a sudden great.

If most or all the game amounts to is mindlessly using attacks without thinking then your not really making much use of the characters. Which makes character customization pretty pointless. This is also the same if a game gives you predefined jobs like FFIV and FFIX.

FFX's sphere grid gives you the illusion of customization. All characters start off with something their good at. All the player does is move across a streamlined grid unlocking there specific skills with no room to branch out until near the end of the game.

>> No.4792910

People who complain about grinding in these games are bad at critical thinking. Apply a little strategy (and not much either, these games aren't that complicated).

>> No.4792913

You can make party members move to other party members sphere grids early

>> No.4792925

Yes that's true. But there's really not much reason to if the characters all have courses set out for them from the start.

>> No.4793186
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he probably hated him because he does evil things

>> No.4793189

boring, couldn't get through it.

>> No.4793658

How would you rate the FFV jobs? Here's what I think a tier list would look like.Excluding the gba bonus jobs.
Summoner, Ninja,Time mage, White mage, Chemist,Bard
Blue mage, Knight, Black Mage, Mystic Knight, Monk, Samurai, Thief, Dancer, Beastmaster
Freelancer(with no max jobs), Ranger,Red mage, Dragoon, Geomancer, Berserker

>> No.4793730

blue mage, m knight and especially samurai are busted strong, can easily murder Exdeath on their own. The rest looks about right.

>> No.4793754

>IV gets worshipped as the War and Peace of JRPGs
Hardly. I think the story in FFIV is great, one of the best in the series but a W&P comparison is just silly. It's still a cartoon story and if it's better than FFV's, you have to nitpick the details to make the case. One isn't much better than the other.

>> No.4794045

You're right about mystic knight but I feel the blue mage is a bit too dependent on other classes to be really strong same with Samurai or to be more accurate glitches in its case.

>> No.4794070

blue mage, chemist, mystic knight, bard
white mage, black mage, time mage, summoner, ninja
samurai, ranger, knight, dancer
thief, red mage, monk, dragoon, beastmaster
berserker, geomancer

monk is high tier in act 1 but a serious liability anytime after that
thief is awful but has very useful party abilities
bard is low tier until act 3 in places not named "drakenvale"

>> No.4794081

>Freelancer(with no max jobs)
Freelancers are good even without maxing jobs and getting the stat bonuses and innate abilities. Being able to equip anything makes them decent throughout the entire game.

>> No.4794087

Average means decent enough too my book

>> No.4794097

Red Mages, Dragoons, and Berserkers are worthless. Red Mages are only worth using if you grind for dualcast

>> No.4795453
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zerks and RM are good in world 1 at least.