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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4777736 No.4777736 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a thread about the context, rather than content, of retro gaming. The psychology of collectors, the power of nostalgia, the personal connections with certain titles/consoles/eras, the source of the attraction, the philosophy of looking to the past for satisfaction, the changes in technology and culture, etc.

>> No.4777753

at this point playing games takes too much time and effort so it's easier to talk about games I already played

>> No.4777760

Pretty much this entire board is about feeling superior to others.

>> No.4777761


>> No.4777772

>hottest thing since Zelda har her first period
That's... pretty hot, actually.

>> No.4777776

honestly that's pretty much every board on this piece of shit website

>> No.4777786

Definitely have some of that going on, the average poster probably spends more time posting than playing. Also in my experience the older I get, the less pleasure I get from playing but I still get the same pleasure from discussing games for some reason.

Pretty much all messageboards and social media are about feeling superior to others.

>> No.4777830 [DELETED] 

Nintendo were racist, homophobic, ableist, privileged shitlords back then?

>> No.4777856

>Pretty much this entire board is about feeling superior to others.
That's pretty much life, Dweebs. What are you, commies?

Nah, really the original reason I enjoyed this board was because it seemed like retro gaming and the whole 20th century gaming experience were considered ideal here and I happen to have lived that shit so I exchanged my experiences for appreciation and everyone got what they wanted.

I don't know WHAT the fuck is going on now that it's the late 'teens but I'm still gonna hang around - mostly because I'm obstinate which is the reason for my collectiob too. It's just shit I've accumulated that so far I haven't been forced to part with and I squeeze as much enjoyment as I can out of however the opportunity presents itself - which is my general philosophy on life.

Maybe some day I'll have to liquidate it all for a kidney transplant or some Westworld shit or maybe I'll just be buried with it.

>> No.4777902
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Imagine that being dug up in 4,000 years, a tomb filled with game cartridges and consoles.

>> No.4777938


>> No.4777967

I would think even you'd seek more out of life than just trying to feel superior to others. Your post is weirdly sad.

>> No.4778025
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>> No.4778034

/vr/ is getting stale as fuck. Same threads over and over. The last time we had new and interesting threads was back when DC was allowed. Now we are back to the same few threads. Need ps2, xbox and cube on here.

>> No.4778039

I am inclined to agree with you. I would probably spend more time on /v2k/ than here if it were to split as weird as that feels.

>> No.4778048

>Need ps2, xbox and cube on here.
At the very least GBA. It’s amazing that we allow games with polygons but still ban discussion about a pixel-based console that is essentially just an upgraded SNES, especially when many of the games for it are literally SNES ports.

>> No.4778052

/vr/ is fine, all things considered. I still occassionally find good threads in between all the memeing and repetition, which is more than what I can say of /v/ or any of the other /v/-related boards.
/v2k/ would be interesting although I'd still visit /vr/ more.

>> No.4778058
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Touche, I really ought to have learned by now.

>> No.4778069


>> No.4778083

If you are finding good threads, you haven't been coming here long enough. The same few threads happened for months over until DC was added and we had a refresh of new DC related discussions. I come here once a week at best and still see the same threads every time.

>> No.4778093

I've been here since day 1, and yeah as I said there's a lot of repetition but there's way less shilling and shitposting than there is on /v/, that's for sure.
And yeah even with all the repetition, I still find good threads or good discussions ocassionally. It doesn't happen all the time, but I doubt you will find any forum where good discussion happens 24/7.
I'd like to see /v2k/ become a reality but I don't expect it to be extent of shitposting and stale repetitive shit. It's kinda the nature of the internet: regurgitate shit over and over and over, aka memes.

>> No.4778109
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Will 6th-gen consoles become kosher on /vr/ when PS5 et al. drop? Is the discussion limit hard-and-fast, or is it relative to the current-gen?

>> No.4778114

you people can barely stand 5th gen shit and want 6th gen babies here.

