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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 3.61 MB, 4320x3240, dreamcast___sonic_adventure_2_by_lord_samael-d5hwv7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4778121 No.4778121 [Reply] [Original]

>Dreamcast released in late 1998
>online play on a console
>invented the wiimote but didn't even care or document it (sega bass fishing controller worked as a motion sensor for a ton of games)
>had wacky iconic games like Seaman, Crazy Taxi, Worms, Chu Chu Rocket on top of games like Soulcalibur that still look pretty today
>was Sega's last console

How can one gaming company be so far ahead of everyone else yet simultaneously incredibly incompetent?

>> No.4778153

they were the true bros of vidya developement and deserved to stay over nintendo which has been f*ckin its own corpse for the past 20 years

>> No.4778165

Because software development and marketing / sales are two different skills.

>> No.4778214

>tfw bought a Dreamcast on 9/9/99 with Soul Calibur
>subscribed to Official Dreamcast Magazine and got demo discs
>bought MVC, SFIII, MVC2, CVS over the course of the next year or so

What a magical time. I bought a PS2 on launch day as well, but it took me quite a while to really get into the system because it didn't feel like an upgrade from the Dreamcast.

>> No.4778218

Sega finally got their shit together by the time the Dreamcast came out, but by then it was already too late. The 32x and Saturn completely torpedoed the company, and lots of people held out on buying a Dreamcast because the PS2 was right around the corner. Also the controller fucking sucks ass.

>> No.4778227

>Also the controller fucking sucks ass
Stop parroting shit, retard. The controller was awesome.

>> No.4778230

>Sega finally got their shit together by the time the Dreamcast came out
Model 3 was a hit

>> No.4778232

For a lot of games it was great. FPS/Third Person Shooters suffered if you didn't have the keyboard and mouse.

>> No.4778240

>Stop parroting shit, retard.

Bruh I own like 4 Dreamcasts and dozens of games. The controller is absolute dogshit.

>Model 3 was a hit

True. I was forgetting the arcade market, where Sega never really slumped. Unfortunately for them, the arcade market essentially died in the late 90's anyway.

>> No.4778252

The controller looks sketchy but it's actually pretty great to use. I've never had a problem with it from racing games to quake.

>> No.4778276


There's only one analog stick. There are only 4 buttons. The analog stick is small and slippery. The d-pad is raised too. The triggers squeak. The cord comes out of the fucking bottom. It's a disaster.

>> No.4778284

He probably only has Madcatz

>> No.4778298

>>Dreamcast released in late 1998
>>online play on a console
>>invented the wiimote but didn't even care or document it (sega bass fishing controller worked as a motion sensor for a ton of games)
>>had wacky iconic games like Seaman, Crazy Taxi, Worms, Chu Chu Rocket on top of games like Soulcalibur that still look pretty today
>>was Sega's last console
>How can one gaming company be so far ahead of everyone else yet simultaneously incredibly incompetent?
I still have one. Best $15 I ever spent. It played burned discs out of the box. I still play many of these games today on my GPD

>> No.4778313

Online play was around long before the DC. The fishing controller isn't a wiimote, doesn't work like a wii mote, and is not the first motion sensor controller by many years. Being simultaneously incredibly incompetent is something you should know all about.

>> No.4778537

>FPS/Third Person Shooters suffered if you didn't have the keyboard and mouse.

So did every other controller.

>> No.4778679

>launch next-gen console two years before competition
>Waste early adopter advantage by delaying international release for a full year
>don't port scud race to it
>don't port Daytona 2 to it
>Eventually release a new version of the first Daytona game with wonky controls after you've already decided to kill the console
I love Dreamcast, but some of the business decisions they made with this thing were truly baffling.

>> No.4778906

people fell for the hype and thought the ps2 would be much better than it turned out to be, after this the game community became weary of hype surrounding consoles and the importance of graphics became less significant. Sega also wasted most of its euro advertising budget on sponsoring a soccer team.