>> No.4778115

and so, for this colossal pile of shit of a thread, you steal a picture from an old thread, take some good points out of it and try and start another pretending to be oh so original?

> the absolute fucking state of /vr/

>> No.4778117

nobody cares about them.

>> No.4778189


>> No.4778265

...yet people are discussing what DC brought to /vr/ ITT, doofus.

>> No.4778279

>be 41 years old
>on a board where the average poster is middle-aged
>call yourself gramps
>tell everyone you came here to share your wizardly old man information about how video games used to be
I have a Zorkmid, gramps. Do you have a Zorkmid?

>> No.4778493

>a board where the average poster is middle-aged
I freaking wish. In the beginning it was a nice balance though there were still more youngfags now there's an overwhelming majority and half of the remaining oldfags are sour as fuck like you.

>> No.4778550

I'm not sour I'm here for the enjoy&excite

>> No.4778558

>everyone who doesn't like ignorant shitposting posers in sour

>> No.4778564

>on a board where the average poster is middle-aged

>> No.4778568

I would like to discuss the ngage, but fuck if thats gonna happen.

>> No.4778694

>we barely discuss Atari, Saturn, PC Engine, Master System, shittons of arcade titles, or anything but the most popular DOS titles
>but we need to add the next gen in order to have things to discuss!
How about actually playing something that isn't Nintendo, Sony, Genesis, or Dreamcast? This board used to discuss other things more often, but lately we've been flooded with /v/ kiddies who only care about the stuff the e-celebs talk about. And most of the people here as mentioned, would rather copy-paste shit off of wikipedia about games than actually play games. The Gauntlet is what, one or two people actually playing? Occasionally someone tries a roll, then will quickly give up. Someone once tried to organize a retro game tournament here, guess how well that went.

The problem isn't a lack of subject material to discuss, it's a few good posters lost in a sea of shit. Don't believe me? Look at /vr/ when it first opened in the archives sometime. It used to be better than this.

>> No.4778706

>why are good things popular and shit things unpopular

>> No.4778713

>reality TV is good because it's popular
>Call of Duty is good because it's popular
I see you /v/irgins have no real argument against playing retro games. Go discuss your 6th gen shit on /v/ where it belongs.

>> No.4778725

We have posters that range from the 80s to the 60s here. We used to have a dedicated thread for PC gaming in the 70s, so acting like being in your early 40s makes you the wise old man of the realm is just goddamn ridiculous.

>> No.4778726

>especially when many of the games for it are literally SNES ports.
Then what's the point? Talk about the SNES games, problem solved.

>> No.4778729

I don't think it's getting stale as much as it's getting shitty and saturated with people who didn't even dig retro until recently.

It's true that the same content is going to be talked about over and over if it doesn't go past a certain generation of consoles but I think that we also have threads about games that a year ago were praised and now they're just a shitshow. You have more people now than last year going like "oh let's not pretend this game was good, because I couldn't fucking finish it".

There's also some faggot around who wanted everything related to emulation in /emugen/ as opposed to here, because god forbid you're trying to play a videogame in anything but the real thing.

/vr/ Gauntlet is back though, and for a long time nobody gave a shit about it. So that's good.

>> No.4778734

...1989? Where was that post made?

>> No.4778754

the board itself is fine, the problem with it were always people who aren't actually interested in retro games but games they grew up with, they aren't actually willing to play or discuss anything outside a couple of their childhood games
and the more /v/irgins who grew up with 6th gen come here, the worse it's going to get, so just give them /v2k/ already so we don't have to deal with their whining at the start of each year

>> No.4778779

stupid tripfag you are one of the reasons this site is turning shit. why try make a name on an anonymous board when there is shit like reddit? what is the reasoning behind all this?

>> No.4778795

A newsgroup.

>> No.4779052

but fuck it's funny to see a thread discussing the merits of ewoks in the new Star Wars movie where half the posters appear to be screaming every word at the top of their lungs

>> No.4780135

TIL hipsters are right wing

>> No.4780383

I've explained my reasoning many times perhaps you should ask your question to the archive. It does seem like tripfagging on a third-rate board on a C-tier website would be a pretty dumb way to try to achieve Internet celebrity right?

>> No.4780395

What board would you consider first-rate on a A-tier website?

>> No.4780724

I just fucking want the Xbox and PS2 to be able to be discussed. But the anal admins/mods of this place have the arbitrary date of 1999 set on here. So no. They'll never be allowed to be discussed here.

>> No.4780751

A-tier websites don't have boards

>> No.4780790

go to /v/ then, they love 6th gen

>> No.4780867

>I don't care what sort of community you people have here, I want to change things to suit ME!
And you wonder why we don't want you people here?

>> No.4780929

/v/ hates everything aside from waifufagging

>> No.4781014

Maybe a separate board for retro computers would help as well. Actually having threads about DOS Era pc games or 8/16 bit computers not be squeezed off or swamped by shitposting would be nice.

>> No.4781215

A separate board for any type of emulation would improve things a lot

>> No.4781245

It’s pretty much any chan board; it’s like diving for pearls in an ocean of shit. Of course the average level of retardation here, a mix of young kids that watch YouTube instead of actually playing games and balding middle age men that act like a child any time you have a different perspective on their favorite shitty toy, is pretty fucking high so the frequency of finding something good or new or helpful is pretty rare. And it’s getting worse and worse now with the same meme threads over and over again; which is sad because it often inclines me to shitposting over actually having a discussions which adds to the degeneration of the overall board quality. And that sucks because I love good threads, or even sometimes a shitty thread that sparks a good discussion. What can I stay? Stop being a fucking faggot and learn Japanese already? Or, just play the fucking game already and then talk about it?

PS no matter how long I’ve been using the image boards, it still blows my mind that, the possibility that I’ve had great discussions and also called the same person a faggot multiple times is a pretty entertaining though.

>> No.4781260
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>> No.4781293

Okay, but what are some boards you would say are good?

>> No.4781382

Personally I'd split off both 5th and 6th gens into their own board.

They belong neither here nor on /v/

>> No.4781406

4chan was never good

Really though I think you're assuming I mean "bad" by "third-rate" when I mean "small". Boards like /b/ /pol/ /a/ and /v/ are first rate. Boards like /fit/ /sp/ /fa/ /tv/ /soc/ and /r9k/ (even though it's the worst) are second rate. /vr/ is still my favorite board I just liked it a lot better in the first couple years of its life.

>> No.4781408

So what are some communities you think are good?

>> No.4781441 [DELETED] 

>taking "4chan was never good" literally while simultaneously attempting to maneuver into a "gb2"
Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.4781468

The world is an ever moving, changing beast in which every moment that passes alienates us further from even participating. /vr/ is an island and we, it's shipwrecked survivors, wash up on shore with the remnants of a dead age, a dead culture. There's no going back, and there's also no going foreward. We already died while we were living. All that's left to do is fade away.

>> No.4781531 [DELETED] 

What the fuck?
I'm just asking you what communities would you say are good.
Are you OK, gramps?

>> No.4781536

Young people still care about retro games, though. In fact, "retro gaming" is now a sort of hip thing, it was irrelevant in the late 90s or early 00s, but not now.

>> No.4781561 [DELETED] 

I think it's pretty obvious that I think 4chan is a good community but I'm not trying to be a faggot about it

>> No.4781576 [DELETED] 

It's not obvious at all. You're flip-flopping around like someone with a mental disorder.

Take a break, resist your compulsion to collect (You)s for a few hours at least.