>> No.4778971

You are right about it being less than ideal for shooters. I actually prefer the 64 controller for them because you can usually set it "left handed" with the d pad as run and the stick to aim.

>The cord comes out of the fucking bottom.
I like how they knew it was retarded so they stuck that little clip on the back to hold it off your lap.

Still a pretty good controller.

>> No.4778973

It also didn't help that they bought into the WinCE meme and took forever to realize that it was a dead end before moving their SDK away from it. I've heard that the dev tools for the Dreamcast during its first few years of life were abysmal to use compared to the PS2.

>> No.4778974

it really does
the spacing on the controls sucks, the analog stick isn't grippy, and the d-pad is awful (and I got my DC controller new in box, so that's not wear fucking with it) and hard as a rock.
It looks cool, but that's it.

>> No.4779021
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>Sega thread
>takes just one post for someone to bitch about Nintendo

Every time

>> No.4779352

Sega was pretty much dead in the water by the time the Dreamcast was out. The release of the Dreamcast was to just grab what cash they could before dying out.

>> No.4779624

Dude no. The edges on the fucking d-pad are a mess and it has very few buttons for its time. I like Shenmue but I will never like the controls in that and I'm thinking there's 20 ways a Dual Shock could make it much more playable. Even the single analog stick is not up there. The only things worth using there are the analog triggers.

Oh and at least my Dreamcast would constantly have issues detecting the fucking controllers. I had to keep "fixing" it.

>> No.4779631

Japanese Business men are inept fools.

>> No.4779767


>> No.4779797

vmu was a great idea but awfully excuted due to 3rd parties not utulizing it properly and the small battery life.

>> No.4779952

Only like 13 games used WinCE.

>> No.4780006

From what I understand, they threw all their eggs into the WinCE basket when putting together the dev kit, so when it didn't really work like they expected, they had to throw together a much less polished dev kit.

>> No.4780026

Hello /g/ anon.
Posting this again.
>How can one gaming company be so far ahead of everyone else yet simultaneously incredibly incompetent?
Their marketing was a joke and always seemed to try and one up Nintendo in just about everything else. Seaman was basically just trying to take advantage of the popularity of "Hey you Pikachu!". Everything from the additional accessory required to play, to the purposefully satirically bad voice recognition and actions. Even the release dates were almost exactly a year apart, probably trying to take advantage of the holiday rush.
I also read that when the N64 was out, Miyamoto feared that the upcoming tamagachi craze would affect sales of the N64. Due to it's portability and cost over the gameboy and upcoming gameboy color. Likely due to price, portability and convenience. (I don't have the interview anymore, sorry). Sega likely took advantage of this by releasing the VMU for added gaming portability and connectivity with the dreamcast console.
They tried too hard to be too many different things. I imagine it overwhelmed a lot of kids and developers the same way the WiiU bombed and similar to the slow start of the DS where devs were forced to try and make it work for both screens.

>> No.4780038

I was 17 when I bought my Dreamcast in mid-2000 and I loved it to death. However, it was destroyed by the PS2 for the simple fact that, once there were more available by early 2001, people could trade in their PS1s for around $100 and essentially drop to PS2 price to $199, AND it was a fully functional DVD player (for many people it was their first DVD player) which was a savings of another $100.

The PS2 came out to be $99 brand new with those two savings, and people could still play their entire PS1 libraries on it. This is one of many things that made it the best selling console of all time.

>> No.4780057

That's a good analysis. I never though of it like that, but I guess people really were subconsciously doing that

>> No.4780413

>for many people it was their first DVD player
I've seen this claim countless times and I just don't understand why. By the time the PS2 came out I already had a few DVD players. They were giving them away when you bought a new TV or sound system or whatever. I don't know anyone whos first DVD was a PS2. I guess trading in a PS1 would have made it attractive for some subclass of uberpoorfag but I've never met one IRL.