>> No.4781602 [DELETED] 

I really don't think you understand chan culture enough to be participating in a meta thread. I've always liked 4chan since it simultaneously smelts interests and desensitized us to confrontation both of which are invaluable in modern culture. I tripped up on this board because even though it's still my favorite I liked it even better for the first couple years before it became noticably diluted. I appreciate all the hate I get as a tripfag because it only makes my armor stronger in addition to the more community element of exemplifying the increasing polarization of /vr/.

It's funny that almost all of the telling that gets directed at me is wasted though since it presumes I'm new and out to create some type of fame worth cashing in on. Has there ever been a rich and famous tripfag? I don't think so. I would never tie another identity to this one.

>> No.4781607 [DELETED] 

gramps, take it easy, I was just wondering if you'd recommend any other community.

>> No.4781617 [DELETED] 

So it's "chan culture" to troll, shout people down and generally act like a nutcase all the while blaming everybody else for the ensuing chaos? Get over yourself.

Sure, I've only been on 4chan 11 years so practically a summerfag compared to a wise old sage such as yourself, right? Rhetorical question btw, I can already predict your inevitable response so you may as well not bother and go pay your family attention or something.

>> No.4781624 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 218x219, Alice-facepalm_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>persistent identity adopter accuses anonymous of not understanding chan culture

>> No.4781636 [DELETED] 

>makes a trip named after come electronics store
>shitposts about his totally actually happened past that has little to nothing to do with /vr/ games and gets angry about the dumbest things
>derails topics everytime he's in because other anons are at least as retarded as him
>"I'm not trying to be a faggot about it"

You're making it real easy to disprove your own statements, Rat's Race Dance.

>> No.4781639 [DELETED] 

If you haven't developed a thicker skin and a more faceted appreciation for conversation in 11 years on 4chan you should definitely kill yourself.

Well 4chan is really the best when it comes to generalized discussion on most popular topics. When you get above 4chan's level go to a more specialized forum basically the bigger the better. They all have their own subtle rules no matter how relatively permissive they are and you have to keep yourself on somewhat of a chain to get anything accomplished but once 4chan has (hopefully) broken the control of internet "likes" it should be quite liberating.

If you want my actual opinion on "community" it's not something to seek out on the internet because it'll never fully satisfy you. Don't hang your heart on a wire.

>> No.4781643 [DELETED] 

It's almost like trips are built right into the basic fabric of image boards

>> No.4781649 [DELETED] 

It's almost like trips are built right into the basic fabric of image boards

>> No.4781652 [DELETED] 

Holy shit! Why delete all my posts but not the entire thread? lol Jesus Christ

>> No.4781659

I thought meta threads outside of /qa/ weren't allowed anymore?

>> No.4781676 [DELETED] 

powertripping faggot mod. I got warned for commenting about OP image's post that said nintendo was right wing. Comment was deleted too of course.

You're still a tripfag and I think you're cancer, but you're right about the resetera tier mod.

>> No.4781683 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 236x295, 8beebf32b50bb778f6b9f382503dd496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, did he get banned again or just deleted his posts and went off to sulk?

>> No.4781794 [DELETED] 
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BG been rimming the admins again?

>> No.4781805
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>use the archive to research my tripfag history before questioning it, guy

>> No.4781818

What are you hard of hearing busta?

That's what he said so jump to it like a good little anonymous. C'mon, chop chop!

>> No.4781841

Even without a nostalgic bias, I don’t understand how anyone could look at the state of modern games and even consider actively participating in it. The sheer, stark difference in the amount of anticonsumer practice is baffling. It’s complete garbage.

There’s enough fantastic /vr/ material out there that you’d never need to play anything else. Unless something radically changes then I’m steering clear of modern games. And honestly 10 years from now I’m betting it’s going to be even worse

>> No.4781875

Nah, they have a fucking boner for the gamecube.

>> No.4782672

>I don't care what sort of community you people have here, I want to change things to suit ME!
No it's just your ridiculous definition of "retro"
It's like having a board for rpgs and then excluding action rpgs just because the admins/mods don't like them and don't play them.