>> No.4780417

it was destroyed by a jew who then jumped ship to microsoft

>> No.4780428


I know this might be unthinkable to you, but perhaps your personal experiences aren't completely representative of the public at large.

>> No.4780431

Months before the Dreamcast came out I doodled the spiral logo and 9/9/99 all over my middle school notebook.

>> No.4780507

Yeah pretty much. It's not the same thing, but DVD burners were new enough to where they disabled RGB playback to avoid people from pirating through unprotected signals. People resorted to this ass backwards approach because the tech wasn't there.

>> No.4780535


DS had a slow start because it was rushed, anon, that's all. Nintendo only sent out dev kits to a few publishers by the time of release, which is why you see half-assed Sega games on there and not much else at launch. It's not like Sega was embarrassing themselves, they put out a normal offering that a publisher puts on a new system, which actually looks really weak when that's like a third of the system's library.

Nintendo was scared of the PSP and wanted to get the DS out asap.


LOL you could not trade in a PSX for $100 back then, you'd have been lucky to get $40.

>> No.4780640

I'm pretty sure my personal experiences with thousands of people from all around the world are pretty "representative of the public at large". I think it's more likely that children who grew up into a household with a PS2 parrot the myth because the PS2 was the device they spent most of their time with. I've never heard the claim made by anyone who was a breadwinner/decision maker at the time. However I've heard the claim made by many children who are too young to have possibly know or remembered whether there was previous DVD player in their own house let alone in houses of "the public at large". This leads me to the conclusion that most people who make this claim are children with no experience in the matter who unironically lecture others on their "personal experiences" while ignoring the billions of people around the world who didn't have a PS2 as their first DVD player.

>> No.4780671

I thought it was common knowledge that the Playstation 2 won because of it's appeal to people who wanted to watch movies and not play games

>> No.4780703

>while ignoring the billions of people around the world who didn't have a PS2 as their first DVD player.

You actually had me going there for a while.

>> No.4780725
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Anon who was 21 when the PS2 released and had it as their first DVD player reporting in.

>> No.4780748

hey man they also had all the must play franchises on lock

>> No.4780749


The "breadwinner" in my family growing up has never owned a cell phone and can barely operate a radio. I was the tech expert in my house by the time I was about 8. I'm pretty sure I would know if we magically had a DVD player somehow.

But we get it. You're old and were gainfully employed at the time the PS2 came out, and you just wanted to flaunt both of those facts to us. And there I went falling for the bait. Congrats, I guess.

>> No.4780758

yeah, nah. Dual Analog was leagues above the DC controller for that purpose. Using face buttons to aim is the purest form of hell. I bought the DC on launch day but I still know it was painful to play any kind of shooter on.

>> No.4780773

use face buttons as wasd
use analog stick to aim

its not very hard

>> No.4780779

Because while all these things were interesting. They were at the start of the result and not the end result.
>online play that could barely be used by the masses
>functions in games that could barely be used by the masses
You never want to be the first person to build something. You want to be the first person to successfully implement someone else's ideas.
Had the PS2 not come out two years later... Sega would probably be still around.

>> No.4780782
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Little babies cant into controls not like cowa doody

>> No.4780865

I'm not even joking dude. Outside your town there's a whole world with billions and billions of people. The PS2 sold maybe 100 million units before DVD players could be got for free from someone throwing it away to make room for their bluray. You do the math.

Noted. How'd that happen? Your parent's were happy with tape or LD and you bought a PS2 for your own use?

I'm sure there's a story there and I'm sure it's true. So when and how did you acquire your PS2?

>> No.4780891
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>How can one gaming company be so far ahead of everyone else yet simultaneously incredibly incompetent?
>so far ahead
>hardware is the weakest of the 6th generation
>joypad is terrible, only one analogue stick when the future was clearly two
>VMU fucking USELESS
Are you fucking kidding me? DC was literally a bridge

>> No.4781074

DVD players were still exorbitantly expensive when the PS2 came out. It was probably the cheapest DVD player on the market and could also play games. Of course it sold well.