>> No.4782696

>reddit spacing
>thinking anyone respects him
Unironically kill yourself, babs.

>> No.4782765

Whilst I agree with the sentiment of your post I fell I should make it known that I wrote that post, not the Cabbage Pants.

>then anon was the Cabbage Pants

>> No.4782771

Be quiet, Me

>> No.4782773

I have absolutely zero desire to assume your identity, even in a satirical sense.

Go to bed.

>> No.4782796

>saying the pc engine is shit

Having the best castlevania, bubble bobble 3, and best bomberman isn’t enough for you?

>> No.4783134

Honestly, 4chunk doesn't need a /v2k/, a /v/ or a /vr/ with the arbitrary semantics of 'retro'. I'd rather just have a new #chan where each system is given its own board and NSFW shit is allowed.

Fuck this shithole.

>> No.4783326

go on 8 chan then
it's literally a shittier reddit

>> No.4783935

The majority of board on 4chan have become rubbish, when all the core people moved to infinity chan. The site has become one giant copy pasta for me at this point.
I agree with you bud, I grew up with a PC and nintendo was my brothers thing, lots of great PC classics that are never discussed, just the same 7 or 8 tired old arguments.


>> No.4783939

While I'd like to see some more love for 2nd gen, I see a loooot of Saturn discussion on /vr/, it's a popular console here. Same with PC Engine and arcade games.

>> No.4783947

>when all the core people moved to infinity chan.
And then that became rubbish.

Chans in general are just the shittiest, now.

>> No.4783952

Have you seen their /vr/? It's laughable, full of console warring shit even though there's 2 posters only, and also they allow 6th gen lol.

>> No.4783956

I couldn't agree more. I've had a lot of joy over the years replaying through and completing some of the adventure puzzle PC games, and there is still a lot of stuff to get through.
I played almost all of the SNES RPG's and all of the NES ones worth playing.
Still haven't relatively touched the genesis, or most of the systems that came after. So still have all the PS one games, etc.
It's a bottomless well, and I've hit the point with my gaming that if the game isn't the shit and peer reviewed, I won't buy it.
Still making my way through a large array of 360 games that I got for cheap.

Modern market is just over saturated and aside from a few interest titles or pure fun, needless to buy into.

>> No.4783959

yeah if everyone moved there they're all lurking

>> No.4783971 [DELETED] 


It's not perfect needless to say, and it's old fags arguing about console wars bullshit, which lets face it, even the poorest tier Mexican can afford all the retro systems now.

I don't give a shit about that, the two or three serious posters who actively discuss classical games at least have interesting things to talk about, and its not the same five posts asking
the same explanation for FF7.
Check the catalog.

Imageboards have always been shit tier due to anonymous posting, granted. But lately its devolved into a real full retard circle jerk on nearly all of the boards, infinity chan is just as bad, but at least the polish on the turd is slightly better.

>> No.4783986

>and its not the same five posts asking the same explanation for FF7.
that's literally just one faggot spamming the board with FF7 threads to prove a point because he's butthurt his threads don't get any attention
just a matter of time before he gets banned or bored and fucks off

>> No.4783991

Why do they go to comment on threads from 2 years ago?

>> No.4784002

>piece of shit website
Well, is there anywhere better?

>> No.4784105

Playing old games has always been better when you have someone to discuss them with. Taking turns after each death or something on a couch is optimal old school, but exploring libraries and talking about them with like-minded people is good too.

>> No.4785173
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>> No.4785207
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If retro games are so good, why are you not playing them right now?

>> No.4785208

>I just want xbox and ps2

fuck off. Never ever.

>> No.4785209

I was just playing NES pac-man. it's fun.

>> No.4785213

there are approximately 2 games made after the Dreamcast that are good.

Metroid Prime, Kid Icarus Uprising.

>> No.4785231

>Games are too easy now and I like a challenge which is why I only play the two most accessible genres