>> No.4781110

My first DVD player was a PS2

>> No.4781121

>By the time the PS2 came out I already had a few DVD players
You're a liar or an underage

>> No.4781135

Not him, but my parents were very slow to adopt new tech. They were still using VHS in the early 2000s, didn't get into 1080p TV until 2010s, didn't get broadband internet until like 3 years ago and only starting watching through streams last year.

>> No.4781138

It's just like someone bitching over Zelda in every Alundra thread.

>> No.4781148

Don't fix what isn't broken.

>> No.4781194

Ye olde Sega fans' overcompensation

>> No.4781197

>I've seen this claim countless times and I just don't understand why.
Because you were 4 when it came out.

>> No.4781208

>Your parent's were happy with tape or LD and you bought a PS2 for your own use?
I was 21 and had been working full time for 4 years, what do my parents have to do with anything? Also, as has been noted elsewhere, DVD players were rare and expensive up to that point. The PS2 was among the cheapest available in late 2000 when I bought my launch model. Laserdisc never made any headway here in the UK at all.

>> No.4781209

No, they weren't. As I previously said they were giving them away for free when you bought a TV before the PS2 came out.

Cool projecting brolet

There's no question there are people who are slow to adopt new things. The question is, was the PS2 their first DVD player and are they most people.

>> No.4781247

>As I previously said they were giving them away for free when you bought a TV
>=they were cheap
It's not the same thing retard

>> No.4781250


>> No.4781268

The following people I know had a PS2 as their first DVD player:
My dad
My wife
Three former roommates, each separately
Two exes, each separately
My cousin
My brother-in-law
Several friends from college, nearly the entirety of the college gaming club I was in (30+ people) back in 2000

This group of people encompasses two continents, four countries, and several major cities. I'm very, VERY confident that the notion of eschewing a standard DVD player in favour of a PS2 was a popular one.

>> No.4781352

Not to mention uptake of DVD was very slow before late 2000 not just because of high prices but the quality of the media themselves including in many many cases:

>Double sided discs
>Low quality transfers barely better than the VHS they were intended to supercede
>Letterboxed 16:9
>No multichannel sound
>Fucking garbage cardboard cases

I was there and the early days of DVD were an absolute shitshow. Early adopters clearly had more money than sense.

>> No.4781380

hey here me, ps2 was my first dvdplayer and i tell you even what my first dvd was.a fucking music dvd that came with a cd as bonus or something.

>> No.4781431

Dvd sales shot up a ton when the Ps2 came out

>> No.4781442

>No, they weren't. As I previously said they were giving them away for free when you bought a TV before the PS2 came out.
Nah bullshit. Maybe by like 2003-4

>> No.4781593

What annoys me is that the moment Sega "died" for some years, all of their creative teams and members were destroyed on the process. Sega always had teams that would try crazy shit and the Dreamcast was the culmination of most of that. I really miss teams like that

It was a wild ride for me that ended with PSO V2. Since then i dont remember another video game console having so many great games that often, almost every month there was something great and months like November or December had 2 great games each month and by Sega.

Uuuh... Fps on consoles are like that.
Anyways, the main problem of the controller was that cord and over time the triggers would sound clunky as hell.
The analog felt amazing with Soul Calibur though

>> No.4781641

What he probably means is that manufactures were offering packages with a "free" DVD player subsidised by massively overinflated RRPs for the TV.


>> No.4781690


The DVD feature was being pushed hard by not only Sony but the video industry as a whole, I remember for Christmas I got some random anime DVD with my PS2 and it had a sticker "Plays on Playstation 2" as if it were special or something.

The sad part is I think most DC games looked way better than PS2, they were just brighter, more colorful and not as pixellated.

>> No.4781737

>it had a sticker "Plays on Playstation 2" as if it were special or something
was a massive selling point at the time. dvd was brand new, only first appearing towards the ass end of 1998 in most countries.

>> No.4781740

> not as pixellated
depends on the game. the ps2 was capable of some high resolution rendering but for obvious reasons, wasn't used much at all in gameplay as framerates would be pretty bad.

>> No.4781773

I wish this game had gotten a Smash Bros style part brawler. It got a lot of neat one-off franchises that would've been cool to see interacting.

>> No.4781778


You should play Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.

>> No.4781956

The DC had more ram, if I'm not mistaken. Look at games like Code Veronica; DC runs it perfectly, while the supposedly improved PS2 port has some weird frame rate shit going on and longer liad times.

The reason Sony beat out sega was a perfect storm scenario.
PS1 had it's biggest years from 98-2000, PS2 was backward compatible and could still play all those recent big hit games, which was also helped by the greatest hits discount line, DVD format allowed not only the ability to watch movies, but games could be much longer and less compressed, there were a lot of big name sequels and new IPs from big devs comming exclusively to PS2, and Sony had become THE big name in game consoles, while Sega had barely any presence in any non asian market with Saturn. Not to mention Sega of America's retarded management, and Jap autists not willing to get over Saturn yet...

DC could have contended, hardware wise, but circumstances fucked them in the ass, dry, and hard.

>> No.4781971

>The DC had more ram, if I'm not mistaken
Nah, the DC had half the RAM of the PS2. Code Veronica's speed increase is partially because it was designed for the Dreamcast originally (iirc) and because the PS2 used shitty first-gen DVD drives with abysmal load times. The DC's GD-ROM drive could read faster.

>> No.4781975

Hi rich bitch

>> No.4781985 [DELETED] 
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Sega was never good.

>> No.4781993

Dude, cheap DVD players were available at walmart by then for $30. I was 16 and had my own, and my parents had one too.
Not to mention my PS2 and PC both had DVD drives.

It wasn't uncommon either, and my family was not rich by any means.

If you were alive back then and "couldn't afford a DVD player" you were either making less than minimum wage, had a bad gambling problem or were too lazy to shop around.L

>> No.4782003

>The first DVD player was created by Sony Corporation in Taiwan in collaboration with Pacific Digital Company from the United States in 1997.[citation needed] Some manufacturers originally announced that DVD players would be available as early as the middle of 1996. These predictions were too optimistic. Delivery was initially held up for "political" reasons of copy protection demanded by movie studios, but was later delayed by lack of movie titles. The first players appeared in Japan on November 1, 1996, followed by U.S. players on March 26, 1997 with distribution limited to only 7 major cities for the first 6 months.
>Players slowly trickled into other regions around the world. Prices for the first players in 1997 were $1000 and up. By the end of 2000, players were available for under $100 at discount retailers. In 2003 players became available for under $50. Six years after the initial launch, close to one thousand models of DVD players were available from over a hundred consumer electronics manufacturers.

>> No.4782017

There were numerous promotions for PS2 pre-orders and PS2 sales with EB Games and other stores where you could trade a PS1 system in for up to $100 as long as the thing worked and you had a controller and av cables for it.

Sony made sure to comp the costs for these promos: They wanted to ensure every household had a PS2 and it worked.

>> No.4782381

My condolences on living in a technological wasteland. However a few islands off the coast of France isn't "many people". In todays of 2000s world.

It is. You can't give away something expensive with something cheap and make a profit. Anyway, DVD players were retailing for <$75 when the PS2 was released.

They were giving them away with all kinds of things, rule 2 violator

If you'd been shopping for a TV in the late 90's you'd know it was true. So it's a catch 22. You either admit the facts or admit your ignorance.

>> No.4783007

How janky is JSR on dreamcast? I've only played the remake on PC.

>> No.4783018
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>PS2 used shitty first-gen DVD drives with abysmal load times. The DC's GD-ROM drive could read faster.
PS2 used a 4x DVD drive delivering 5.3MB/s. The Dreamcast reads at 12x CD-ROM speed (1.8MB/s)

>> No.4783025


That's not true. PS2 had 4 meg VRAM, DC had 8.


>> No.4783026

>You can't give away something expensive with something cheap and make a profit
It's called a loss-leader. The vendors were recouping the money via DVD technology licensing and software sales, especially Sony as they are heavily involved in the media side of things.

>> No.4783027

Sega burned all its bridges with the 32X and Saturn plus there was just more momentum behind the PS2. The PS1 sold like gangbusters and many were excited for the PS2's power and DVD capabilities.

>> No.4783029

>after this the game community became weary of hype surrounding consoles and the importance of graphics became less significant

Completely untrue.

>> No.4783083

>the importance of graphics became less significant
Yeah because /v/ and modern gamers in general totally don't complain about sub 60 FPS or lower than HD resolutions and they totally don't use filters while emulating pixel based games and nope, they totally, TOTALLY, don't use High Level Emulation for 3D games on N64 or PS1 emulation.

Are you just stupid or even more stupid by pretending to be?

>> No.4783084

all this dvd player prices comperino makes no fun what gives 75bucks for chinkplaya - divxvid.weird that no chink bluray as far i has seen exist.

>> No.4784156

Yup. Those chink factories churning out DVD players for $50 were making a killing on all that "DVD technology licensing and software sales"

>> No.4784465

You should read about the Australian launch, a hilarious disaster from start to finish
>Delayed several times with silly excuses
>Basically no advertising
>At one point they totally lost their shipment of Dreamcasts for two states, only to find it in an Ansett Airlines warehouse (in another state)
>Even after it was found, it was shipped standby to save money so most stores had no stock on launch day
>Most of the launch titles weren't available even when the consoles were
>No first party titles were available on launch day
>Demo discs were unavailable
>Peripherals (including VMUs) were unavailable
>Internet wasn't ready until after launch
>30 hours before launch they signed an exclusivity deal with one of the most overpriced ISPs in the country on a per-hour plan
>No official magazine
>33.6K modem shipped instead of 56K because the internet is "less busy" in Oceania
>Eventually they desperately tried to palm if off as one of those weird "internet devices" because they'd screwed up marketing it as a console so badly.

>> No.4784919

Who the fucking cares

>> No.4785020

Kiwis on the dole. Raises the IQ on both sides.

>> No.4785045

I remember that Dreamcast blew my mind because it had arcade games and I could play them over and over again without spending my hard earned pennis.

My favorite game was some twinstick shooter that had different Capcom characters.

>> No.4785057

They weren't churning them out for 50 dollhairs in fucking 2000 you imbecile.

Prove me wrong. Post a single advert from that time with new DVD players at that price.

>> No.4785064

I care. It’s interesting to read about gaming stuff that happened in other countries because, believe it or not, I’m actually passionate about retro gaming, unlike pseudo-‘edgy’ milennial larpers such as yourself

>> No.4785090

No, i mean "who the fuck cares about dat venoumus shithole" in general
Fuck Australia

>> No.4785095

I have autersm

>> No.4785097

Who cares? Most of the world actually.

It's quite a boon having massive natural resources and a native population who can be gently coerced with alcohol and tobacco rather than being hacked to pieces with machetes.

>> No.4785107
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>A Kiwi prime minister actually said this while in office
BASED Rob thinking BIG.

>> No.4785201

>hard earned pennis
hue hue

>> No.4785205

>chink factories were advertising in my moms village before i was born.
Epic kek kid

>> No.4785218

Moore's Law kicked in and the PS2 with its massively superior controller and DVD compatibility kicked the shit out of it. Sony made waves in the console market with a system that ran on CDs. It would have been very possible for a since CD to hold most of, if not the entire Genesis library. The Dreamcast was a great system with exclusives and brand new IPs, but the controller was fucking garbage. Sony coming along with the PS2 with DVDs holding several gigabytes of data and fast loading speeds give them the exact same edge, along with a familiar and excellent controller which still holds up 20 years after it came out.

Then Microsoft took the Dreamcast controller, polished it up, and gave us the 360 controller which I prefer despite being a sonyfag due to the better placement of the left analog stick.

The Dreamcast came out too early. If time was given to add DVD compatibility, it would have been a very strong contender. Nowadays, your console preference asks two questions; "Do you like Nintendo?" and "Dualshock or XBox Controller"?

>> No.4785221

I'm gay

>> No.4785226

>and gave us the 360 controller
Xbox Controller*, my bad

>> No.4785228
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>and gave us the 360 controller
But before that they gave us this beast, still one of the best controller ever

>> No.4785237

>Liking the placement of dualshock leftstick

Disgusting. small handed and disgusting

>> No.4785247
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Yeah, what a bunch of faggot! that's why this design has succesfully survived till today

>> No.4785256

that controller is hilariously shit
tilted oval buttons lol

>> No.4785272

Is there a controller that large but with a usable D-pad?

>> No.4785281
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>> No.4785287

I have the sequel. Programmable buttons were nice for playing Symphony of the Night.

>> No.4785290

We should all join together, hand in hand, and kill Jews

>> No.4785342

>Sega thread
>Instead of defending their console they attack Nintendo
Gee, I wonder why it failed?

>> No.4786003

You didn't work for Ozisoft by any chance, did you?

>> No.4787135

>retro console
Absolutely fucking disgusting.

>> No.4787139

This is some top tier scumbag BS right here but actually the idea seems cool. How did someone make a straight-to-boot NES rom on DC?

>> No.4787146
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he's playing in 4:3, fuck off

>> No.4787153

wow are you retarded or something? So it's fine to play on a 4K tv as well as long as the aspect ratio is 4:3? what are you even saying dude

>> No.4787351

Sega's loss always came down to timing and money for me. I didn't have a lot of money growing up, certainly as much as my peers but my parents weren't into buying me a console for holidays following release so it would tend to be a year or two later when I saved up money.
Grandma bought my brother and I SNES in ~93, sole system until '98.
PlayStation in 98, PS2 in 2002. Sega was always too early or too late, I tended to want to save up for the newest thing available. Marketing works, I'm proof.

>> No.4787462

The only reason I still keep mine around is because the emulation isn't very good yet.

Speaking of Dreamcast, are any of those Behar Bros. VGA boxes for Dreamcast worth it? I don't really wanna buy a CRT just for the Dreamcast but wanna try out that 480p VGA resolution.

>> No.4787472

I should also mention that I wish emulation for non-Nintendo consoles was even halfway decent because owning old retro systems starts to trigger my autism and makes me want to go full collector mode.

>> No.4787652

>and it has very few buttons for its time.
It still confuses me to no end that they removed two buttons from the Saturn 3D Controller and said that that was good.

>> No.4787664

I bought one because the prices dropped and you could burn games.

If they sold games for $15 I would have bought them. I did buy a lot of secondhand games and a few new ones on sale.

I loved the system and never bought a ps2. I got given a ps2 for free eventually and only really played Black.

>> No.4787702

whats so wrong using Dreamcast on HDTV?

>> No.4787703

I really believe that only 2D games and maybe the Saturn benefit from CRT.

>> No.4787705

well all the games that support 240p. Thats maybe like 10 games

>> No.4787706

on Dreamcast I mean

>> No.4787713

Even then, I haven't had an LCD TV that didn't upscale the 240p RGB signal to something that approximated a CRT's "automatic anti-aliasing." And dithering isn't really popular outside of 2D games.

>> No.4787910

>t. pleb

>> No.4787916

yet another DOA failure of a console by a company who only made one successful console. Internet was terrible, games were just shitty arcade ports, and couldn't even play dvds. lol at yet another failure by the "brilliant" minds at SEGA!

>>inb4 M-M-Muh Sanic!

>>inb4 M-M-Muh Seaman!

>> No.4787964

Imagine being this much of a filthy casual and/or brainwashed Nintendo fanboy.